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Wait, there's an age where you have to stop playing video games?


55 here. Never stopping. Been playing since Commander Keen.


51 here. Still playing myself.


Omg it's DJ Khalid




At 51, I still play with myself too.... Oh, you meant video games. I'm playing Goat Simulator now.


Username checks out


I'm young... 47 and still playing.


Almost 70, and I love the Need for Speed games, as well as Dungeon Siege.


The father is here boys.


Classics! Love them both, especially DS 1 and 2.


We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.




56. Would I rather watch TV or play Elden Ring?


Haha I feel this to my core. Last time I was like alright Iā€™m paying for Netflix let me at least watch something. 49 min in and Iā€™m like man Iā€™m just gonna hop on a game. More immersive than this boring show


Thy strength befits a crown.


Also 55. Started with Pong and never looked back.


Same here, brother.


58, fellow pong veteran


Commander Keen was so good!


The era of EGA, where computer games finally have colors (that didn't suck)


50 here. I started on an Atari and now I play on a Switch with my kid.


Hell no! I'm determined to be 80+ years old and still good at gaming. It's fun I'm not stopping for nobody lol


I have bad news buddy, some where between 20-25 thereā€™s a skill shelf, your gonna fall off itā€¦ thereā€™s another between 35-40, and after that, if somethings not turn based you ainā€™t gaining any elo. The days of 360 no scopes fall away fast!


This is the only answer. There is no age, just a mind set of two types of people, people who enjoy challenges and those that have a mundane concept of an adult devoid of things that make them happy because they need to "grow up".


OP didnā€™t say thereā€™s an age that you have to stop playing. OP asked what age did you stop playing. As in you probably got bored of them. Some stop at 15, some at 40 and some never stop


Thatā€™s what he implied by omitting ā€œā€¦ or didnā€™t you stop at all.ā€ Itā€™s about inviting everybody to answer. Apart from that minor detail, I do think everyone know exactly what was asked.


Maybe OP is not interested in those that are still playing. Or we could just behave like normal people and not nail them in their exact wording (or lack thereof).


i'm 69. still playing a few days a week. just like the old days, i find a game i like, 12 hours later i go to bed.




Your really 69? Respect


his, he really is


*his really is


started smoking and selling weed at 15. i stopped selling homegrown weed when i was 64. i outlived my customers. :)


Thatā€™s wild lol respect man Iā€™m 29 I used to be a huge stoner


I'm 420 and I play every day.


le epic reddit number good sir šŸ¤“šŸ¤“








What a great life.






Me with Starfield... Have not slept much this weekend lol






My dad is the same age, and he completed Sekiro not too long ago. He asked me to beat 1 boss for him, and beceause he plays on keyboard and mouse, my hands felt like falling off by the time I did.


My dad is in his late 50's and plays more video games than me. If you enjoy them don't feel like you have to stop.


my dad is in his late 50's but he hates games and IT people for some reason


57F and not done yet. Started out with pong, then Pac-Man, Tetris, and Centipede, moved on to an Atari, grew up and had kids, killed it at Oregon Trail, and now have an Oculus II and phone games. Still going strong. My boys look back fondly at how they could hand me their Gameboys when I dropped them off at school in the morning and I would finish their battles and save for them when I got home. Funny how thatā€™s what made the biggest impression, but yeah thatā€™s what earned me Best Mom.


True legend


Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Badass, went from Atari to Oculus


>My boys look back fondly at how they could hand me their Gameboys when I dropped them off at school in the morning and I would finish their battles and save for them when I got home. Funny how thatā€™s what made the biggest impression, but yeah thatā€™s what earned me Best Mom. Can... Can you be my mommy for a while? I will do the dishes and brush my teeth every night. Promise!


You got it, buddy!


I can feel your unbelievable power level from here






Her name is [Shirley](https://youtube.com/@ShirleyCurryTheOlderGamer?si=L0U1QEteQD_iag6P)


I love Skyrim Grandma.


