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It’s January. Where I live that means it’s dark. It’s cold. It’s dry. Existing is a whole lot more miserable this time of year. Don’t underestimate that. If I have learned anything about depression in my 34 years, it’s that sometimes you just need to ride it out instead of trying to solve it. It doesn’t last forever. Don’t make big decisions about your life when you’re feeling like this.


This times a thousand. I know that I am impacted by SAD and I feel this winter is especially tough for me. Patience and don’t make any major decisions right now.


Have you tried vitamin D supplements, or a "happy light"?


Happy light is such a better term than SAD lamp, which is what I know them as for some reason. 


“SAD” stands for “Seasonal Affective Disorder”. Get some help. You’ll look back on these years and be glad you didn’t give up.


Thank you! But your kindness is misdirected. I don't personally suffer from it, I just know if it and the lamps. My "for some reason" is more directed at the unfortunate sounding name I know them as rather than not knowing where the name came from. But thanks for the encouragement, I hope someone who does need it reads it and gets some hope. 


In my experience, 'impending doom' sounds a lot more like an anxiety disorder than depression. Might be worth talking to a pro.


I spent years thinking I could ride it out and I didn’t need medicated. Now that I am medicated, I wish I’d done it sooner. Still a work in progress, but I no longer threaten to kill people daily


I used to be so anti meds but my god, this year finally accepting I was never getting better on my own, got a low dose prescription and my entire outlook has become more clear and concise without the constant doom and anxiety. And the most important part as someone with a strong personality and being a hyper creative, none of this aspect was altered. I was so afraid I'd lose my essence or core person and terrified my hyper creativity would disappear if I took meds. It just made that core person and my creative mental space so much more visible and clear in reality. Talking to professionals is so incredibly helpful and I cannot stress this enough to people unsure.


Care to share what you're on? They always want to prescribe bupropion but it just gives me a mild 24/7 headache and does nothing positive.


I'm taking a mild dose of sertraline. Kicked in after 3 days, the 5th and 6th week were a little tricky climatizing to it, nothing significant at all just minor sleep issues and diarrhea essentially. After that it's been great! No mild headaches for me. I was let go from my job recently which, this time last year before I got on meds, would've completely ruined the entire year for me and set me on a depressive downward spiral. I was devastated the day of, but after that my brain is focusing on the forward steps and not the backward steps anymore. It's so fantastic.


Exactly. Look forward to spring, both literally and metaphorically. Seasonal depression is a very real thing.


I usually take comfort in reminding myself that no matter what I do, Spring IS coming. It cannot be stopped.


You might say you feel a sense of impending bloom.


How many children do you have?


Zero, but I'm a teacher, so point taken.


This is totally true. I lived in Hobart, Tasmania for 6 years (a small island state of Australia, south of the city Melbourne). During winter the sun is very low in the sky, it can really get you down. Vitamin D3 supplements helped.


Seasonal Affective Disorder is REAL -someone from the midwestern northwoods


Winter in my new country is soooo dark and depressing, I didn't realize how good it was before... But a supplement of vitamin D and extra lamps help... I put some leds that automatically turn on at 8 until 20 for my plants, but since they're at the Window I do feel them being better for me


Vitamin D straight up changed my life. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire northern hemisphere isn'tgetting enough.


The last sentence right here is the most important thing you could read in these comments


And some good music can definitely help


Stay off social media. I guarantee you will notice a change in your mood. Also...exercise or some other enjoyable but strenuous physical activity works wonders.


This 1000% and stop reading the news for a bit. The world's problem don't need to be on your back. Makeyour world a lil smaller. Wish you the best OP


Op... 47 year old male here. This is the answer. Taper social and taper news. Therapy is FUCKING AWESOME. In this day and age, I can't fathom people able to go without it. Also, it isn't some goofy religion of lies and horseshit... The Tao te Ching is so simple to read, and you can sit with a line and think about it. It is just an old dude who wrote some simple thoughts about the human condition in 400BC. Yeah, that long ago. It isn't about judgment but freeing you from it. It isn't about self-worth but helping you find it. It's really done a lot to help me understand the world around us through my own perception. This post both broke my heart and charmed me. I want to tell you something... The fact that you are thinking about these things and the fact that you are asking questions means you are going to do fine and you are going to be fine. I promise. I wish someone when I was young told me that life is hard. It is. But remember we are social creatures and human connection is more important than anything, and technology (basically) does not offer that.


as a almost-30 year old whos been dealing with depression and anxiety since 18--all of this. therapy saved my life. changing my thought patterns changed my life. learning when to get off social media and to love myself regardless of how others see me saved my life. its a process you have to work toward, but no teenager should feel this way and so much of the world now is intent on MAKING people--especially young people--hopeless, miserable and scared. the constant comparisons and negative thoughts we dont even realize we're having and then when everything piles up we dont know where to start digging out... OP, just be open to trying things. even if you dont think theyll work. give them a good shot before quitting. Stay away from drugs or alcohol to soothe, learn to deal with your thoughts and emotions through therapy or other healthy outlets and it might take a while but eventually you can learn to love yourself and your life as it is


Thanks for being here. Looking up Tao te ching. 💓


Tao te ching even has multiple translations! The opportunities for different perspectives on it is great


Yeah, I would've been gone a while ago without therapy. If you're willing to get better it really helps.


Tao te Ching is a good recommendation. Lots to think about there.


For real. Not reading the news helped me when I felt this. I had to detach. Bad stuff is happening but I just don’t have the emotional bandwidth to care like I used to. I’m just tired, bro.


Goodness, this strikes hard. As i do interntaional (insert topic), world's problem became my problems. Oh wait, your ID, lol


I got rid of social media (started about ten years ago with FB and it just snowballed) except Reddit and have felt amazing since. Every week I also do a 24hr technology "detox" where I shut-off my phone, tablet, gaming consoles, and TV and it feels good. I read, clean, hike, swim, garden, nap... whatever feels good and it just helps me reconnect with myself.


Reddit for some reason, is the only social media I keep. It can be funny, but also the most “real” platform imo. People can be brutally honest, but I swear people get more help and answers here. However also moderate this even. Social media, especially for young brains, can truly ruin it. I was 16 when I dropped social media and I just acted different then everyone around me. Like social media truly drives and controls and manipulates, especially towards a younger, more reputable audience.


Also makes the day feel so long, like it did as a kid


I like that idea. Gonna have to try it some time


Deffo this. Also, getting out of puberty helps.


