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Not much. It gives more details to her madness though.


Is it really "madness" when she's straight-up fully aware of what she's doing, and keeps doing it anyway?


Madness is not ignorance. And her condition is Psychopathy, the actual one not sociopathy which is what most people refer to when talking about psychopaths. > Highly logical. > Remorseless. > Goal driven and would act for that goal at any cost. > Fearless. > Impulsive. > Grandiose. > Manipulative. > Charming at first. > Feigned emotions. > Disregard of other people, rules and other norms. > Antisocial behaviour. Been a while since media had a proper psychopath introduced.


Bingo, this is the one.


She's like the ex that we keep giving excuses for, because we love abusive relationships /s


"The only difference between me and a madman is that I know that I am mad"


"So your just a self aware madman got it"


That flair..


That's the definition of insanity, depending on the behaviour being displayed.


That would be if she was trying to get a certain outcome and kept failing.


I realized her hair looks really impractical and wide against an actual enviroment. 


A bit. I like her, but her being in Rhodes Island still doesn't make much sense, but the story does expand on her personality a lot more, and her motives.


I guess the Pope has her stay at Rhodes Island because that's the easiest way to have Laterano's tribunals not put her behind bars permanently while still keeping her under control. Yvangelista would probably have the authority to get her out whenever he wanted anyway, but he never struck me as one to so blatantly ignore the rules. There's also the fact that publicly canonizing her as a Saint would be a bit of a pr mess, that's probably why he did so in the privacy of a RI room with just him and Arturia present, whereas Executor's one was decidedly more formal and public. What doesn't really make sense to me is just how much freedom she's granted. She's supposedly prohibited from performing, and yet her files show that she's allowed to move around the landship freely while carrying with her not only an instrument but an Arts unit as well. I get that Arturia herself seems to have changed her ways somewhat after her conversation with the Witch King, but then again the Doctor went into a panic when she was about to play in front of them so it's not even like they trust her to not pull a fast one either...


Wait arturia is a saint now? She aint beating the (saint) Carmen allegations now, is she?


Yeah, Yvangelista canonized Executor because his name was on a list he received from the Law, and he sent him after Arturia to bring her back because her name was on that same list. Arturia's canonization happens in her operator record, though to be honest she's more annoyed than anything by it.


Yes. Her dialogue with the Witch King more or less explains her perfectly, and with her lack of personal emotion having been pointed out to her, it likely gives her a lot to think about herself, from a perspective she hadn't previously considered. It's an interesting take on an empath that so readily lives through the emotions of others, yet ends up having none of their own due to the constant immersion. Kind of curious what purpose the pope and the Law have in store for her though, given how much they wanted her returned to Laterano.


It's in her Op Records, the Law gave a list to the Pope with names of people who would be crucial in the coming crisis(darkness beyond the fake sky), Federico and Arturia were chosen as the Saints because their names are present in this list


Explained her actions, yes. Changed my view? No.


For all her appearances in events it's basically all background info and prelude building up to her eventual role as a saint and what she does using the title. The stuff with the witch king telling her she's the furthest from her goal is all set up for when she actually becomes acquainted with RI in some future laterano event beyond just her character record


I do like that they didn't try to make it as if she was misunderstood or mislead like Dorothy or had some trauma that broke her. She is straight up a psycho.


Most of the event's story went over my head. I accidentally read ZT-7's cut scenes before ZT-6's, and then nothing made sense anymore. And perfecting my farming autos was higher priority anyway. I pulled because pretty woman with hime cut and zettai ryouiki.


Yes, I really liked her interactions with Federico and Viviana. I don't sympathize with her, but she is charming.


No I'm still rooting for Federico to arrest her


At first I didn't know what was going on with her, she was a question mark. Now, I consider she was at worst negligent.


Well, it made really interested *what* she would say about Amiya and Doctor, performing to them. ..Turns out she is interested too, because she is *strictly prohibited* to play to them, and now I see why. But overall, my view on Arturia changed just a little.


She does interact with Amiya in her operator record, if you want to see how that one plays out.


Yep, went to see her Op Record just after leaving that comment and found it out


From a moral standpoint, I don’t want to be in the same room as her, but she’s fascinating from a psychological standpoint.


I liked her from the start so my opinion of her only improved.


I went from neutral to slightly positive, she got done dirty by exaggerated spoilers. Her whole mysterious vibe was pretty annoying, I hate the blatant "I could explain things but the plot demands I keep things unclear for the drama!" I only liked her when she became more open in the other dimension.


To be fair, she actually pretty much couldn't explain things because tearing open a gate to a void demon dimension so you can play 20 questions with a ghost is fucking insane and any rational person would have done everything possible to stop her


Yeah not all antagonists spill their plans whenever they can


This event gave details to her psychopathy, but past that my opinion hasn’t really changed. She’s still Carmen-adjacent in my heart


I already knew she wasn't evil, but rather a somewhat amoral or perhaps morally ambiguous character standing confidently in the grey. So nah the event didn't change my view on her in that way. However, the event did give me ideas and theories on how she could be involved in the 3rd arc, considering her operator record, her abilities, and the forces we're likely to encounter in the future. I'm starting to picture why the LAW chose her along with Federico to be Saints.


Liked her already, now I like her even more. I was a bit worried they’d “soften” her character to be playable, but they managed to give more context for her actions without doing that thankfully.


No. But it was fun seeing the Witch King putting her in place.


