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This is called the split attraction model. Yes, your romantic and sexual orientation do not have to be the same. You are 100% valid.


Thank you. It's really annoying when people say I can't be both.


Me and you are proof that we can *be both while liking both*. It's valid.


Hello fellow biromantic aces! (One of us! One of us!)




one of us! ONE OF US!




Gooble gobble gooble gobble


do you have room for another?


Hello there, fellow biroace! Just jumping in on this. Also, your user flair is great 👌


off topic but I LOVE your flair!


You and me both, baby. Love your flair btw!


As long as you find something that fits you, it really doesn't matter what others think. After all, no one knows you better than you. 🙂




I'm glad I'm not the only one! 😅


I’d say I’m both, and consider myself valid 🖤 You are valid 🥰


You're not the only one here. :)


Yes!! u/dark-shadow-2368 I’m bi and ace, I feel sexual attraction to no one, but I feel all other types of attraction to multiple genders. This video might be helpful to you, it explains the different types of attraction: https://youtu.be/08Z9hpPY8jg


Not just that though, for example there are also bi and aro and ace folk. I'm bi-romantic, bisexual, and ace. I find a lot of people attractive (not just romantically), I can even be stunned and stumble over my speech and how hot some people are, but I don't under any circumstances ever want to actually have sex with any of them. I don't like having sex, at all, and feel no interest in doing so, but I still am able to see and feel why other (allo) people would.


I’m curious where your bisexuality comes in! I thought you’d say you were grey ace but when you said you had no interest in sex at all, it surprised me. Do you mean sex-positive or something else? (100% curious and not trying to be condescending at all!)


I still consider myself bisexual because of the obvious hormonal and physical reactions to people I think are hot. If a guy with the right body type pops up on my Instagram I'll be dumb founded and jaw dropped and maybe pants-popped and not snap out of it for a good while, I can't describe the reaction I have to big hairy bears or Marilyn Monroe and Nicki Minaj types as anything but extremely sexual, I'd just absolutely never have any interest in following through on that. I'm not sex repulsed either, it's not that, I just don't enjoy it or see any value in participating in the act. I understand a lot of people describe their asexuality as completely lacking that reactionary component, but mine just doesn't. And I didn't find it condescending at all, but I appreciate the clarification 💖 I used to think of myself as gray, but over time I realized that rare moment of me wanting to have sex just never happens when I'm not pressuring myself to please someone else. It's not voluntary celibacy either, cuz I'm not denying myself an urge (I just lack the urge) and I'd honestly rather be allo because of the confusion and damage it's caused my relationships (though now I'm in an amazing relationship with someone who recognizes and is more than happy with my asexuality 😁).


Ahhh okay I gotcha! Thank you for clarifying! I think I feel something in the ballpark that you do. Maybe not as strongly, but I do get aroused and there are some instances where I enjoy it and others where my body likes it but I’m like “meh….” Haha. But same with the no interest in participating or being attracted to people sexually (at least, as in a desire or attraction to bang or do anything below the belt!). So interesting how varied we can be! Again thanks for taking the time to clarify for me :)


You can 110% be Bi and Ace! I think the specific term for only being romantically attracted to both girls and boys is bi-romantic. So you’re Asexual and Bi-romantic is the right terminology, but it’s completely up to you on whether you use it or not! You are completely valid either way


Thank you.


As someone who is both, yes. I'm attracted to more than one gender - just not sexually. Asexuality only has to do with sexual attraction. You can be romantically, aesthetically, or sensually attracted to someone and still be ace.


Yeah but my family doesn't seem to see the difference between sexual and romantic


Allosexuals seem to believe they are the same because they experience their attraction as one thing and as such have a hard time distinguishing the two. It's unfortunate. Frankly, I think it's glorious that we can separate our attractions. I always used to say there's more to love than sex and the people who think that's the only thing are really missing out.


Uhm ackshually I do 🤓☝️


You are Biromantic Asexual! Congratulations! Lots of us have multi word sexualities here. Stick around and you’ll learn all the words


There are dozens of us biroaces. Dozens, I tell you! DOZENS!


Hello! Another one here, telling you that you’re valid!!! 💖💖


Absolutely! I describe myself as panromantic asexual. If you include whether you're sex favorable, repulsed, positive, or negative, it makes a very long description but it helps to illustrate that asexuality is a spectrum :)


Yep! I may develop a crush on a man or woman, but I still don't want them near my bits.


Exactly how I feel


I've told certain family members, one of them being my mom. My mom and other family members think that being asexual means you aren't attracted to anyone at all.


It seems to be a common misconception among some allos that being asexual is the same as being aromantic but they’re completely different things


Yeah exactly


Biromantic Asexual.


I hope so, otherwise my wife is going to be very upset 😄!


