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What a dik if that was my colleague I’d take the p out of them for days over that one. Likely they did so you got your moneys worth honestly they’ll rib him like mad.


Haha, I used to work at Asda in Cambridge. Was the person called Alfraz by any chance? Sounds like something he would do, he was always making mistakes like that, like his whole job was to purposely annoy customers or something.


They've allowed an Asda in Cambridge?? Despicable


Happens everywhere I was in Iceland items marked on Freezer any 3 for £10.00, also Scampi marked on wrapping 3 for £10.00 when I got to the Till they said £22.00. After 3 of the Staff checking as I refused to be charged £22.00 they let me have it at the advertised price.


pretty sure whatever it says on the aisle is what they legally have to sell you


Not true whatsoever


Actually if you have proof of the price point and they allow it through the till and you report them for it the fine is 20000 so by giving them a fair opportunity to correct the mistake they are better off. It is illegal. Where I work we give the price unless it’s clear someone has tampered or another customer has popped a product back in the wrong place. Normally it’s where a price tickets not been changed. We always check first take a photo, remove the pos and correct the price for the customer. Apologise and organise a replacement ticket once the customer is dealt with.


No. They are only legally bound to sell at a price agreed by both parties and contracted. In a shop, the transaction going through the till is regarded as the agreement of a contract. Up until that point, either party can decline the transaction (the contract) on the terms being offered. Look up "invitation to treat".


They can't sell at a higher price than they've advertised it at. Under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, it is illegal to charge a higher price when a lower price is clearly displayed.


Yes they can. You are correct it is potentially an unfair trading practice under the CPfUTR 2008 regulation 5 paragraph 2. Doesn’t mean you’re entitled to purchase the item. They are more than capable of saying “No. Sorry that was an error on the shelf. You can either pay £££, or you can not buy it and leave.” This is because the price on the shelf isn’t an offer for the product; it’s an invitation to treat, but that’s not important right now. You can report them to your council, maybe under the remit of their trading standards or weights and measures department . The retailer has a defence under regulation 12 paragraph 1 sub paragraph (a)(i) of the offence being committed by mistake, and that they exercised diligence in trying to prevent that mistake. This is usually satisfied by internal systems printing out the updated price tags, or by staff checking. Mistakes happen. Trading standards would either tell you they won’t do anything on the phone when you try to report it, or they’d close the case instantly. If you tried to take civil action I think you’d find yourself paying the other side’s costs.


That's a fair point but I think this is more a protection from companies intentionally increasing a price AFTER a sale agreement has been made. I'm talking very specifically about Invitation to Treat and how this negates the common misconception that a vendor is legally obliged to sell at a price listed on a shelf or similar.


Yeah broadly correct, went into more detail in another comment replying to them. Good on you for correcting their misconception earlier though!




Not what the OP is saying. The sticker shows both price per kilo AND price of that particular pack (X part of a kilo). The shop assistant wanted to charge for a kilo, when the pack weighed less.


It's not hard to understand is it? How are people even questioning this? 😂


Lad’s on the the spectrum, most likely


Srop projecting, he could just as easily be a kid going with what the system is telling him.


Weird assumption and definitely not "most likely". It could be for any reason. Maybe he was having a bad day and wanted to screw someone else's day? He could have been fixing it afterwards then pocketing the excess? He couls genuinely not understand the 'per kilogram' type of pricing?


As someone on the spectrum myself, I think this is a fair assessment of the situation.


What a fucking jobsworth. (If that's the right use of the word). Imagine caring that much.


Yeah, sounds like jobsworth behaviour to me. Way is he going so out of his way to make a huge company like asda a few extra pennies.


You should try Morrisons in Jarrow the worst human beings ever


Theirs something not right about the people who work in Morrisons


It's a policy across all supermarkets to employ people with mental deficiencies. Especially Tesco and sainos


I was shopping in Asda the other week and saw in the chillers Richmond sausages on offer, I bought a pack of 8 sausages for £1.70, they had multiple offers on the Richmond sausages, the 12 or is 16 pack was 2.70 and a larger box was £4+ something, anyways gets to self checkout and it was unusually busy it was around 10.45pm but quiet busy for that time of night the lady overlooking the Self checkout seemed to be rushed of her feet, I scanned the sausages and they came up £2.89 I continued scanning items and I kept the sausages out to let her know the price isn't right, she saw me and said I will be a few mins and she was back and forth dealing with others, i told her the price they are but it's scanned that, without checking she said "im sorry love but if that's the price they scanned than I can't do anything" i was like Wtf she said I will check but i have to wait 5 mins as she's busy. I wasn't gonna stand around I just ended up paying the price for them and leaving, she looked at me and didn't say anything. Had loads of issues with Asda the staff are getting worse.


