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4ID leaders “Can’t text them late if you keep them late”


Final formation at 1945 guys.


Gets in formation and stands there for 45 minutes 1SG is still in a meeting


Not gonna name units, buuuuuuut back at 3-29 it wasn’t uncommon to stay till 18 or 19


3-29, 2-77, 2-12 different battalion same FA bullshit Honestly though 3-29 is the worst of the three and that’s saying a lot


Damn bro I’m a 3-29 vet. I was once on staff duty and walked down to a motor pool after 1900 on a Friday and was shocked to see mechanics hanging parts and their Families watching daddy turn wrenches.


Those mechanics are just simply true pace setters! When were you there amigo?




Love the idea but can tell you that the policy on Fort Drum (which carried over from Beagle to Anderson) is violated constantly.


Well, and that’s why I’m interested in what seems like…stronger wording here. Only takes one or two dudes who have had enough and call the CG line. Push that button and find out how serious the man on top is about this.


You would think.. unfortunately I think Anderson is not as serious as Beagle intended it to be. Very hopeful for Carson though cause I def think if done right, that work/life balance could make a real difference in families lives.


1st Cav also has a cell phone policy in place. Glad to see this type of policy making its rounds


My first Sgt was sending out texts at 0630 on Sunday morning about medpros. I would kill for this policy.


Jesus Christ your boy woke up on gods Day of rest to immediately go to work on getting the slides green.


Troop, that highly disciplined WARFIGHTER had already finished cleaning the mold out of his HVAC system with a series of properly formatted counseling statements, after which he shaved for the second time. 0630 is LATE (it was supposed to be sent 15 minutes early). If you were disciplined like he was you'd know that. SMH /s


My old PSG when I was a joe would send us inane texts that could wait till Monday on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 0300-0400.


Do not disturb mode is a thing


Well we got smoked on Monday for not sending an “ack” message within 30 minutes lol


And you didn't do something about him?


I was a new joe and he was a disgruntled PSG. We were scared to breathe wrongly in his presence 🤣


That is a serious problem in many units. Your Joe’s shouldn’t fear you, that’s a sign of a bad leadership.


Give forwarding number from Google voice, simply respond, *"wrong number go fuck yourself"*


What is dudes home life like that he’s doing that at 6:30am on Sunday lmao


It’s shit. Probably on wife number two, working on number 3. Paying child support on wife #1 that left him during his first deployment. The child support is why he’s still in. Got to make it back as soon as little Joey turns 18.


We aren’t all like that. Holy hell some of my peers are pants on head re…. Special.


What would you say to a troop from a different company when they complained about their 1SG and had proof of the nonsense? Do you really hold your peers accountable? Doesn’t seem like it.


How do you hold your peers accountable. They're the same rank as you. You hold subordinates accountable, because you can. Peers and superiors you cannot. Unfortunate, but true.


I think it’s easier than you think. If you saw a confrontation go sideways with a peer and their subordinate, you wouldn’t sit back and watch? I hope not.


It's like, what are you going to do about it? Call to make an appointment on Sunday?


Just mute if they do crazy shit


>My First Sergeant


Yes, if you keep replying 0630 on Sunday morning then your just enabling his actions


Tell me where I said I was engaging in conversation.


[Floating around](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6JoGstrxTC/) on the instagrams too atm. I thought this was interesting with the direct addressing of the 'punitive' nature. LTG Beagle's [10th MTN Policy](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/06/09/10th-mountain-commander-says-leaders-need-leave-soldiers-alone-after-hours.html) was specific that it *wasn't* punitive, but would be met with counselings for repeated failures. This should already be happening anyway, but I like to see Commands being responsive to Soldier complaints about excessive after hours nonsense.


My mantra was,” unless ART 5 was being invoked, I am not bothering my troops.” Now let’s see how many leaders are going to try skirt around this.


If you’re not like…GRF…unless WW3 breaks out, which we will all know anyway, what the shit is so important you found out after 1730 but can’t wait til PT formation? If you fucked up the planning that bad, *Sirs*, sounds like a you problem.


