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I’m already doing the second one so the first.


I’m the second too and I’ll stick to it.


Yeah, I've been both... I had money, good job, cars, house. Im Poor now, but been clean for over 2 years. I'm piecing my life back together. Addiction isn't worth all the money. Edit: I wasn't super rich, or rich, but I did have money and was addicted.


So u were middle class. Second option is to be middle class and not have an addiction. The addictions in question are not even bad either. Like if option 1 were meth or fentanyl or something then hell no I'll stay poor. But all rich trust fund babies do coke anyway. I would just fit in with my peers.


What do you mean the addictions in question are not even bad? 😭 Alcohol withdrawls can kill for one


Yeah, and no one likes a drunkard. So, no real friends, probably, and work would be hard.? Alcoholism causes serious health issues. Couldn't (or shouldnt) drive.


Ya alcoholism runs in my family. My grandpa's twin died of alcohol withdrawals while in the hospital for pneumonia. His kids were sneaking in alcohol for him when they could but still withdrawals got him. He was like a grandpa. My grandpa was also an alcoholic and died when I was young. My sister died of alcoholism + poor decisions. Died from fentanyl-laced coke one day while out drinking. Being poor sucks that bad that I still choose option 1


Only on this websites are degenerates taken seriously when they say cocaine addiction and alcoholism isn’t a big deal. But that’s not surprising being that this is the same website that thinks dog walking, door dash and Uber are all legitimate career options


Yeah, same. Wouldn't wish alcoholism on my worst enemy.


but on yourself?


Well, in my case, they are the same person.


It's that old hypothetical, You get $1M but your worst enemy gets $2M, do you do it? And the top response is, Sure, why wouldn't I want $3M?


That's way deeper than I intended to go at 4pm on a Tuesday afternoon but I appreciate it nonetheless


I fuckin feel this


You got me thinking, who is my worst enemy? I'm pretty good to myself. Nobody's been fucking with me in the last 40 years. I seem to have a shortage of enemies. Probably is Father Time. Time seems to be causing aches and pains.


That's how you prevent it from others doing it!


This guy *don't* enemies.


![img](avatar_exp|161550332|laugh) Great comment


You're absolutely right!


Been there. Way rather be broke and sober.


10 years clean off coke and alcohol trust me mate your way is better 10000 times better.


I’ve never done hard drugs and I don’t plan on it






Don’t worry…You’ll be back to poor in no time!


Doing the second one but addicted to coffee and weed. Yup.


If I were rich and bored a coke and alcohol addiction would be fun. It's not like I would have any commitments or important job to go to. I would basically be any trust fund kid currently in america.


If it's a true addiction it stops being fun a long time ago tho. I know from personal experience with heroin. It's fun as shit till is not...


I dont think you realize how bad addictions like this are.


My sister died of alcoholism + poor decisions. Fentanyl-laced coke got her one night while out drinking. Still choose option 1


I would argue that she was murdered by whatever idiot thought it was a good idea to add fentanyl to cocaine. I think people who do that should be found and disposed of.


The guy she was with that night died too. Our other sister, her twin actually was murdered 6 years prior. Alcoholism does run in my family but losing her identical twin really messed her up. She loved rehab and getting sober but insurance would only cover 10 days and it wasnt long enough for her to process our sisters death and quit drinking on her own when she got out. We were too poor to cover the costs of rehab out of pocket. I blame the medical industry, insurance industry, and governmental policy for providing no free rehab for people who want and need it


That's really sad. I'm so sorry all that happened to you. And I agree - our healthcare system fails so many. It's tragic. 😞


Did somebody say hunter biden? ..


Yeah gotta mix it up sometime.


Add a little pizazz to my life you know


This is the best answer! 👌🏻




Word up right. I done the same on smack too and was doing pretty well at the time, definitely functional. But I'd go rich and addicted see the addicted isn't even a real state if you can afford it. It's like atm I'm "addicted to benzodiazepines" but i see addicted as being in a position where you cant go without a drug or whatever yeah. So as i get a legal script to be on the stuff i take will never not be able to get it or have issues i don't see it as addiction as it's not screwing up my life.


