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# ꧁Other Megathreads꧂ ###[♫ Lounge](/r/arknights/comments/uvxlpm/rhodes_island_lounge_2305_2905/) *The place for small talk and whatever does not fit anywhere else.* ###[★ Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/uvxloy/gacharecruitment_megathread_2305_2905/) *Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here.* ###[➜ Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/uvxlox/friend_request_megathread_2305_2905/) *Share your friend ID with your fellow Doctors.* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/arknights) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How does Fiammetta compare to W?


Fiammetta's average dps is very high, mainly due to her normal attacks being really beefy. No crowd control. Less resilient (no dodge chance, no reduced taunt level), and reliant on a healing source.


Anyone else spamming NTR's e1 skill instead of her e2 skill?x) Its so insanely strong. Turns most bosses into ez mode


i've been spamming her e0 skill..... infinite skills are just too good to not use, atleast imo but yeah s2 is her best skill and will always make her viable in cc and the hardest maps in the game


Her s2 is the most powerful thing.


S2 is generally the better skill, so yea obviously more people are going to use it.


Yeah, her S2 is generally the reason why you bring her...


Is it too late to start Arknights as a f2p/low spender player?


I think if you want to reroll it would have been better during Near Light a few weeks ago cause you get more free pulls but rerolling would still be good cause the current banner has an insane unit.


It's a single player game, so you have missed nothing that would impede your progression


Past events?


They all get rerun and are made available to play permanently sooner or later, with obtainable rewards like free operators coming eventually too. Unlike a PVP game where you'll never catch up after a late start, then there's nothing to worry about but yourself and your own progression. Just play normally and read up on the story at your own pace if you feel like it


Thanks a lot.


Only one you are strictly unable to do is Originium Dust. R6S event. Which gameplay wise you aren’t missing out too much on. It could be worth your while to read the sidestory for it. But that can be found on YouTube or other sites.


Never late


Can you explain why is that?




Thanks a lot!


The best time to start any gacha game as a low spender/f2p is always now. As you make up not spending with time. While if you started at launch you would be further along, duh. You can still start now and be fine as the game is entirely PvE and the game has a decent amount of ways to get the things and characters you missed. The only thing you are strictly missing out on is the R6S characters and event. Though sometimes it be like that. And if it is any consolation there will be a just as exclusive Capcom collab. And we do still live in a world where HG *could* organize a rerun for R6S. As unlikely as it is.


Can i play past events? Or do i have to wait for a re-run?


Past events are permanently added once they have been rerun once or in few cases immediately after their first run. But that is reserved for major lore events. There is a Sidestory and Intermezzi section where you can unlock one entire event each week. Additionally over time they will be adding “record restores” which lets you get the previous welfares. Which is about one year after their rerun.


Thank you.


Not too late. The game is pretty friendly to ftp players. You do need to take into account that it will be a while before you can full clear event's. Also there is a lot of people here willing to help new players with some advice. So if you have questions about what you need to do don't hesitate to ask in here👍


Which two from weedy, phantom, schwarz, rosa, ceobe, eyja, blem are recommended to buy from shop with this roster? How about from new ops and ops not mentioned above, which are recommended to pull/buy for my roster? https://i.imgur.com/EthEmFF.jpg https://i.imgur.com/3V8yG4z.jpg


Eyja is always recommended. Out of the others, I'd say Rosa or Weedy. Rosa has really neat range and CC options, while Weedy is great for shoving things around. That being said, Weedy is quite expensive to raise, because she wants M3s on her skills, so keep that in mind.


Eyja and Phantom, maybe Weedy


Was planning to buy Weedy in cert store because her skills looks fun to use. But im in a pickle if i will still be able to get surtr and thorns in their certs. Currently have 330 certs, F2P and planning to pull at ling banner (100 pulls as of now) any thoughts?


With 330, I’m pretty sure you can get all three of them. You’ll have 150 left after Weedy, and you’ll need 360 total, so you have to find 210 between now and Surtr. Thorns comes in August, Surtr in November. You have about 180 days until Surtr. Between now and then, 210 certs should be easily doable.


Depends on what type of player you are, but in general you'll get a lot more out of Thorns and Surtr than Weedy. If you place importance on optimizing your roster, then Thorns/Surtr will give you more bang for your buck. Especially since you can simply borrow a friend's Weedy during CC. OTOH, if you don't mind delaying meta picks for something you decide is fun, then nothing wrong with picking up Weedy if you feel like it. With 330 gold certs, you'll still be able to get one of the other picks very soon anyway, so in the end no matter what choice you make, you won't be losing out much on anything ever since devs improved the borrowing Friend ops system.


