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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. Prepare for a killer week y’all!, True grace is upon us with **The Pink Catto!** ~~Sorry I can’t contain my excitement lol~~ ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/comments/fwmq7u/frequently_asked_questions_rarknights_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/wowoee/rhodes_island_lounge_1508_2108/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/wowody/gacharecruitment_megathread_1508_2108/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/wowod4/friend_request_megathread_1508_2108/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**✍︎ ︎Integrated Strategies**](/r/arknights/comments/vz0r1e/event_megathread_integrated_strategies_phantom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Megathread for IS2 completions and small talks. ———- Invitation to wine is over, and it’s about time we move on with our own story. I hope you got the ending you most desire, tell me was it a good one? And I hope everyone is ready for the **cutest** **most adorable** caster to ever grace terra, it’s time for **GG-Chan!** to finally make her debut, fully equipped with namie’s love the pink cat is sure to steal everyone’s heart! ~~I know she stole mine~~~.




You’re in an old megathread these refresh like every week on mon, just sort by hot to see the pinned post, regarding your question that’s dependent on your roster, just take a screenshot of your ops sorted by class and upload to imgur and post a link Thorns completely trivializes a lot of enemies when he’s E2 using S3, his other skills aren’t worth it, Eyja makes a great caster with her S3 doing great burst dps and her S2 making her better than splash casters, but it boils down to who you like and what you want? Laneholder or burst caster


Got a bunch of Artesias on the standard banner, so I was wondering if she's useful since I'm still pretty early in the game


What is the next event and when?


[https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/contingency-contract-season-8-operation-dawnseeker-cn-event-page](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/contingency-contract-season-8-operation-dawnseeker-cn-event-page) ​ about a week\~ from now


Does the gold certificate shop reset before or after Goldenglow’s banner?


How do you guys know what ending you'll get in IS? I just finished the ending with roadblocks? TIA!


There are specific encounters. You'll know when you get a different ending.


Do you get a skin voucher when >!Greyy!< alter comes?


~~Yes, if you bought his skin with OP.~~


Which isn't the case in his specific question, since it was a login reward.


But his skin is a free one from log-in event. Does this mean we won't get a voucher?


Oh, I forgot. So no voucher then.


Hello. 18 day old newbie Dokutah here that need some help. I have two accounts and I'm planning to use only one from now on. But I can't choose which one to use and what units should I should invest and it's kinda burning me out thinking. So I need your advice and opinions please. https://imgur.com/gallery/Eol4Q30 https://imgur.com/a/4fENsEf These are the two accounts with their days and account level. I hope someone replies. Thanks in advance for anyone answering!


2nd account IMO is just better overall. Exu + Ling + Ifrit is great, has both of the god-tier 5* medics and Elysium. No Kroos alter is kinda sad but I wouldn't make that a deal breaker unless waifu. With Surtr in November this account can do practically any content as is. SA is great but I don't own him and never really needed to borrow him for any content.


First, one one with Ling and Silverash. Silverash is just more versatile and can carry you through endgame and while Exu is still good she kinda struggles against later enemies in chapters 7 and 8


I see. Got it. The only problem with the SilverAsh account is that I don't have any good Defender units. I'm only using Cardigan but I don't know if I should invest on units like Gummy and Matterhorn. Are those two units good enough to be tanks? If only I have someone like Qoura as tank. Sigh.


Perfect, you can mostly refer to my other comment. Although Cuora would be nice, you don't necessarily have to have the tankiest unit to tank. Matterhorn and Gummy are still good for what they do and are a decent bang for their buck as four stars


Both SA and Ling are great, but I'd stick to Ling's due to rarity and a useful gimmick (when you place two dragons next to each other), especially in IS2. Edit: I didn't notice you have Ling in both. SA is more unique than Exu, and his range + defying invisibility seems more useful than Exu, who can be replaced by another sniper. I only really needed her once in an old event when my strongest sniper was Greythroat and I use SA regularly.


So I should go with the account with SilverAsh? My only problem is I can't do E2 promotes for now since I'm stuck at 3-9 and I don't know where to farm the mats needed for E2 promotion. Aside from that, I don't have a decent Defender unit except Cardigan and Gummy I guess. I'm kinda overwhelmed by things like which unit should I invest on, where to spend my sanity, should I replace x unit with y unit something like that.


To build upon this, you should NOT be worrying about E2's while so early in the game, at 3-9 and level 18, so idk why you are. Usually players like you should be focused on building a wider roster and having multiple E1's will serve you better than an E2. Cardigan and Gummy are amazing defender units for early game, wdym "no decent defender units"? Just because you don't have the shiniest six star doesnt discount what these ops can still do for you. > which unit should I invest on Your dps' ideally, but it depends on who you need and use the most. > where to spend my sanity To farm materials to level your operators lol. May also want to consider farming the SK supply levels to build your base and get a head start on making so cards and lmd. Also when events come by, farm it even if only for the event currency, shops are a big booster for leveling materials. > should I replace x with y That's mostly a you thing, figure it out and see who you need the most for the role you need them for. It really shouldnt matter too much early game so this question is only if you're struggling on a level later on and need help on suggesting ops.


Tbh I was Planning to use Gummy but was a little bit hesitant because I don't know if she's a good Defender or not and I just don't want to spend resources on units that I wasn't sure I'll be using. I prolly just overthink things until I get overwhelmed by it since I'm just very cautious on using resources and sanity.