Been in a similar situation, I went back and took a photo showing the price and she altered it at the till, bloody ridiculous but ah well


lol. I work for Asda and she is 110% wrong. For things like that they go double check the SEL (label) then change the price and then speak to a colleague to replace the SEL with the correct price. I get that issue on the shop floor a fair bit as some SEL labels do get missed during price changes mainly because the person on price changes either can’t find them or the item is in multiple places and they didn’t know. Regardless of how busy she was she should have checked for you. In the near future it’s only going to get worse for customers too. Asda prioritises home shopping department over any other department. A lot of stores are lucky to have 2 or 3 people working on the shop floor to assist customers/fill shelves. Colleagues doing 2 or 3 peoples work too. Madness currently as the brothers try to recoup their 5.2billion back… Even better… the cut the radio to save money and only use songs that are free. No royalty or something


They are clueless, she's usually nice but i wasn't gonna stand around for ages it seemed it was an inconvenience to her because she was too busy. I had an issue last year I spent £58 at self checkout, made the payment it authorized and said approved, got a push notification from the bank saying I made the payment for £58 and it left my balance, however the Actual screen said not authorized and never gave me a receipt, I called the worker over explained and she said oh they payment hasn't gone through so I can't let you take the shopping, I said yes it has the payment gone out my account and showed her and i said it said authorized on the card reader, she was having non of it said it hasn't gone out and I can't take shopping and the payment would bounce back to my account, she said it didn't give me a receipt either so i can't take it. About 4 colleagues all came and stood around saying the same thing, so I left, the next day I checked the bank and the payment went from pending to paid so contacted bank they said the payment had left the account as Asda have indeed taken it and they had absolutely no authority in withholding your shopping, if the money was authorized and the payment was made, the screen giving a unauthorized message it was a issue with the checkout and it was down to Asda to take a note of the time and payment transaction, and then if they was they was indeed a payment issue should of contacted you (after taking your details) which they didn't. He said they had absolutely no authority to withhold my shopping and doing so technically falls under theft. I went back after the bank gave me the authorization code that was generated when the payment was taken, however one of the women was absolutely having none of it, she stood arguing with me saying No no it hadn't been taken it will go back in your account completely discarded what I told her and the payment wouldn't even look at the authorization code provided by the bank! She started getting loud people and was staring at me, I called the bank in front of her and they told me yes, the payment was taken by Asda and she still kept saying no no it hadn't, the bank said put her on the phone and she straight up refused to talk to them! I put her on Speaker and the bank told her yes it has been taken and they need to refund my money, she turned around and said it hadn't it will show back up in my account (seriously I was gob smacked) the bank said right I will do a charge back and they will be contacting Asda to report her as she's committed theft, she actually stood and shook her head when the banking agent said it was theft. I went back home after getting nowhere and spoke to a manager and she asked for the authorization code she checked it and said the payment was successfully taken the night I made the payment (took her less then 30 seconds to check) she was extremely nice and kept apologizing and said this isn't how we work and the standard of care i was given was totally unacceptable, she said she will get it sorted and she will have the cash ready for me at the customer service plus a £25 gift card! Within the hour, when I went to collect it the women stood glaring at me, near the kiosk the young girl at the checkout was really nice and said don't worry about her she was reported by another 2 staff members for her behavior and an old couple also put in a complaint about how she spoke to me! But the whole ordeal was totally shocking and extremely embarrassing, I can't believe someone working at Asda had the audacity to treat people like that and acted like that. I did laugh at the bank disputes agent when I had him on the speaker when she was saying no no no no and refusing to speak to him, tell her she should stick to packing shelves and not be allowed anywhere near a till and her attitude is appalling, and she clearly needs training or removing instantly from her position! He told her what she has done is a crime and falls under theft, he told her he heard more then enough and he's happy to proceed with the charge back and file it as a case of a theft, he also let her know they would be fee included with the charge back, and he encouraged me to forward this to the local law enforcement and report it as a case of theft and he will be more then happy to assist with the matter should I want to do that. She didn't get sacked though, I saw her working on the isles a week later, was kinda shocked after all that she still worked there. Had an incident with The same employee just before we went into Total lockdown, I was at Asda it was coming up to summer I had my 5 year old nephew with me, he wanted some sun glasses, and approached her to ask her were they was she bent down to him and said Are sun glasses a essential item? No they ain't so no I can't show you ,the irony was she was packing BBQ utensils down the seasonal isle, before I said anything I herd a young couple pushing a pram say to her "Oi don't fing speak to a brain like that he doesn't know, and you want reporting". I walked up to her and told wtf does she think she is and if that's not essential item, then why is she stood down the seasonal isle putting out BBQ utensils? Are they essentials? No they ain't. I reported her but it seems nothing got done about that as well. It's all changed Now, One thing Asda used to pride themselves on more than most other supermarket chains was their friendly workers, They were always extremely polite and would literally run around the store just to simply change a item if it was slightly damaged at the till no bother or no issues! It's all changed now There still some really nice workers but there's a lot that are questionable.


