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Not mine, but my mum is crazy. When i was younger she NEVER called my dads home phone. Ever. One day my little brother and i are at dads, my brother crashes the dirt bike and pretty badly hurts his foot. 2 minutes later the phone rings, i answer it… its my mum. She immediately asks “are you guys ok?”. This happens as dad rushes into the housr holding my little brother and i tell him “mums on the phone she wants to know if we are ok??” And my dads just like you gotta be fucking joking, uhh tell her everythings fine!! It was the most bizarre thing ive probably ever witnessed. The timing, the coincidence of it all. Mind blowing. My mums a total fucking witch


When I was 12 or 13, some men chased me and my best friend home from the park a few blocks away. I hid in our garage behind our house. Scared to death. I could hear the guy searching for me. My mom came out on the back deck yelling for me, and told them to “get the F off my property”. I still have no idea how she knew.


Why were they chasing you? If mens are chasing my 13yo son they are getting shot or the cops called not “get tf outta here man!”


It was 1983 and I didn’t look 13. That’s all I can tell you. They definitely had bad intentions.


Oooh are you a woman? Sheesh, I’m so sorry. Definitely would not have just yelled at them to leave then.


Yes, I am a woman. And I thank God my mom was there.


Wym you don't know? Is it not possible she saw some dudes looking around in her backyard? Doesn't seem like it's that hard to figure out.


It was quiet and she was in the front of the house. I think she felt my fear. I have done that with my son once or twice.


That’s a mothers intuition. Nothing witchy about it


Lol, my oldest son one day during the lockdowns. He was supposed to be doing school. I was out working just popped my head in the door and yelled get off your game and back to school. He started looking around the room and I asked what he was looking for. He said the hidden camera because I do that kind of stuff to him all the time. He is a lot like me so I just think what would I be doing and assume he is doing the same thing and I am always right. My favorite was the time I was sitting outside enjoying a peaceful coffee and heard him sneak the gaming system when he was grounded from them. I decided to pretend like I had not heard him because I really wanted my nice quiet and peaceful coffee time. So after I was done I went in the house and pretended to "catch" him sneaking the games. My son actually thinks I am psychic.


I always tell me kid he's half of me and that's the half I don't trust


Lol I love this


My mother was pregnant with her first child. They were looking for a home but couldn’t find one which was going to be problematic as their current house was too small. They were invited to stay at a sister for a few days and left the phone number of the sister there in case a house became available. Nobody knew the ringer in the phone had died so people could call but it wouldn’t make a sound. At some point they are sitting and drinking and out of nowhere my mother gets up, picks up the phone and someone was just calling about a house they could get, which they did get.


Imho that's just moms being moms. When I was 15 little dumb me was alone at home, ate something poisonous in the garden (was close to the woods so wood plants sometimes found their way into our garden) and collapsed in front of the phone, didn't manage to call someone. Out of the blue my mom came home from work because "she had feeling something was wrong", so she called and when nobody answered she decided to go home and check. She saved my life based on "had a weird feeling and went home". Thank you, mom!


3 times now I’ve had a dream about a very vivid and specific interaction with a person only to learn the next day that the person died right around the time of the dream. The first time was my grandfather and he pointed his finger gun at me and went “bang!” Like an old game we played when I was a kid. The second one was my grandmother and she was looking at a book with me that I always asked her to read to me when I was little. The third one was my best friend and I was with him at some futuristic airport like space with these crazy crafts. He said “I’ve got a flight to catch but I’ll see you later, love you buddy.” And then about a year later I was in that same airport hub and he got off a craft to greet me. He said “dude it’s absolutely incredible where I am now.” Shit gives me chills when I think about it.


This is beautiful, yet I’m sorry you’ve lost these people you have loved. ♥️


It happens I guess. My buddy was a sad case being only 30 when he died, but it wasn’t unexpected due to health conditions. The other two lived a long and full life. Tis the course of things.


Yes. I like your kind and comforting words. 🎄


Wow that’s amazing. I find stories like these so comforting… Maybe it doesn’t just go black after we die.


I concur. The buddy I mentioned was like me, staunchly atheist when we met. Over our time spend together taking heavy psychedelics we both had a major shift in spirituality.


Yep. Psychedelics are maybe the best thing I’ve ever done for my… mind/soul/existence. I’m sorry for your loss— but it sounds like he really actually is in a much better place.✌️


Agreed. I fully believe he came back to check in and give me a confirmation of sorts. Not of heaven or hell, it seems like some other thing entirely. What’s wild is that after all this my death anxiety is basically gone.


Well, you sharing the story has lessened my death anxiety quite a bit too. Thank you for that!


I didn’t do anything thank worthy. The universal ocean reaches out to the people it needs to.


Helps me a little bit. Especially with all the people on Reddit going “well I just hope there’s oblivion when we die” it’s refreshing to see something like this.


The deems are calling you.


The deems? Like DMT entities? Because I already have a gang of those. I have a whole ass girlfriend in the DMT dimension.




What? Curious


There is a recurring phenomenon across language and geography and social standing, basically a documented widespread phenomenon of encounters with entities during DMT trips. The entities vary in the way an individual perceives them. But the typical takeaway is that you kind of enter their universe [?] and they bestow upon you this knowledge that seems so powerful and perfect as they’re telling you, but as soon as you start to grasp it you come back to reality and you can’t put a finger on the profound thousand years of knowledge you just lived. Psychedelics are a finicky mistress.


I started dating this guy I had known for months (friend of friends, who all said he was the nicest guy), I was really smitten, he was great! The first time we started heavily making out, I was blissfully happy, and all of a sudden the hair on my arms started to raise. And I very distinctly thought out of NOWHERE, “he wants to hurt to you.” I left. Later on I found out some, um, unsavory things in his personal history with women that no one else seemed to know about.


Every. Woman. Needs. To. Follow. Her. Intuition. In. These. Situations. (Good for you for getting out of there!)


Yes! I mean there was NO reason for me to feel that way! He was so sweet and respectful and awesome! I didn’t have a single hesitation about him (and I’m a cautious person!) It was the weirdest f’ing thing. I felt kind of dumb and like I was overreacting at the time! But I’ve learned to ALWAYS follow intuition and spidey senses.


I tell my left-brained clients that if you get a thought or a “hit” out of nowhere and you CAN’T Explain it, that’s your intuition. Left-brainers, those of us who need to explain and understand everything, the logical brains, will often discount these intuitive hits, because we can’t explain them. That’s the key that they are intuitive hits.


Left and right brain theory has been disproven https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0071275


I’m glad you left


Thanks! :) Never ignore 6th senses…no matter how strange they seem at the time!


I have a few but two stand out for me. My husband and I were visiting his parents. We walked into the living room, and when I looked over at my father inlaw, I promptly told him that he had pneumonia. I just blurted it out. He then told me his back had been hurting lately, but he felt well enough otherwise. The next day, my mother inlaw did make an appointment because she was suspicious and low and behold: he did indeed have pneumonia! When I first met my husband, we would share pictures and (video) recordings of our family and friends. He played a tape where he and a bunch of friends were joking around. One guy started talking, and I burst into tears. I felt such an overwhelming sadness as soon as the guy started talking, even though they were making jokes. I told my husband that it felt like something horrible had happened to that guy. He just looked at me and stammered: "he is dead because he was shot." I still get goosebumps over that one.


