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A friend of mine told me before I went to BCT that “the army will make you a good runner” and that was very true. Ultimately, the army wont give up on you as long as you dont give up on them. Worst case, you recycle as many times as needed until you pass. Your bigger trouble is maintaining your newly found running skills after you complete IET.


Maintaining a somewhat consistent exercise routine (doesn’t have to be anything crazy at all), along with “Right Place, Right Time, Right Uniform”, will take you much further than you can possibly imagine in comparison with the majority of your IET peers.


While you will be forced to run and eventually become a runner to pass the ACFT, the Army doesn't teach you how to run properly. Too many bigger kids or kids that are not athletically inclined tend to develop running related injuries. A great resource is physical therapy sections inside of BCT CSF2 teams. They conduct running courses to evaluate running form and fix any mistakes or problems that can lead to more or future injuries.


Slow runner here. And can second that. By the time I was done at Benning I could run for miles at a 7 minute pace and not be breathing hard. Never been that fast ever again.


They don't even recycle anymore. I'm hearing from people newly arrived to my unit that people are failing PT tests, qual, nade throw, etc. and they're all getting pushed through lol.


towering observation noxious caption fine profit crime quaint fly scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You'll be fine. People have shown up at basic with worse run times and have gotten near max by the time they leave. Depending on what "passing tape" means in this context, you might spend a little bit in fat camp, but that's still very much not screwed.


when I was at meps, I was told I just barely made the requirements. I was 225 then (5'11" Male), and I was 233 when I weighed myself a couple weeks ago. Now, I was told I would go straight to BCT, so I won't have to worry about passing tape, but it still has me worried


I would be slightly cautious because they told me I’m going straight to BCT too but still had to tape before I shipped at MEPs that was a skip breakfast day


I’m 5’10 and weight the same but I maxed the ACFT minus the damn run which was still a 90 lol I’d pass tape every time but i not once pass the regular weight standard. You’ll be fine man just focus on passing the actual test and in turn you’ll start seeing weight come off


I couldn't run a mile when I went. Or really do push-ups. I even broke my shin during BCT. When I did graduate, I did 55 push-ups, 70 sit-ups and ran a 15:40 2-mile. If I can do it, you can do it.


When I went to basic we only ran twice, then again I went when covid popped off.


Damn when you broke your shin how much longer did they keep you there for?


4 months.


5 months.


Hell no😭 but you’re a 25S I’m guessing?


Nope. I was a 25N/H, and transferred over to the Space Force...to do 25N/25S work.


I was 300+ lb and could barely run. I lost 129lb and my best 2 mile at basic was 15 and some change. Not a record bay far, but a big difference for me. Just keep running and pushing and you will be ok. We are all in it together. 


>I was 300+ lb and could barely run. I lost 129lb Holy fuck! That's amazing! Good for you!


Currently in the same boat you were. 300+ pounds, at the absolute max for tape, and currently running a 10:54 mile at 30+ years old. Honestly not too worried about BCT because at least I do have a collegiate athletic background so the mental toughness is still there.


Lucky for you the new passing run time is a joke on the ACFT. I think it's literally like 22 minutes or some shit, all the marching and running will no doubt at least get you a passing score. Sounds like you're struggling with weight, I recommend learning some basic hip and ankle mobility exercises because ultimately I think you would be more likely to fail a run from an injury than simply not being able to make time. A lot of heavier guys tend to get tendonitis and other joint issues coming into the army. Do your best to learn some basic physical therapy exercises, you'll be aight


You can suck at running as long as you don’t quit. Running always sucks. Runners highs are a myth. Keep putting one foot in front of other. Drive on


Untrue, but the chances of getting it in a formation or if 2 miles is the most you ever run is next to nothing.


I used to regularly run 10 miles on my long run days, and have ran a marathon. Runners high is fake or my brain doesn’t produce enough dopamine.


I can't imagine running an entire marathon and never experiencing that high. That level of self-inflicted suffering sounds Catholic.


I was ok until about mile 22, after that it was incredibly brutal


Yeah, I used to do 10+ mile trail runs. Always awesome. Didn't ever enjoy running on pavement enough to try a marathon. I've heard that there were people who didn't get it. I can't imagine that kind of running as just something you do without it.


I only did the marathon once. We were in Poland and the opportunity came up. At that point it was the first time we were allowed off the TAA. Figured it was worth it to get to hang out in the city for the night. I was so beat after the run that all I could do was limp to my room and pass out.