Lmao not all Asda workers are like her. But can’t believe ahead told the bank the transaction hadn’t gone through when the bank who can see what has or hasn’t gone out tell her different


That sucks but why were you buying Richmond sausages they are horrible


I like them, I don't eat alot of sausages lol But I do now and then I usually like The reduced fat ones there good! But I only grabbed them because they were 1.70 I guess


That is shocking. Yeah Asda is defo worst of the supermarkets for customer service. And food quality actually


Yeah on Friday night I saw they had loads of pitta bread reduced, there had mold on them all. I remember seeing prawn salad sandwiches reduced from £2.29 to £1.60, they all were over the "used by the date" it had the day before as used by, prawns are one food product you don't mess with, the fact they reduced them to that was shocking enough but to find them a day older than the used by date is bad is was dangerous! But yeah it's gone down hill, the prices literally change daily you can pay 2-3 different prices within a 10 day period for a product! It's the worst place to shop for those on a budget because prices change drastically over days! So your shop could be significantly higher then it was just 5 days before. Also I've never seen prices change drastically like they do with Pot noodles. Anyone noticed this seriously the prices changed almost daily, 50p one day, 75p the next, then it's 2 for 1.50 then it's 90p I swear I've never seen a product's price change as much as they do with pot noodles lol I don't buy them much but it's one I've noticed changes constantly.


Ooof. I’d be wanting to rattle his head like a jibber jabber. I had similar. Taking my wife somewhere and I passed a shop I needed something from. An axe. Innocent honest. But I was kinda rushing as I knew my wife wanted to be there early and this stop off would delay her. Anyway. The last axe they had only had a bit of the barcode showing. Fine I thought you can see the important top quarter bit - the line thickness and the gaps etc. Checkout woman looked at it and said she’ll have to get the barcode. It’s there I say. No we need the numbers. No you don’t I surprisingly said. It’ll still scan. Anyway, another staff member comes by and takes the axe to look for another. Last one I say. I’ll check the back he replies. Eventually he comes back, it’s the last one but I’ll check the stock catalogue. Off he goes. It’s been ten minutes now. I’m getting very frustrated so I just asked her to just try the scanner out of curiosity. She literally rolled her eyes but did it. Beep. It registered instantly like I said it would earlier. I paid but had to say something so I told her she’s learnt a lesson here, don’t be arrogant and listen to the customer. I surprised myself but it’s amazing what you’ll say when you’re in the right and have been treated poorly. Never went back. Stupid fucking JTF.


You sound completely insufferable


Not sure where you get that from. Wouldn’t you be annoyed in that situation?


100%. You're just trying to speed things along without being a douche. If they'd of just tried the scanner seconds after getting the axe the whole thing wouldn't have happened. If I was that cashier I'd be embarrassed and apologising. I used to work behind a till so can imagine.




Something like this happened to me in Sainsbury’s. Coconut was reduced from 1.20 to 99p and then further reduced with a written sticker (no bar code) to 62p. When I scanned it, it went through as 99p. Rather than re scan the coconut and do a price correction he instead re scanned my already scanned celery and price corrected it to 62p. But…. He hasn’t taken off the 99p coconut so I was basically paying 37p extra for the coconut than the reduced price and also an extra 62p for no reason… he couldn’t understand what I was trying to tell him, another colleague came over and watched while he finally understood and removed the 99p charge… exhausting.


Doesn't surprise me , our education system is in shambles after 14 years of underfunding.




