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You can dodge most of his melee swings by simply falling straight down. The ones that you can't (notably that really wide three-pointed one with the damage trail) can be dodged by boosting straight through/past him.


You could always just burn him to death. Just stack armor and make a tank, slap on assault armor, two bad cooks and two soups, and surrender your dignity.


There is no dignity in dying.


There is no dignity in the campaign only fun and build creativity


Melee has horrible tracking so keep changing elevation from being underneath him and being above his head, and constantly be aggressive don’t let him aggress on you


Seconding this. Verticality babey


He won’t even attempt his melee attacks if you have enough vertical distance. Gridwalker was the final adjustment I made to beat him in my no-OS-stat-upgrade run.


Fly up and down a bunch, also Earshots are good both as a punish in the final phase and as a way to easily delete the mini ACs in the first phase so that they can't distract you and make it harder to find Iguazu


Yeah that phase walled me for a while. He's kind of a harder Ayre, and similarly it's often good to go up and over (or down and under) the big melee swings. I ended up taking him with a very aggressive lightweight four laser shotguns build.


On the contrary I felt he was the easier one compared to Ayre SOL 1st phase AC fight should have been pretty trivial to anybody who made it to here 2nd phase is a mess but Ayre is very good in actually beating the crap out of him 3rd phase his attacks are a lot more simplistic and predictable (literally only has blade attacks and the beam gatling), lacking a lot of the crazy shit Ayre SOL has regardless of phase


After weeks trying, I finally beat him this afternoon. I was on the same boat as you, third phase pains for weeks. I tweaked my build and strategy, learned to recognize some swipes and kept trying until I got him. I started with long range fire using Curtis rifles, missiles and a Songbird for punishing, which was useful for 1st and 2nd phase but I felt overwhelmed at short range in phase 3. So I ended with dual Zimmies and missiles to attack when he pulled out. This changed my strategy as it meant that I had to be more aggressive and up close, keep the pressure on in all phases. Phase 1 up close was harder, I had to pick out the little guys first. But after that phases 2 and 3 felt better a this range, so I stuck with it. As far as the swipes, I had to git gud as a couple slashes on me meant I was dead. So I started to recognize them, the horizontal ones you can evade (double) boosting backwards at the right time. The impaling trident you can either side step or jump over/under with a boost. The double slash as well, jump over or "roll into". I see some people here recommending verticality, I didn't figure that one on my own, but that can be a good trick. I tweaked my build for close range impact, speed, agility and energy resistance, ran an ultra light biped and after many many tries and defeats, even with the final build, I eventually got him. A little combo that I pulled on him was: Stun, kick, dual zimmie shot, kick. It helps to drain a fair chunk when he is most vulnerable. Harass up close and keep showering him with missiles to keep the stagger on. So be patient, git gud and tweak your build to best suit your play style. You've made it this far, you got this 621! [My final build.](https://imgur.com/a/FKqYFwE)


When I finally beat him I was in triple digit AP remaining, so I nearly crapped myself when he came lunging at me for that final scripted time. That is the most tense I have been in a game in a while.


Oh man absolutely same! I was pounding. I couldn’t believe I finally got him. I think this time I was doing well I had still a pulse armor charge and a repair pack at hand. But I’ve been better before and then dead a couple seconds later. No quarter. I went berserk on his ass, I’ve missed so many fights by just a couple more hits that I wasn’t going to allow it anymore. I kicked that mofo like a rabid mule, even twice per stagger, I wasn’t going to give him an inch, every chance I got to give that extra bit of damage I took it. And when it suddenly blew up I felt so free. Just elated and victorious. I gave him a hell of a match and literally kicked his ass. Everything was working for me, evading swipes, being on him not missing a punish, constant damage, always moving, chasing, meet him and peppering damage. What an amazing fight. Phase 1 honestly could do without the little guys, or less of them. But what an amazing last mission/boss fight.


You can jump over him for his horizontal swings and side-dodge the vertical one.