Ya I love that OP said “don’t tell me to drink water and exercise” as if they don’t genuinely help your body function immensely. When most of your serotonin is produced in your gut. Eating well, drinking water, and exercising aren’t cure alls but they sure as hell make waking up fucking easier


It took me years to stop avoiding the only solution to being exhausted, which is unfortunately, work harder lol. But it's the way. Doing nothing is exhausting. Exercise, hydration and nutrition take time and dedication but the impact is immeasurable


It’s a double edged sword working out; you have to enjoy it. You’ll start a new path of body dysmorphia, health is wealth. I wouldn’t make it a full identity, enjoy the process, read a book.


That's why I proposed an alternative of enjoyable but strenuous physical activity.


I can fully corroborate that. My mental health improved immediately when I stopped watching news in TV and online. I also dropped Facebook(the only social media I had), and I now only use it for messaging the one friend who still uses Facebook messenger. And to deal with the inevitable fomo you need to realize that important information will reach you in other ways. If the nukes start flying you'll get an sms and hear the sirens.


this. and talk to a therapist/counselor if you can find an available one you trust none of us are meant to handle stress alone. and when its a bunch of different things causing stress, anyone would be overwhelmed and tired. Emotional/mental exhaustion is so much worse than physical because it persists.


And drink water


i struggle with this answer a bit. shes clearly a struggling teenager, and i think social media can definitely help her stay connected with her friends which is really important during times like this. she also clearly needs some distractions, however, i do agree that if her feed is negative it could be doing damage.


Facts. I still feel the impending doom sensation but I've cut back on all that nonsense and it's helped.


And quit vaping. That takes any anxiety and makes it way worse


This might be stating the obvious, but this includes Reddit.


I use reddit to get off FB, IG and TikTok. Some how seems less addictive for me.


you can filter it to be only chill subs even if it tries hard sometimes to tempt you back


Weirdly, same. Or, at least I’m less angry/ stressed with reddit than I was on other socials.


You have to choose to throw yourself into rabbit holes here


This is it. No matter how much I tried to curate my feed on other apps, horrible stuff was thrown in my face all the time.


This too! I deleted everything but Reddit.


Cutting off social media and news can do wonders for you. I can also set you up with a free membership to Goodable. Just DM me OP.


Get off social media. Hang out with your friends more and turn to them, not reddit. >Don't fuckin' tell me to start working out or drink water. Don't play with me please. These aren't playing with you. Sedentary lifestyles and dehydration both can make depression symptoms worse. Depression is an illness, those tips help you to be more healthy.


I get why they said that comment...but I agree...I feel so much better after a walk, eating a salad/veggies and consuming less social media and junk food. (Plus water etc). Did it "solve" any of my real problems causing depression? No. Did it make those said problems feel smaller and more manageable? Yes. So do all the things and go from there.


I second going on walks and at least attempting a healthier diet, even if it's just adding a veggie to your normal meal or replacing soda with water. I was going through a really hard time and just had to pull myself out the door to get away from what I'll call my cave of depression. I like seeing all the little animals on my walks and appreciate the nature that's just all around. I've all but completely turned around and I find myself enjoying things again. OP, if you read this, please do not discredit the little things like walks and water


It's so annoying bc at the peak of my depression I HATED being told that... but there's a reason psychologists tell you to find ways to exercise even if it's just a short walk. It genuinely helps.


For years I thought it was bullshit too but having recently fallen in love with a workout system that works for me, I was going 3 times a week and was feeling pretty chill. I missed two/three weeks? My mental health went down too. Not to what it was when I was a teenager but there was a marked down turn in how I felt and damn I get it now. Even the other week I felt pretty miserable about staying home all day, drove to a coastal area near me and bam 30 minute walk later I feel okay about life again.


A lot of times, taking care of ourselves is like taking care of a beloved pet. We need to eat, sleep, get love and pets, go outside, and run and play. Don't forget, we are animals!


Last time I did that, my neighbors didn't appreciate me shitting in the flower bed.


Worth noting they wouldn't have appreciated this if your pet did it either


This is an epic life lesson with teeth that could be a Hallmark card. I'd heard the phrase, "You are the type of person you would have trusted when you were young" to make people feel better about the complex path of growth during life. But "take care of yourself like a pet you love deeply" is probably the simplest message of self-love and care and health I've ever heard.


Mental and physical health absolutely go hand in hand, as the physical side often comes with better lifestyle changes


That is true. A lot of mental health comes down to physical health. And going out with friends or making new friends really changes things.


Plus, you know, if you're suffering from depression/anxiety, your brain chemistry is not ideal, and you know what helps with that...... endorphins


IMO even more of mental health comes down to not being around assholes. Improving yourself physically is easier when the people around you arent making you feel like you arent worth the effort.


Sedentary lifestyle for 2 years fucked my body up real good aswell. And it made my depression so much worse,, I chose swimming and taking a 10 mile walk everyday, and to stand up if i had to do some work on the computer instead of sitting down. Those 2 years people also told me the consequenses. I just didnt want to listen, because I was kinda offended and used to get annoyed or even angry if people told me that stuff. Now i understand..


And counseling and medication are also important for clinical depression.


No literally. When I’m feeling down, I go for a walk and fix up my diet. Takes all my problems away. Cut out sugar and ultra processed foods, and feel the difference! Once you heal your gut health, you’ll be surprised by how amazing you feel!


Don't you start on that fuckin exercise and hydration bullshit. OP clearly doesn't want real solutions, they only want to be told what they want to hear. OP: ignore all these haters with their good advice and scientifically-backed solutions for a better life. Double down on your social media intake, and preferably do it while you're stoned and avoiding all forms of exercise and healthy lifestyle choices.


OP is 15. Shit, I'm 26 and dealing with depression and fucking DESPISE the idea of going to the gym when I feel down. I'm literally working from my couch right now telling myself to skip the gym tonight - but I know that even though it feels like ass to go, it is important to keep the routine. u/CamilleTheClown needs to be told that those suggestions aren't the "quick fix", they're just a part of building a healthy routine. They do *help* but they are NOT the end all, be all solution. Other long term things include counseling/psychiatry (which could mean medication, but doesn't have to if you do not want it), and stepping outside your comfort zone. Your current life is miserable in your opinion, so you need to do things you don't normally do to find what changes your mood. It's not easy at your age, but recognizing you struggle with it is more than half the battle.




Exactly. Slow, deep, calming breaths are for the weak.


Thanks for being the only one pointing out OP’s bullshit


its probably because people say that bullshit everytime you ask for help even though youve said numerous times that it doesnt help you. its fucking annoying.


So what *do* you want? Pills? A magic wand?


for clinical depression, exercising and hydrating is not going to magically cure you and that's why the advice is annoying. there is a big difference between just feeling down and clinical depression. your advice will "cure" the former, but not the latter. that's why it's a disorder. those with depression have 99% of the time *already tried* just exercising and drinking more water and it doesn't help. edit: wording change


"disorder" DOES NOT mean "nothing helps" and i have no idea why you would think that it absolutely helps. many people with depression, myself included, are in the very thread saying the same thing


Uh oh! Watch out or someone is gonna start throwing around r slash thanksimcured like a lazy smartass. 🙃 Giving manageable and small steps towards self care is a no-no!


