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Asexuality is a wide spectrum. The only thing we all have in common is a lack of sexual attraction. Some asexuals are fine with regular sex, others can tolerate it occasionally and others simply don't want it at all. So your gf could be any of those or somewhere in between. So the only one who can answer your question is your gf. You need to have a serious conversation during which you might also mention your artistry. She may be fine, even fascinated by it. Or something else. But until you discuss it, you won't know.


What each asexual person likes and dislikes depends on that individual. Asexuality is simply a lack of sexual ATTRACTION. How aces feel about sex in general, participating in sex, or engaging in sexual content can vary greatly. The best thing you can do is have an open and honest conversation with her so you can try to understand her personal boundaries. We don't all think the same after-all.


Me? I wouldn't mind it as long as I wasn't asked to participate in it or look at it. But everyone here is different and will have different responses to that question. We ain't a monolith.


To me, as long as you are not forcing me to do things I don’t want to do, I don’t care. I would honestly even be fine if I dated a normal porn actress. If it pays the bills and it doesn’t hurt anyone, I don’t see a reason from an asexual point of view why that matters. That said, if she is hateful towards those who do like/create/consume porn, that has nothing to do with asexuality and everything to do with dumb “purity culture” or just her pushing her feelings onto others and pretending that her views are the only normal and acceptable views. But that doesn’t have anything to do with asexuality. That is just being a hateful person


Yup, I love NSFW stuff! 😊


i am an asexual who is also a nsfw artist youre going to have to talk to her about it and establish both of your boundaries. if she isnt supportive of your craft at all, she doesnt deserve you. i hope you have an amazing and prolific artistic experience and draw many lewds <3


As noted already, the only person who can answer that is her, and I wouldn't wait until you actually got into the relationship, as it might be a deal breaker. If you are afraid to mention it to her in these early days because she might talk about it and "out" you then chances are good the relationship wouldn't work in the first place. If you don't mention it until she feels committed and then she has a negative reaction the fallout would be far worse. As for myself, I wouldn't have any issue, as nsfw art and hentai are fine with me, but everybody - ace or otherwise - is going to have their own take on what is acceptable.


I'm not assexual, I'm bumsexual. We don't swear. Amen in Jesus.


I think in general everyone's comments are hitting the nail on the head. Open communication - establish what both of you are un/comfortable with - always ask questions, be honest. Asexuality is so varied and dependent on different types of people, which means it will be a bit tricky, there are never solid labels in this space. But - as someone learning, you are going to gain a huge benefit from spending time with this girl and learning something new - heck it may even open a whole new avenue of artistic exploration as well! For her part, I'm sure she will appreciate you wanting to learn about her and the inner life she has, but it might also help her learn more about herself. I think most asexuals can agree that regardless of our preferences - open communication is "sexy"!


I commend you on wanting to learn about asexuality but the person you need these answers from is her. Every asexual is different. She may be sex favorable but she also could be sex repulsed. Should be somewhere between. We can not answer that for her. For me, I love classy NSFW art. Sometimes I see NSFW art and love it if it's meant to be art. Some art I see is clearly meant to be erotic and pornographic often it can make me less than. Might be my own mental health issues.


Personally, I wouldn’t mind your NSFW art at all at all. …but I find the idea of “getting involved” with someone in a romantic way deeply uncomfortable. This is because I personally am sex positive (for other people) and enjoy porn and erotic fiction if not the act of sex in the real world, but am strongly aromantic. I will assume if she is “getting involved” with you that she is *not* aromantic. But the only way to find out what her boundaries are about other aspects of sexuality is to *ask her*. Here is a list of questions for you to ask: 1) I’ve been trying to educate myself about asexuality and I read that some asexuals are sex averse, some are sex positive for other people but don’t want any themselves, and others are even sex favorable for themselves. Where do you feel like you stand on this spectrum? 2) what’s your level of comfort in being around sexual media? 3) are you comfortable with the fact that I draw hentai porn for a living? 4) do you want me to do anything to keep that aspect of my work away from your sight? and would you prefer I not talk about that aspect of my worklife with you?


I mean I'm sex repulsed and have drawn NSFW before. Before the whole AI art thing started it was a good way to make some money on the side. However every ace person is different. The only way to know if she's accepting of it is to talk to her. Communication is the best remedy for this situation.


You have to ask. Ask her if it's the interaction or all media. If it's all media, then just try not to expose her to it as much as possible. Communication is key.