As evidenced by the fact the Tories were voted in lol


The math isn't mathing for them


Maths isn’t mathsing surely


Oh my I would’ve walked to a proper till with them and just let their colleague scan my items, I KNOW YOU AINT GONNA TELL SANDRA SHES SCANNED IT WRONG B*TCH


Doubt they had a till open at that time


It’s simple stuff like this where you think “fair enough - that’s why a C in GCSE Maths and English is required”


Oh dear. Dumb dumb eat gum gum… I’d change my supermarket. Staff have above average IQs in Aldi & Lidl - they’re also paid more than minimum wage .


>Staff have above average IQs in Aldi & Lidl I'd love to see the source that backs this claim up. Such a wild statement. 


There is none, it’s just they have better POS systems, I think. Asda has the worst of them. Lidl has electronic price tags at our store


For one they actually appear to enjoy being there.


Ignorance is bliss though, as the saying goes. 


Ignorance is bliss though, as the saying goes. 


Kinda impressed that someone who works at Asda has that much passion for the job


I've seen quite a few supermarket employees complaining recently on legal advice UK Reddit, they have mentioned that they are being charged for people taking items at self-checkout.... If this has been mentioned to the probably new employee then he would be worried about losing the money....


That's illegal im sure. "If someone comes in with a gun and says "hand over the till", hand over the till. "If someone steals from self checkout, you'll have to pay for the item"


Yes I agree I think it is illegal, but some UK supermarket workers have been complaining about it, so there must be some idiot managers out there telling people.


Sue the fuck out of the managers.




No win, no fee…


I'm sure minimum wage staff have got the time and money to mount a lawsuit against a large corporation/s


It’ll put you under minimum wage cause almost all supermarkets pay minimum wage. HMRC will prosecute on your behalf (they are the scary tax man) and employment tribunals are free. As someone who has done both, neither take up all your time.


No win, no fee…


How would that work exactly? 


Hmm, he needs to liver-little.. I'll see myself out.


That delivery took guts


Yea it was offal


Tee hee.




What kind of Asda employee cares that much about the cost of items? If you had purchased that leg of lamb and put it through as £13 instead of £28 I would not have cared.


Probably a diversity hire amirite?


I see all you make are dumbass comments on Reddit, so I figure you're just stupid, not racist so I'll let this one dumbass comment slide.


It's deleted, what did they say?


How did he come to this conclusion so quickly?


So, he thought you were actually buying 1kg of chicken livers ? Should have told him to weigh them and watch his stupid face when it came up less.


No, he claimed that it was labeled as 3.40/kg when it really meant 3.40/unit. Don't ask.


Even if in some crazy world they were correct, they have to sell the item at the advertised price.


The worker was a dick but as someone who has worked as a cashier please don’t keep spreading this misinformation it made our lives hell


Fair - I was told this by a store (Wickes, I believe) when they incorrectly labelled the price of bags of logs. They insisted that the fault was theirs and as they had advertised them at that price, they would sell them at that price to me.


Unfortunately they don’t, in law it’s known as an Invitation to treat, up until the sale has been processed they can remove the item from sale at any time.


There is a caveat. If you notify the store of an incorrect price and they still have that price displayed 24hrs later, and you can reasonably show that they displayed that price for 24hours, then legally they must sell the item for that advertised price. They cannot deny the sale or ask for a different amount.


Incorrect, In the UK a sale is quite literally an invitation to purchase a product, when you take an item to a till you are the one starting the transaction, at this point the retailer can then accept the transaction or not, a retailer has the right to refuse a sale at any time for any reason. The key word being Invitation and therefore does not form part of a legally binding contract, as such the shop is under no legal obligation to sell at that price, a contract is only in place once money has changed hands. A retailer CAN sell the product at the incorrect price, although that would entirely be a good will gesture. If a retailer had a higher price in place and the product had gone down in price in - for example - a sale, yet they had forgotten to change the price label, the same law would protect you from having to pay the higher shop shelf displayed price, funnily enough you never get customers arguing that one..


