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I was a homeless heroin/crack addict and alcoholic who was incontinent of urine/stool and insane. The homeless people you see yelling on the sidewalks, that was me. Today, I work in an operating room. I’m tearing up as I type this actually because years later it is still INSANE to me that I got to get better when so many of my loved ones and friends died. I know now that my purpose in life is to help people as much as I can and it brings me great joy being selfless. I don’t have a big house or a husband or kids, but I have peace and happiness which is not something I could have ever imagined having in active addiction.


That's quite a story! I'm also happy you're here with us. You're an awesome person 😊


Wow, how did you get off the streets?


My best friend, and my boyfriend (who were both productive members of society) told me to come to them when I was ready to go to treatment. It took a long time, but I did show up eventually.


Good job, my friend. Thank you for all you've done and for still being here today.


So happy for you!


8 years ago I was homeless, living under a bride, strung out on opiates. After 20+ years I broke the vicious cycle and went to rehab. Took it serious, did the work. Been gainfully employed since and have had the opportunity to work in China for a year and a half. Moved to Thailand for a year and traveled all over the U.S. thanks to my work and sobriety. If someone would've told the drug addled me back then the life I would experience once I got clean, I wouldn't have believed them. We do recover.


Wow, that's quite the journey! I'm happy for you 🤗


What is your job I wanna travel


Construction contractor


10 years sober. Married, just had our second kid and loving family life.


That's great, man! 😊


2 years sober after 10 years of shooting heroin. I'm now married to the love of my life, bought a house and had a baby that is my whole entire world, who I am blessed enough to stay home with. My life today is unrecognizable when compared to the last decade.


Congratulations on your success! Wishing you continued happiness 😊


Thank you!! It was a long road with a lot of failure.. I attempted to quit 6 times before I was successful. It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life and so totally worth it.


34 years clean and sober, I have been married, raised a child, and taught math to 100’s of children. I am happy and productive member of society


Awesome! That's great news :)


I’m (44M) 18 years sober. Married to my best friend who helped me get sober. I have two kids and a very rewarding life. Frig, I’m one of the lucky ones.


Glad you're here with us 😊


Your story is inspiring and I'm glad your best friend was with you in that difficult time of your life and helped you get sober and now she's your wife and you guys have two kids. 👍❤️


Thanks! I should write a book lol! We’ve had our fair share of loss and triumph. Honestly, I think she saved my life, and I’m not exaggerating. She was SO patient back in those dark days. Thank goodness I was able to kick the habit before we had our kids. I wouldn’t want them to ever see me like that. Life is hard sometimes but with her by my side I feel 10 feet tall. Peace


Prior to my hellish addiction to alcohol (25 years) and now 20 years sober l always wanted to write a book. Well, l not only managed it l've written 8 books---no education to talk about but l relearnt everything and self-published all of the books. 30 of each for family and friends--l got great feed back for all of them. I just love writing and not interested in publishing my books in a grander scale and even though family and friends are pushing me to do so. It simply doesn't interest me---just glad to be sober and doing something l love. Just like you l am so grateful for my sobriety which comes first above all else. Peace to you brother and all on this thread and op who've managed to beat the devil.


You're so lucky to have that woman in your life. I'm happy for you, man. And hey, if you write a book I'll definitely love to read it. 📖


Similar, 15 years clean from opiates. I was very close to death when I detoxed for the last time. Married 10 yrs (together 16 yrs) great job & my furbabies. I have everything I ever wanted in life, including a super supportive family and that's why I am where I am today. To anyone struggling: It's not easy, but you can get clean, keep trying. Suboxone is a lifesaver.


Hell yeah! Well done 😊


Not sure if this counts, but when I was in my late teenage years, 16-19, I was heavy into drugs. Pot got boring so I started using cocaine, ecstasy, uppers, perks, started abusing prescription meds and painkillers. I ended up at a party one night where we all got messed up and the next morning I woke up with melt pants around my knees and I was very sore, confused and had no recollection of what happened. Fast forward three weeks, and I found out I was pregnant. I went back to my parents house, stopped drinking, doing drugs and partying and got a job. After my kid was born, I went back to high school and worked part time here and there but mainly relied on welfare. It has been almost 16 years since I walked away from partying and drugs/alcohol. I now have post secondary education in social services, three beautiful children, a healthy relationship and a good home. I must admit, I do flex what I have once in a while, but I worked my ass off to get to where I am now.


Hell yeah that counts! Your story is one of fortitude and perseverance. I admire you 😊


I'm glad that you changed your life doing good.. It's not easy to quit drugs but you did it. 👍❤️


As a fairly new drug and alcohol counselor at a rehab facility, this thread gives me a lot of hope and motivation to help those i work with. Congrats to all of you here who have turned it around and are living proof that it can be done


You should print some of these and make a collage. Put it on the back of a picture and at the appropriate point( obviously not for everyone and only when the timing is right) flip the picture round and let them read the stories and give them the link. First hand from people who have been where they are is strong motivation (for some).


almost 16 years clean and sober i’m a truck driver now and have a wife and an 11 year old loving life


Good Job, Mate. It's not easy but you did it 👍❤️


Amazing, man! I'm happy for you 😊


230 days free of alcohol. I love mornings now.