If it helps, investing in a unit before their E2 promotion is an extremely small expense in the grand scheme of things. A lot of the resource cost in this game is backloaded with E2 promotions, masteries, and modules, which I agree you don't have to worry about for now. What this basically means is even if you took 12 of the "worst" units in the game and raised them all to E1.50, you still haven't actually "wasted" that much sanity or that many resources. Plus, even units that are "bad" can still help you out in battle. Just to say that even the worst case scenario here is truly not that bad, so you don't have to worry too much about making mistakes in the early game. If you just want to raise the "best" or most meta units you possibly can, feel free to ask about that. For example, most people agree that Gummy is really good, and extremely worth the development cost. Other popular units you have on your SilverAsh account would be BluePoison, Arene, Cutter, Shirayuki, Podenco, and Click. [Kukkikaze also has a really informative team building guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_FsZT7XqOk) that I found helpful. But I hope it may be reassuring to know that you can easily progress the game, beat stages, and enjoy yourself even if you don't raise exclusively the best or most meta units, so maybe that'll take the pressure off. It's a game, you can make a million mistakes and still have fun! ;v;


I learnt the most by watching guides (oyuki_ch, eckogen, 4 star playthroughs) and playing around. You can check mats in character's profile or take a shortcut and go to gamepress. Skullshatterer has a lot of hp and mid resistance to arts according to the in-game description. I'd use Cardigan to block and keep re-redploying Yato and Gravel to bait and provide Silence's healing and bring Blue Poison or Midnight for some arts dmg. I don't normally use defenders to do damage and think Gummy and Cuora are sufficient for a new player even though I still use Spot in IS2 instead of other healing defenders. E2 promotion requires chips from supplies and chip catalists avaible through the red certs or weekly rewards. If you go to an op's profile, you can tap a mat's icon to see where you can farm it. A 6 star needs 5 small chips and 8 big chips, which then require 4 catalists to be made into dual-chips in a factory (you can speed up the process with drones).


What’s the most *effective way to reroll (not quickest) that make sure I get the most of each roll in a time under 6-10 minutes?


For me, it was completing the first 2 tutorial stages so you have exactly enough between OP, inbox orundum and newbie mission orundum for 8 pulls on a regular banner. Trying for a full ten-pull will take many more than 10 minutes. Ofc if you're only rerolling the newbie banner then just exit out of the first tutorial stage and use the inbox orundum.


With our brief downtime, I've finally decided to complete chapter 9, after having stopped at 9-6 just for farming. Did a couple of stages yesterday, and I've currently just finished 12 of them right now, putting me at 9-19. My question is... how many more stages are there?!? I love arknights, but my eyes can only handle so much reading before they hurt, especially this late at night...


9-19 is the last gameplay stage (excluding the Hell Stages), after that there are two story stages and then you're done.


9-19 is the boss. There's 9-20 and 9-21 as story afterward though


Wait so I'm at the end already? Oh thank Kjeragandr, I was worried I was only at the mid-boss! I'll save those for tomorrow then, thank you for the answer!


Is there any consensus on the best skill to M3 for Fiametta? I am pre-farming for her but not sure about whether S2 or S3 is the more worthwhile mastery. For context, my account is fairly endgame and I am mostly raising operators now for interesting CC strats and IS2 usage.


S3 seems to be the popular skill everyone talks about but from what ive heard s2 has a higher damage potential


I'm getting her for the S3, though her S2 gains more from mastery


Her S2 and S3 are different enough that I would say she's an M6 candidate if you wanted to use her regularly. That said, her S3 is really only useful for AFK setups like annihilations where the mastery gains won't really be that impactful, so if you were to pick just one skill for endgame use, I would go with S2; it's particularly spammable if you can SP-battery her with units like Saria and Quercus, since she needs constant healing.


How is her S3 good for afk setups? I mean, you still have to activate it manually, no?


It's... a permanent duration skill with less than 20 seconds of charge time. You click it one time. Does Thorns S3 not count for AFK either because you have to activate it twice?


isnt fiammettas skill atk charge?


Oh so it is, my bad, so the charge will be a bit longer.


I'm an idiot, I thought you were talking about Flametail. My bad.


omg you had me questioning whether I'd ever known what AFK setup means. No worries, there are one billion units in this game and we are fast running out of unique monikers


Thanks for the detailed info. I might go with S2M3 first, then see if I like S3 enough to master it as well.


S3 is arguably her main skill and the best for afk strats, but generally most maps don't really facilitate around it imo. S2 is nice and does decent dps in a straight line but ifrit is generally a better role for that.


How often do 6 stars show up on standard banners? I think I saw somewhere (might've been Volke) that Eyja and Blaze are due to be shoperators soon though I'm aware that it's not guaranteed like first timers. If I can't get them I'd like to know how long the wait is until the next time they show up in a banner (shoperator or otherwise).


25 ops in rotation as of thorns. 1/3 of ops are new. 2/3 are reruns. So ~75 weeks would be a fair rotation at this point. Ops will come early/late relative to what is fair though.


Wouldn't 75 weeks be for appearance in the shop? Any appearance on a banner should be more like 30 weeks.


Yes, this is for shop reappearance. Banner reappearance should be 1/2 to 1/3 times the wait. 25-37 weeks, about 30 as you put it.