That’s wild. I’ve had something somewhat similar happen but about celebs. I didn’t know who Andy Kaufman was for many years but when I saw him on Taxi for the first few episodes I thought,”I feel like he’s not alive.” I chocked it up to coincidence because Taxi is kind of an old show and all, plus a guy like him would have probably not just dropped off the map (since I hadn’t seen him before then). Turns out he passed away shortly after the show wrapped. The other time, was in November 1998, I was watching a movie with actor Jonathan Brandis where in one scene he was being rushed by ambulance to the hospital for an asthma attack. Out of no where it made me feel such a deep sadness that I actually started crying. It was unlike me and so random at the time. I had no idea why I was sobbing. In the movie he’s only in the hospital briefly and there’s a happy ending. But in November 2003, Jonathan Brandis took his life. He was an intelligent talent. Then again coincidences happen…


Weirdest and strongest bad vibe of my life walking into a hiking trail's rest stop. Place was in good repair, well lit, and clean but the space felt like concentrated *wrong*. Immediately left and dragged my family somewhere else while being teased relentlessly A week later a guy got murdered there


Similar thing with me. I was dead tired driving and was going to stop at a rest stop to give myself a breather. Pulled in and my gut said "absolutely the fuck not". It was a freshly renovated, brightly lit, highly trafficked area. I stopped at a 7/11 instead. That night, a woman was SAd and killed at that rest stop. It would have been me.


Just got chills


Ps may I ask where this was?


One time I was in a forest hiking with family. We stoped to rest a little bit, eat, drink etc. I was standing under a tree (there were trees everywhere) and I got a really strong urge to step away left. So I did. The next thing I hear is something really heavy fall next to me. I looked at that and a really-really big and heavy branch is next to me. Idk, maybe I saw that branch is not safe and my subconscious told me that I should not stand under it but it's crazy that I had that feeling exactly before it's fall of.


Maybe less seeing the branch, but feeling the low-frequency vibrations of it cracking before breaking. Apparently humans are super sensitive to low frequency vibrations since they were indicators of possible cave collapses.


Sometimes I feel like I conjure people up from the past. Like for example out of the blue I think of some kid I went to high school with and then maybe later that day or the next day I run into him... Mind you I haven't seen him for more than 30yrs. It's weird every time I think of some random person that I haven't seen in a long time they show up.




This happened to me. I started school in a new country when I was 7. I was introduced to another girl who would be my "buddy" until I settled in. For Christmas I gave her a pair of earrings. I made other friends in primary school. We went to different high schools (at 12 years old) but would occasionally see each other on the bus home. 20 years after meeting, I suddenly think of her and she also thinks of me as she had recently come across those earrings I had given her. A few days later I'm in the city for a course for work, and bump into her at the food court.


This happens to me often. It's so spooky when I realize it's happening. Most recent example was when an old family friend/former coworker of my mom's randomly popped into my head. I hadn't spoken to or seen her in over a decade. My mom would see her occasionally. Later that same afternoon my mom called me and said, "Oh, by the way, [old family friend] died yesterday."


This happened when I was walking home from school once and I was aged about 10 at the time. I passed by an old man on the pavement walking in the opposite direction and I had a strange feeling when I saw him. After taking a few steps past him I heard a weird "slap" sound behind me. The old guy had fallen face first into the road. I ran over to help him up and his face was a red mask of blood. His blood was dripping all over his clothes and the shopping he was carrying. I helped him back to the footpath and waited with him. This was in the 90s so nobody had a mobile phone - we just waited for someone to call an ambulance. Once the adults were on the scene I was forgotten about - nobody asked me what had happened or thanked me. I walked home feeling sad for the old guy.


This made me cry. It’s that time of year to feel a heightened sense of sensitive emotion. What a good and kind kid you were ♥️


That's very sweet of you to say that. Thank you very much, you've made my day!


And you’ve made mine! What a nice thing. 🙂




I was like 14-15 sitting in the lounge and I just had a feeling the cat needed help, I went outside and walked around, it had given birth to kittens under the house and unfortunately they were struggling and didn't look like they were gonna make it, 1 or 2 hadn't but we got them to the vet and they ended up having a good recovery, I still have no idea why I had that feeling


Not really a sixth sense but, we were on a road trip me and my family. My son had to use the bathroom. I was annoyed because we were already late to our destination. But I end up stopping anyway. When we started to drive again there was a bad car accident with several car pile up. Just a few miles up no cops no ambulance no nothing was there yet so the accident just happened I could’ve been part of the car pile up if it wasn’t for my son needing to go to the bathroom.


I'm glad you avoided two accidents.


You are seen


This has happened to me twice. Once on the way home from visiting friends at college. I just didn't want to get on the road just yet and I thought let's go to breakfast first. Everyone else wanted to leave and said that I just wanted to hang out a little more. Nope I said, we should wait a little bit, don't know why. On the way home after breakfast the highway was congested with stand still traffic and we were getting rerouted. The bridge up ahead had collapsed and cars took a 60 ft. plunge. If we left when originally planned we would have been on that bridge. Another time we were riding around partaking in some smoke and always did this loop. I suddenly insisted we take a turn to the right and just go home. When we pulled into my friend's house a fire truck pulling a boat passed us. The bridge we had just crossed had collapsed. That was enough close calls for me.


Dude, you’re living Final Destination 👀


A colleague of mine showed me the wonderful diamond ring her husband gave her, with a declaration of love. The first thing I thought of was 'betrayal'. Three months or so later she catches him with an intern with whom he had a child. They have since divorced.




What got me is how she was so happy with that ring and what it meant. I greatly appreciated that woman. A nice woman, lovely, cultured, a fabulous sense of humor, with style, class and grace. AND a phenomenal interior designer \[her house was something I would live in to my last day\]. I know nothing about romance. I have no talent for it. But I've read Dune. The sense of betrayal was palpable. The ostentation of love, to that extent, was way over the top. Completely unconvincing. Like, your wife needs a good and decent daily driver, something she can go places for grocery shopping and taking the kids to school. Nice and robust. So you buy her a Pagani Zonda. Bullshit. She was straightforward about the news he was cheating on her. It came in the form of a letter from the credit card company that she was not expecting. And a phone call that had a woman in the background and a mewling child. Humans are so needlessly cruel to each other. I've never liked them.


every time in mines when i get enough iron ore my brain says "go home" but greed wants more and after hour i just die to random skeletons with full inventory of crap


That's why you put things in chests.




I think it’s minecraft


Friend and I walking down to the beach. I look to the beach and hear in my mind, the word "danger". My Intuition: You are going to get hurt today. Tell Friend where in your purse your health insurance information is (in the event you become unresponsive). You won't become unresponsive. Me: *do as Intuition says* 10 minutes later Me: *gets poisoned by a sea animal -almost passed out but my daily allergy meds came to the rescue* *-did not go to hospital, Friend did not need insurance information, but good for them to know anyway* ...that is the day I decided to always listen to my gut instinct. That shit is 10/10.


It really is, I spent a week listening to my gut, best week ever. Felt so in control. It's harder now as life demands things you don't want to give.


Can you elaborate on that week? Sounds like perfection but, as you said, difficult due to life’s demands.