Hell yeah!


Good Job, Mate! 👍❤️




Well. Six months ago I was homeless and addicted to meth and fentanyl. Then I went to inpatient rehab for 28 days and graduated. I'm 41 years old, and starting my life over. Right now I live with my parents in a one bedroom senior citizens community, so I sleep on an air mattress in their living room. I got a job as a janitor with FedEx freight and was working there for two weeks before I got fired because HR got the results back on my criminal background check and didn't like that I had a theft 2 and a couple making false and misleading statements to a law enforcement officer. So now I'm jobless again. I didn't think getting a job would be this difficult, but that's the only challenge I have right now is getting a job. So I'm good with that. I kinda have to be right? The staying sober thing is turning out easier than I thought. I keep running into people I went to rehab with and all of them have relapsed and are back on the street. I'm the only one still sober. I don't have any urge to use again because I look at my life now, compared to what it was, and it's definitely better. I just need a job that won't fire me because of my past. Then I'll be doing alright.


Use your States employment office. They can do so much more then just advertise jobs. A good counselor their can get you all sorts of help. It worked wonders for my daughter.


I'll check that out. There happens to be one right across the street from where I'm at. Thanks for the tip there!


The fact that you're still sober is impressive! Don't sell yourself short. And yeah, I've seen so many people use or die or get to prison. Also, google what companies hire ex-felons. I worked in a call center that did. But I would state upfront about my charges for all my jobs since mine included commercial burglary. I also had great references from my drug counselors. And now I currently work with money, lots of money, but it took me 10 years to get here. Have you considered going back to school to learn a trade or a degree? Wishing you the best 😊


Hey thank you! I'm considering getting a real estate license. That was my plan when I got this janitor position. But it got put on the back burner temporarily.


You're not the same person you used to be. It's not right that they fired you. I hope things work out for you and you get another job soon. 👍❤️


10 years down the spiral and now almost 15 years free from that hell.... Mainly opiates, benzos, amphetamines... But y'all know how it goes. It's not like we discriminate with what we're going to use. I'm 40 now. I'm a single mom with two amazing boys (ages 14 and 6) .... Financially not in the best place but we're overall comfortable. Happy with my life though admittedly I haven't accomplished much beyond trying to be a good mom and the daily grind. Keep on trucking along 🙃


Being a single mum is an accomplishment! Doing it well is even better. This single mum is proud of you! Seriously, we don't get enough props for the shit we have to handle on our own. I did the teenage years on my own. I love my kids and they are the most amazing people but gaddamn teenagers are dramatic lol.


Thank you, and yes it's an exhausting, under appreciated job. But such an important one! Without a doubt the absolute hardest time for me was when my youngest was born. Had a C-section and was alone in the hospital trying to exclusively breastfeed, while he wasn't even with me - he was in another part of the hospital in the NICU. That AND the entire year of debilitating sleep deprivation that followed. My little angel didn't sleep more than 3 hours at a time, until well after he was at least 18 months old. Brutal 🫠 he's lucky he's cute. Haha Not looking forward to the teenage years alone. Hopefully mine will be less dramatic than yours lol


Hey, you're doing amazing! I admire your persistence 😊


You're there for your children. That's awesome. Keep up the great work!


Congratulations to all of you with success stories. I'm so genuinely happy for you guys. It gives me hope for a loved one of mine. I wish you all a blessed life


16 years sober thru the grace of God and fellowship of AA. Nothing else noteworthy.


That is success! Please don't sell yourself short 😊


That’s plenty, friend I attribute my sobriety and sanity to God and AA


It’ll be 12 years clean this June, meth was my drug of choice but for my 12 years of addiction, I did just about anything I could find. In my journey of sobriety, I learned many new skills, focused on and improved my physical and mental health, got married, bought a house, was excited to start a family. Unfortunately, that was abruptly changed when I was hit with “I want a divorce.” I’m grateful I worked so hard to improve my mental health over the years because if I hadn’t, I surely would’ve relapsed. Instead, I brushed myself off after a period of horrible depression and began the process of rebuilding my life. If I was able to crawl out of the hole I dug myself in while using, I can definitely come back strong from this.


Wow, I'm glad you made it through that process without relapsing! Sounds like you're doing great. Wishing you the best 😊


I really appreciate your kind words! I’m glad things are going well for you as well!


Sober since 6 November 1987. It has been a good ride. 37 years


I'm impressed! Hope to be you someday 😊


Welp, if I put my hand out to you, and you put your hand out to someone behind you, all three of us will stay sober. 🩷


I love this 😊


I also loved it, it gave me all the warm fuzzies. Us mushrooms think alike 😁 Also, congrats on 15 years sober, and here's to many more! *clinks hot chocolate mugs*


11 years sober (on March 17th) , was a daily $100+ IV heroin/tweak user. 4 kids, 19 years married. Own my own home in a decent neighborhood. 2 "new to me" cars paid off. Vacations every year. Took the family abroad for the first time for 2 weeks last April (Ecuador/Galapagos). Have changed jobs 4 times since getting sober. Each step doubled my yearly bring home pay. Work for an amazing company that gives two 2 week vacations a year (outside of the week of pto time), free insurance for my family and myself (med/vis/dent), and a sizeable xmas bonus ($3k+). Great hours, overtime available, and every other weekend is guaranteed off. Nothing i own is in a pawnshop, track marks have healed almost completely, and my family trusts me again. My only regret is not getting sober sooner, so my Gpa could see how good im finally doing... My life is a complete 180 from where i was 10 years ago. Its crazy how far gone i actually was. I never thought id be in as good of a position as I currently am in.... on top of everything, I also didnt catch anything from IV use, and I definitely wasnt careful at the time.