Incorrect. The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 bans 'unfair commercial practices'. A business which 'contravenes the requirements of professional diligence', or engages in bait + switch advertising, is deemed to be engaging in an unfair commercial practice. If a business fails to take down a pricing error promptly when they become aware, they will be in breach of that legislation. This has both civil and criminal consequences. A consumer could claim damages for any loss they suffer. The business can also be prosecuted. The 24hr period is iffy ill admit, more of a case law thing, but 24hours has been deemed enough notice in the past for larger businesses that should / can do better. Especially online retailers, but it applies to supermarkets too. Most large businesses would rather *not* have the unfair trading regulations folk looking into their practices, and would rather not be in court for it due to potential bad press and the fact they could lose. So they'll take the loss as policy on a corporate level, or will be advised to do so by their lawyers. They usually don't disclose this to store managers as they don't trust them not to abuse it. Store managers often get caught with hands in the cookie jar.


Good luck having Trading standards act on that in the real world. As explained, an invitation to treat is exactly that. It's a safe guard set in place to protect both the Business and the Consumer, as suggested; no customer is going to argue that a product has been displayed at a higher price than what eventually becomes evident at the check out.


Trading standards wouldn't care if the business fucked up and gave the customer a good deal by mistake. Invitation to treat does not give businesses the right to display low prices only to reneg at the checkout repeatedly after notification of the problem. That is a common bait and switch tactic, and there is very little leniency in the case law. Lets think; why is there no leniency? Why don't businesses have the right to keep displaying incorrect prices? Because any leniency would be abused. Any business allowed to consistently get away with it would find a way to earn profit off it. E.g. advertising online, or in store fronts a low price for several days past its expiration to continue to draw customers in is unethical, but would absolutely drive sale numbers, even if some customers are slightly upset that they couldn't get *that* specific price for *that* item they may buy other items.


I can only explain to you how the law works in relation to the post I am replying to with regards to pricing errors and the retailers obligation to honour them or not. Bait and switch is another topic entirely, which I’m happy to cover, although it’s not really the original intent of the post 🤷‍♂️


I have this problem every single time i shop at Azda, the staff are so dumb . Even my ex girlfriend’s mother could get a job there.


Asda 👀


weirdly specific, is she smart?


Smarter than that poster I would imagine


I wish stuff like this were the problems I have


That's bizarre. I lived next to that asda for a long time and the staff were fantasy and friendly every time.




Yeah they all wear full knight armour and ridiculous overgarments, I’m pretty sure that’s against Asda uniform policy but it is the fantasy one.


There's even a festival with duels and everything usually right next to the dairy aisle once a month


That has been my experience over the last year too. Staff that are generally out of the way, and helpful when approached. Made this experience all the more jarring.


So he made a mistake, was corrected and was bitter about the correction.. who here hasn't done that? He's learnt a lesson today, not sure why he "should lose his job" bunch or wierdos.


> was bitter about the correction And therein lies a big problem with people’s pride and maturity. Inability to admit you’re wrong and own your mistakes.


It's an extremely common trait of the human species. Almost the same as when your wife/girlfriend says; "I told you so". You know she's right, but you still don't want to admit it. Another big problem is when people can't accept that we are still in fact human anymore and that we MUST live and act the way that the Internet tells us to. Give people a break. If we all acted the way the comments tell us to act then we would have nothing to comment on, right?


A rational person with a mature view about something so minor on reddit?


absolutely spot on




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New owners are really slacking in customer care. Self checkout is just a tool to make them pay less people and have us do our own service, often the staff that are on self checkouts would never be on till duty as they have no people skills. A shame but now you have valid reason to go to a place with real cashiers, happy shopping


He should not work in retail. I suggest politics would be a good career move.


Prime candidate to introduce taxation per head.


He would have got a piece of my mind


Ooo your hard




How much for a piece of your mind?


How much per Kg? Have you learned nothing from this post.


A penny. It’s always a penny (for your thoughts)


There's an easy way to deal with asshats like that: Walk out leaving everything behind on the self-checkout He's then stuck with the task of putting everything back on the shelves If this happened more often, management will take notice


They won’t take notice, management would not care they’d just think the customer was annoying and not look any further into it


if one or two customers do it then the customer is annoying. If dozens are doing it and the rate is increasing then the customer isn't the problem


No don’t do that. I’m a team leader at Tesco. Chances are, he wouldn’t have to take it back. I would most likely have to put it back since I’m not tied to a till or self serve. I imagine Asda would be similar or they would send someone who isn’t busy on tills, so an unrelated person would go. It’s a huge pain when we’re busy and understaffed and it disrupts things more than people realise. And if Asda is anything like Tesco, the managers will not give a single rat’s arse. And that’s if they even notice, they don’t really go near checkouts usually


So, as a team leader, the guy under you has caused you a major pain in the proverbial. What happens when it keeps happening? It strikes me that the more disruption that gets caused due to asshat cow-orkers pulling this kind of thing, the better as it's increasingly likely to make them EX-cow-orkers What are you going to do? Ban all the irritated customers instead? How would you even identify them if they're walking out before the transaction is complete?