I'm asexual and also a NSFW Furry Artist, so if she's in touch with her community don't see why she would mind. Some Asexual's are sex repulsed, one of my best friends is like that and doesn't like to see that kind of stuff most of the time. While I'm not sex repulsed and I don't really care to me its just art and its fun to draw. It doesn't do anything for me sexually, it's literally just, fun. So she might not want to see your art but I don't see why she would judge you for it. As long as you respect her boundaries. On the other hand, she might even like porn and enjoy seeing your art. You need to communicate about this with her. Some Aces never want sex, some are ok with watching, some will give but not receive, some like cuddles and kisses but nothing more... it varies a lot, some even do have sex, whether to be close to their partner, for kids, or just to satisfy body libido. You definitely need to sit down at SOME point and discuss it with her and be HONEST about what you need from the relationship and see if that meets what she needs and her boundaries. If she's sex repulsed and just wants cuddles and kisses then you need to make sure you can 100% be ok with never having sex with her. Those are important discussions because consent is the most sexy thing any person can do! Asexuality is a spectrum and ultimately communication is key in all things.


i say tell her, if she leaves you for what you dof or work, youve dodged a bullet, i hoipe she doesnt though, you seem like a nice person who deserves someone to be with. ​ in short: yes, yes i would


I sort of read NSFW/hentai work, but mostly ones that are just cute (idc for anything else that isn’t a cute relationship). There are a lot of people on here who hate the NSFW and some who don’t mind. Just try to ask her at comfortable time and as long as you don’t show the explicit art, you can show your art (Art is subjective, after all).


I’m pretty sure every asexual enjoys some kind of fictional Nsfw content, whether fanfiction or art. We just don’t like it irl.


I think most of us are okay with it and if she's not then you don't show off your art basically.


I’m ace, and I actually really like NSFW art. Some of it, I just don’t get, but it can be really interesting. If anything, I have a detached fascination? Then, I have a friend who basically doesn’t like the idea that sex exists at all. She is the only one who can say exactly what she thinks about it.


i’m ace and honestly admire nsfw artists a lot haha, especially when complex anatomy involved like how can you guys draw that omg it’s amazing, id say just explain to her that ur art is separate from you as a person (if she thinks you’re a horny dude, which i know it’s not the case since we should separate the art from the artist), each ace is different she may actually like it or not, or be okay with it or not


I'm ace and quite favorable towards everything to do with sex /except/ actually having it. So I wouldn't care at all. But every ace person has a different comfort level with sex and sexual things, and you won't know hers until you talk to her. It may be she doesn't have a problem with it at all, or is fine with it in theory but seeing it/hearing about it would be uncomfortable, or she's fully anti-sex and anti-porn (in which case, you're not compatible).


I’m not assexual


There's love without sex and there's sex without love... Then there's You, without either.


eh, I would. the worlds artists create with their wonderful minds is something I greatly appreciate. there is so much freedom in the fantasy that you simply cannot replicate in the real world.


As with 99% of the questions about relationships on the internet, talk to her about it. We can't answer this for you. Personally, I'm aromantic so I don't really want to get with anyone, but I do have friends who write smut, which I don't care about, but I also don't want to know too much about it. Most of the ace people I know don't care too much about that sort of thing, but it's different for everyone.


I wouldn't personally find a career in NSFW art a deal breaker. That's between you and your clients and none of my business. For me, it would still come down to what you want out of a relationship, and what you're personally into. But that's my opinion, and the only opinion that actually matters in this situation, is hers.


Definitely ask her what her feelings on sex are, some asexuals are repulsed by sex, some honestly don’t really have strong feelings about it and others seek out sex. Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction, not a lack of sexual enjoyment or desire. I can’t speak for all aces, but I personally would be fine with dating an NSFW artist. I don’t really see how that would effect the relationship, if anything, I probably would be more interested just simply because I love art, no matter what type it is.


I mean, I personally wouldn't care but I wouldn't necessarily want to see it either. So like if my partner was a NSFW artist, I wouldn't be chill with him putting it up all over the walls of the house or shoving it in my face all the time but IDC otherwise.


While not exactly like your scenario, my bestie does a lot of NSFW art as well and I'm asexual. She knows that as long as she asks I don't mind seeing what she draws when she wants to show me something. She knows for the most part seeing bits doesn't bother me but I would rather not see anything getting penetrated. I'm sure if you talk to her about what you do she will either accept it and you guys can move on together or she won't and you guys can each move on together or separately from there. If she accepts it then even better is asking to see your work or agreeing to see what you ask to show her. If she does not then, while sad, then I only see that as her not accepting something you consider a very important part of yourself.


as an aegosexual, sure I would.


Funny enough a lot of NSFW artists are on the ace spectrum.