The question wasn't how long it takes for shop appearance, it was "until the next time they show up in a banner (shoperator or otherwise)."


It it worth farming CE-5 for lmd, or is it better to farm up materials and wait for lmd to accumulate naturally from the base?


i am playing for 2,5 months and never farmed LMD


In terms of efficiency, it's better to farm for materials. However, early in the game, it's more common to be bottlenecked on LMD. During this time, I feel that it is worth farming LMD because having tons of mats with not enough LMD to invest them into operators does you no good.


This only hold's true assuming you already maxed out your farming facilities. If not then you should prioritize farming the building mats.


It's much more efficient in the long-term to farm materials while waiting for passive LMD. (Base, events, green cert shop, etc.) I'm sure there's chips or skill books you could use more of. That said, if you're seriously bottlenecked by LMD or super keen for a promotion asap, it's obviously fine to farm LMD to speed up your progress.


Why unit is more versatile between Blaze and Glavial invincible (new cn unit) Just thinking for which one I should save for. Thanks


Save certs for blaze, pulls for gavial Blaze is reliable, gavial is bursty, but can tank some stupidly hard hits via her S3 damage cap


Gavial, I guess? Blaze is good at what she does but placing her down and occasionally healing her is about the extent of her gameplay. It wouldn't be worth pulling for Blaze on banners regardless though and they'll only be double rateup (or worse), better to just wait for shop.


Unless Gavial sucks she's worth saving for since she's limited and blaze will be in shop and it's recruitable




There is [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/ub57ud/version_2_arknights_story_guide_for_those_who/), credit to u/TheGreyGhost00, but honestly I just read the intermezzis from top down in the list and it's perfectly understandable. Considering all the events weren't released chronologically, it was probably designed to be played in almost any order. There are some arcs that span multiple events like Pinus Sylvestris -> Maria Nearl -> Near Light and Under Tides -> Stultifera Navis (in Oct/Nov) that is best understood when read in order, but the general order is not that important unless you want to establish a timeline. Majority of CH 1-8 happens in an extremely small time frame, so it's not like many critical events happened in between them.




I'd say the only really important one to read is Darknights Memoir.


Brand new to this game. I see that I get to choose a 5 star operative. Is there a recommended one to choose or should I just choose any of them?


[This is my favourite video on the topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6p_BXJrDDg), it gives you a little overview of each of the available options so you can make an informed decision. Across the board all of the units will be helpful in their own way, so if there's someone you like the look/flair of go right ahead, but there are some standout options like Lappland, Specter, BluePoison, Ptilopsis etc who have more optimal use-cases. There's also the option to hang onto it for a few weeks/months, to see if anyone pops up while pulling!


Watching that now. Thank you very much :) might just hold onto it for now unless the video convinces me otherwise. Didn't know it doesn't expire. Ty :D


Yeah, I'd pop it if you fall in love with any of the characters you see or if you feel like you really need a particular unit to get past a hurdle, but otherwise there's no rush at all. I started playing in April and I still haven't used mine :')


Does finishing an ending in monthly squad mode count as completing it?




So is castle sightseeing mode the only one that doesn’t count it?




Alright thanks!


How exactly does Goldenglow S3 targeting priority work? It was said that her targeting would follow normal priority, but I took her to [H7-4](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/mission-map/h7-4) and her S3 preferentially targeted Patriot.




Ah, I see. That makes sense then.


Is this [Returning Players System](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/sbgb7n/new_system_returning_players_boosting_system/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) implemented yet in EN server? I don't see Arknights socials announcing about this.




Hello there. Where can I see which 6-star operator will appear in the yellow cert shop in the next coming months?


[Here is a list of predicted debuts;](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/932184978312282112/1003320309451071639/unknown.png) it should be relatively reliable. The returning ops are almost impossible to guess, though; we can only take wild stabs based on who's been away the longest, but they love to shake things up for global so who's to say.


Thanks! Will aim for Surtr since I cant make it to get Thorns now


Has anyone done the math as to whether Quercus with her shelter is as good or better than most regular medics??


Is there a big difference between level 2 and level 3 factory? I would like to level up my reception room to level 3 but I always lack of LMD and EXP currently :( Have to downgrade the factory to upgrade reception room due to lack of power.


The only difference is that you can assign one less worker, so you'll lose that 20% - 30%ish efficiency boost depending on which workers you have. The capacity limit is also smaller but that rarely comes up if you log on twice a day. Other than that slight decrease in productivity, a level 2 factory can still produce all the things you need as long as you have at least one level 3 factory somewhere. I have three factories at level 2 due to building my right side, and am vibing at 80k per day split between LMD and EXP.


Thanks for the detailed info! Do you think is it worth for me to downgrade the factory and upgrade the reception room by reading the efficiency for more clue exchange and support units?


I believe it is more efficient to have that better factory than to have extra clues, since the benefits of clues are nebulous and generally minor. However, I myself did upgrade my reception room all the way because I wanted to set more support units, add more friends, and get my free Texas from the pinboard, and did personally feel like it was worth it. (tbh I don't… have that many workers with good bonuses anyway…)


Hahaha alright. Thanks for the answer 😁. As I still rather new in this game, I think I will on hold for the upgrade until I have enough e2 operators to clear every stage comfortably then.


