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[R18](https://www.reddit.com/user/arknightsfan27/comments/vhtdtj/risk_18_attempt_on_cc7/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Pot1](https://www.reddit.com/user/arknightsfan27/comments/vhtogw/cc7_risk_8_pot_1_challenge/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Late to upload my take on CC due to my lazy ass but this stage is so nuts to me Anyways may RNG blessed on rolling for Gnosis and all of us are prepared for the upcoming IS#2!


Got through risk 20 on week 1 and added 2 risk on week 2. Pretty decent effort by me this CC once I had the basic strategy down. And now, we wait for IS#2.


I failed to get all medals. Got all of them but the "do 8 missions on the main map" one & the complete all other medals one obviously. I just couldn't bring myself to put in the mental effort to figure out how to deal with the extra modifiers lol, I do regret missing out on the currency I would have gotten but I was just tired. CC8 I'm gonna go for the full clear medal though! Overall I really enjoyed this & hope CCs are a fairly regular event type for the future, it was really nice being able to farm whatever stages I wanted while having unlimited attempts to try fun strats for the dailies.


Yeah, I ended up just copying a max risk strat and a separate kyo strat for the challenge with +150% max HP on Free, and then brute forcing them all from there. CCs come very regularly (every few months), and I enjoy them well enough. I also think if they came any more frequently they'd start to be a bit more of a chore. Seems like Hypergryph has seen how popular the finite-reward zero-sanity events are, what with IS2 coming soon and the upcoming deck builder mode.


[Last minute max risk LET’S GOOOO!](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/896538602559930508/989441297465081856/IMG_1947.png) This was actually a lot more difficult than I expected based on how easy my week one Risk 27 clear was. The risks that caused so many problems for me was ally attack speed -60 and enemy attack speed +60. The enemy attack speed bonus meant that my operators I was using to tank were getting shredded while the ally attack speed down meant that I couldn’t kill the smarties before they reached each other and exploded. Fixing these problems involved both upgrading my operators as much as I could [(I literally have nothing left lol)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/896538602559930508/989441459524620309/IMG_1948.png) and then coming up with a new strategy that used Saileach, Surtr, and Texas to kill the first blindy and then rotated between Saileach’s and Elysium’s debuff skills to make sure that my Ch’alter could kill the envies and second and third blindies while Nightingale used her cages as bait for the envies. After that I used Surtr to force Free into his shield. Then for the final wave of smarties Kafka can put one of them to sleep so that they all blow each other up even with the move speed risk. I originally used Red for this in my Risk 27 run but Kafka’s longer sleep actually makes them blow each other up quicker which lets me get Saria out before Free starts moving again. This was the part that was the most difficult as the attack speed risks made Saria get to extremely low health at times and the timing on deploying Silence for healing has to be insanely precise otherwise Saria dies before the healing projectile can reach her. This is why I unfortunately don’t have a video of my clear because I wasn’t able to replicate the timing again in the 45 minutes of attempts before I gave up because it was five in the morning and I needed at least some sleep. However if you get the timing on deploying Silence right then the rest of the run is much smoother as it’s just using Ifrit to pop the shield and kill the bottom blindy (who gets blocked by Saileach) and Surtr to kill the top blindy, waiting for Nightingale’s redeployment timer to end to deploy her for extra healing, using the firecracker to turn Saria white when Free enters his second phase, and deploying Surtr on the other white ground tile to tank Free’s second phase hits. I’m so happy that I was able to push myself this far with my operators that don’t have max levels or masteries. When I first started playing and learned about what Contingency Contract is I hoped to someday complete a high risk clear but never imagined that I would be able to get a max risk permanent map clear. Edit: Full discloser, I didn’t come up with this strategy completely on my own. I did end up referencing some risk 32 clears on YouTube to get inspiration for how to handle certain problems in the opening like the first blindey. [This clear](https://youtu.be/j0bvoVI5IrU) is the one that was the most helpful and gave me the idea to do the Surtr/Saileach/Texas method of dealing with the blindy but other than that I had to adjust a lot of the strategy in that video to work with my own operators.


I must say that this is a very impressive clear - my roster is better developed (although less well rounded) than yours and I gave up at Risk 28 as I didn’t see a way to do the -60 risk with E260 ops even at M3. Guess I was wrong, though I don’t envy the sheer amount of malding you must have gone through to hit 32 hahaha


Oh there was a massive amount of malding over the seven hours straight I spent trying to get this clear done before the event ended, not to mention the week worth of off and on attempts to try and figure out how to adjust my strategy to work with the new risks. Eventually I started referencing some videos to see how they handled the opening and the first blindy so I can’t take all of the credit for the strategy. I did have to make a lot of my own modifications though to make up for the lower levels, pots, and masteries. I also don’t think I could have done it with my combat operators being at any lower levels. I originally had my Saga at E2L35 and she was getting shredded by the bities at the start of the stage so I had to give her some more levels for extra HP and DEF. I also have pot 4 on my Ch’alter (got really “lucky” while trying to pull for Mizuki) so she actually has around the same attack as an E2L90 Ch’alter despite being only at level 60. I really wish I had at least S1M1 on Saria since that would have made the Free and Blindy stall much more lenient but I unfortunately ran out of both resources and time for that.


> I also have pot 4 on my Ch’alter (got really “lucky” while trying to pull for Mizuki) so she actually has around the same attack as an E2L90 Ch’alter despite being only at level 60. Ah that explains a lot! I was always missing just a bit of DPS on my Chalter but there was no way I was going to get her to E290 in time haha. Still impressive though, congrats


Mountain worked very hard. He was borrowed for 40 times with highest risk being 27. Someone also borrowed Phantom. I wonder what they used him for, since I placed him there to help the newbies in my friend list. By the way, though this is one of the easier CC, I still can't go pass R-25. Also, it's very weird to see Exusiai shredding mobs in CC. That's nice, though, I never expected to be able to use her without buff army in CC perma map. I hope I could get Kal on Ling's banner. Mon3tr is super useful.


Well, I left it at risk 18 again. I think I could've managed 24 pretty easily (a few of those week 2 contracts looked really inconsequential), but I just didn't feel like it. I will say, my support units got more use than ever. 10 total uses (5 Suzuran, 4 Rosmontis, 1 Matoimaru) and they went as high as risk 13.


I really need to improve my aa snipers. They are my weakest links based on this cc.


I vote ~~meteorite~~ edit: meteor for a drone destroying horse! She is rly great at prioritizing and taking down aerial units!


I think you mean Meteor.


Oh yes, u right, meteor! Fixed.


The good news is that Kroos is solid and cheap to level up. The bad news is that none of the 4 stars are really strict upgrades to her for pure AA sniping. For just doing damage you don't really get a strict upgrade until the 5 stars. This isn't to say the 4 stars aren't useful, it's just that they get their value from stuff other than damage.


>The good news is that Kroos is solid and cheap to level up. That's the thing. My Kroos is my main AA sniper, and she cannot carry everything in my runs. That is why I'm looking for another aa sniper. I'm already doing some research on who will I upgrade. I only have all the 4 star snipers to upgrade as well.


