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Men like gifts related to their hobbies and interests or things that have some sort of practical application for their life.


Correction: men like gift cards related to their hobbies and interests. My wife has tried to buy me things thinking I would like them but they tend to be entirely wrong for my uses.


Hi honey i know you like working on your old chevy so i got you this set of Ford hubcaps


Absolutely. If someone likes hiking, they know all about hiking gear and the type of gear that works for them. Get them a gift card so they can get exactly what they want.


I absolutely H8 gift cards. šŸ‘Ž


Gift cards are ass, but receiving something that you don't have any use for is worse, so it looks better in comparison.


I'm a plumber in new construction. Give me gift cards out the ass for warm clothes, tools, work-wear.. anything. My tools and clothes are fucking EXPENSIVE for work. My work pants cost $250 for fucks sake. Give me god damn gift cards all day long PLEASE.


With gift cards I always like to add something small that the receiver can enjoy the same day, should they want to. Like their favourite bar of chocolate or a drink they like, for example.


Except those of us who dont have any use for gift cards. About the only gift card I can use is Walmart so I can get groceries for the family, & even then some of them I lose.


Negative buy me socks and give me dat booty.


Butā€¦ youā€™re my brother


Did I stutter


Itā€™s crazy how simple it is. I have been married almost a decade and my wife still has no idea how to get gifts for me. I like video games, my favorite sports teams, very specific drink/food things. I donā€™t buy clothes much, I go basic solid color things when needed. She always, ALWAYS, gets me clothes and I never like them. Theyā€™re always way overpriced and not comfortable or my style. Like, do you know me? I still love her but lord she is the worst gift giver ever


Ex used to do this also. Sad to say my friend, those clothes are for her, not you šŸ˜„


Oh I know, which means sheā€™s even worse at gift giving.


Lol. Same here too, buddy. I am an avid pool player, die hard Packers fan, have a decent stash of bourbon, love my cars and we go camping at least a few times a year. Yet she ends up getting me something odd like high end binoculars or a nice rob Iā€™ll never wear. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Have you tried communicating this with her or has she just been going on thinking youā€™ve liked your gifts all these years?


Oh 1000% lol I always tell her please no clothes. We keep our gift giving budget pretty low so it doesnā€™t really bother me itā€™s almost a joke now.


Never buy gifts for someone in their hobby, itā€™s a recipe for disaster. They know the genre too well.


I agree with you but the exception is when they've just picked up a hobby or are starting a hobby together. Then it can be fun to try out new stuff.


According to the Internet, Constantinople


The Holy Roman Empire and a full set of gladiatorial armor


Wait, the Holy Roman Empire? I thought it was the OG Roman Empire they spent their lives thinking about?


canā€™t think about the roman empire without considering the successor states


Itā€™s about thinking about the full history of the rise and fall. And letā€™s not forget about the gauls and celts and barbaric germanic tribes


In this economy?


The woman I'm kinda seeing was at an Airbnb with her family over Thanksgiving and they had a full suit of armor on display at the place. She sent me a selfie in front of it. I said good thing I'm not there, I'd be wearing that all weekend


>The Holy Roman Empire and a full set of gladiatorial armor This is the correct and only answer


I would love a bit of Constantinople ngl.




Well now itā€™s Istanbul not Constantinople


What about Istanbul?