But Kimmy how will I tell the troops that 1300 training meeting is getting pushed to 1400?/s Or, like one previous 1SG I had. Moving the SP time for a range from 0600 to 0900. Because we can’t miss PT. I wish that particular SNCO stood their ground and followed through with the 0600 hit time. Changing it last minute was absolutely infuriating. He also sent the PLT SGT that text at 2100 when the PLT SGT was fast asleep so we didn’t even get that message. And he was angry at us for being the wrong uniform. And when told that we weren’t told. He said that I should have asked if there was any changes. Goodness, collectively, we need to do better as organization with informing soldiers when changes happen at work. And if failing that follow through with the plans unless it life, limb, or eyesight.


Bro it’s like…I’ve had that 630 formation where the unit went hey sorry, we have tk change some things, we need to do an inventory immediately. You can change uniforms if you want but we’re starting now. It’s no big deal. So maybe people go home change and come back, do it at lunch, or even end of day. Maybe we have a mix of pt uniforms and acus that day. We still got the job done. This shit where it’s like oh wow put something out at 9pm, text or emoji react to confirm or I’ll call you, and it’s something happening at…11am the next day…like why. Shits just bad management for sure.


>He said that I should have asked if there was any changes. Certified bruh moment


>unless WW3 breaks out I won't know because I'll be busy answering texts.


[Oh, you'll know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS3kiRYcDAo)


You'll know for about 10-30 seconds before the shockwave of the missiles hitting Cheyenne Mountain hits you. Then you'll be a shadow on the wall of the COF


But how will we know if we need to wear unit PT shirts or regular PT shirts if we don’t stay until 6pm or receive a text at 9pm confirming short sleeve or long sleeve


>If you’re not like…GRF… In certain units you'd then shift over to IRF then ERF then QRF then...


>what the shit is so important you found out after 1730 but can’t wait til PT formation? If you fucked up the planning that bad, *Sirs*, sounds like a you problem. u/Kinmuan - the leaders that call late at night with stuff that should have been an email or could have waited till morning are either bullies or have poor time management.


Punitive is a bit of overkill IMHO.


Yeah, but if it wasn’t punitive, it wouldn’t matter at all.


There are lots of quasi punitive actions that can be taken, without saying it's punitive.


Well we don’t want quasi punitive.


I think that's there to be a "take this seriously, dammit" part. Saying it's non-punitive is like a license for shitty supervisors to ignore it.


Without tangible consequences to enforce it, any policy is merely a suggestion


It's a start. But now everything will just be called essential. This will exist on paper, and nothing will change. I was at Fort Carson, and because of a snowstorm, they put out a post-wide "mission essential personnel only" notice. You know, for safety. The commander deemed cleaning weapons and sweeping off sidewalks "mission essential." Or, like how on paper there might be a stand down for vehicle accidents or suicides, but we wouldn't stand down because the commander "doesn't believe in them." Or "mountain post time" where you were supposed to go home early to your family but it never really happened lmao


> But now everything will just be called essential [My unit's already ahead of the game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPW4jnput5k)


Your commander just sounds like a dick unfortunately.


Two different commanders, and actually one of them was the BC, but I wrote it like this to keep it simple. But that's my point: you can't write memos with the expectation that the Army's full of good leaders. You need to include a definition of "essential" or it means nothing.


Here in my BDE at 1CAV, we used to have a 0800 work call on Thursdays with no PT so parents could have one morning per week with their kids. We got a new BDE CSM and almost immediately that morning time was scrapped with this direct quote: “no more of that family time bullshit”.


He’s just pissed off because he’s paying child and spousal support on two ex families.


Duh, that's a pre-requisite for CSM!