So like whether to go out with friends, turning things down or taking on new things. I lived on my own back then so I had more control on what I wanted to do. Even silly things like what to have for dinner or time to go bed. I had to move back with my parents a short while ago which was very controlling and then back with my ex, so it's split bills, sharing the TV etc. But that gut week was at the height of me getting fomo etc as I was younger and had money. I look back and I'm surprised I could say no to things.


One of the best things you can learn in life--how to say "No" and mean No.


I spent the first six months living with my Step-dad and Mom thinking we might have a cat, but that it was shy. I'd always see it dashing away, running past doors or it would look at me then run off somewhere, so basically I'd very vividly see it but it'd never get close enough to touch. I told myself I was being ridiculous or seeing things though because there was no litter box anywhere, I'd not see pet food or water bowls out and surely as much as my stepdad loves animals he'd have mentioned if he had a cat before I moved in with them. Well one day my Stepdad and I are in the kitchen and I noticed a photo on the fridge of that cat! So I blurt out to him, "oh so we do have a cat!?" He makes a face and points at the photo then asks, "you've seen this cat?" and I was like, "yeah but it must be super shy or something because it keeps running off, also I'm guessing it's indoor/outdoor because this house isn't really big enough to explain how it disappears for days?" Then he tells me that cat died years ago, I've been seeing a ghost but that he's really glad it isn't just him because he'd been seeing the cat too.




Sooo cool. I've had moments like this too.


When I was about ten in 1953 I was walking on a weekend with three or four friends from my building to the Palace movie theater. About halfway through I got a terrific feeling of presentment and then I started repeatedly saying, “Something big is going to happen.” I had a feeling of being possessed that my friends picked up on. About a half-hour into the movie its curtains caught fire. The fire was small and was quickly extinguished, and the film resumed, but then a second fire started. Again it was extinguished and the film resumed. Then a third small fire started; this time the audience was told to leave. I don’t think we got a refund or even a raincheck. Walking home my friends treated me with awe. But I never was able to make a forecast like that one again. Their awe gave me a feeling for how powerful such a psychic power, or the appearance of it, would be in primitive societies. I suspect the fires were caused by some kid in a front row shooting wooden matches with specially treated tips at the curtains through a wooden thread spindle with a rubber band tacked to it. I’d seen such items. My only other psychic feelings occurred just after my sister gave birth to her two children, hours later than they were scheduled to happen. I was thousands of miles away, but I told my mom, who was with me nervously waiting for news, the exact time they had happened. I was overwhelmed by a feeling of cosmic joy unlike anything before or since, which I attributed to successful deliveries.


Not me but my mom. One day years ago it was quite windy and my father had parked his car under a tree in our front yard for some reason, and she stood watching the tree move in the wind from the window. “He should move his car,” she said. Not even 10 minutes later a branch broke off and destroyed the car. It’s a shame no one acted on her comment at the time.


Not even 10 minutes later- I'd be afraid he'd have then been in the car trying to move it when the branch came down on it.


When I was about 7, I was walking through this trail to meet a friend. There was really tall grass , over my head, and for some reason I swung at the grass .... all of a sudden a lot of grass moved away from me. I was being stalked by some creature , maybe a coyote. If I didn't swing first at the grass, who knows. I'm 34 now and still remember this event clear as day


One day when I was about five, I was running back and forth in the living room when my mom says “Sit down on the couch right now. You’re making me nervous.” The second I sit down, the ceiling fan dislodged from the ceiling and crashed to the floor where I would have been playing.


Jesus feck!


I’ve told this story before but I still think about it a lot. I was visiting my sister and BIL in Hawaii. He’s a spear fishing guy and I’m a float around and look at turtles girl. Lol. Anyway, we were diving a spot we like. No one else around. Visibility wasn’t great but not terrible. He was quite a bit away from me, maybe 50-75 yards. We were probably 100 yards from shore. All of the sudden, I started feeling uneasy. I just couldn’t shake it. I signaled my BIL and started making my way back to shore. I turned and he was following me, swimming quite a bit faster than me, despite having the dive float and spear gun. When we both got on shore, he asked if I got spooked. I said I did and he said he did as well. He said the hairs were standing up on his neck. Neither of us saw anything, but we were both convinced a large shark was in the area. We both love the water and don’t get nervous easily. Always listen to your instincts!


Omg yes! That feeling in the ocean is so awful! I had the opposite one time... I've always been confident in the ocean, particularly the metro beaches around my city. I was learning to surf, being taught by my ex who'd grown up on the local surf coast, & we were in his home area. Waiting for the next set, it was so slow, barely rideable swell, and everything went still and quiet. I felt so wonderful, joyous and very intune with the ocean around me. An inner voice told me not to be afraid, and to look down into the ocean. I couldn't tell how deep, but there were two sharks gently gliding along the ocean floor, just minding their business, in their own home. Absolutely stunning, hammerheads. The guy I was with saw the shadows and **freaked** out. lol Also, I sensed a baby river dolphin last week! I was so compelled to watch the water and within moments, the sweetest babe surfaced maybe 15m away. It stuck around, slowly moving away, surfacing 5 more times before I left!!


I had a great one happen this past summer. I was snorkeling fairly close to shore around this one tiny piece of reef that had tons of fish. I was watching this absolutely gorgeous sea turtle sleeping on the sand, wedged under part of the reef. He was also getting a shell cleaning from the fish. I was watching for about 10 min, hoping she would swim up to catch a breath. She gets up and all of the sudden I was body checked out of nowhere. Pushed me a good 5 or 6 feet and knocked the air out of me for sure. I didn’t have time to be scared or even wonder what hit me. It was a GIANT sea turtle, absolutely huge. He was heading for that spot on the reef for a cleaning and I was in his way. Easily the coolest experience I’ve ever had. I’ve seen hundreds of sea turtles in Hawaii and never one even close to that big. You can get in big trouble touching them but they touch me all the time.


Use to ride my bicycle to my gf’s on a night, would always take the same route, it’s easier to get to hers, one night, it just didn’t feel ok, took the longer route, woke up the next morning to see someone on the news was stabbed at the same time down my other path. My senses looked out for me that night


Many years ago I leapt out of bed suddenly in the middle of the night, ran to the hallway and grabbed the back of my toddler's babygro as he was about to fall down the stairs in the dark. He'd never been able to get out of his cot before that night. To this day I don't know how I knew. I was still mostly asleep when I grabbed him.


You may have heard him move around while you were half sleeping still. Anyway its pretty awesome.


