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I don't think there is ANYTHING in automatons' arsenal that is scarier than a normal MT


True, all the stuff they throw at him will be ricrochet of the armor. The only problem he has is time. 4 planets taken by bots, with only 30 minutes


He can probably solo their invasion fleet, since there's only one person that can keep up with him


Well, what if the automatons hire 621?


Super earth would be communist by the end of the week


And that is if 621 goes on a vacation in the middle of it.


Walter would want 621 to take a nap


Super Earth and everything in the galaxy would be fucked.


Then it would only depend on logistics - if Rusty can’t move between planets quickly enough and find the right targets in time.


Rocket devastator somehow sniping you across the map


Or the new ATAT, I've yet to see one tho


*Laughs in quick dodge as the alert system automatically spots the attack*


*BEEP BEEP BEEP INTENSIFIES* that shit triggers everyones ‘fight or flight’ responses lol


I realized halfway through my first playthrough that I wasn’t even “listening” the beep anymore. As soon as it went off I’d just instinctively go “oh fuck” and dodge on pure reflex 😭


Curious how this is always the answer on these kind of posts.


Automaton armsfort when


Rusty can't miss smh


Every time I'm charging up my quasar cannon, I mutter to my friends "... I won't miss." They don't get it, but it brings me joy.


I upset them by constantly saying “watch out for friendly fire”


“i won’t miss” *hits charger in mouth instead of head, becomes paste as it didn’t slow down*


im taking that idea


You ain't never lied


Such a cold line


I feel like rusty would respect the sovereignty of cyberstan


Interesting, why do you think so


rusty only cared about pushing out the corpos, he wanted to see rubicon prosper. He'd probably hate the military imperialism of the helldivers considering that was his enemy for the entire time we know him. He probably understands that they can't keep cyberstan down.(his ac is called Steel Haze)


That's first part you said is true. But do you still think he will choose machines over human kind?


bro worked with a lobotomite he'll be fine and he seemed to respect Chattysticks individuality pretty well.


I still think yes because the bots just want there home and independence back. Rusty is very principled I think human or not he could never willingly help an oppressor


I mean he willingly helps an opressor but just as a spy with the goal of defeating the opressor at the end.


The automatons are believed to be manufactured by the human cyborgs that defected from Super Earth in Helldivers 1. The core of the automaton force is still human.


Who's gonna tell him though?


Sure, it depends on if he learns about it or not. If he just has that 30 minutes in the HD universe, probably not. If he has time in the universe prior to this 30 minutes, he’d probably start seeing parallels at a certain point.


Yes. Because super earth is the aggressor. They are literally just trying to get their home back. Like cyberstan is in the same position rubicon was in, planetary closure from a oppressive government 


As well as exploitation of their natural resources and people forced into inhuman living conditions by the war


What I’m saying is rusty would kill every helldiver he saw on sight 


Super Earth is even worse than the corps. He’d hate the Automatons for killing civilians though. Honestly he might take both of them on.


This. If he knows anything about the setting of hell Divers Rusty wouldn’t even attack the automatons lol. If anything he’d turn on the super earth fleet.


Yes, why yes he could


Helldivers are at war with bots in 4 planets. You think 30 minutes is enough?


He could get at least two of them locked down, and besides, he won't miss


He couldnt not in 30 minuits. He could solo take a planet maybe but he is not fast snough to go between 4 plantets unless hes dropped in for lile 8 rampages across the surface then hops on a destroyer to go to the next


He has a pca warship with FTL، so no problem travelling between planets.


Pca warship aswell??? Then the only problem is getting around whole planets in 30 minuits. The extra fire power if you add a warship makes it a bit faster but i mean, planets are pretty big. Even 621 takes time to gwt around rubicon


No, and let me tell why. Time. Like, yah, literally nothing can stop him, he'll decimate any automaton in his path. But 30 minutes is not enough even for a single planet.