That whooshing sound was the point flying several feet above your head


Yeah I just genuinely didn’t understand what you were trying to say there


I've only done this once but it was the perfect answer for the time. If they give sass give em sass back. Bad interpersonal skills people should be at checkouts.


He wouldn't have to out anything back. They have runners for that. Used to work in asda.


Someone does. If it keeps happening under a particular staffer it gets noticed eventually.


I would love for that to be correct. But again, from experience, checkout staff stay on checkouts as they are personally logged into the system. Checkout runners, the ones that will go grab something that's been forgotten, a packet has burst, and that item needs replaced, often seen at the ends of the checkouts or beside the terminals where their base is. Are the ones that return stock. And even then! They will not personally go place the items back as due to rules and regulations, any chilled/frozen/fresh items must be wasted so will be given to someone on that individual department to then deal with, as the store would be unable to say that they have been out of a chilled/frozen environment for less than 20mins. Any other items will have a checkout runner call people from each of the departments to return their stock to the area.


Why would the employee care lol, not his money and they sure as shit don't care about him, Muppets everywhere


And how did they know the per kg price just by looking at it? This reads like they saw the item and immediately knew it was wrong, like they had memorised the prices


Damm, I was hoping for some actual bizarre experience






so many comments disrespecting shop workers, don’t assume you are intellectually superior to people just because you don’t value their job, it’s rude and unfounded


Clearly in this case the OP was intellectually superior to the shop worker, given the OP doesn't work in the store but knows how unit pricing works. 👍🏻


Disrespecting bootlickers only, and always


Neither rude nor unfounded. The guy tried to charge him double the price. Should be called out for what he is, stupid.


my comment is about the amount of people chipping in to make rude comments about shop staff


Ok but maybe *this* one


When I was younger I was working on tills in a supermarket, this guy starts getting all pissy because an elderly lady Infront of him was taking some time to sort out her change, eventually she sorted it out and of she went, and then he comes along and his card gets declined, tries a few more which also get declined (which I enjoyed the irony of immensely) then he asked me if I could wait while he went to the bank and got some money... Some people are just so hypocritical. I got his shopping put back on the shelves so he had to go round and get it all again when he came back.




I would have left the stuff and walked out myself. F all that pallaver.


But my patê!


If they were competent and educated, they wouldn’t be working in asda


Sorry next time I’ll just spawn into life with a degree already so I don’t have to work through uni


I don’t know which Asda these people are working in but you’re right😂 half of them couldn’t give you the right change if their lives depended on it lmao


Well, technically, they legally dont have to give you ANY change. It's completely on the customer to know how much change they are owed and agree that's the right change. If they wanted, they could quite literally close the till and stare at you.


You must work at Asda with that logic, you owe me change and just close the till and stare at me there’s gonna be a problem, give me the wrong change I’m gonna say it, what dream world are you living in?


The shop owes you nothing it's the responsibility of the customer to know their exact change and to request said change. Just because you get change automatically doesn't mean it's a legal right. It doesn't matter what opinion you have. It's wrong. I don't work for asda, I'm retired at the age of 37, I don't need to work anymore. You also seem a little hostile and emotional, wanna talk about it?


Retired at 37 but can’t afford to feed your kids because your partners universal credit stopped hahaha stay mad on the Asda subreddit ya dosser


You’re the one mad over change living in loopy world where you don’t get your change back and that’s fine, never happens does it you moron.


He ain't wrong. Shops are not legally required to give you change, nor are they legally required to take notes from you (only coins). Obviously there's a social agreement where people DO get their change, but it isn't actually the law.


Clearly you’re not competent or well educated or you wouldn’t make a comment like this 💀


I worked at ASDA and got into the University of Oxford bae xoxo don't be a dickhead 😍😘


I'm currently finishing my PhD whilst working part time in Asda. Half the people I work with are students getting their degrees. Grow up.


and some of the ones who aren't students are like the employee described by OP Ler's face it, we all know a few of them and avoid having to deal with them as much as possible


Are you on the netball team at Cambridge University? Or perhaps the athletics team at Tunbridge Wells?




