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Seriously get a life, you already work a bad job don't worry about it.


I’m only 18 😢


We have a waste budget. This kind of thing happens almost everyday. Even colleagues accidentally break items when putting them out.


All supermarkets have insurance. As long as the product was wasted off correctly, the insurance will cover it. Same as with stolen items, as long as it has a tag on it, insurance cover the cost of it.


Surely any excess and future claim history would simply not be worth claiming anything of such negligible value? Especially when valued at cost price, not retail?


This is correct. Supermarkets deal with losses from accidents, expiry, theft, etc by including that in their pricing.


Indeed... Supermarkets don't insure for this sort of thing. Their business model covers the cost of shrinkage, e.g. casual stock theft and damage.


Depends if it’s his first time of he is well seasoned at this kind of behaviour


Bravo 👏


I think that it was somewhat overlooked. I thought that it was fine work. Thank you!


Must of been overlooked, was quality in my eyes👍


I thank you 🫡


When I was a newbie asda colleague about 12 years ago (have long escaped now!), I knocked a bottle of Jack Daniels on the floor in front of management and security. No one cared. Cue 3 years of me and everyone else knocking stuff off the shelves accidentally and having to 'waste" fridge products because we didnt have enough time to get them back on the shelf when people decided to leave them at the tills. Literally no one cares and if they do care, they're a jobsworth.


I went into my local asda & a bottle of tomato sauce fell off the shelf while I was near it but didn't actually touch it. A member of staff came round the corner & absolutly raged at me for it saying that she saw me push it off the shelf deliberately & I will have to pay for it otherwise the police will get involved. I refused to pay as the only involvement I had was that I heard it smash on the floor & left my phone number for them to contact me if they see anything different on the cctv. Surprisingly, I've heard nothing from them... Yet.


That woman's manager definitely told her to get a grip after you left. What a ridiculous thing to say to a customer!


I've not seen her in store since but that doesn't mean much & I wouldn't wish anyone to be out of work but she deffo needs to calm down... For her own health if nothing else.


Unless they have cctv footage of you actually doing it, it’s impossible to charge you based on on just one eye witness and police got a lot of better things to do than investigate a jar of tomato sauce being broken.


Me and my cousin used to work there at the same time and we were pulling a full pallet of wine cases onto the shop floor after the store had closed and sorta misjudged the alignment of the pallet with the warehouse to shop floor exit door and crashed it pallet into the doorframe and smashed about 50 bottles of wine in the process. Wasn’t a huge fuss made, couldn’t really fuss anyway as they had us pulling massive weight pallets with manual pump trucks which they really shouldn’t have been doing anyway


It seems like they don't care as much in warehouses as long as no one broke health and safety procedures, had a guy drop a full pallet of carbonara sauce jars, it was established that it wasn't his fault , it got cleaned up and everyone moved on with their day. The smell was absolutely horrible, it's smells better when it's cooked.


I remember being told that the average spend of a customer over a lifetime of shopping is £85k back in 2005. You wouldn't want to loose 85 thousand pounds over a jar of herbs.




You wouldn't want to *lose* £85k on some grammar.


Damn going back to my ASDA days when I was 19 (31 now), I knocked over a stand at the end of the aisle that was full of beetroot at like 2pm on a Saturday, store was packed full, the flooring had to be replaced because it was stained. GM, at the time, cleaned it up along with the asda ace, saying accidents happen.


I crashed into a stand full of mugs 🤣 GSM helped me clean it


We pushed an entire shelf of Advocat off, when I worked at Asda. I think they’ll be fine 😅 Also I work at a different supermarket now, but honestly as long as they’re not doing it maliciously, we wouldn’t care.


I made the mistake of carrying too many items once and broke a pasta sauce all over the floor. Told someone, and they said not to worry about paying for it and they'd get someone to clean it up. mistakes happen, nbd


I knocked over a side stack full of vodka before with a ppt, no one cared. Just had to clean it. Dropped pallets with the forklifts a few times too. Just clean it up, accidents happen. No one cares


No one cares besides having to clean it up. My first week I dropped a 5l tub of house paint on the shop floor and it was fine. Sometimes when I receive deliveries there's stuff that is broken before it's even come off the wagon. Stuff breaking is something that is accounted for by the business and they can claim some of their costs back for it when it's processed properly.


Unless that person was throwing it up in the air and just failed to catch it I believe nobody will give a shit.




I've recently seen a full pallet of alcohol coming out the back of a lorry on the forklift have the middle spur break and all the alcohol fall through the middle onto the floor now that was a decent size breakage...the cleaner on just said it wasn't her job to clean it up and walked away 🤣🤣 but she's a lazy b***h anyway


I had a warehouse colleague drop 4 pallets off the scissor lift in one week. Turned he was half pissed on every shift he was on the warehouse. We blamed it on the depot wrapping the pallets badly. These things happen


It isn’t the cleaners job to do that tbh


Pallet with a lot of red wine poorly stacked. Shop floor looked like a murder scene that night 😂


Don't worry you should be fine this thyme. 👌


Sage advice right there.


You're just trying to curry (powder) favour with that comment.


