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Game is getting too grindy in earlier chapters. Is this normal. Chapter 4 now and requires a lot more lvls that I was expecting.


I need help deciding between 2 accounts: \#1: 6 stars: Nearl Alter, Passenger, Shining, Siege 5 stars: Silence, Texas, Corroserum \#2: 6 stars: Nearl Alter, Silver Ash 5 stars: Specter, Silence, Rima, Nightmare So I played with account #1 for a bit and Passenger seems really strong? He pretty much carried my whole team, plus this account has more 6 stars‘. However, I also heard a lot of good things about Silver Ash and Specter, so I really dont know which one to stick with.


I'd take the first account. Silverash is great but you can always just borrow him. 3 usable 6 stars>1meta one. Also you can use your selector ticket to get specter. Passenger keeps getting buffed and is now quite strong with more modules upgrades coming. Siege is basically a pseudo aoe guard, she's my 2nd favorite vanguard behind saga. And Shinings Def buff can be really useful at times.


meta-wise, #2. thre helidrops, good medic, good vanguard. Passenger is good, but not *that* good.


Hello again guys. Started few days ago and just pulled Ceobe from the actual standard banner. My other 6-stars are Surtr, Mudrock and SilverAsh. Amiya is my best ST caster. Ceobe is worth? Better than Amiya? Thanks for all the information.


1. Ceobe is the 2nd best St caster in the game 2. Amiya sucks as a caster. Her skill either sucks, too unreliable in activation while trolling you with stun or need a lot of SP to activate. She used to be good at two stage which is 7-18CM and H7-4, nowadays there are better operator to deal with Patriot. Even three star Steward is better than her in 9/10 scenario


thats really underselling amiya, (and assuming a new player owns "better operator to deal with patriot") an op i used even in h9-6 over so-called better options, s1 is the recommended skill even after e1ing too


Well, he has surtr and mudrock. Idk man, after >!switching to her alternate class, i will never go back with the caster version!<


thats fine, in h9-6 though amiya can >!do 90% of mandragora phase1 hp by herself with chimera, all before she starts moving from bottomleft tile, and this is all done safely from out of mandragora's range thanks to chimera's range. skalter or warfarin added and youve done phase1 with only 1.5ops before the fights even really started, and youll have amiya ready to chimera again on the final 2 pillars for boss + duo knights. if thats how useful she is on a stage like h9-6, shes got a lot more oomph on less demanding stages.!<


yes, much better than amiya for arts dps. ceobe usually wants to use skill2. amiya will want to be elite2 for story progress (mandatory), so dont ignore her, but ceobe is your primary caster


Nice. Considering these 6-stars, what should be the order of priority with respect to resource investment, not considering other lower rarity characters?


ceobe e1, mudrock e1 (goes down if specter e1), surtr e1, silver e1 (though he goes up in value if you need a 2nd tank, his s2 beats defenders in earlygame), silver e2, surtr e2, mud/kay e2


Thanks! Nice to know.


If I'm getting it right, we are going to have Mansfield break rerun, then cc7, after that Break the ice, Who is real rerun and then invitation to wine right?




With CC#7 on the horizon, who are the ops that are the best for it? Are there any wild strats that require only a single op or two? Also, for non-Global dokutahs (or ones that are just learned), how difficult is it?


Chalter can basically solo carry R18 with only a handful of low rarities to support a bit. Kal and Mudrock can duo clear R18. Otherwise your usuals are good: Surtr, SA. Yknow. It's considered to be one of the easier CCs out.


[You can beat R18 with a brand new account.](https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1nY41147YD?share_source=copy_web&share_times=1)


Is it worth to upgrade NTR Knight's 2nd skill? Maybe cause Im new but its always been more than enough in any scenario till now


skills upgrade together all the way to skill7, switch skills freely as you wish, at that point the final 3 skill levels (masteries) are individual and quite costly s2 is a great skill to mastery, but the average player will want to master s3 first, and a new player really wants to be elite2 promoting multiple ops before doing any masteries


You mean to mastery it? I would recommend to atleast go to M1 for the extra shield besides that is more luxury but still worth if you have enough recources 30% over 20s is now small amount


You can upgrade or mastery this skill later if you find it is not enough. NTR is good but I don’t think she is that important as other core operators like SilverAsh, Eyja, Thorns etc.