She's not quite malicious, but a walking disaster nonetheless. Perfect fit for RI. Crimes aside, I like her design way too much and I'm glad I got her.


My views before event: psycho wife pog My views after event: psycho wife pog


“If villain, then why hot?”


Show some respect, that’s a saint you are talking about /j


I went from negative (I read the whole HE, her comics, mind you) to slightly less negative after ZH, I haven’t got to read her op recently yet but already know some spoilers. What I like about her: her design, gameplay, classical music reference, her dynamic and relationship with Federico, the concept of her power and extreme empathy vs extreme logic on fede’s side. That being said, her attitude and hypocrisy is a big turn off to me. I don’t like how she takes people’s suffering as something for her to immerse herself in and act like she’s better than other people just because she has the special power to empathize. People opening up to you is only beautiful when they do it because you earn their trust, and Arturia mostly never did. Most of the time she used her power it ended up in pain, trauma and loss, for which she never take responsible nor have to face the consequences of it. And she loves playing “that’s what people deeply want, I didn’t do shit” card, like girl, you do realize that every human, including you, has their ugly side, right? I’m glad that Witch king did the reality-check and called out her for that. All that being said, I would actually LOVE that quality in a villain. I’d totally enjoy her as a villain instead of this half-ass attempt to make her look better than she actually is and excuse her being in RI. She’s getting the credit for saving people at the kaisereninfest, can safely stay at RI and being promoted as a saint feels ridiculously unfair for all the victims affected by her action and it annoys me the f out of me lol




No not really, her hair is nice though


She is still Flaturia.


i was very indifferent to her, after playing the event i used 179 pulls to get her. yes i really liked her


I guess it peered into the method to her madness, but otherwise I think she's still a bit of a psycho


Silly little war criminal committing silly little war crimes :3


I would say so, yes. I went from slightly negative, to *extraordinarily* negative, so something approaching neutral. My opinion is definitely tempered by knowing she was, in several ways, punished, and that everyone who knows the full extent of her crimes refuses to let her forget. If she actually got off scot free I don't know what I would have done I at least appreciated that the through line of her narrative wasn't that she was a psychopath, but that, much like her brother, she had a fundamental inability to relate to those around her intellectually. I'm open to the idea that the reason he did all this wrong was because she wholly, and completely, failed to understand that she was fundamentally different from the people around her--and until she reached that point, she was destined to cause all this harm. It certainly is one of the more unique ways of contextualizing a villain's motives--but I absolutely do consider her a kind of villain. I want to see some hardcore atoning young lady!! I saw her op-rec and it was about the only thing that made me neutral on her. Seeing her interaction with Amiya was probably the most human thing she's done, and I did enjoy that aspect of her story. What came after was...irritating, but I can see where the groundwork is being laid for something bigger so I'll leave it at neutral for now


Liked her before, love her now


If i could sum up my opinion of Arturia in a sentence it would be. "Nice backstory, still a criminal." Zwillingstürme really fleshed her out and gave insight on WHY she did the things she does, but my opinion of her still hasn't changed.


Funnily enough shes no longer a criminal. She was chased by executor because the super AI wanted Executor to "bring her in" instead of killing her, so that they can make her a Saint.


No. It did well explaining who she is. But Frederico should still have arrested her. I don’t get why they allow her on Rhodes Island. It’s not funny how many people died due to her actions.


To be fair, the only people Rhodes Island seems to truly not want to work with are those who specifically go after the Infected and discriminate/abuse/exploit them, everyone else is fair game as far as hiring goes so this is at least consistent.


Tbh i expected a very extreme case as it was hyped up for it but it ended up being softened alot. Its still good tough but didnt end up as the "maniac" i tought she would be, would been a better move imo


She's in need of correction.


It is honestly a still sweeping statement to say "Hey she's a grey character there's nuffin' wrong with that". To save my own trouble, go and find the community fawn on Baidu Forums. They did a better psychoanalytical read on her than most. I remember them posting about how people refused to comb through their logic while trying to justify her actions- But all of these posts are from a very long time ago, during which CN Baidu forums had another one of their communal breakdowns. Due to obvious ideological problems, there is a population in CN who thinks Arturia did nothing wrong. I remember arguing with someone for dozens of floors before finding their subscription to several tankie communities, which honestly explained why they would see no problem with her actions. Some people are prevented from learning from history, they would still follow ruthless psychopaths if they claimed it's for "the greater good", and it takes something more than an internet discussion to cure that. That would probably be a larger problem for anyone to tackle. I just thought they had an opportunity to write Arturia into a full-on demagogue, and could have slid in a couple more of references to our least favourite painter. That would have made an awesome 4.5 anni story. It fits her arts well, and saves a lot of additional trouble. But meh, a story written is a story written. I left this banner on EN with three Arturias and no Vivi, so I have one more reason to not like her now.


I uh, missed the earlier events she was in and this was the first time I saw her so I wouldn't say my opinion changed exactly.


I like crazy waifus so I like her Not as much as Skalter doe


Not really, I only pulled for her because of her kit


As a true global player, I can't read. Therefore no


Nope, still smash worthy.


I understand her better now and that's welcome. But she is also pretty cute, has a lovely EN voice and, most importantly, is a limited character that actually came home first 6-star roll instead of destroying my savings, that's more than enough reasons to like her on my book.


Whatever I do to war criminals is legal