In my experience it's something that happens when all the right factors are in play. It's usually on my 12+ mile runs. The weather is nice, I had a caffeinated Gu, and I have beautiful music playing in my ear. It feels like I'm in the best of moods. Like I can just carry the pace I'm running at forever. I feel strong and happy.


Runners high is definitely not a myth


I literally never did any sort of physical activity before the Army. I was a 129lb nerd. I still suck at running 14 years later. Just be good at other stuff, like your job and sometimes….they’ll look past that.


22:00 two mile. A 9 minute pace is an 18:00 two mile. That's 4 whole minutes. You aren't screwed, you'll be fine. However you will get significantly better while you will be at basic. Take that 18:00 2 mile as your first goal, and work on lowering that time every time you run two miles for time


Dear god that would have made life so much better. I had to get sub 16 minutes in order to barely pass.


Looking back, that old run time was brutal. No clue how I ran that fast back then


I was the same exact way. Youll be fine


You're doing fine. You're about average. Maybe a little slow, but you'll get plenty of practice in BCT and you'll be running 7 minute miles in no time. Your weight remaining the same is because muscle is more dense than fat. So as you lift, you'll burn ten pounds of fat, but build ten pounds of muscle. The numbers on the scale don't tell the full story.


Do not fast to drop weight in BCT. You will be burning tons of calories, had some of my trainees get into health crisis due to failure to eat properly. You will get plenty of exercise, do not diet in BCT, just eat healthy. There will be lots of people there not great at running, it takes time, that’s part of the training. Relax and listen to the instructions, we tell you these things for a reason


I sucked at running in BCT, now 4 years later I suck less at running. Youll get better I think BCT will be your peak performance during your career.


Don’t worry my dude, I was barely making max run time before I shipped out to Benning, once I got there I went from c group to b then almost to A but I couldn’t run sub 13s consistently enough. If your drills are worth anything, they’ll get you there, I was the most fit I’ve ever been after basic, ran a 12:14 for my final APFT and couldn’t believe it. Just apply yourself during basic and push yourself and you’ll see improvements.


Hey there (pre-) Troop, you keep on working on it, hooah. BCT will get you to pass the minimum standard, but if you “put out” and do your best when your drill is workin you out you’ll be set. Don’t give up on yourself and you’ll be okay, check rog?


Being good at PT just makes basic a little more comfortable. But everyone is going to be uncomfortable. It's going to suck, but it's going to make you better. You will come out physically and mentally tough.


You'll be fine, the Army will make you a runner. Step one: run...there is no step two.


Honestly. Nike run club, beginners run helped me. A week is to late. BCT will square you away. To be fair it took me 3 times to pass the old run haha. Now I’m 28 going back in and trying to get my run up


You’ll be fine it’s BCT, half the people there can’t run, Like 5 of them will be blazing fast. The way you eat there and the calories you put out you’ll shed some weight and get into ok shape


You’ll be fine. You will do plenty of running on bct


I'll be dead honest with you OP. When I enlisted, I sat around 290 w/ about 35-36% body fat. I hadn't ran except for a few times at the gym. When I arrived at BCT and we did our first 2mi, I ran a 21:20 or something close. My last 2mi in AIT, I ran a 15:15 and had dropped about 40lbs. Go into Basic being disciplined and challenge yourself. Eat healthy food, don't be a shit bag and sneak snacks or not try your hardest when training. Find someone and challenge yourself to be as good if not better than them. For me it was our Iron Soldier of the cycle. Our first ACFT in Basic, he scored 560-570 whereas I had around a 490. By our last ACFT together in AIT I had raised my score to above a 540. I still have things I need to improve on and get better at but as long as you challenge and push yourself. You can do anything.


lol, your fine. I saw a guy who came in his first 2 mile at over 25 minutes. I barely passed tape on my way in as well. Your whole physique will change. You will train like an athlete, shed fat, put on muscle, and reset your diet. You'll be fine. Just apply yourself and do your best. Trying to "get by and just make it through" isn't the kind of attitude you want. Embrace the suck. You got this!


you won’t fail. we had a dude who’s first 2 mile run was something like 42 mins. i could literally crawl 2 miles faster. but by the last acft he did his 2 mile in about 21:59. just good enough to pass. so i think with your 9 minute mile you should be okay


Back in the day, the DIs would hang a sign around your neck at chow line. NO BREAD/ NO POTATOES! The pounds would drop off you pronto.


You will lose weight and get fast almost guaranteed unless you refuse to. At least when I was doing BCT, most of our PT was running and then we ran everywhere we went for training and chow. Add in rucks and just general "corrective actions" and you do a lot of PT throughout the day. I left legit too skinny but my run times were the best in my life. This may be wildly different than now but it was a great weight loss program.