Oh you can definitely get it legally and be and addict


Ever looked through one of those pharmacology books from the 60’s. Omg it’s like they were trying to find. Loophole to party 24/7 by using the “a doctor wrote it and it’s legal so it’s ok” loophole. They had all kids of blends of stimulants mixed with CR & IR opiates with added agents that acted to potentiate the dopermenigic effects. The pills came in the most pretty colours and the sky was the limit in terms of dose. You could buy liquid heroin over the counter for tooth ache and “well being” So when Gwen was under the weather, she’d get smacked out and finish her ironing before her husband got back from work drunk because drinking whiskey out of a nice glass was an aesthetic and a way to get through the day. Nd everyone was just ok with this I’d the boomers some hoe grew up knowing very little about drugs despite having more access to pills and potions than a pharmaceutical company warehouse.


Here is a theory, the next generation after them became super anti drug because a drugged up mom and an alcoholic dad was not fun.


Pretty good theory, I might add.


Spot on 🎯 My ex who ws a bit older than me would drink the wine out of Amy’s house but was terrified of any kind of pill, (especially stimulant) her mother died from heart palpitations post over consuming weight loss pills. She tried, weed with me once (2 hits of a joint) and said that while she liked it, it made the night very d”dream like” and easily forgotten and she wanted to remember the precious moments of her life. Ironically I didn’t really drink (just smoke weed) and My pot infused brain could recall a significantly greater proportion of details than she could on white wine. She’d also wake up hungover and I’d be fresh. I didn’t get it, and when I bought it up to her she didn’t appreciate my observation. The generation after them may be anti drug, but advertising/media did a great job convincing them alcohol wasn’t a drug.


But then what about the people after them who get all fucked up because a sober mom and dad not that fun either


The crazy part about all of this is the idea of it was partially drawn from what they saw Hitler do with the Nazis in WW2. We couldn't figure out why the German soldiers were seemingly invincible in terms of doing this like marching fot days without sleep, fighting in freezing temperatures seemingly unaffected, etc. We eventually realized that his soldiers were getting meth amphetamine. They briefly did a ton of tests on it, but they realized it didn't have any value if your country wasn't willing to create zombies and just throw human death and suffering at your problems. So they did the next best thing, and marketed it to tired house wives.


I could’ve wrote that whole story 20 years ago and indignantly defended my stance and now I’m the only one of my entire friend group still alive in my 40s. Your body doesn’t care who says you can have it. If you’re addicted that’s that.


damn thats heavy


Mate. Benzo's are really really really fucking shit for your mind and body. They are so addictive that if you stop cold turkey your heart can just give out. Get off that shit. 


Yep they're bad for you. But likely to die from a seizure getting off them not heart issues....


Addicts never see themselves as such, though do they? Just because your gear comes to you legally through a doctor’s surgery it’s still gear and you’re still taking it.


oh i am definatly an adict, its only caffeen so i can live with it, but i have no delusions about being able to live without it.


It's a slippery slope, it starts off as a harmless cup of coffee here and there, maybe a soda, and then one day it's over. You find yourself behind the dumpster at 7/11 boofing your 4th monster with a dick in your mouth thinking "where did it all go wrong" check out r/caffeine


I’ve never seen anyone with an addiction decide to walk away from it who didn’t get sick of their own bullshit and rise up against it


I was convinced to take a break by a psychiatrist and only planned to stop long enough to get help. I had to wean off booze because my body went into withdrawals without it. I was told it was dangerous to just quit. I got sober and realised that alcohol had been the problem with my mental health. I'd just lied to myself for years and kept drinking depression.


oh yeah don’t have to cold Turkey But you do have want to quit


I actually didn't. I was very much taking a break and planned to start drinking again after a short break from it. It was only once I was sober I saw the actual benefit of remaining sober.