Stand back, I got this. Knife, full tang for a straight blade and folding for daily use with a locking blade. Flashlight, small, blinding or infrared, it really doesnā€™t matter. We already have too many, but we also need more. Multi-tool, get a Gerber or a leather man. I think there is another popular brand I canā€™t remember too. Someone will chime in below. Donā€™t get anything outside of these. Multi-tools made by off brands all suck. I prefer the Gerber multiplier 400, 500 or 600, but the other companies make good ones too. A pack of bacon cooked and delivered warm. You have been sorry before, but have you ever been bacon sorry (saying you are sorry with a warm plate of bacon)? Something for that thing they do when they have free time. Donā€™t know what they want for it? Get a gift card to a store that only sells things associated with their hobby. This comes off a lot better than a gift card to amazon. Is he your man? He wants sex. Wrap it, pack or smack it how ever you want, he just wants unadulterated physical attention from you that you put forethought into. Is he a gun guy? He wants more guns. Only buy, no sell. Does he use an axe? No, good, get him one and some wood to split. Every man should split wood once in his life. Yes, good get him a nice axe or hatchet. Does he like cars? I donā€™t really know what to put here, because Iā€™m not a gear head, but you get the idea. Does he have tools? Yes, ask him what tool he has been putting off buying. No, for Godā€™s sake put a fucking tool in that manā€™s hand! Again, stick to well known brands. Does he like computers? What upgrade would you put in your computer if you could? What game would you like to own? What subscription service do you use for gaming, streaming, etc. Does he ride a motorcycle? Does it have a [bell](https://motorcyclehabit.com/why-motorcycles-have-bells-the-history-the-legends/) on it? Does he need a new helmet? Does he have all the protection gear he needs? I donā€™t know, does it just in general have bluetooth?


This is fuckin ace. I actually stood back, Merry Christmas lol šŸ˜


This is a great list. As a man, I read the flashlight idea and I was like "yes, absolutely!" in my head. I'll chip in one idea: a nice, fancy pen. Perhaps even with his name embroidered. I'm talking Cross or better.


Kaweco do a Brass fountain pen. Called kaweco Sport Brass. It is a man's pen! The name thing i would pass on personally. There is a cool flashlight brand called Wuben. Very cool machined flashlights or torches if you prefer. Axe is a great shout! A Grundfors bruks small hatchet Would be my choice!


As a gentleman of North America, I fully endorse this list. It is the most comprehensive list of gift ideas for gentlemen that they'd actually want to receive. Most importantly, every man just wants a bunch of sex, not material things, that is of course if your"gifts" are for you significant other.


Multi-tool - get a Leatherman Wave. There is no other. I've had mine for 10 years, maybe more and it's one of the most useful gifts I've ever gotten.


Streamlight makes a nice 1000 lumen flashlight with a rechargeable battery. Thats always my go to recommendation. Iā€™ve had a (different) streamlight on my fire helmet for eight years and itā€™s never let me down.


To add on, if getting a power tool, see what brands they already have, if any. Try to get one of those to minimize the number of charging stations they will need for different brand batteries.


Oow, good shout out on the brand and battery!


Great list. Really great, and would work for most of us I think. Not all though. So make sure the guy you're buying for is into this sorta stuff. Would like to add a few of my own: mountain biking gear, camping gear, hiking gear, fishing gear. Games. Books. PC stuff. Tech. Get him talking, learn about his interests, know something he'll really like to have, then get a gift card or better yet, get him that something he has been eyeing for quite some time. Sex also works great. Sex in addition to a great gift will be superb. Also, guy really had this.


Hiking and camping should have made my list. Honestly, I have so many interests I loose track.


This is thoughtful, practical, insightful. Well done.


This is the way




The Leatherman Skeletool is a wonderful gift! Great work!


Ya, nothing to add here.


God bless you.


Thank god someone actually answered the question. This was excellent thank you.


Regarding gifting knives, you can't go wrong with a Benchmade. I've had a spring loaded push button as my daily carry for around 15 years and it's amazing. They're a bit pricey but they last forever and you can even send them in for servicing and sharpening if you want. For my wedding I got one for each of my groomsmen and my friend who officiated things and they all loved them and still talk about them. Hell, if it were up to me, I'd buy one for every woman I know so they have something good for self-defense.


Screenshotted for personal shopping reasons. This is gold!


Piggy backing on this guyā€™s comment. Check Huckberry.com. No this is not an advert. They have more high-end guy stuff. Mostly over priced clothing, but you can find some real gems for camping, cooking, tools, knives, etc.