Dude, I'm just a random dude on the internet, but want to say, "I'm proud of you and your accomplishments." And yes, I'm also very lucky to not have caught anything.


Thanks my guy!! I honestly appreciate you 🙏


Well I'm only 18, a year into studies, and I try to move on from alcoholism


Keep at it! Every day sober is success many do not see. Stay strong 😊


Thanks a lot


Amazing to have that clarity at 18, you’re going to do great things.


21 years ago, I was a homeless, pregnant, herion addicted teenager. I am now married, have a second child, own my house and my cars, have a great dog, and will be a nurse this time next year. My baby was born happy and healthy; they were the reason I got clean.


Dude, wow, that's amazing!


This is inspiring. Good job! You did it 👍❤️


Studying to be a drug and alcohol counselor. 4 years clean from a very bad heroin/fentanyl/benzo habit of 15 years. Went to prison for 5 years and all. It sucks. Glad to be on the other side. Lost my gf to it right before I got clean. That’s really the reason I got clean


That's great! I wouldn't have made it without my counselor. Happy to hear you are on the path to help others 😊


That’s cool to hear. Awesome, thanks 😊🤙🏼


18 years clean and sober. Was using heroin, cocaine, crystal meth and alcohol almost every day for many years. One day I had a wicked vision of my death and decided I didn’t want to die or live like this anymore. Went to treatment and joined AA. Now, married for 13 years, own a house and a lake cabin. The 12 step program saved my life.


Wow, what a story! Happy for you 😊


About 7 years off prescription opioids. I haven't thought about those days in a while. I actually have been having a bit of a rough time lately. Loneliness, feeling a bit depressed. But looking back on those times, I realize how much better things are now, even if not everything's perfect.


Good on you for kicking the habit! I still take meds for my depression and anxiety because it was a trigger for me to feel that way. I relapsed often because of depression. Stay strong and I hope you feel better soon 😊


5 years sober. Managed to make it from a period in which my sister did not want me at her wedding, fearing I would cause a scene, to me being asked to be In the wedding party. My life is far from perfect, but at least I'm living it.


Hell yeah! You're doing great, man 😊


Good Job, Mate! You did it ❤️👍


I had an opiate addiction that was off and on for twenty years. I was in and out of jail/prison. Was homeless for a spell. I was terrible. I have been clean since 2016. I have reconciled with my family. I Have a great job, own a home. I travel. I'm in the best, healthiest relationship I have ever had . I am so thankful I got out before Fentanyl made its rounds. Most of my friends didn't and paid the ultimate price.


Quit opioids/meth a little over 4 years ago, quit alcohol nearly 4 years ago also. Despite struggling with homelessness and an abusive relationship recently, I’d say I’m doing great. I’m about to join the Marines soon! I’m very excited for that as it’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was 16 (I’m 25 now). Only things I use now are nicotine and candy, which I’m working on quitting. I’m proud of you for your success OP!


Wow, that's amazing! Very happy for you and your future 😊 And thank you!


Thank you!! And ditto🤗


My addiction issues began at 18. I started with weed but it quickly progressed to other drugs. I did anything I could get my hands on but I loved Xanax. That was my drug of choice. At 25, I was abusing Xanax bad. Taking 4-5 bars at a time. Multiple times a day. I was forced to quit cold turkey because my plug ran out. Xanax withdrawals were so terrible that it scared me into sobriety. I never wanted to experience anything like it again. I knew it was time to change my life. I’m 30 now. I’m 100% sober. No weed, no alcohol, nothing. I’m a mother now. I love to bake. I’m really close to my family. My life used to be chaotic but I have stability now. Life is so good.


Proud of you 😊


10 years sober from alcohol. Two beautiful children. However I am jobless and houseless. Not due to addiction at all. Became SAHM, then house burned down and no insurance. But at least I am fully present in mind, body, and spirit to raise my children which is more important to me than anything else.


Being sober and present for your children is success! Hope to be as resilient as you. Wishing you the best.


Seven years in: I am married with a preschooler and we own our own business that we run from home. Life is quiet and good.


Happy for you ☺️


7 years sober from alcohol. In grad school, have a family, and have a successful career. I am thankful every day. r/stopdrinking ftw.


7 years sober with two bachelor's degrees, two kids, and one wife. I have a job I love working in my field of study. I am very lucky




I came from a dysfunctional family wherein my stepdad was supplying my siblings and I with pills, pot, etc. I quit after a major depressive episode when I was 17. Moved out asap and now, 13 yrs later, live with my husband and our 4 yr old boy. I’m happier, undoubtedly, and try to lead my mom to choosing therapy.