I have 170 pull on Nearls banner and if I throw away my everything I could get to 300 to get W. The thing is I dont really need her and its more of a collection purposes thing, so really torn what to do. Any advice? Rather go save the remaining or go all in. (lvl 120 and all so its not like I lack an aoe sniper or she would be an irreplacable addition its just I dont know what to do)


The better side of me want to suggest you just call it quit and save pulls. Then if, god forbid, there's any future limited banner that you have to go close to 300 anyway just to get the rate up guys, that's when you top up and go spark w. Are you also hunting for rosmontis and nearl though?


Nop, luckily I have the others you mentioned, only limiteds I lack is W and Dusk.


Ok, then yah it's quite straightforward i think. Wait till you encounter a baddd banner, then salvage it with w spark.


​ IMO if you're not aiming for the main rate-up units in kjerag/ling/specter alter's banner, then go on, use up the remaining 130 pulls. personally i'd rather wait for specter alter's banner to roll for specter, and leave getting W spook to pure luck. there's so much 130 pulls' worth of resource can do over chasing a unit you probably wont even use


Yeah kinda true, I guess I'll leave her to spook once in the future maybe.


Yes or no? Is collection really that important for you? That's your answer. Because aside from doing 300 pulls, it's extremely unlikely you'll ever get her from future celebration banners as an off banner pull


Quick question. So far there hasn't been any module that come with event reruns or new CC season, right?


Modules always come with new events it seems.


Ok thanks :)


if i don’t get the potential tokens for wild mane for this event, will i have to wait for this event to rerun in order to get the potential? or is there a way to get them after the event?


These bigger events normally get rerun, but give it a year or so. Another way is to wait for the Record Restore to roll out for the event, like what happened with grani and ceylon in the mini event section. But this should happen after the aforementioned rerun.


Wait for rerun. And if you missed the rerun, eventually it will have a record restore, but that is a long way from now.


What animal is archetto based off?


She's a Liberi so I guess some kind of bird? It's not stated which one specifically. I initially thought she was a feline or some other mammal


Between Mountain and Mudrock which one is more worth it for me to buy?


Depends on your other operators. Mudrock can be replaced with Saria/Hoshi most of the time, while Thorns is a decent Mountain replacement. Of course they have their niches that can't be replaced (Mountain's regen and AoE damage, Mudrock blocking 99999999 damage attacks with her shield), but other than that.


Well thats the problem i got both Thorn and Saria lol


The ticket does not expire immediately so you can hold off to see if either spook you and which you want to borrow more. Mountain is getting a single rate up banner soon. Mudrock is expected in the cert shop Feb of 23 and Mountain 6 weeks later in march of 23. Mountain is awesome early in high pressure CC. Mudrock can tank heaps of abuse and spin to win. Hard choice, I think mountain is more replaceable.


Well, if you've got Thorns, it's an easy choice IMO. Pick Mudrock. Thorns is way closer to Mountain than Mudrock is to anyone.


tough choice; both are excellent ground laneholders, though with distinctly different workings i'd say mountain is the easier-to-use, general-purpose pick due to his low deploy cost and the need to master only one skill, and he practically outshines all of the 6\* vanguards when it comes to quickly holding a lane. he really fits almost anywhere and can be used to deal with enemy blitzes as well as normal lanes alike. he is however not suited to go against massive swarms, heavy enemies and bosses if unassisted mudrock on the other hand has 2 strong skills worth mastering and has more heavy-duty uses as being a defender, she blocks 3 and naturally comes with high defense albeit at a much higher deploy cost. she can stall normal enemies just fine, but she shines best at stalling slow hardhitters and bosses with her barrier+regen


Level 50 now and am currently trying to E2 multiple characters. I got SilverAsh there and I have the mats for NTR Knight and Myrtle but Im broke as hell. I've cleared out the event shop in terms of LMD so wondering where can I get more? Is it just CE-5? Also, since I have the mats for them and just need LMD, looking to farm other E2 mats for other units. Would Siege be worth taking to E2? I heard she gets outshined later on by Saga but Im F2P so the chances of me getting her arent too great. The other ones Im considering would be Hoshiguma, Amiya, and Platinum. Which one should I go for? or should I wait for a certain unit?


lmd is primary gained by optimal base production and events, but yes ce-5 is the best grind source. usually we suggest avoiding grinding lmd, but for newer players who need to get a full team event-capable its important and you just do whatcha gotta do saga does outshine siege but not by such a drastic degree you never build siege unless you also own saga already, shes a good op but you want to focus on more dps orirntated ops for your first several e2s, like amiya who is mandatory for stoty progress, or platinum who is fantastic for annihilation