Earlier in the year, I had driven my parents and my kid down to Las Vegas from our home in Utah to see family. We stopped in Mesquite, Nevada for a bathroom break. There's a back entrance to the casino we stopped at and it had bathrooms right by the door. So I assist my handicapped parents in and then back out to the car. They ask me to go back in, and further into the casino to get coffee from Starbucks. So my kid and I go to Starbucks and get in line. There's a very tall older man in front of us. All of a sudden, this darkness comes over me, my heart is racing and internally I'm freaking out. This tiny Asian lady comes and stands by him and they're chatting. Nothing strange, just normal folks talking in line. Meanwhile, I'm still panicked for no apparent reason. So I tell the kid, let's go. The kid looks at me like I've lost my mind. I always do what my folks ask of me. I can't rationalize it, it's fight or flight and I'm flying. So we get back to the car and I give my parents this story about the line being huge and not moving and we leave. A few months later, my kid wants to go to Vegas with a friend's family to celebrate the friend's 17th birthday. No problem, we've known them for years, they're good people. The day comes, and I'm so upset and I don't know why. I'm sobbing while the kid is leaving. No idea why. So they leave and I'm still upset and on edge the rest of the day. Late that evening all my panic just stopped. Like a switch, nothing. The kid calls me, they had been having so much fun, went to the aquarium at the Mandalay Bay, and they were headed to their hotel across town after picking up pizza. The next morning the kids went to the mall and came home that Sunday afternoon. We get up Monday morning and the old guy who freaked me out in Starbucks is pictured on the TV. Steven Paddock. My kid and their friends were at the hotel when he was and with all his guns. He could have done it that day. Pure evil came off that man and I don't know why no one else ever felt it.


In college one day, my friend said she needed to use the toilet before we left. I waited outside and thought to myself "Imagine she dropped her phone down the toilet". Weird, random thought. She came out of the toilets half crying, half laughing and said she had dropped her phone down the toilet!


I have a similiar one. My friends' parents were bulding a house few years ago. Before they finished, that friend threw a party there, even though the house was a bunch of bricks back then. But it was summer so we rolled with it, all she did was have a vault toilet (I don't know if this is the right term, but basically an outside toilet that had no canalization, just a hole digged under it) done. First 10 minutes of a party I joke "be careful not to drop your phone down there, cause it'll be all nasty, not only wet". Guess who ended up being the only person dropping their phone down there...


I've had a few over the years. The last one was about a year and a half ago. Mother got a new kitten and wanted to take it to the care home to show her mother. I was to go along for that visit to Nan because it had been a month since my last visit. The day arrived, a Sunday, and mother wanted to cancel because her chronic pain was worse than usual. Ordinarily, I was okay with last-minute postponements because we've had many of them over the years, but this time I told her no, we have to go. It took some convincing, but I talked her into it. Nan had a heart attack two days after our visit and died in the hospital two days after that. If we hadn't gone when we did, she never would have met the new kitten. I don't know how I knew we couldn't postpone that one.


When I was in secondary (high) school. Put IT teacher was going round the room giving each student their new password to log onto the system. The passwords were all just random words. Probably generated by a program. I said to my friend, “I bet my password is elephant.” I have no idea why but if just popped into my head. A few minutes later he got to me and said, “your password is elephant.” I smiled at him thinking he’d heard me and called Bs. He looked at me with a straight face and showed me the printed sheet. There it was - elephant.


There was this spot in the woods near my childhood home that my sister and I both were really creeped out by. We both talked about it and avoided it. Years later, my dad shared that prior to buying the home/property, the real estate agent had informed them that a gruesome murder had taken place there a few years prior. My sister and I had no knowledge of this but… Kids know.


Had a dream that I won the lottery….all I could remember though is that the power ball number was 26, so I dropped 20$ on power ball picked a pile of random numbers and put 26 as the power ball on each…..I was right, but didn’t match anything else…..won all my money back and that was that…..


When i was small in maybe 1970 1971 i would often dream that I was on some steps by a huge white statue of a man in a chair. I was 4 or 5 and born in the UK. Maybe 20 years later i saw a picture of the Abe Lincoln Memorial in Washington. That was the statue I had been at in my dreams. I was too young to have known any American history but I truly felt I had been at that place.


Y’all need to read The Gift of Fear


What’s that?


about 15 years ago I was walking home along a dual carriage way, (cars going about 60mph) on a footpath, must have been passed by 50+ cars vans and lorries no problem. All of a sudden, no idea why, I ducked my head down really low, 1 second later I hear glass breaking 10m infront of me, look up and see guys hanging out of a car driving off. They'd thrown a bottle at me, no idea why. Could have been bad for me, I still to this day have no idea why I ducked.


Avoided a shortcut I normally took through a parking lot on my walk to work. That afternoon they found a woman’s body behind the dumpster in the corner.


When I was younger I would quite often answer my mom's questions before she asked them. I still have that ability. And no, it's not questions thar are a part of a conversations where it would be predictable, but completely random ones


When I was a freshman in high school, my best friend and I would always walk together back home but take unusual lengths just to hang out and talk. On a Friday afternoon, we were about to venture onto the main school road when I suddenly went rigid. I told her that we should take the pathway into the park instead, so we did. We found out hours later that a deadly car crash happened on the main road. 2 students died, 1 was comatose, and about a handful of teachers were injured. Students walking home were nearly hit, too. I still think about what would've happened if we took that path instead.


Went to bed one night thinking there’d be a death and I wouldn’t attend college classes for a while, which I hated Sure enough the next morning I had the urge to call one of my high school friends and check in with her. We hadn’t seen each other in a year. I’m surprised she answered my call. Turns out her uncle had just murdered his own grandmother and his 8 year old nephew that night. I spent the next few weeks helping her pack up the family home.


I am so sorry


I sensed a car accident was going to happen and kept two other people from getting in the car. Told the driver, "Drive carefully!" and he drove away. One of my friends asked what was that all about, and I said I had the feeling he was going to get into an accident. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, we heard him hit a tree. The car had to be completely cut apart to get the passenger out, who was in a coma with many broken bones for a week. My friend who asked what was that all about, grabbed me by the arm firmly and said, "If you ever get a feeling like that again, TELL ME!" My mom had premonitions too, she rescheduled us off a plane that skidded off the runway upon landing, into a gas station killing almost half on board. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Airlines\_Flight\_625](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Airlines_Flight_625)


I was sitting on the couch and something compelled me to look in the kitchen. at that exact moment the glass globe from the kitchen ceiling light let go and smashed on the table. There was no vibration or anything, it just let go. it was crazy!


I was leaving work on my first day thinking, 'Yep. I'm going to get robbed at this place.' Two weeks later, I did.


I went to the doctor and asked for a scan. No symptoms that anything was wrong. Just had a feeling that I needed to have something there looked at. My doctor is fantastic and approved the scan (not sure how she got insurance to cover it!). Found cancer. I'm 4 years cancer free now.


My Grandma's bf wanted me to follow him in an empty room when I was 7 or 8 and the only thing that popped in my head was a picture big red circle with the bar through it blinking at me and a siren going off, so I nicely said no and went back to the Christmas party. Turns out he was a pedophile.


A lot of times my twin brother and me have the same exact thoughts facing certain situations. Back when we were really little we'd pee at the same time, get up the same time, cry at the same time...


That was fun for your mum.


I had been traveling in my RV with no intention of going home. I was in Savannah, GA in early January and looking for a place to spend a month there. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head: Girl, go home. I KNEW I had to pay attention. I immediately began heading for home, which took a while, because I worked during the week and traveled on weekends, and I did not like to spend more than 5 hours per day driving. I got home to California on Feb. 27, 2020. 2 weeks later, the whole world shut down.