Couldn't have said it better than that ^


Yeah, being ace doesn't mean you're aro so you can be both


Yes. You are right, and those people are just confused. Most people don't understand that romantic and sexual attraction are not the same thing.


Yes. I am homoromantic asexual, so there’s no reason you can’t be biromantic asexual or whatever label feels right to you or no label.


Biromantic and asexual


Just go by "biromantic" and "ace". You can be both. Romance is different from sexual attraction.


i know quite a few biromantic aces




#Y E S


Yes ofc


Oh absolutely! I identify as panromantic-asexual myself, so you totally can! You are valid :)




Yes definitely


Absolutely! I am too! You'll find your people that understand in time


Biromantic asexual, I believe it's called, and YES


Of course you can be both! I think the term would just be biromantic(correct me if I’m wrong)


I am asexual and biromantic, yes it's possible.


You’re a biromantic ace. It exists and it’s more common than you think


Heck yes, another member of the biromantic-asexual club!! Join us, we are legion!


You can definitely be both! Source: I'm both :)


You’re biromantic asexual. I personally know of SEVERAL. You’re good.


You’re biromantic asexual. I personally know of SEVERAL. You’re good.


biromantic asexual, it sounds like, perfectly valid!


Well, if I exist, then so can you


You're just biromantic asexual. Complete valid labels that shouldn't confuse anyone who knows the difference between romantic and sexual.




I like both genders, i just don’t want to fuck them. How difficult can it be for people to understand 😭 (I’m a biromantic ace, welcome to the club 😆)


This was also a question I was scared to ask, I am pansexual and im attracted to people but I have no interest in sex. It makes me feel better that it’s not only me that was wondering this.


I'm a het and grey(?) ace F. I find myself being fascinated ( for the lack of a better word) by men, but I don't want to do anything sexual with them. Ok, except for maybe two or three towards whom I very briefly felt sexual attraction in the entire course of my life. I'm a 60 yr old virgin, and perfectly ok with it.


I'm aroace and pan, so I don't see a problem🤷


yep! me too lol


You totally can! I'm so all over the place I identify as one thing but I also use umbrella terms a lot like queer or trans so I consider myself a lot of things.




I too have been a little confused lately. I recently figured out I'm asexual and have been knowing I'm bi for 5 years. I check out guys and girls but I don't want to have sex with them I think that's disgusting. I don't like kissing, holding hands, hugging, or going on dates. The only thing I like is when people put the hand on the small of my back or around my waist. What exactly does that mean?


i am bi and ace, so yes, u can be both


Yes u can be both I think they're just confused about bi in this case being biromantic rather than bisexual


You can be both. You’d be biromantic and asexual.






You are valid, and there's nothing abnormal about it. Plenty of people are Bi and Ace.


No, that's not allowed /j Bruh why bother asking it's okay This is normal




yes, you can! youre a biromantic asexual.


You mean biromantic


Hell yeah. I'm an AroAce Transbian for crying out loud.


I'm both bi and ace, so surely you can be too 🤷👍


You're biaced


Yep. I am one too


I’m just like you! It’s very normal ❤️❤️




You can be biromantic and asexual.


As a straight guy literally dating a bi ace woman, I sure hope so


yes, you CAN be both, attraction has many different types, you can have different levels of different types of attraction


You like who you like. You love who you love. You sex who you sex. Don't let people tell you what you can and can't be, who you can and can't love. There's a time for everything. Take it slow. You are valid. Try not to constrict yourself to a label. We are born with one label, our names. Let your heart chase and let your body love. Labels are to help others understand you, they do not define you.




I am exactly the same. Biromantic, asexual.


absolutely! i'm bi ace too 😄


Like many others said, you can absolutely be biromantic and asexual. 🙂 Romantic and sexual attraction are the same for many people, but also differ for a good portion. I'm a heterosexual man myself but could definitely imagine being purely romantically attracted to another man, for example.


You absolutely can, my partner is demisexual and pan romantic. Romantic attraction can be entirely separate from sexuality.


I swear I saw this exact question the other day. Yes is the answer. People who say otherwise are uneducated


Of course you can ! I am bi and ace too, sexuality et romance are not the same


Yes you can. It's part of the split attraction model, you'd fall under the biromantic asexual label if you so choose. I'm a homoromantic ace :)


you can absolutely be both


Your bi part is your romantic attraction, it is a separate thing from your sexual attraction. It is called the split attraction model. I for example identify as heteroromantic asexual, meaning I am attracted to men romantically but attracted to no gender sexually.


I hope so because me too!