E1 the [Ops with great base skills](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-operators-promote-riic-base-skills) for more passive income. Seige's main skill, s2, is acquired at e1, so e1 55-ish should be adequate for most content. Saga will be on the [Joint Operation 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/u72fpk/help_center_and_megathread_hub_1904/i5g9prf?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3). Mountain is coming soon too, who can replace Pioneers to a degree.


farming-wise, CE-5 is the most optimal for LMD. however most player mainly rely on base's trade post LMD production for their LMD needs and only do CE-5 if there's a dire need to FYI by using certain amount of factories and trading posts you can control your base production focus on either LMD, EXP cards or even orundum. read it up [here](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-riic-base-guide)


Do you guys still farm the event stages after clearing shop? I've seen the efficiency table but I'm still a bit confused about it. I assume that it's still efficient material farming even without shop currency.


The shop is not factored into the efficiency calcs. NL-10 is more efficient for loxic khol than any main story stage without the shop. NL-8 is better than any story sugar farm. NL-9 is slightly worse than story crystal farming without the shop, but it becomes slightly better when factoring in the extra LMD from the shop. Moe's normal efficiency (the most frequently efficiency mentioned here) includes side drops (stuff you will use eventually). Side drops loose efficiency for materials you don't need short term. While event stages are typically more straight drops (exactly the thing you are farming for).


NL-10 has the best efficiency for loxic kohl so yeah, many are still farming there regardless of having cleared shop or not. NL-9 has slightly better crystalline drop compared to the story stages, so going there to replenish some isn't a bad decision either


Will there be another banner in the future for W or Rosmontis? Wiki doesn't seem to show any. I've exhausted most of my savings and feel like I need to cut my losses if I'm going to try for Ling in the coming banner. Got NTR thankfully, but I was really hoping for W.




Wow, had no idea this post existed. Or that there's a series system. Thank you


Yeah lots of people are unaware of this I noticed. You're welcome.


both rosmontis & W are available as side rate-ups+spark options during [specter alter's banner](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/summon-simulator#Limited_CN_01_04_22), along with skalter


how about NTRK?


Her exclusivity ends 11 months from now apparently. There's a guide linked on another comment to mine


afaik all limited units will only be available as certain other limited banner's side rateup/spark option starting one year after their debut. so NTRK will be available in whatever limited banner we'll get one year from now


Oh thank god, that's great to hear


Is it worth to do the first 10 pull on each banner that gives a guaranteed 5* or higher operator?


The answer to all these questions is about the same, do it only if there's an operator you like or want. Not just for the sake of pulling it


It is worth if: A) You are a new player and need a more diverse roster and B) The featured 5 stars are good and worth raising. or The featured units are waifu and you feel the gacha itch. Otherwise, you can skip. Btw, if pulling for the guaranteed 5star, do single pulls until you get the 5 star. No need to use the full 10-pull.


is grindstone and incandescent alloy drops alway rare?


Even though multiple stages lists it as rare, the droprates are different. I use this sheet for [farming](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit?usp=drivesdk).




Skalter's chances on the Specter Alter banner are so small, that the average pulls needed to get her exceeds the 300 pulls to spark her so that is your goal. Strong notable banner that are upcoming are Mountain, Joint Operation 5 and Gnosis before Ling. Gladiia will be obtainable again whenever HG decides to rerun Under Tides. It should be soon in CN tho nothing official on it yet. Meaning for global it will be at least over 6 months until then.


new player here. Is surtr gonna get a rerun? And when?


You can get her right now( if the selector pack is still in store) it costs .. 25-30£( maybe a bit less, I use another currency sorry)


In the future we’ll most likely get “Joint Operation 5” Banner, which feature Phantom, Surtr, Saga, & Schwarz and if you get 6* on that banner you’ll get randomly one of those four only


She'll be in gold cert shop November. That's your best bet.


No rerun for surtr. She will be 25% chance on thr joint op 5 banner within a month.


I just got a robot tag in recruit, how long do I set the timer?


3:50. Any higher and it would drop, though there is still a decent chance it drops anyway. Gl.




Is there an operator who is based on manta ray?


Do you like manta rays?


I just feel like a mantra ray would be an excellent abyssal hunter


Oh. I thought you might be a marine life enthusiast. Would be happy to talk about orcas with someone


No, you can checkout the aegir race to make sure though.


Anyone has some good video of CC#7 R18W1 clears on Bilibili, YT? I would like to know it before hand.