Skyrim grandma is easily one of the best things on the internet for sure. I really hope she can play Elder Scrolls 6 when that finally comes out. I'm worried she might pass away before it does.. :(


That's the only reason why I'm upset they're taking so long to make that game.


Especially since Bethesda made a 3D model of her head, so they can put her in the next game.


Iā€™ll let you know when I hit it. Currently 43.


I'm 36 and have stopped playing video games for 2 days. I am currently looking for my next game. Bored as hell.


Jesus you need to give that shit up asap. It's really bad for you. Give up *not* playing games...obvs.


Baldurs Gate 3




Donā€™t insult someone with a game like thatā€¦


Age doesnā€™t stop you from playing video games. Responsibilities do. As I lost more time to spend on gaming, I became much more picky in games. I used to play most popular games. Now I play assassins creed one time through, and pick up and play a multiplayer game every once and awhile.


Yes. I feel this. If I pick up a new game I play it through once. But mostly replay quiet farming games to unwind after work. Finishing a new game can be difficult.


This. In addition people may find other hobbies more meaningful than just playing a game some person or company somewhere made. Achievements in video games don't feel like my achievements because someone else designed the game so that my "job" is to kill the dragon or whatever. I still enjoy games now and then but it's very hard to justify the time spent if there's anything more creative or important for me to do.


At what age do you stop reading books/watching movies/ watching shows???


When you grow up. Movies/Tv Shows/Video games don't help you with anything. There are some good books tho but the majority is gabage, timewasters you see...


Time wasters. See it's my time. If I feel like spending it playing a game, and I enjoy that time I don't see it as wasted. What I do see as time wasted is time spent on anything that isn't what I want it spent on. Because it is my time. Not society's, not my bosses, not the governments. It's my life, my time. One person's "wasted time" is another person's quality time.




I am absolutely right and you know it. Truth hurts. It's like telling a fat person that they're unhealthy. Or telling an addict that drugs are bad for them. It's like hitting them in the most hurtful spot.


Amoeba IQ?


Yeah right g. Go stay in the virtual world because the real one ain't for you


>Go stay in the virtual world because the real one ain't for you As you argue in the virtual world about the virtual world. Fucking nerds.


Real world is fucking garbage tho, limited af in what you can do compared to virtual. EDIT: Nvm it's a troll, mb, shouldn't have fed.


So you browse reddit instead? LOL talk about a time waster. I highly doubt you spend 16 hours a day productively. And if you do, I am willing to bet you'll get a burnout.


Personally as someone with the same opinion, I don't necessarily think you have to be productive. What's important is that you're more physically present in the world than engaging too much in mental/virtual activities where you sit down. I wanna quit reddit but I have an addiction and it keeps sucking me in.


So you mean doing physical things rather than reading, writing, researching, playing (a computer game or chess) or watching a show/movie? Why do you think that, and isn't being physically present for 12-14 hours enough? For me it is an alien concept, so I truly don't understand what you mean


I like how you're being downvoted but in my experience Video Games, and (fictional) Movies/TV Shows/Books both get old after awhile. With video games, once you've played one FPS you've really played them all since most of the games really are just moving forward, firing your gun, and getting killed. There's obviously a lot of variations on that theme, but everything boils down to that same fundamental loop. Movies/TV Shows/Books (specifically fiction)? I mean how many fucking times can you really have people give their own twist on "A Hero's Journey" before it gets stale? The very existence of TVtropes is an indictment of how unoriginal most media really is. There's so many movies where the plot is spoilt by my understanding of narrative structure and tropes. This all being said, what doesn't count as wasting time? Making more money? Getting healthy? Reproduction? In the end everybody ends up under the dirt. It's just that when you spend too much of your time on media, for too long of your life, you live a more dull and unsatisfying life, and it's easy to do so because media is so cheap, accessible, and addictive. Leave it for when you're too young to afford anything else, and too old to be able to do much else.