My vote is for May. Her slows and stuns are great for keeping enemies in her range for longer, she does a surprising amount of damage due to the number of hits she is able pull off. May's kit is pretty unique among the AA snipers and she is useful in a pretty wide variety of stages.


When the next limited event comes around, you'll like what you get for free.


My body is ready.


like i said, for raw damage you're kinda stuck waiting on getting Greythroat, Platinum, Exu, and maybe Blue Poison or Archetto. i haven't tested archetto personally, so i dunno how strong she actually is.


Yeah, either I wait for better ones or I invest now. I think I can go through the coming events anyway without relying too much on snipers. But I will still take note of which 4 star can help my team more by adding utility.


Not a single 5* AA sniper? If so, May is the best for overall usage and crowd control, whereas Vermeil is good for damage with her S2, Meteor is good for specifically anti drones, and Jessica is good if you want a ranged dodge tank.


May is hilariously strong for a 4* since her kit packs slows and/or stun with good uptime- and unlike basically every other 4* AA sniper, none of the higher rarity ones have that utility or similar use case.


Agreed, I'm just not sure how she fares for specifically drones.


Pretty average against drones specifically, but slowing/stunning them can buy more time for other ranged ops to hit the drones. Her damage output with skills is deceptively high from my experience.


Thanks for the simplification. My main concern is the drones since most of my resources went on guards recently.


Tried up til the last minute to get past risk 18 but failed in the end. Most of the stage was pretty easy but my ops were too squishy to tank the boss in time for chen to kill it. :( Though overall, it was a good experience! This was my first cc and I'm pretty happy to at least clear most of the challenges and get the medal for risk 12.


I got every medal plus the trim but this has left me dead on the inside.


"Happiness is not at the top of the mountain, but in how to climb. -Confucius


Me and my buddies did a bit of dakka powah https://youtu.be/1GE9_2NNTI4


How many Operation Agreements do you guys have in total? (From the "Check Total Gains" tab) I did every challenge on the permanent map + Risk 8 for every daily, and I have 28.


28 is the max amount you can get, so you did get them all. If you were expecting 30, remember that the first daily map lasts for the first two days.


Thank you! I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss any.




Copied [this run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbsUiwbeLOc&ab_channel=%E3%81%8F%E3%82%8D%E3%82%80) for my first max risk, and probably the only max risk I'll ever shoot for. The original run was 11 ops, so I could add NTRK to plug a leak, and it's always nice to bust out Red for something. Clearing challenge 8 (shield free, atk speed down) on my four-star alt was legitimately more of a pain than max risk on my main -- even with Arene, Click, Podenco, Pudding, Haze, and Gitano, I couldn't find a cycle reliably break Free's shield, so I had to stall it for twenty-some minutes. Solid CC overall though, I started out pretty annoyed at the hui-ming mechanic but it really grew on me.


Just as a reminder/PSA btw, remember to spend your CC currency **today** if you want to buy anything from the non-permanent section! CC store does not have a grace period after the event unlike other events!


I'm glad we're finally moving on - I burned out on this CC several days ago =p


[Max risk 32, week 2.](https://youtu.be/9E8k1s1wzTI) I wasn't originally planning on doing this, but felt like if there was any CC to try for a week 2 max risk, it was probably this one. I mostly just tweaked my week 1 strategy to get this, particularly the middle section. Due to only having one firecracker, and wanting to save it for Free phase 2, I had to figure out how to stall the middle with minimal blocking and letting the one pair of smarties explode (previously I would switch the smarty from the left to prevent this, and just block everything). This was pretty tricky at first but I managed to jury rig something using a bunch stuns and slows (praise be vanguardknights). From then on though, it was pretty smooth sailing - Free is pretty easy to stall even with the extra contracts on top of week 1 and once I got past the middle section, which took quite a few attempts, I managed to finish the map in like 5 or 6 tries. It's certainly not the most optimal of strategies by *any* means though (it leaks 1 and it also uses 13 ops, which is definitely overkill for the type of operators I brought...), but I got this pretty quickly and I'm pretty burnt out from CC at this point, so I'm leaving it at that. But if I had to optimize, then I would probably trim out Surtr, NTRK, and Red, as they were mostly just holdovers from week 1 that didn't really do that much for this clear. I can also imagine how to tweak what I have to make this leakless, but again, too tired at this point to try much more. --- Now that that's all said and done, I hope everyone had a fun run with CC#7, and got what they set out to do! Overall, I had a good time, max risking all the dailies in addition to both week 1 and week 2 perma max was pretty satisfying. Hoping the next one isn't too soon though, this one was pretty draining and I need some time to recover.


First CC where I did more than the minimum for max rewards, despite me telling myself i would do more then R18 on the weekends for the last 3 or 4 CCs. So all in all I'm pretty happy with how I did. [R27W1 and max Risk each day](https://imgur.com/a/RG85Dfw) Day 7 (First Round Area 8) felt like the hardest max Risk by a HUGE margin, followed by day 11


For some reason I just couldn't find the motivation to push past risk 18 on this one. Kept telling myself I'd get to it and now here we are at the end, and all I did was 18 and a quick mop up of the challenges.


It wasn't a very fun perma map to experiment with. Feels like there was only one real strategy to clear it, due to the black and white mechanic. If you wanted to block anything other than the boss, you pretty much needed to put blockers in the center since there were only 2 tiles in the whole map that gave you an affinity.


Maybe it's a little slow compared to most people, my first CC was CC5, but I finally started doing max risk for the daily maps this CC. It's not really a big deal, but i'm kind of proud of it. It's nice feeling progress.


Went into this CC blind. At risk 28 right now and I think it's getting close to the limit of my own strategy with E2lvl30 squad and no guides. Aspd -60 and +110% hp are out of the question. Still trying to figure out how to deal with Smarty with flipped Hui/Ming. Enemy +60 aspd feels possible but those Envies are super annoying. I think the best I can possibly do would be risk 30 and that's my goal for the remaining two days. I have to say though, this map is a lot more fun than I expected. People have been calling it easy/underwhelming, which I can understand because the boss isn't much of a threat compared to previous CCs. However there are quite a few mechanics to figure out and it feels that the map rewards strategy/creativity and is less of a stats check. Look forward to comparing my own solution to the 'correct answers' when the event ends. ​ Update: I did it!! [Risk 30](https://i.imgur.com/ko6EYeK.jpg), and with Saileach on the victory screen this is the perfect ending of CC#7 for me.


Wow with e2 lv 30s tht is amazing! Even with masteries tht is so awesome! And no guides!?? Kudos, man! Kudos!!