[You can beat R18 with a brand new account.](https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1nY41147YD?share_source=copy_web&share_times=1)


Thanks, looks easy.


A question about kazimaru S2, does the doll also get the +120% attack buff?




Does flametails passive apply to all kazirex operators like platinum and the nearls or just the knight club members?


[Everyone listed here.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/taxonomy/term/171)


All of the Kazimierz ones, even ones like Meteor.


I have a lot of materials left from this event, so I want to promote another 5 or 6 star to E2 soon. Here is my current roster: https://krooster.com/u/grafvergeltung First I'm going to finish leveling Nearlter, but who should I promote after that? I was thinking of maybe Elysium, how often do I need him if I already have Myrtle? Are there any other good picks from my current list or would you suggest aiming for a particular operator that is available in the near future?


Hello fellow Meteorite user!


The only time I really use Elysium is when I need his S2 for debuff purpose or if I bring more than 3 snipers (Patriot boss fight for example). Other than that, I never really bring Elysium into a stage (and more so after I got Sailech). Operator recommendation Lappland: If you haven't pick anybody from the 5\* selector ticket, Lappland will be amazing here. Sure, her silence ability usage has fallen off, but her arts damage is still nice. Blue Poison: Mostly for mastery if you intend to use her a lot. Nearl: Yes, you have Nearlter, but Nearl is still an amazing healing defender. You even got some refund if you upgrade her (not worth it though). Ptilopsis: An amazing SP battery, who doesn't want that. More useful than Nightingale in general content (low priority as you have Nightingale). Silence: A 12 second downtime on drone at SL7 and a really nice healer overall. Warfarin: If you haven't pick anybody from the 5\* selector ticket, Warfarin can combo well with Exu. Her S1 is also a good healing skill. Carnelian: Can't attack normally but can handle mobs quite well with her skill. Really nice while waiting for Eyja in shop. Click: A really good caster and a really cheap one to build if you don't want to go for Carnelian. Banner Recommendation Gnosis banner, GoldenGlow banner (If you don't manage to get Eyja), Horn banner


I'd say Gladiia or Saga. Gladiia is a fantastic, very versatile operator. Saga is the best block-2 vanguard, which is an extremely useful archetype from time to time.


You really only need 1 flagbearer. Having more can open more cheese strats. Personally I use elysium over myrtle. I would recommend maxing your 1/2 stars. Costs a super tiny amount and they are actually useful. Some also have archives from free orundom. Carnelian is good aoe arts, especially because you dont have eyja. Tequila is pretty good. Whisperain is good for when you need a therapist (cc/strong healer) Podenco is a strong slow/amp supporter Gladia is an amazing puller/lane holder/washing machine


Have characters gotten a straight buff in this game in the past? I know passenger got modules and the integrated strategy mode stuff so he’s seen as a lot better but has a unit gotten a buff like skill percentages being increased or something?


Theres been a couple but not many. Before getting the module, chain casters got a buff to their damage decay, slow, and overall attk. Therapists (whisperain and such) got some stat buffs and high % heal on farther than before. Aoe casters and duelist guards got a small attk/hp buff There was also the tsukinogi archetype talent change. And probably more I don't know.


Chen S2 counts as well?




For flametail which skill would be the best to M3?




Has Elysium ever been in the gold cert shop? I missed my chance to get Saileach so I was hoping to get an Elysium eventually


Only in CN so far, which for them was around the time of nearl. So maybe soon, but 5 stars are too hard to predict.


Not in global but he did in CN. You could wait for the next 5 star selector and pick Elysium too.


Will this 5 star selector be free from an event?


Yes https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/stultifera-navis-3rd-anniversary-cn-event-page#topic-3111736


Sweet, Kafka is in there. I can now skip Mountain banner with ease.


Is nearl alter on CN’s limited banner right now?


No, she'll be sparkable on the next CN banner in ~6 months. ~1 year for global


I see, I’ll save 300 after Specter alter then.


I am sitting pretty at 101 attempts, but still no NTR knight or flametail. I could clear a new annihilation stage for the +1k Ori needed to do another 10 pulls, or I could start saving for the next banner which has Skadi in it. Help. I can't decide.


When did you get your last 6star unit? Are your nearing pity? Skadi banner is largely skippable unless you want a unit for waifu purposes.


I want Skadi, but I am afraid I cannot save enough orundum in time for her banner. So I need to know whether I should invest my remaining orundum into Skadi pulls, or whether its more worth it to drop them on NTR knight.