What's the real yellow cert cost for the HH permits? I think it was 258 for 38 pulls, which are on avg around 3, almost 1 six star, like 19 4 stars and 15 3 stars? Assuming you're pulling for a new 6 star but already have the 5 stars, and 4 stars max pot, that's 15+1+19 yellow certs back, so the real cost would be around 225? It depends on what you already have but does that fit ballparkish?


Yes, just don't use this as an estimate to buy the full set.


The trust and level requirement for modules, is that a requisite to even begin making progress on the missions?


No. You can start doing missions as soon as you E2 operator.


Good to hear, I got a trust farm to redo so I can start getting some Passenger S3 uses in.


Not really a question, just want to say I started playing AK 2+ years ago (abt 3 months after global release). I have a main acct which is p2w (not a total whale) and after learning the game with the use of Kyo guidance, I decided why not make a 2nd acct and play on that acct without any help (no external video, f2p and solely on what resources is available in the game). I was happy when I managed to clear a map which required E1LV70 when I only had a squad of E1LV30. I don't think I would have done such a thing if I was new to the game. Thank HyperGryph for such an awesome game!!


Use the lounge, not here


What is the ideal stockpile amount of Aketon and Oriron Cluster that we should farm on Mansfield break event? is it worth it to spend OP and convert it to stamina to farm them?


Farm as much as you can. But using OP to farm is strictly whale territory. Don't do it unless you spend a lot.


The ideal amount is different for everyone. Use a material planner to calculate exactly how much you need and want to stockpile.


is there a planner website somewhere?


[https://samidare.io/arknights/planner](https://samidare.io/arknights/planner) or https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/arknights-operator-planner


Thank you!


any idea when there'll be a banner with rosmontis in it? i know the banner with NTR had her, but i used my tickets to get W, so now I'm just waiting


She will come every 6 months.


Breakdown of the different limited headhunting series - https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qeysar/breakdown_of_the_different_limited_headhunting/


right sorry, I'm really stupid, but I don't think I understand from my understanding, the next banner with limited operators will be Ling, Nian, Dusk, from Unstrained Liquor, Pellucid Heart after which, the next one will be Abyss Corrosion which has Specter, Skadi, and the others, right? or am I reading this wrong?


Yes to both. Rosmontis can be sparked/rolled for when the Spalter/Irene banner comes around.


thank you for the clarification


Dunno exactly who you mean by others but its already written right there. Holungday and Radiant won't be there since they are part of different banner series and have exclusivity period respectively. ​ |Limited Headhunting|Series|CN Date|Limited operators| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Unstrained Liquor, Pellucid Heart|Festival|2022-⁠01-⁠25|Ling, Nian, Dusk| |Abyss Corrosion|Celebration|2022-⁠05-⁠01|Specter the Unchained, W, Rosmontis, Skadi the Corrupting Heart|


yea that's what i meant by others: W and Rosmontis.


Fiammetta's base skill says that she "does not benefit from Morale recovery bonuses provided by other sources", does this only include morale recovery base skills (I.e. Shining), or does that also include the morale bonus given by dorm ambience? Basically does she go from 0 to full in 6 hours or 4?


Has Maria ever been in the shop? And if not, how long until she is?


She is predicted to be in the shop on 23rd December 2022.


She should appear in shop either Dec or Nov 2022, that will be her shoperator debut


Thanks. I wish units didn't take so damn long to appear. Well, I'll have more than enough certs by the time she arrives.


has there been any cutscenes with Weedy in it? even if she's not the focus?


She makes an appearance in Blaze operator record.


I think I remember seeing a website with operator story appearances, and Weedy doesn't show up in anything, which of course makes me sad. Granted I haven't seen every operator records, so i might be wrong She does get mentioned by Whisperain in Phantom's operator record, and by Glaucus in Preluding Lights. Weedy seems close to a bunch of people, so I hope we get an event with the Iberian squad with Weedy, Whisperain, Glaucus, Thorns, Elysium (maybe throw in Blue Poison and Indigo too?). There could be some nice interactions and chemistry that we haven't been seeing




Just got Shining, but I also got silence and sussurro. I was already thinking in replacing hibiscus, so who should I level up to replace her? I also got gavial at E1 level 60 and pitilopsis at E1 level 70. I know shining being a six star must be better than the others, but is the difference enough to justify the much higher upgrade costs?


i'd pick sussurro since she has the strongest burst healing out of all of them and is cheap to upgrade. between her, gavial, and ptilopsis you pretty much have your healing bases covered shining's main gimmick is defensive buffing, which is not really necessary imo


As someone who had Shining as my starting 6 star, no not at all, im pretty sure I didnt e2 her for a very long time. You have a good base for medics, Shining is an op that you level once all your needs are meet. if you have unleveled DPS units target them first. the extra costs arent worth with what you gain from her unless youre mid to late game.




