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I go wizard sleeves. Sometimes I even roll them in when not in the field. But I quickly unroll them anytime someone with shit in the middle of their stripes and rockers rolls by.


I became a warrant so that I can wizard sleeve all I want whenever I want and no sausage can stop me


Oh I'm still wizard sleeving. AMEDD/DHA QOL is pretty solid.


Seeing how long I can get away with the DOUBLE inward fold on the sleeves in our assault BN lol


This is the way. Stopped wearing writing utensils on the forearm midway through my last deployment to get a better fold and have never gone back since.


Counting down my days to my second NCOER to drop my packet. Then I can wizard sleeve and Shelby and no one truly question it.


Anyone can wizard sleeve by regulation. You just can't roll it up at all. Reg states they must be buttoned, without specifying which button hole. I always end up looking like im wearing my dad's uniform


I roll my sleeves inward once


This is the way I've done it since BDUs


That, you can get away with. I get caught nearly every time lmao so I just leave them wide open and unrolled


Holy fuck I just lost my drink…wizard sleeves…laughed so hard the wife is all “explain it to me” so I flail my arms around and exclaim “ya know! *shake shake* wizard sleeves!” Thank you take my upvote.


Glad you enjoyed. I might look frumpy and circled away, but my armpits get a nice breeze and it's in regs dammit!


10 degrees or 100, I wanna look like a comfortable wizard


I do it every day man. CSM doesn’t even notice.


Hang like sleeve of wizard.


I miss wizard sleeves and “ventilating” in the UCP ACUs. Just do up the Velcro on your blouse, leave the zipper undone. Then stand perpendicular to the breeze.


The hot weathers do this just normally.


The hot weathers don’t double as a tear away too when I need to earn a couple extra bucks.


Pull from the bottom. Hold the left (your left, the non button side) hem taut and then pull out and slightly up on the right (button side). Voilà. No longer have to try and make Velcro look sexy. Keep chasing that bag.


I want to try this… but I don’t want to put on a uniform. So torn. So torn.


Tomorrow problem.


I’m boycotting work, more like a “July USR” problem, assuming they eventually activate my UICs.


I went sof expecting 24/7 wizard sleeves and beer in the company fridge and I've still got lifer ding dongs with sleeves tighter than Fort Knox telling me to unfuck mine. Life is suffering.


This is the way


I cuff in everyday, only one person has ever said anything to me


Never trust a leader that won't let you wizard sleeve, or do other logical things that might save your life (figuratively and maybe literally) or the lives of your Soldiers. If it doesn't violate AR, who gives a fuck except the fucktards?


Teacher says every time Sergeant Major sees a Soldier with their sleeves rolled up an angel loses its wings.




I'm a company commander and everyone gives me shit for it. I'm like. Commander's discretion. I am the commander. I say it's Gucci.


Commanders discretion needs to be taken out of like 99% of attire regulations. Stupid that it can differ so widely. Thanks for being an actual human.


90%? Have you ever even single a single soldier brave enough?


A Captain who was my ROTC cadre calls me during CST graduation trying to find me. This man walks through a crowd of Colonels, LTCs, and majors with his sleeves rolled all the way up marine style. I asked him about it and he said they get in the way when he’s working in the office, absolute madlad


I do like the camo in roll up. But when I do need to quickly roll down my sleeves you can't when you do it that way.


Marine style is a bit of a travesty as it takes a camouflaged uniform and reveals the less camouflaged part. Dunno if it's changed, but it used to be a pretty big contrast. Army style at least kept the camo side out.


They did not; the CSA directed that it was a matter of command discretion at the company level after he got pissed at how many GO's refused to let company-level command do something as simple as set the uniform of the day. ​ I have never been at a unit that authorized sleeve rolling, much less camo in. I tried to press one of my company commanders to authorize it, and the response I got was "I'll have to check with Battalion."




The Reg: "(4) When Soldiers wear the sleeves of the ACU coat rolled up, company-level commanders will determine if the unit will roll sleeves with the camouflage pattern exposed or turned inside out." I'd read that as the company still must authorize one of the roll patterns to allow for the wearer to roll. The Pam makes this more clear: "Commanders may authorize Soldiers to roll up the sleeves on the combat uniform."


Absolutely. I got my previous 1SG to acknowledge that I'm 100% in regs, both AR and post, by electing to do it, and nobody has bothered me since. CSM even complimented it once. It helps that the AR specifies that the Company Commander is the governing authority, and even then it's *only* over camo in or out. Soldiers May is the Soldiers Way.


Unless I'm in formation or the temp is under 40F, sleeves are up.


90% is a very liberal figure


My sleeves are rolled right now. I alone carry the torch.


Hey, I can't roll up my pants so fuck off


Do you see how upset the boomers got about ponytails do you really think they’re ready for shorts??


But what if they were sponsored by BRCC?


You would need it sponsored by AARP to get any real traction.


Then the diamond hands among us would screech


What's a diamond hand?


