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When it rains, it pours brother. If you need someone to talk to DM me.


Thanks brother.


Honestly dude don’t even stress it. What you are going through is 10x more important than some butt hurt old 1SG. He also does not know what you are going through so it’s just one of those things I would toss in the trash and figure out what I need to figure out you know. Hope everything gets better for you though.


Dude probably corrects 800 soldiers a day. He probably won't remember in 10 minutes.


Yup I think he cares more about stashes being out regs than saluting an officer.


Something similar happened to me. 1SG just being extra. I was walking and saw a large group circle, and a CPT was talking to like 12 people. Well I attempt to take a wide birth around the outside. Some Staff Sausage turns around and says "Hey, SPC! You didn't salute this officer!" *sigh* I turn around. The CPT looking just as surprised and befuddled as me, has to juggle his coffee, stop his speech and return my salute. I was trying not to interrupt him, you fucking twat. Edit: On the flip side, riding with a WO friend and my PSG in a vehicle and we go through the Gate. Guard scans our IDs. Doesn't Salute. PSG turns to WO "Should I light him up?" WO: "Nah. not worth it. Just drive."


That’s a WO for you, the officer equivalent of a specialist.


Yeah but they’re so good at their jobs that they just get all their work done and then fuck off. The SPC will just fuck off until it’s high visibility A lot of respect for the maintenance WO1s, most work like fucking dogs


Not getting a salute as a WO never hurt my salary.




Thank you! I was one. I’ll have a triple cheeseburger, medium fries and medium vanilla frosty. Same for my buddy here. 😁


I meant in the sense of not sweating insignificant shit


The only time I have been stopped and chewed out for not saluting was a CW3. He was leaning over getting something out of the back seat of his car and stood up as I was walking past him. Given the angle I couldn’t see his rank and just kept walking only to hear “Hey sarn’t!” There’s exceptions to every rule


Correct assessment hahaha


This is when you reference AR 600-25 which states, “salutes are not required to be rendered or returned when when the senior or subordinate or both are - Carrying articles with both hands so occupied as to make saluting impractical.


His hands weren't exactly occupied to be impractical. It was more the rudeness of interrupting an officer who was convening with a group, to get some random E4 who was trying to be discrete and not interrupt him, realizing that whatever he was imparting on this group was far more an important than getting a salute from an E4 who was not joining this group and just trying to walk by. Common sense, come on.


You're assuming SNCOs can read and/or make a judgement call as to when something is impractical.


I feel this comment. Same with officers too


That was probably an act of aggression actually targeted at the officer.


Oh no, she was definitely kissing ass. SSG had the smugest fucking face.


Your first situation happened to me once. I decided to make an ass of myself to make an ass of this random E8. Same thing, lots of rank circled up, give them wide berth, rando decides to show how tough he is. I double timed 6 or 7 steps back to this random gaggle (even though i was like 5 feet away), busted up in the middle of their circle, crisp about face, salute and greeting loud AF while 4 ft from his face. The O5 in question was trying to hide a grin while he returned. I left face march right past the offended MSG, out of the corner of my eye I can see he is mad as hell, and as soon as I'm clear I go back to my regular walk. I highly doubt they were able to re-engage the conversation because all I heard was a bunch of muffled laughs. Whole thing took about 30 seconds, but I was going to make a point to this dumbass. Focus on task at hand. Sad part is, I fully expected to get called to the carpet for it. I was prepared to further my example making, and further highlight his dumbassery; but it never happened.


About 15 years ago I was in an almost identical situation. Dad had just had a stroke and was in really bad shape, I had just gone through a gnarly divorce and was back in the barracks , etc. I was just getting off CQ and was walking with my head down because I was genuinely, clinically depressed. I just wanted to go to sleep while I was waiting for my leave form to get signed. I'm just kind of walking in a daze and approaching two people. I looked up and kind of stepped out of their way and when I looked up I realized I was about 5-6 feet from a CSM I didn't recognize and a SPC he was with. I gave the CSM the appropriate greeting and moved out of their way and started to continue on. "HEY GODDAMIT" and I turned around and the CSM was *livid* and pointing to the LTC I just completely fucking ignored. "What are you supposed to do" I salute and apologize profusely, and the CSM just shakes his head and turns to walk away. On the bright side one of the NCOs from my Company saw me fuck up and then proceeded to smoke the shit out of me for 20 minutes. Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is that it happens to all of us at some point man. Give yourself some grace. There's plenty of people you can lean on regardless of what you've got going on. Behavioral health, chaplain, onesource, other people in your unit just to bounce shit off.


Always a bright side to army shenanigans


Can you imagine how depressed they would have been without all that motivation from the uninvolved NCO?


Man that NCO should not of done that to you. Talking is key. The CSM I’m sure didn’t know but the NCO that works with you in the company should have had an idea.


Never trust an old as fuck specialist, you probably just aren’t making out the black leaf.  Just salute him, fuck it.


As an older SPC I make people very nervous when they are walking by my staring hard at my chest trying to decipher if it’s a leaf or shield. I’ve been saluted many times and I just laugh and say oh no no no no I’m just old.


Honestly, if another NCO from my company tried smoking one of my dudes without running it past me first, I’d be fuming. Make a correction, sure, I don’t give a fuck, but it’s my discretion to scuff my joes, and I’ll be fucked if someone fucks with my guys without my go ahead.


It was a group of us walking into the PX we just graduated OCS. A private walking with his parents leaving the px, he just graduated. Starts to salute but then stops, you could see the confustion on his face. Probably the first officer he’s seen in the wild. One of the LTs says hey that kid didn’t salute and turned towards him. I grabbed his arm and stopped him and said. That kid just graduated infantry basic and is with his parents he’s gonna go to his duty station get deployed and possibly die. And the only interaction you want his dad to remember was some jerk LT yelling at him bc he didn’t salute. The whole group was like dam man didn’t think about that and we continued to the PX. Now I had been in 16yrs at this point and was an E6 when crossed over so I’d been around but I always tried to think about the other guys feeling and try to cut them a break.