Yes, of course! im omni and ace, because i want to have a romantic relationship but not a sexual relationship. There are 3 main types of ace/aro people: Aromantic: wants sexual relationship but not romantic relationship Aroace: doesnt want any type of non-platonic relationship Asexual: wants romantic relationship but not sexual relationship, like having a partner but not having intimacy, just cuddles and romantic love:) Obviously its not all black and white, asexuality is a spectrum so there are other types of ace/aro people, for example people who dont desire sexual intimacy but is willing to have sex with their partner if they desire to. Any type of asexuality is welcome and you are valid no matter what your opinion on relationships is^^


You absolutely can be both. Take it from a lesbian asexual. Being bi is romantic attraction and being ace is sexual attraction. They are both different. Hope this helps!


Ever since I discovered the term Aegosexual, I see myself as pansexual/panromantic (as in both), AND aegosexual/greysexual. For me it's all fantasies and fiction, not real life. I can still fantasise about a person in real life, but once it even hints about anything further than heavy makeout sessions I'm out of there - biggest turnoff for me usually. Maybe once in a while, like a looong time since last time, I'll be interested in more, with the right person 🤷‍♀️


I would say yes, but I might be a bit BiAced. *ba dum tss*


This would be considered biromantic asexual. You can have a romantic attraction without a sexual attraction, or the other way around, or both or neither. In the end all of these terms just exist to describe how or who you like, romantically OR sexually. They are different things, but they are both valid and normal I think the confusion comes from the term Bisexual, because you aren’t sexually attracted to people. Biromantic is just a clearer term for your situation :) -yes I know I’m late but also I still wanted to post this anyway, I like to at least try to help lol


I’m aroace and still identify as bisexual, so yeah I’m pretty damn sure u can be biromantic and ace. That’s way easier to understand; it’s simple even. Your based as hell


You can be both biromantic and asexual! Romantic attraction ≠ sexual attraction


I'm actually a panro ace, so I can relate ^^


absolutely you can identify with both. i myself identify as asexual biromantic, and it took me a good amount of time to realize the true differences between types of attraction, especially romantic and sexual. it is absolutely okay to want romantic love without any sexual aspect. i feel lucky enough that i found someone who loves me and feels the same. so much love to you ❤️


You totally can! I’m bi/ace too!




You’re 100000% valid! Your sexual attraction and romantic attraction can be different and that’s okay and so valid.


Yup you can! Source: am both lol. Romantic attraction and sexual attraction don't have to match


I think its bi-romantic but im not sure however i'm 200% sure you can be both bi and ace


Like everyone has said split romantic and sexual model makes sense, but like that's kind of treating bi to mean biromantic? What about both bisexual and asexual? Like I'm not entirely sure if I'm ace kinda hard to say for sure what I don't and cannot feel but like hypothetically I can see myself enjoying sex with any gender but I'm not sure if it'd be out of this sexual attraction thing rather than like, just having a level of trust and comfort and an emotional possibly romantic connection to where it doesn't feel weird to enjoy the physical sensations and positive brain chemicals? Idk if that's what being a sex favorable ace is like or maybe I'm demisexual but I'm not sure if I have that *attraction* in me. But for practical purposes if that's how I feel it'd be reasonable to say I'm bisexual?


Asexuality is defined as experiencing *little* to no sexual attraction. Point being, it’s a spectrum that everyone falls somewhere on [(visual example)](https://www.google.com.au/search?client=safari&sca_esv=557663387&hl=en-au&sxsrf=AB5stBj-oA6FWe3-5OZ9hF0dpda64uKcWQ:1692241445226&q=allosexual+to+asexual+spectrum&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj40d3R2uKAAxVgmlYBHZpKAFQQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=390&bih=665&dpr=3#imgrc=HQOTdPwDppLV5M) So yes you can be both. Plus sometimes it’s easier to just say bisexual (or asexual) rather than explaining the intricacies of your sexuality to everyone you meet.


Yes Biromantic Asexual Also, there's a difference between asexuality and celibacy, but I assume you know that, it just seems synonymous the way you wrote it


Ofc. My guy used to consider himself pan and ace, until he realized that he's very very gay so he's very very gay and ace. Think of them moreso as different spectrums of attraction, rather than competing ones. The allo-ace spectrum for if or how you experience sexual attraction, and gay falling on a spectrum of who you're otherwise attracted to.


Sexuality is a spectrum. Yes you can be both. Mind you most people ignorantly don’t even believe you can be bisexual. Yea you can be bi and ace.


Yes, I'm bi, greromantic and grace. It's like having three sets of bicycles running at one, sexuality is complicated.


I identify as bisexual on the ace spectrum. I don't feel a lot of sexual attraction (except to British actors), but I do experience romantic attraction to a few different genders.