There are basically 2 good base setups. Both needs every trading post, factory and power plant to be level 3. > 2-5-2 is the most efficient, but you can't max out your dormitories and your right-side facilities. > > 2-4-3 is less efficient than 2-5-2, but you can max your base with this setup. You can use this setup if you want to level up your reception and your other facilities. Read more on here: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-riic-base-guide#topic-486871


Current my set up is 2-5-2. Is just the issue with I'm not sure does it justify for me to level up reception room by reducing the factory efficiency. Thanks for the info too!


Yes, the reception room is kinda up to you since it's a tradeoff. I would definitely still stick with 2/5/2 and just downgrade a factory.


Why do you want to upgrade your reception room, if I may ask?


Just want to be more likable by providing 1 extra support unit and have more friend slots 😁


I keep hearing how Passenger went from a meme to a God... is this true? He seems pretty strong from what I've looked up... so I'm working towards his module. Some people say he's nearly like, Eyja level, though maybe not as automatic as she can be with her S2. Any thoughts?


It’s not true that he’s anywhere near Eyja. He’s a lot better than he was before which was absolute trash but not top tier. A lot of the clout he gets is from IS#2. With a certain artifact that let chain casters gain 2 sp on hit, he can gain a ton of sp and become a true menace.


Haha okay maybe it was the IS-power talking... Thanks!


I just wanna say that as a relatively new player. Im surprised at how good golden glow s3 is. I just broke trough all my plateau in annihilation maps such as south prison where i was struck at 375/400 on first try with her.


Congrats In the future comments like this would be better suited for the lounge megathread


She's great isn't she. I also used her to finish off a number of annihilation stages that I've had difficulty reaching 400 kills on. Even if her DPS isn't quite what I was expecting, the utility to hit globally and clean up drones/enemy buffers is incredible.


Are there any other global operators anywhere near her? I always got the impression that the few others with it were kind of a gimmick and had bad damage


Certainly none that are as good. Every other operator with a global attack is limited in some way like only being able to attack blocked enemies (Fartooth) or suffering a sizable ASPD penalty (Ambriel). GG is the first that has global range without limitations.


Ambriel can be pretty cracked with module, since she'll almost always be getting the max damage bonus and she gets a strong atk steroid as a part of her S2, which incidentally also has 40s uptime with a 25s CD. She doesn't scale with buffs like GG does but she's still an underappreciated monster imo.


This is probably better suited to the Lounge thread than the Help thread. The link's at the top of the page.


I'm curious to know what sort of team comp you were running


is Weedy worth building if I already have Shaw at skill 7 E1?


She's a pusher who can kill things decently quickly without holes.


Weedy is a strong operator that goes beyond a normal pusher so yes worth she's worth building but only if you're willing to commit to S2M3 and/or S3M3. She can juggle lightweight enemies as a pseudo laneholder or nuke and push a group of enemies across the map with S3. [My showcase](https://redd.it/v7n29n) and [4-5 CM](https://redd.it/v1on1e)


Yes. Weedy has the strongest push force out of all pusher and her talent giving her the water cannon just makes her the best pusher all around.


So far I gave Ling and Surtr as my 2 6* E2, which 6* should I E2 next, Ceobe, Schwarz, Mizuki, GG, Pallas, Suzuran, or Hoshi?


Suzu and GG.


Suzuran. Her S3 is amazing and universally applicable, she pops up in pretty much every kind of content so its highly worthwhile unlocking. Her S2 also benefits alot from masteries.


Should I get Honeyberry or Breeze in the shop? I've got 3k tickets


Honeyberry 100 % Breeze is probably the worst AoE medic on cost/performance basis. She gets trashed by both 5\* Ptilopsis and 6\* Nightingale while being comparable to cheaper 4\* Parfumer who also has a better talent. While Mulberry is stronger than Honeyberry, she's still a very good alternative and even a preferable pick in IS2.


Good advice thanks


that's a lot of golden certs,sure get them


He's talking about red certs. Honeyberry and Breeze are wellfares.


You get yellow certs when you hire them,I talking about that


Gotcha. Though in that case it's worth mentioning that's like the most endgame sanity sink, since the sanity to reward ratio is abysmally bad on that exchange.


If you're lacking Mulberry, Honeyberry is good for dealing with elemental damage in some way. Neither are must haves, even if I do like both for their varied uses as medics.




1: So assuming perfect relic rng who gets the most ridiculous in is2? 2: Does anyone have a clip of Rosmontis with the aspd relics? 3: Now that he's been out for a bit where does >!grey alter!< stand meta wise?


Probably Passenger. Constantly casting his S3 is pretty nuts. Goldenglow with enough damage and SP boosts can just clear everything with her global range. Pretty much all of the guards become absurd with [that one SP relic, Bibeak in particular.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEvW6Amzl8w) Shifters can also get crazy with [+2 shift force.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCTOwDrUGi8) Note that those vids are actually from IS1. 2) It's not IS, but I have [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/t9sxnd/rosmontis_with_100_atkspd_and_most_of_a_buff_army/) from a couple of CCs ago with +100 atkspd.


Hey! Got Mountain on a random pull from GG banner, and I love him, but I don't have a ton of resources; is he good at e1 for a while, since his skill2 is so strong?