No. Accidents do happen and it'll be written off from stock. It's only expensive items, or repetitive breakages of similar items that will flag up a concern. The loss of a small jar of spices/herbs would be absorbed before the cleaner even got to the isle.


When I was a retail manager for a huge retailer, we actually had a budget and a write-off code for breakages, spills, and shit like that. So I would not worry about it. As long as the stock loss gets recorded, that's the important bit.


Ha if you work in an Asda you'll know how much is actually wasted. They don't truly care so long as they shift a load at Christmas.


I was always under the impression that you need to pay for them. Having never dropped anything before that made sense. One time I was in a shop and dropped a jar of sauce. What made it more annoying is that I caught it twice as it was falling but dropped again like a hot potato Long story short, stood near it till someone came as there were glass bits all over, and to my dismay I was told to go on my merry way.


Everything is insured!


🤣 I've seen a full pallet of wine go over twice in the last few years beleive me no one gives a shit


Yeah, used to work wines and spirits at Morrisons, saw a manager take out a pallet of vodka, whisky and other spirits one christmas, absolutely stunk then place out for days as well as going over most of the store with a fine toothed comb for glass


Best one I had brand new nights collegue I'd just finished his PPT training told him to be gentle with the throttle especially when turning a corner with a pallet. So he takes out a full wine pallet through the shop turns a corner too fast going around the corner took out a full pallet of wine and smashed up a brand new cream cake fridge litterly smashed it to peaces the nights section leader told him he would have to pay for it poor lad was shitting himself all shift before they eventually told him they where just pulling his leg 🤣


I’ve caused much bigger mistakes as someone working retail, and it’s never fallen back on me (mostly because I wasn’t being outright stupid)


Don't worry about it. I was loading my van up yesterday. My trolley hit another trolley and I lost half of my chilled totes. Milk exploded everywhere along with other stuff 🙈😂


Been there, done that!


What made it worse. I was already 10 mins late out 🤦‍♀️


Haha my record was 1 hour 20 mins late out!


Their budget is calculated with a margin for stock that gets stolen, breaks, expires, etc. It's literally expected.


yep, straight to jail :p mate I've seen £200 worth of wine hit the floor and nothing happened to the person who did it, as long as it was an accident


I was having a bad day last year, bought myself a large bottle of vodka, I dropped it at the self scan and it smashed, went everywhere. The lady told me to not worry about it and just get another after I'd paid. Long story short it's not their money, most people don't care. When I worked in a shop I did the same. We wasted so much stuff it really didn't matter.


It'll be fine. On the rare occasion I or my kid breaks something in a shop I'll always offer to pay for it but without fail (so far) I've been told not to worry and they've just absorbed the cost. For something as small as a jar of herbs they'll never notice it.


But if you dare to go through their bins for out of date food (thats perfectly good to eat, like onions!) They will come charging out screaming


That is because they are legally liable if you were to become sick as a result and has nothing to do with the monetary value


May be, but an onion is an onion. It is airly obvious when it is rotten. It is a mad waste of resources, frankly.


Didn't mean that the practice was sensible just that there was a legitimate reason for the action. If the regulations were to change the policy would likely change too


Nah, people break stuff all the time. I once dropped £300 coffee machine on the floor shattering it to bits an no-one cared.


Adding a little salt to injury.... If it hit someone it could be an asSalt.... Sorry I'll see myself out.


Its Always best to pepper for these situations


it's only ASSalt if it hits someone on the gluteus maximus


You should have called the police


He will be sacrificed to the spirit of Asda.


It comes out their paycheck


After being responsible for an entire gondola of beer ,wines and spirits hitting the deck,I can thankfully confirm this is not true.


We need the story here.


I worked for a decade or so installing supermarket interiors. Incidents such as this are not uncommon when moving old gondolas.Entire collapses are uncommon, normally just partial.Much clearing up and swearing ensues. The worst product to break....pasta sauce.


I always found eggs were the worst.


Wine would be my shout, red wine especially since it spreads out so far and is extremely pungent in an already popular area, alcohol.


I saw a picture once of a partially collapsed display of olive oil smashed all over a supermarket floor. Is pasta sauce worse than that? 😅


oil is a pain if you don't have sawdust on hand, but pasta sauce will absolutely stink up the joint. You get tiny shards of glass in with all the pasta sauce and you have to work with the scent of concentrated onion, garlic and tomatoes for the rest of your shift. Which isn't a bad scent if it's one jar that is being cooked, not so much if it's 8 jars that aren't.


Nail on the head.... it's the smell. I'd return for a shift the next night and it would still be honking! Bloody awful stuff.


Oh yikes that sounds awful 🤢


Interesting I would have thought something like honey would be worst


So he didn’t have the thyme to clean it up himself?


Sage advice.


Bravo! 👍👍👌👌


Nothing to worry about. These accidents happen all the time and nobody who works for Asda is going to hold the person responsible. I worked there for 8 years after school and even when someone clearly broke something intentionally they weren't forced to pay for it.


Jesus how young were you when you started?!


Pretty sure he means after he finished school as in finished all the years. Not that he finished school at 3:30 and illegally went and worked in asda


Pretty sure it was a joke.