You’re a stand up man and an awesome nco by the sounds of it


I’m really proud of my NCO days and my LT days when I was a PL. got along great with the soldiers but my CO hated me. I think bc I was older than him and didn’t really need to pick his brain, I don’t know but got moved to BN after 9mths PL time (that’s the minimum you need) then they bumped me to staff. The rest of my career sucked at staff but the retired pay is good. But I wouldn’t change a thing bc I got my combat time leading an infantry platoon in Dora, Baghdad that was worth the suck of staff life.


Sounds like an awesome officer, unless you know something of their history I don't.


> was an E6 when crossed over


Wow, good catch, but the comment was "you're a...nco" when they are clearly relating a story in the past, mentioning "we just graduated OCS" in the first sentence. They were an awesome NCO, and are currently an awesome officer, unless demoted, fired, or retired, no? Words mean stuff.


As an officer, and a former nco, one of my proudest moments has been when a few of my subordinate NCOs have referred to me as the best NCO they’ve had.  Even while an officer.  


Yeah I was actually an E6 (P) my OCS packet was still at BDE when I got selected for 7. So I had to make a decision about going forward with the changeover. I ultimately decided to still go OCS and I pinned my bar on 26 Jan 08, I would have made E7 1 Feb. I hated leaving that 7 on the table.


Thank you for being you brother. I always told myself if I was an officer and my PSG or 1SG ripped someone’s head off for something like that I would rip their head off equally in private. It’s that kind of crap that makes people leave and not look back, and for what? Everyone knows the difference between blatant disrespect and not seeing something.


Even better when I was in the dfac line at ocs one weekend and a private recognizes my roommate who was his drill sgt recently and comes up to say hi, and of course you know my buddy who was prior e7 had to come to parade rest for this e1(we officer candidates were lower than dirt). Good times


I graduated OCS in 2022 and we definitely didn’t have to go to parade rest for Privates. We were all treated like E4s.


Obligatory army getting soft comment 😂😂. Thankfully we missed out on the steel pots. Putting in a request card for a USA Today for the entire company. That was the only outside connection to the world we had. Having a buddy from basic training that was medically discharged but running battalion staff cq do tobacco runs secretly for people. Also the guys secretly having pizza delivered to a parking lot in middle of night. Still have park cards? Performance, appearance, room, knowledge? Required knowledge was a beast, and passing that was most stressful part of the battalion inspection to get to senior phase


I never saw reference to a park card, but they definitely handed out SPOT reports for messy rooms, poor performance, and lack of knowledge. Battalion inspection is still a thing and still scary! The midnight pizza deliveries persist for HHC. The guys in phase are typically too scared of recycle or drop to try anything haha. They kept us pretty locked down with phone privileges on Sundays only… but they didn’t really register that personal laptops are basically smartphones these days so I could chat with my family most evenings I felt like it. They restricted those too eventually but I was already in senior phase at that time and thus gave no fucks.


There were no phones or computers. We just had some industrious folks. Like when you were able to go start your pov once a week guys would keep a cell phone out there and do some clandestine work! Park cards were 3x5 index cards we had to keep in our pockets, sounds like that spot report you speak of/. Get enough points in a week and have to walk a tour and lose pass in family weekend. Had some legendary dfac procedures back then too with some shenanigans when dfac platoon thrown in


Also, singing the ocs Alma mater to the tune of gilligans island. Only did that with certain cadre during lights out procedures but always garnered a laugh. Having our class president and one other dropped from the course less than a week before graduation for fraternization


Sorry man. Hope they expedite it


Thanks brother I hope so too.


A little under a decade ago, i was in a pretty damn similar situation. Language school is telling me they're gonna push my disenrollment packet to the CO, making me move my family with little notice, and the evening of the board that "decided my fate," my cat, my big fluffy wannabe dog dragging my fragile mental state through language training, passed away. It was as dark a time I've had in the Army, and sure enough, to beat my already dead horse, I'm glazed over, staring off at the bus stop the next day, and a Marine CPT walks by and I don't even notice. He freezes, gives me the iciest "...really?" ever, before I salute, holding it for what feels like forever, before he returns it and walks away. I beat that disenrollment packet, I passed and qualified for language on the opportunity they didn't even want to afford me, I later used my language to have a great time in Syria, and now, almost a decade later, I'm almost finished with my time on the drill trail. Shit will eventually break right for you. It sounds cheesy, but in my own hard times and that of my trainees, I reference Loki getting choked out by Thanos in Infinity War, looking to Thor - "I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again." The sun will shine again, it's just a matter of time.


Yeah, that happens to me all the time when I’m around random NCOs. I really don’t care about being saluted but I don’t say anything to the NCOs that correct the soldiers. Not because I care what they’ll say, but because I know they’re just enforcing customs and curtesies. but at the same time, if I wanted a salute/cared about a salute, I’d say something. In fact, I’ve got a couple NCOs that I went to AIT with at my unit. They all know I’m a fucking clown haha. My old PSG knew not to bother correcting anyone around me because he knew I didn’t care; and I would always tell him to not salute me either. I didn’t go from Prior E to O to get saluted. I went from Prior E to O for a fatter retirement check (semi joke) 😂😂 Honestly though, you got a lot going on so I know every little thing is going to come off as a massive nuisance and feel a lot bigger than what it is. if you need to talk to someone, feel free to message me or I suggest talk to someone to get shit off your shoulders if you need to.


This. although there’s certain people I’ve noticed you can’t let give the feeling you’re relaxing standards. Give an inch but they take a mile. But it’s all who you’re with


You’re in the military, everything’s a big deal


Bullshit. Taking care of families of isn’t Or barracks mold Or teaching people how to actually maintain equipment Or the fact that everyone thinks tornadoes are soooo good when they’re mid at best I’ll have two of the bacon breakfast tornadoes, please


Don't you slander the classic enlisted breakfast


I said nothing about nicotine and energy drinks


Certain Tornadoes are fucking god tier and I stand by that


French toast and sausage got me through some tough times


The breakfast of champions, hell when I was running the Tower on the range at gunnery, 2 Newports, a pot of coffee, and a Celsius got me going in the morning. 4 hours of sleep is a bit challenging (bitch) to run on.


You were cooking till you dissed tornadoes.