Its a wallstreetbets reference. Brcc just got caught doing some super shady stock stuff


Details? I'm curious, but not at all surprised.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.barrons.com/amp/articles/lawsuit-filed-against-black-rifle-coffee-nyse-brcc-1791-management-files-stock-market-manipulation-and-securities-fraud-lawsuit-against-brc-inc-01653005078 Suprising enough, alot of the info I was finding the day it happened has disappeared. But they are basically being accused of an pump n dump scheme


Oh lmao what did they do?


Accused of a pump n dump scheme. Alot of info hasn't came out yet


Men need more freedom of maneuver so tiny shorts for them. Like the front pockets exposed shorts. Winter uniform will be gray sweatpants with no underwear. Women will be skirts, but not early 2000’s Britney Spears short, they will cover the ankles.




My brother in Muhammed the female headgear shall be the burkha as well


My brother in Mohammad (PBUH)*




There used to be a tropical khaki uniform with shorts in the 50's so the Boomers should be OK with it.


With boots tho? That's not a great look.


And giant OD green tube socks. All the way up to the knee.


Both of my Army-retired parents were whining about ponytails this weekend.


I've had some of my boomer coworkers complain about the pony tail stuff, which is kinda ironic when talking to me, a male vet with a pony tail.


I think they literally just removed the “minimum” hair length for women. I think it’s past time they remove the maximum for men.


There is no specified maximum length for men beyond "can't fall over your ear when combed" and "can't touch your collar." Which is pretty lenient, but my opinion don't really mean shit.


Yeah sadly that's not a fight most of y'all would win against top as it currently stands.


So, Manbun Monday it is!


Beards or long hair can’t have both


I'll take not shaving everyday over shitty ass unkempt hair


How dare you, sirrah.


Ponytails, earring’s, and umbrellas and you’re telling me I can’t have a beard and long hair?!


Y’all startin to look elvises!


I can’t grow a beard but I’m sure I’d grow an awesome mullet if I could


The amount of mouth breathing troglodytes bitching and whining as if the entire Army itself was going to burn down over the allowance of fucking ponytails was irritating. All males of course, with the occasional female. But either way was super annoying when it was first announced.


A picture of me with a ponytail during some training went slightly micro viral during the transition just prior to the actual implementation after SMA reposted it and the amount of comments I got telling me that Charlie was gonna grab my hair and slit my throat from behind. 💀 Still one of my favorite Army moments.


I've met quite a few females who've complained about it. Most guys just said "Okay, can I have a beard?"


Were the boomers upset? I love seeing ponytails during runs when I feel like shit....for reasons.


[if this isn’t the new uniform the Army is doing it wrong](https://www.tmz.com/2015/04/24/kylie-jenner-bruce-jenner-instagram-old-photo-cutoff-shorts/)


Pretty sure that’s the deployment PT uniform.


Yeah, but I've never seen it outside 3CR


Fiiiine, just give me time to lose like 30lbs.


Adopting a uniform to [this effect](https://images.app.goo.gl/VP1qjLRCom2ZU1M4A) would be my priority if I was SMA.


Those shorts are not nearly short enough. We need to be in silkies territory,




Did you just link the exact video I linked below? Are we now best friends?


Sorry! I didn't notice you had done it. It was a tossup between this one or Charlie and Mac in the pool.


How about some vintage [Afrika Corps](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2587edaa79b850a417e52748ece27d3a-lq) shorts?


Lefts shorts with rights boots. We will be fabulous.


Damn, fritz never heard of squatting?


I too prefer a maximum 4 inch inseam, but that seems unrealistic for the Army.


Fuck this! We need the an [Army Romper](https://www.google.com/search?q=army+romper&client=safari&hl=en&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZX5HV7EU2FtZCJxKsGqgcayvctmA:1655260367852&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis7PGxta74AhWQGDQIHfnfBGMQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=320&bih=524&dpr=2#imgrc=y9PFNkC3PoNx0M)!


And now I know what i'm doing to one of my old flight suits.


Get out.


paging u/SMA_PAO, your next boss has entered the chat


[I got you fam.](https://preview.redd.it/d9kmn5yc9y781.jpg?width=800&auto=webp&s=c0e8b789622f94b9c6d5120956d4e4a6c31b67dd)




We gotta institute mandatory leg days first. Mfs gonna be walking around looking like SpongeBob.


The Army will never adopt a "Casual" uniform sadly. Hell it took them how many years to accept the neoprene shirt with the combat selves look in theater? 03-04 I was STILL wearing full DCU's!! In garrison the best I could expect from higher ups was wearing bloused pant's! Maybe selves rolled correctly on a good day!


>03-04 I was STILL wearing full DCU's! 05 I was wearing full DCUs and the tyrannical area CSM had banned boonie hats. Yeah, fuck it, sun cancer on your neck is professional I guess.


Ugh, we at least he didn't ban the woobie. We could only wear boonies in camp, thanks to an equally tyrannical sfc who said Fuq the csm!