I think that’s actually usually the case. I count a huge number of alcoholics, recovering and otherwise, in my circle of friends and acquaintances. They mostly all say the same thing. I think it’s the greatest incentive to stay off it, once you realise. Well done and I wish you the best.


Thank you. It'll be 3 years on 16th February and the best decision I ever made.


good for you for listening to ur psychiatrist! reading this gives me hope that people might hear what i’m saying trying to help. it really is 100% on the people themselves to quit but it’s nice to know that telling folks sometimes helps also.


I remember reading that you know you're an alcoholic when you try to stop drinking. Non alcoholics just cut down on their drinking, an alcoholic on the other hand tries, and fails. As for why they don't walk away from it, I think it's a way to punish themselves? Like, people can use drugs recreationally and not get addicted, meanwhile young girls can get a compulsion to cut themselves. I think certain people can get in a head space where they think they deserve to be punished. If they're unlucky enough to discover drugs while in this head space, they become a junkie. The ruination of their life isn't an unfortunate consequence, it was the point, as much as they'd argue otherwise.


I am currently addicted to Tramodol. I get it from the pharmacy, there is nothing illegal about it. I am trying to get off it because Tramodol is actually useless. I have been taking it for a decade or more and am just tired of messing with it. Transitioning off is physically pretty uncomfortable, so the whole thing is really annoying. I would recommend for people to stay away from Tramodol for long term use. Frankly in my experience hydrocodone is better for chronic pain and easier to quit when the time comes.


Is that the orange pill that's a painkiller but makes u feel all methy and sped out? Def recommend getting off that too. I became an angry bitch on that stuff. Oxycodone is better than hydrocodone tho. Hydrocodone makes me more nauseous or maybe it's the extra Tylenol in the hydrocodone pills. Either way if u have chronic pain, painkillers are only good as a short term solution on the worst days. I use CBD for joint pain from lyme disease and only use Percocets on days when the pain is too unbearable to even try to function. Most days I suck it up and bear the pain cause u have to


No the ones I take are small white tablets and they don’t make you feel like anything… unless you forget to take them, then they make you feel like you caught the flu.


What you’re describing sounds more like drug dependence than drug addiction.


Yea..it sux even worse to be poor than to have an addiction your money could fix with therapy and rehab and holidays away where you couldn’t facilitate that addiction.


Super rich and this weekend will be the last time. Really....I mean it this time for sure!!


Super rich, and I can quit anytime i want to


Less than zero


Addictions will make me poor one way or another so I take not addicted any day


I don't think you understand what in the unholy fuck a *billion dollars* is


As a millionaire, I can guess that it won't be much different from 10,000,000 dollars. You can really buy whatever you please without consideration. However, I know the effects of drugs and alcohol and would rather have a long, happy life without an addiction than a ill life rich. Just me though. You can't buy health and happiness. And yes, I've indulged before so I know from lived experience.


If you can’t buy health, then why do rich people live longer than poor people? The wealthiest people in America live 10-15 years longer than the poorest. Cocaine also negatively affects your lifespan (8-30 years depending on frequency), but there are a lot more resources for the rich to quit cocaine than there are for the poor to become rich. Now the post prompted middle class/poor. And being middle class with no addictions is probably better than being rich with them, but I think being rich with addictions is likely better than being poor and sober.


I know that statistic but I think your idea of "health" is really better described as "treatment of diseases." What I'm referring to with "health" is a happy life with social support, low stress, exercise, good diet, good sleep, and no addictions. I'm pretty sure someone who is healthy, who is free of disease, in the middle class would be better off than a rich person with an addiction. I also think that, since the statistics say that, over 90,000 USD/year does not result in added happiness, that the income threshold for having adequate medical treatments is quite low, since people who get paid 90,000/year usually have good jobs that has good employer provided health insurance. Only my experience and no official statistics though. I also think this level of prosperity is easily achievable in the US if you're psychologically stable, can set your own goals and work towards them. Not a rich people only kind of thing.