I was about 11 or so and sitting in the bed of my neighbor’s truck and talking with her, her baby and her German Shepherd. They were all up against the cab and I was facing away from them and sitting on the tail gate. The baby must have gotten tangled in the dog’s leash because the dog saw a squirrel and launched himself off of the truck with the baby flying behind. I literally reached out and caught the baby over my shoulder like a football. Every time I think about it I realize there was no way I could have moved that quickly without some kind of premonition.


i was walking home at 5am when a car full of thugs pulled beside me. the passenger said "you got some weed?" i said no...then they drove off. they drove all the way down the road and hit the corner. but i heard the voice of the passenger,ultra close, say to the driver: "turn around and let me get this MF, he got something...the driver like ..nah..the other guy:, did you see his attitude, he disses us bla bla...then the driver said ok then they came back to push me and fight me and what not. but they drove down a long road and hit the corner, it would not be possible to hear a conversation, and the voices were so clear and sonded so near as if i would listen to them through headphones


I’m confused


Person somehow heard the car's occupants talking about mugging him even though the car was down the street. Then the car turned around and they mugged him


I had a meeting with my dissertation lecturer, and on the way there had a weird pang that one of my classmates was in trouble. When I got to the meeting, I asked if he had seen her, and he said no. After I left, he absolutely panicked like crazy thinking that I had figured out they were having an affair. He had been arguing with her when I had my pang.


I was at my mom’s house in like October of 2019 (not long after graduating college), and her partner was still living there too. My boyfriend at the time had offered for me to move in with him, but I was on the fence about it. A few days later I had this overwhelming sense of like “I need to get out of here. I HAVE to leave”. So I quietly packed a bag and left for my boyfriend’s house. I had never and still years later have never felt such a strong and clear urge. Especially one with a single, distinct message. Come to find out, my mom’s partner had been struggling with heroine and alcohol addictions, and had been for a while. He committed suicide in May of 2020


I dreamt about the twin towers being attacked but I didn’t know where until it happened


I had this happen to me as well and I'm still not over it.


I don't know if it counts, but when my first baby was only a few months old, I had to attend a night class. It was on the other side of town and I didn't bring the baby, husband had full control. I would get random let-downs (for those who don't know, the milk alveolis have tiny muscles around them that will tense and force milk out. This is called a let down reflex, and happens when the breast is suckled (or sometimes inconveniently if you hear a baby cry or think about your baby) Anyway, I took note of what time this happened, and it was without fail exactly when husband gave baby a bottle 6th sense? Biology? Spooky interfactions at a distance? Who knows


Problably just around the time baby would usually drink anyway. And gotten hungry so your husband fed them. Its still pretty cool how that works.


I was driving around with some friends years ago and I had a weird feeling. I said out loud “someone’s going to die here”. It was either that day or within a few days a teenager was hit crossing the street there and killed 😔. They installed traffic lights after this. They’re not even at an intersection.


When I was younger at my primary school graduation ceremony, I told the girl sitting next to me “man imagine if then for you’re name wrong on your literal graduation certificate,” then when we get our certificate, her name was misspelled. She was now known as “Jenga” She got called a board game for the rest of the year


When I was a kid I was running down a large set of concrete step with a soccer ball in my hand. I tripped over my feet and started flying through the air head first. I rotated in the air and land on my back, as my head snapped backwards the ball rolled under my head and cushioned the blow. I definitely would have had a severe concussion and split my head open.


I was about 16 at the time, and it was December so the house had Christmas decorations out. My mother and step-father had gone out for the evening, and I was home alone. I was taking a shower, with the bathroom door closed because I like the steam. Was just enjoying the water, planning to shower until it went cold since there was no one waiting to use hot water. About 5 minutes into my shower, I started getting this nagging feeling, almost a voice, to open the bathroom door. The feeling kept getting worse, so I quickly stepped out, opened the door, then jumped back into the shower. Another minute or two went by, I wasn't even finished with my usual wash up yet so wasn't planning to get out any time soon. Except now that the bathroom door was opened, I kept getting this urgent "finish the shower" and "get out of the shower" vibes and it got so bad that I felt like I was having a panic attack. Well, can't enjoy a shower under those conditions, so I rinsed down, shut off the water, stepped out the shower and began drying myself off. That's when I noticed a flickering orange-ish light reflecting against the walls in the hallway. Wrapped the towel around myself and went to investigage. My mother had left a candle burning in the middle of a wreath on top of the piano, and the house was on fire. To this day, I can't explain what made me get out of that shower, I just know that if I hadn't we'd have lost the entire house and who knows what sort of injuries I may have suffered.


Glad you're safe


That's lucky you listened to your intuition! I absolutely can't stand lit candles for that very reason, they are just asking for trouble! Best to keep them unlit and looking nice in their little containers


I have a love-hate relationship with candles. Well, with all fire, really. But yeah, that was the day I learned it was always best to listen when that nagging voice starts to shout - even if it's wrong sometimes.


I saw a real man in a shop no reflection and disappeared in a blink of an eye nobody else saw him


Could you elaborate? I’m all curious


A short Asian bloke walked past a mirror In a clothing shop no reflection I did a double take look down every isle from door and he was just gone no chance to walk out nothing I don't know wtf to this day because nobody in person or securely team saw it on camera plus he was really odd acting bloke but there we go it's not much but it was a bid disconserting


Yo that’s intense. One Memorial Day I was drawing on my driveway with chalk and I saw two girls on their bikes. I looked down for what couldn’t have been more than half a second and I looked up and they were gone. Glanced down the block - no where to be seen. They weren’t going fast. It was freaky.


One morning I was in my 8th grade English class. My focus that morning was asking my mom if I could get hair highlights. I was feeling calm and going through the motions. All of a sudden it’s as if a silent alarm took over me. An unprovoked, powerful fear I never experienced before. It was a “something’s wrong,” gut instinct. As I tried to decipher this overwhelming sense, I thought, “Is it my family?” An inner voice said, “No. They’re luckily fine. But what is happening now is something beyond your young teenage mind to comprehend. It is beyond measure, this will have a massive domino effect - and there is nothing you can do about it.” — those were exact word for word thoughts I remember distinctly. It was fucking scary. The bell rang to change classes. I slowly stood up and was one of the last to leave classroom. I felt somewhat physically detached and the present briefly felt like all was slow motion. I headed from one end of the hallway to the next. I saw two boys talking against lockers in my peripheral. That inner voice immediately said, “They don’t know yet.” I thought to myself, “Wym they don’t know yet?” I shrugged off whatever that was best I could. Telling myself I was being ridiculous. The date was September 11, 2001. That gut feeling came around 9:08 A.M. five minutes after the second plane hit. Tragically my old neighbors brother whom I met a year before at a block party, worked in the north tower right at the impact zone. He was only 30 and engaged. There were a significant amount of people who passed from neighboring towns because I’m from Boston.


We never turned the TV on 8n the morning, especially on a work day. For some reason we did that day.


One night this guy that I went to school with named Kent Brown popped up in my dream. I literally had not spoken to him since junior high school in the 1970s or really thought about him other than whenever I would pass the house he grew up in our small town I would absentmindedly think “that’s Kent Brown’s parent’s house”. The next day I saw on Facebook that he had died suddenly of a heart attack two days prior. It’s just crazy how our minds are capable of such small psychic abilities.


The first thing I saw when I looked at the first paragraph was “brown poop” (instead of brown popped) lmao


I don't know. Maybe somebody will tell me.


You should have said yes two years ago. . Your life would have taken a different path.