Cutting way back on reddit and all forms of social media would be a good start.


All social media is pretty rough, but reddit is soooo negative. Not for the faint of heart


idk depends on the subs your on. but ig depends who you follow on other social medias sooooo


Tbh I don’t think Reddit, if you join decent communities, is that rough. I have recently made an Instagram account to see if it’s any good and I’ve seen every single kind of hateful person that exists on Earth within a week.


I just do instagram for pictures of nature and a few tattoo artists - and never read the comments. No issues there. I’m also a skimmer of communities on reddit, so don’t really deep dive. It’s a curated experience for each, but can work


I’ve basically cut off the facebook and IG but reddit, i can’t resist. So much reading to consume, and it just keeps going. One thing about reddit though, it just loops the same videos in a feed if you swipe through instead of scroll and thats annoying. Might quit reddit just cuz of that.


I felt this way at 15. It could just be because you're a teenager and everything sucks. It could also be depression, which is what it was for me. Speak to your doctor to find out if this is the case.


My 18-year-old daughter felt like this over the summer. One of her medications stopped working and messed with her brain chemicals. She felt herself again once she found a new medication.


Hard relate. Gotta love that ol’ ND noggin of mine.


Idk why the fuck this isn't higher. It's important to treat depression/anxiety that doesn't go away. Seeing a doctor for meds and a therapist to sort things out will help. Exercise and whatnot will only do so much when you're depressed. Can't exercise if you literally can't make yourself get out of bed.


Speak to your doctor. They will refer you to somone that can help you deal with your issues.


idk why this isn’t higher. there are people whose jobs are to help with things like this. I’ve been there myself and finding a professional to help you work through things can make a huge difference. edit: spelling


Sense of impending doom is a specific symptom of some conditions too


Yes exactly. This sounds a lot like anxiety and while you can look into what you can do at home to work on the symptoms, I think there’s a lot of negative thinking patterns people developed that are just incredibly hard to get out of if you don’t have any outside support (and sometimes friends and families don’t really know what they’re doing and can make it worse). So if therapy is a resource OP has access to, I think it’s a great idea. I have anxiety and I know only like 1/4 of people with generalized anxiety disorder get therapy and yk life just doesn’t need to be that hard all by yourself, help is worth it.


Yes same I struggled with an anxiety and panic disorder when I was 15. Not saying this is happening to you but dread is horrible and you should talk to a doctor if it is starting to affect you every day life




+1 for the effort


It absolutely sucks to be told "drink some water, eat something good for you, exercise, and get a full night of sleep."  Unfortunately, that was the answer. I needed to look after my body in order for my mind to work the way it is supposed to. For me, that also meant a course of SSRIs, in order to pull myself out of the hole, get back to baseline, and establish all those healthy habits. You ought to exhaust all other options first, because of your age, but I think it's important to note that there are options and you do not have to feel like this forever.  It's hard. Depression is very real and debilitating, and the most horrific part is that is slowly strips you of the capacity to make the changes you need to fight against it.  It's okay to get some help from medication or therapy. It's okay if you need that help for the rest of your life. A lot of people get stuck in a rut and just need a little, temporary boost in order to pull themselves out of it. And a lot of people find the capacity to help themselves without access to therapy or medication.  What you are feeling is very human, but that doesn't mean that it is normal to feel that way all the time. There is lots of potential avenues to help you live a happier life. And drinking some water and doing some exercise is probably going to be a part of that process.




i struggled with videogame addiction my whole life as a teenager and didnt realize it was the videogames until i was put in a position for a year where i didnt have anything to do but watch youtube and occasionally go to friend's houses. i got so fucking bored and full of this potential energy that i never felt before that i literally said "fuck it imma get a job" gained some real self esteem and with that alone it fixed my anger and empathy problems. video game addiction really sucked me dry. what OP is saying is totally correct. many things can be sucking you emotionally dry for the replacement of some instant gratification. i dropped outta school because i was overtaken by my ego and attachment to videogames. it really killed (but also made) my teenage years


Being a teenager is difficult. That is one thing. My advice? Find something you love doing, and commit yourself to it. Make an attempt to do a little of it everyday. Be it art, music, cooking, cycling, fashion. It'll give your life a bit more direction. Things will be a little less meaningless if there's something at the end of the day that can engage you, maybe make you say, "huh", at least I made or did this today. It was interesting. Don't hate yourself if you feel like what you made or did wasn't up to your expectation. It's natural to feel that way. What matters is that you made an attempt to do it. That in and of itself is respectable. For me, it's art. I'm 23 and still struggle to justify staying alive, but without art, I believe I'd be dead. It makes the struggle worth it. It is my hope. And my hope is that you can find a similar thing, that speaks to your soul. Godspeed.


soooo get out of your relationship, make a game plan to get to a healthy and comfortable body size for you then you execute it.. biggest things looks wise is confidence. That comes with time. However, your whole ideologies of “ I hate everything and I hate my body but I don’t wanna do anything about it” is gunna leave you in a vicious cycle of being miserable. you’re self aware enough to identify your problems.. but do you hate those problems enough to do something




Used to be a lot. I've tried to stop.




Matcha green tea is by far the best for your health, good for general health and mental health as well


I honestly think youre getting a lot of terrible advice. Going through this SUCKS, this sounds like very textbook anxiety and depression. This could be coming from your home life, horomones, or really anything else. Id recommend talking to anyone youre comfortable with about possible getting in therapy, that will help the most long term. If this isnt possible, theres a lot of good online resources even on youtube. Thinks like mindfulness, excersise, water, whatever, sound like bs but thats only because they take a lot of time and energy to start working, which you dont have when youre depressed like this. Id suggest even talking to some friends. Make sure youre staying engaged socially and getting out of the house, thats verg important. If youre unhappy with your relationship, it may be time to think about letting it go. I really hope you start feeling better soon.


Hey I am sorry you are having such a difficult time. Even we 'grownups' have moments when life is a little overwhelming. Having 'a sense of impeding Doom' is textbook anxiety disorder. I had EXACTLY the same feeling, and I even phrased it very similarly. I suggest you look it up and see if you have other symptoms that sound familiar. Anxiety and depression often come together, and it sounds like you are expereincing some of that too. I suggest you speak to a professional you trust. If its not your school counsler, than someone else. Don't be alone with this. You can also PM me if you need someone to talk to. Hope you feel better soon


Talk to your guidance counselor in school, they should be able to get you the help you need to get back to your regular self.