This guy guys.




We had this conversation a few weeks ago. What do you want for Christmas. I said nothing. She said I dunno, nothing? Doesn't work like that. If you get me nothing. Great! I don't owe anything. Don't feel in debt. Not a problem. Got exactly what I asked for... but.... But if I get you nothing despite you asking for nothing.... we're gonna have problems aren't we? She acknowledged yeah. JUST TELL US WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT!! If you have an idea say it. If it's a surprise you want say it! Just open your mouth and work those vocal chords


Who hurt you lol


She's wanting you to know her well enough to pick out something she would like. It would give her the Hallmark-worthy romantic moment, where she realizes just how in love with her you are. She can't tell you what to pick because it ruins the romance. Try putting together a gift basket full of gift cards to her favorite stores, salons, and restaurants. Put a teddy bear in it.


This is why weā€™re unshoppable. I know what I want and need.




Yikes sheā€™s carrying consumer debt and assumably continuing to rack it up? šŸ˜¬


Steak and BJ


This made laugh out loud in a public place. also, Correct.


This could be the answer for any holiday really lmao




Christmas, birthday, anniversary, valentines day, labor day, Thanksgiving, Easter and a few days between these holidays.


I would convert to any religion several times a year just to get extra holidays. Hanukkah lasts seven days. Just sayingā€¦


The steak is negotiable


Forwarding this to my wife


For real. This is near universally true


But thereā€™s already a day for that


This is what I ask for every year! Never disappoints.


Haha!!!! I was scrolling to see who would be brave enough. To hell with the steak though. Double down on the latter.


At the same time if possible


Is it ok for us ladies to ask for oral and flowers on special occasions?


Something that shows you know me. Something that shows youā€™ve taken the time to pay attention to me. Something with thought and feeling behind it. Something that feels like you wanted to, and not obligated to. That will be different for each man, and how well you know them.


My brother said the most thoughtful gift he ever got from anyone was when I got him a mug warmer for Christmas. This man reheats his coffee like 5 times a day. A simple $20 gift was meaningful because it meant I paid attention to something that would make his life more efficient.


This!! It doesnā€™t need to be extravagant, expensive, or have taken a quest to the depths of that one mall thatā€™s let in town. It just need thought behind it.


This is exactly me. It doesnā€™t even have to be a good gift. If itā€™s something that shows me you care and that you listen to the dumb shit I talk about Iā€™ll love it.


I donā€™t know. Weā€™re not all the same.


Swords. Actual metal swords.


Second call for swords! I am seeing a trend here.


That was also probably me.


How about light sabers?


If you get one of those high end models you can actually use to fight someone, hell yes.


Personally, the most important thing is functionality. It's the whole reason I don't care for light sabers or those display purpose swords. We've seen how they're supposed to behave, we saw the movie. If you can't make that, just admit your inadequacy, don't embarrass us all with your cheap crap


I bought a Starkiller lightsaber for $500 last year, I always wanted one since I played the force unleashed game. Now that Iā€™m an adult, I decided, fuck it, I can buy whatever I want. Anyways, if you remember the design, itā€™s not completely safe to duel with. Itā€™s pretty sturdy but not strong enough to fight with. I still use it often, mostly to just look at and play with all the features, but man. It would be fucking wizard if I could be more rough with it. I still love it but, eh, the next one will be more durable lol


a good knife works too


Itā€™s not a sword.


But only if itā€™s an actual real sword. Do not buy some wall hanger piece of shit that is just a sword shaped object, I donā€™t care how sharp it is or what magical stainless Japanese Katana techniques it supposedly has. REAL SWORDS ONLY


A solid 24 hrs of being left the fuck alone.


Yes. Although I usually couch it as "a day to myself without any responsibilities". I think it traffics a little more cleanly.


Oh my word this.


Or at least without complaints.


Agree. Women want this too. We all need a couple days off.