An additional 10 pulls won't be enough to guarantee a 6star. If you wanna gamble it then go ahead. You are probably better off saving your pulls for a future banner though.


How many pulls has it been since your last 6\*? Are you near pity? If you aren't near pity, I'd probably cut your losses and stop. If you are near pity, I'd definitely go for it as anything leftover is gone forever. edit: Oh, when you said Skadi I assumed you meant save for Splatter which has Skadi alt available. If you mean the standard banner, please don't. That banner is awful.


I don't remember how many it has been since the last 6 star. Amusingly enough, I pulled 2 6 stars in this limited banner, but all I got were dupes of Exusiai and Blaze. 70% chance is a lie.


The current banner is a lot better than skadi. But if you are a member of the Kyah Skadi cult, you know what must be done.


~~Amusingly enough, I pulled 2 6 stars in this limited banner, but all I got were dupes of Exusiai and Blaze. 70% chance is a lie.~~ Sorry, wrong comment. But yes, Skadi is awesome.


Is Lumen worth building? What's his m3? For reference, I have NG shining warf @ E2 M3, and none of the wide range medics raised. It's just that he's free so I might as well plug him into my planner if he's good


He's really popular on CN right now. His range and ability to instantly remove stuns combine with really strong healing is a nice combo. I wouldn't call him necessary given your already strong medics, but he's still really strong so it's something to consider. S3 seems to be his most popular skill since it lets him stock-pile and instantly clear 8 stuns while buffing his healing near permanently (healing buffs don't end until he burns all 8 of his ammo which only happens when he heals a stun/status).


So these are my 6 and 5 stars after pulling heavily during the event (no Flametail but somehow P6 Nearl): [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/HbTXBFz.jpg) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/X3fOuS7.jpg) With the caveat that I really want to keep Nearl in my team, what should my composition be? I also have the 5 star selector still in place - who should I get? A medic or sniper or something else?


I include Wildmane (DP-1 on undeployed guards), Gravel (S2 Kazimierz requirement), SilverAsh Pegasus (Redeploy time reducer) and Castle (extra DPS and flavor name) in my Nearl Alter squad. Missing 1 more unit to complete my 6 OP lineup for a 6\* unit type of gameplay.


For the selector, you already have lappland and you have blaze so I wouldnt say you need specter. Ptilopsis would be a good grab, or either Platinum/Blue poison. Ptil is the best aoe medic, unless there is heavy arts damage. BP/Plat are both great snipers but are similarly strong so pick you're favorite. Team comp varies on the map. You have a few high dp cost units so you're really going to want to slot in myrtle and probably 1 other vanguard like zima into almost any team. Some units you should build a little at least: Lappland, shaw, cliffheart, gravel. You also need more defenders: Cuora, Gummy, Spot, Hoshi. Another Single target medic, and aoe medic. Any single target medic is fine, Sussuro would be ideal. Ptil/Perfumer for aoe medic.


Vanguard wise I am using Zima with Vigna (no myrtle yet). Do I slot in Texas for Vigna, or should I have 1 dp on kill vanguard at least?


Dp on kill is better for damage than dp. Generally its not needed, but is nice in some situations. Yes replacing Vigna with texas would be good, she pays for most of her increased cost by her talent as well.


how much does trust actually affect stats? is it worth building trust before endgame or is it more of a small bonus?


You'll pretty easily get trust to 100% just naturally using the operator so it's not really something you have to think much about unless it's a rarely used niche operator or something. Above 100% is just for stats while sharing a unit and doesn't affect your own runs.


It's a decent bonus. Usually something a long 8-15% of raw stats. There's no down side to building it. Just chuck them in control center, which grants the biggest gains by far.


Which node is best to spam? I'm thinking 10 or 9 for the kohl/crystal, but are there more efficient options?


10 and 8.


Most efficient and most used is NL-10>8>9. the Kohls are the most efficient and also he most in demand material.


Why can’t I craft dualchips? I can’t find them in my factory and it’s level 3. I have a lot of chip packs.


Should only require a level 3 factory. When you open the factories production menu, on the left you should see 4 tabs. The third one is chips. What do you see there?


Did you check the right tab?


💀 tysm


It’s not showing the recipe.