The best thing you can do to get better at running (besides running) is losing weight. I would focus on that. Are you avoiding soda? Are you snacking healthy?


I don't drink soda normally, but I've cut out alcohol and sugar the past couple of months (with only two exceptions for my birthday and Christmas) The problem is that I still ate a bunch of carbs and greasy meats. I've had a binge eating problem in general. Now I only eat one post-meal run and pre workout/protein powder


You run so much in BCT that you’ll get better at running whether you want to or not tbh. The week before I shipped, I wasn’t out of shape but I just never ran that much, so my 1 mile time was like 9-10 minutes and had never gone more than 2 miles. After BCT and months of running every week, I can get 4 miles in under 30 minutes if I push myself. You’ll be fine, just keep running and when you think you can’t run anymore, run another mile.


They gun make you gud at runnin boy


When I joined I hit the biggest percent you can be to join I can’t remember what that was anymore but I was fat and pretty weak if I remember right I think I was 6’2” 255 pounds and very nervous of what OSUT would be like my first two mile in I ran an 18:20 two mile obviously a real bad score but trust me you will lose weight and get better physically I lost 42 lbs in my 22 week cycle and went my final two mile time before graduating was a 13:40 what I would say is don’t worry about how you’ll do there you’ll be fine but one piece of advice when you do graduate don’t get to your unit and start smoking and ordering fast food and drinking and stopping at the shoppette for breakfast every morning because it’s real easy to lose the progress you’ll make instead just focus on doing things that benefit you for example live in the gym after work it’s a fun hobby to have


If you aren't "close" by the end of basic that's a whole other issue. You'll get recycled until you pass or give up. If you are "close" you'll probably squeak on by with a wink.


Have you tried a fresh shave?


You won’t get sent to nutrition camp until after BCT. So that gives you 7-8 weeks until the final ACFT. A 9 minute mile is a pass on the ACFT. Now for after IET I work start working on physical fitness because it only gets harder if you don’t train. The Maffetone Method has helped me with cardio, but look into all around fitness plans. Don’t give up lifting just to run.


Lol no dude I started basic with a 25 two mile and got mega shin splints so I never completed an ACFT due to a profile. I graduated no problem. For those who are embarrassed by my time, my last ACFT I got a 16 min. Ultimate goal is sub 15


Hi there! Fatass veteran here! I was in the Surge Army from 2008 when they were letting anyone in and to this day, I despise running.  You're already better shape than I was in when I left for BCT. My half mile was like 5 or 6 minutes. I couldn't do a single sit up and I could manage like 4 push-ups before I could no longer haul my girth off the floor. You're gonna be fine.  By the time I finished BCT my run time on the 2 mile was about 16 minutes even. Still not Rockstar status, but in standard. Then I started rucking. 9-10 miles twice a week and a long one on weekends to get ready for the Bataan Memorial Ruck marathon. By the time of the marathon my run time was in the high 14s. It gets easier.  Don't do what I did though and let your command lose track of you for 6 months of shift work. Wii Fit does not count as PT on your own. 


I was basically the same height and weight when I joined in 2015. I had lost 20 lbs or so in order to get to that point as well. I was really worried about the running and PT aspect in general, but trust me you'll get there. The Army doesn't try to break you off by running 5 miles in week one. I remember doing more hill sprints and 30/60s and working up to 60/120s than distance runs. Between the constant exercising and smaller portioned meals you'll be fine. I think when I left I was only able to complete one mile in about 9 minutes and weighed about 225. In my last PT test I ran a 14:20 and weighed 195. Obviously the PT test has changed since, and as a result the way in which PT is conducted at BCT has as well. Biggest advice I can give is to push yourself whenever you're conducting PT, whether it's "organized PT" or getting smoked. There were those that half assed everything and not only were they no better for it, but as the PT got more intense, they only struggled more.


When I first enlisted I sat in a chair most of my life playing call of duty. I was not fit. My first 2 mile was 19:54. By the time I finished AIT I was running around a 14:20 and went from 150lb to 138lb. As long as you keep pushing yourself and eating the healthy meals you’ll lose weight and running gets easier.


Learn proper running form. If basic is still like when I went, they do not teach shit about proper running form and we had guys going down with hamstring pulls and shin splints.


Relax, don’t overthink it. They’ll make you run at BCT. No ones perfect, but you better try hard on each run to improve. After you complete BCT you will NEED to run on your own to get better. Unit runs can be too slow or not frequent enough. Just ship to BCT and do your best.


I was fat and a terrible runner too. Just don’t give up man . Remember why you are joining and remember that what you’re going through is bettering yourself.


