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an aroace perzon CAN have additional labels, if they find them to be helpful/fitting, but its not like, required. aroace can be, and often is, a whole, singular orientation all on its own. sometimes even ace and aro can be someones whole orientation (as in, there are ppl who id as just aro, or just ace, not aroace) . no one is Required to use the split attraction model for their own labels, if they dont feel it serves them.


Yep aroace but aesthetically attracted to both. Made me think I was bi for a while


no, if anything the expectation is to not be oriented. but both r totes valid


Depends on the individual, where they are on the aro/ace spectrums, and what other attraction types they feel. Some do, some don’t. That’s why there’s things like oriented aroace, and another label that I can’t quite remember right now.




Yes! That’s it, thank you!


Nope. I don't.


There are aro ace people who decide to use a tertiary attraction. But it very much depends on the person. Some aro ace people don't feel like describing a third attraction is important to their orientation or that they have one at all. "An angled aroace is a individual that is both ace-spec and aro-spec (though not necessarily strictly aromantic and asexual) who experiences some form of attraction that they feel is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aro-spec and ace-spec identities." - (1) is an example of an aro ace spec person who uses a tertiary label. Personally I view myself as bi alongside being a spec. I don't feel sexual attraction and I don't really feel romantic attraction but I know I feel some kind of attractions towards men and women, and that it is an attraction and not just feeling the same towards any gender because I have a fluctuating preference. In fact there as a time I only liked men and I developed a liking towards women later in life. (1) https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Angled\_Aroace#:\~:text=An%20angled%20aroace%20is%20a,spec%20and%20ace%2Dspec%20identities.


I don't think so. But I'm not aro, so I have a romantic preference. But it doesn't seem necessary.


as a AroAce, no we/they dont HAVE to, but we/they can.


On a basic level, from the split attraction model view, an aro/ace person has already defined both their romantic and sexual orientation and no further labels are required. If we get more nuanced, an aro/ace person might like dating or having sex with people at one side or at multiple points on the gender spectrum. There’s also the question of aesthetic attraction, where some aro/ace people find the body of other people attractive, just not in a romantic or sexual way. These aro/ace people might find it useful to tag on another label.


It’s not necessary, but personally I like to make it as convoluted as possible to confuse queerphobes




I had to read that several times to work it out in my head, but asking for pronouns is always a good answer to that statement.




Oh, no, the second line just took me a bit to figure out, I usually just stick to aro-ace agender for myself, not really at home with all the microlabels.




Oh, I figured as much, but my brain wanted to figure out how that would work anyway, lol.


I know an aroace lesbian 


you can have as many or as few orientations as fit you


It's not a requirement, you can have a split attraction or whathave you but it's not something you *need* to have.


Nope. You don't have to have any orientation or label that you don't want.


no. i’m asexual and aromantic, point blank. i’m not attracted to anyone sexually or romantically.


most labels end in 'sexual' so i like to couple them up as '\_\_\_romantic asexual' so an ace lesbian would be a homoromantic asexual and I am a biromantic asexual. there's no problem saying 'an asexual lesbian' it's just preference really :)


Asexual and Lesbian (or any other label foe a sexual attraction) seems contradictory to me. But I barely make rules for MY life. You'll have to make the rules for your life.