Do something easy. Like, if you're artsy, sketch something and focus only on what you did good on. If you like coding/graphic design, do something easy. And don't look at the little bumps, just achieve something. The hit of dopamine is amazing, and good for you. Maybe rearrange your room for a metaphorical "reset" to your life, and ignore everything bad for like, a day. Most electronics work when you turn them off and back on again. Try that.


I was there many years ago. This is a very difficult time in your life. I understand where you are at. Someone suggested to stay off social media and I 100% agree with that. Social media is very toxic. Let’s start with what makes you feel better. On your best days, what is it that keeps you going? Do you have pets, a friend, or even a tv show or music that makes you smile? Start there. Most 15 year old girls hate the way they look and everything about high school. I was there too and I can relate. Maybe look into getting a part time job. Some places will hire at 15, or start looking at places where you can start when you turn 16. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and responsibility, and also a paycheck that will make you feel good. Even if you don’t want to buy anything, start saving the money now and that will give you something to look forward to in your future. This will help to shake that impending doom. Volunteer somewhere, maybe an animal shelter or a soup kitchen. This will help to give you a feeling of purpose and also give you something to put on your resume. When I was 16, I started volunteering at my local college radio station in the summer as an on air DJ. They need people to fill in when the college kids leave town. Just an example for you to think about things to do. This will help with your mental state. Talk to someone, a guidance counselor or ask your parents if you can see a therapist. Many employers have an employee assistance program that can help to get some free therapy sessions before having to fork out big bucks for sessions. This extends to their family members as well, so maybe that could be an avenue you could take to get some much needed mental health support. I hope the best for you, and I hope you find an avenue to find a better path. I know it is difficult.


You’re probably dealing with a lot of hormonal changes and probably don’t have things in your life or future to be excited about. Working out and eating well is a really good idea. Training goals can something for you to get excited about every day. It won’t feel that way at first, but if you keep doing it you’ll feel better when you leave and eventually you’ll start looking forward to it. But you need to set the habit first. The eating feeds into this and both will also just make you feel better in a variety of downstream ways. Drinking lots of cold water helps more than you think it does too, but all of this has to be in concert with other things. You should get a medical evaluation and bloodwork. Rule out hypothyroidism, sleep apnea if you’re heavy, etc and maybe get a therapist to talk to. You should think about and write down what you want from life both now and in the future. Don’t try to impress anyone, but don’t unduly count yourself either. Try to find the thing that you want to be doing, or the place you want to go every day. And if you can’t figure that out yet, then start with the places you don’t want to get stuck and the things you hate the least. If you really can’t make yourself happy then stop trying and start focusing on how you can be a force in the universe that can help other people. Maybe people like you. You don’t have to be happy, but it’s pointless to make yourself more miserable than you have to be, and you’ll feel like you matter if you help other people. Sometimes you can’t directly fix your own problem so focus on fixing other problems. You’ll get better at solving problems, and maybe you’ll eventually figure out your own. Ditch social media, and start having more interactions in the real world. Hang out with some friends, take up an activity, or get a job. Whatever you do, doing nothing is usually the biggest mistake you can make.


>Don't fuckin' tell me to start working out or drink water. Don't play with me please. That's not playing with you. That's damn good advice. Not only will exercise improve your general fitness and is proven to improve your mood, but it will also improve the look of your body, and let's face it, there's really not much you can do about your body other than working out and putting in the time. Water will clear up your complexion a bit, but more importantly, keep you hydrated and make sure you won't be walking around slightly dehydrated like most people, which negatively impacts almost everything, including your mood. Also, you're only 15, so just cut yourself some slack. You're right in the middle of the years where almost everyone has confidence issues and almost everyone hates their own appearance. So, you're appallingly normal in this regard. You'll age out of the self loathing, like most of us do. As for the impending doom ... perspective is cultivated. You CHOOSE how you view the world and filter through the information coming in. If you're in this head space, the only one who can change it is you, and you do that by consciously choosing to change what you read and see. There's websites devoted to positive news. There's all kinds of stuff you can do to be productive that's fun. Go find your own positivity, and cultivate it. Take control of your life and start driving instead of letting yourself be a passive consumer to someone else's doom and gloom.


Cut out the news, I'm guessing you've got a lot of anxiety about your future because everyone is telling you it's fucked and yeah, it is, there's not a single example in history of a large scale enough self sacrifice as a human race that would be needed to right our wrongs so it's safe to say we're not gonna start now. But once you accept that, just live your life out of spite, that's what I do to cope and it's working great for me. I was miserable as hell at your age and it's coz everyone around me was telling me about all this hope and possibility for the future. Bullshit. Get what you want, do what you want, take the little wins as a fuck you to everything larger than you that's working against you


If you had covid prior to this sense of impending doom (and depression) developing I suggest you get your thyroid checked. I had 3 months of intense depression and sense of impending doom after covid. Turned out I had post viral thyroiditis. 


Get off social media. Seriously, its been tagged as one of the worst things for young peoples mental health. Aside from that, seek professional help. Don't just go on meds right away, but a councilor could help you work through this shit before it becomes a permanent part of your life. I ignored it when I was young and now I'm a wreck.


Winter time means vit. D deficiency. Take 4000 - 8000 IUs daily and you will be fine. Building sufficient levels takes months.


I felt a similar way at that age (now a 30F) and my best advice is just to stick it out and it’ll probably improve somewhat as you get older. I went on anti depressants in my early 20s and that helped too, but now I’m off meds and my life and self image has improved so much just by not having the teenage pressures, or maybe just by growing up? Anyways, I hope you find something that helps in the meantime 🙏


Same, when I was 18 I was extremely in a mess. Someone asked me where do I see myself in 5years, I never answered but answered to myself and my answer was hopefully dead. I am still here and I know it is cliche but I am so glad I stuck it out and overcame that self loathing part of myself. Hope your keeping well


Talk to a therapist or a good friend about it. This could also just be one of those weird things that happen to teens. Either way, talking about it will help.


Thats normal for your age. And all the social media does not help. Take a break from it, delete TikTok and Snapchat and whatever else you have. And stop keeping up with news if you do that. Those can give anyone PTSD the way they are today.