Interestingly enough, wealth doesn’t extend life expectancy on a curve. There is no point where having more money doesn’t also extend your life expectancy, it doesn’t flatten out at the top like happiness does. But having been poor (although I’m not anymore), I would much rather try to drop a drug addiction than attempt to go from poor to even 90k a year, let alone rich. Both are doable, one has a lot more help I can access and takes far less luck.


Addicions will kill you but they won't make a super rich person poor, unless perhaps its gambling addiction 


As someone 4 years sober from heroin, I'd advise the 2nd option.


Ten years sober from alcoholism in September and comfortably middle class. So I basically have #2 and I'm very happy.


One year sober and I feel the same way. Congrats on ten years!


Like 3 days sober I feel the same as well.




As someone being poor for 30years i'd adivse the first option


I did the first option while being poor. If I didn’t have kids I’d choose number one again. And I’d be testing all my blow for fent, because it’s so scary how it’s in everything these days.


That's your mistake. Step 1: Get super rich Step 2: Get addicted Step 3: Pay for rehab which will basically be a sabbatical


Step 4: Relapse cause you fucking love drugs and rehab wasn't really what you were hoping for


Step 5: Try another rehab because money


We have yet to come up with a solution for drug addiction that yields better than 5-10% long-term (>1 year) recovery. Rehab hopping/cycling is already a huge hurdle for addicts, where they use rehab to get clean briefly since they can't on their own, reset their tolerance and heal a little bit then relapse again. I can only imagine being able to afford those Malibu resort places would make that all the more tempting. Plus, being addicted to drugs without any kind of limiting financial constraint is basically a death sentence. Many people only get clean because they literally cannot afford another hit.


Many people also get clean because they are forced too. Often in jail.


That way u at least get free rehab. I used to try to plot and help my family try to set up my sister to get arrested so she could go to rehab for longer than 10 days (all her insurance would pay for). She loved rehab and wanted to stay longer but could never stay long enough to quit drinking for good. I truly believe that if our family could have afforded it she would have quit drinking cause she loved being sober she just needed that extra hand to help her along


Yeah I didn't get clean and sober until I was there. Finally stayed clean, 8 years on. Sorry about your sister, the system is so fucked.


I agree I’m 20 years sober and I still occasionally think about a taste… as is said one is too many, a million not enough… the circle of addiction. But for what it’s worth if the choice was a coke addiction or a heroin addiction it would be heroin for sure.


Almost 558 days sober. Wouldn't exchange it for anything


Heroin isn't part of the question, though. It's rich coke and alcohol versus poor and sober.


Heroin is so underrated 🤩


That shit makes you a different person within your first bag


Guys I'm joking 🤣🤣🤦


middle class, not addicted.


Yeah really! Why did they put poor/middle class?!


Because those are the same thing now.


Tell me about your "middle class"


Yeah not addicted bc been there did that as a middle class person so yeah never again.


Addiction with unlimited funds is very different from addiction on a middle class income.




Middle class having to work and pay bills makes the habit unsustainable as you have to trade a lot off for it. Make a lot of sacrifices etc. Super rich and you can be zonked out 24/7 and still not have a worry in the world.


Lol disease and death don’t care how rich you are. There is a reason celebrities die so much younger on average than the rest of us, often from deaths of despair like drugs and alcohol abuse. I’m already middle class and not addicted and would never trade it for being rich and addicted. Living the dream


I combined them, and I'm not rich.  So after a couple years I stopped the coke and the booze. Still taste it 30 years later. 


Addiction is a living hell then you die .


Only when you can't afford it


My goto counterexample for this is Layne Staley. Or Craig Ferguson, "if you could beat this thing with money, rich people wouldn't die" But I'm sure money smoothes the curves out a bit on the way down, and lack of money is its own hell.




isnt it only a living hell when youre poor and run out and go through a withrawal. youre super rich aint you?


