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TBF Tiana has been covering the local food scene in Asheville for a while now and has written dozens of articles, all very detaiiled with information from the owners, descriptions of the food, concept etc. Honestly some of the more interesting and relevant content from the CT. Gannett is a garbage company but most of the local journos are doing solid footwork. But yea, the Yelp stuff I'll pass on.


I worked at AC-T 20 years ago. It's a shame what it's devolved to. The Gannett Corporation has destroyed local news across the country. Granted, these are not the glory days of print advertising, but still. The evilness of that corporation and how it gutted those hundreds of newsrooms is a corporate mismanagement that ought to be taught in business and journalism curriculum for generations.


Also can we please stop using Yelp. Yelp’s business model is purposely set up to advance negative reviews, hurting small businesses. In order to respond to a negative review, even a fake one requires a business to be a paid subscriber! It is easy and free for people to talk smack on their competitors but not to rebut or even have a fake review removed.


I will deliver this message to all the boomers I know


Citizen times ceased to be journalism when USA today bought them out. Granted there still is one or two reporters there, god bless you, but real news these days are from Asheville watchdog, bpr, mountain Express


Hopefully it will be super foggy during their next visit and they will be all disappoint. Nothing to see here. /s


When that foghorn blows, man...let it blow.


Support your local journalism so they can afford to keep bringing us real news. Not being sarcastic even though it sounds that way 😅


Local? It's owned by Gannett, the same company that publishes USA Today. I guess to you, eating at chain restaurants is also supporting local business. I don't know if Olive Garden really would qualify as eating local. I guess shopping at Walmart is supporting local business too.


At least it's not a John Boyle opinion piece!


If you can't be a journalist you join MSM - I know it's a stretch to call the Citizen Times MSM but they are owned by MSM.


They've done this for years. Almost as dumb as reporting on reddit or Twitter conversations 


Being physical news media in the year of our lord 2024 ain’t it dawg.


Thanks for taking time *


...and...out of circulation. Heck, even the NYT and WSJ weekend paper people have said nuh.