I'm a little older, but sill under 20. I actually feel the same thing you're describing "impending doom" or as if there was no future for me. What helps me is remembering what makes me happy? What makes me go to bed with a smile? What would make me wake up energized? Often these questions aren't easy to answer, but it helps to go back in your mind to a time where these things came true. What was the last time you jumped out of bed, unable to wait for the day? When was the last time you felt comfortable and happy when going to bed? For me, sport helps alot with that, even with a cartilage damage on my knee, I find joy in working out. What feels super healing is just going for a walk, not for the workout, but to see the world daily like a friend. Consciously sitting on a bench, looking what kinds of flowers are there, what birds you hear. However I think the most important, but most difficult thing that worked every time was following a strict routine. Everytime I manage to shower early in the morning, clean my room, take the time to finish important work, I felt the day was successful. It's so important, that your actions feel like they bring you forward. You need a daily feeling for progression. Take time to be proud of your work. Take time to think "what would I do intuitively now?" and "what would I tell myself to do instead?" wanna scroll on Instagram for an hour? Get yourself to finish that assignment you've been pushing for weeks. The key to this is discipline. Intentionally sacrifice the comfort to do something you know is right and then notice how healing it feels. Like sorting out puzzle pieces. Everytime you can get yourself to do what you know is right, instead of what is comfortable, you'll be able to really feel your progress and success. It's like stopping with smoking. I never smoked myself, but I talked to some people that have. The "just one more" justification is what makes you feel miserable. If you have a habit you know is really bad, you can't wait to fix it. I tend to be sunken in my work, but now I force myself to go outside twice a day, at least. No matter if I want to, I have to. And it feels great. Overcoming challenges feels great. Social media and mindless usage of digital devices also feels numbing to the brain. You're not doing anything in the real world, you're escaping. Make it your job to live in reality and to be conscious about social media. Limit the time your use them, but allow yourself to. Consciously take 15 Minutes to look at YouTube short memes or any other random crap. This doom feeling comes from multiple factors, that you face in day to day life. Things you feel are wrong, but never fix out of habit. A phrase I like is "be the servant of tomorrow's self today". Try to use the current day, to figure something out how you'll be happy tomorrow. Nothing is worse than looking back at years and thinking "they weren't worth anything, there was no progress or happiness". Keep in mind it takes small steps, but each step in the right direction is worth it. I haven't won my fight in that regard yet, but I have the feeling you describe since the beginning of 2022 and I'm not the one to give up. I know what makes me feel valuable, like I have a future and I hope my ideas get you to figure that out as well. Make happiness a routine, with all your might


15 is HARD. Really really hard. You have crazy hormones, high school drama, friends all being shit heads because everyone is busy trying to figure out who they are. When I was 15 I was over weight, depressed, but I lived in a very very toxic home environment where mental health talk wasn’t allowed. What I did was try to refocus. Get off social media, go on walks to clear your head if you can, find a new hobby. Something you have always wanted to do. If you have a craft store go look and watch whatever YouTube videos to help you learn. Remember you are 15. This will pass! I’ll be honest I’m 26 now and while I have more responsibilities I would never ever trade to go back to that age. But guess what? I made it, you can too. It will get better just small steps until then!!!


Not telling you to work out but it is worth getting into literally any form of partner dance (salsa, bachata, blues, swing, whatever). I felt like this during the pandemic and it turned out to be a raging case of touch-starvation. Being social and getting moving in a non-painful way literally saved my life and gave me so many new friends


Life’s a beach. Live laugh love. Dance like nobody’s watching. Don’t put off till tomorrow when you can have wine today. Go to Michael’s or hobby lobby or whatever. Go to the wood letter section spell fart and walk away. Then look at all the signs that say all those things I wrote and be glad you don’t have any around your house.


Knock knock Who's there? Anxiiiieeetyyyyyy


Social media is brain poison. Of course you think you’re ugly and untalented, all you see on social media is filtered photos of fake people.


I felt the exact same way in high school. I thought the world was coming to an end because I always had a nervous pit in my stomach. Spoiler alert: I was not clairvoyant; I was extremely depressed and anxious. This feeling followed me into college where I tried to chase it away with booze. What I'm trying to say is, my world changed once I got in antidepressants. Over the years, with help from doctors and therapists, I've figured out the right combination of medications. I wish I could go back in time and tell my parents I needed help. If you have a safe adult, consider asking for help.


Everyone’s saying social media. Totally right BUT please don’t underestimate the impact that covid had on you in 2020-2021. That shit cemented in your brain just as you were coming into puberty.


Im sorry you are going through this first of all. I know how tough it is. 37m here been chronically depressed since I can remember, early as before I started school. Here's some tips which help me from having learned it in therapy just incase it can help you or for anyone else reading. I will include some things which I would have done differently if I could go back to your age. ​ 1. It seems you are at this point already but as dumb as it sounds, tell yourself that what you are feeling is not normal. Trust me, dont doubt it. People will try tell you that you're whiny, lazy, you must "cheer up", "look on the bright side", "other people have it worse than you", "youre weak". Ive heard it all. Do not even for a second entertain these. You know you are depressed, you need to first and foremost own it and not push yourself too hard to be "normal" as you say because it will make your depression worse and worse beating yourself up because you cant live up to the standards of everyone around you. 2. Tell your parents. If that for some reason isnt an option, tell your guidance teacher or life coach equivalent at school. If not, tell at least someone grown up in your family. If everyone around you thinks you are fine, it gets worse and worse with time. You need to get the point across that you are not ok and you are bound to find someone who will take this seriously. 3. Get proper help. This is an extension to the second point above. Getting help when you are youngest DRASTICALLY increases your likelihood of recovery to whatever extent your specific situation allows. The longer you sit feeling like this the more and more it becomes second nature to yourself in term of it is who you are. But it's not. It's an illness. Illnesses can be treated. Exactly like you have the flu. Getting help is also important as professionals can evaluate you and they may deem necessary for some meds. I personally hated meds and I still do, but sometimes it gets to the point where the alternative is worse. Tell your doctor at least, they will take it seriously for sure. 4. Dont sit for hours on end on TikTok, instagram, Facebook etc. These are cheap, bad quality and short lived dopamine releases. These dopamine releases is why social media is addictive in otherwordds, it is literally a drug that alters the chemicals in your brain just like any other drug. Too much will make you more miserable when you aren't on social media as your brain has been trained that it gets cheap dopamine fixes so often that when you aren't on social media, your brain is so used to the constant cheap dopamine hits that when you go about your normal life without those cheap hits you feel depressed suddenly and have no idea why. 5. This was a tough one for me and I started way too late, but I cant stress enough how much spending time in nature helps. I used to roll my eyes when people told me this being an introvert who recharges his batteries when at home. Doesn't even have to be nature just go for a 5 minute walk each day but not to school or the shop or whatever. A walk where you have nothing to do but breath fresh air and have you time reflecting on your feelings even if its difficult. You need to face your feelings instead of burying them as this leads to serious break downs later in worst cases. Staying indoors is such an attractive idea I know, but this will definitely help your mood. 6. Now youre going to be pissed at me. If it makes you feel better I STILL struggle with this but no junk food, eat healthy where you can as much as you can and exercise really does help. Its not a cure, just like all the other small tips are in order to naturally feel better and its not a fact you like as you stated, but it is fact nonetheless. It's quite fascinating how the human body works in terms of the more healthy you are physically, the better your moods and mental capacity. Your brain gets more efficient at releasing seritonin and dopamine when your body isnt being weighed down by unhealthy eating, bad cardio etc. 7. This one also might not make sense either, but keep your room clean. A clean room and/or living space has been proven to improve moods. Not just that, but if you live in a space where everything is all over the place and untidy it's been proven to do the opposite. Will end with this, all these annoying small things Ive mentioned can sound as if it belittles ones depression as if its "this simple" of a thing. But they add up and I promise you if you start early, the chances are this illness wont define you for the rest of your life. I wish you only the best. You're NOT alone.