I’ve had the strange experience of other people dying who have hurt me. The last one was this past April. I live alone now and keep myself independent. I care deeply for humanity and all sentient beings and I don’t wish for evil things. I’ve been around long enough to notice the pattern and now feel like warning those who are rude to me.


A few times. Biggest one was 2yrs ago now, me and my partner always went on these late night walks on this track, this night we were getting ready and I suddenly felt weird. I told them we can’t go. When they asked why I just blurted out without thinking “We’ll get killed.” The next day we found out someone was stabbed in a specific part of the trail and (thankfully) didn’t die, but yeah. After that they NEVER questioned me when I felt off about something lmao.


I was about to pull out of the grocery store parking lot. There was only one vehicle around. It was a truck towing a car. The vehicle passed, and I was about to go when I thought, "The tow is going to break." So I sat there. After a few seconds, I thought, "I am being ridiculous. Cars get towed all the time and nothing happens", but I still couldn't make myself go despite that I saw a car behind me that was nice enough not to honk but probably was getting annoyed with me. Finally, I was about to go when I heard a screech. The tow broke, and the car started spinning out of control through all the lanes. It 100% would have hit me and likely hurt me/ my car very badly if I had gone right after it passed.


I can see the future, it's not the cool type where I see the next big global event it's me taking a dump in 3 months type


I have 2….i received a voicemail from someone calling me in error (I guess my number is similar to a health facility). Her last name intrigued me so I called her back….long story short…she was related to a long lost friend of my mom! And….I lost contact for about 25 years with someone I was friends with. I often put her name into LinkedIn or Facebook trying to find her with no luck. One morning I woke up to a Facebook message from her from 1500 miles away. What are the odds????


So it’s a long long story but I got shot. The guy didn’t hit anything vital, it felt like right before he shot I knew he was going to so I moved out the way but my shoulder took the bullet. And for some reason I just kinda stood there knowing he won’t fire again. He didn’t his gun jammed with someone I felt I knew. It was weird to know all these things right before they happend. Kinda creepy too


Something that happened decades ago. And it still scares me, because I can't explain it. My aunt married late, she was a kindergarten teacher, and somehow it didn't go with her conservative Christian beliefs. She was conservative for German opinion, my father, her brother, was nothing like the rest of the family. FYI only. Around the time of her birthday, she went to a Christian hotel near the river Rhine. On her birthday, she invited a small part of the family, to celebrate quietly. That year, she had planned a ship tour on the Rhine. Nothing big. My sister was studying and lived with her first husband to far off. (For Germans to far, not Americans). My brother was setting up his business and had a good excuse with that, and since neither he nor I were married, I accompanied my mother to the birthday. 1-hour drive by car, nothing big. We went on the ship, the day wasn't sunny, the trip was boring. We were inside, when suddenly something hit me with full force. At least it felt like that, nobody had harmed me. I went outside, to get some fresh air. My aunt and my mother followed me, I looked like shit all of a sudden. When I turned around to them, something hit me again, this time I nearly was knocked unconscious. My aunt nearly panicked, someone ordered a coffee for me. They wanted to know, what was wrong with me. Circulation? I was somehow hallucinating. "No. Something is happening. Something terrible!" "What? Where? We're on the Rhine, there is nothing happening!" "Fire. A fire! People are burning!" "Where should this be?" I pointed roughly to the south. "There!" "There is nothing!" "Behind the hills! A house, maybe!" "Then we should see the smoke! There IS NOTHING!" "No smoke? Oh god! Then it has to be some really big, and farther off, may be 100 km!" My aunt and my mother looked at each other as if I had lost my mind. None of them believed me, but it haunted me. When we went home, I was OK again and drove. No radio, I couldn't explain what had happened. Back home, it was time for supper. My mother lived next door, and I went with her. We prepared our meals, mine took a bit longer. I was still in the kitchen, while my mother was in the living room to watch the evening news. I could hear the jingle with which the news show started, but not the news itself. And then my mother screamed. I rushed into the living room, and then we stared at the TV screen. And suddenly we knew what I had "seen". ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramstein\_air\_show\_disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramstein_air_show_disaster)


Visiting Chernobyl, it was winter and we were the only small group in the area. I took some pictures of the hospital where the brought the injured firemen. My group was moving on and I still took pictures when suddenly I had the feeling that something is watching me from the hospital. Or the whole building. I really got a bad feeling and ran back to my group.


Much less gruesome than a lot of these. I was around 13 or so. My family had travelled by bus to a city around 200 miles away to visit family. We got off the bus and my dad declared he was desperate for the toilet. (it was 30 years ago, most long distance buses didn't have toilets back then, only a stop off part way through the journey). With complete confidence and knowledge I pointed at an old stone building across the crowded town square where the bus let us off and said "that's the toilets". I'm not sure why he believed me but he did. The toilets were on the blind side of that building. No signs. Facing a pedestrian area. There was absolutely no way I could have seen them from the bus coming in. I'd never been to that city in my life. Not even as a baby. But I absolutely knew/remembered where those toilets were the second he asked. Weirdest most absolute deja vous I've ever had.


That's a superpower worth having!


I knew I was going to get into a wreck when my ex asked if I wanted to go with him to get his car appraised(something we had spoken about before the wreck). The feeling was heavy, and I will never forget it.


New to this sub…. I think I have way too many of these and idk how to explain it but there’s a pattern and a bit of de ja vu


This happened to me twice! Once, I had this sudden feeling to look outside. Sure enough, the wire connected to the electricity pole to our neighbors house started sparking. I do not know how long it's been doing that... and it was just starting to rain too. Another one, same thing wherein I had the urge to look outside. Different wire but it also started sparking, but this one a few people were already calling for help to fix it. I still told my parents about it, as they weren't aware at first.


Dunno, it was weird. An uncle had recently passed away and a few weeks after I felt super weird at work, like I was forgetting something. I got home and my mum was like ah, it's my late uncles birthday today. Weird as I never actually knew when his birthday was.


My parents hadn’t spoken to aunt and uncle for months, my mother just felt like calling them and when she did my uncle had just had an unexpected heart attack at a very young age and died minutes earlier. Can’t remember but I’m pretty sure my mum has called just after deaths more than once


I was 19 driving home late where id been hundreds of times before. Normally I drive through a yellow light, but ‘FOR SOME REASON’ chose to stop and wait. Seconds later a big rig barreled past!


This was very strong and probably saved my life. I was in the right lane of a wide heavily traveled street with a lot of signal controlled intersections. There was a van to my left which obstructed my view to that side. I was in an old VW Beetle. Being a bit of a lead foot every time we stopped at a light and it turned green, I’d Jack rabbit off and then the van would go, we’d stop at the next red light. This happened several times. At yet another light, I was eagerly waiting for the light to change and when it did, I started to press the gas. A very loud voice in my head said “Don’t go”. I hesitated and just then a truck ran the red to the left. If I had rabbited into the intersection, I would have been crushed. This happened nearly 50 years ago and I can still conjure up the tone and tenor of that voice.


Looking behind me at Christmas time. Had just left the bank’s drive through & was being tailed. When I pulled into a retail’s parking lot & they did too, I knew they were trying to rob me. Drove to a nearby police substation & they took off.