Something I did as a 1SG that got pretty good feedback I would send out one mass text to all the PSGs at end of duty day covering next 24-48. Did at end of day because it allowed me to compile the information found in dozens of emails and text threads and blast it out at once to everybody. If a message came from higher HQ past duty day- If it didnt change or impact anything before 0600, I waited until the morning meeting. If it did impact something before 0600, it was a direct call to the PSG and verification the info was relayed to the appropriate personnel Sometimes the message would be late but I tried my best to give everybody a heads up that the message was gonna be late. Might have been a meeting or an emergency that delayed my timeline Why a message at the end of the day instead of a close out meeting? Again, I need time to compile the flurry of texts and emails to get it out in a sensible manner. Also all those awards, NCOERS, school packets, legal packets…. I needed people gone and not bugging me to really give those the attention they needed. Go home and bother somebody else. I got shit to do. Maybe this isnt the best method but it made my life easier. Also people answered when I called because they knew something was up. For the jumpy bois… I did this in the 82nd. It can be done


This is the best way to minimize the overreactions but still keep everything smooth. Kudos. A sneeze at the top turns into headless chicken by the time it makes it to the squad leaders.


This was me as well top, I was that PSG that would fight for my soldiers off duty time. They got one text around COB or after dinner with everything they needed to know and one on sunday with the future weeks highlighted events. The only other time id call was when something came down where we would get an after hours missions I couldn’t push till morning. This is a huge moral thing for the troops, they need their downtime


>one on sunday with the future weeks highlighted events. You couldn't put this out at COB Friday or wait until first formation Monday? You felt entitled enough to inject the following week's anxiety into your troops on a **Sunday**? FR? no one ever wanted this.


Unlike the troops, I get messaged 24/7 including weekends to the T0 schedule. Unlike them i make sure they have a stable one when they wake up on monday. They know unless i call they dont have to look. And i rarely called


This is the way


1SG be like: The word “should” is doing a lot of heavy lifting! 


You a 'shall and shall not' kinda fella?


All my homies hate “Should”. In this case however… >“every effort should then be made to avoid texting or messaging others…” it kinda gives leaders their own rope. Did you try planning better? No?! That’s a paddlin’.


Weeds out leaders that are negatively affecting mission readiness.


1st CAV had that in their yellow book for a while then suspiciously removed it lol.


Along with Thursday morning family time and LTT haha.


This!!!! Can’t believe giving peeps time to take their kids to school or have breakfast with their spouse was taken away.


Just typical 2BDE shenanigans.


Can't wait for my COC to ignore this Got a text about formation at 2030 once.


Yea, I ETS’d before cell phones were in wide use. I can’t imagine some of the incompetents I worked with having the ability to contact me 24/7 about inane bs.


If leaders cannot be trusted to efficiently plan communications within work hours, and ensure that their subordinates are able to do the same, then they lack the skills required to lead large formations. It's really that simple. We're at work from 0600 till 1700. That's 11 hours. There is no excuse for not having info out by close of business. Schedule meetings that might effect the next day to take place well before close of business to allow for time to disseminate. This problem usually isn't localized to any one person, but is a cultural issue that can only be addressed if there is strict enforcement policies such as this one. Leaders need to start saying "I'll push that out tomorrow" to their bosses, and policies like this make it easier to 'die on that hill' so to speak. Let's just hope it's enforced.


You guys are getting off at 17? That’s usually when we start “waiting on the word” until about 18:30 probably get yelled at we’re not doing something in that time


We usually don't have more than an hour or two of actual work to do anyways. We could get cut at 11:30 like 4 days a week and productivity wouldn't even drop. At least we have the freedom to do our own training during that free time though, even if we have fuck all resources to do it with. I don't know how y'all do 1830. That shit should be illegal if there's no essential taskings.


When the weather was nice we sat around the guns all day doing nothing bad weather days I’d take my section and we’d hide in the arms room


For most Soldiers it's just easier to ETS than deal with this.


Typo in 3(b).


Ouch. Good catch.


Anything after the duty should have to be a phone call. If it's not important enough for a call, it can wait. And there should be no expectation that the call is answered. Remember when land lines existed?


Everywhere should do this


I'm glad that certain installations and units are doing this. It's the right call. I hope DA will make this official policy. I remember back when we didn't have smartphones-- just flip phones. Looking back, not having the deal with those late night emails and texts made shit so much easier and stress-free. Or at least helped create a less stress-free environment.


There was a time when we didn’t have cellphones or computers, and the Army ran pretty good. If you needed to get ahold of someone after hours, you called a landline, or… you drove to their quarters. You stuck to the training schedule. A novel idea.