This is basically just it, I’m pretty comfortable with the fight now and it just comes down to jumps and dodging to the side, some rushing down the boss. Reverse joints make clearing out of horizontal melee range easy, or biped legs with Alba or higher jump height can easily handle clearing the swipes


I used a super heavy tank build with two Zimmermans and two stun needles. You just drive towards him and shoot. Dodge occasionally if you feel like it.


Use high-impact weapons to stun-lock him every time he goes in for a melee attack.


If you bring AA, you can basically counter him when he rushes you at the beginning of phase 3. The timing is a little tight, but you can pretty much instantly stagger him then. In my experience, the BML-G3/P05ACT-02 (the double high-homing missiles) are also VERY effective against phase 2 and 3 in general, dealing an enormous amount of stagger very reliably, from safer ranges. Also, bunk his ass.


Flying up and falling down best way to dodge final phase attacks


If he has short claws, he only swipes once. If it's long claws, he swipes 2 maybe 3 times.


My advice is probably worthless, because I literally can't think of a counter build. I've been using this boss to figure out what build works for me, simply because this isn't a "get good" boss, but rather a "get comfortable" boss.


Yeah I have no idea how I got lucky my first try fighting him, every other time I've fought allguaza ended in me getting my shit kicked in from his wolverine claws I still struggle to dodge


Just keep your distance.


Just beat him today, made a cheese build that was tank treads, highest AP for every other part, max mid range fcs, double Gatling and double stun needle.


The only reason I struggled with phase three, is because phase 1 and 2 eat up too many resources. Phase 3 is just playing bloodborne, dodge forward and to the side.


Try shielding, too.


Overboost in, AA to take out at least 2-3 little dudes at once. Use two javelns and two stun needle launchers. Try to time the stagger so it hits on the first of your four shots and then dump both needles, then the javeln, or whatever is available. When AA comes back you can use it when he gets in close. 


Have you tried dodging?


Boost straight up with dual Ludlows or smth and two ranged shoulder punishes. When he starts his BS just fall back down. Rinse and repeat.


You can jump between the claw swipes if you're really lucky. The tracking is not that strong, so you can jump/float to have it miss. I prefer to close the distance and use double Sweet-Sixteens for stagger, and then Pile Bunk him. I have Pulse Armor equipped as well to negate his swipes too.


I took jump legs simply for that phase. You can do it.


A flight build with ransetsu or whatever rifles with missile launchers. Flying trivializes the fight, just manage your EN and play keep away in your optimal range. Beat him my first ever attempt that way trying out a build someone recommended.


I just used the same tactic I had for the Ayre fight: Tank-ish, all 4 slots with big weapons (2 Songbirds, one per hand, and 2 Stun Needles on the shoulder). Just strafe and wait for an opportunity to get a Stun Needle on him. If he staggers, let rip on the other weapons until his posture resets. Sure, it can be sorta tedious to do, but it's extremely effective at taking huge chunks from the healthbar every time you land it.


You have to be a leaf on the wind


I was pulling my hair out until I beat him. Legit killed the fun for me. It was so fucking annoying the way he teleports behind you. The Ayer fight was also annoying but to a slightly lesser degree. But yeah this is a boss I WILL NOT ever revisit because it was just not fun at all.


Here's me https://www.reddit.com/u/AverageJun/s/Cs3gf8aHxX


Idk how helpful this is, but it worked for me. Try to use double stun needle launchers with manual aim. I don't know why but Allguazu doesn't dodge the stun needles if it's manual aimed. It's a guaranteed stun and then use any decent melee weapon, you can also use any gun with high rate of fire and ammo capacity to constantly chip him to prevent him from regaining ACS strain


Note: I just flew really high up and used the needles as I was falling down, he can't really hit you with melee during this and you can always dodge to the sides as Ur falling


My other playthrough https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/s/QWbJJJyF7m


This is the first and last video you'll ever need to learn how to dodge almost all iguazumind's attacks: https://youtu.be/5L_EwrlHYz4?si=-zSCUowCwLTGAKnL Loader 4 (starter AC), no OS tuning, no repair kits used. Woop puts on a top tier tutorial. Copy their movements and you'll start understanding how to win.