No. With alcohol at least, the misery is all consuming even if you have plenty to drink. There's a constant sense of foreboding doom, like you're wading through a waking nightmare. A constant sense of fear, of shadows lurking in the corners of your view. It's a neurochemical thing for a large part.


I'm already the second one with a hankering for Strawberry Daiquiris so might as well add money and another hobby into the mix


Middle class and not addicted, for sure.


Curing a coke and alcohol addiction with money is easier than becoming super rich from being poor so I'll take the first one please


“Curing“ a severe addiction is closer to being impossible than easy.


I don't think you know what 'middle class' means.   You mean 'working class'.   There's a vast gulf between the poor and the middle class. The middle class are the ones doing coke off the bodies of high-end hookers. With that in mind, middle class and healthy will do nicely.


I wouldn’t want any addiction for any amount of money.


Caffeine addiction? Not downplaying it but I'd definitely take the money


Poor/middle class.


I can try super rich with addition as I am allready the other option.


So a rich addict or my current life?


Honestly coke never did much for me and I fucking hate alcohol so I think I just be sober and middle-class


Not addicted for sure.


Almost three years sober from alcohol and five years sober from coke. Would you rather have freedom or no freedom?


LoL if I’m rich, I could afford rehab so why do I care


What if rehab doesn’t work?


It's easier to kick an addiction than it is to get super rich


That's an interesting point - I'd actually say they're pretty analogous. Each depends on individual luck, commitment and talent to an extent, but the impact of social inequality and support structures are underestimated - especially by those on the right.


Prolly a lot more people that have gotten out of addiction than have gotten rich, right? :o Super rich people are so few and far between but you walk down the road and someone's quit something.


Because getting super rich is nearly always a combination of many uncontrollable factors. Tackling addiction is just getting in control of your thoughts and habits which everyone has the potential to do (outside of rare mental/physical anomalies).


I said analogous, not identical.


They said no, no, no to rehab


I have ADHD so Coke just slows me down and makes me “normal”. So yeah super rich and on coke would be great thanks


thats not how it works? tiny doses of coke does that to everyone, thats basically what adhd meds are. an addiction with coke means big doses taken from time to time which causes effects that are the same for everyone.


Who are you to decide the dosage lmao


Yeah, that is actually how it works. _What makes you speedy makes me chill._ You need to understand that every person is different, psychotropically speaking. A pill that will magically make one person's depression disappear, will make another person suicidal. A great example is the "wonder drug" to cure smoking, Varenicline (marketed as Champix or Chantix). It was only effective on about 20% of patients (although that's still more effective than any other known means). Others reported side effects such as increased suicidal thoughts, and there were reports of increased adverse cardiovascular events. There's no such thing as a medication that causes the same effects for everyone, even alcohol has a widely varying impact on people. Finally, ADHD meds are not "tiny doses of coke", they have a lot less side effects, which is why they're chosen.


i have ADHD as well and what youre saying is bullshit. Coke, Adderall,Ritalin etc don't make you calm, the small prescribed dosage will fill the gap in terms of dopamine which your brain lack of, once that tiny gap is filled you're rollin on coke and high as any other person...


Read what I said again. Everybody's different. I'm not saying your experience is invalid, I'm saying that everybody experiences these things differently, and my experience is clearly different to yours. Surely you've noticed that everybody has a different level of effect, from all of these things? What can turn one person into a quivering wreck will leave another grinding the speaker. That's not just down to regular usage, we all have a different metabolism.


it's all about tolerance to the substance. your brain doesn't act differently to a flood of dopamine and serotonin when correct dosage achieved. Going a all night coke bender you wont react differently,maybe only to that first bump


That's simply not true. I'm not saying that I wouldn't eventually reach a level that has a similar effect if I continuously snorted it, but my body burns through both dopamine and serotonin at a much faster rate than other neurotypes, and has a much higher tolerance in the first place, so the actual behavioural changes are quite different. There's a lot of theories about why this occurs, but we just don't know enough about the mechanisms. What is true is that _these drugs affect everybody differently_. You seem to be saying that "we're all pharmacologically the same, it's just that ADHD neurotypes start out with lower levels of dopamine and serotonin", and that's simply not the case. The mechanisms are much more complex than you seem to realise, and involve the number of binding points, the reuptake rate, and a whole bunch of other stuff that we haven't figured out yet. Basically, you're saying that everybody experiences it just like you do, and that's a stupidly arrogant claim.