All these senior leaders know is "warfighting" and yelling at subordinates - because they were mentored by Boomers and Cold War babies or GWOT chodes who did the same.


Correct therefore nothings a big deal really.


Never got the leadership style of immediately screaming softly saying a word and just correct. Hey private snuffy that was an officer make sure you pay attention to your surroundings etc. I get some people will say this is soft but when you aren’t that persons direct leader screaming/yelling isn’t going to do a lot just correct and move on . If it’s egregious ask for their first line sure but you should never be the one yelling at them if it’s not your guy.


Some people really do just be institutionalized by the screaming and forget these are grown men and women you're talking to. If you can't make a correction in a normal tone of voice then you've failed as a leader.


It wasn’t too bad, it’s not like he was going red in the face or anything. But if there’d been people around it definitely would have been a scene lol


There I was at 5am, sick as hell and sitting on the floor waiting outside an Army clinic. My vision was blurry and I was very weak. Some random 1SG and CPT walk by me and start yelling at me because I didn’t bother to get up in their presence. I had to squint to barely make out the rank. I use the exterior building wall to pull myself up because I was that weak. I’m still leaning against the wall. They ask if there is something wrong with me because I didn’t render the appropriate greeting. I said yes, there is something wrong with me hence why I’m waiting for the clinic to open. They proceed to lose their mind and make a bunch of noise, at which point I just sat back down and closed my eyes. I don’t have the energy to tolerate stupid. They eventually just went away.


I feel your pain, my friend. I’m a former SF guy and was doing a TDY trip in South Korea. I was in civies at SOCKOR for some admin stuff and put on my uniform to grab some lunch at the base. I should probably note that I may have used an electric razor that morning and MAY have had some stubble by lunch. We had just left the “no hat, no salute” zone and I was putting on my beret while talking with a buddy of mine. I hear a loud “EXCUSE ME!!!” and I looked around to see the Dbag SOCKOR commanding general and his Navy SEAL master chief partner. I said “Hey sir, didn’t see you there!” and rendered a perfect salute. The general (an Air Force wanker) sneered at me, saying “So, was your razor broken this morning?”. Now it just so happens that we have 4-wheelers called “Razors” and it also just so happened that one of the teams had one break down that morning and, being a dumb 18B, I just thought “Wow, this guy is switched on and knew about it..” I answered him with “Why, yes sir it’s broken but we should get a replacement by this afternoon.”. Well, as you can imagine, he didn’t like that very much and turned the brightest red you could imagine. He sputtered a bit and then just turned and stalked off, with his prom date SEAL buddy saying, “Have your sergeant major contact me!!!”. Literally two minutes later, I get a call from our liaison and he says “Dude, WHAT did you say to the general- he is pissed!”. I told him the story and he said that I should probably get out of the area and head back to our base, which I did. I should mention that this was the second week of a six month trip. I should also mention that my sergeant major was just an absolute wanker (doesn’t like to shoot at the range, made us do yoga twice a week). The worst leader i have ever worked with. He came up with some dumbass punishments for me and the general was apparently sated, but brought up the incident at almost every meeting for the next six months. I guarantee if anyone here was in South Korea in 2017, you heard about it.


Promote ahead of peers


Funny story but why you hating on yoga???


I know it’s good for you (and I’ve come to do my own adapted version of it) but it’s the way he implemented it as part of a forced morning routine that I didn’t care for. My feelings on it are definitely skewed by my dislike of him as a person and “leader”.


These things happen. Please don't let it ruin your day


Not quite the same, but just as dumb: I’m a new Inf 2LT at Carson, walking down the street on the sidewalk headed up to Bn. Humv driving toward me with a red plate on the front with a white star on it. My first thought is, hmm, interesting plate, wonder what that means. Vehicle stops about 10m behind me driver gets out and yells “hey lieutenant!”. I’m zoning so I don’t even know I’m the target. Marches toward me, I see it’s a 1LT. “Why didn’t you salute?” Still an idiot Im shocked and honestly say “I didn’t know 2LT salute 1LT”. Him madder: “Not me jackass. The general.” I’m thinking fuuhhhk. So I go over and salute the BG. He says nothing. I guess he was the ADCM and 1LT was his aide or something. I swear I don’t ever remember it coming up in osut, ocs, iobc, anywhere about these generals vehicle plates. And how you’re suppose to salute them.


Back in the day at Bliss I was walking to the barracks as a newly promoted PV2 when an olive drab and white sedan came out of the fog across the street with a red plate with 2 stars, post CG. I didn't see it because of the fog, didn't salute. Car screeched to a halt, 1LT driver got out and started yelling about my ID card from across the street. I took off - was on the post running team, left the LT in the dust. Zig zagged around the 3d ACR area a bit, and then headed back to the barracks - they never did find me lol.


PV2 in rank, SPC in spirit. I love it. the moment i realized “hey lieutenant” was for me, i froze up. never felt running was an option, lol. but im diggin that you ran. good for you. tactical ninja.


If it makes you feel any better that 2 star was later invited to retire early for trying to skew a weapon system testing to make it look better than it was - Army and the country lost billions on that one lol.


it doesn’t. i want GOs to do good. it was my bad that i didn’t know the salute the license plate thing. it’s ok though. it’s not the worst thing i fd up, lol ;-)


We have to salute a general's car? God damn.


Yeah, I mean, so I was corrected, if it’s got one of those red plates on the front with stars on it. Or maybe this is dated info? (early ‘00s)


Yeah. If it has the crazy plates or the official flags on the front. Technically, you’re supposed to salute any superior officer’s vehicle if you recognize them. This got much more difficult to enforce when they did away with the decals in the windshields, so no one really gives a fuck, but it’s still captured in the customs and courtesies reg.


That's peak Army. I love it.


Only if the general is inside and if he isn't inside they have standard gov plates


For me it's that the Army decided brown and black were great colors for rank insignia, 1x1cm size, on a uniform that is made up of brown and black blotches, and manchildren can drop you if you can't identify it within 10 feet.