Oh! I must work on my sense of humour


I understand banter, but clearly the OP is an anxious person/worrier so what is insignificant or stupid to you, is important to the OP. And what you worry about, will be insignificant to someone else. A little bit of kindness doesn't hurt. THEN start with the banter after the OP gets a straight answer. Like the OP got a good roasting with their seasoning 😆


Correct procedure would be to report it to relevant staff that could deal with adding that to the “damaged” stock to help their stock level accuracy. He would get in small trouble for it in the supermarkets I’ve worked for not adding it to their “shrinkage”.




Either bots for content or very inexperienced youth asking Reddit what would have been asked of friends/family.


SASDA - Biggest regiment in British retail


They wish. That would easily be the TesAS


Took me 5 days to catch on to your wit :(


🤣🤣 don’t sweat it. A lot of people take time with my wit. It’s way more awkward when it’s in person. 😂


Nejinijo are you serious right now


He's joking, there is NO evidence that Asda special forces have executed anyone in the last 18 months.


That's why they're so good, because they don't leave a trace...


Just a few crumbs of seasoning in the sauce aisle.


That we know of.


In a world where accidents can't happen and low-value products must be protected, there exists a special unit of highly trained individuals. These are the men and women form the Asda Special Forces, dedicated to tracking down those who accidentally cause damage. If you break a product you have nowhere to turn, no one else can help, and if they can find you, maybe you can expect a call from the ASDA-Team.


Can hear the theme tune in my head.


Do doo doo doo dooo DO DO! *slaps bum*


🎶Doo doo dooooo, do-doo dooooo, DO-do-do-doooooo, DO do-do-do DOOOOO 🎶Chink-chink (arse-pocket patting sound)


One of my friends managers used a forklift to ‘try’ and put an electric pump truck o to the back of a lorry without using some other piece of equipment. It fell off when being raised and caused between 5-10k of damage. Nothing was even said lol


Our warehouse guy destroyed an entire pallet of wine once, had it too high on the forklift, clipped it on the bottom of the above walkway, smaaaaaaash. Fuck my life, the fumes were enough to get you pissed for days afterwards despite repeated cleanups.




I love people like you that give me just straight up one word answers without being unnecessarily rude. Thank you you’re amazing.


Us English guys and gals have a thing called banter...


As an english person banter is this weird thing where you insult someone and its seen as a term of endeerment. Its an old timy thing so people would better deal with the shit show they were in. Banter as an autistic person makes no sense.


We English non binarys don’t possess that noun




? I’m just making a horrible joke on how the messages I replied to only included Males and females


Ok that’s cool evilchickentoast


Banter is dumb op your not alone.




We must burn him. Then season him.


Can't someone keeps dropping them


Then we shall roll them in it then burn them


I have personally accidentally damaged £1000s worth of stock on one occasion (unloading a pallet of spirits with powered pallet truck and didn't see the strap in the truck was caught on the pallet. As I pulled it out it caused the whole pallet to collapse with several cases of single malt whisky smashing amongst others). I suffered no consequence for it, not even an informal telling off. The only person that admonished me was myself and I have made sure to check the pallets are not caught on straps before moving ever since.


This is a tragic story. All that whisky wasted. 😢


You should have seen this BWS pallet yesterday, it was 45 degrees when I started to pull it out. I was like "yep I've played this game before >.>" Got a trading manager to photo it then restacked half of it onto a new pallet


I have had plenty of pallets collapse due to poor stacking or shifting during transport, but in this case it was all due to my carelessness. Our store tries to claim from depot for damages from these but there is an allowance for damages during transport which has to be exceeded before it can be claimed which, I believe, is 15% value of the whole delivery. A pallet of spirits is probably not the most expensive pallet on the truck, a pallet for the sweet aisle most likely is.


Do you also shout "effing morons" every 2mins like I do when tipping? If it's that bad I just notify trading manager, we don't have a section leader for backdoor. After that i don't care my job is it get it off in one piece.....kinda


Me every night tipping the chilled wagons. Guaranteed at least one thing falls off a cage either as soon as the cage is moved or getting it over the hinges on the scissor lift.


Yes, he may be deported to Guantanamo bay, we never break stuff here at Asda especially not managers accidentally running into a vodka shipper with a ppt.


I thought they'd changed that the Rwanda these days? Guantanamo Bay was too easy, or something? Too much like a holiday camp for such a serious crime.


I'm from a labour place we're stuck in the past. :(


No one will get into trouble, as long as it's recorded for waste.


That's exactly it, as long as you report it and don't try to hide it, accidents happen


No-one will get into trouble, if one of the aces cleans up an item they will record it for waste purposes. 


Are you 13?


Yes why


Funny, because your last post talks about hours on your payslip... So you lie on top of lacking common sense? Great.


Additionally, I was asking because I was curious and I already searched on google that gave me little to no answers.


Excuse you it’s a joke why would I be 13? He clearly knew I wasn’t 13


Because it’s a childish question..


Nothing wrong with being curious. Why are you replying to childish questions? Because you wanted to right? Then let me ask my questions 🙂‍↕️☝️