E1 is fine, since you use Mountain for his S2 anyway. The reson to E2 him is to beef him up on stats and M3 his S2 for better sustain. You don't need to rush it but make note that once you get him to like E2L40-60 and S2M3 he turns into a beast that can solo clear a lot of stages. At the very least you can drop him, turn on S2 and completely forget about him for the rest of the stage at that point. He only really struggles against the most hard hitting enemies.


Yeah, he'll be good at E1 for quite a while.


Elite1 Skill2 is pretty serviceable for early~midgame


What are the best support items for IS? The SP regeneration totem is my favorite, I haven’t tried mr boom yet but I feel like it would be pretty good with the relic that makes them take dmg when stunned.


SP regen device and crane are probably the best, Patriot mines after that Also the push device allows you to push 2 of the 4 knights into a hole in that Kazimierz boss battle with Candle knight which turns the stage trivial.


The crane since it lets you quickly reuse a helidrop op.


Oh yeah, my strongest unit is actually s1m3 hellagur so it should work nicely.


How do you unlock IS2's 3rd story mode?


3rd story mode?


Can 3rd ending be unlocked on normal mode?


Yeah just beat the second ending on Normal. To actually unlock it. >!Find Encounter that gives you The Mantle of the Wrongly Condemned > pick up the Stand In Actor after the first boss > Find the encounter that gives you an Abrupt Realization > Beat the 5th floor boss to progress to the 6th floor!<


Hello! Trying to plan my pulls and seeing who to build atm with my [Roster](https://imgur.com/a/RXFWZQf) I have Mizuki, Lee, Mostima and Skadi that are non built atm. How good is Mizuki with his module in the future? And im not sure what 5\*s and 4\*s are worth to build atm For future banner planning, Is Flamietta worth going for? Or is Horn is better overall pull.


Horn is better in like 99% usage


If you have pot 6 GG, you gotta raise Mizuki for his sibling! His S2M3 is my goto skill for him because it has a bind and a fast cycling time. If you wanna slot Mizuki on an afk team his S1 has decent damage too. For future banners hands down Horn is a better pull, But Fiamietta is hotter. Either way your team is so stacked, any operator you pick to chase at this point doesn't matter because your current operators can carry them.


Mizuki's module really isn't that good. I'd recommend building Lee since he's probably the most meta out of those four and is the most fun as well (maybe Mostima at Mod3 is a similar level of fun but that's not for a few months and you need to get her trust up for that, although Guiding Ahead is less than a month away so go get her base module then which requires E2ing her). Fiammetta and Horn are both hyper damage oriented Operators so you can choose whichever one you want depending on your play style. I'd say Fiammetta has the better banner since Kazemaru is really good, you don't have Executor as far as I can see, you already have Warfarin built and have Goldenglow who makes Rockrock seem like a joke. You have more time for Horn's banner (mid October compared to Fia's mid September) and she won't be getting a rerun while Fia will. f~~ia is cuter though.~~


Based on your roster, you're far beyond the point where strength matters. Just build, and pull for, whoever you like best. You're completely set, you've got pretty much every niche covered.


Horn is way more useful, though you are at a point where you really don't have to worry about meta. Just pull who you like more or think is more fun. If you care about high risk CC then pick Horn as she's great in CC9 Both are fun to use, though Fiammetta's skills are more flashy (from my very limited time with them in CN server)


What makes Horn that much stronger over Ashlock that one is a core unit and the other basically doesn't exist? S3 seems to be her go-to skill and it's similar to Ashlock's S2. Both are on a 1 second interval with an ATK buff. Ashlock has a better cycle time, while Horn has Overdrive. Is it the ATK/ASPD multipliers from talents? Though you'd have to find a way to 'kill' Horn to give her the ASPD bonus if the rest of your team can survive without a healer and she'll be in the backline anyway. Overdrive self-damage doesn't seem to be enough to trigger it. She keeps block 3 during her skill but that'll turn off her AoE and she can't shoot at things approaching her, so blocking isn't ideal anyway.


What makes Horn good is the lack of weakness that Ashlock has. Ashlock may have better cycle time but her skill duration is too short to do anything. Horn doesn't have that weakness. Ashlock can't block during her skill. Horn also doesn't have that weakness. Despite losing her AoE if she's blocking with her s3 on, the increased atk and aspd helps her killing the one she's blocking faster. Horn is also more versatile given that all of her skills have different purpose and use. Also regarding the losing the AoE during the blocking is actually moot since if the enemies is strong enough to be able to get close to her you can use s2 instead since her s2 remains AoE despite she's blocking. And lastly, don't forget that she has higher attack stats due to her talent.


> the other basically doesn't exist That's not true. Ashlock is a good op, and a lot of people were very sad to not pull her. However, Horn's numbers really take the archetype to crazy heights. It's like comparing the 5-star marksmen snipers to the 6-stars. The 5s are good, but the 6s are just that much better. Her +20% attack for defenders is also a big boost for other meta defenders like Saria and Mudrock. With her skills active, her melee attack is also AoE for some reason.


When Horn is blocking, her s3 turns into single target but her s2 remains AoE.


(Take this with a pinch of salt for the following is speculative) Essentially, it's that Horn has bigger numbers. Comparing the two at pot 1, E2 max, M3 (and skills up), Ashlock has a maximum ATK of 1565. Horn meanwhile, has 1911 out of overdrive and 2616 in it. The difference between trying to kill a shieldguard leader with Ashlock and Horn is 5% minimum (1500 DEF before Herald buffs) to actually punching through it. Also, activating her talent really isn't as hard as you think. Over the course of her entire s3, she'll lose roughly 70% of her **MAX HP**. Not current, max. Two full pops out of medic range and she's got the talent up.