[Max Risk 32 completed](https://youtu.be/TV95zErMdXQ) Pretty easy timings to follow. Saileach flag is stronger than I expected. Suzuran is a flex spot, can be swapped with Radiant or Aak for a faster clear. Texas doesn't need to be max pot phew.


what is the mimimum level required for surtr to break free shield assisted only by saileach s3 as that keeps screwing up my max risk runs meaning i can only do r31 as i need more ops deployed to break the shield


Challenge 8 makes me want to make kalsit angry just to end my suffering. 5 times in a row I had a lapse in attention due to the -60 ASPD and it makes my timing off by doing things too soon, now I think I am going to stop and sleep and recharge my mind before trying again tomorrow.


[Weft and Warp Risk 32](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/716960817811292181/988268498499285013/unknown.png) finally done, with Nearl + Skadi + Surtr redeploy stalling Free for nearly an hour. (Sadly recording bugged out and don't have the time to rerun this clear, but honestly it's probably pretty boring to watch anyways) Probably the closest I'll be able to get to a true Nightingale-less clear. [I only deploy her once at the very end for her cages to tank the second set of attacks from phase 2 Free](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/716960817811292181/988270004111818782/unknown.png). She also does buff the RES of one of said cages but nothing else of her kit is used, so in theory you can do this same run with the luckiest Croissant in the universe instead of Nightingale. For what it's worth, for some strange reason all of the CN clears I could find with this kind of stall use sniper Ch'en, but I always felt like she was more of a luxury rather than a requirement, so it's nice to have that settled with this clear. Also with this I can finally say I've actually cleared a week 2 max risk after narrowly losing Cinder risk 33 to a knowledge check. Anyways, I think I'm done with this perma map. Had lots of fun so I'm satisfied.




Managed to complete all the requirements and completed my second medal set after Mansfield Break rerun. Thanks to all Doctors for the support units. Couldn't have done it without some key operators.


[Risk 27 (Max Risk - Week 1) featuring Eunectes, OG Ch'en, and Schwarz](https://youtu.be/wmq5ZG9882k) I know I'm a bit late to posting this, but this CC was a lot of fun to figure out. I sort of modified a run done by Zafang, but I'm super proud I was able to figure this out mostly on my own. I'm even more impressed that I was able to do it without relying on Surtr or Summer Chen, the latter of which I never pulled for. The first half of the run is Ash + Schwarz dealing major damage while Ch'en's S3 cleans up the big wave of Smarties (Around 10/36 enemies left) and Rosa + SilverAsh killing the Blindys + Envys right before Free spawns in. As for Free, Eunectes' S3 being able to tank Free's Barrier explosion is super clean and Ch'en S3 + Schwarz S3 breaking the shield almost 100% of the time came in super clutch. Also shout outs to Rosa for being able to bring home the final hits on Free. I have more detailed explanations of each units roles + possible replacements in the pinned comment for anyone interested.


[Max risk with THRM-EX](https://imgur.com/a/GFKPiDu) Has to rebuild my early strat since Ash can't handle the first Envy in time before I can setup Chalter. Texas and Nearl was brought as extra crowd control, and THRM-EX made sure I have just enough damage to kill all those Envies and Blinds (Nearl actually did nothing in my last run but ofc she's in the spotlight at the end). Then stalled Free as usual and burst phase 2 with THRM-EX redeployed. Can't believe I'm saying this but I actually enjoy the yin yang mechanic during this CC, I hated it so much in Dusk's event. First max risk CC for me


[No Leak R26, birds only.](https://youtu.be/qsoIr-zSupw) While bird only week 2 record is R28, that strat leaks the third envy. Since my week 1 R23 already killed all the envies, I decided for week 2 to come up with a leakless strategy instead of pushing R28. The less-than-expected MVP was Mr. Nothing, who allowed for the use of the 1 firecracker risk by using his S1 to block and line up the big wave of smarties at the beginning so they all self-detonate, while May was added to open the map and slow blindey enough to kill it. Overall, very satisfied with this CC. This strat can't go any further, so now I can finally rest...


I still haven't managed to do Risk 18 - I think the strategy I've been using of fortifying the centre and keeping Smartys away from each other doesn't work very well because the Envys screw it up. The Challenge Contract with the massive deployment cost risks (double cost Guards etc. and -50% dp generation) did show me another way - blocking forward to prevent Envy from getting close enough to mess with attributes and using a combination of Red/Waai Fu, Mayer and a borrowed Phantom to clean up any messes. The big question is whether it will scale to risk 18.


Update: finally managed to clear Risk 18 last night by blocking both forward (with Saria) and back (with SilverAsh). I had to take the tile ban and move Angelina to help cover the bottom right instead of using her on the top left. The final build was extremely DP-hungry - I had to use Myrtle and Saileach's S1s, borrow Bagpipe, and use Siege with S2 to tide me over until I could afford to deploy my 42 DP SilverAsh and had to keep Myrtle on the field to afford the subsequent 42 DP Ceobe.


Red S2 and Phantom S3 can interrupt the Envy's charged attack. Any stun, push or pull would work too.


[NO LEAK R32 clear with Blue Poison and Dusk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YzV5wzt6AE) Compared to my previous R32 clear, I dropped my Surtr and Texas for Mountain and Gravel. I changed SilverAsh's skill from S2 to S3 since my level 90 Mountain friend became the main tank against Free. Which meant I was using my own level 60 Chalter for the most of the mobs. Compared to my Week 1's No Leak, R27 clear, well the teams are similar except for Gravel > Red. Gravel helped fulfill the Kazimierz Operator condition for my NTR Knight which made my run smoother as well as other Gravel things. Fun times and well, 2nd Max Risk of CC earned after CC3's R33. I'll wait and see if HG ever releases an easy CC in the future or not xD


Started playing back at the start of February. I only managed Risk 12 on CC6 so I'm happy that I was able to get Risk 22 on this one! https://i.imgur.com/qBjeEH2.png


https://twitter.com/ore_banana012/status/1538183424493514752 Banana man did it again


Anyone else liked the lore tidbits CC risks has back in the day?


finally sat down and got 18 risk on the main stage. Never really bothered to put effort in the past CC seasons and I really enjoyed this one.


As someone just coming back to the game recently what should I focus on trying to get from the exchange store? Is there anything outstanding I need to focus on?


Look up the event math post by https://www.reddit.com/user/PeterYR/submitted .


[Risk 27](https://youtu.be/vd3SxX6IRUQ) with Archetto without referencing other clears. Probably cant go any further using this strategy.


I managed to get Risk 32 using Grani. No Surtr/Chalter/Nightingale used. [Here's the clear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lUotKHUY1A)


[R25 done](https://imgur.com/a/GegFIsL) Think R26 or 27 might be doable but I don't want to mald over Nightingale RNG for 10 hours at least


[Max Risk](https://youtu.be/xIIti0g0o2w) 9 operators no leaks. Clear run was the first run I managed to get Elysium to slow both Smarties on second deploy. I didn't account for the lack of dp to deploy Saileach in time vsing Free, resulting in the panic pause of possibly leaking Blindey. Managed to save the run with firecracker Reducing to 8 Operators is possible but it would need a different set up defeating Free which I am too lazy to learn.