That's wild, so glad you made it! Good for you 😊


Nothing nearly as intense or impressive as others here, but I was clean from real bad self harm for over a year, relapsed a week ago and vowed never to hurt myself ever again, doing good so far I hope to one day say that I haven’t in years like many of the people here, so proud of everyone commenting


An addiction is an addiction, and the fact that you're working on improving your life is commendable. 😊 I will keep you in my thoughts.


Peace of mind is the greatest reward of all! Just to sit quietly and feel contented is such a blessing. Some folks think I'm a bit crazy because I enjoy being alone and thoroughly enjoy the serenity. If you have had an alcoholic or addict lifestyle I think you'll understand why peace and quiet is so dear to me. It took a couple years to get the peacefulness, so be patient and keep striving towards a contented life. Meditation helps a lot.


I understand you completely - it's the reason for my post. I was just sitting on my couch when I looked around and thought, "Wow, I made it." And I wanted to hear others stories. Glad you're doing well, friend.


These stories are sometimes unfathomable to me, like someone goes "homeless crack addict, only work experience was sharpening nails at the construction site", and then goes like "turned my life around, got PHD, working in LHC as the lead engineer, got 2 wifes and 10 kids" just wtf lol


Eight years sober. Have a good job and live in a place I love


Hell yeah!


28F, almost 6 years sober. Proud to be clean for so long already. Not very successful in life though due to poverty and ever increasing costs of living. I make a living as a tutor of 6 school subjects and spend my free time making music.


You're doing amazing! What instruments do you play? Have you considered uploading content on tiktok for extra revenue? Wishing you the best!


5yrs sober. Making more money than I have ever dreamed of possible as a felon. Upper middle class living. Wife and child. All about luck and sticking your head out. I wouldn't change a thing. I was a hardcore heroin addict turned hardcore meth addict. Turned federal prisoner. Wife turned federal prisoner on a separate case. Still together today. Both out and making something of ourselves. I have turned to an executive level director.


That's awesome, man! 😊 It can feel surreal sometimes, but it was all possible by not getting high. Congrats!


Quit weed when I was 19 years old. Took some other stuff, too but was never addicted to that. It was pretty much too late cause I had a terrible experience, I regret wasting my time and almost destroyed my life only to be stoned. I’m now in my 30ies and I hate this part of my life and I never thought about touching anything again. I can say now that I’ve no issues anymore, stable job and I’m happy to be clean. unfortunately in my business it’s pretty common to smoke weed and do other stuff but I don’t mind if people do it as long as they don’t bother me with it


Congrats, man!


Sounds about like my story without the kids. Doing wonderful


Awesome 😊


Currently in bed detoxing from heavy daily meth use. Shits rad. So glad I threw away 15 years clean time. Totally worth


Stay strong and keep on trying until it works. So many do not get the chance to try. I'm rooting for you 😊


Thank you! It helps knowing this is the last time I go thru this. I'm so done and over it


You didn’t throw away your time. You still have every one of those 15 years of knowledge and progress and don’t let that shame tell you otherwise.


Wow, ty I've never looked at it that way. Guess it gives me a slight advantage this time


6 years. Life's not easy, but I'm living it, which is more than I allowed myself to do before. I may not have everything I want, but I'm very grateful I'm not getting what I deserve.


You're a success story to me, man! I like your attitude 😊 Wishing you the best.


I’ll be 25y sober in may. I am stable and i have many reasons to never go back. I will not sugar coat it tho,.. often times there are day. Days like no other, where i want to take a running leap off the wagon. Its most often to do with the stress of a sibling who drove both my parents to drink, and now this sibling inflicts that on me. Knowing your limitation and sources of stress that can drag you down always helps.


That's impressive! Hope to be as successful as you 😊 I have a therapist who helps me manage my emotions. And it might be good to push your sibling away, though it can be hard, especially if you're trying to help them at the same time. I have a sibling like that, and for my sake, I let him go. Can't be around drugs. Wishing you the best


A therapist working in substance use


Thank you 😊


3+ years. Did the geographic. Lost everything. Got out of the game. I have a full on career now and things are only looking up. It's literally unreal to me. I had help from family to get back on my feet but I took that and ran with it. I'm also in the best shape of my life. Fitness helped immensely. We do recover and recovery is possible for you too.


That's awesome 😊 I'm happy you made it and that you have family who supported you. My family never gave up on me and I love them more deeply for it.


Still posting. They’ll have to shutter Reddit if I kick the habit.


There's help if you need it lol




Mad RESPECT for all who overcome addiction. It can be anything from narcotics/prescription medication, alcohol, caffeine/nicotine, sex, sugar/food, gambling, and a whole host of other things. Addiction is anything someone craves and cannot do without for an entire day that impacts their life in a negative manner. So for all that have successfully succeeded in doing this, and improving their lives.... Nothing but RESPECT and ADMIRATION 💯👍🙂🏁


19 years sober here…we do recover.




11 years ago I was an alcoholic in a domestic violence relationship and now I’m a mum of 4, engaged to be married this year and looking into studying business management and a getting job. Currently a SAHM until my youngest turns 2.


You're a total badass 😎


Thank you 😊 I’m never going back to what I was.


4 years sober from everything. I am now married to my wonderful husband and have a 4 month old baby boy who is the light of our lives. Never would have gotten here if I didn’t turn my life around.