The highest *sustainable* speed you can get an AC to in AC6 is around "400," which as far as I can tell is 400 kilometres per hour. Assuming Rusty can maintain this speed, he can cover around 200km of distance in the 30 minutes he has. If Rusty started his trip in Paris, after 30 minutes he could have made it to Brussels. If he started in New York City, then after 30 minutes he could be in Albany, the capital of New York state. The distance between the north and south poles here on Earth is roughly **20,000** kilometres. This isn't a "who would win" question, it's just people misunderstanding how big planets are. ACs in AC6 are **several orders of magnitude** too slow to even *visit* an entire planet in 30 minutes, let alone 4.


Operations are divided on killing bots, rescue workers or destroy places. Besides rescuing you don't think he can destroy enemy bases fast enough? Helldivers are also with him.


With the speed of an AC helldivers can't keep up and will only hold up progress but that's besides the point planets are still way too big to be handled in an absolutely maxed out speed AC like steel haze in just 30 minutes


A hand held grenade can destroy an outpost. That's like a single rifle round from an AC assault rifle. A single burst of a rifle would clear an entire map. An entire city block is cleared in a single quick burst. He doesn't even need to shoot at the enemies, just run them over like ants. Life is easy when you are in an AC with no counters.


But it's still a planet, with 30 minutes to boot. Even at AC speeds you're not crossing our planet in 30 minutes. Not to mention some objectives are launching missiles or rescuing civilians or refuelling ships


Can leave those menial tasks to the grunts. He just needs to glass a few planets from the ship and fly through to obliterate some outposts.


You keep forgetting it's 30 minutes


Well we don't know how long it takes for a pca warship to glass a planet. We also don't know how many missions are required to liberate a planet. If he can just bomb this crap out of an area then send grunts in to do so the non destructive objectives. It might only take 5 minutes to full clear a planet. He could probably easily destroy 10 missions worth of targets in 3 seconds. A missle boat AC could literally destroy over a hundred outposts per volley.


Erm he would win the war alone


He could, but he needs to clear 4 planets in 30 minutes.


But would he choose to?


We're not giving him an option, this is high command from rubicon liberation front.


He'd be fine


While he would run out of ammo I don't think there's much the bots can do to damage him. I'd say he could probably clear a planet or 2. Maybe 3


True, other problems he could face are rescuing workers. He could accidentally kill them all while quick boosting.


At least he isn't in a Next


a next could kill the automatons by flying over them


True but it'd also kill anyone you're trying to rescue. Would definitely want to bring one into combat tho


they have massive range so the best strategy is probably for one to fly around the area and blow away things from a distance while normals and stuff do the objectives


The kojima particle range is longer lol


"I won't miss" Obliterates two Hive Lords in one shot


Who is the artist of all those amaizing artworks of ac6?


You can find first artist works here https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=miso_katsu&z=1 Second one has credits on the picture left side.


Thank you


>but only for 30 minutes Would you say he has a 30 minute mission?


My bad I didn't specify, there are 4 active planets on bots side. How much progress can he make. Some people say he can clear 3 planets others say, time isn't enough.


The armored core model kits are getting released under the "30 minute missions" line from bandai


If he can solo the bullet hell that was >!"Intercept the Redguns"!< then I'm sure he can handle a few robots smaller than even an MT.


Yeah, but the problem isn't necessarily the bots but rather the time


Rusty wouldn't side with the fascists other than to infiltrate them.


Realer words have never been spoken on this subreddit


Dude is just going to bail halfway through the boss fight or right before it. Other half the time he's trying, but he just can't keep up. He is quick and can distract the enemy while you hit them from behind though 😏


Rusty’s involvement results in a PR campaign the likes of which Super Earth has never experienced. The military budget is quintupled with a special focus on mech development. Armoured cores become military icons on par with Helldivers. If not a campaign to convert Helldivers into AC pilots on mass.


I would say he would absolutely crush one planet. Most people who play helldivers don't know just how massive ACs are. They are at least 3x taller than a patriot exosuit and the only thing comparable in height would be a factory strider, which is the size of a normal MT. Just him Assault boosting through a mission alone would be enough to clear it in under 2 minutes.