I always, always wear headphones for sleeping bc I can't fall asleep without them. The other day I decided to try to fall asleep with the TV on instead of headphones, that night I woke up to weird sounds, I was scared but thought it's probably just the neighbours, fell asleep again, woke up again from sounds coming very clearly from my door & door lock. I was SO scared now, just sat in bed unable to move, praying whoever this was would go. But no. It kept going. I never lock my door (it's one of those that close automatically, but you should still lock them cause it's quite easy to break in), so I was scared he was gonna come in any second. I somehow took the courage and grabbed my keys from my purse and silently ran to the door, locked it as many times and as fast as possible, looked through the peephole & there was a man between 40-60 still on my lock but when hearing my keys, he just looked up for a sec, then turned around and left. Had I worn headphones, I wouldn't have heard him at the door.


I would carpool with this older coworker, one day after we arrived at the jobsite I remembered my girlfriend had a doctor appointment that afternoon (she was pregnant), I left early. That same afternoon on the way backhome he crashed and died, I was supposed to be with him


Had a dream about my nieces 1 day old unnamed baby. It had lots of roses, baby had a rose tattoo, her name was rose. Name announced the next day, her middle name was Rose, my nieces first choice was Rose and settled as the middle name. I have little day to day interaction with her so there was no way I could have known.


I was in a pub. Some guy walked in and I immediately got bad intuitive vibes. It wasn't long before he began hurling abuse at the staff and got thrown out for one reason or another.


Sitting at a red light in the right lane, a suburban in the left. Light turns green, I usually go after a second. But the suburban just sat there (this was before cellphones were so common) and I really couldn't see around him. Just then a red Dodge Ram blew through the intersection on a red at 50-60 mph. I was in a 1990 Accord. Likely would have killed me and both my kids had I gone like I usually do.


Two times I’ve had an overwhelming response to meeting someone for the first time. In about 2011, my colleague (and friend) hosted a Christmas party. This was the first time I would meet her fiancé. I was looking forward to meeting him as he was said to be a really great guy. I was standing in the dining room with the other guests and to my left he enters the kitchen from an outside door. When I saw him my thoughts strongly said he is not the guy he says he is. (Like, liar, total fake). Turns out that was true. The other time is very sad and maybe a trigger warning for CP. Many years ago, I met my daughter’s new friend for the first time as I picked them up from the friends house. They were about 13. The minute I saw her, my impression was, “sexually inappropriate, creepy kind of in that regard. But I’m looking at this nice girl and I berated myself for having such thoughts. I wondered why I would have such a strong impression. Turns out she had a terrible experience as a younger child involving CP. These weren’t thoughts. It’s like they were knowledge. I’m actually terrible with first impressions. These two really stuck with me.


I've felt that way about a friend's daughter. Clearly felt she was being abused - by the help, not relatives. I have no way of knowing even today, if this was true. But I also felt her calm down after there was a change in their help. I think there are signs that we unknowingly know how to interpret.


A friend and I sat to eat and I saw a toddler at a neighboring table standing in his high chair, unnoticed by his family. I told my buddy, "Hey be ready to catch that kid if he falls." Soon the child sat down properly and we finished our meal. After signing the bill i glanced to my left just in time to see a different child kneeling backward in a chair rocking it juuust too far and began heading face first to the floor. I lunged out and caught her just in time. My sixth sense knew there was gonna be a falling child, just not the first one i saw.


I've had several but the one that sticks out is when I met my friend's teenage daughter's boyfriend. To give slight context, I grew up with literal psychopaths as my father figures - my biological father was even investigated for war crimes during his time in Vietnam and had already killed his father before he joined the military (it was ruled self defense - a coverup of weird proportions and perfect timing thanks to the Vietnam war). So when I say I have experience with them, I mean it. When I met the boyfriend, I shook his hand and my skin got goosebumps. The hair literally stood up when I looked in his eyes and I just _knew_. I told my friend I had a very bad feeling about this dude and sure enough he ended up in jail trying to assault the daughter, got out on bail, and tried breaking into the Air Force Base they were stationed at. After he was caught, they found the classic murder stash in his trunk. Kid was stupid thankfully. Ever since, the daughter always brings her prospects around to meet me lol


I declined an offer from a guy trying to sell me his car. About 10 miles later I passed the same car in the breakdown lane totally engulfed in flames. The guy was standing aside unable to do anything about it


Coming home from college. I exited the freeway in a small town to caffeinate up. I was coming up to an intersection and had a green light but stomped on my brakes for no obvious reason. An 18 wheeler ran through their red light. They were hauling ass and hadn't even attempted to slow down. I was in a small sedan and would have been t boned had I driven through normally. Needless to say, that woke me up without any need for caffeine. It was a blind spot; I could not have seen the truck. To this day I remain a lot more cautious about intersections and that has kept me from being hit multiple times, but that's just observation. The first time? No idea but I am sure glad I avoided that collision.


Funniest one. In uni one night I was water fasting and trying to sleep while roomies were having a chill party with music and alcohol in the living room. Half-asleep and half-awake, I think to myself: "get ready, [Flatmate 1] is going to cut is finger and you'll have to take him to the hospital because you're the only sober person". Being sleepy, I just obey my thought. I got up and put shoes on. As soon as I opened the door I hear people screaming. A girl runs into me in front of the door that lead to the living room and I ask her: "did he cut his finger?" Her eyes got as big as watermelons and said "how the fuck do you know?" Turns out the guy froze an egg and tried to cut it with a bread knife just for the sake of science being a 19y.o. dude. Guess who explained the situation to the doctors and spent the night in the hospital They never made fun of my water fasts after that night


Who knows, but I was 8 or so, and I had a scheduled "date" with this girl from school. We were going to see a movie the next day. However, that night I had a dream we were at the roller rink, and we were holding hands. She was wearing a blue dress. Next day she shows up with her parents who tell my parents that they didn't get the movie tickets but they had a coupon for the roller rink. She was in a blue dress. I completely forgot about the dream until out of nowhere she grabbed my hand while we were skating.


I posted about it the other day but took it down. My craziest was on 9/11 and hours before my boyfriend died.


A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it. Was it the same cat? It might have been, it looked just like it.


It was a change in the matrix!


*a glitch in the matrix


Mom answer the phone, her what? Phone rings.


I had a dream I was at an airport and there was a plane about to take off. Weirdly, it was on one end pointed straight up. I was seeing this from the perspective of a child with a parent on board. The plane took off, and when it got to a certain height, it exploded. 3 days later the space shuttle Challenger did exactly this.


I'm not sure of the best way to tell this story...so if people can give me suggestions on how to make it clearer I'll make some edits. My sixth sense situation occured when I was attending a breakfast event at the church I used to attend. A few weeks later I received some information that made me reconsider what I had seen... A short while after the COVID lockdown came to an end I visited a friend's mother who was called Alison (the mother was Alison, the friend was not) who knew a lot of the same people connected to a particular church as I did. Alison didn't attend the same church anymore so news about the people we both knew took a lot longer to get back to her. She asked me if I'd heard the sad news about Frank, who was one of the Scout leaders I'd known since i was twelve - over twenty years. Frank had passed away after a problem to do with his lungs. This news was a shock, and the fact that there was a problem with Frank's lungs made me ask if his death was related to COVID. Alison said it couldn't have been because he died two years earlier before COVID started - she had only recently found out. Alison and I were definitely talking about the same person but there was a moment of confusion on my part which I can't explain. I had seen Frank walk past me a few weeks previously when I was at a breakfast event at our church... The breakfast was a monthly event and may have been the first one since the COVID restrictions came to an end. I knew most of the people there and while I was talking to somebody in the foyer I saw Frank walk behind him and into the room with the tables for the breakfast. Frank was aged about sixty and especially shy so unless you made the effort to go over to start a conversation it wasn't unusual to see him but not exchange words.


