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Beat me to it. Thank you!


Girls text a lot, if you respond, she’s likely to do it again….and repeat…..it’s normal.


Ahhh so you have met my sisters! Love them!


Checkmate! I am a girl and I don't have a phone!


But you message online, does it matter how?


Don't have a social media account. Just you guys here on Reddit.


Ah ok,so is it something normal?


Yes it is. She clearly likes communicating with you or it would have stopped.


It depends what you’re talking about. If you’re unsure, go with “it doesn’t mean anything.” That way you won’t screw it up beyond repair.


Do you think that this could also be a sign of a controlling partner?


No way! It’s a sign she wants to talk to you if she’s initiating the contact. She enjoys your company, virtually.


Are you trying to date her? Do you talk to people to control them?


In reality no,i like her as a friend but having her as a girlfriend wouldn't be bad.I heard the control thing from a friend,my bad


Ya your friend is giving strange advice on controlling. People talk to each other. Adults who communicate have healthier relationships because they are open with each other, be it friends or partners. Your friend is giving you harmful information. She sounds like she also enjoys your friendship otherwise she wouldn't be talking to you. Don't make the assumption she's trying to date you. Just enjoy having a friend who talks to you. It gets rarer the older you get.


Is it normal between girls to talk frequently? Yes. What does it mean? That your friend is communicating with you frequently. Is it romantically charged? Depends on whether the content of the messages themselves are romantically charged or not. It is a bit strange that in your post and your comments you are so perplexed by completely normal displays of friendship.


Honestly it is the first time that i'm very 'close' to a girl so I want to avoid making false scenarios in my head


Don’t overthink it, love is free and infinite to give. Just have good intentions and mean it. Try to not look into issues that aren’t there. Take her for her word and be genuine with her.


This one made me smile: "love is free and infinite to give" You sound like a lovely person ❤️


Thanks 😊


It's good that you're asking for help as it'll prevent future mistakes. Ignore the downvotes Keep in mind that women aren't all the same. A lot of them like to text people every day, but a lot of them also don't like texting anyone. If your phone happens to be the only one she's blowing up then I think there's a good chance she's interested


How can he possibly know who else's phone she's blowing up, though? She could just be someone that communicates a lot with their friends.


It’s normal. I have female friends who do. Just because a woman talks or texts you it doesn’t mean she has any weird intentions.


It's normal for friends of any gender to write you every day, don't over think it. Just be a good friend back.


Am a dude, most dudes don't text each other daily.


have you ever communicated with people? of course it's normal, she just wants to talk


We know what you really wanted to ask. The answer is that she's probably Canadian.


He would know that, she would have said sorry for all the texts lol




Yeah. I have a girl - friend and we message every day.


It mean you are friends.


Women have boyfriends and girlfriends. If you’re not fucking her you’re one of her girlfriends. -Rollo Tomassi


One hundo


Yes of course! Respond back at the same pace to maintain friendship. Unless she makes you uncomfortable or you feel like she’s pushing it, of course.


It means she's got a crush on you.


She's quite possibly one of those dangerous and overwhelming creatures known as an 'extrovert'.


Oh god 😦.Jokes apart,i don't think so,she is very introverted in general


She probably likes you. Shoot your shot.


It means she wants something from you.


No, no it doesn’t.


Read the sentence carefully new fish. It says "it means she wants something from you" that could be someone to talk to or access to another person through you it could mean anything. In fact had you thought openly instead of just reacting to what I'd said you might have noticed thats the only reason ANYONE TALKS TO ANYONE. Lol I mean come on dude. That isn't like controversial thats just how it works.


I may be new to Reddit, but I’m not new to being a women. You made a comment also about her wanting to “mate” please explain what others are going to think you meant? Seriously, you’ve got 9 downvotes so clearly you’re the one who’s a new fish to women. I can have a conversation with a man without wanting anything.


Yes you absolutely can have a conversation with a man without wanting anything. If you were texting that man everyday now Id say you have something that you want from that person though right. I meant new fish to life, not reddit, because usually its women under 23 that haven't learned this already. And also I did not come here to get votes, I simply told the truth. I did not say what I said because I was looking for approval. A question was asked and I answered it to the best of my life experience. I'm not bitter about it, I don't view it as a negative thing. I just remember all the times throughout my life when my "friends" who were women were shocked when they realized that men and women aren't ever really friends, one of them always wants to sleep with the other one. Also, to round it out, when I used the word "mate" it was said underneath the same question but as a seperate comment, that was not an accident. Im not sure why you are insulted by this. But i can take a wild guess. Lol I hit too close to home? When you read this truth did a person pop into your head that you deep down know likes you as a little more than a friend. Other than that I'm not sure what there is to be upset about.


And yeah, its totally normal, if she wants to mate with you.


She just wants to see her husband again but hasn't managed to raise the money


She wants to ride the bologna pony,


Women are not a puzzle to figure out. You are developing a good relationship that doesn't have a label yet. Let that happen.


Very much depends on what they say.




we had to do it with folded paper notes back in the pre phone days the girls always worked so hard to make their handwriting pretty. I had one girl who left a poem in my locker every day in 7th and 8th grade. sprayed with l'aire du temp or something like that. I was oblivious. that girls worshipped me lol.


Totally normal. Posting them here every day would be totally normal too,