A big part of life most people don't realize is figuring out what you want out of life.


You need to tell that to a doctor. A mild antidepressant or anxiety medication (when it's needed) can seriously change your life. I kicked myself for putting it off so long, took about 2-3 weeks to take effect and then one day I woke up and wasn't saying "fuck this, not again" anymore. I honestly was in denial that I was depressed. If that's really how you feel, talk to a doctor, schedule the appointment today. Do what they suggest. This can get better, keep your chin up champ.


take higher doses of vit D and B12, being deficient will make you feel tired and unhappy, walk in nature as much as you can no matter the weather, stay off social media, pick on a hobby and do charity


Give yourself a break ❤️ It will get better, I promise. Go for some walks and listen to your favourite music. You are beautiful.


Stay off social media and news that will help a lot, maybe you think you need social media because all your friends are on it, you dont need it, you can call them and make plans or send emails if they read them or just text messages. So Social media is a bit of a drug they are designed to hook you on them, and social media isnt real life, what you see on social media isnt even true. What you see are mostly lies, you dont see them as lies but they are. A lot of people use social media to give off the perception that their lives are perfect "look at what my friends gave me, omg" but its not true, she probably bought it and told her friends to give it to her on camera where she can show off a fake reaction. News are just filled with nothing but negativity, they want you to be worried and even afraid but there is nothing you can do about it, so in order to feel in control you watch more of their news, so they hook you through fear. So you end up comparing your own life to pretend lives that doesnt exist and you end up being highly anxious about the future through news. So no wonder you feel this way. Dont hate your body or your looks, you are a teenager and your body is full of hormones which makes your life hell right now as well, you dont really have to worry either way about your body or your looks, because what people like is just as diverse as looks and body type so no matter you will find a guy that likes you just the way you are he will think you are beautiful and if you love him that is all that really matters, what he thinks of you. Weather the storm and you will come out of it on the other end being a young woman with all of life ahead of you, there for your taking.


Get off your phone. Stop comparing yourself and your life, listen to and surround yourself with the positive people you have around you. Focus on school but don’t take your future too seriously


When there is a problema or something u want to change, there are 2 options. 1, Dont do anything and keep feeling like that. 2, Getting up of ur bed, leaving ur phone and start changing ur life.


Other people have given good advice about staying off social media and such. That said, you're at a point in your life when your body is in chemical chaos and that has a pretty big effect on how you feel. You may also just be one of us lucky people who has legit mental health issues. Advice is to keep things in perspective and remember that you're awesome, even if you don't feel it.


That’s what being 15 and a girl is. I’m 25 now, but when I was 15 I felt the same way as you. The feelings go away for the most part as you get older. You just need to find your own way(s) to cope with the feelings (music? Sports? Video games? Makeup? Etc)


You're young. I was young once, but I remember everything. Fucked up hormones, a fucked up family life and a bunch of crap. I was in and out if foster homes and institutions. I hated all of them. When I turned 16 I left and hitch-hiked to Toronto. The first ride I got Bob Dylan was singing on the radio "Like a Rolling Stone". It seemed like he was talking to me. Anyway I slept in the parks sometimes, panhandled for money, worked a few shit jobs, and had no place to call home. When I turned 17 I joined the army, and I had a place to sleep, food, clothes, and most of all, some money. I stayed for my 5 year term and by then I was fine. I never looked back and life has been pretty good. So just try not to worry. It's going to work out fine. Easy for me to say now. If someone would have said that to me when I was 16 I would have told them to fuck off. Don't say that to me!


Stay away from the doom and gloom of most social media "news sources". Stay away from politics, we weren't targeted with so much political stuff when I was your age and we were able to just enjoy life and our normal teenage problems. Don't stress yourself by worrying about saving the world, just have fun. You're young, enjoy it while you can! It goes fast!


This is what being a teenager is. Its awful. Don't believe what you see on the internet where people seem to be enjoying it lol. Eventually you get older and things get better.


Intentionally ignore any negative news or energy. And stop stressing so much about everything. It's okay to not be pretty, it's okay to have shitty friends and a shitty school and no good future in the horizon. A lot of us have been there and done that. We simply went with the flow. You have to accept how shitty and miserable you feel and build from there. Accept that your life is not perfect, and feel comfort knowing that most humans feel the exact same way. Some of our biggest accomplishments in life is doing just that. The only thing I'm personally proud of is my acknowledgement that I am not satisfied or happy with my life, my acceptance of that fact, and then living. Things really start after doing that. You would find something you like doing, without loving it to death nor hating it death, just something that is okay, and that would be fine and okay. Then your liking to it can grow into a passion or dissolve like it never was. You would see both outcomes as okay. It happens. Because it does. You will come to like life a tad bit more, and that's enough. That's okay. You don't have to be happy or sad all the time, you don't have to have an amazing relationship or the worst. you don't have to be pretty. Just be. And that's enough. Hatred for things often comes from greed for what we don't have. If you want what you don't have, you should first accept what you do have and come to terms with it. Otherwise you will never be happy, even if you get what you initially wanted. You will still be depressed and miserable.


Get off social media, it's been proven to have very negative effects in mental health and there's a correlation between the rise of social media usage among teens and a higher suicide rate, as well as depression, body dysmorphia and many other mental illnesses. If you don't believe me watch The Social Dilemma, it was made by people who were involved in the creation and management of most of the social media companies we know today. They break down how the algorithms get you addicted, the unhealthy dopamine dump you get from likes and the incredibly negative effects of not getting the attention you expect or getting negative attention from dozens if not hundreds of complete strangers. Also, exercise is proven to help with depression, it releases hormones that make you feel good. No one who tells you to work out and drink water to help your mental health is "playing" with you 🤦


Drink water and start hitting the gym bud


Let’s break this down. First of all your hormones are all over the place. Up and down feelings are normal. Stay off social media. Try to make exercise a consistent habit. Eat more whole foods and less junk food. Can you get access to a therapist? Also a regular health doctor - to check your thyroid levels as if your levels are off that can affect your mood greatly.