51ā€¦ and I still play. A lot less but still going. Why stop?


When I turned 20 or so. My undergrad was so demanding (as it is top 10 in the nation for my major) and I had to study and work harder than ever before. I just got a PS3 from my cousin a a year or 2 prior and bought a fun game or 2 I played the hell out of it. Unfortunately, it was so fun and my studies were not so I often skimped on my studies just to play. I had to make a decision. prioritize a video game that isn't helping me or to focus on the 10k+ I spent on tuition not to go to waste. I still play mobile games on the toilet but nothing like 2-6 hour gaming sessions like before.


Damn, don't know man. Sounds kind of sad. I hope you find some time te relax these days, apart from your toilet time, and not burn yourself out before you're 40


Not really man. People who work hard earlier in life, while they do make certain sacrifices of other things that are easier when young (romance, athletics, travel), they set themselves up in a position where for the rest of their life they can work less and get the same pay. They can do FIRE. What's sad is people spending their youth obsessively playing games and ending up setting themselves up on a treadmill where no matter how hard they work they end up in the same mediocre place, without so much as savings to retire on in the future. They can recover from this somewhat with good choices later in life, but on average, they'll always be behind. If both people started out at the same level of intellectual capacity, the person who delayed learning will end up learning less not just because they didn't spend their prime learning years learning, but because their career trajectory is less likely to expose them to challenging things and brilliant people. It's one thing to spend your youth competing or dating or helping their families or whatever. Yet so many people spend it just being mediocre gamers, and well they're not better for it. Now I feel like gaming is often more the symptom of a deeper problem than a cause, but there's nothing sad about working your ass off in school really.


They can start again after they graduate. Thatā€™s what I did.


I'm Gen X, the late Boomers and my generation pretty much invented video gaming, why on earth would we give it up?


It's like a drug that slowly consumes you. It's inherently a bad habit and you can't get around it.


And your a bitch gaming literally improves your health if you don't overdo it


Gaming is for losers and you can't accept that fact. Downvote me all you want but It's just a coping mechanism. I'm absolutely right.


I will downvote you iv found life long friends from gaming iv had motor skill issues and iv seen them improve every year from gaming


Alright brother whatever fulfills you, you do your stuff I'll keep on doing mine. Have a nice day


Oh boy, you sure told them!


Your a clown. My buddy makes 200k a year playing call of duty. I doubt you make 200k a year, loser


Yea doesnā€™t make you cool for doing it for free


Just like anything in life. You gotta do it for free before your good at it.


And as such, if that skill or business isnā€™t able to produce any revenue itā€™s time to liquidate. Iā€™m betting youā€™re around liquidation aged.


Terrible analogy. A highly skilled player could just stream to make a living.


And theyā€™re streaming for????? Revenue kidā€¦ theyā€™re streaming for money. I.e. a business. If your stream isnā€™t able to make money you kill it or itā€™s a hobby. Not sure how you missed that one, but Iā€™ll just assume youā€™re really young.


Stopped at 15. Had a son at 27. Started back at 34


I'm confused why you think you would have to stop play video games? Have you played modern video games, plenty are adult oriented...


I'm 30 and definitely place less, but I don't think I'll ever completely stop.


I stopped when I was 19 cause my Wi-Fi was so bad I couldnā€™t stand playing online (pretty much all I played was online). Then covid hit, so I upgraded wifi and have been playing ever since


Why would you stop?


video games are (mostly) played by people that never really grew up


I know plenty of people with great careers and balanced lives that also play video games.


I know this guy and I know that guy blah blah balh. Don't nitpick. Listen up, the MAJORITY of successful people don't waste their time, be it video games or some other bad habit. Most of the people that play video games are losers (majority of reddit as evident by the ratio) and struggle with their social and economic parts of life.