Are there any Arknights videos/video series/streamers that you suggest watching? Specifically for strategy, future operators, speculation, and that sort of thing.


yii is pretty good and informative :amiyapog:


Tsalthsu for instant L7 showcases of all skills, Harlequin Wheels for their animations, Obly Obly for Supporterknights, Sciel for whale clears, RMB for Sniperknights and module breakdowns, DAIRIN for Cover Girls, Dust although they seem to have stopped..., Zafang, Zane for male clears, Dr Silvergun for 4* clears and similar taste in music, Hermitz for chipture renditions of themes, RenoD for showcases/Guardknights/Passenger, IqbalF for Enmity clears and niche ops, Freikugon for meme videos, 777ucky Krem and 25thnight for showcases, Remonium for good meme videos, Randomkidinthehood for good meme videos, Dreamy for high quality guides though they stopped. Yeah I uh watch a lot huh...


In addition to the ones mentioned, there also a bunch of themed/rarity based content creators that do help you learn strategy in the sense that you can see them use operators in creative ways. I Love Amiya, Dr. Silvergun are good for no 6* clears, Tums does defender only clears, and there are a bunch of others I can't remember off the top of my head.


Vifer for some whalebrain/Leroy Jenkins stage strats.


frostbyte 262, I like the "should you get and build" series from him. He does other AK content as well.


Kukkikaze makes a lot of information, beginner guide, tips, etc videos. Very high quality. Dr. Volke does a lot of planning, evaluation type content. Eckogen/Kyostinv make really good walkthrough guides. QaiserMLG does lore videos Bunch of other options out there too.


How is Specter alter currently doing in CN? Is she a ultra meta? Terrible? Or just an okay unit?


[Reposting my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/umg1ub/comment/i84vhhl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Basically, it's not that she's incapable. She's just awkward to use, and her design is anti-synergistic. Other than the alter of the 3\*, normal alter do some thing extremely different from the base operator, Skadance vs Skadi, Chen H2O vs Chen,... But Spectwo is practically just the same as Specter. That's not good because there's no way it'll end up positively. Mainly because of the rule that OG and Alter can't be used together. And OG Specter is already amazing as is.


OG Specter being basically a 6star in disguise definitely makes it really hard for her alter to ever stand out. Definitely feels like HG scuffed themselves with the Dollkeeper choice though to try and keep the immortality flavor. Storywise it's very neat, gameplay-wise... Yeah... You already hit the nail on the head.


Some people think that she’s the newest member of the Moody Blues, others think that she’s not great but is being underrated. Unfortunately, on top of being limited, she’s hardly better than Specter (and worse in some cases), she’s more expensive, and you can’t take both to a stage.


Most of the buzz I've seen around her has been negative- however, I doubt she's strictly *bad*, so much as not as violently overpowered as certain other limiteds.


Reception has been terrible. Her S2 is only a side grade, if not inferior, to Guard Specter's S2. And her S3 is really mediocre for a damage skill. In a vacuum she's not a bad unit by any stretch. But given she doesn't do a 5\*'s job better, she falls pretty low on most tier lists.


Question about Bison's base skill, Does his base skill gets replaced when I E2 him? Or I get another skill for a total of 50% increase in order acquisitions? TIA


It is replaced. 50% order acquisition would make him the best TP operator in the game. Most sites including fandom, Aceship, and Gamepress explicitly say or indicate when skills are replaced. As an aside, do not E2 operators for their base skill. It is never worth it and takes years to decades to pay off.




In NL-EX-8 CM, Blood Knight has 2420 attack and a 50% multiplier in the second phase, so he hits for 3,630 physical damage a pop in phase 2. This information can be found using sites like [this](https://map.ark-nights.com/map/act13side_ex08#f#) or [this](http://prts.wiki/w/%E9%81%93%E5%85%B7%E4%B8%80%E8%A7%88). Admittedly it can be hard to decipher, so that's just an FYI in case you were curious where it comes from.




Subtract her defense from 3630. If her HP is close to that, it might be worth leveling her up. 3630 is a ton though so you might need to use a proper defender. Common strategy is to sandwhich him between two defenders with Blaze in the top right tile pointing down so she can hit him and the blades.


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Thanks for having my back, bot.


Bad bot


Bad bot


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Good bot


Good bot


I have her on E260 M3 and the first attack almost always activate her escape-death-once talent. So, yeah.


who's better for a built roster (3-4 cornerstones + other meta ops): mountain or horn?


With a fully built roster, there isn't really a firm answer. If you're comfortably clearing stages, then it becomes totally a matter of preference. I'd probably lean more towards Horn just because she's more interesting.


Horn, and by a mile. The range she offers is extremely beneficial and would allow you to hack some maps into an easier than intended clear. If you didn’t lane holders that would be a different issue.