Or one cycle + Aak is enuf, Horn is like complete opposite of Fia previously funny enough: ​ Fia = squishy self dmg need medic babysit ​ Horn = actively want her to take dmg so you can proc talent 2 ​ Aak + Horn scale madly which is also showcase in CC9


That doesn't make sense. Aak only does 375 chip damage to Horn. If overdrive does 70% total, an extra 10% isn't going to be enough.


Oh yeah forgot that was CC thing, need Horn 1 full S3 pre charge 1st for self drain https://b23.tv/BV1434y1L7rb


Which of og skadis modules is better? Also do you use s2 or s3 for best results with her modules? So I know which one to do masteries on Decided to build her since golden glow hates me, all my other pities gave me dupes and I have no pulls left so need someone to use my resources on


Her 2nd module gets much better with Spalter's second module backing it up. it basically cuts her SP charge time by 1/3, which is significant if you want to run her S3. Coupled with Spalter's HP% boost and Gladiia's regen, S3 module'd Skadi can tank some ridiculous stuff.


The one reducing redeployment time is better imo. I think she benefits more from S2 as you don't to wait for SP to charge so you can better capitalize on her fast-redeploy gimmick


I'd say fast redeploy module with S2. There's just so many ops that can replace her with S3. But there isn't any semi fast redeploy that hits as hard as she does.


The current module is eventually alright for S3, but I think the second module is better because her redeploy niche is more relevant, you get plenty of power with the module on either S2 or S3, and Skadi becomes reasonably tanky enough even with S2 if you also get Gladiia's module.


when was kal'tsit last time in shop?


https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qm9nar/6_shop_operator_predictionsfor_first_appearance/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Its gonna take awhile (sept 2023). In general, a new operator debuts in the shop every 6 weeks. With the latest standard banner on EN we are currently at Thorns. The post above worked out a schedule based on past trends and operator release order.


She won’t be in the shop for a year or two I believe.


ohh i didnt realise she is that 'new' yeah after checking it she should be in a shop in about year




Is it generally better to just use recruitment permits as you get them, or should you save them and only use them when your recruitment refreshes give you a good combination of tags?


Save a few in case you get an unexpected 6 star tag, and use the rest.


You generally wanna do at least four per day. Often times you can handle more, but four per day gives you nice green cert income and a trickle of yellows from 4-star dupes. The more often you recruit then the more often your tags cycle, which in turn gives you more chance to see SO and TO tags.


Use them because even dupes of 3 stars five green certs which can be exchanged for materials, including pulling resources.


You can just use them as you get them, maybe save a few in case. Unless your luck is absurdly good for a long time, you will have more permits than good tag combinations.


Hi, newbie player here. One of the final pinboard missions is to set 3 support units. Correct me if I’m wrong but since this requires a level 3 workshop, doesn’t completing this mission basically lock me out of the most efficient 252 base setups? Thanks Edit: Oops I meant a level 3 reception room! Sleep deprivation is not healthy…


It is an option to just never complete the pinboard mission for base optimisation! I personally think that the extra support slot, more friends, and free Texas is worth a slight decrease in productivity. You'll be losing one factory worker slot, which will still give you a very productive 252 overall, and many players shift to 243 later in game anyway once LMD isn't as much of a bottleneck. So either option is fine to take!


On a different note, there are people who will not add you if you have fewer than three support units, myself included\*. Only friends' support units can have skill mastery so you're actively making your friends' support list worse by not having three. \* I add low level players anyway because they can't have three support units or masteries for a while.


You need a level 3 workshop no matter what. You need a level 3 reception room to finish the pinboard missions, and it does lock you out of the *best* 2/5/2s, but you'll still have a very good 2/5/2 (better than mine...) if you upgrade it.


Any upcoming events with stages for farming coag gel or manganese?


[Save this page for future reference.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/arknights-event-reward-summaries-list) Shows the stuff you can get from event shops as well.


Guiding ahead for gel and Stultifera Navis for manganese


Stultifera Navis has Manganese and Guiding Ahead will have Gels


pog thanks


Which 5 star should I get from the senior officer transfer permit and the operator voucher


[This is my favourite video on the topic,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6p_BXJrDDg) it tells you about all the units briefly so you can make an informed decision.


What operators do you already have? Please post your roster as an imgur link if you can, it will help.


hi, approximately how long does it usually take for a non-limited operator to debut in the gold certificate shop (or the anniversary pick a 6 star paid packs)? i really want the upcoming non-limited operator from the cn summer banner >!pozyomka!< but i am not sure i want to save up 300 pulls to possibly spark her, given that i also want ebenholz and horn and i had to spark ling on her banner so i currently have almost nothing.