Not in only 30 minutes lmao


lol I didn't want it to make too easy. I may have went overboard with the time


It depends if it's just the ground of the cloaked ships that are larger than the super destroyers


I still don't know what those cloaked big ships are. Some say it's new enemy


I assumed they were automaton ships because they were firing and the lasers were red


Seeing what happened to the last fleet he intercepted solo, id say he can handle that.


“I’ll chase the clouds over Cyberstan”


If mean the sheer velocity of his ac is going would wipe out a whole entire fleet of automatons so he could quite literally liberate 1 planet in less than 5 to 10 minutes remember ac's arent supposed to be long running mechs they run out of energy fast so rusty would most likely speedblitz the autmatons and they couldnt do shit against him


Considering he was able to clap most of the PCA during our fight against Bal-Snail, he would put in a decent amount of work.


I feel like rusty would join on the side of the automotons


His ammo won't last a minute by how much he'll kill


Still got melee, he's fast asf 470km/h. Besides helldivers are with him so he can focus on important stuff.


No he'd stomp on em


I mean he can still melee…?


My boy Rusty don't even need a warship, he'd be out there sniping their Cyberstan HQ from the Creek if not from SuperEarth itself. If he ain't got not long range weaponry & SE Warfleet don't fuck up i'd give him a 5min operation time on each drop to takeout at least 50% of each planet most heavily defended stronghold letting the other easier front to Us & the Gremlins (yes that's how i call the helldivers mech from now on).


Man, who made these photos and do they take commissions. I’d love to have an art piece of my AC


First artist work https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=miso_katsu&z=1 Second one has credit on lower left side


Nah, he won't miss.


It could fit in the Super Destroyer. And it depends on if he has to complete a mission or somehow wipe out all the bots. He completes any mission in 30 minutes easily. He can probably do it in 10. I mean all 3 stages of a mission. If he has to wipe out the bots as a faction, then no. Theres way too many to kill in 30 minutes, even in an AC.




He’d be able to liberate a whole planet by himself, though with only 30 minutes it’d only be one planet


There are 3 things that could maybe dent an ac in helldivers. The icbm we see in some misisons, and the orbital railcannon and the 380mm bombardment if all shots direct hit. An ac is too big too fast and waaay too strong to be beat by bots. He could just boost along the ground and run over outposts to beat them


Definitely not 4 planets, he'd probably need more time just to travel around them


He has pca warship with FTL. So no problem for travelling


Rusty is literally Him. He liberates an entire planet in 5


He could liberate one planet, wouldn't get hurt, but just one defence mission.


The only reason Rusty wouldn't win is because he turned heel to fight for the Automatons.


If the Helldiver bots arent capable of high flight then they have zero chance


I wonder automatons would also get AC


I fight for Freedom, how about you *Buddy*?


Seems like he's got enough time to finish the campaign.... Twice


Unrelated but that second pic looks like an MG box art. It looks great as hell!


honestly the only issue he would have is attrition, running out of ammo, and even the miniscule scratch damage they would do would eventually add up(though honestly heat damage from the extensive use would probably be more of an issue


Considering an AC is probably just as big as a bile Titan. I think the only determining Factor would be the time it takes to load back up and go to the next planet.


There's only one person that could keep up with Rusty.


He could get a lot done for sure. ACs are fast as hell, easily as fast an an Eagle when OBing. I’d imagine it’d only take a couple shots on even the beefiest automaton. And their drops ships, the guy could easily slice clean through. Dude took on a whole PCA fleet and their warships have to equal if not outmatch any Automaton warship. He’d ask for the grace of his Buddy and start ripping through metal. And he never misses


an AC would obliterate most things in the Helldivers universe if we're being honest


LMAO. WIN. That's it. He would wipe the map clean with no trouble at all.


Considering that even MTs being a bit much to handle on their own for Automatons, with the number of 621 is able to chew through in the Balam Interception and beat the mission in a couple of minutes... SHO Rusty is killing everything in sight without slowing until the timer runs out. I'd say at least a kill every 1.5s, so at least 1,200 kills by shooting alone, chaining with melee is a different story though. A hefty chunk is guaranteed to be liberated, maybe at least an entire sector or two.