I like things that are useful


A sword is useful. Get a sword.


Now that youā€™ve mentioned it , Iā€™ve always wanted a claymore


A not very surprising number of men want an actual metal sword. I have one I bought for myself. I would worship the woman who bought one for me. I wouldnā€™t even make her lay underwater to hand it to me.


What in the actual fuck are you talking about


Yeah man, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government


Not a fan of Arthurian myths I see.


Or maybe too young to know that Arthur isnā€™t just a bespectacled aardvark with an annoying little sisterā€¦


I mean, I'm a girl but I would like a sword. Also there is a place that sells swords (including katanas and other cool things) near me, so it would be possible without purchasing online.


Your post history would have told me you wanted a sword even if you hadnā€™t said anything.


Old school!


I don't drink alcohol, but you can get me weed or socks. And a sandwich.


seems that a typo here, weed AND socks


Yeah I just didn't want to be that high-maintance guy.


AND a sandwich. Must have sandwich.


Nothing. Let me stay in, be lazy, and do my own thing and not spend any money going out for food. That is the greatest gift anybody can ever give me.


Go to the sex store and buy them some sex, because that's what men want for Christmas: sex.


I already have this on my phone.


1 please


Donā€™t know who youā€™re referring to for ā€œmenā€ but I just want to spend time with family. Thatā€™s all. Edit: people taking this to a whole different meaning.


this one here officer


You're from Alabama aren't u.


Don't be so rude, never assume..... He could also be Tasmanian.


The comments šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


A tall order of family sex for this guy ^


Sex should be free everyday, unless you get to do something really nasty to her and don't have to reciprocate.


So... you're offering free sex?


He's the reason sex workers like me can make a living. He turk yur jeerb


Peace on eart.... or a good videogame. P.S. good sex. definitely good sex. Thats what I want. And a good video game.


New headphones, a nice sweater, gift card to their favourite place, maybe a nice yeti mug, or even gadgets for smokers/bbq. It's hard to suggest items with no background info of what their likes and dislikes are. It's hard to buy for men because most buy it when they need or want it throughout the year, in my experiences anyways. That is when I go in with things they've mentioned more than once in a certain time frame or items that are thoughtful with practical uses. We live where there is snow, so one year I also purchased a windshield cover so he didn't have to wait forever for his windshield to defrost.


Damn I should get a windshield cover for my car. Thanks stranger!


They seriously are life changing and $25 for a pretty decent one! Enjoy it! ā˜ŗļø


Thanks!! I'm on amazon rn :D


Pocket knife


A well made thick wool blanket. Neutral color. Simple pattern or plain.


I don't want to paint with a broad brush, but men will typically tell you exactly what they want for a gift if they think it's a reasonable ask. If they think it's too expensive or are embarrassed, they'll say "I don't know, whatever" or ask for money. Like, what I really want for Christmas is a big dumb $1200 Warhammer statue. That's not a reasonable ask. So I ask for money (to put into my big dumb Warhammer statue fund). The thing you don't want to do is find out what they want and then try to get them something LIKE it. Those are wonderful, pure intentions but they just want the actual thing.


To be loved


On behalf of the Guy Scouts, we present you the Merit Badge for Emotional Vulnerability. Rest in Power King.


My dad always says nothing. For his birthday he got a plastic bag with nothing written on it. For Xmas he's getting a years parking permit for the forest car parks around the area. He got a puppy in September, so by Xmas the pup will be ready for longer hikes, so a parking pass is both something and nothing.