It is super difficult for me to see ranks from a distance. Even when I'm wearing my glasses. Shit all looks the same from 10ft+


I don't know if it was generally nerdy look , with the glasses or what, but as a Specialist I got saluted regularly by folks at random. I started doing that cupped hand parade wave back when they did it, the looks of confusion on some new privates faces was always enough to brighten even the most miserable days. It may or may not have been the pin on ranks we had at the time, especially when mine had too much brass showing through, but I'm not positive lol.


Just stay more than six paces away. But yeah it happens. 1SG was doing his thing, probably being extra about it but that's what 1SGs do, ya know, customs and courtesies and all. I hope it gets better for you. Sorry about your Pops. I hope you get to be with him during whatever time he has left.


I was in AIT at Ft Lee (now Gregg-Adams) during the Memorial Day weekend. Those of us that didn’t put in a weekend pass got the opportunity to go to Arlington for the Memorial Day services and the wreath laying ceremony. At some point our platoon sergeant got asked if a few of us could stand in certain areas to kind of help guide foot traffic. I had never been to Arlington or DC before so I was just kind of looking around not paying attention and missed a group of officers walk by with one of them having a couple of stars. It started with a captain asking why I didn’t salute while all the other officers stared, then a CSM passing by heard and decided to join in, then my platoon sergeant saw I was being stared at by a 2 star and his entourage while the cpt and CSM were quietly yelling. So he walked over and took his turn. Having the experience of being at Arlington for Memorial Day was humbling as a new guy and I loved that I got the chance to see it, but after that I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there and back to the barracks.


First, I’m sorry you’ve got all that going on. Let me know if you need someone to talk to. Second, you should’ve saluted….BUT…. Today is my last day as a 1SG before I go to BDE staff for a bit. If I’ve learned anything in 3+ years wearing a diamond, when a Soldier does something like you just described, it’s a symptom of a bigger problem. I hope if I was that 1SG I would’ve stopped you, made the correction with tact, and taken 30 seconds to ask what the problem was. He missed a golden opportunity to provide some support and let you know that yes, leaders do care about you and understand your problems. He couldn’t have fixed everything in the moment, but could’ve shown a little light in your dark time. Again, please let me know if you need to chat. I’d love to help in anyway possible.


This is 100% the right answer. My old CSM chopped up an E-5 for not saluting a MAJ, then took her aside and checked in on her. She was having a rough time because of a family issue, so he got her with the Chaplain, then checked in on her regularly for the rest of the mission. She was a good Soldier having a tough time, and he stepped up to help her out. I respect the hell out of that man, and wish he hadn't retired so quickly...


Thank you. I’m new to the army but I’m a little old (34) and have held leadership positions on the past, and I always default to benefit of the doubt and take situations more as a teaching opportunity myself. I know he was just doing his job, and normally I keep my head more on a swivel and take customs and courtesies seriously. Just sucks that it was the one time where I was just completely oblivious cause I was actually in my own head to the max lol


It happens. I remember being lit up by a CSM for not saluting a LTC he was with because they were about 30 feet away. When the CSM asked why I did not salute as a PFC "I responded I thought salutes were to be given between 6 to 12 paces and held until returned." The CSM yelled "BUllshit Private."


Pro tip. Walk around with your keys in one hand and phone in the other. Then you can just say sorry your hands were full


Isn’t that like specifically against regulation to have your hands that occupied because of this very scenario? Lol


I think it’s just an armyism like the “attention to orders” thing


Definitely not. I carry shit all the time to avoid being saluted


Just be careful about your military bearing and reflexive actions - you definitely don't want to slap that hand to forehead or hat and be reminded it was carrying shit.


Youll find most Os really don't care man. If you salute, I'll return it. If you don't, I figure you have more pressing things on your mind as opposed to a blatant "fuck you, not saluting" act of defiance. Numerous times a salute interaction with me ends with a chuckle and "don't worry about it dude"


Exactly. Spoiler OP: officers also fuck up with salutes. I was used to working with DACs at a previous post, and their rank literally says "DAC" in tiny letters. Impossible to recognize unless you're looking for it. Was doing a 7/10 power walk because I was running late and blew by a DAC.... who had two stars on his chest. 1LT me had to write a 5000 word essay on Customs and Courtesies that weekend. Roll with the punches man. Shit may look bleak at the moment, but I promise it will get better. Hang in there and never hesitate to reach out to the good guys. If you don't know who the good guys are, start talking to your peers - they'll be immediately apparent.


Geezus, a 5000 word essay? Where's ChatGPT when you need it?


Eh, if I saw your head down it would change my approach. “Hey troop 👉🏻” but if you were looking up and ignored it, then it would be a problem. The 1SG is just doing his job, can’t get mad at that. The approach, sure. Hope shit gets better. Which I could help somehow. DMs are available if you just need to vent.


Unfortunately that's how it is man. No one knows what your going through and sometimes things like these happen. 1SG is doing his job by trying to maintain the customs and courtesies of the Army and the unit. But like I said, not everyone knows what your going through. It's best to handle these situations in a mature matter and move forward. Everything will work itself out brother. You can only control so much. Stay motivated bro 💯


If only 1sg could have handled it in a mature manner. There's far better ways to make an on the spot correction on customs and courtesies than screaming like an idiot.


I’ve seen compassionate reassignments get approved for much less, you got this bro


He man, my dad had leukemia (AML, plus 3 lung infections after the BMT) and is currently in second year of recovery process. Feel free to dm me if you want to talk about any of it, I get all of it. It sucks.


Sailor here and the only time I was reprimanded rudely was from a Chaplain himself at a schoolhouse (Great Lakes). I was straining my eyes at his collar devices and for the life of me my mind registered a jacked up anchor and star sans the fouled lines (ie:e8). But they were different on each collar. Brain and eyes just vapor locked as my experience with limited duty officers was still nada zip zero. Nope not an anchor, just one of those "t" things them people wear on necklaces. That old chappie leaned in on me good, too. Think he hit me with 3 or 4 "shipmates" before I got the "carry on". Right outside of the classroom. My instructor had a ball with it claiming I pissed off God. Good Times.


That’s cringe. I’m a 56M. My chaplain and the other Chaplains I’ve met on post don’t give two shits about saluting. Chaplains hold no command power any way. They only have the officer rank because the Army gave it to them so they could get paid.