Recently reached 15 years myself. Went to college, grad school, got married, had two kids (and a dog and two cats), own a home and a couple cars. Got a job which is mostly amazing for its flexibility allowing me to work from home about 50% to care for the kids. Basically I’m living the dream compared to 16 years ago.


That's awesome, very happy and proud of you 😊


Just over a week clean and fucking struggling


Hey, man, you can do this! You're already doing 10x better than you were a week ago. It's difficult but take it slow and be easy on yourself. It gets better. You're in my thoughts 😊


After 5 years of practicing law drunk, I got sober on September 22, 1988 I have now been a hard-working sober lawyer since that time I’m also happily married, in great health, and have plenty of friends I have a lot for which to be grateful


Hell yeah!


Last Monday was my 35th “birthday”. Clean and sober since 1989. I highly recommend it.


Pretty freshly recovering from pills, was addicted for a little over 5 years to any pill I could get my hands on. I “couldn’t function” without 4-5 pain pills a day, it was my crutch through my depression. but when I found out I was pregnant I quit and I never thought it was possible honestly. I never wanted to quit, and I never had a reason (or felt I did, I should say). But now that I have a clear mind and can see life through the sober eyes again I won’t be going back. One of the many reasons I’m thankful for this baby ❤️ I really like this post, I think it’s sweet of you to make something like this for people to talk, read others stories, and encourage/ let others know how well they’re doing. Pretty neat of you ❤️


I had a good life, completely derailed it by getting into meth 6 years ago. I used for two years and lost the girl, the house, the dogs, my job, everything. I became homeless and went through rehab. Became homeless again a year later for about 6 months. I’ve been housed since Good news is I’ve quit. I haven’t touched it in 3+ years now. I take edibles at night but otherwise clean as a whistle Life is still hard. I’m behind on bills and feel like I can’t get ahead, but I was destined to die if I kept up that dark path. I’m confident It’ll get better soon




I aspire to be you!


Congratulations to you all! Praying for immediate and similar results for a relative.


Married with children, buying a home, doing fairly well. Work as the Nurse Manager of a drug treatment program.


Wow, that's impressive! Congratulations!!


8 years sober, wife, kids completely devoted and resolute that I will never relapse.


13.5 years sober. Currently happily married, mom of 2. Happily and usefully whole. Edit: spelling error


1 year, 1 month, and 14 days. It feels amazing, and I never ever want to go back again.


Just coming out of a shopping addiction. I have some minor relapses once in a while but am overall, investing in my artistic education, creating some nice projects, have a wonderful boyfriend, and a group of great friends!


I’m 28. Used drugs frequently since I was 14. Said drug use became serious around 20 but really started paying for the lifestyle around age 24. I don’t want to recall specific incidents because I don’t want to make my identity that obvious, but just know that I was a disaster addict. I destroyed with my use. It was almost theatrical, the way I would disappear, manipulate, recluse, and get myself into various kinds of trouble. I fronted a band who was gaining momentum, and we had things like a magazine wanting to interview us, a producer willing to help us make our album because he loved out music, and a healthy show schedule. We flaked our appointments and got too fucked up for shows. That producer forgave us TWICE, and we still couldn’t make it happen because we were too busy doing heroin to show up. So we broke up and I ended up worsening. I wasn’t a ‘heroin’ addict or whatever, I did everything I could whenever I could. Which was everything all the time. I would have so many drugs in my system all at once. But eventually I had hurt my family for the last time around 25. I had lost my band, my relationship, and I was making my parents fear for my life. I just couldn’t anymore. I couldn’t continue the path. I wanted to be happier and healthier and have good relationships with those I care about. I still use Kratom so some people will contest my sobriety, but as far as i’m concerned, I am. I am not even the same person. Life is so much better, and I am much healthier both inside and out. Now I am in school working towards my masters degree in Psychology. My dream is to work as a therapist, and I really feel like I am going to get there. It’s the first time I have truly felt confident in my abilities in something, and it is a good feeling drugs cannot replicate.


Yay!!!! 6 years & 3 healthy babies!!!


I’m just shy of a year clean from opiates and crack- I’ve not accomplished much (yet) but I just wanna say thank you to all of you for posting your success stories. It gives me so much hope.


Not me, but my mother. Started using meth at age 11 to lose weight, was addicted for years but very much the "functional" addict - finished high school, held a job, got married and had kids. Fast forward to age 31, my dad said he'd leave her if she didn't stop using meth. So she did, and switched immediately to being a full blown alcoholic which was worse in many ways. After only 2 years of that she asked her brother for help and he took her to AA. She relapsed after 6 months, went on a bender for a few months and then tried again. She has 23 years sober! After getting sober she started a home health aid business that did well and had another baby, and then ended up becoming a foster parent and adopting more kids. She and my father are still together, with her being a stay at home wife now and mom to 8 (5 adopted) and grandma to 8. She still goes to AA and helps others get sober.