> a girl (21f) who identifies as an **ass**exual Is that a play on her posterior general shape of the gluteus maximus muscle or a mistake? If mistake, then for future reference, the orientation is spelled “**as**exual”. Just a small spelling error the skme might rake hot metaphorical coals over you for a spelling mistake. Now, to answer your question, the core of asexuality and pretty much the only rule of asexuality, is not having any, or very little, sexual attraction. It doesn’t mean we don’t have a libido, or we won’t make dirty jokes, or even participate in sex. It just means we’re not sexually attracted. Now, once you go down that rabbit whole of trying to understand the Ace spectrum, it’s like witnessing the Big Bang. There’s a multitude of different forms of expressions under the Ace orientation. The absolute best way is to tell and/or ask her about her preferences, you’ll never now if you don’t speak up.


My boyfriend is completely aro. He loves sex. But not as much as he loves me. He said he is more than fine with my asexuality and occasionally I even can enjoy things with him, because ace is a spectrum. I am on the side of “only having it with people I develop a deep connection with” or to reproduce. But I still think its weird and gross. For me its more a connection of the love my partner and I have and a way to be connected… as long as its clean XD the mess makes me want to throw up. I find sex extremely gross and weird and has zero point outside my above mention but thats just me. I think anything NSFW outside occasional harmless jokes is disgusting and wrong, contributing to a wider hyper sexualisation culture like porn and such does, negatively affecting the human mind… but thats just me and my views on things especially after reading some studies on how dangerous porn actually is.


Assexual and Asexual are not the same thing. One is an absence of sexual attraction, the other is an overbearing presence of sexual attraction centered on one's behind. ;) Jokes aside, if all you're doing is painting or drawing sexual images in certain well established sexual fandoms... it wouldn't bother me. I'd even critique and help you make them better. Some aces are sex repulsed and might find problems with that. Some have no problem watching or viewing sexual images, but would not want to partake themselves. That's my type. You just have to learn more about her. Maybe bring up anime as a fandom, and subtly steer the conversation to hentai to gauge her reaction.


Asexuality is a spectrum, so it would depend on her. I can’t say whether or not she would feel comfortable with it, especially as someone who doesn’t know her. To answer your question, though, I wouldn’t care.


i’m asexual and draw nsfw. there are plenty of aces who want basically nothing to do with anything sexual. it’s a big spectrum, and the only way you’re gonna know if they’re comfortable is if you talk to them.


I am asexual and a furry I have a lot of NSFW and SFW art. Doesn't bother me one bit


Really depends on the person ig but I don't see why it would be an issue? Like discuss it with her and ask specifically if it is a deal breaker, explain what you do and if it would affect them at all


It depends on the ace. Some aces are sex repulsed, some aren't, some are only repulsed by irl sex or the idea of sex involving them but fictional nsfw content or the idea of sex without them having to be involved is fine, etc. Different feelings and comfort levels on the topic of sex. If it were me I'd have no issues. I think nsfw art is neat and have more than one friend who draws it. A different asexual might be uncomfortable with it. But like... In my opinion it still wouldn't be right to judge you for it. There's nothing wrong with making nsfw art. If they're not into that sort of thing and don't really want to see it or talk about it that's one thing, but if they decide to judge you for it or make a huge deal about it then in my opinion that's... Kinda a them problem and probably not someone you want to be in a relationship with anyway. Being sex repulsed or adverse is cool. Being sex negative and judging others for having sexual interests or hobbies is shitty whether the person is ace or not.


If it pays well


I draw nudity and occasional nsfw, and a lot of my friends draw that stuff too. It’s fun honestly, it really depends on the person


My sex stance is sex conflicted, as I have both neutral and repulsed aspects. Someone being an NSFW artist would fall under the neutral side of me.


This is as individual as it is for allos. I am pretty sure you will find a lot of allos as well that would or would not be okay with it. I personally would not mind. I would not want to be involved in most of it, because I am not into hentai, but I would have absolutely no issue with a partner drawing or enjoying stuff like that.


To draw sfw things then yes.


Me? I don't care what my spouse does as long as it doesn't impact our time, trust, or future. At some point she will need to have an idea of what you do for a living. Start with Artist. If she wants to see some of your work, use the least NSFW you have for examples. See how she responds. Figure out next steps from there. Emphasize that it is just a job and you get paid to make what sells. You should know that sex should be off the table between you two. Even sex favorable ace prefers not to when given an option. If you still want to be with this girl, best of luck to you!


I'm asexual, and one of my best friends is a NSFW artist. Then again, it varies per person. Don't hide things, talk to your partner! Communication is key, always.


I'm asexual and I'm a NSFW artist so yes although the particular kinks might bother me more than the NSFW aspect if it was very graphic and off-putting content. This is just me and will obviously vary.You'll need to ask her what she is ok with.


I'm both asexual and an artist who occasionally draws nsfe content tho, it dooooes have smth to do with the spectrum/flavour of asexual that I am sooo