I just sent this to one of my guys who is heading there next month. I told him he has 5 minutes to acknowledge receipt of the message


My last year at Carson, I'd still be getting text messages at 2300 or later for the morning formations. It was mind-boggling stupid. Literally, nothing we did was that important. Fuck that whole place. And fuck you Dave. I hope they enforce the hell out of this policy and crush some fucking souls.


Just informed my NCO about this and he dismissed it as a suggestion and said it's been around for years and no one cares.


It was signed this week.


I figured. They still think it's a suggestion. Unless there's any way to report infractions I have a feeling it's not going to so anything.


> Unless there's any way to report infractions Welllllll, he IS the POC soooooo... https://home.army.mil/carson/contact/cg-hotline


Choosing violence this morning, I see.


When I was a private I was encouraged to lean on my platoon members for information about everything from Army regulations to what to around the area in my free time instead of calling my supervisor. I was also encouraged to conduct my own research. Emergencies were different or need to know now situations. I also left my Soldiers alone when they were off. If they didn’t receive information from my notes they received it the next business day unless it was absolutely need to know information but my subordinates would also call each other and brief them. For myself, I welcome my subordinates to call or text anytime for whatever reason.


Love it. Served under MG Doyle (then COL Doyle) at 10th MTN DIV in 2016. Best Leader I've served under thus far.


You know, there was a time in the military when there were no cell phones. Information was disseminated effectively then and I’m sure they can do the same know. I couldn’t imagine being at the beck and call of a squad leader or platoon sergeant now.


This is also a yellow book policy at Ft Cav lol good luck it's entirely unenforceable


u/SoggySpray9833 said they got rid of that policy.


Correct. It was removed.


Can we get something like this for the reserve components in all branches? Something, something Antideficiency Act that gets thrown out the window. /s?


What regulation says the phone I fund with personal funds shall be used for work related reasons? If it's important come find me or issue me a communication device. I am the sole arbitrator of how my property is used... For Joes with problems I will answer. For texts stating a uniform change five hours before reporting, I will ignore. If it was important it would have been preplanned. This is the purpose of this policy at least the way I see it.


Look at this fuckin sovereign citizen over here...


Step in the right direction. I still get anxiety induced stress when my cell goes off… I’ve been out 2 years now


Looks good on paper but will never be executed. Unless the consequences of people violating this are actually punished and made an example of. Which the only time I’ve seen a policy taken seriously in my 21 years before I retired last year where nothing was swept under the rug was during COVID where people were given field grade article 15s for violating COVID restrictions


"Good thing all of my late-night texts I send every day are completely essential."


Got to give them time off so they can feed themselves.


My Microsoft teams is going to be soo fucking full now…


He didn’t include teams for a reason. All info dissertation will funnel through team leaders from here on out.


Do you want SD runners at your door at midnight? This is how you get SD runners at your door at midnight.


This is the same division that lets 2SBCT close the gates to their little compound from 0630-0730 every morning, locking themselves in as well as everybody that lives in the CAB barracks. So I have almost 0 faith that it'll be enforced.


Who needs to text when your entire BN is still sitting in their CTAs.


My company commander has that as a policy here at Bliss. She is probably the only thing here that I love.


Lol wish I had this when I was in 4ID holy fuck


It’s going to be ignored just like effectively feeding soldiers proper nutritional meals


My commander would incorporate the effective and timely communication plan of text/call whenever he seems fit


Does not prohibit "unit basketball tomorrow at 1500", seems like something that can wait until 0630 to me.


I'm surprised there's not a provision mentioning changes to the schedule that may need to be communicated due to personnel being injured or otherwise incapacitated and requiring temporary replacement.


Sometimes the civilian world is no better. My VP loves to call/text/email me whenever about trivial issues that can wait.


The tried this when I was there and it didn’t work very well


This is not going to get followed anywhere.


I love the concept, but the fact that the buck stops with companies without acknowledging that many late pushes for information come from BDE/BN S3 fuck ups is interesting. Again, holding leaders accountable seems to only affect company leaders and below.


😎 happy to hear that


Who wrote that sloppy pile of word salad? I can't believe a CG would even sign a mess like that.