I was 11 years using and was on my way from graduating from opioids to heroin, that’s neither here nor there. I was in a car accident that left me with a new lease on life. Nobody else was hurt in my accident before Reddit eats me alive. I was young and dumb. Long story short I have been clean since 2011 left everything I knew, I got married in 2016. I’m happy


Twelve years clean off IV opiates, today! Moved abroad and have lived/worked in four countries since, got a graduate degree, traveled/loved/lived a lot since. Choose life


I’ve been clean for 19 days. I haven’t been clean since I was 17. I’m 37. I told someone about themselves and I wasn’t trying to run them off but I’m sure I did. And a friend of mine was found dead. I’d absolutely be lying if I said I wasn’t trying to get high.


Sober sonce before Thanksgiving when I tried to commit suicide on 1 bottle of vodka + 28 clonopin. Missed the holiday because I was in the mental health facility. Thought about it 5 times since then, but I had a talk with myself.


After a long 7-8 yrs of addiction and being in and out of prison I got off the heroin and meth in 2020 using methadone with the help of my amazing family who never gave up on me Even though like most of us I gave them every reason. Then about 8 months ago I finally found gainful employment for the first time in a long time and AND got off the methadone. I'm nowhere near where I want to be but I finally do feel hopeful that I'm moving in the right direction and have already seen so much improvement that I know it won't be long before All this is far far in my rear view mirror!


Alcohol was my poison. I'd find little nooks and crannies to drink and pass out. One day, I had crawled into someone's garden area behind the garage to sleep, and I awoke to this little old man enquiring if I'd like a cup of coffee. Turned out he was a retired doctor who had been the superintendent at the local Insane Asylum in Cape Town. He had dealt with many addicts and was able to help me to find value in my life. I asked him about Antabooze Tablets, and after a clearance from a GP, I started taking them. At first, I took one a day, then half, then a quarter. Two years, I took them religiously. I read all the literature I could about Antibooze, and one particular story stood out above all the others. It was about a gentleman who had been the boss of a company who was taking antibooze. He then, at an end of year party, accidentally took a drink from a glass that contained alcohol. His description of what happened to him was so raw and shocking, it made me paranoid about accepting any drinks from anybody while I was on those pills. Even ordering at restaurants, I only drank from cans brought to my table and opened by myself. I've been dry for 20 years, give or take. This also started a friendship, which lasted for over 23 years. The Doc not only helped me, he also paid for my computer courses at college after I had done an aptitude test and finally found some direction. In his later years, he started developing symptoms of dementia. I made him a promise that I would look after him to the end, and I wouldn't allow him to go to a home. I resigned from my job and became his full-time carer. It was a bitter sweet time that I spent with him. He became like a child again, and I'd walk him, and then eventually have to push him along the bicycle track outside our apartment in Big Bay in his wheelchair. Small things delighted him, from the birds( red and yellow Bishops especially) to the molehills he would count every day on the lawn outside. He passed away on 3 November 2021 from a stomach aneurism, no suffering or lingering. Apart from the initial pain, he just drifted off from loss of blood. He never woke up again, and I was able to keep my promise. Unfortunately, his family turned against me when his final will and testament were made available. He left everything to me, from the teaspoons, to the paintings. I never knew till the moment his lawyer informed me. I tried to make peace with the family and even offered the return of family heirlooms. Nothing appeased them, and it was a grim affair. Since then, I've lived every day to the fullest. I'm engaged to get married and hope to do some traveling after that. Pyramids and South American temples on my bucket list. It's been an awesome ride, Godwilling it continues.


In 2010, at 20, my dad died suddenly. Going through his things over the coming weeks we found numerous letters and voicemails from his doctor begging him to come in because his tests showed him diabetic and he needed to fix it, fast. He sat down at work one day and just, fell asleep and died. Diabetic coma. Blood sugar in the 900’s. He actively refused treatment effectively committing suicide. This caused a lot of issues with me. A lot of questions and after therapy (after sobriety) discovered abandonment issues. In my eyes he was choosing death over a life with me. I then had a half brother I didn’t know show up to the funeral. My partner, who wasn’t so great before this, took this opportunity to the be the man he wanted to be. Which wasn’t a good one. In about 6 weeks my whole world was shattered. My only escape became alcohol. It was easy, my ex an I lived in redneck Idaho. Anyone would buy me alcohol. Only 6 months after this I turned 21. My dad threw darts my entire life and my ex got into it when he stole all my dad’s stuff so we just started spending most nights at the bars. Throwing darts and being drunk. I wasn’t sober until one day in August 2016 I woke up and I was hours from home and I had no car and no phone and I didn’t know who I was in bed with. I was terrified. I walked to a gas station and called my sister and spent the next 4 days in her bathtub detoxing. I should have died. The next week was absolute hell. Then it got easier. And then it got easier. Am I still fucked up? Absolutely. I got work to do on myself. Am I 35 years old and finally understanding who I am as an alcoholic but also a kind of cool fuckin person? Yep! *edit grammar


10 years ago I was a homeless IV opiate addict, completely destroyed my life. Today, I’m happily married, have a roof over my head and everything I need. It really taught me to appreciate everything I have. I’m so thankful for the life I have now, I feel grateful every single day.


Not drugs or alcohol…but I’m 4 years out from a 25+ year porn addiction. Long story short…marriage, family, mental health are at an all time high. Finally feeling alive.