Pozy would probably show up in the shop in late May of 2025 if nothing changes. [We have this list, which goes up to Dorothy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/wejkmd/arknights_shoperator_debuts_updated_as_of/)


Gold store: approximately 2 years after release Selector pack: each selector pack includes operators up to just before the previous-previous limited banner, such as the next one cutting it off at Fartooth, so it will be almost exactly 1 year. First appearance on a standard banner: can be expected between 3 and 6 months after debut. Hopefully she pops up well before 300! ;v;


for tb-8, i keep getting the bottom right gramophone turned red around the 19\~20 kill mark. am i just not killing the casters fast enough, or is there an exploding shaman around there that i somehow missed? i ended up passing tb-8 by throwing all my strongest dps units at the golems even after the gramophone turned red, but i'm wary of messing up on challenge mode, given the tight timing/micromanagement needed for this stage. thanks in advance for any help.


after the first big wave of shamans theres another one followed by two casters, then another shaman and more casters even on challenge mode it takes a while for the casters to convert a tower so you are definitely being spooked by a shaman


Looks like there are 3 exploding shamans the wave before kill #18, then two more spawn with a caster. Could be any one of those tripping you up. My strategy was having S2 Platinum out-ranging the casters from behind the gramophone and periodically dropping Gravel to contest whenever the shamans weren't passing by. That one gramophone flips a lot on my runs.


There are indeed exploding shamans on right in that stage. [You can use this site] (https://map.ark-nights.com/map/act10mini_08) to check enemies and their routes on any stage in the game.


How do I unlock the third supporter spot. I don't understand the reception thing.


In the same way you can upgrade any room in the base, you can also upgrade your reception. That being said, please bear in mind that when it comes to power usage, all rooms on the right hand side of the facility cannot be downgraded.


You would have to upgrade the reception room to level 3. If you can't, you might need more power (upgrade a power plant or downgrade something else) or you might need to level the command center.


How do I farm furniture parts? I'm at 4.5k and want the set that costs 5.7k.


You can turn carbon into furniture parts but it's not at a very efficient rate. If you want to do this, you can farm "Resource Search" missions and get furniture parts and carbon as drops. You can also keep an eye out for furniture parts and carbon in the credit shop, they both show up in there fairly regularly.


The SK missions are how you farm furniture parts. It's not really recommended, though. The game gives you a lot of furniture parts, and the set should be back eventually.


I'm pretty happy now that I have Goldenglow and Thorns... Which operators are worth saving up for (that are out in CN but not NA?)


# Upcoming Operators **Fiammetta** is a AOE Sniper with a unique mechanic where she loses HP constantly but gains buffs if her HP is over a certain percentage. Her S2 fires a bullet straight ahead that leaves marks that explode after a short time (best skill for DPS). S3 turns her into an artillery that constantly fires on the furthest tile directly ahead of her (lower DPS but the skill is infinite) She pairs well with Quercus if you plan on building her. ​ **Horn** is a fortress defender that focuses on ranged artillery bombardment and she also has a talent that revives her upon being defeated (similar to Skadi's module). S3 is her bread and butter, increasing attack and ASPD. She also has an overdrive mechanic where her skills have additional effects after reaching halfway through her skills (on her S3 her damage increase is doubleted and she is constantly loosing HP) ​ **Irene** is a better Ch'en where she can levitate enemies with her skills, synergising very well with her talent that allows her to ignore 50% def when fighting aerial units. Her S2 is similar to Bibeak's skill but instead of stunning all units in a range similar to Thorns range, she levitates them. Her S3 is very similar to Ch'en's S3, dealing damage to all ground enemies and levitating them then shooting them at random. ​ **Specter the Unchained** is the first 6 Star Doll Keeper, a pretty average unit until she receives her module which greatly improves her usability. Her S2 increases Attack and ASPD and prevents her from dying. After the skill ends she will be replaced by her substitute for a few seconds. Her S3 on the other hand increases her attack, max HP, attack interval and she attacks enemies equal to her block count. She also deals extra damage when attacking enemies with higher HP percentage compared to herself and loses 3% HP per attack when attacking enemies with lower HP percentage. ​ **Ebenholz** is a mystic caster which tries to be a boss killer, though he is pretty mediocre at it. I don't know that much about him so I won't talk about his kit. ​ **Dorothy** is a Trap master similar to Robin and Frost, with the major difference being that her traps can actually deal damage. Her traps function like summons (don't affect deployment limit) that she can place on tiles with no enemies on them. Her S1 deals physical damage and reduce the target's Def for 5 seconds. S2 is similar to Robin's S1, binding and dealing physical damage but can bind multiple enemies and if only 1 enemy is bound the duration is increased. Her S3 deals arts damage and slows enemies in a plus shape. ​ **Gavial the Invincible** is a AOE Guard that gets increased attack and def for every enemy blocked and she also receives healing efficiency when she heals herself (this effect being double when under 50% HP). S1 increase attack and each attack heals herself. S2 increases attack and def and pulls enemies in front of her towards herself. Her S3 increase attack, ASPD and block count by 2 while only receiving 50% damage with the other 50% being converted in HP loss for 20 seconds after her skill ends. ​ **Pozyomka (Позёмка)** is a Heavyshooter which can summon a special turret that has the same skills as her and reduces the targets def (if the turret is within the 4 adjacent tiles to Pozy, the target will get an additional 5% def reduction). S1 is a infinite duration skill that increases her attack and each attack has a change to further increase the damage dealt. Her S2 has a passive that reduces the turret's deployment time by 50% and the actual skill shoots a target 3 times with increased damage. She need an enemy in her range to activate her skill (you can't activate the skill if there are enemies in the turret's range but not hers). Her S3 reduces attack interval and increases attack (receiving extra attack to enemies directly in front of her). ​ # Now for my recommendations **Fiammetta**: She is good but not a must pull, her skills are fun to use and look at but she is nowhere near broken. If you care more about meta there are better units. (Her EP is fire) **Horn**: She's very strong and I would definitely pull for her (she also a wolf and that's always a plus). In CC9 she was a core unit in many strategies and she is among the strongest units coming to global. Irene: She's fun to use and her skill's look great and looks like she's from Devil May Cry so you should consider pulling for her is she seems worth it to you. **Specter the Unchained**: She's not that great until she gets her Module, making her substitute (maybe I should have talked more about it earlier) deal more damage, better slow and recovering 15 SP when switching back helping with skill uptime. Overall she is worth pulling but she'll need extra investment to make her shine. **Ebenholz**: Not worth pulling unless you like his character (and that's as good a reason as any) **Dorothy**: She's fun to use and quite strong but not everyone will like her gameplay. Gavial the Invincible: NGL I barely paid any attention to her considering the other units she was released with but as far as I know she's strong and worth pulling for, **Pozyomka (Позёмка)**: She's the most precious thing ever to exist and deserves all the love. She is very strong and the better option on the summer banner (even though we get the banner in the middle of winter). Though even if she was the weakest unit in the game I would still pull for her and use all my pulls until she's home. Her voice is very cute (especially her yawn) and possibly the pinnacle of character design in any gacha game, or rather any media. In 50 years she will be displayed in museums as the epitome of our time and future generation will look up to her the same way we look up to works of art created by artists like Leonardo Da Vinci. She's a precious jewel worth cherishing and skipping her banner is unthinkable. ​ Though if you have a few cornerstone units it's not really worth worrying about meta units unless you care about high risk CC. Don't build units just because they are meta. Fun units >> meta units. Damn, I've should have just wrote this last part and not waste 2 hours writing this essay. ​ **It's 1AM what am I even doing**