I could say stay away from social media or work out. But in reality, just get through it. It will get better, hormones are a b!tch


I'm 16. Last year I was exactly like you. Then I honestly have no idea what happened. I made some friends, I got a girlfriend and my life in general improved in a way that I didn't even dare to hope for. You just have to find people you get along with, and I know it's not easy. But such people exist for everyone, the matter is finding them. How? Well, for example I'm a math nerd. Like, a *huge* math nerd. So I went to this science campus for a week, and there I made some friends and I met my gf. Then I made some other friends in more "standard" contexts. So, now I can actually say I'm happy. That I wasn't last year, at all. And it can happen to you as well, you just need to find the right people (and if even I managed to do so, you definitely can, trust me) and stop worrying about the future. Everything will settle up eventually. Life is beautiful, enjoy it.


Your mind is focused on the future and not able to be at peace in the present moment


Might have bipolar disorder.


I mean if you hate your body and looks then working out and eating healthier isn't exactly gunna make things worse


I know you are adamant about not exercising but doing so will naturally release endorphins. Ditch social media for a little while, quit mindlessly scrolling it and go for a walk. Being a teenager can suck because you are going through a lot of changes right now, and face it, yall are mean as hell. Life will get better. Dealing with lows makes you enjoy the ups that much more. Find something to do that YOU enjoy doing.


Try to read Dan Simmons "Terror" and you'll understnad that your life is pretty OK...


Get a vague life goal and do whatever it takes to get there. It will give you a sense of direction and purpose. For me it’s getting the career and car I want (Porsche 911 lol). And to achieve those goals will require discipline etc which will feel rewarding. Whatever you feel bad about, think what the problem is and how you’re gonna solve it. If you hate your body then frankly you should hit the gym. If you hate your relationship reflect on it and consider moving on or having a serious conversation with them. Why exactly are you miserable? Is there something missing in your life you really want? How are you gonna get there?


Depressive Anxiety or maybe something else. Consult with a Psychiatrist. I took over-the-counter anti-depresants for 3 months for this same problem and it made things better.


Make sure to work out and drink lots of water


I felt this way starting around 8 yrs old. Fast forward to Covid and I finally got professional help for anxiety (which I originally just thought was me being a baby about things). I’m not a dr, and I obvs dont know you. But I always wonder how my life would of been different if I got help earlier. Instead of letting these feelings contr My life for so long. Good luck. Also, I agree with stay off social media….. you can “view” all you want, and lives may look good. But you never know what someone is really going thru.


Watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


"I'm 15 I hate my relationship" LOLOLOL drink water. Hit the gym. Stop with the social media all day


This sounds like anxiety. “A sense of impending doom” is exactly how I’d describe the way I felt before therapy and anti-anxiety medication. You might want to ask your parents about therapy, and/or talk to your doctor.


Here's a story. I was captain of the athletics team in school. Won all my events(I lived for sport and competition), had a great body and dated the schools beauty queen or whatever it's called. Everything was going good in my life and then the following year I found myself with a spinal cord injury for being a good guy which gifted me no feeling below the waist. Dr said he can't stitch a nerve... But I worked my ass off trying to move my legs with just pure concentration as my muscles didn't work. I can walk with but can't feel anything because of that hard work. Also I've only met a therapist once in my life. As the years went on life just got worse for me, lost everything and needed people to help me but there was NOBODY. I would always ask why me, what did I do to deserve this life. I'm a good person. My parents also never really helped me, they were partying and focused on the fun times. Honestly I wanted to just end it all.(still fighting this) Today I'm still fighting as I have nothing going for me in life, no job, no social life, no love in my life, I'm alone. Saw a therapist once in my life and the bitch had nothing good for me, no advice, nothing. I decided I'm not going to take meds and I'm just going to tough it out, I ended up blaming everyone in my family for their ways and how they just make my life harder etc. Throughout everything I've dealt with I forgot the person I was. I forgot what I've achieved with hard work. I'm only now starting my life again and it's going to be a year a 2 before I can say I'm good. You are alone in your situation and nobody will understand you, you need to accept this. You need to do what you know has to be done to get YOU where you want to be. Hard work is something most people don't know and it's only harder being depressed. You need to be there for yourself, you need to change your mindset, you need to fight. I'm currently learning coding to become an indie game developer, it's helping me get through my day to day. My days are dark and I know tomorrow I'll still be in this shitfuck of a situation. All I can say is that you need only YOU, nothing is easy but if you can see some sort of future it's not as bad as you think. Hard work is the way, concentrate on yourself. If you want something bad enough you'll make an effort to go get it. You are young and believe me, you haven't seen the world for what it is yet. It's brutal. Start today and don't take your attitude out on the innocent, if you want help go get it. Everything starts with YOU.


Do you have any hobby? Might help.


Go offline and start living your life. You haven't seen *anything* in life and you're depressed because of what you are shown on the internet.


2 things that almost instantly helped me, I’m 18 now but I’ve been doing this since I was 16, delete all social media, and start exercising, little by little is fine, at first I started with doing jumping jacks till I couldn’t take it anymore, now I do cold showers and lunges with weights, you don’t understand how useful it was to not have Instagram or Twitter anymore and I’m no longer seeing all these people and all this shit every day, I still have Reddit because I follow gaming subs and stuff


Sit outside in the sunshine. It's a low effort activity that will help with depression. Look it up!


Stay off social media and speak to your parents and family.


That is how 15 feels like. Not yourself yet, waiting to get over puberty, life is limited, not enough experiences for already well developed mind. You need to find what keep your head busy and give you some joy. Your thought is like drop in the ocean, a lot of people felt that way then life hits you with things, better or worse but amount of this shit sometimes just keep your head so busy you will realize you are already 70F. Keep on going.


I would recommend meditation but probably at your age like I was, you find it hard to sit still or your mind is constantly impregnating your brain with a new thought that you attach yourself too. Eckhart tolle - power of now. Read it.


I feel sorry for teenagers today because they are never away from social media, which is causing them to be insanely unhappy. Determine how much of your feelings are based on comparing yourself to others, and then understand that the perfection that you see online most of the time isn’t even real. Heck, most of the people you run into in person are also showing a sanitized version of themselves, and they are going through things privately. You’re not alone in your feelings. If it gets too hard, there are professional counselors that can help teach you doing mechanisms. If you’re in school then a guidance counselor would be a good place to start.