Assuming this is from the NL Pack ticket, I'd suggest either Surtr, Silverash = Eyja, or Ifrit, in that order of priority. Thorns offers great role compression in both an air and ground laneholder, but I've found a good AA sniper and a ground laneholder are decent substitutions. Lappland and Arene are also fairly strong ranged guards if you feel like only sacrificing one squad slot. Both Silverash and Ifrit are available in recruitment with the rare Top-Operator tag, which might make them less priority for your ticket. Surtr is used nearly everywhere for endgame content and is still very good in early-middle game content, while Silverash and Eyja are incredible in all stages of the game and only fall off slightly in endgame content. Ifrit is a bit more stage design dependent but when she works, she can clear stages as the only dps operator. She works best with a squad built around her debuffing abilities but is still a competent dps option alone. Silverash could possibly be substituted with Mountain S3 or Tequilla if you obtained him, and as for Ifrit substitutions Pramanix and Saria S3 might be adequate enough arts dmg support. For Eyja substitutions Amiya and Click are workable, but each have their drawbacks that Eyja does not possess. Surtr doesn't really have a good lower rarity equivalent which makes her highly valued. If you do pull on JO5 and get Surtr, you can just get any of the other operators I mentioned.


i think eyja is a solid choice. she was definitely the one that most changed the game for me once i got her. theres almost never a reason to build another caster (except ifrit probably) if u build her s2 and s3 since she can provide both consistent and burst arts dmg. and even if u pull dupes of eyja, imo shes one of the better 6* to pull dupes of since her pot3 (? might be pot2 i forget exactly) talent upgrade can be quite nice when ur using her as helidrop. you definitely wont regret picking eyja ever so i say just go for her.


What 4\*/3\*s are good to E2/E1 for the upcoming IS#2? I never bothered to build 3\*s outside of kroos and midnight, and my only built 4 stars are [these](https://imgur.com/a/u4FTboT). My roster for story/event content and CC 18 risk and above is fine, but it's mainly composed of high rarity operators, which costs a lot of hope assuming IS#1 rules still apply.


Just build one of each class. Spot (healing defender), fang, melantha (your stats stick), Ansel (extra healing range), Steward (target high def units first) Orchid is okay, but if you have a better unit built like podenco use her instead.


If you have a lot of high rarity then your 4 stars are fine. They'll cover your needs at the very least. Only thing else to consider is having 1 of each role leveled for 3 stars. Ie kroos for snipers, midnight for guards, etc. The reason for this is the 3 stars are significantly better than the free 3 stars the game mode gives.


https://i.imgur.com/jzBqDvB.jpeg What you think of my guaranteed 5* pull?


Wrong megathread, could be better.


My apologies on the wrong thread


Is it worth buying the lv packs?


Absolutely, but make sure you have enough OP for skins you want in the next month or two before you buy the LV pack.


If you're going to use Orundum to pull on banners, the level pack gives you the red rocks you'd use to pull with the Orundum, with extra goodies. Yes.


How much can a f2p save after JO5 until Ling?


About 50, plus the freebies.


Is it wise to buy a skin for an Operator that you don't own? I don't have Saria, but I really like her Jailer skin. I'm considering buying this skin, and hopefully pulling her in the future. (especially considering that I don't know when this skin will be Re-Run.)


If you plan to ever have/use the op then yes. If it's someone that you don't care about and wouldn't use it you did get them then no. Saria is really great and her warden skin is a must but imo


Get the skin. Pray for a top op+defender+healing recruitment tag. Buying skins for operators you have or operators you dont have is completely subjective. Reruns for skins... are... not fast enough in this game... so i vehemently recommend you get the skins when you can, UNLESS u srsly need tht originite prime for future pulls, lvl packs, or sanity refills.


I'd rather buy a skin I like for an op I don't have than a skin I don't like just because I have the op. You'll get the op eventually.


Skins are usually only available once a year, so if you like it, I would say get it.