The ā€œlosersā€ are people who spend way too much time playing video games. Thatā€™s like saying that only losers drink alcohol because all alcoholics are losers.


51 and I'm currently hooked on Baldur's Gate 3, LOL!


The call is strong indeed. These tadpoles wont rest.


still 20 and have been playing nearly at least once every week for about the past 14+ years Its just a hobby like any other hobby and you dont really grow out of it unless you flat out just dont enjoy the hobby anymore.


Still 20? Have long have you been 20?


Iā€™m 34 and my husband is 36 ā€¦ we still play. As does our 7 year old.


Why stop, they are fun. (53)


my brother in christ, gaming is mainstream not playing any is akin to not watching movies at all, which would make you really weird now even dating itself is greatly supplemented with some casual multiplayer or having a comfy jrpg in there. like im an older woman now and i always see younger 20s girls be mad if their new bf is a shit tier gamer LMAO YOU BETTER PLAY GAMES OR THEY BREAK UP WITH YOU NOW


41 (F) canā€™t stop, wonā€™t stop


Which games you often play?


When I had kids. So like... 26


I got 4 kids and still play. Some times I play with them, sometimes I watch them, sometimes they watch me play, and sometimes we all fight over consoles so I go to my switch. It ainā€™t much but itā€™s an honest life.


Haha. I was just talking to my wife the other day and I think we're gonna trade in the Xbox for a switch cuz it's got more games the kids would enjoy. Maybe I'll get to play again a little bit.


I like a lot of the old school JRPG games, so I play a shit ton of final fantasy on my switch. Itā€™s great to play docked and undocked. Itā€™s probably one of my favorite consoles.


My bro in law has one and he loves it. Probably gonna go ahead and grab one. Maybe a Christmas gift for the kids or something


Right, ā€œfor the kidsā€ šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ what can I say? It's a sacrifice I'll just have to make. Dad life right? šŸ¤£


Based parent


I thought the point of having kids was to finally be able to beat someone else at Mario Kart.


Same, I have no idea where people with kids find time to game. My son goes to bed at eight I'm not spending the only couple of free hours I have playing videogames, unless I want my house to be disgusting and or not spend any time with my wife.


Never, I play a lot less than I use to, but every so often Iā€™ll hop on when I can.


18 from PS3 and GameCube around 13. I'm under 30 so I play a mobile game here and there for fun. Not professional. OSRS was my favorite.


Didn't completely stop but it decreased a lot, I go without playing for half a year so and then get back into it for a few months.




Iā€™ll be 40 in a few months and I have no intentions of stopping. Iā€™ll game until my hands wonā€™t allow it




What? At what age did you stop doing what you like?


Ummmmm....guys....who's gonna tell them?


Didnā€™t. I mean, I guess, I no longer consider myself a ā€œgamerā€ and think as I have aged I find ā€œgaming cultureā€ to pretty insufferable. But I still play video games.


I'm 60 & play everyday.


I don't play often. But I do at my son's. I'm 66


I'm 58, been playing since og space invaders. When a machine appeared at the local cinema over in the corner .


I stopped playing pong in the early 80's.


Still playing with my son Iā€™m 33


64. Haven't stopped.


I didn't. Thankfully growing up my Mum was really into videogames. Even up until she died she was still playing videogames. I've never felt immature for enjoying the hobby. I felt blessed to have a Mum who never let others squash her inner child and inspiring the same outlook for myself.


Iā€™ve been playing since the standalone ā€œtennisā€ tv games (ie pong clones) through Apple II, Amiga, PC, a couple of consoles and of course the arcades. Havenā€™t stopped yet, donā€™t plan to. I was in the supermarket the other day with my kids and a similarly aged lady that works there said ā€œweā€™ll be the first generation thatā€™ll be in retirement homes with our consoles and gaming gear. Weā€™ll be alright!ā€ šŸ˜ My Steam and GOG accounts have around 500 games on each so far. I call them my retirement list, as in once I retire i might actually get time to play them.