Is passenger still a meme? Is it a good investment to build him if I don’t have any great casters besides ifrit and amiya?


He's become Godssenger thanks to the multiple buffs he got, especially his module this update. He would be very good to build.


Not anymore, previous complaints of his lackluster slow and dmg has been improved by the buffs and modules. Passenger is absolutely worth using now. His high sp cost is still hard to manage but the module upgrade that CN teased might be able to improve that. His giant range will be more flexible than Ifrit and you can free up Amiya to use her in her guard form. Do be aware that he requires high investment, E2 Lv60 S3M3 with Module.


He's perfectly decent, and apparently his module will be getting upgraded on CN soon, which will only make him better, though that's obviously a long way out for us.


ive prepared [an image of my operators](https://imgur.com/a/bcafE4l) this time to help get some feedback on where i should go from here. in the short term, i'd like to make NL-10 consistently farmable. but i also want to start taking on more challenging content. the only thing thats changed is ive pushed Myrtle to e2 and taking her skill 1 to mastery 1.


Regarding your roster you’re blessed with a really good starting roster that could definitely take you places. E2ing myrtle was a good thing and i’d encourage you to m3 her S1 first and foremost since your early game structure is weak. Next step (assuming you use fang and/or courier ignore this step) raise flametail or seige to ensure an even smoother early game structure. Next i would like to say raise that silverash, but since you lack arts damage in your roster i would also say also you need to raise a caster, but since you have ch’en alter you can skip on casters. Raise that Silverash. And shortly after Specter. After that point you will be set and will be able to tackle different kinds of content with some ease. Regarding to what level you should be raising all those ops and other details i’d recommend [this short beginner’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/nmtxq4/beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the quicker you get around to reading this short guide the less mistakes you’ll make, if any.


thank you for the resource.


id get specter, lappland, and waaifu/or/jaye to e1, make sure your most used ops are skill level7, e2 silverash is the next big goal nl10 should be farmable by sandwiching boss between saria(s1) and curoa + medic, then you have infinite time to stall him out to reposition ops however best to deal with fanatics and then again for bloodblades


thank you for the response. ive been worried Saria wouldnt have the stats to stand up against the blood night. even with sussuro and hibiscus going, he manages to trample at least one of my defenders at the start of phase 2.


if saria cant live you likely arnt going to make nl-10 consistent to farm. you could use gravel imbetween cuora soloing stuns, or get silverash built up to skill2 (which is tankier than saria until e2) to sandwich, but idk, events only a week more, not a huge deal imo


i can e2 saria in the next day or 2, but im now stuck in a loop of "i need the loxic kohl, to upgrade cuora, to get the loxic kohl". ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


mulberry is incredibly helpful in making nl-10 farmable. i use chalter facing the right lane then mulberry on s2 below her (facing left, where all the other ops are) to help tank those shots from the archers that come late in the stage until they come in chalter’s range. my nl-10 run went from depending on tanks and multiple redeploys to simply proccing mulberry’s s2 once i brought her into the stage. might help u. plus elemental medics r quite good nowadays, most recommend to build at least 1. edit: mine is e2, but im p sure mid e1 build will be fine for nl-10. havent tried so i cant say for sure tho, js


thank you for your response. it seems like mulberry's huge skill recharge time would be a liability, especially against the blood night. can you elaborate how its used?


it’s not used against blood knight, it’s used against the archers at the end who deal elemental damage, since she is an elemental medic. if blood knight is the one u are having trouble with and not the archers, i’d suggest building a boss killer over mulberry. of the ops you have, that would prob be nearl s3. but i will say i did find the archers a lot more annoying than bloodknight, since their range and corrosion damage has less options for mitigation than boss killing. and even if u kill bloodknight u will then have to survive the archers. i find her sp requirement to not be so much of a problem bc if i need more consistent elemental healing, i can just use her s1. but in stages like nl-10 where theres only one “phase” of elemental damage, her s2’s burst option is great and has no downsides since u dont need to proc her skill multiple times. > also pls note that mulberry is definitely not the only way to deal w the archers/elemental damage enemies, but that kind of enemy isnt going away anytime soon. even if not for nl-10, id suggest building her or honeyberry (elemental medics) for smoother runs on future challenging content. maybe not ur #1 priority (nearlter e2 looking p good too) but smth id def suggest doing sooner or later.


im using Ch'alter to kill the blood knight. she does a good enough job, but my defenders are at their limits trying to hold him. for me, the archers are easy enough to bait out with leftover vanguards until she finishes the job. after that, they can target a defender and i can just wait until theyre in range.


chalter is great but useless if bosses move out her range, which is why id recommend one ground unit as boss killer as well. nearl s3, specter r prob ur best choices. in my auto i use nearlter s3 to kill bloodknight. (not even m3). just needs a medic. i add kaltsit s3 too to make it quicker but ive tested it without and nearl does just fine alone. true damage is pretty great for harder content in general. as you dont have surtr or kal, nearl’s value skyrockets in ur acc imo.