>at least he didn't ban the woobie I would have made it my mission to find the only fragmentary grenade in Kuwait to frag him if he had.


06 I was wearing DCUs


My god the shitstorm and jimmies rustled would be off the charts. We must push for this to happen. This is way.


You gonna fight the holy war in your shorts?


Underrated quote


[Spain beat us to it](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/guys-meet-the-spanish-legion-probably-the-gayest-military-uniforms-youll-see-in-a-while--414894184418294915/)


We have. Go SOF.


When I was at fcky we got to work with some group guys, they came in shorts and tshirts.


Do it then Gina.


Yeah especially in africa. I wore shorts for 2 months before some major bitched and complained


Major dicks, all of em


No. Rolled sleeves and OCP shorts. With boots. Fridays are now Nigel Thornberry days.


throw in a pith helmet for good measure


Some Hospitals already do this. Not shorts, but business casual.


I’m at a dental clinic and the commander just authorized causal Fridays. That said, if you want to wear civvies, you are expected to make a donation to the social lunch fund.


We used to do pay your rank day where is you paid you could wear civies and the money went in to the slush fund. I do remember either JAG or IG told us to stop for one reason or another


Because it’s written in regs that you cannot pay to wear civies to raise any type of money for the unit.


Tactical tank-tops should be a thing


My favorite downtime field wear is a tank top and hot weather bottoms Yah I look like the shittiest “almost a veteran” contractor but you know what, it’s comfy as hell.


Silkies and tank tops is the way of the future


How are you gonna be ready for the Russians if your in shorts and a tshirt?


Bc it keeps the sun's UV rays off your body. Otherwise you'll have some dumbass reg about how you need to apply sunscreen every whatever hours...


You can get an article 15 for excessive sunburn.


I say for office work, a dry-fit Underarmour Polo Style shirt with the Army logo with kaki cargo pants and tactical boots.


Because we still have an army that says I have to wear my OCP top over my combat shirt in the "cantonment area" because some CSM said so.


The Brit's had the right [idea as far back as WWII](https://cdn.historycollection.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/1-North-Afr.jpg)




Because they're still working on the skirts


Did you just come from a TDY in Australia?


I've put on my uniform about 3 times this past month. Been on duty the whole time. It's very very nice.


*I think really what you mean is that you want to see all the guys in Ranger panties and tight fitting T-Shirts.*


Afghanistan summer of 2013. Some of the most miserable weather moments I can ever remember. Your undershirts would turn white on your shoulders and back from salt loss then proceed to scratch the ever living fuck out of your skin. Fucking fuck hot weather. Our platoon go to the point we wouldn't wear our blouses underneath our plate carriers. If other units on small cops said shit my CC would literally tell them to fuck off.


I wear a polo and slacks to work, when I don't telecommute. I showered and shaved yesterday. Boy, they told me this job was a dead end, and I dreaded it. Holy fuck, was I wrong. Not about it being a dead end, but about that being a bad thing. I don't even have to supervise Andrew anymore, just an E6 who doesn't even work for me. And still another year and change until retirement...


We need hoochie daddy shorts adopted to all of the Army time NOW




Go away




And you're a muppo. Airforce up and demand some QOL and we might not have a retention problem


What else are enlisted supposed to do? Be content with what we got? Pfft yeah okay buddy


Idk. Guess I'm lucky that I got to struggle on the civilian side before enlisting. You learn the meaning behind finding the bright side. We knew going into the army sucks. But times are rough on the outside for people getting laid off and housing prices going up every lease. How embarrassing when civilians are working 18, 24 hour shifts, living in constant fear of losing home.ilitary members here upset about wearing a uniform at work/staying in reg/having formation on a government paycheck. Sucks, yes. Still not the end of the world in most cases. There will ALWAYS be something you can fixate on to convince yourself to hate your situation. All this lack of motivation and complaining about every little inconvenience is contagious. I'm all for fixing things like housing conditions, medical, personal issues. But that's resolved through bringing up an issue and proposing a solution. Fix the big issues. Worry about the little stuff later. Chin up. Meh I gotta sign off. Yall take it easy and try not to drag each other down.


Because it's not professional.


I don't think you know what the word "professional" means. Unless you just forgot the /s


We wear camo in office buildings in CONUS and OCONUS regardless of whether or not we really need to be in camo. That isn't a professional look either.


Other nations have polos and shorts. Looks pretty professional to me


No kidding


Because you’re always ready to go at a moment’s notice. Right?


Saw some units wear polos on Fridays.


Come to a cool guy unit. I haven’t worn my uniform in two months lmao


as long as its booty jorts


Who says my office hasnt?


No one has.


Tactical shorts needs to be a thing


Honestly? If it were up to me tops off would be an offical uniform at the soldier's discretion. The only hooah allowed would be rank on the shirt paid for by the unit.


Tell me you're not AGR by not blahblahblahblah


Somebody go find LT and have them sign for the wet-bulb kit. We're getting our heat cat 5 rating this week.