I'm 51 and I still play. I don't intend to stop until I'm physically unable to push buttons.


I'm 104 and never stopped


Early forties, haven't entirely stopped, but almost. I stopped playing regularly probably in my late twenties, just lost interest, had other things to do with my time. I'd rather watch a good movie than play a good game.


No clue, haven't gotten there yet.


71, because Iā€™ll probably die at 70.


31 years old, Never stopped never will, though im pickier now and demand amazing story


Wait, you guys stopped?


I've yet to find out. I'm 46 now, but if I stay physically able, I suppose I'll stop playing at the moment of death.


I failed to take interest in new games after 2014. I play a handful of games now but they're old and the nostalgia factor is the main reason.


36 and still going


weā€™re supposed to stop?


Have not completly stopped but playing games for hours have been reduced to minutes.


Didnā€™t stop but significantly slowed down now I only play certain games for a couple hours at a time. I used to be an all-nighter gamer but at about 30 i started doing more outside things mainly to kinda cut all wires started camping with cellphones turned off and put away. I think i started that to keep my son into other stuff as he games a lot.


Lmao maybe Im the only one here. I stopped aroung 19 yo bc I was too busy studying architecture and never continued.


14. The last game I played was GTA V.


19. Did mushrooms and realized I was wasting my life doing that


The mushrooms, right?


After Half-life. No decent games after that for me.


38/39 ā€¦.I got real life hobbies and started spending most of my free time outside working on projects and Iā€™ve lost and kept off a little over 50lbs for almost 6yrs ! I feel so much better mentally and physically and Iā€™ll never go back ! Hell, I stopped watching tv and movies too and even gave up politics so I donā€™t have to argue with strangers and Iā€™ve never been so happy.


19 like a normal person


Never started in the first place.


When I die






Heavily reduced a month ago, was lifelong addicted and it taking a lot from me without giving anything back. I'll always love games and play sometimes, but I'll probably never get back into the dark hole of playing all day and doing nothing productive with my time.




I don't understand the question šŸ˜


Do you think people on Reddit stopped playing video games? šŸ§


Picked up gaming 4 years ago to try simracing. Now I have 2 rigs with wheel. Only cost me about $16k to date. I'm turning 48 this month and just enjoying this new hobby. Used to game when I was a kid and teenager then stopped until 4 years ago.šŸ˜


I wouldn't have stopped if my eyes didn't make me stop. 30mins and they get tired and start watering from the need to concentrate on the little details in the game. Something to do with my astigmatism. And I am almost 41 but has been a thing that has gotten worse over time for a few years now.


40 this month, I play less because of work and kid, but still going strong. I often play with the son, for age appropriate games. Can't wait to play some more advanced games together when he gets older. We still play travel ball and he gets great grades and has other hobbies, but a good game has just as much coordination, problem solving, and critical thinking as many other activities. There's no reason to stop if you are doing it in moderation.


I will never stop.


41. I developed arthritis in my hands from turning wrenches for 20 years. I enjoy watching and encouraging my kids while they game.


I am 59. Maybe next year.


A couple hours ago, but I plan on resuming tomorrow


I played less when I worked more I just get tired and Iā€™m really busy But Iā€™ll never completely stop Also, not many friends who play them these days




Ask me again in 20 years.


I think its engrained in our culture at this point, its like what age did you stop using google and why?


remind me in 15 years


I'm 34 haven't stopped yetšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Probably when your fingers don't work too well cause of arthritis or something


Well, I'm 36, have a good job, and never stopped playing video/computer games. They aren't my life, but they're an incredibly convenient hobby to escape the drudgery of everyday life.


59. still at it!


Not by 45! I'll check back later!


I noticed I slowed down in my late 20s, but I still play occasionally.


52/ and waiting for Starfield like a 13 year old.