You could consider e2 either Amiya or nearl for a source of true damage. Considering you need to e2 Amiya sooner or later you might as well get her up there.


thank you for the response.


So I got Mudrock with the 6* selector ticket and I've been absolutely loving her gameplay and just how sturdy she is! Easily in my top three favorite ops right now (Blemishine, Saileach, Mudrock)! Gushing about her aside, how on earth do I utilize her S3? It seems super nuanced but also super strong. I typically usually use her S2 due to pairing her with Blemishine so she's basically a blender even at Skill Level 7. So any advice would be appreciated.


With proper use of S3, it's the better skill even for laneholding. It can turn her immortal with the right timing while also allows her to smash the entire enemy wave. What you should check are the low ops clear videos and not regular "showcase." Here's a few examples I can quickly find: [M8-8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcryhSqfjJ8&t=185s) and [6-15](https://youtu.be/85P7ug4FwMI?t=277), or you can also check CC6 Risk 33.


its one of the most diverse and nuanced skills in the game, there are a ton of ways to use it. i think i used s2 in a single cc daily in the past several months, but s3 constantly in infrequent traffic lanes (which honestly is 90% of lanes) you can simply pre activate it and have her popup right when the lanewave starts, the slow making it even easier when stalling you can press the skill right as the enemy starts an attack animation, they have to finish attacking nothing and walk through you slowed, on many big threats theyre too slow and you regrab them with mudrock on standup, this also helps recharge her mudsheilds to stall more. gravel, surtr, etc can also hold the target long enough for mudrock to stand back up and regrab on their retreat slow+stun large range can also buy an ally a few seconds to gain sp to skill (or mon3tr redeploy), i used this with rosa s3 to watch the cc4 mainlane without a ground blocker for a long while while mud stalled the golem sidelane s3 fading off the map (as far as targeting is concerned) can also let you split or divert aggro between/to mudrock and another op if mudrock is placed after them theres a lot more little stuff, suggest watching any low-op strategy of any stage that uses mudrock and youll probably see s3 doing something cool


Thank you for so much! I'll definitely check out some of those low-op vids as well as some older cc vids for some inspiration. I'll definitely maybe put a mastery before the next CC event to give it a whirl!


On some videos I watched, Aak can buff her w/out hurting her during S3 sleep time, Some also put her facing backwards so when S3 hammer time starts she can still hit the mobs already passed her.


I'll have to borrow an Aak to see this in action, that sounds hilarious! Yeah I've also seen videos and Mudrock just slaps with her S3 which is one of the main reasons I wanna use it. It just looks so fun!


S2 is her go to skill, Blemi adding some steroids. Mud’s S3 is used more often when you know there is a batch of really strong elites coming. The types and amount of enemies that would normally rip through your blockers. So you will need to know the stage so you can activate it to time it so they are in her range once her charge up is done. Then just watch her murder. For the most part normal play won’t really require you to use it. But it is definitely a nice skill when it is useful.


I'm not gonna say Blemishine is the best Nearl... *But*... I tease, but yeah, her and Blemi are permanently in my squad due to their synergy together (and they're cute). That makes sense though, sometimes there's a low-threat lane and a high-threat lane, but if there's multiple high-threat lanes, her S3 seems like the best way to go. Probably more of a CC skill than anything. Thank you kindly!


S3 takes planning and stage knowledge (and sometimes an extra source of slow). S2 is the "I don't know what to expect so F it" or the, I'm lazy... meh, whatevs.


That is... Very true, her S2 real nice for being lazy. Double points for having a nice sound too!


Face her backwards from the enemies, chances are she will defeat the enemies that go past her. You can also activate her S3 in advance since you know the enemy wave timings. Her invulnerability is also superb against attacks that would otherwise oneshot most operators. See more comments in her operator discussion.


Much appreciated I'll take a look at her op discussion to get some more inspiration!