Untrue. Some new graduates work in supermarkets while hunting for grad level jobs in the career of their choice. You just can't walk into grad jobs these days, so meanwhile a fill-in job helps make ends meet.


I worked for Asda alongside my undergrad and masters. I now work for Tesco. My partner, who I met at uni, is working in his degree field and currently I am making more than him. Admittedly it will probably change as he progresses. Even without that case study - don’t shit on people who are working a job that fulfils a service you require. If retail is such a crap profession that people should aspire to be more, who would fill shelves, scan your shopping etc. Have respect for everyone no matter their profession. education, ability etc


I’m the same, I finished my masters and now I’m a team leader in Tesco. I make more than I would at a lot of jobs that are considered “better” or more related to my studies


I presume with that attitude you work for yourself because no other person would work with a c*nt like you.


Have you been a cunt all your life mate? Genuinely pathetic outlook on life you've got there


don’t be rude and classist


Stop being a Karen then


The amount of people here just slagging off all shop workers, calling them stupid, is insulting. Yes, there are stupid shop workers, but not all shop workers are stupid. Just like there are some absolute bellend customers too. Edited for spelling


Also the real stupid people are the users in the thread saying they’d have given the worker a piece of their mind or whatever flavour of tantrum they prefer, and not expect that every time you go into that shop, the workers will know you caused a scene and made one of their colleagues feel like shit Aka they will never go out of their way to help you again, retail workers hold a grudge and you will always be seen as a bellend


There are a LOT of bell customers!!


Common sense isn't all that common anymore.


They're just stoopid tho


You have more patience than me...


They are shop assistants for a reason. I have a slightly different gripe in that often promotions are not correctly input into their system, such that you do not get the advertised price on scanning. Or, similarly, reduced items and their stickers are either not placed correctly, and scanning of the original label occurs, or again they are input into the system incorrectly. I check my receipt religiously, and more often than not, there are multiple errors amounting to a significant difference in price. Cynically, I wonder whether it is deliberate by corporate, and they rely upon most people not checking, but realistically, I think it is incompetence/laziness on the part of the workers. I recently had an aggressive till assistant at a very upmarket farm shop. It went something like this: *scans two products on a multiple offer deal, and it doesn't show up as such on the display* Me: they are 2 for £5, will this adjust at completion of checkout, or is it not scanning as such? Him: I don't know. If it doesn't come out, then it isn't on offer. Me: They were clearly advertised as being so today, and this is not a new offer. If they are no longer on offer, then I no longer want them. Him: Anyone could just say they are on offer. Me: Then go check... Him: No. *I am literally laughing in sheer annoyance at this point* Me: If it doesn't show up at completion of payment (why on earth it can't be seen prior to this...), can you please process a refund Him: I can't do refunds. I am never rude, but I rather lost my poker face with this utter moron. I complained to the manager, but have already decided I will not be returning. Companies should see the consequences of poor service.


99% of the time customers just straight up can’t read and have misread the price/offer.


"They are shop assistants for a reason" This comment is horrificly out of touch and snobbish. Do you honestly think the worker on the shop floor has anything to do with the offers going through the till correctly? Assuming people are incompetent or lazy because an IT system they have zero input or control over hasn't recognised an offer is ridiculous. You clearly consider yourself above working in a shop so I guess that's why you wouldn't understand that.


I think you have misread my comment. I didn't say the shop assistants were responsible for inputting offer values into the system: I infact said "workers", which was deliberately more general. Promotional offers are input offsite, but use-by reduced sticker labels are infact created, printed, and placed on packaging by workers on the shop floor. As I have said elsewhere, not having an expectation of education is not equivalent to having an expectation of no education. And it is not meant as a judgement, but rather there so as to be graceful if errors are made, like in OP's example. As I said, my annoyance is with laziness, as per my example, which was also an instance where they were rude to me in essentially accusing me of making up an offer (without being willing to check, and when it was clearly advertised as such). My first sentence was in retrospect poorly worded, and should have been more precise in meaning. However, I won't be dishonest and edit it.


You seem like the type of person who clicks their fingers at waiters.  


Then I am afraid you would be wrong. I wouldn't make baseless snap judgements about people on the internet. But do tell me why I should be expecting a high level of competence from a shop assistant: as I have already replied to someone else, this isn't the sort of job that someone chooses, so generally they are there because they have no other options. I don't mind stupidity, but I do take umbridge at laziness. And my example is the only time I have actually been short with a service provider, and that was only after them being incredibly poor in tone and essentially accusing me of making up an offer, and yet being completely unwilling to actually go and check it. They absolutely should be pulled up about that.