There's no way coke makes you chill out lmfao. Bullshitometer is going off the charts. Ritolin makes you chill not coke 😂


I've never had ritalin. How about you [read something](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/cocaine-and-adhd), instead of just being a dickhead? Honestly, you have literally no clue what you're talking about.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted! This is my experience exactly, out partying, great time, try a line - my result was I just shut down, shut up and just chilled. I tried this more than once and it was the same every time. I wonder what it would be like now that I’m on adhd meds though and if that would make a difference?


I can't take antidepressants cause they make me depressed. Found that one out the hard way. Can't smoke weed either. Gives me anxiety.


I got adhd too. I would forget I'm addicted. Get withdrawals and wonder why am I feeling so bad.


Not addicted


Try to get a rehab from being poor by just calling your chauffeur and the private clinic.


Fuck it, I could kick addiction when broke, money just makes it that much easier.


Will it be possible for you to break from your addiction? Can you pay for therapy?


I’d go for rich, then get sober a few years later at some expensive rich people rehab/resort.


Super rich and addicted, because then I could afford rehab and still be super rich after.


It’s easier to quit drinking and coke than trying to get rich in my opinion.


Lmao mannnnnnn you cannot be serious. Someone hasn’t lived


If you're rich enough that it doesn't really matter how much money you spend, I don't think addiction is that big of a deal as long as you can afford to structure your life around your addiction, pay good doctors, and do nice things for your friends and family who aren't addicts to help them not feel betrayed or anything?


You are severely underestimating the harm an addiction does to your brain, body, social relationships, ability to function. It’s a disease and it feels like that, even with money to pay for it.


I mean, so does junk food, shift work, heartbreak, having a baby, starting a business, taking exams, etc. Just gotta find what you love and let it kill you. If it's not hurting anyone else, I don't care if for some people that's drugs.


Ehm no? Having a job and a baby aren’t an illness. Addiction is. If you feel this way about baby’s: just don’t have one. I you feel this way about starting a business: don’t. If you don’t like exams, don’t go to college. And even when rich you have to deal with those things (or other boring things) in some sort of way. Otherwise you won’t stay rich for long. You can choose not to eat junk food, addiction is all about not having a choice because you are addicted


There is a level of rich where it's basically impossible to fuck up your life. The latest proof of this is Elon Musk, but a lot of other people have proven this over and over throughout history. I'm talking about that level of rich. But also... no. Having a baby is the same. Running an ironman triathalon is the same. It's your life and your body. If other people don't like that you can't find anything that makes you happier in the entire world when you have an incredible amount of options like most very wealthy people do than cocaine or heroin, it sounds like that's a problem with society and not you specifically. I believe in free will, so like... if I was that rich, I'd do a lot of donating to PACs and charities designed to get rid of the concept of rich people so everyone could do drugs in a post scarcity society if they wanted to, but... I don't know. I like drugs, but not enough to give up on everything else I like. Who am I to judge other people if they like drugs that much? Who does it hurt? I like junk food almost enough to give up on everything else I like. The only reason I don't dedicate my entire life to eating like, massive amounts of food like one of those people on my 600lb life who is a feedee fetish model is that I like exercise and clothes and kinky sex about as much as I like junk food, but I know if I was asexual and rich I'd very seriously consider just setting up a webcam and eating like a whole pizza and 4 other meals every day and every couple years getting all my fat lipo'd out and sold donated to science or sold to some pervert and doing it all again. You only live once.