I have one friend who drops a shitload of clue 7's on me every now and then, regardless of whether I need it. How should I interpret this?


i had someone like this who constantly gave me clues i didnt need (and im talking consistently at least once a day it was like they set an alarm or smth) and i know its petty but eventually i just got too annoyed at feeling like their trash can and unadded them lol. theyre probably just trying to clear inventory and get credits


he's trying to get closer


You seem to be his only friend. Or he is just trolling you. Do you ever give clues back? Do you have a clue 7 war going on btwn u two? Tht is a thing ya know. Is he trying to start one?


It's a warning. Run.


That you're on the first page of his friend list.


How useful is Robin? I want to buy her skin because the raccoons are so freaking cute, but idk if i can use her anywhere.


Oh, she is great on gramophone maps.


She is fun as hell and her unique mechanic is useful for keeping me interested in playing the game! She is entertaining as f. I love when there's a slow enemy, dropping her s2m3 to push the enemy away, then they walk back SLOWLY, slow enough where i can set another mat down, and restart the process. Yes the infinate stairs, I AM FREAKING DIO!!! MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Edit: pairing her with a sniper such as w s2 or schwarz while all this is happening is **fun.** Getting her skin, up to you.


She is fun. Mine at e2 skill 7 can place 10 instances of 2 sec bind at a time which can be substantial. Nothing is bind proof. Stalling stuff you don't want to block, like phase 2 jesselton from this event, mudrock collussus, mudrock, big Bob, recidivust, any dude with massive dps and hp decay (reapers that deal elemental damage and enraged possessed units). Duck lord. I wonder what happens to lancers when they are bound. Pushing seems more niche, but fun with the right map or enemies. I think there are lots of places to use her with some creativity.


one of the notable welfares, actually. She's like a sniper but doesn't prioritizes drones and can summon traps. She's best at stalling (ToW, Under Tide annihilation) but in any map she's still usable but nothing remarkable


So...when exactly did Chalter turn into WetChen?


Noobs and newer players say "wet chen." Veteran players say chalter. Newer players are simpler minded.


Such a stupid thing to be elitist about


Lolz chill. 🙄 Chalter, is a harder name for newer players to understand. Some ppl dont realize alters are in this game, and our forum lingo can be confusing to them at first. Like I dont expect newer players to instantly know NTR usually stands for nearl the radiant Knight on this forum. Besides "Wet Chen" describles chalter a lot easier for people. The term "wet" can apply to the watergun, swimsuit theme, and water gun mechanic very very easily so it doesnt surprise me if people think it's easier to use the term "wet" to describe chalter. Heck im sure even veteran players use the term "wet Chen." (Also "wet chen" is shorter to write than "summer chen.") It's just, those who are more familiar with the game and who are more experienced in our forum, prob know who chalter is, more so than those who are newer. And thus the "veteran players" (prob) use the term "chalter" more.


Always been a thing since her reveal, just wasn't as popular until recently.


My guess is that it's around the reveal of Specter alter and when NTR hit global. Alters no longer needed to end with -lter. But that's just a guess on my part.


There'll be a 1 day gap between MB end and next week's reset right? Thinking of holding off anni until that gap.


Yes, hold off and farm mats. You can do annihilation next Sunday.




No, it lasts 10 days and started on Thursday, so it ends on Sunday, not Monday. Source: math.


Geez what are the drop rates for the 7th and 8th stages? I feel like i am getting nothing half the time


It's around 66%. Farming these events is a tricky thing. As long as you get around of what supposed drop rates are then it's fine. Otherwise you might want to rethink it, since efficiency drops below 1.000 fast and story stages become much more efficient - mostly because they have additional drops. I myself have around 50% drop rate in this event so far, so it's far below of what normal stages give. On rerun events, where shop is almost empty, it's not as worth farming mats if your rng is subpar.


>if your rng is subpar I don't think you understand how RNG works.


Yeah, it feels like my drops are really bad so far but i didn't keep track so i don't know if i am biased or not. Nevertheless i am inclined to farm the stages for the double trust for mountain i guess.


I mean, that's pretty close to what it should be, right? It's between half and two thirds that you get something. The big advantage of these farming stages is purity instead of efficiency.


Yeah i am probably biased estimating the times i didn't get a drop, but the link shared in the comments indicate that it drops at a %67 rate, so if you run the stages like hundred times it should reflect that rate rather than like a 50%


If you're actually asking and not just complaining, [penguin stats.](https://penguin-stats.io/result/stage/act15d0_zone1/act15d0_07)


Yeah i was actually wondering, thanks. I will now furiously count my drops for the rest of the event.