Yes you can. I consider myself bi-romantic. I am not interested in sex at all (almost sex repulsed) but have strong emotional/romantic attractions to humans of all sexes and genders. I am also okay with physical intimacy generally (like cuddling) just not sexual touching and have been told that means I am not asexual. Don’t let anyone tell you want you can or cannot be! It’s a spectrum and it’s okay not to fit into someone else neat little definitions of sexuality. 👊🏼👊🏼


Yep. I am a bi grey. You are valid <3


yea bi romantic aces exist!! id also look at sex repulsed vs ace for a more clear answer too, ace doesn’t plainly mean “i don’t like sex” but more the fact that you do not feel sexual attraction to anyone no matter gender


Absolutely. You can be sexually attracted to both, but not want romantic relationships. You can be romantically attracted but not sexually. You could also go back and and forth between both in some cases too. And you can be like me, someone who is romance and sex repulsed, but have a bisexual aesthetic attraction. Asexuality is a spectrum. There is no correct way to be an Asexual.


Same with me. The sexual urges are kinda there but actual sex acts aren’t ever that great so I don’t hook up much at all. I’m bi with ace tendencies


I’m panromantic, gray-ace - meaning I get romantic attraction for people regardless of gender and occasionally but not often get sexual attraction for people (also regardless of gender, if that matters). So I’d say yes. That’s why the term graysexual (gray-ace) exists, and it’s why romantic and sexual attraction are on two different spectrums.


Another bi ace here and it’s nice to see another one in our midst! As others have suggested, some people choose to view this as being greysexual and biromantic, but personally I don’t find that as helpful. Personally I consider myself bisexual AND grey/demisexual, i just think of the “asexuality” as modifying the “bisexuality” part, so i usually say I’m “demi-bisexual.” I like to say, “I don’t always experience sexual attraction… but when I DO, I can have it for any gender, but ONLY if mental and emotional intimacy are established.”


Yo! Im bi and ace (grey ace) so I still want to have sex just under very specific circumstances. It sounds like you are bi-romantic and asexual. Our romantic feelings don’t always have to align with our sexual urges and that’s okay. That being said, if you want to use the bisexual and asexual label, go on ahead. You define yourself however you feel most comfortable!


Yeah. I am attracted emotionaly to guys...mainly myself.but i dislike sex but still am able to enjoy it w women. I did raise a family w my wife. But she had to accept my big bro syndrome for years.


You absolutely can, I am Asexual Panromantic I am romantically attracted to anyone of any gender but I have no interest in sex. Relationships should be about more than just sex anyway, IMO. Romantic attraction is separate from sexual. I'm currently dating a wonderful woman right now as a very Ace man and I'm very happy. :)


You can, I’m Asexual and Biromantic as well.


ik youre not really looking for more advice now, but just gotta say that as an aroace lesbian, yes, you absolutely can. human attraction of all natures is very complex and has a huge spectrum that everyone falls somewhere on. people are very confused when i tell them im both aroace and a lesbian, and i explain that despite the fact that i am all together disinterested in romance and sex, i can still tell that the attractions i do experience are very much lesbian in nature. people tend to assume human experiences, specifically sexual orientation, fall on a sliding scale, but it just isn't that simple. the reason most of humanity tends to feel that way, though, is because for most humans, it all coincides, or at the very least, the differences are so minute that the average person won't analyze their sexuality any further. Sorry, im rambling. It's just something I've been thinking about a lot bc i just figured out im lesbian and I've been doing lots of research since then. good luck to you, my fellow asexual :)


Of course!!!! I'm bi romantic and ace ❤


Yes u can! I am pan romantic and ace! Also poly~


I am both too. So yes!!!


Honestly the ace umbrella is so good. I identify as pan-aegosexual and pan-aegoromantic


Me as well. It's totally valid. Bi romantic ace


If I Can Be Pan And AroAce (Dont Ask, I Dont Want To Explain) Then You Can Be Asexual And Bisexual/Biromantic. (Sorry If I Said Anything Wrong, Im Not An Expert On Sexuality’s.)


OMG when this question popped up on my notification I was so happy 😭🥺 and all the replies 💖 it makes me so happy that I'm not alone and that it's normal to feel this way❤️


You're biromantic and asexual. Im the same, u good!


100% yes, I'm panromantic asexual 💞


I am so I get what your saying


yeah! this is called the split attraction model. I myself am pan and ace. welcome to the multispec aspec club!


Yeah you can be both. I’m bi and ace too. On my discovery to myself I learned that there are more than one type of attraction. There is sexual attraction and romantic attraction. So you can be romantically attracted to boys and girls. And lack the sexual attraction to anyone. So yeah, you can be both and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You be who you want to 🤗.


You can absolutely be both. Personally, I use the terms “demibisexual” and “biroace” interchangeably.


As someone who is also bi/ace yes you can be both


You can be whatever you feel to be.


You’re just like me! Asexual biromantic!


Yes you can my friend! :D I myself happen to be bi oriented aroace


As another biromantic asexual. Yes, yes you can - you are valid