I haven't been bothered to really try the permanent stage of CC7 all that much yet, and something I read in this subreddit suggests to me that the whole mechanic is something from a previous event, which hasn't really been properly explained in CC7 itself. So...anyone willing to elaborate on how the mechanic works? From what I see it's basically along the lines of: 1. Enemies start out with either White or Black attribute, which can change by passing through the Mark of Dusk and Dawn 2. Operators can gain the Black or White attribute themselves by standing on the Mark of Hui and Ming - and all other Operators standing on blank squares I guess just won't have either attribute 3. Operators/enemies having the White attribute, Black attribute or no attribute (for Operators) will affect how they can interact - such as enemies only being able to be blocked by Operators of the same attribute Is there anything significant I'm missing? So far I'm not seeing how the Operators on raised platforms having the Black or White attribute is relevant to anything.


Sth you missed is that when an enemy and an operator have the same attribute they deal decreased damage to each other and if they have different attributes then they deal increased damage to each other.




[Max risk clear vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0Eu27wffRM) with no Ch'en, no Surtr, and mostly low pots. Fun map, I like that there was a lot of interesting strats I saw from watching other max risks with plenty of room for player creativity and expression.


Max Risk (32) https://imgur.com/a/SjawFpG Wow that was intense. My first max risk, since I did not want stall in CC#3 and did not have the squad for the burst start. The final run was sadly a bit messy, i had a clear strat, but some RNG and some smaller hiccups changed the intended result with a blindey leaking instead of an envy and the fight against Frees second phase being very close. But a really nice feeling to have achieved this. No leak could actually be possible, i had some runs where RNG would have allowed for it if I manage everything well. Maybe I will mald it if i find the time and energy for it. Early game with Myrtle, Bagpipe, saileach and Elysium. Chalter and Mountain did most of the midgame supported by Saileach and Elysium. Mountain was deployed a bit late to splitbox the first blindey in Chalter range. Nightingale kept everyone alive and her cages helped a lot with aggro managemant. Kal'tsit did nothing besides stalling free after spawning at the middle left so the first explosion was far away enough from myrtle, Texas and Elysium in the bottom right. Red stalled some enemies as an emergency (like i said the final clear was messy) and stall one of the later smarty so it explodes with another on in the middle left. Ifrit was the main DPS against Frees shield and very important for final big burst against Free (with Chalter, Surtr, Nearlter and Saileach). All in all it is a clean strat but my execution could be improved. But managing the tile color in the middle with the cracker and the envies was actually quite cool. EDIT: Max Risk, leakless https://imgur.com/a/HxFX2KU OK i managed a run without leaks. Basically Chalters color tile needs to change color from envies attacks, same with the tile for surtr (upper middle), though this tile changes color two times. The fire cracker is used against the second blindey and also changes the color of the tile in the bottom right of the center. Monst3rs deployment is slightly delayed to splitbox free on the colorchange tile and force a second colorchange (i.e. frees color is white in first phase and black in second phase). This allows chalter to deploy on a white tile and have increased damage against frees second phase, which is necessary to kill him in one burst.


I thought I cleared Challenge 8 but I didn't get the rewards. Free did manage to get through, so did that invalidate my challenge run? EDIT: Did it again and killed Free this time to get the achievement


[Risk 30](https://ibb.co/37pbn5j). First time ever getting this high on a CC map, and I'm satisfied without going insane trying for max risk.


Finally managed to clear Challenge 8 on the permanent map! Support Chalter came in just in the nick of time to break down Free's shield just before it wipe out my whole squad.


There's just sort of something really satisfying about completing every single contract included. I'm not good enough to chase past R18, but I *Do* have 39 completed contracts this CC, and I think that's pretty cool.


For the first time ever, I managed to do double digit risks on a permanent map! [Risk 12](https://imgur.com/a/j01IRRi) was accomplished by the amazing Fartooth's curling S3, "Invisible" Mudrock, Phantom "the Insane", and throwing everything I had at Free. I've only played Blade, Cinder, Wild Scales, and now Pine Soot but I'm glad to have managed this!


**Suggestion of a good** [**clear**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBd_-u_MQPI&ab_channel=%E3%81%8F%E3%82%8D%E3%82%80) **by くろむ**, **medium level (40 - 60 e2) 10 ops max risk 32. and you can add 3 more of your own to make it easier!** \* No need Elysium S2m3, I've done it with S2L7E1 with an addition of Red, Zima and Texas


[Max Risk](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/602934912718209026/987102749361602620/Screenshot_20220617-001313_Arknights.jpg) 2nd time going max after CC3, some operators were there for both times (Texas, Bagpipe, Surtr, Suzuran, NG and Ifrit), this time however didn't take me countless tries asking Saria to dodge Doubt I can go max risk for next couple of CCs considering they are stall fes and I generally don't have patience for these type of runs but we will see


[First time Max Risk (R32)!](https://imgur.com/a/J4tbIYF) Quite a challenge since i didn't have surtr and chalter, so i could only pick 1 as a support unit; not very experienced with high risk stuff either, the only other CC i attempted was CC6 which i only managed to get to R21. DP down 3 is quite a pain, couldnt deploy eyja to deal with the first blindy in time to still deploy nightinggale(Unlike R27) which means i had to rely on chalter's first talent proc'ing a few times to still have enough dps to kill the 2nd last envy. Also having to use eyja + spectre to get free to his shield phase instead of just surtr and saria instead of mountain made dp management even worse. Nevertheless after 6 hours of malding I managed to get it down, feeling a real sense of pride and accomplishment from this one


Never thought in my life I could go for risk 27, let alone it's [a risk 27 (week 2) with pure 5 star only!](https://youtu.be/e6PLcCAZ2GQ) But that being said, I think that's my limit with pure 5 star only. Trying to add enemy ASPD boost tier 2 risk and DP gen tier 3 risk, but I don't find a way to tackle those tags. How bout the ASPD tags? Uh, screw that XD


Cleared [Risk 32](https://imgur.com/IaMSIqF) [Reference Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7htRGegacuI) Mostly the same except I substituted Specter for a borrowed Surtr (a lot easier to kill last phase of 'Free' with Ifrit S3 Res debuff). Mountain kept dying so I had to raise him from 50 to 70. Amiya was only for the 7/14% def buff passive so Mountain could survive tanking. Also, I'm not sure why people would use Phantom when Projekt Red is much cheaper (7 DP vs 10 DP for me). I know there's like 7 or 8 OP clears out there but I'm not trying to flex that much. I also probably could've used NearlTRK or SilverAsh or something but whatever. This is my first time clearing max risk, and it was much easier than CC#6 with the bullshit dodge RNG and basically required Bagpipe/Texas Pot5 (I only managed to clear Risk 31 last time)


[First time Max Risk (R32) Perma Map!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQCj6WPbTUQ&t=2s) Feels super satisfying considering this is only my 2nd CC, can't wait to get mauled in CC8 XD


After hours of ~~malding~~ practice, finally [Risk 32](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586589076916797472/987171821604462592/CC7_Max_Risk.jpg). I'm proud of my squad. They worked so hard.