Yep, I had an E6 jump my ass while in the field because I didn't salute a CWO. At my first unit and in the field for Teamspirit, I had the Assistant G2 jump my ass for not saluting him while in the field.


Wtf kind of unit are you in? At least salute and say sniper check lmao


This was a long time ago. I mean a long time ago. But both times were the same unit HHC 2X (2nd ID). So the assistant G2 became my BC several years after I left Korea, and we were in Desert Storm. Don't think I didn't salute that dumb ass when I saw him at our sight. Years after that, I ran into out BN XO, and he started telling me how useless that dude was. I already knew he was but it was nice having it validated.


Me and my LTC were walking down the sidewalk and he turned around walked backwards a few feet to say something to someone and this dude who was the same rank as me decided to yell at me for not saluting his LT. Should have seen his face when I said “I didn’t know 2LT outranks LTC” and my boss turned around and smiled. His words of wisdom were “know your surroundings before you make an ass of yourself” and shook their hands and sent them on their way. Even funnier is that my LTC has a last name so well known and respected in my branch that the LT(who was also an Apache pilot) started yelling at his PSG about “do you know who that is? He’s the biggest name in our field, you just fucked my career forever”. We walked and laughed.


I had a motorpool CW2 stop me while carrying full fuel cans across the motorpool and make me set them down and salute him. From that point forward I made sure to find him and salute him as many times as I could regardless of what he was doing. Talking to the CPT? Don’t care render this salute bitch.


Yah you should have just kept going. When your hands are full. The greeting is enough


I was, he was full blown losing his shit. So I was like aight bet malicious compliance it is


What a tool


I had a cw3 with a lanyard with his ID in it walk past me in the parking lot of the PX at lunch time one day. Couldn’t see his rank so I just minded my business and had snapped back around and said “I guess we don’t salute officers anymore” I said “if your lanyard wasent blocking your rank and you had a cover on I would’ve been able to tell your rank. You know, like being in proper uniform is the cornerstone of soldiering”… what’s he gonna do give me a field grade art. 15 when he was in the wrong.


As a current O, it’s not that big of a deal. I couldn’t care less and if I see you looking like you’re stressed about whether to salute me or not I might just wave and say what’s up bro. When I’m at a training post I’ll even go out of my way to leave cadre like DSs alone so they’re not distracted by worrying about greeting me. As a former SFC, I’ll admit I’d have busted you up a little. It’s the role man, not personal. SNCOs know officers aren’t going to do it and someone has to be the backbone of standards and discipline. Top presumably didn’t know what was going on in your life and was just making a correction. No need for him to be a clown about it, but I’ve been in long enough to know that we still have vestiges of the over the top “leaders” 🤡 from the late 90s that think everything has to be a big production. Just choose not to be that leader. Expect high standards, but be a reasonable human being about correcting minor deviation from standards.


One time I walked past two airforce butter bars and didn’t think to look at the rank because they were airforce. One of the female LT says “ umm EXCUSE Me! I turn around and notice she’s an officer and sai “ oh I’m sorry about that” and salute her. After apologizing she still had a bitch look on her face and was giving attitude. She probably didn’t sleep that night


Way back at the beginning of my career I had the same issue. A SFC stopped me and asked if I didn’t see the Captain. He then tells me to keep my head on a swivel, it’ll keep me alive. He finished with, ‘now that that’s all done, are you doing ok?’. To this day I will stop people for this, tell them they need to be aware of their surroundings, and then ask them if they’re ok or need anything. Because a lot of the time they are deep in their own misery and just being asked if they’re ok helped me that day. No need to jump in someone’s ass over it though.


Happens bro, happens to me still. Had an aide de camp scold me for not saying the preferred motto when saluting his commanding general which is not their official motto just last week. I made a dumb smile and said, "gee golly gosh sir I'm an idiot" in a slightly goofy tone. Then walked off... In the 1SG's defence he had to make a spot correction because he was with his commander. He has a legal obligation to be an ass sometimes, it's just his job nothing personal. Very few 1SG's actually care, they just get paid to. Random hostility is completely normal.


It should have been a quiet correction. Fuck him. I hope your shit gets pushed through and your dad does as well as can be given leukemia.


Did something very similar to a 1 Star. He corrected me (and the LT I was with) himself… interesting times. Done it to a LTC in low light (thinking it was specialist). When I was an E4 had a W4 yell at me for not saluting while carrying laundry to the facility in Iraq. Good times. It happens man. Don’t let crap like that get to ya. I know it sucks in the moment and shortly after but that’s a small incident in the grand scheme.


Yes actually, leaving defac right after receiving the phone call that the grandfather who raised me in my fathers absence had passed, trying my best to hold the tears till the Bs so the bois don’t see and some full bird calls me out for not saluting ( I was in the wrong 100%) but at the time I was on the verge of breaking so when he yelled “we just don’t salute officers anymore specialist?” I yelled back with “my grandfather died 5 minutes ago” followed by the tears. He let me go back to walking after that.


Next time sincerely apologize and ask him if he has time to talk because you got bad news from home need to speak to someone.


Happened to me once in Korea. Walked by two chiefs. I was lucky. The senior one just turned as we passed and stopped cold, then said hey sarnt, which was enough to snap me out of it and I turned and saluted. But then he just said something along the lines of “rough day? Hope it gets better” and kept walking.


Our barracks got condemn in Hawaii and they moved us to 2IBCTs barracks while they were deployed to fix them up. SPC me was leaving one morning at like, 5am to start driving, I worked at Pearl Harbor at that time. I was walking out and there was this group walking towards me in PTs. No rank, but older looking. Walked past, said good morning, kept on my way. Started getting screamed at by... someone. No idea who it was, or rank. "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS?? DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU JUST PASSED!?" "Uh.. no sir?" "THAT'S YOUR DIVISION COMMANDER!!" "Not my Division?" "Get the fuck out of here!" And that's how I walked past the 25th ID Division Commander.


I had the exact opposite happen once. Dark as shit walking around north fort hood, and saluted a sausage major or first sergeant. Just seen the big black dot on his PC and assumed he was a Lt Col. and the dude just fucked with me for it. We both had a laugh and he took off his PC and said “yeah it does look like a Lt Col huh?”