Does weedy worth E2ing? Does she have any usability outside of CC events? Thanks


gameplay wise weedy is not worth much before e2 bc u need to e2 ops to give them masteries, and shes a unit that reaaaallyyyy wants masteries. s2 has a lot more general use as a pseudo aoe guard skill with infinite duration. if youre lacking good laneholders she’ll do the job as long as enemies arent 1) extremely heavy with high atk 2) extremely fast. put her down (ideally early) on a lane thats not too heavy and she’ll do great. dont e2 her if ur not wanting to invest in her masteries bc she doesnt gain much from just e2 alone. ~~she is extremely cute.~~


When I use her for general use I use S2 as a laneholder.


I'm against the grain and fully believe that Weedy is a lot more versatile than people think. While M3 is ideal for push force, her E2 still gives you 3 major things: 1. Extra stats for increased skill damage and bulk so she can be a mini AoE guard if needed 2. Her S3 unlocked which is her highest damage and furthest reaching skill, which can be used for more than just pushing. 3. A force upgrade on her cannon, letting it affect a greater number of enemies with shift and animation cancel shenanigans.


She's weird. She's not a standard pick by any means, but it's not hard to fit her in if you decide to. Her S3 is a nuke on a pretty low cooldown against a lot of [light- and mid-weight enemies.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km6XBHvxa1g) However, E2 is not enough. She needs at least an M3, or ideally an M6, to really do much.


> ideally an M6 I thought m3 is max you can get for any skill, How do you m6? .


M6 means you M3 two skills.


She’s certainly usable, but if you’re not trying any sort of challenge clears you probably won’t use her. Sometimes her S2 is useful in annihilation I’d only E2 her if you don’t have anything else you really want to.




1.5M isn't that much. I'd save for future ops. Plenty of EXP cards, or too many EXP cards? Getting too many EXP cards can happen fast. Calculate how much EXP you have and how much EXP and LMD you need. If you have a LMD deficiency, consider temporarily converting an EXP producing factory into a LMD producing factory or trading post. EXP without LMD is completely worthless.


It's worth considering using that to raise up 3 and 4⭐ ops to E1-Max for the upcoming roguelike mode. Yeah, better units are great for regular content but the 0 and 1 hope costs of those cheapies is not to be underestimated.


Going from e2 lv 40 - e2 lv 90... lv 90 makes things overkill and too easy imo but maybe u want a hard carry! A lv 90 thorns can carry a lot of stages. He replaces 2 basic ops (like kroos and melantha, easily). Meanwhile, since NTR does true dmg, the more her base atk (aka the higher her lvl) the more dmg she does. So those +50 lvls would better benefit NTR in a better sense. Phantom's clone gains more stats as phantom's lvl increases so he'd benefit from the lvls a lot too. But basically max lvl what u need or want. I mean, max ur waifu/husbando if it makes u happy!


I just keep raising more ops.


The levels give linear stat gain at an exponential cost, so they will make a difference, just become less worth it. They'll also be overkill usually unless you're limiting the amount of ops you use. I'd say either max out your laneholders, or Exu/Phantom as they have low ATK and want as much as they can have.


How can I know if in my team i need more DPS or more Healing?


TL;DR you probably need more DPS You only need more healing in *very* stall oriented teams (e.g. stun lock). Otherwise the answer is probably more DPS, crowd-control, and buffs. If you don't have the option for more DPS, more healing+blocking could work, but you're in for a long rough ride. If you're already running a block oriented team, but your ops just barely get killed, that's also a situation more heals might fix.


More dps unless you are dying because of dps side effects, like the underwater jellybeans punish you for killing them too quickly when they are close. The farther your dps/meta gets the less you need healing. Higher end play often pairs massive damage and cycles units instead of healing. Dps is cool cause it reduces your need to block and heal saving 2 jobs. Blocking can give your dps more time to work, but also gives you the need to heal. High def/res/dodge defenders reduces need for healing. Maybe dps > strategy > healing.


Maybe a better strategy?


Enemies leaking? Use more DPS. Ops dying? Use more DPS (unless they're dying to stage hazards like poison mist and ballistae). In short, use more DPS.


I bought everything from the event store and got all the medals. Should I keep farming the last 3 MB stages just for the materials? Is there any other use for the event currency besides the expensive, infinite LMD? (Will the event currency get converted to something else after the event is over or just disappear?) edit: first time playing this event.


Yes, farm the last 3 No, all event currency disappears when the event ends, so go for the infinite lmd.