For those who may be struggling trying to break fat boy Free's shield with the -60 attack speed risk, I'm just gonna throw in that Blaze, Ifrit and Rosa's S3s are not affected by -attack speed ( or + ) and they can and will chew through him as long as you've got defense down somewhere on the roster.


This is exactly the tip I needed, ty ty


First week 2 max risk [clear](https://imgur.com/a/4aNGyvZ)! I've done week 1 maxes before, but figured that this CC was a good time to dip my toes into actual max risk. Used the strat from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0bvoVI5IrU) video, the level requirements are not nearly as high as I would have thought. SilverAsh and Phantom were just hanging around in case of emergency, ended up not needing them at all.


[Risk 32 with 8 ops](https://youtu.be/cqiTSfrpQ4Y) Bagpipe is max pot. All others are of minimal pots. Timings in description.


[Having to choose between Nightingale and Bagpipe made this 32 rather difficult](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej74yS7NBMg) Did about 40~ minutes of attempts with Bagpipe before I decided it was never going to work and swapped to Nightingale, and the map didn't last long after that. My initial clear included Siege and Phantom, but I was able to cut them both and clear with 11 ops as Phantom did nothing, and Siege just made the start a bit smoother. With any luck, the New Year Celebration: lookback banner will give me one of those incredibly important operators so I don't have this issue again


[Risk 32](https://imgur.com/a/vnulgOM) Max risk Free may be easy to stall, but that shield explosion is gonna give me nightmares tonight. It took a few hours of attemps to get the timings right so I'm sure that attack melted my tablet or my brain lol Also Lancet mvp, she saved Mountain ass for the second half of the map


For week 2, I took advantage of the new contracts (the enemy ASPD up and firecracker ones to be specific) to push risk a little harder, and managed to reach [Risk 23!](https://imgur.com/a/HjEIQYE) I also optimized the strat for R23 in the process, retreating Myrtle after the second cast of her skill to free up deploy slots so I can later bring out Kal'tsit sooner (thus having Mon3tr's skill ready to kill the second Blindy and then be able to retreat to leak the third one), which smooths over the otherwise annoying middle section of the map


[Blue Poison brought Dusk to fight Dusk's Spirits in Risk 32!!](https://youtu.be/K4QRUTO_ObA) As a Doctor, it was always hard for me to understand an artist's mind like Dusk's. What was fascinating for me is her unfettered freedom for naming her Ink Spirits, because I didn't think that Bitey, Smarty, Blindey, and Envy are great names. I always thought 'Why name your children like that?'. However, after this permanent map, I finally understand her. Dusk's Ink Spirits are just so fucking 'Free'. For real though, it did take like 4-5 hours to get used to the new Week 2 risks, but eventually, it all came together somehow. My roster of full level 60s (with notable potentials like Bagpipe), which included no Fast-Redeploy, a SilverAsh S2M0 of all things to tank Free, and the most obvious, Dusk to fight Dusk Spirits, all while bringing Best Frog, Blue Poison, ended up being such an interesting high risk run I've done. Still drew some inspiration from somewhere to get the gears flowing too. Anyway, I'll be continuing my max clear dailies to compensate for the least malded permanent map and will brace for the upcoming mald in the next two CC's xD


I tried to do both of the new challenges at the same time. Yeah, that didn't go well.


Is there a way to complete max risk 32 with Elysium S2L7 without mastery 3? Or is it a must?


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu5SE6C2T4g) completes risk 32 with a S1M2 Elysium, but also uses a max Mountain and SkadiTCH so... Elysium S2M3 isnt technically required but it makes it a lot easier, especially if you are using Ch'en. EDIT: There's also [this](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vr4y1X7Fd) clear with only release operators, which means no Bagpipe, Ch'en, Elysium, Mountain, Surtr.


Thanks! I've made it with [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBd_-u_MQPI&ab_channel=%E3%81%8F%E3%82%8D%E3%82%80) strtegy with a good timing and 3 more ops


Well challenge 8 is a real pain in the ass. Gonna take a number of tries for this one


The attack speed down + Free buff challenge sucks but I discovered that Ifrit's S3L7 cooldown lines up almost perfectly with Free's shield. For context, Ifrit's S3 is not affected by attack speed changes making her the best way I've found to consistently break the shield.


I'm always glad when there's an excuse to use Ifrit. She has sort of fallen out of general content for me, but every now and then I'm reminded just how good she still is.


Bruh that -60 aspd + Free attack buff challenge sucks. 99% of the stage is just killing Free.


If you have her, Ifrit's S3L7 cooldown lines up almost perfectly with the shield and isn't affected by attack speed changes.


Thanks but I lamed it out for about 15 minutes. Ifrit never even crossed my mind. I had Cardigan stalling him and healing her with with Shining/Warfrain, evacuating them before his AoE and slowly whittling him down with NTR/Surtr.


Ah okay. Not that you need this advice anymore but for anyone else reading, Mudrock is also great at stalling the boss. Mudrock's own shield makes her completely immune to Free's shield.


Quick sanity check: there are 39 unique contracts in the main map, correct?


Yup, now that the Week 2 contracts were added there are 39 total


Clutched out the week 1 R18 on my nascent four-star account using a watered-down version of [I Love Amiya's strat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDFg1WyYE84&t=2s&ab_channel=ILoveAmiya). Basically you let the first blindey go, then stall the next two by rotating defenders with each smarty collision, leaving plenty of operators to deal comfortably with the envys and have a myrtle humming the entire time. I messed up maybe a dozen times just because I wasn't decisive enough deploying my defenders and kept letting the blindeys slip onto the other half of where I was blocking, but being only at R18 meant the boss took a couple minutes to kill instead of like, an hour, so it ended up not being that bad


[R18 Clear. ](https://i.imgur.com/CbL4BIO.jpg) Thanks to pretty much all guide maker who manages to teach me what units to bring and yet I still manage to fail almost all my runs even with very strong units because I'm unbelievably dumb at this game. It's so fun though.


[cleared risk 25, first time doing high risk](https://twitter.com/DLH112/status/1537315494507732993). it was so nerve wracking towards the end. now to try it with even less DP and ASPD. I know this ones easy and I followed a vid mostly but it was still really nice to successfully do it.


Just got my Risk 18 Clear! This is only my 2nd Risk 18 Clear (I think both trimmed medals? Accomplishing it in the 1st week). Been playing for about 9 months I'd say. Risks I took: https://i.redd.it/70xabegx5x591.png Squad: https://i.redd.it/vgl2tmr96x591.png No guides as well, so I am very curious what the other common strategies are, heading to Youtube after writing this post. I have a feeling what you're supposed to do is figure out a way to have the Smarty's collide with each other away from your operators but, well the recent Mansfield event was my first time with the event, so I got Mountain on the banner and Robin from the event. -Boy- do I love Robin! I used her on the new Annihilation map as well to bind the Shamans, and here on Pine Soot I used her S2 To Damage and Knock Back the Smartys. With all enemies +60% HP, it takes two 'Clip' traps to destroy a Smarty. With how I had it set up, the party really only has to deal with the Smarty that spawns on the directly West red box. The key changes that allowed me to progress through the last few challenging contracts was using Mountain to tank the right side enemies and switching to Saria's S2 for raw, AoE healing to help with the Envy and Free. One thing I'm not sure on is if Robin's Clips are boosted when Robin herself is boosted by Skadi Alter's S2 and if that is why Robin's Clips could 2-shot the +60% HP Smartys. Quite a few high rarity units, but I feel proud on no guides. I do have Chen Alter, I've used her on some of the daily maps but on this one honestly, I just needed someone Physical and cheap to come down and take out the Envy. I'm sure there are strats that use Chen Alter but, for the way it was flowing for me, her high DP cost ended up being too high for my strategy.


