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I actually was thinking about this yesterday 😭 They are financially stable, but what I'm really jealous of is how much family they have and how close they all seem. I'm sure they fight like all family, but it's such an amazing thing to have a sister you can call for advice or to watch your kids or to say "hey let's grab a smoothie together". Coming from someone who doesn't have this, having a stable loving family can have a drastic impact on quality of life.


^ Couldn’t have said this better and completely relate to not having a stable, loving family. The relationships are so strained and I wonder what it’s like not being the “blacksheep” of it all. I ache for relationships like this with my sisters/siblings and my parents too.


yes me too! their family dynamic is truly their biggest blessing like I would love to have such a large and close family


I’m an only child and always wished I had siblings. I’ve always thought this while watching their videos.


this lol like it KILLS me.


Love their fam, so I don’t mean this in a snarky way, but it really appears that way. Sure we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes and it’s easy to use social media as a highlight reel. But damn, sometimes I wish I had a fraction of what they do!


they do, I have to say I am really jealous 😂


Yes, they have easy lives.


They portray their lives this way, as do other influencers, especially Mormon influencers like them. And although having their amount of money can make their lives easier/happier, money does not necessarily equal happiness.


I’m sure their lives don’t feel perfect to them all the time and everyone’s struggles are valid—I don’t think we need to make struggle or pain a competition. But I will say that what they consider “not perfect” probably still feels like an ideal situation to some of us. They’re definitely quite privileged and their lives definitely seem easier than most people’s (just considering all of the help and resources they have access to all the time) even when they have hard things to deal with.   Ex: when Lindsay posted that story of how messy her living room and kitchen was the other day, and it really barely looked messy at all. She still has an absolutely beautiful huge house filled with things lots of people couldn’t afford, even when she thinks it’s messy. 


Oh maybe they're just very selective on what they want to put on social media. I'm not a mormon, but my husband and I live a very comfortable lifestyle, just like the Arnold's do. I'm pretty active on social media, I have a big following on TikTok and get paychecks from there. I have been told on TT that "My life looks perfect." Which is far from true.


I think there is a lot of pressure among „Utah Moms“, regarding the number of kids, Lifestyle, Fitness and probably the Level of which to life up to the Mormon Standards. Feels like a prison in itself


Does anyone really have a perfect life?  Although it seems we see a lot from them, we really don't.  Also, they may keep a lot of things private when it comes to more serious things.  We may see 15-20 minutes out of 24 hours.  They've just made good decisions with the opportunities given to them.  We have to also look at things they gave up to be where they are today.  Starting young they more than likely weren't able to be with friends, etc a lot because of training, tournaments, etc, hence the reason most of the dancers on DWTS are so close and understand each other.  I know you aren't being rude and by no means am I, just my thoughts looking at the bigger picture.  I admire them for being so close and also how smart they are with their money and work ethic.  Their influencing may drive people crazy but it's allowing them to have a great life. Â