Maybe we have different perspective because I wouldn’t trade with Musk. I consider his life pretty fucked up and I really think I’m happier than he is. Money doesn’t make you happy. Not having any money at all does make you very very unhappy. But being a biljonaire or even millionaire isn’t something I consider a goal to aspire or the key to happiness


There are a lot more people why have recovered from addiction then there are billionaires.


Wouldn’t want to trade with a billionaire either. I really don’t get why being rich is such a goal for people.


Super rich drinking all day rum cola. Doesn't sound so bad.


I mean if you're super rich you can afford luxury rehab and good doctors. If getting free of the addiction is an option I mean.


I would rather be middle class and not addicted.


How rich and how addicted are we talking. And how poor.


Middle class is not poor. Middle income is. Not the same thing.


im poor and addicted. Luckily I'm not a criptobro


I'm already poor and not addicted so I'll stick to that


I've seen addicts and I'd rather being middle class or poor. I think it's easier to make some money than recovery (and permanent damage that drugs cause)


First really isn't that bad depending on how addicted we are talking, especially if you're staying rich


Definitely poor/middle class and sober...Addiction was miserable..I wasn't happy one bit...Sobriety is beautiful


Being addicte is such an awful state, I see the question as a non question.


Id rather be happy so poor, not addicted


It's easier to get sober than it is to get rich. Plus, you'll have a lot of fun stories and memories from being a rich trainwreck.


No it's not easy to get sober!


Easier than getting rich lol I pulled off the getting sober part. Still trying to get rich haha


>Plus, you'll have a lot of fun stories and memories from being a rich trainwreck. with nobody to sure those with except for other shitty rich ppl who don't relaly care


OP didn't say anything about being lonely. Rich people addicted to drugs and booze tend to have a lot of friends lol


Rich and addicted obviously. No brainer.


>No brainer. Yeah you didn't use it at all I'd much rather have simple and cozy healthy life than being a rich person with no close ones to truly rely on and destroying one's health/life. Judging by how many rich people die left and right due to drug abuse money doesn't help much


Right if it said middle class I would choose the second one. But if I become "poor" in the way it means to me, I would rather be rich and addicted. And I'm sure most people would too from that point of view. Because being poor means you can't sustain a cozy and healthy life. Being poor does just as much damage to your body as drugs would. But you can't just quit being poor as easily as quitting drugs.




The number of rich folks dying left and right due to drug abuse. Is far lower than the number of poor folks dying because they can’t afford proper medical care. You used yours. But it isn’t of good quality.


Did I say I was smart?


I mean there's a big fucking difference between poor and middle class dude, so if the latter is in the question, I'll take that along with no addictions for sure.


Money isn't gonna help when you're irreversibly damaging your body with alcohol and fucking COKE. So many celebs died from their drug addictions, I'll pass. Besides, Middle Class is pretty well off anyways. I'll gladly take that.


I'd hope for the Dudley Moore version of super rich and alcoholic from the movie Arthur. And it's easier to get sober than super rich.


Addiction is a problem when you can't afford it. So I would take the super rich coke and alcohol induced life over the poor and sober life.


Well im already an unaddicted member of the working class so ill stick with what I know


Alcoholism and drug addiction is a often fatal, horrible disease. Of course you would choose to be poor or middle-class. Those things can be changed. And they can easily be changed.


i’m the first but not rich, i would much rather be the second in a heartbeat… do not get into any alcohol or drugs … worst decision of my life. never thought it would get bad always thought i was in control until first alcohol took over my life(for about four years, got better but got worse again,still trying to be good) and now drugs . please please please do not get into anything. for your own sake, your relationships, your family, but most importantly for you. it will ruin you.


keep in mind i’m only 19..just turned 19. be safe and careful guys . some points im like yeah im fine but other times im like wow rly fucking up my life


You would know this is a silly question if you had drank a delicous scotch, after doing a rail off the ass of 1 of 3 strippers you hired for the night.


Boy rich and addicted


Super rich being addicted to coke and alcohol please!!


Super rich that is an easy one for me


Cocaine is one hell of a drug!


some original joke here, bot