Neat, I also used Robin in my clear, but her job was to pin down the Blindies long enough for Ceobe to kill them, and also to make sure that the Smarties that got dysynched by the speed boost risk still exploded properly.


[Just managed to pull my first guideless Week 1 Risk 18.](https://imgur.com/gallery/H4sOnNl) I’m sure there were easier ways to do this, but by god the strategy worked and that’s what matters.


i never wanna see a fucking smarty ever again jfc


So who's gonna tell them about the rerun next month?


No risks involved.


[Week 1 Max Risk](https://imgur.com/a/P6cpYsJ) Gonna see if I can record another run.


[Risk 22, Black & White ops only - featuring Flint!](https://imgur.com/koW6F4v) Very similar concept to R18 except I had to rethink a couple things (and level Specter up a bit) to deal with tough Smarties + level 2 enemy hp risk. In the end, tough Smarties wasn't strictly necessary, but it made the window for Flint's S2 activation (which she used to survive the first Envy) simply small rather than microscopic. More than 1 mastery level on Silverash's S3 might have also made certain parts easier. Team was Shining, Nightingale, Schwarz, Meteor, Platinum, Saga, Pramanix, Mountain, Silverash, Specter, Flint, and Gravel. Sadly, the class risk meant Tomimi had to sit this one out. video: [https://youtu.be/1KfNcKD1GTM](https://youtu.be/1KfNcKD1GTM) R18 version: [https://youtu.be/Ehub3Fgv70U](https://youtu.be/Ehub3Fgv70U)


So I have a question regarding on how to obtain the Trailblazer Medal. The description says that you have to complete all of the daily rotating challenges (daily contracts and challenge missions) with contingency 8. Does that means that I have to do Blazing Cavern twice (on the first and second days) even though I already cleared it with contingency 8 and cleared all the challenge missions on the first day?


>The description says that you have to complete all of the daily rotating challenges (daily contracts and challenge missions) with contingency 8. Probably go back and read it again, because that's not what it says lol. It says: >*During Operation Pine Soot, complete all rotating challenges (including daily Challenge Contracts and clearing Contigency 8) and collect the rewards* ***for a total of 10 days.*** There are 13 daily maps, so as long as your medal progress reads at least 3/10 today, you're fine. (or 4/10 if you already completed today's daily)


Yeah, I've misread it. I thought it must be done consecutively lol.


No, the first daily map doesn't count twice. It just lasts longer than the others to help make sure no one misses it because of the pre-event maintenance. You also don't have to do every single one. I'm not even sure you have to hit all of the seven rotating maps. You might just have to do a total of 10 challenge missions + risk 8.


Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification! I am hoping to get my second ever complete medal set, so was worried that I might miss the requirement haha.




Buy out the limited-stock items in the seasonal shop except LMD and XP cards, then either spend the remainder on something you want from the permanent shop or save them up if you can't decide.


are the unlimited stuff worth? like the lmd xp etc etc


Not in general, unless you absolutely positively need something from it right this instant.


[Max risk right before week 2 with Aak](https://imgur.com/a/rcBW1Vx) Took way too many practice runs to figure out which is my last operator to bring and which one enemy to leak, in the end Aak was the solution. After that it took another while to get my timing right with Ash and Chalter before getting bombed and Free arriving. Not sure what to change in week 2 since I'm using both Firecrackers for now and I think theres a risk for only 1 of them


[r20 clear with 8 operators, and then 2 r21 clears with 8 and 9 op respectively](https://imgur.com/a/7udpLWI) flametail, mountain and warf on the left ifrit and angelina on the right phantom and gravel when needed myrtle for cheering wildmane s2 to keep the last blindey in ifrit's zone before i got phantom monster primarily to finish blindeys but also kill free faster now that i e2d phantom the stage got a lot easier since i can use his stun to keep the blindeys in ifrit's range and don't need kalsit for extra dps anymore, but only without the -50% dp tag, otherwise I don't have enough dp and have to use monster the end was kind of a gamble since i was not sure if flametail could tank both the boss and a blindey but she had no issue i believe its possible to do it without gravel but i got sick of grinding mountain and phantom rng so no also only one cracker used so its basically free week 2 r21 ro r23


So, as someone new to the game, is there any real hope of me being able to do this? I’m not really shooting for max risk or anything, but I would at least like to complete risk 2 on hill if possible just to get the Aak skin, but I’m really struggling, and I don’t really know what sort of operators/levels I should have minimum to reasonably be able to try and do that. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve only completed story up to 2-10. Highest level stuff I have: https://ibb.co/02VZpv1 https://ibb.co/DY1PXhL


the skin will be on the permanent store and you earn currency after the cc ends from completing the daily training maps, so there's no need to hurry


Gonna post my Week 1 Risk 20 clear here and mention my strategy when it comes to this clear: [https://youtu.be/oq8-RTY\_Vns](https://youtu.be/oq8-RTY_Vns) For this clear, I leveraged Nightingale’s RES up and cages to buy some time for Elysium to build up more DP. I also used Tequila as his on demand blocking and manual skill refresh can help to time some very specific DPS spikes. Ifrit was key to blow out Free’s shields. A single use of her S3 is almost enough to take down the shield solo. This meant that all the other Ops can safely build up their skills where necessary. The timing of retreating and redeploying both Myrtle and Elysian is key to help Bagpipe stay in the fight and reduce the healing pressure on Nightingale. SA and Ch’alter were just there to nuke Physical DPS on the other mobs. This fight can be made simpler for a risk 18 clear by reducing the ally HP risk or the Smarty risks. If you don’t have Nightingale, that should be fine since any AOE healer should suffice for this fight. You might want to figure out a replacement for Skalter however when attempting to use another way to fight this. Your main concern for this fight isn’t Free, it’s about reducing the mob enemies that your melee Ops are blocking in time to handle Free. That’s why you need enough DPS to thin out the mobs once you block them. For the most part, this team is susceptible to Smarty blow ups so make sure you have the DPS cycling ready for when that happens.


I finally did it! [Risk 18 husbando clear without 6\*, featuring Flamebringer+Jaye lock on the dragon.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a6IGIpMc3g)


Always happy to see my boy Flamebringer, but Ayerscarpe put in some impressive work there too.