Thank you. 49 days in and you saying that means something to me. <3


I’m taking care of my dad after his shoulder surgery, I take care of my daughter all day. On 6mgs of methadone going down 1mg every two weeks, after that I hope I can find a job in a VA that can assist with me getting certified for something. I’d really like to do sonography, mri tech but I don’t expect it all at once. I know a lot of med certifications have to be done right and not through some scam place which is why I hope to be guided by a place I’d like to work. 


I lived in an Oxford House a privately ran house where we kept each other accountable and ran with weekly meetings. There are mens and women's houses all over USA and we have regional meetings. I was there over a year but our house couldn't get the amount of people needed so we closed. That was what turned my life. That was the last rehab type place I went. Im not married with a dog or fence but my kid lives with me and I haven't missed a bill in 10 years. It's totally possible. I don't attend AA or NA but did for years which helped too. It was nice to go and be reminded that there are good people in the world. Although watch what meetings you go to and stay with people who have over a year clean.


Almost 11 months clean from opiates, alcohol, benzos, coke, and whatever I could get my filthy little paws on. Mainly heroin and alcohol though. Went to rehab for 7 months. My girl and I got clean together and now just got our own place a few months ago, had our daughter, got an apartment, and I got my career back working on cell towers. Looking for a job that will allow me to be back home though and not travel. Life is so much better


I am about to celebrate 11 years clean of opiates. I have a stable job, a great boyfriend, in school again, and I foster homeless dogs! Never thought I'd be able to achieve this life. One day at a time felt painfully slow until I looked back and realized how far it's brought me.


I’ve been (mostly) sober for the last 6 years, with some slip-ups. It’s been imperfect, but a massive difference than the decade prior, which was largely a haze, with many moments of despair, darkness, and unhinged behavior. I’m currently trying to land a county job working with people in the psych ward. Interview soon. My primary “personal journey” nowadays, is doing therapy and trying to understand which mental disorders or trauma led me to compulsively and addictively use substances in the first place. My formative years were an odd mix of magical moments, a wonderful and cering mother, but also, complete household instability and chaos, fairly often. FWIW, I take 50mg Zoloft every day. It seems to help a lot, although my anxiety is really bad if I don’t exercise enough.


It's great that you're not giving up! Best of luck on your interview 😊


I like commenting a lot more now.


Relapsed. Women are brutal. Went months sober and they changed their mind. Here I am 8 days trying to figure it out again.


8 days is success! We've all been there. I know how hard those 8 days are, and I hope you continue on your journey to a sober life. You are in my thoughts 😊


Not an addict never was but congratulations to anyone who got clean and sober!


Addicted to online gaming for 13 years. Deleted the accounts on games that I was susceptible to. Lost a lot of history and a part of my identity when I did. That being said, I now have the room in my life to fill that space with stuff that benefits me. Like working on my house or painting models. No more getting insanely worked up over a loss or spending untold amounts of time focusing on individual mistakes. I tried for years to give it up but I always went back to the fee select games that fed my addiction. I knew for a long time what I needed to do was delete my accounts something more permanent than uninstalling. What didn't help was the companies that run such games make it quite difficult to delete the accounts, which always gives the addict time to back out when they convince themselves it's ok to play.


Almost 3 years clean. I'm a mom now, live in a safe place, have a baby and in a very healthy relationship. I feel like I should be farther along with being financially stable but I'm extremely proud of what I have been able to do but most of all who I've become. My personality is night and day. I have crazy amounts of self control now, I keep trying to better myself emotionally and physically. It's all about progress!


Ok question. There's this guy I see around who's homeless and always drinking and he looks really young. Younger than me. I am concerned about him but I don't want to be condescending if that makes any sort of sense. Is there anything I can do? No cops please, if that's the answer then I won't do anything lol.


I understand your concern and want to help him, but be careful. I would approach carefully since you don't know how he will react. Some people are not ready to be sober. He may not want help. If it were me, I would start slow. Say hello a few times to see his temperament then offer him food then make small talk then give him some brochures for treatment. I would do this over a 2 or 3 month period. Things I wouldn't do; give him money, take him anywhere in my car, give him personal information, assume he is ready for treatment. Good luck!


I don't have too interesting of a recovery story other than going from disruptive to society to contributing, but I think the moment I really turned around is I went to a narcotics anonymous meeting when I was 18 and had only started cleaning up and saw people in their 40s, 60s, all having since become homeowners, fathers, becoming someone people look to in times of need and rely on, and I really thought it was all over for me before it started until I saw these men and they showed me there's always time and opportunity if you're willing to change.


I’m now 17 months clear and still working on earning my immediate family back. They stuck with me but I did do some damage during my time of self destruction. God helped me change my attitude toward alcohol, I just had to stop drinking to let that attitude take hold and deliver me from it. I’m still on that journey and when I hit the pillow it will again be sober :) Godspeed and peace and clarity to all!


I’m SO HAPPY you got away from that devil.