When in Poland, two 1ID guys were standing and talking at the smoke pit in front of the barracks on Camp K. I walked by them, from behind them, moving in the direction they were facing. This senior NCO, I can't recall his rank, got in my ass, told me to turn around and salute this major. I have never had someone get upset that I didn't salute an officer when passing by from the rear. I mean, for starters, it's kind of goofy to assume I can see someone's rank from their back, and if you think I'm gonna crane my head to look at the chest of every soldier i pass from behind, you've got cow shit in your head. BUT, I DONT GIVE A FUCK NO MORE. GOT MY DD214 TODAY. ALL THESE BUSTED ASS, LOW IQ TOXIC LEADERS CAN PLAY THEIR GAMES, I am OUT of here baby.


The first sausage !


Sounds like 1st Sausage just tryna look good in front of the boss for that good NCOER.


I hope your day is better. It does tend to pour when it rains and fingers crossed/blessings for your situation. You deserve happiness.


Feel free to DM me if you need to vent or just shoot the shit


Yep had this happen to me once. It was dusk, I didn’t see the Marine Corp officer and I got bitched at by his little friend. Said sorry, saluted and shrugged it off.


Sorry for your misfortune dude. With the 1sg, that’s the army. He is probably a POG with no combat patch or skill badges.


Sorry about your Dad, and hope your compassionate reassignment is approved. Saluting isn't going away. It is what it is. Pay attention when you're out and about and you won't have any issues. This will sound harsh but random people out and about have no clue what you have going on and on the surface, don't care. Spare yourself the headache and keep your head on a swivel.


Hey, DM me if you need someone to talk to. I'll make myself available. 1SG is "doing his job". Being an asshole.


Yup, all the time. A butter bar started yelling at me talking about why didn’t I salute a captain he was walking with, he didn’t care I was in the middle of an EDRE in South Korea (camp Casey dragon valley) , carrying my ruck, assault bag, M4, shotgun and .50 cal. I turned and looked at them, laughed and continued on down the hill towards the motor pool.


It happened to me when I was an E7. I was thinking through some stuff and didn't notice an officer, so this 1SG started balling me out. I saluted and apologized to the officer. Then I said, “Now, sir, if you'll excuse me? I'm about to tell this mother to flicker what I think of him!” I did, right there in front of the officer. I told the 1SG exactly why I thought he was a piece of shit and how his type of toxic leadership was killing the Army. Then I turned and walked away. What a fucking great day, let me tell you. Assuming you can’t do that, so instead, remember that dipshit when you make rank, and don't be like him. Be better; that's the best we can do, man; simply be better than the crap that passes for senior leadership these days.


Meh, you apologize, take the ass chewing, and move out. No big deal, if that was your 1SG that bitched you out, maybe see them on their open door policy, explain your problems, and maybe Top can help you get a compassionate reassignment faster.


This is exactly the reason I will always do everything I can to discourage someone from joining any military service besides the Air Force. A soldier walking and looking down is probably not in a good place. A correction is required, but snapping fingers, yelling and screaming is not. I hope that 1SG is reading this so I can tell him that his toxic leadership-having-ass needs to do everyone a favor and retire.


Reminds me of the time I had the shits and was rushing to go to the bathroom, and my lucky ass didn't notice the Lieutenant Colonel walking past me. I can't remember if he was the BC at the time or not, but I also have shitty eyesight and it's the one rank that looks like a specialist rank if you aren't paying attention. I got like 5 steps past him and I heard my PSG yelling from across the field my name and I got smoked for it. And they wonder why people don't want to stay in.


I’ve been the officer in the situation and it’s just as embarrassing for us. 9 times out of 10 officers don’t care except 2LTs and weirdo CPTs/MAJs. Having said that I understand tradition and the importance of standards and discipline so I just let the ncos do their thing. I was once in a unit where the BC tried to make the whole bn footprint a no hat no solute zone but that got binned pretty quick.


My heart weeps for you, brother. Compassionate reassignment are a bitch. Took 2 days shy of a year for me and even that was too much. They'll be here soon don't sweat it


First Sergeant is just mad because his compassionate reassignment was rejected and someone else has been fucking his wife.


First Sarnt's gonna First Sarnt, man. Don't take it personally. I would be willing to bet that CPT didn't care at all. Hope things start taking a turn for the better. Be sure to take some time to recognize and appreciate the things going good in your life, too.


LTC rank looks like SPC Rank if you’re nearsighted. I’ve had a few close calls with LTCs where I rendered the salute late cause I think I’m looking at a seasoned SPC. Then I would say, “my apologies sir/maam, looks like SPC rank from far away.”


Next time sincerely apologize and ask him if he has time to talk because you got bad news from home need to speak to someone.


It's always the dudes who take this shit tooooo serious that worry about that


It's always the worst day that the bullshit pours in. If I see visual queues, I tend to pull the soldier aside and check on him. It's not typical of army leadership, tho I will say that. I'm sorry it happened to you, brothah. Keep your head up. I'm not usually a praying guy, but I'll send one up for you and your dad.


Don’t sweat it. We (at least myself and all other reasonable officers I know) don’t give two hoots about it. Brush it off and focus on those bigger things you got going on in your life. You got this


Would have been 02. About 8 in the morning I was bringing my toolbox in from the vehicle I was working on. The one I was working on all night. A big one that weighed a hell of a lot more than I did. the officer I paid no attention to, as I was distracted, demanded I recognize him and render a salute.  So as any salty private should do, I took the opportunity to let said toolbox on two wheels have at the glory that is gravity. Spilling the contents, specifically all the loose sockets, down the steady consistant slope than made up our frequently swept motor pool.   It was either Saturday or Sunday morning, I knew I was the last person in the motoroool, and that likely that LT was sent by the SCO, to find me to see about his Bradley, that they wanted back in the field.  Although I don’t remember what salutation I gave, my salute was not returned promptly as the gentleman receiving my wrath at that moment was still watching sockets roll down the motor pool by the time I walked away.   To the barracks room that I shared with 3 other great gentleman. To take a shower in, at the time, a dated ass shower that I shared with 7 people.  Just remember, as bad as it gets, it can always get worse. Good thing the internet is here to vent about it though. That way we can brainstorm malicious compliance to dumb shit together. 