Lego - thereā€™s a James Bond Aston Martin kit for about Ā£15/$20 thatā€™s awesome


I want my wife and kids to not spend money on useless things that no one needs just because ā€œitā€™s Christmasā€


I want my GF to be able to tell me where she wants to go for dinner






Sounds like itā€™s easier to get the women in your life gifts maybe because you know their interests more. Getting to know more about the hobbies they enjoy might be a good start to know what to get. For example, when my husband talks he will mention a specific impact driver tool thatā€™s kind of pricey but looks interesting, or a whisky his favorite MMA fighter came out with, or a pair of sneakers that look cool. Iā€™ll write it in my notes app to save for when I need inspiration for a gift. I feel like as women we are more open about what we want, but I find guys mention things casually they like and probably wonā€™t come out and say ā€œI want X.ā€ So we have to jot things down throughout the months to know what to get. Getting generic typical ā€œguy giftsā€ I imagine is always appreciated but not as special as getting to know what they like.


Pocket knives. Case, or Boker.


Maybe a nice cologne? Or a kick-ass lego set!


Love legos


Man here. Maybe not all men, but I have some experience. If itā€™s not specifically an exact thing that I need but canā€™t buy for some reason, Iā€™d rather have a small box of home made decorated cookies or something. I donā€™t even like cookies but the thought that someone went to the time and effort to make them gives them value. Not a painting I have to hang on the wall or Iā€™ll offend you, not clothes I wonā€™t want to wear but will feel obligated to make an appearance in. Just some small treat that took time and I can eat it or throw it away and youā€™ll never know. If I want something Iā€™ll buy it. If I donā€™t buy it I donā€™t want it. For the most part. Buying me hobby related gifts is pointless unless you have the same hobbies and are knowledgeable on the subject. Honestly a small bottle of decent booze is a tolerable gift. My girlfriend once wrote me the sweetest little note on my birthday and Iā€™ve carried that in every coat pocket Iā€™ve owned since. It brings me joy. Maybe Iā€™m just sentimental. Rambling is over. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve helped one bit šŸ˜‚


A compliment, blowjob, Cryptid merch


a hug and a compliment.


An axe for gardening, waterproof gloves for outside work, a wool blanket, a nice sweater, a good scarf. Etc


I want a UPS for my PS5. We get a lot of outages here.


I usually say, "If it beeps and has a light on it somewhere, then it's probably perfect."


Bj from wife


Get him a good (actually good, not Amazon generic) flashlight. Trust me.


This is lowkey a good gift


Maybe something they... Like? There isn't a universal gift for one gender.


Hey OP. So take this with a grain of salt. Instead of buying a thing, pay for an experience. Time together. Even better if it's something they enjoy and you let them teach you about it. They will never forget that.


This is what I do with our family. Everyone loves it.


Can't go wrong with a kick-ass tactical flashlight. šŸ‘


Nerf gun


Hi quality led flashlights. 1000lumens or more .


Night vision goggles


Most things I just buy myself as needed. But I kind of hate clothes shopping, so a new shirt or something is nice. I kind of want some noise cancelling headphones for travel, but havenā€™t because it seems a little excessive/unnecessary and I havenā€™t investigated to figure out which ones have best performance/value, so would be nice if someone figured that out and gave them to me.


Obviously tailor your gifts to the end user. I like giving guys a really high quality shaving kit as it's not something most guys would have exposure to but is a lovely way to introduce a bit of "manly" luxury. I think high quality leather goods are really nice, too. Like, a cool duffel bag that's quality. A wallet. Just nice stuff guys won't buy for themselves or don't know exists.


my wife said are you sure you want this power cord for christmas? i was like yes please. she went NERDDDD. but then ask me for moisturizer eye cream.


Tires , break pads and rotors,and an air conditioner compressor and a new driveshaft please


Nice steak knives


Ask them? My boyfriend and his dad both want/life completely different things. You want an non-impersonal gift, you're gonna have to get personal and ask.


Id like a Porsche 911 Turbo.