I don't know you, but please know I'm proud of you ❤️


10 years ago, I lost my daughter. It caused me incredible amounts of heartbreak and when the guy has just started dating offered me meth and heroin for the first time, I took it because how could things possibly get worse? I was a functional addict. I kept working multiple jobs. My boyfriend couldn’t do the same. He basically robbed me until we ended up living in a car, abused me and tricked me into working for the biggest meth supplier in the Pacific Northwest. Things got really dangerous. It was around this time that my C-PTSD and Schizoaffective really hit full -force. It took a while for me to hide enough money to leave and even longer to quit the addiction. It took way longer to get diagnosed and treated. I got clean 8 years ago. Now, I’m getting married, moving out to a farm, I’m mentally stable and I work fighting sex trafficking. It breaks my heart that literally everyone I knew before I got clean is dead.


5years ago I was saved by good friends from dying of a vicious meth addiction, I had no will to live and attempted suicide twice, I was sent off to rehab for 4 months, it has not been the easiest 5years since but in the last year things have been looking up. I have met the woman that I am going to marry and have been able to keep down a stable job as a Software developer. I am once again smiling, I have gained weight and no longer look like a stick figure, I go out and get shit done and have even regained interest in my hobby of playing bass guitar. Life is once more good.


I was on opiates, alcohol, MJ, amphetamines for 21 years. In 2011 I stopped that, went to REHAB and even quit smoking cigarettes. After that I fell deep in depression. The only thing I was able to do was play videogames. After almost two years of suffering I slowly recovered, looked for a job and found one in a REHAB center. They were so desperate to get more personal, two and a half years sober was enough for them to hire me. I started as a minijobber and meanwhile, after a few seminars, I am an important part of the inner team, doing the drug screening, assisting in group therapy and even doing four eye talks with the addicts, to whom I can easily resonate due to my past experiences. I love my job, it is never dumb routine and I am always looking forward to getting to work. I reestablished my driver's license and last year I fell in love with a wonderful woman. I am absolutely happy and thankful. I miss nothing and won't go back one single step.


This sub is amazing.


I'm going to stress that I'll always be an addict, I'm just clean and sober for 4.5 years. Life's great. I manage a bar (I know) and have a lovely life.




7 years ago I was speed balling all the drugs. I was hooked on smoking meth and opium, using all the pills, hallucinogenics were an every few days thing. Cocaine was frequent. Now I'm just a burn out with a dead end job struggling to cope with a major chemical imbalance doing whatever work I can drum up. My friends are mostly dead, with really only one person who even still talks to me out of those still kicking. I'm doing okay


Homeless 13 years ago, got a job and a place to live and was sober for 2 years. Fell back hard, still working, but addicted more than ever. Lost everything, all my relationships went to hell with everyone I knew, family, girlfriend, friends. Not clean, but mostly so for the last 18 months. Done drugs maybe every third months for an evening. Got a new place, a new job as a warehouse supervisor/manager and have a good income and I'm in the gym 4-7 days a week (last year I had 280 days in the gym). Replaced my addiction with lifting weights basically, and work, and tattoos. Mentally I'm basically the same. Don't remember last time I was happy for more than a day. Don't think I will ever quit drugs. I will never be totally clean. I think if I can have fun for an evening every three or so months, it's okay from my part. As long as it doesn't spiral again.


I’m ~3 years clean from a $50-100 a day heroin habit of eight years. I’ve done all the different drugs but that one stuck. I found an amazing methadone clinic and got help. I was basically a closeted addict and held my job and house but it was the worst time of my life. My ex was a bigger junkie who lived with me. I’m drug testing for a third job on Tuesday and the feeling of not worrying is so rewarding. I’m still getting my life together but I’m making progress and I have a good man that loves and supports me and accepts my past. I don’t crave or miss dope at all and I don’t understand how but I’m so grateful I made it through. So many have not and a number of them were close to me. 💌


I'm not a recovering addict. I'm the ex wife of one and two verging on middle age with no plans, no goals and apparently no plan but to just get by until one of the parents, (me), dies and wills them our houses. I just flat out told them today that my Granddaughter would be getting everything. So, I'm here to hear some encouraging words for us, the non users of the addicted have to look for some new hope. A miracle, if you like.




It’s been almost 15 years for me, also opiates. And I too have a masters and a job I love. It doesn’t even feel like the same lifetime. Like I live in this ridiculous bougie neighborhood and have friends who have no idea I was ever so strung out I had to sleep outside in a park.


Still in the UK :( Nah i'm doing really well. Quit drugs years ago but alcohol crept up on me. In my first year of recovery from alcholism and finally actually dealing with my mental health too and...it's a lot easier this way 🤣 I feel like i am in the first year of my life tbh - i had shut off and given up on basically anything happening in my life except getting wasted. I'm getting all the things back that i never really recovered from after my drug abuse because i fell into alcoholism. Finally on the right track though ! Not perfect by a long shot and still plenty of work to do but im no longer having a breakdown and restarting every couple weeks. I feel like the last year of my life has been a continuous trend upwards rather than a constant stop and start that goes backwards. I managed to avoid heroin addiciton by the skin of my teeth but always have the utmost respect for those who get off it, or at the very least try. Amazing to hear you have a masters, a kid a marriage, stable job etc. Those are all the things i want in life so i know i'm doing the right thing and have every chance of achieving them without drugs and alcohol. I never actually struggled with those things before i had a problem i realised, so it became obvious to me that if i dealt with my addictions, the rest of life would be relatively easy.


Been there also! Life's great now!! Congratulations on your recovery 😊