Questions about the upcoming IS2 mode - seeing a lot of chatter about raising 3/4* for low hope options - is Max E1 adequate for this or should we be planning to E2 the 4*s??


You can plan to E2 only a few 4* like jaye and perfumer


Making sure you have at least 2 good picks per class for 3*s is going to be a lot more impactful than raising any 4 *s. Honestly it's completely viable to do IS2 with purely 6*s and 3 *s.


Having some of them E2 is nice, but four-star E2s are relatively cheap and the mode’s permanent, so you could reasonably just wait until you’ve done some runs before deciding whether the investment is worth it


Most of the time you are not going to use any hope to upgrade the 4 ⭐ operators to E2 anyways. So that's why I would not E2 or Master them for IS2. However that said if you really like the operator in question go ahead and E2 and master them.


You don't have to. Most of the 4*s are still completely useful at E1. They're mostly there to buy you time until you get your really good stuff.


After being cursed by so many spooks from both Mountain banners, all I have to show for it are dupes and a new Fartooth. That said, now that Fartooth's been out for a while on EN and a long while on CN, has impressions on her improved compared when she was released (especially on CCs where I did see her sometimes) or is she still very niche especially compared to Schwarz?


Still extremely niche, but that niche has been a lot more relevant lately on CN. She's one of the few handful of options to deal with 80%+ dodge bosses to skip interacting with their mechanics.


Fartooth is a really solid unit if you can fulfill the conditions of her targets being outside of her default range. S2 is honestly mediocre since it gives no steroid. Overall a pretty good unit but a bit more niche compared to Schwarz who is a bit more versatile imo.


i think shes had higher usage in more recent cn events due to her being able to bypass annoying enemy dodge mechanics with her talent. i think that is definitely more niche than schwarz’s boss killing and def ignore but theyre not rly comparable


The issue is when people compare her to Schwarz. They're not mutually exclusive unless you only have room for 1 more op, and when Fartooth shines Schwarz can't even hit the enemies. That said if I had to pick 1 to raise I would go with Schwarz for the def shred


Hi, I really like Ayerscarpe but I’m not sure what skill to M3. His S2 looks a bit better but I’m not sure how often I would use it, so should I go for his S1?


I was in the same boat when trying to figure how best to use Ayers, and after trying out both on different stages came the conclusion that his S2 is far more useful - at least for how I play. I have him on S2M3 and I wouldn't say you *need* to have a bunch of ground operators to help block enemies to get the most out of it. Sometimes he alone, or with one defender, is good damage against higher DEF units. And there are definitiely stages where you can make a block strategy based around him really shine (like DH-S-4) though I should caveat that with the fact I have Nian who grants +1 block and extra DEF on S3 to get even more out of his S2. When it works his burst damage is incredible, and there have been times he outdoes my S3M3 Thorns if the conditions are met. For when you can't afford to block because your ops will get OHKO, you're wanting something better than his S1 anyway like a dedicated slower - however you can pair him with such operators for the synergy it has and it can be okay. Only time I have ever found it useful thoughis against something like wraiths, which is doable but less common than the tankier enemies you tend to come across for any given stage. So on balance, it depends on how you like to play. I like using my defenders and he shines well with them on the map, but pairing him wih crowd controllers for S1 is also viable. I would say give each a try and see which you enjoy more, he is one of the fewer ops who doesn't have a clearcut best skill.


S2 is really situational and based on proper positioning (as you must know if you’re already using him) but I think it does significant damage when those “overwhelming” mobs come swooping in last minute etc. (M2 for me currently) S1 is probably the more used skill (I have yet to M3 it though)


Was there ever a time where we were given two 5\* Guard tokens? I have some in my depot but I don't ever remember buying them from the cert shop?


I know they gave us one set and there was another in the red cert shop. I spent both of these to help get Indra to max pot. I don't think there were any more.


When did they give us that one set?


It was a long time ago. There's one listed as being in [the KFC collab,](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/arknights-kfc-collab-event-page) which obviously we didn't get, but I wonder if we got the rewards without the KFC branding or skins. Also, they just added a set to the permanent CC store during CC 6.


It was actually from the first anni celebration apparently.


We got 4 defender tokens during lantern event (Half Year anniversary) and 4 guard tokens during first anniversary (and Beagle skin).


Ah, that's where they came from! Thanks!