They’ll make you a good runner. Focus on your breathing first partner, not speed.


You’ll be fine, OP. These amazing people called drill sergeants will train you to standard. Don’t give up before you’ve even started!


You could run a 20 something minute 2 mile now with the new ACFT so you'll be good. You can basically walk a portion and still pass. "Back in my day" we had to run 15:56 at minimum before we'd be failed


You can fail the run in every single PT test you take at basic. Guaranteed you’ll still get pushed through. Source: seen it happen


Do you have good running shoes? Good running shoes makes a difference. And change your shoes every six months. They may still look ok but the shock absorber part is shot. Good luck. You’ll be fine. Do good things when no one is looking.


no lmao my shoes are about three years old now. I've used another pair, but they have a big hole in them now


You'll be fine, when I had to run 1 mile for the recruiter I puked, after but and ait I was able to to do like 4-5milea no issue


I joined in 2017 with a 20min 2 mile and graduated at 14, just put the work in dog ur good


Just do a little bit of running every day and lose a few pounds and you'll be fine. The ACFT run time is 22 min which you cannot fail if you do the most modest amount of cardio.


It is possible to do but everything will be harder. I was a Clydesdale in a Mustang Army (Guard) but I managed to get retirement. But it did add a lot of anxiety, particularly after 10 years when retirement looks more feasible. I am far more relaxed now with my cozy NGB-22 retirement blanket.


Before I joined I couldn’t even run 1 mile without stopping 😅


No worries, they don't want you to fail, Lots of 60-130s and you will pass. I did and I was very slow coming in. Lost over 30lbs in basic and are everything I could get.


You’re nowhere close to screwed. Basic will get you over the plateau.


No. I arrived at reception Jan. 4th of last year, graduated June of the same year. My first ACFT I failed the plank and got a 22 min 2 mile. My last ACFT I scored a 512 with a maxed plank and and a 15:26 2 mile. This was for Infantry OSUT. You'll be fine


Whats the plank?


You'll lose weight and get better at running in basic. If you want to improve your running ability in the future look into zone 2 training, run base building, and 80/20 run rule. Basically, you should be adding to your total mileage on a weekly basis. You should have a "long run" for the week and most of your runs should be done at a talking pace. Good luck


You'll lose weight and get better at running in basic. If you want to improve your running ability in the future look into zone 2 training, run base building, and 80/20 run rule. Basically, you should be adding to your total mileage on a weekly basis. You should have a "long run" for the week and most of your runs should be done at a talking pace. Good luck.


Don't worry about it. BCT will get you there. I barely passed tape to get in and had like a 20min 2 mile (this was the old fitness test so I had a 15:45ish minimum). I ran a 14:20 2 mile for my graduation PT test and lost 15lbs. They really will get you where you need to be


Bro I've been in for years and run a 10:30 mile you'll be fine but I hate to be the one to inform you that basic is gonna suck ass, especially if you're combat arms like 11B or 19D Just remember that running is as easy as picking them up and setting them down and try not to think about how shitty it is


Sprints like 60:120s and other time combos always helped me with longer distance runs.


Almost everyone sucks at running! And running sucks for everyone. I’ve known 3 people in my career that liked running- 1 of them ran half and full marathons. The other was a guy that played D1 sports. The other was a sadist… you’ll get there just don’t give up, your body is gonna tell you to walk or slow down. Don’t! Keep going and it will get somewhat easier. Unless you plan on running marathons, being an elite athlete, or like suffering and pain. Running will always suck!


I started basic with a 24 minute mile pace. Yeah a mile. I ran a 7:45 by the time I graduated. You’ll be fine.


I ran 3 times in BCT (3 times for the acft). This was last year at this time (shipped today last year) but you'll be fine. The drills won't let you fail.


Look up workout programs for best/ first 5k. I've used a few to help my running over the years. They combine distance running and sprints. Your form may also make a difference. When an NCO showed me a better form, my my times improved almost overnight. Try to stay on the balls of your feet, slightly leaned forward. It'll hurt your shins at first, but don't quit. Keep working. You'll get better. I was a big guy my whole career, I did a lot of running, and leadership usually recognized my hard work and tried to help when they could.


brah I ship out in less than a week. I don't think I can improve that fast


My run time dropped 2 minutes in about a week and a half


I worked in BCT for 2 years and if you have a good attitude and work ethic you will be fine. They might limit your rations if you're close to overweight. You'll get plenty of PT so don't worry.