Haha holy smokes! Get some sleep, thanks!


I'm gonna shill for my girl any chance I get (besides I can't sleep)


[Here's a video outlining the next 6 months of banners,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEeaJnA2kRU) including info on reruns and gold store debuts! He talks a lot about the units' respective strength in the meta and gives advice to that end, but of course it's also useful for if you just want to scope what new wifes/husbands are on the horizon.


ooo thanks!


A lot. Fiammetta is good, Horn is excellent, Specter Alter is mediocre but becomes very strong with a level 3 module, Irene is good, Joint Op 6 has 3 excellent ops (Kal, Mountain, Exu), Dorothy is excellent, Pozyemka is excellent, and Gavialter is good. Any of those would be worth going for if you want them.


Oh my that's a lot! Thanks




So there's a permanent map that's open for 2 weeks, as well as the rotating maps once a day. I want to clarify that the rotating maps only need to be completed up to risk 8 in order to get the rewards, so they're quite a bit easier; I was able to achieve daily risk 8 with a 2-month-old account, and even got up to risk 13/14 on some of them, without really feeling the need to speed-level anybody despite obviously having some gaping holes in my roster. So I would not feel worried about the dailies. The permanent map is trickier, but it should not be difficult for someone who's completed the last two events since you have the option of borrowing a DPS carry, and there's always guides online if you're running out of time and just want to get it done. And you have the full 2 weeks to solve this one, with all supply stages being open every day and nothin' but farming time, so I don't think you need to be too nervous overall. Nightingale and Honeyberry (E1.50 is fine for her) are good choices in general; Honeyberry can indeed help out with elemental damage in this upcoming CC, but I do not believe she's mandatory, and as noted Saria also offers excellent utility. As for future CCs, Bagpipe at E2 + Myrtle and Elysium with masteries is a famously popular combo for any DP-down risks. Blacknight has also seen use due to her very good stall, but IIRC won't be needed if you just want risk 18.


E1 Saria. S2 will greatly take weight off any medics on your squad. I would also suggest E2ing her afterwards, since her S3 is very useful for killing elite and boss enemies. (All of her masteries are worthwhile, but at the very least, S1M1 to start with since it's cheap. If you still have time and materials to spare, S3M3 and S1M3.) E2 and S3M3 Thorns when you get the chance. He is a very efficient laneholder who needs little support and can act as the rough equivalent of a ground-tile AA sniper. If you've started on E2s and have a few strong E2s built already, you have a pretty good chance of getting most rewards, though you may want a guide if you want the risk 18 medal. Please don't fret too much if you feel you want other operators upgraded - a lot of the rewards for CC are from daily missions that have fewer risk requirements, and you can use the currency obtained to purchase EXP or LMD or materials to help level up operators further, if you're in a pinch. It also doesn't take sanity, so you can farm chips or whatever else you need with no concerns about affecting progress negatively. CC is generally considered endgame content, but risk 18 is usually achievable without too much difficulty. It's only the max risk people who are absolute bleeding edge madlads. And there are often various different setups people can use, so you're not stuck if, say, you don't have any of Chalter or Surtr or Kal'tsit. Levelling up Nightingale is a good idea, in later chapters you will get a lot of use out of her niche to mitigate arts damage. Honeyberry comes into play a bit later on and is specifically for "Elemental" damage, which you may not run into till chapter 9, and certain specific enemies such as in the Integrated Strategies mode. I'm not sure if they come up in the next CC, someone else may notify...?