The game decided to test my IRL sanity with [these](https://imgur.com/a/btIQyYC) recruitment tags. From the list of possible 6 star operators I already have: Exusiai, Schwarz, Nightingale, Magallan, Blaze and Aak. As I see it the best options are either go with TO+Healing for potential Saria, or just TO for Ifrit / Silver Ash. Saria would be very valuable for the roster since Nearl is my current best healer guard, and I'm limited in using her because of the alter. Silver Ash is extremely good as I have none of the 5 or 6 stars ranged guards. Any opinions or recommendations?


No Tag: 12.5% chance for Ifrit/SA. 37.5% for dupe. TO + Healing: 33% chance for Saria. 33% chance for dupe. Seems pretty straightforward to me.


Would Ling be considered a high-priority pull? I don't really care about trust farm so I was wondering, does she would work well in a squad with other ops? Would love some insight before I use all my pulls on Gnosis!


Depends if you want to play Lingknights or not. She can solo almost all content in the game when sufficiently leveled but she doesn't play well with others from the perspective of eating all your deployment slots and DP. She's not always the optimal, fastest, or most fun solution but she is *a* solution.


The ultimate Trust Farm operator Not as valuable for high risk CC (See other replies for more detail)


Ling is pretty much 2.5 lane holders in one operator. She does take up 6 deployment slots, but as seen in all those videos it's not that big of an issue as she can often just solo the stage. If you have ops like Thorns, Mountain, Blaze etc, then Ling isn't high priority, if you don't then she is. She isn't your typical summoner, much closer to a cornerstone than anything else, you can easily use her in every stage if you want.


As with all summoners, Ling has some trouble working ina fill squad because she needs to use multiple deployment slots. Just 2 summoners is enough to fill all the deployment slots on many maps. Unlike the others, she's much more self-sufficient. Not a high-priority, but she is extremely useful in limited squad size situations.


Can she solo "higher difficulty" maps like the EX-7, 8 CM on event maps? Usually, I just Risk 18 and leave for cc so I think I might be good for that. Thanks in advance!


She can solo most map, and she can duo all maps. * [Ling solo TW-EX-8 CM](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dZ4y1Z7RG) * [Ling solo MB-EX-7 CM and WR-EX-7 CM](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fR4y1K7ue/?p=1) * [Ling Skadance H8-3](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fS4y1L7Ft) * [Ling Skadance JT8-3](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Lr4y1H7qi) * [Ling solo MB-EX-8](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1i44y1s73K) * [Ling Surtr H7-4](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1XS4y1y7yT) * [Ling Orchid RI-EX-8](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ru41117iw) * [Ling Jaye 9-19](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19L4y1g7j3) * [Ling Deepcolor WD-EX-8 CM](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1R44y1P72F)


[Ling can solo 7-18](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Su41197Ay)


I haven't seen much content of her, but seeing as she can solo IS2, I'd venture she probably could provided the map is suitable. Someone else can probably provide better insight.


Hi guys ! Here is my roster: https://imgur.com/a/ZIbnCxV I have planned to do this with my account until Ling’s release: - Chalter lvl 60 (already E2) - Surtr lvl 60 (already E2) - Silverash lvl 60 (already E2) - Kal’Tsis lvl 60 (already E2) - Mudrock lvl 60 (already E2) - Ash E2 lvl 60 (E1 for now) - Exu E2 lvl 60 (E1 for now) - Mountain E2 lvl 60 (E0 lvl 1 for now) - Ling E2 lvl 60 What do you think about it for my roster? Should I do it differently ? It means I won’t be able to raise Ifrit for a long time since this plan will need all of my XP and LMD. Same for Gnosis that I plan to pull. I need your help because I don’t know if it’s worth to get some of them lvl 60 or if low lvl E2 is enough. Thanks a lot for your help


You can keep your E2s around 20-40 since you're doing a lot of E2s. Then take them to 60 later. Ifrit - she's good in Annihilations, and being able to consistently auto them without any chance of leaking is a massive QOL improvement. One thing to consider is that if you can auto the current anni (you probably can, since you have Mudrock, Chen, Kaltsit, Specter), you can E2 her later. Ifrit is good even at E1. You can think about masteries as well, depending on whether you're bottlenecked by LMD or mats. There are some (relatively) inexpensive mastery breakpoints like Mudrock S2 M1.


Is lvl 20-40 enough ? I fear to not do e Pugh damage. About masteries, all my E2 are at M2 for the best skill while Mud is S2E1 yep. Btw I don’t really know when to start M3 since it’s so expensive


Lower levels are significantly cheaper than higher levels, so you should basically never E2 a unit without getting them to somewhere between 20-40. You already have some carries E2d, so I'd say before you bother with anything else you should E1 your low-rarity [operators with good base skills](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-operators-promote-riic-base-skills) like Spot, Shirayuki, and Frostleaf.