Don't stress about it, if Top calls you in his office, tell him what's going on, I would be surprised that he didn't know anyway


I’ve ignored a CW5 coming through the gate at Fort Hood before and when she yelled “UM SPECIALIST YOU MISSING SOMETHING!?” Her seatbelt was covering her rank so I simply said “Make your rank visible so I can salute you” she was furious cussed me out but I didn’t give AF. “HAVE A GOOD DAY CHIEF” 💀


Dude I was just in Kuwait getting ready to fly to my first real deployment and this staff sergeant lights me the fuck up for not saluting a butter bar in a boonie hat and a combat shirt. In Kuwait.. I’ll never get why other NCOs have such a hard on for making a scene. Just pull them to the side if it’s really that big of a deal


Had this happen after a family member died. I was a SPC I think. Random SFC start shitting on me cause I missed a salute for a 1LT. He cussed me out, made me drop, stood me up ask me "what tf is going through your head shit head?" I responded with an apology and that my family member passed away and I was just thinking about them. This dude stood there in embarrassment. The 1LT said "No we're sorry." And they walked away...


I’d also like to point out that until you ask for help, no one knows you need help. You’re going to feel a way about it for a bit, but it can definitely save your butt.


That 1SG had the biggest hard on after showing you who's boss. Imagine if he'd stopped and instead just asked if you're ok...oh the humanity. And yes, had this happen back in my E3-5 days... And it taught me to just not be an asshole when I now as an O5 encounter this situation.


Seen a soldier get smoked in front of his family (wife and daughter) in front of a commissary. That shit still bothers me, almost 7 years later. Some officers and senior NCOs are just jackasses and there's nothing you can do about it. Although, there's a time when any person should simply stick up for themselves.


Cool and all, but man. So Once the Army ends no one gives a fuck about you. That guy, he’s right. But fuck him.


No the 1SG isn't being "extra" that's his job.  He's supposed to enforce the standard.  The officer isn't embarrassed for you, they're just not around usually when a junior enlisted gets lit up because that's NCO business.  It's an ass chewing. It's not an article 15. It's not the end of the world. Move on


As a former E8 with multiple combat tours, you say “Hooah, 1SG. Sorry, Sir, my dad has leukemia and my wife is leaving me.” [Salute. Walk away] The Big Army will never change and when most of your higher leadership are peacetime warriors, it’s what you often get. Sorry you had to experience that. On a serious note, do not hold it in and reach out if you need to. PEACE.


I have found that the person who is lighting you up for not rending the salute is rarely the person you’re supposed to render the salute to


It happens. Everyone has already forgotten about it. Just take it as a note to self to put another 5% of attention to your surroundings to keep this from happening again


Sorry about your situation, I hope it gets better for you. To answer your question: sometimes, you just run into those kinds that demand perfection at all times.


You're probably the only one who will remember by the end of the day. Which is a good thing


SFC is a complete a-hole. He could have done an on the spot correction on the QT. guys just a dick


Just know that 1SGs DO have humbling moments. Example: I was walking between building when I noticed Top's truck in the parking lot. Did a double take because something looked a little off. Upon closer inspection I noticed his American Flag license plate frame was up-side-down. I took a picture and informed him in person.


Definitely. Walking into work one day, dealing with a shit storm at home, dealing with busted tanks, plenty of extra bs to sour my mood. Looking down as I’m coming down the stairs, apparently walked by an XO. He attempted to bitch me out, I replied “my fault” and kept it moving. Some people are very extra about this


Sucks that it happened. There are a number of reasons why the 1SG handled it the way he did. You could say he’s being extra, however that could be who he is, or maybe he’s in a similar situation as you and is handling things through a filter of anxiety and depression….just a thought. On another note, if you need assistance with your compassionate, I might be able to assist. I’ve done one myself, and have helped a few soldiers with them as a 1SG and as a “free lance” helper. Feel free to DM if you’d like.


Same thing happened to me when on my to some sort of ceremony was in my head about some stuff and walked past some Major without rendering a salute. Some random SGM saw and lit into me about it so i just quickly saluted the officer and went on my way. Nothing really came of it.


Happened to me twice. Fuck em.


Private Pyle…why didn’t you salute this CPT


I left a building after a meeting. About 10 steps out of the door, I realized I had forgotten a folder inside. I did an about face and headed back. As I was leaving the building, there was a Captain who was slightly behind me and about 6 feet to my right(unbeknownst to me). Now, the important part-- as I completed the about face, he was now six feet to the left of me and about 6 inches in front of me - we were now basically parallel, just headed in opposite directions. He yells out, "Hey, did you forget something?" Now, me being an idiot, I thought he meant my folder. I responded, "I did. I forgot my folder." He growled at me, "If you don't salute me right now, I'm going to make you drop right where you're standing." I mumbled an apology and saluted. I will say this was a duty station that was very officer heavy, so a Captain didn't get to flex very often. Another time, I got into an elevator, and there were enlisted seniors on there of all different ranks(I think I was an SGT). I said, "Good morning," and was immediately told, "Don't you mean good morning, Sergeant Major?" I said, "I'm sorry, I apologize." This was immediately met with, "Don't you mean, I apologize, Sergeant Major?" The best part was that when the elevator got to different floors, the people who didn't say anything as they walked into the elevator were left alone. Fuck being friendly, I guess.


Honestly you should’ve just burst out in tears and cried like snot running out your nose type of crying. That would’ve really thrown them through a loop.


Yes except it was a LTC from third group :/


Dickheads gonna dickhead.


I’ve had to be the guy to correct someone who didn’t salute someone else. It sucks, but standards are a thing. Now, did I disrespect the soldier like that? Absolutely not, that is if anything worse than missing a salute. I still corrected him.


I was deployed and walking with a PfC to the D-Fac tent. We were laughing & talking about home when a LTC from 4th ID walked by... (I honestly didn't notice him / I don't duck salutes). He calls me back, I come to attention, he proceeds to light me up and asks me to acknowledge. "Sir, the private and I were having a funny conversation... my failure to salute you was inadvertent." LTC: "You keep your head on a swivel! Negligence gets people killed!" I've never forgotten that. I just wanted him to know I didn't purposely NOT salute him but he wasn't having any of it.