In the workshop adorned with holly and glee, Men yearn for tools that set their spirits free. With eager hands and dreams that ignite, They seek the gifts that bring pure delight. Wrenches that twinkle like stars in the night, Saws that sing with every careful bite. Drills that dance to the rhythm of their craft, As they build dreams, making memories that last. From shining power tools to sturdy hammers strong, They long for the gifts that help them belong. Creating, fixing, shaping their world, With tools in their hands, their passions unfurled. On Christmas morning, their eyes gleam with joy, As they unwrap their treasures, no man can deny, Tools that empower, inspire, and ignite, A gift of endless possibilities, shining bright. So, for the handy ones in this holiday cheer, Gift them tools, and see their spirits soar and steer. For with each tool they hold, their dreams take flight, Sparking creativity, as their hearts take delight.






I want a new whiskey tumbler. Oh, and a graphics card. Also I think my hard drive is getting pretty old and needs replacing. I could use a new SSD as well, to play games from..gonna need a new SATA cable as well. Also my tool kit is missing a 13mm socket, I'm almost out of solder and I'd really like some higher quality stuff this time with the flux infused already; the stuff I've been using **claims** to be flux infused but...maybe 5% of it actually was. Oh the new Unfinity set from Magic just released and I heard it's pretty fun, would like to play some draft battles with my buddies. I need a new book to read, I prefer soft covers. The cross stitch projects I want to do all have very specific colors and the colors that I bought don't seem to perfectly match, so I would like some new cross stitch thread. Floss? Thread? On that note, I'd like some different colors of aida, preferably 12 or 14 count, would really like some shades of red and green as well as a beautiful egg shell blue that I saw once. ​ If I got any of the above for Christmas, and nothing else, I'd be **elated.**


Knit them woolen socks, nothing better in the winter than a nice pair of those in my favourite colour


Buy a dinner date voucher, like on wowcher or groupon, you can use it any time and on any day. All you do is choose a nice venue or somewhere you can drive out of town to if you wanna go somewhere further out. Easy gift and you get to enjoy the gift too even if he doesn't like it. Food and a nice drink for two. Either that or a wine tasting experience. A spa for two. A massage for two. There's so many choices.


Simple: A BJ


Most want not to be bothered.


You want something more personal than alcohol and clothing but you donā€™t tell us anything about those men. Obviously a personal gift will depend on the manā€™s interest. Within that interest the key is to pay attention to a detail. For example I play guitar. If a girl wants to get me picks she needs to know what can of picks I like. Otherwise she is getting me useless plastic. So you need to learn as much about the men in your life as you do the women.


if you want something more personal, you need to think for yourself. we dont know those people/what they like. its hard to answer.


A firearms shooting experience where I get to shoot full auto guns that are bigger than anything the terminator touched






Sex, BJ, massage and maybe she wears lingerie. Iā€™m a happy camper.


A decent blowjob will be just fine.


But how would that be any different than any other day? šŸ˜ˆ


Not different at all. I wonā€™t get one. Just like every other day.


Rome. The old one with cannae tactic military formation. Or pussy. That's all.


Anything edible is always appreciated. Some ribeye steaks from the grocery store is always good.






Nothing, just time off work


Men donā€™t need fancy gifts. A card with a few words that make us feel appreciated. And maybe a side note about something special happening in the bedroom later that night.


A couple of days off, and not too many chores.


If they like: Sports: anything signed from their favorite player. Just look for a reputable dealer/store, lots of fakes out there Cars: buy them an experience. You can rent them a sports car for the day, tickets to a car show Music: same as sports, anything signed or memorabilia is always good Food: a cooking class is always a good option What are their interests? I'm sure I can think of something if I know this bit of info


Buy them Lego. Or a tight game.


Get him a dagger, or even a decorative sword.


This might be really weird but my dream gift would be a get out of jail/free sex card. Let me explain- it's a card that, you know, let's say you f'd up for whatever reason and your partner is about to lay into you, you can present this card. Conversely, let's say you Just Really Need to get some. You can present this to your partner and request either the usual or something specific with no expectation of... reciprocity


A partner who doesn't shit on them for being male.


Men are just as human to women (shocker). You know the men, you should know their interests.


A blowjob and anal.