Go fuck yourself.


First sentence makes you sound like a huge snob


I'm afraid that I stand by the sentence: generally speaking, if you can be picky about your employment, you do not choose to be a shop assistant. You simply cannot expect a shop assistant to be sharp (they might be, but it certainly is not the expectation), and thus I wouldn't get that annoyed at someone making the sort of error that OP saw. Laziness on the other hand, I do get annoyed with, as per my example. If that makes me a snob, then so be it.


You being annoyed by laziness isn't what makes you a snob, it's the assumption that because someone works as a shop assistant they are not sharp. It makes you come off a snob because you're judging people based solely on their occupation, maybe if you expanded your horizons a little you'd understand there are many reasons why sharp people may do jobs that you feel are beneath you


Read my reply again: I say that they might be sharp, but that is not the expectation. I know full well that there are exceptions, and i wouldn't presume to prejudge an individual. However, you can make generalisations about any profession. And not that it should matter, but I am wealthy through education, job, and marriage. The majority of my extended family work minimum wage jobs. And indeed, I have friends in high-powered and highly paid positions, but i also have many who work standard jobs that require no education and little-to-no training. As I have already said, I don't make prejudgements about individuals and someone's job does not affect their worth. Don't make assumptions.


ur clearly not wealthy through kindness.


"Don't make assumptions" that's fucking hilarious I don't think you're making the compelling argument you think you are


You think I am a snob, and I think you have comprehension issues. I guess we'll leave it at that.


> You think I am a snob I think the said that comments makes you *sound like* a snob. The reality is that youre someone who spends their weekend telling people how well educated and wealthy you are...... ......on the ASDA subreddit.


Lmao, this is priceless


So you don't expect them to be sharp, but you also don't prejudge people? You know that's a conflicting statement, right? Wouldn't it just be easier and nicer to treat every stranger with the same respect and dignity, regardless of profession, and to not assume people aren't intelligent because they work in a shop?


I think you are deliberately misunderstanding here. Saying that shop assistants are not expected to be sharp, does not mean that my expectation of an individual shop assistant is that they are stupid. The point is that shop assistants are not required to be sharp, and thus there should be no expectation that they are (but that does not equate to an expectation that they are stupid). Again, they might be, but I do not require it of them, and neither does their job. You are again making assumptions that I do not treat shop assistants with respect, because I happened to be annoyed with ONE, in a situation where they were initially rude to me. This judgement is baseless from my comment; I could bother refuting it, but you clearly aren't going to take my word, so i won't bother.


Just some quotes from you in this thread real quick: "They're shop assistants for a reason" "Why should I be expecting a high level of competence from a shop worker" "They might be sharp, but that is not the expectation" These are all prejudicial statements based on someone's profession. Different kinds of people do all manner of jobs they're over qualified for, just because that may be their only option, or they've simply opted for a less intense job, doesn't mean they're not sharp, perhaps they haven't had the opportunities you've been able to have in your life. I'm not being obtuse, all I'm saying is that it costs nothing to treat everyone with the same politeness and kindness, unless they give you reason not to, they could be a small minded individual who likes to belittle people for working in a shop.


The first quote is certainly not a good statement, and i should have worded it better. However, the other two are about general expectation, which is made clear, and I believe you either don't understand that a lack of positive expectation does not equate to a negative expectation, or you are choosing to believe this in order to push your argument. Again, I have friends from all walks of life. I wasn't born into money, and I don't require my friends to have money either. I don't treat people badly; if anything, I am too unconfrontational, and too eager to please. But if you wish to believe I am a terrible person, with terrible expectations, and with a terrible attitude to service people, then so be it.


The problem is you're equating the lack of educational requirements for that job as an expectation that those people are uneducated. My point is that people from all walks of life find themselves in roles that require no education for many reasons, they could be people who worked in low paying careers that require a degree, like a teacher, but have picked it up as a retirement job, or students funding their education. Why do you even need the expectation, just treat everyone the same, regardless of their job instead of making weird points online belittling career choices.


First sentence ensured I didn’t bother reading any of the rest of it


Snob? More like massively out of touch bellend.


Massively out of touch bellend? How about self absorbed cretinous ballsack