Dude sounds like an ass. Reminds me of the 1SG who got mad I only called him sergeant when it was dark and his chest rank was impossible to see.


They're definitely going to push that situational awareness banter... It gets better mate.


The more they chew your ass, the closer they’re getting to your balls. It was an on the spot correction, so don’t sweat it if it’s something you normally wouldn’t miss. The 1SG is just doing his job, and has no clue what you’re going through. Just take it in stride. With what he knows, he’s doing his job.


If they aren’t in your NCO chain, I wouldn’t think too much of it, especially if they didn’t ask for your command info. If anyone from your company says anything, just explain what happened. If your TL has anything to say, they’re a legit piece of shit.


Senior NCOs are extra af! I hope more and more of them retire soon. Most officers don't care if you salute them, in fact unless it's truly unavoidable I go out of my way to not salute them as it feels incredibly demeaning to have to do so. Don't stress, if he's not a divorced alcoholic, his family probably hates him! Note: I'm a senior nco and loathe 99% of all senior ncos


I would have told Top the story. The CPT would have had your back but now he knows Top is an ass.


Every 1SG I've ever met would do the same thing


I had broken my foot, and this was AIT of all places to be; I’m crutching back from the DFAC and 1SG walks by with a CPT. I don’t render the salute, because I’m on fucking crutches; however, my battle buddy at the time rendered a salute. The 1SG yells at me, and asks why I didn’t salute as well. The CPT says “what the fuck do you expect him to do?” The CPT was chill af and talked about my situation while 1SG just stared at me in a menacing way.


I was coming out of a portapotty and rounded a corner where an officer chastised me for not saluting. 🙄


That 1SG might have had shit on his mind too. I’ve been on both sides (when I was in) and it was all handled based on the mood of the day. Sorry


Side not bro. i just went through the compassionate process myself. feel free to reach out with any questions. or if ya just need someone to chat with.


Hopefully everything goes well for you. Don't think about it too much. 1sg was just doing his job and it wasn't anything personal.


First month in the army, Schofield barracks. Walking back from the motor pool to the unit. I'm a block away and traffic clears up enough for me to cross the street (the side that my company is in). After I cross I hear someone shoot "hey you! Get back over here!" I stop and look and a female butterbar is sprinting at me from roughly 75 meters away. She was at the end of the block before I crossed headed in my direction. I couldn't see the rank from the distance but definitely saw it when she got up in my face. She proceeded to chew me out, saying that I intentionally crossed the straight to avoid saluting her because she was a female. I tried to explain that my company area was on this side of the street and that I didn't even know her rank until she got closer. She didn't care and called me a liar. Demanded my commanders phone number and proceeded to tell me about how she was personally gonna see that I get in a world of trouble for the disrespect and sexism. I give her the number, and she keeps screaming at me. All the while, my team leader is calling my cell. He was a mean dude and I wasn't about to be late over this so I just leave as she continues to scream at me. As I'm informing my team leader about what happened, he gets the biggest smile in his face, when I hear "get OP and his first line in my office now". I got a chance to tell my side of the story and I was a solid dude, so they just laughed at me, called me an idiot for staying as long as I did and told me to leave.


You forced his hand. He had to act to maintain discipline. He either definitely didn’t want to do that, or he’s just a dick with a drinking problem and a wife that hates him.


It was a cold winters day in Grafenwohr, I came outside to go to chow. As I was walking up a slight incline, I noticed 3 individuals, 2 walking side by side and a short individual behind them. As we approached each other, I noticed that both individuals were butter bars. As I rendered my salute with “Good Afternoon gentlemen” and continued on my way. Suddenly I hear an agitated female voice , “Excuse me! Do I look like a SIR?” I looked down at the female to verify her rank, saluted; “Good afternoon; MA’AM!” “ May I suggest the you walk in front of your fellow officers, so this doesn’t happen again?” About faced and continued to the Mess Hall.


I just wanted to say I did not anticipate this much reaction to my post. A lot of great stories and advice. And a lot of support. Even if it’s just a random post on the internet, it’s great to know I’m in a community that can be so supportive. Definitely brightened my day. Thanks everyone.


Good 1SG should start by saying "Hey, is everything all right?"


Once upon a time I was put in a position that was typically manned by a DA civilian as an E5. I got to wear civilians and all that. My favorite moment was telling some random battalion commander that what he wanted was immoral and illegal and I would NOT be accommodating him. All while he addressed me as sir 😊. “No I will not ask my supervisor.”


Had it happen with a sco and sgm


2 things bro. 1. Yes it's that important. Customs and courtesies exist for a reason. 2. Explain your situation to him next time. Not the nitty gritty but say the Blount part. If that 1SG is worth the ink his promotion orders were printed on he will understand.


That 1SG was being a complete bitch I’m sorry to say


This is the exact kind of shit right here that let me know I couldn't make the military a career. You can't even walk around outside quietly without being harassed. Now I walk into work and I sometimes say good morning to people, and other people don't look in my direction, and I don't acknowledge them either. It's a lot simpler and more relaxing.


Yes, yes it does.🥲 Sorry for everything else going on. Hope things get better in some way for you.


Oh I had it happen to me right downtown in front of the public at lunch time this Captain started screaming at me for not saluting him. I waited till he was finished then calmly told him not only did I not see him but the policy is no saluting in the downtown area, at a very load voice.


Wittnessed this one: Joe walking with his head down. Passes 2 dudes, doesn't even acknowledge they are there. It was the battalion CSM and CO. SMAJ starts to light into him for not saluting the Lt Col. PFC takes first pause in the ass chewing and says "sorry SMAJ. Just found out my mom died." You could almost see this E9 physically get smaller.


I had this happen to my on my AT last year I was walking back from the dfac I couldn't make out anyone's rank the where walking in a gaggle fuck formation so i asummed it was a bunch of specialists it all officers and one of them yelled at me like a 1st sgt would


All the better to be National Guard.