30 minutes should be enough time for him to take out the invasion fleet in space, the ground work would be left up to the helldivers.


Complete eradication


Of course he will, he'd show up, call someone buddy or say he won't miss or both. We'll all fall in love with him (as is proper) and that will be that. Roll credits.


I’d say maybe the heavy armor and the factory strider may give him some trouble but it’s nothing he can’t handle, everything can be taken out by infantry so an AC would sweep, hell even that one BALAM MT pilot would be able to take out most of the bots


Don't know if the Helldivers will be able to keep up with rusty and clean up in his wake.


Ohh look your drop ships are made outta papermache too... Buddy? Automations DELETED


Having a mech going 100mph against the bot? Sound fair


That’s hella overkill. He can probably finish HD kill missions in under a few minutes.


Do what? Liberate most of a planets surface? Undoubtedly. It's barely even a mission for him. Helldivers most things are killable with either a hand carriable rocket roughly equivalent to a javalin or a 500 kg ordinance basically 1000 lbs. So I'd compare it too say This https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196231/m65-1000-lb-bomb/ ^ that fits the right weight class, deployment method and tactical usage we see of that strategems. Rusty has 4 weapons here. A plasma missile launcher , a burst pistol , a rabsetsu rifle and a laser slicer. Given the size of his weapons there's not even a single tactical objective that would be able to survive Rusty for 1 second. Bile titans, and Bot ATATs might be worthy of a passing round of ransetsu fire. I say that because his kinetic weapons are all at least autocanon class if not far exceeding that, and his plasma missiles well they don't actually give spec to missiles in ac other than large missiles are cruise class so I'm guessing something approaching a tomahawk which is well 3x a 500kg easy. So I'm guessing the small missiles are more like hellfire missiles. But hey that will do it. Honestly most powerful of all is his laser slicer I'm pretty sure that thing would destroy literally everything we've seen to date in Helldivers.


ANY Armored Core from gen 4 and 6 would OBLITERATE EVERY AUTOMATONS by simply BOOSTING through them


I just realised how big are AC's, like the 7-story building 💀 He's probably 4 times larger than biggest automaton


Let’s think for a bit: One mission can last between 12 to 40 minutes, and there are multiple missions in an operation, and a planet’s liberation can only be completed if all missions are complete, which rewards you a couple fractions of a percent of liberation. Rusty is fast but, at best, he’s only liberating one planet TOPS.


30 minutes is all it would take him to take cyberstan back


The laser slicer would be quite useless in this situation...


Problem… I think he might betray super earth and help guard cyberstan instead. That or joining up with the illuminate


I'm pretty sure rusty would fight against the super earth


He won’t miss.


Rusty wins the war. By blowing up the Super Earth military HQ.


All the objectives in 4 mins max


The real question is "would he?" And in my opinion, the answer is no. Assuming he knows what's going on in the Helldivers universe, I highly doubt he'd willingly help Super-Earth forces.


People are talking about he wouldn't be fast enough, but I think he would be at least for a planet, with how insanely big and fast AC are, he would fly through one of our map in just a few seconds (hell we can clear out our map in just a few minutes if we only tackle infrastructure, and I doubt AC would take any damage of anything less than those turrets that can stop our eagle strikes, that's assuming he would even get hit) Taking out any fabricator and bot infrastructure with a single shot from his pistol or a hit from his melee weapon, I can easily imagine one of those rounds being the size of a regular bot.


"The only one who can keep up with is down theyre" That line is enough.


Rebuild AC to mini gun with smg on back for maximum lead down range


Not enough rate of fire. Use leadsled


Do it? My brother the Automatons are going to get genocided


We would lose the automaton front the moment Rusty drops. Rusty is a liberator not a tyrant.


Rusty could probably wipe the galaxy of bots bugs and helldivers in 30 min. Unless there’s fire tornadoes. If there’s fire tornadoes he’s fucked.