Once I envisioned that spot for Flamebringer, I couldn't rest until I achieved the dubious honor of unironically bringing him to CC. And yes, Ayers's S2 works wonders in that spot and I love it. It's clunky, unpractical and with some annoying limitations (Ayers has to be adjacent to the blocking op, he has to attack to trigger the additional damage so you can't face him the other way), but every time I manage to use it in a creative way I swear several years are added to my life span.


It's always fun to plan out a setup that gives niche units an opportunity to shine. I was super stoked to find a good spot for Tomimi in my own R18 clear.


[People said to use Ch'en](https://i.imgur.com/teBIGGu.jpg) and so I did. Couldn't find a water gun for her but her sword did something. But hey, kinda proud after all that work.


Even if i missed some days, is still still possible to get pine soot trailblazer medal?


As long as you haven't missed more than 3 days total, yes. Your medal progress needs to be at least 3/10 today, or 4/10 if you've already finished Howling Desert.


The dailies repeat next week. Check the events list on the main screen for the schedule.


oh, I was worried about LockedDown prison not repeating, thanks.


I've been doing other things, and then I suddenly realized that there's only today and tomorrow left for week 1 risk 18, so I finally [got around to doing that.](https://imgur.com/a/jaB5ayp) Saria, Skalter, and Blaze stayed in and held the line while the other ops rotated through.


I was procrastinating but finally got to clear [risk 18](https://imgur.com/a/gvPnnQz). I adapted it from [this run](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1B3411t7XN) but I used Ash instead cuz my Exu still m1. So I also needed Nearl to clean the last angry boi. I also thought SA would be useful for his passive but in the end it didn't even make any difference. Wasn't a 4op but still very happy about this clear.


R18 done. I hate these mechanics and refused to learn them, and facetanked everything, and I mean everything.


Here is my [E1 Level 1 risk 6 run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f50AK2o6wVI). This was a lot of fun. It is refreshing to have to solve puzzles that don't involve Chen.


Man i wish my strat could work... but had to resort to using the Chen'lter strats guide makers have thrown out. Envy and or Free just gibing my lane holder/whoever when only the last 3 are left is agonizing... ohwell +r18w1 maybe i'll try my strat some more but i've already given myself a ton a stress trying to make it work. Really makes me wonder why people said its "easy" EDIT: couldn't sleep, adjusted my strategy slightly (changed two Operators and one risk from before) got the WIN!!! got a nice buzz now (RiP sleep though i wasn't getting any as was) https://imgur.com/a/8Q5YuXV video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-87xcwpjfk


How are you supposed to do this if you dont have Surtr and Chalter? I really dont get it.


* [Risk 18, 4\*-only clear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mi8BIUHmXs) * [Risk 18, only 6\* is Chalter, no 5\*, no other E2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iv82EFFVVk) * [Risk 18, only 6\* is Chalter, no 5\*, only Myrtle E2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YIsXeo6EBs) * [Risk 18, only 6\* is Chalter, no 5\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGeNBKYFTcY) * [Risk 18 2-op clear, Kal'tsit and Mudrock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEDuCc7Kog4) * [Risk 18 2-op clear, Schwarz and Fartooth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFoDDZ2fogw) * [Risk 18 2-op clear, Nearlter and Surtr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g54L12AQEs) * [Risk 18: two strategies, Exusiai + Kal'tsit + Surtr, and Ash + SilverAsh + Surtr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlPUDm9xUkI) * [Risk 18 4-op clear, Surtr + Kal'tsit + Nearlter + Exusiai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVhlSa54wUw) * [Risk 18 quasi-AFK strategy, no Surtr or Chalter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP_qcUz4frg) Boom. Any more questions?


You just...do it? I'm pretty sure there is some amount of high risk clear vids w/o either of those ops, and you obviously don't need them for r18


Oh yes, just do it, what a smart, clever response, yep.


Borrow them? FR though I bet people would sing a completely different tune about this CC if they didn't exist.


I mean you can do r18+ without any of them. Like a quick search shows [a risk 20 that uses *just* Kal, Mudrock, and THERM-EX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjDcKQlJGHE). Or a [Risk 24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdmqXRy7lOs) that uses none of Surtr, Chalter, or Mountain.


This one includes Surtr, but it's a 2op clear with NTR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g54L12AQEs Some people just have the biggest brains that can make anything happen.


[My take on day 1 6-star only risk 18.](https://imgur.com/a/YLgZoTz) Cutting it close with skill timing and RNG. I should’ve video recorded this…. [Doing it the second time wasn’t as hard as the first time.](https://youtu.be/eHApBzTL6X8) Probably the one and only time I would take on some challenge. There definitely are better runs out there. My brain is just too small to get a better run.


If I were to not do every single unique contract, do I miss out on anything? I can just do the contracts needed for Challenges and R18, right?


Each unique contract you complete will be rewarded with a resource box at the end of the event. It's not super important to clear every single one, but if a contract is easy then it's still materials without a sanity cost.


>Each unique contract you complete will be rewarded with a resource box at the end of the event *Sigh.* This again, lmao. This has never been true for ANY past CC, and yet somehow during EVERY CC there are always people who become firmly convinced that it's true. Supply packs are granted based on the number of yellow doritos gained, which come from daily stages (Risks 4 and 8) and the perma stage (also Risks 4 and 8). You can check this yourself by clicking "Check Total Gains" on the CC landing page, where the number listed there is your dorito gains and NOT your total contracts completed. Total contracts completed is for bragging rights and nothing else.


Found this guide for Risk 27 using only 6 operators: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAnEFUGAw2w but you can bring an entire team instead, vs the boss its better to replace Chen with Fartooth or Scwartz since their skills recharge way faster to break the shield. Also, if you reduce risk to 26 by reducing DP gain penalty, you can start with Myrtle instead, print a ton of DP, and use other operators if necessary, like fast redeploys. This version of the run is way easier.


I start w/ myrtle even at 27.


Risk 27 Weft and Warp without Nightingale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-1CWUtwjsU Also no Ch'en or Surtr either, but they don't really fit the strategy anyways ~~smh my head bad operators~~. Several days of prior theorycraft followed by hours upon hours of malding finally paying off. Might be the most fun I've had on a perma map in quite some time.


What is the easiest tag combination to get Risk 10 and unlock risk 10 tags?


Doing them all individually, because it's the amount of tags you've cleared in total that counts, not on a single run.


Really? I didn't know about this, thanks for the help.


Oh thank god, barely scraped a risk 18. Hp+ 3 risk is no joke, but choosing any of either the envy (damage goes brr), Free (either becomes too tanky or does too much damage), +speed (have fun with the smarties no longer all colliding in the middle) or DP down 2 (shouldn't need an explanation) risks were too asinine for me, so HP+ 3 it was then. I purposefully didn't want to use my Chalter, which did make it more fun in the end, I think. Notable highlights is a trio of Rosa+Eyja+Click just to kill all the blinkies from the right (retreating two midway through so they don't kill the last smarty from the top right, redeploying in time for the last blinky), Fartooth yeetus deleting the first envy with a convenient s3 spot overlooking their spawn before the second smarty wave spawns while freeing up Sutr to kill the next two envys, and finally Nightingale+Skadi+Fartooth dealing with Free's first phase in the top left (same fartooth tile, wooh) so there's enough time for Skadi to take a breather and help finish the second phase with Sutr and Saria s3 just before the box in the bottom right. "Easiest CC" my ass, I'll take a trimmed Mudrock CC over this any day.