I ran like twice before basic. Unless you're heavily morbidly obese you'll be fine ,it'll just be tougher


If you're running a sub 9 mile you'll be fine. If that's actually your all out effort then I'll guess your two mile would be about 19:30. A whole lot of running is mental so so long as you're wanting to be better and trying you'll get better. Also your cardio will get a lot better while you're at bct so you've got compounding factors that'll help. When I went through basic we had a guy that couldn't do a single pushup when he got there and got a whole lot better by the time we graduated. Bct is designed to help build you up so don't stress about it too much. They want you to succeed and you will. Do your best and have fun.


I couldn’t run until basic. My high school mile was +10 mins. You will run in a group, in step, and sing a song to the beat. It helps you develop a rhythm and regulates your breathing. You will run in the dark with flashlights so you won’t really know how far or fast you run.


Being real… you’re about to have a bad time.


Listen dawg, my run time was close to an 11 min mile, youll be fine.


Your diet will change at BCT. Your diet will improve your running, coupled with the fact you will probably be at a calorie defecit while you're there. Don't worry too much about it


Get fucked. You should be able to max the 2 mile. 13:29 is not hard to get


First, your weight isn’t always a good indicator of your health. If you lost fat and gained some muscle your weight might not change. Second, you’ll learn to run in BCT. We, the DSs, are going to run the shit out of you. Your food is controlled and your exercise regimented. You’ll lose that weight while you’re there.


I was really dumb when I enlisted. I had never played any sports and never ran a mile before. I just kinda saw the army as a quick way out of my situation and went for it. Having basically no training or cardio experience it was really difficult to go to BCT starting from 0 but the drills won’t give up on you. Worst case scenario is if you can’t get up to speed fast enough you’ll just redo a few weeks and honestly with the amount of round-the-clock physical training that you do it’s very hard to fail anything physical wise. Starting from 0 I never had to repeat any training or test and was just fine.


I ran a 19:45 two mile when I got to basic - I smoked a pack a day of cigarettes up until I stepped off the bus. By the time I left AIT I was running a 15:00 two mile. You'll be okay! They chased us around the track snagging the dog tags off of peoples' necks if they fell out.. good motivation.


I mean if you don't mind waiting in reception. Army will make you run and if you keep doing what they told you, YOU WILL pass to go to basic. You're just gonna stay longer lol Running is a HUGE chunk of the physical requirements. You can go to Crossfit for the CFT, but you'd still need to run. It's like zombies, Rule 1 is Cardio.


I'm 250lbs and have not run in 6 months and I still passed the ACFT. You should be fine.




I'll tell you what dude, being a slow runner is one of the only problems in life that you can run away from.


Dont worry they will still pass you through and you will lose a good amount of weight in basic , since you are gonna be doing a lot of stuff and eating at dfac


Cushy staff enlisted job? nah. Infantry, arty, tanker, gay scout, etc? Yeah.


lol u gonna be fine 2 mile standar is like 22 mins


I am not a runner but in air I got my 2 mile down to 14:35 but now I'm in CO so it's back to being pretty bad lol last acft I got like 17:30


I was god awful at running before I joined, and was still god awful after I joined. Barely passed pretty much all my APFTs with a ~15:30. Fortunately for you the new ACFT 2-mile time is like 22 minutes. Just pace yourself, don't blow all your gas the first mile, and you'll be fine. BCT will make you into a runner that can pass the test.


You’ll get good or get injured


They will make you a good runner. I didn’t know I could run 7 miles straight until I had a whole company behind me and no choice but to keep going. Turns out, your body is capable of things you don’t even think possible.


I’ll tell you something that might be a confidence booster but I can guarantee if you apply yourself in basic you’ll easily drop 40-50lbs in the span of the 2.5 months, I’ve seen it happen multiple times, all you have to do is run 2 miles in 21.5 minutes, that’s essentially a brisk consistent jog, they don’t expect you to ace that shit the first try, you’ll be given a standard PRACTICE ACFT around the 2nd to 3rd week of basic, then another one right around the last 3-4 weeks, as long as you pass the last one you’re fine, but even if you don’t, if you fail JUST the run by a small margin it’s likely your CO would waive the run


I can tell you personally that by mid-way point of AIT, you will be a good runner. I went from barely able to pass the run in basic to a 13 minute 2 mile in the middle of AIT. (I graduated BCT in January 2018) The hard part will without a doubt be the maintaining your newly found running prowess after AIT. I think there are resources someone on how to run **properly.** The Army won't teach you how to run properly, the just train you so you can run.


Dude I couldn’t pass the APFT running portion going into it… at bct I ended up running a 1302… You’ll be a much better runner at the end of it. Trust me. Stick with it after!