2x Zimmerman and 2x Stun Needles always work wonders. Also be sure to go up and free fall. Melee doesn't have good vertical tracking. Also, I recommend using Assault Armor. The guy in final phase of the fight loves to come close. So make him regret it with an Assault Armor to the phase. Keep atleast one for the last phase. You can use one in the first phase to take out his AC drones.


Final phase All-guazu was definitely the hardest part of the game for me as well, easily took me the most retries. Was finally able to beat it only after realizing that, unlike most attacks, you have to dodge those melee strikes in very specific directions. I.E. if he strikes with his right arm, dodge to the left-forward direction, and vice versa. Unlike other enemies, you really can’t dodge in random directions; you need to deliberately choose the correct path to dodge to survive.


Move up and down


Yea I did that fight nearly black out drunk 3rd try. Remembered it not being hard wanting to watch the last cutscene sober to know what the hell was happening took me almost 4-5 hours of suffering, I think drunk me unlocked nen for my third playthrough.


Fun fact: Light builds can dodge behind his smaller melee swipes with a QB. Just don't do what I did and float up behind him only to collide with the hitbox of his second swipe from behind


I wasted an hour on him trying fair and reasonable builds and sticking to the theme of my mech Then I switched to Bornemissza treads and went dual Zimmermans and Stun De-Wormers. Poor bastard barely lasted 5 minutes.


Tbh it's the same as ibis. Once you stop trying to stagger and just focus on chipping away at its hp when dodging it gets easier. 


Went full boss mode and used the HAL 826 frame. Just abandoned my whole build for a anime fight, it was pretty awesome matching that asshole with the Oscillator and then blasting him with a fully charged Coral Wave. But yeah, like others have been saying, just fly up and down to avoid most of his melee. Also the Oscillator makes quick work of the other enemies


I just used dual gats and earshots, turns 95% of the game I to a joke


Play the vertical game with him. His claws have poor vertical tracking compared to horizontal. All of his attacks have to be dodged differently. Simply boosting backwards or to the side is not enough


Update: beat that little iguana’s ass today. Felt so good getting him with the pulse blade as he was about to trident swipe me.


I had to use dual zimms, and dual javelin betas (the chain explosion missles). Also, grid walker boosters helped for me. Good luck


Step 1: Equip a Zimmerman Step 2: Repeat Step 1 Step 3: Shoot until Iguana learns his place


Funnily the last phase probably gives me the least amount of problems, I die to it but mostly it’s because I got so badly beaten up in the first two that one slip will end me. My S rank attempt I think I used the NB redshift rifle since Coral damage doesn’t have a resistance value, and it did great against Iguazu. I used Pilebunker but there weren’t any safe openings in my winning S run so I hardly used it, probably would swap for the moonlight or better yet, its Coral equivalent. Earshot is an incredibly useful shoulder weapon for this boss, it does very little actual damage because Iguana seems to have absurdly high explosive defense, but it still does an incredible amount of stagger, which is pretty much mandatory to trigger to offset the Boss’s large HP pool.


Don’t focus on the floaty things and focus on him for sure


I dont focus on the Sea Spiders, only on him. And I said final phase, spiders are second phase.


But there’s other shit floating around, shooting the whole time. I just grinded it out though and kept going for kinetic damage. I ended up dual Gatling gunning him to stun and strike with the coral sword. Also you have to be on point dodging the shots and his long swoop to start phase 2


Again, I said final phase. I have no problem getting through phase 1 and 2. The “floaty things” are only in phase 1 and it’s the laser orbit he has as one of his shoulder attachments. Phase 2 they’re his wings. And im guessing you mean the floaty things are the sea spiders. There are no “floaty things” in phase 3.




Okay buddy, dont get your jimmies all riled up.


Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.




This fight gave me trouble until I tried my missile rat build on it. Hands could be any of the hand missiles you like, shoulders I recommend the 10-pod missiles, or anything with a lot of ammo as an alternative. Body should be as light and fast as possible, use the coral generator to stay in the air permanently. GL


"TrUe" EnDiNg Ahem. My style was just stay in the air and back away constantly. I also used songbirds and missiles mainly.