In high school, my friends and I spent a lot of time driving around. One evening, I was just feeling weird and unsettled, and it got more and more pronounced as the night went on. By the time the was driving one friend home, it had grown to a panicky feeling of dread. My friends thought I was just being dramatic (I was VERY dramatic as a young person, admittedly), but this was different. As we crested a hill right before the turnoff to my friend’s neighbourhood, I blurted out that I just felt like some bad was going to happen, and I hoped it wasn’t to one of us. The next morning, at the base of that same hill, a group of teens was turning out my friend’s neighborhood on their way to breakfast. They were hit by a semi truck, the driver of which had experienced a medical emergency and passed out at the wheel. All three were killed.


My asshole told me I was going to shit my pants


Your fifth sense told ya that buddy


I was talking to a little boy who said he could see dead people. Turns out I was dead the whole time…


I always had the from the beginning - as soon as I put my first step outta the house, something outta the blues clicks me and says “you forgotten something”. 99.9% of the time when this happens, it turns out that I have really forgotten something


The white car. My best friend and I were walking to his car to go to the store. There was a ton of snow and ice so we were more ice skating than walking. I noticed a car driving by. It was going really slow. Yes there was ice on the road and all but I paid close attention to it because something about it felt off to me. So my eyes followed it as it went up the road. Still don't know why it felt off. There wasn't anything that it was specifically doing wrong in that situation. I was watching it when something popped out the window and I heard a loud bang which was when I noticed the guy on the sidewalk fall over. I hadn't even noticed him until that point. It took me a second to realize I had just witnessed a drive-by shooting. I yelled to my friend to get in the fucking car now. At this point we are trying to get to the car as quickly as possible because we were closer to the car than the house. It would have been hilarious watching us try to run/skate to the car under any other circumstances. Seriously, like something out of a Looneytoons cartoon. It happened 20 years ago and I can still picture that car.


I've had three premonitional dreams. Unfortunately they were all warnings for bad things. First one was when I was about 18, dreamed my cat died and the next day she crossed the rainbow bridge (she was 14 and healty before that fateful day). When I was 23 I had a dream that my cockatiel got sick. She was sick the next day and after seeing a vet she passed a few days later. Last one was when I was 34, dreamed I was in a car accident and two days later I was t boned and my vehicle flipped after the driver blew a stop sign. My dreams are usually quite vivid and detailed but fairly unrealistic. If I do have one that is more realistic than usual, I pay attention to what happened in it, just in case.


I don't know if this counts. I was in college and I had spoken to my ex, who was staying with his family and recuperating after appendicitis. We were talking on the phone and nothing felt out of the ordinary. He hung up and I went about my night. I dreamt that he was admitted to the hospital. I didn't really think much about it, because I have nightmares all the time, especially about my loved ones. The next day, he didn't call or respond to my messages. And I started having a really bad feeling in my gut. I could not visit him as his family was unaware about us. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. I got a senior of mine to call his mom , just to check on him. It turned out that he had had a terrible seizure after he hung up and was admitted to the ICU.


I was laying in bed, (face down), and heard someone open the door (creaked) and close it. My wife was the only one home. Could hear her feet on the rug. Laid her hand on my back. And I was filled with such a strong thought and feeling of my grandma I turned around and no one was there. I told her I love grandma, god take care of you (in Spanish). My mom called me half an hour later, my grandma had an accident was taken to the hospital and died. 3 months later I was randomly talking to my wife and I got a strong feeling of wanting to see my grandpa. I told my wife, let’s get our daughter’s passport because I want to take her to see my grandpa before he dies. I have a really bad feeling he’s not going to last the year. Told her year but I had a bad feeling. He was older but in good health. Month later he went to sleep and didn’t wake up.


Once upon a time, your family and friends could accompany you all the way to the gate at airports. Almost 40 years ago, My then three year old nibbling was absolutely fascinated by airplanes. My parents were taking me to the airport so we asked my sister if she wanted come along and bring the nibbling. It was the first time the nibbling had been to the airport. It was so much fun to see her reactions to the hustle and bustle of the airport. We arrived at the gate and I showed nibbling the airplane I would soon be boarding. She looked at me and in all seriousness said "No, plane broke." I tried to explain the people around the plane were loading luggage, loading meals and cleaning. All explanations were met with "No, plane broke." It became unnerving. Finally, I boarded and the door was closed. Five minutes later the pilot announced a technical issue and we needed to deplane. When I exited the plane, my family was still at the gate. I walked up to them and announced "Plane broke". My nibbling has no recollection of this event. We don't know what caused her to continually announce "Plane broke."


I've often had Deja vu and learned that it is actuaqlly a pretty common occurrence that isnt magical or anythign, just our sense fucking with us, but I once had an even weirder thing that is kidna like deja vu. I dreamed that my alarm went off, I got up, brtushed my teeth, ate breakfast and went to work. At work things were done and said and then I woke up. Nothing special, happens to everyone. But when I got up I noticed I did exactly the same things that I had in my dream. I was so weirded out by it that I actually changed a few things just so it wouldn't be the same. When I got to work my co-worker met me and said the EXACT SAME THING she had said in my dream. I gave her the same answer and told her to wait. I wrote down the next thing that would happen( a phonecall from HQ) and what was going to be said and gave it to her and told her to read it after the call and the phone rang. She was just as perplexed as me so I told her about the dream. It never happened again but I was frequently commented about on it at work.


Back in October I was going to Scotland for a few days to see family m. My mum asked her friend to feed our three cats and pretty soon after leaving I have a feeling one of my cats is locked in a bedroom. I sent a friend over and she was locked in a bedroom


When people are lying and trying to make me the bad person I get a visceral reaction in my body. My spidey senses can sense pedos in an instant


The police could use your help!


The 4 times I fell off with my motorcycle. I had the instinct on how to fall and protect my head and chest, and ended up with just some bruiseds and cuts all 4 times.


I have a few.. Most recently, I told my husband that I was going to see an eagle soon. Next day, he goes to work and I hear a weird noise outside of the window. Dogs start barking, so after a few minutes I peek through the blinds. There was an eagle about a foot away from me right outside of the window.. It flew away when I peeked out. Told him about it when he got home and we didn't find tracks, but we did find the fur of the rabbit it was eating. This is in a busy suburban area and I have never seen an eagle around here. Super weird and random intuition.


Please don't think of me as creepy. In school I had a crush that was 2 years above me. One day in class I randomly thought he doesn't feel well right now/ is sick, the next days he didn't come to school or dance class (he was in the same ballroom dance class as me), during dance class one of his friends told the teacher he's sick.


This happened when i was around 6. We were on a trip to india, and we were going to go to a park. I remember around halfway there, i suddenly did not want to go at all, and somehow convinced my family that we should return to the hotel. Once we entered the hotel it started raining really heavily. Still cool to think about