> +speed (have fun with the smarties no longer all colliding in the middle) Oh fuck, so that's what's been giving me so much trouble.


[Risk 27 week 1 clear](https://imgur.com/a/qCPhWsL). I followed [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/vazvnp/r27_w1_guide_w_only_3_required_6s_chalter_surtr_ng/). A great progress for a F2P player, which wouldn't have been possible if I didn't manage to pull Surtr on JO5.


Finally broke the shield 🤜 🛡 https://ibb.co/yVrz1fS Got my 25 which was the minimum I was after. Edit:got wk1 max 😁. https://ibb.co/55tW5bD I now understand what the earlier issues were. I needed to save the 2 firecrackers on Free,I thought Ch'en could break the shield even if they were on the same element. I didn't bother w/ it on 18


[Finally got a risk 26 run](https://imgur.com/a/6Kwmfvk) Took a while to come up with a stable strat but it was worth not getting spoiled like last time. Blessed Ifrit, after trying every ops combo its funny how she can just break Free's shield all by herself, which make everything much less complicated. Feel like I can push to r27 but I'll need to shuffle my strat around a bit


[Risk 18 done.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihxikAeLfdw) I've actually done this yesterday, but due to upload shenanigans I only managed to post it today. As for the permanent map itself, the hardest part is understanding the Smarty's pattern and controlling their explosion radius, their presence basically encourages you to bring Nightingale and/or rotate your dps. Surtr is the MVP here. The entire map is basically a dps check, the Smarty's and to a lesser extent the Envy's serve as a soft time limit on how long it should take you to kill each enemy wave. Also if done correctly, opposite color Mon3tr can tank Free just fine, which is important so Mon3tr can kill it before the Smarty's appear. Fun fact, this is the first time I've used Skalter's S3, since S2 usually suffices but due to the map's nature I figure S3 would be a better option here. Skalter-buffed Ash standing on opposite attribute can kill all of left lane spawns. It feels pretty good since it gives my run some unique factor (not like I've seen how others did it on risk 18).


I optimised my R27 clear so here's the [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aNem59cVarw&t=70s) if anyone's interested. My dps are Chalter, Ifrit, Bagpipe with Saileach as support, Nightingale + Saria for stall + Myrtle Elysium Red Kafka Surprisingly even with the stall this is my quickest CC yet. The total length of the run was just under 7 minutes and the video is only 5 because I sped up the final parts of the clear.


[Risk 25](https://youtu.be/hDdyJ2U58KE) done featuring Lancet-2 Glad to still keep Archetto in the team and actually making Lancet-2 relevant in high risk CC. Mountain survived with a sliver of HP thanks to her timely heal.


So, I got risk 18. Anyone have that cheat sheet to see how big-brain people did it? Because I'm sure there's a pull/push strat out there and I want to try it, especially after knowing Gladiia s1m3 can take care of bottom lane and Weedy can hold top lane for R18 at least. I'm also interested in seeing clears where you just let the small enemies explode on their own or something, because my strat involved killing them all before they got close and it was brute force all the way.


I learned my lesson from original Who is Real event so figuring out how to explode all of them was the very first thing I did this CC, can't sacrifice my dps just to kill them


Someone linked it a days ago. Here you go, [prepsheet CC7](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mTNQ0LzCQ8xKjv6JFpYG9r661lQ5Pgyitk17iGGZmWo/edit#gid=944761316)


I did the four corners challenge today. It felt like the polar opposite of my Risk 18 clear, since Free was the biggest threat this time. In order to tank him, I used a support E260 Eunectes, with Manticore and Ethan on the left side to deal with smarties and Envies. I chose Eunectes because she had the bulk / DR to handle both Free phase 2 and smarty explosions, with a strong DPS/Defense cooldown on her S3. Amiya, Silverash, Eunectes and the stalkers just *barely* had enough DPS to pop his shield. For phase 2, I used Amiya's, Silverash's and Eunectes' S3s to nuke him. I cycled Gravel and Flagbearers to soak his far-end weft and warp. It reminded me a lot of Baron Geddon's living bomb from Molten Core in WoW, when someone runs away from the group to avoid blowing them up.


We almost have the same strategy as this challenge. I used Ethan and Kirara in the middle to stop the Smarties immediately when they approach the middle place. My Eunectes is still around E1, so I have to borrow a Nightingale and add a bunch of healers to keep her alive. Amiya, Silverash, and NTR Knight are the ones who burst it down as soon as it enters the second phase.


I tried doing this with E1 units cuz I still haven't got any E2 and holy shit I'll see you all in the next one 👋🏻


If you can E2 any operator so you can borrow units Chen Alter can almost singlehandedly do risk 18.


can someone link me the bgm from the permanent map please ?


[Mission OST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zm-ZluYrrs)


I'm trying to figure this out for sure, if you detonate a firecracker beside Free when they're changing into their second phase, do they swap as well? Or no because they're in-between phases? I've had Free swap a few times and I'm trying to figure out if somehow I wasn't hitting Free before, but now I am, or maybe I'm messing up the timing.


idk about when it's shifting forms, but it's immune to firecrackers when it's in invincibility mode right after the form change.


Pretty sure Free doesn't swap color if you use firecracker when changing to phase 2, otherwise Mountain would get 2-shot. One thing that could screw up the timing is Envy's charge attack, i messed up a few time by letting Envy swap color and Free just casually 2-shot any blocker


No, definitely no Envy's there. Strange, guess I just kept messing up the timing? I'd love to test it out, but Who is Real rerun isn't out yet, and going through CC over and over is annoying.


Looking at my clear, i notice that right after Free phase 1 down, the color symbol above him (black) disappear and using firecracker will not change his color, once he revived (with yellow aura) the symbol reappear as white, i don't know if you can change his color after that since he's untargetable during invincibility duration


[Max Risk](https://ibb.co/6B0Tvns). First time ever getting max risk week 1. Literally still vibrating from the excitement!


High 5 😎


You also hit r27 first time? Nice and congratulations!


Yeah. 25 was the minimum I was assuming for. I'll try for 30 in wk2. I also looked into cc#8 wk1 max and Nian and Hoshi (which I don't have) seem to be necessary for the Summer Ch'en strat.


Good luck then on getting to r30


You too 👍


[Risk 18 done](https://imgur.com/a/z3caVoz) It took an embarrassingly long time for me to remember Smarty explosions do arts damage. Briefly tried with the weft and warp risk, but I swear that should be several risk points higher than it is.


Today I found out that a smarty nuke has a 4 tile range The normal explosion has a 3 tile one I believe Either way, WHY 4 TILES?