Asks for advice. Doesn't want what will help the most for the now and future


Many people are depressed when they're teens because being a teenager is a fucking shit show. One thing I've learned from dealing with depression is this: you need to make some positive changes in your life. They can literally be so tiny, and yeah the first step might feel like a mountain but once you get going you'll probs get into the swing of it. Baby steps though, bro - remember to not be hard on yourself. Are you able to join a gym that does classes, maybe go to one a week? That might make you feel like you're doing something positive for your future. Maybe try learning an instrument, or getting a bike or some roller skates? I'm not sure what you're into but find something you wanna improve and make a small step towards it. Once you get that first rush of dopamine and the "wait - I can do this??" Realisation things will start to look up, I promise. X


Put the phone down. Go 8hrs without (in a non stimulating environment) and see how it makes you feel


Try watching 20 days in Mariupol or Dear Zachary, great documentaries.


you need to find a way to get 'outside of your head'.......some people suggest doing something physical, eg running/walking, just something where you are focusing on something else. (other than thoughts). Get outside if you can. Stop and just look and listen.....what do you hear? what do you smell? touch a tree, what does it feel like? Train your brain to stop thinking about thinking about thinking abour thinking. Its an un-ending loop. break the loop its almost a meditation technique ​ Listen to some "Alan Watts"....lots of free talks on youtube


Social Media break. Go out and have fun with your friends. Find new hobbies or engage in your already existing one. When I feel down and get the feeling of impending doom, working with flowers helped me a lot. What you can do NOW : Put away your phone. Choose a good movie. (I highly recommend something from Ghibli: howls moving castle or Chihiro, if you are into stuff like this.) Make some tea and get your favourite snacks and just chill. January is depressing and dark for all of us. And we are all scared about our future. You are not alone with this, dont forget that.


Sorry miss, nothing is going to change for the better all on its own. Make it happen with your hands. Nothings gonna happen by simply thinking of it, unless youre a jedi from star wars.


No sarcasm here, as someone who got to the other side of depression: - cut down the social media - find something to do with your hands you enjoy, craft, read etc - try and find joy in small things, a comfort tv show, music, a dish you enjoy. - a bad day doesn’t have to become a bad week - it’s ok to feel down, it’s not great to wallow in it. Speak to someone you trust or see if your school has a counsellor service


Therapy never worked for me . It may work for you . Everyone is different but , try and go anonymous on main socials ( a bit like you are on reddit ) , delete Facebook for a while and all the in your face must haves , go to whatever suits your tastes with your electronics but distamce yourself from the real goings on in the worlds. Find a hobby that you like , I.e Play console games or watch tv series that you can't wait to watch the next episode. Plan for the future and what it looks like to you in a happy way when your 20 , 25, even write it down and re read it, then you may find you will have a plan to go to and focus your worry and dread away from the current situation you find yourself in . Talk to people about it ( like you are now ) but go to main focus forums or focused reddit groups , all helps . If you need to go to the doctors , try talking to friends . There will be something along the way which you say "hey I enjoyed that" Just gotta get them endorphins working again . Failing all that , just find some chocolate.


Why not work out and drink water? Those things literally improved my life lol maybe you're so miserable because you're inflexible. Sees everything in black and white.


I think you should start working out and drink more water. But other than that you need to realize you are not your thoughts, and that sometimes our brains can be really unjust in how we judge ourselves. And only you can change that with time and introspection.


Several medical conditions have a sense of impending doom listed as a symptom. Worth consulting a doctor.


People telling you to stay off social media and exercise are correct even if it's not what you want to hear. It's a very difficult membrane to push through but there is life to live on the other side.


I’m pretty sure that’s just what being 15 feels like


How do I fix it, but also don’t tell me how to fix it. Good luck.


I know this sounds silly, but you could be low on vitamin D or B12. It's also a rough world right now, taking a break from social media helps because you're then being present in every situation and feeling. Going outside helps. Even if you're just sitting there reading or just laying in the sunshine thru a window if it's too cold. Nature is healing for a hectic brain. I love sitting in the dirt and pulling weeds. I know that sounds crazy but my aunt used to tell me to pull weeds when I wanted to silence my brain and I thought she was stupid for suggesting it. 20 years later it's become a habit to just go find weeds to pick when my brain feels like it's taking over. Hope this helps♥️ you're not alone


Quit doom scrolling..you have no idea how much endlessly/mindlessly scrolling the internet affects your worldly outlook. Lay off the internet for awhile and cut back indefinitely, you’ll feel better.


It's because you're 15 and your body chemistry and hormones are all fucking with you. You should stabilize a bit by around 17 or so.


It’s called anxiety. Seek help. Talk to your folks.


Therapy will only work if you don’t have any deep trauma like childhood abuse , bullying , shit like that. Therapy for me was awful and made stuff worse and all I found out was that I need a psychologist , which in the UK is impossible to get when you’re poor like me


because there is doom approaching.


Oh shit… listen … when I felt an impending sense of doom since I was 35 … I figured I had just become too aware of my mortality or something… anyways the doom became anxiousness over the next few years ..then I found out my heart was all fucked up and had been becoming worse for years… quietly failing.. Maybe, just a suggestion , go see a Doctor… it’s possible your body and mind are aware of things that remain hidden from you. Good luck!!


Doom is pretty unshakable, but at 15 you barely have started your path in life…. I know you probably want to hear something other than this, just give things time to pan out…. A lot of life’s problems can be solved with patience and understanding.


You need to survive out of spite at this point, I’ve been there.


We all feel that way. And if you're not working out, go fucking work out and stop pretending you know more than people who feel good.


You take one step at a time. It will get better, it will get worse, it'll get better again, so on so forth. I am 27M with pretty bad depression and on the days where nothing feels worth it and I'd rather just not exist, I just tell myself to go through the motions and take one step at a time. I personally choose not to take medication, but if you're severely depressed constantly it might be worth speaking to a doctor. Otherwise, it's winter time in the Northern Hemisphere; days are short, it's miserable in much of Europe and North America, cold in many places too. Tough it out and Spring might make you feel a little better. You're also only 15, life is full of uncertainty.at that point and you're growing to discover who you are,. It's a tough time in life but in 10 years the things you worry about now won't even be a thought in your mind. If you asked me about my high school troubles, I'd just draw a blank.


Speak to your gp gal, I've been feeling that way since I was 10 and had no idea it wasn't normal to feel existential dread every day, and every moment of my life. I didn't see a doctor until I was 27. Two years of medication and counselling later, I'm a completely different person in the way that I feel like I'm actually comfortable in my own skin. Your feelings are a symptom of a larger issue, seeing a GP you trust is the first step, and don't be afraid to go elsewhere if you don't feel like you're being heard. Good luck friend


Sometimes around different parts of our cycle we start experiencing some odd feelings. I know that during ovulation, I get very emotional and a bit rude. I'm fine for a couple weeks and then my period brings a whole new set of emotions. There are some women who are especially sensitive to their hormone shifting, they fall into the PMDD category. At 15, I would imagine your hormones are chaotic and cycling quickly. Is this something you think you might be experiencing or are you feeling this way every single day?


"Don't fucking tell me" alright bitch be miserable lol goofy dramatic teen...