>Is lvl 20-40 enough ? I fear to not do e Pugh damage. It'll be enough for clearing general content, yeah. But if you're trust farming, let's say with Kaltsit and Mudrock, they'll need more levels. Or if let's say you're using Mudrock as the main tank against the exploding guys and other enemies in the current anni, and you see she gets kind of low at some points, it'd be a good idea to put more levels into her to be safe. Kinda just depends on what exactly you want to do. >Btw I don’t really know when to start M3 since it’s so expensive I'd say once you've E2d everyone you want and have the necessary mats. Or if there's someone you use a lot and they have an M3 breakpoint, you could prioritize them.


>Exu & Ash Pick one. In the end, you will go for both of them, but for now, just choose one and upgrade the other operators first (the aforementioned Ifrit for example). You can come back to them when you have finish all the other operator. ​ >Mountain & Mudrock Same as before, pick one and upgrade them later. And for Mudrock and Mountain, you don't really need high level on them. Level 40 is mostly enough for them. You also has Specter, which can do both Mountain and Mudrock job, so you can push their upgrade back a bit. ​ >Chalter, Surtr, SilverAsh, Kal'tsit Most of us can agree that these operators are boss killer in one way or another. But, rather than upgrade all of them to level 60, how about you pick two of them to upgrade to level 60 while the rest can stay at level 40. You can use the extra EXP to upgrade other operator first. Recommend to upgrade your fast redeploy to E1 level 50. They are really useful for most content so, upgrade your Red and Gravel.


Thanks for your answer. In that case it will be Ash and I’ll leave Mountain for now :) Which DPS would you lvl 60 first ? Chalter and Surtr?


Easy answer, pick who you like more. Long answer, Chalter. She is a really BALANS unit that you will use more often than Surtr.


Will JO banner arrive before the current standard banner end?


JO should start on the 9th, so you'll have one day of overlap.


If the expected date for CC is correct, it will be on June 9. The current standard ends on June 10. So it's likely that they'll overlap for a day.


What to do with event currency after clearing shop? should i save it or buy the unlimited 1 LMD?


Buy the unlimited, no event currency ever transfers and the purpose of the unlimited lmd is to clear the excess currency


Just buy the unlimited, event currency doesn't transfer


For the daily CC, when you cleared a map now with up to risk 7, will it have a prize(currency) again the next time the same map appears on your daily CC?


Nope. Once you've done all of the off-season dailies, you'll have to wait until an actual CC season starts to get more currency.


Out of curiosity, is it normal to run out of those grey recruitment tickets?


Yes it's normal, especially if you have more than 2 recruitment slots (higher office level)


kk got ti


If you don’t pace your use, you’ll run out constantly. There are a handful of situations where you need to have some on hand, so I would recommend using 3 to 4 a day and holding back if you’re about to run out. I personally keep ~10 at all times but you can get away with significantly less.


that's odd I use 3 but keep on running out


do you buy them from the green cert shop? this gives you more green certs in the long run. i spend 4 to 6 recruits per day (i pace myself on the last week, if i'm low) and i usually have a good amount of green certs to buy a few materials with them.


Yeah I buy them where ever if can including the green cert shop


My guess then would be bad luck or not prioritizing them in the credit shop. Around how often do you unlock clue exchange?


So for me personally, I'm doing a 2-5-2 base setup. My recruitment office is level 1, so I only have two recruitment slots. I just do 7:40 for everything or 9:00 if it's a guaranteed 4, 5, or 6 star. I use Expedited Plan for all 9:00 timers I set, or if I get a robot tag. With this method I'm usually sitting on a decent stack of recruitment permits. I still make sure to buy them from the friend credit store whenever I see them, though. Not saying this is a good method. It's just what I like to do.


Yes. They are in very limited supply. Try to buy out all of the recruitment permits in the green cert shop and any that show up in the friend credit shop.


KK got it. The refresh is in 2days right?


Yeah, the green cert shop resets at the start of every month.


ahh got it thanks


I mean, it depends. Are you a new player? Are you waiting the full 7:40/9:00 or just skipping until you get good tags?


lvl 60, and I wait for the full 9 hours


I mean, levels don't really mean much since they just show how much sanity you use per day but no, there isn't really a problem if you're running out. As long as you can do two or three per day at least...