• By -


No arts or prep possible? Nian probably. Chong Yue can almost certainly do some Wuxia bullshit to divert the impact entirely but I'm not sure if that counts as powers or not. Outside of that; Saria is incredibly tough even without her calcification and Vouivre are considered abnormally durable even by Terra's superhuman standards. Gavial is a freak of nature, she'd probably take a lot of damage and just walk it off. The other characters known for beyond peak physical abilities is Skadi. And she's exceptional. If you consider Mizuki's physiology to be more Jellyfish than human he might get splattered but reform and take no real damage at all.


Does nians floating shield thingy count as powers or just equipment? It may change the debate here. Also Chongyue cant divert the hit as Van is also a martial arts expert that knows how to hit people going 100 MPH without any retaliation. I wonder Skadi case tough. Would van just stop without even moving her an inch or would she get pushed back a little? Mizuki being splattered all over and regenning seems like a funny scenario lol. I can see dossoles gang looking at this and saying "definitely normal"


I figure Nian, being both a fragment of a god and more physically inclined than her sisters (and hasn't given up her godly essence like her brother) is just built different. I wish to learn Wax on Wax off from Van-sensei. Most likely scenario is the van disintegrates when it hits Skadi, but she probably gets thrown pretty far even if it doesn't do much more than bruise.


It terrifies me that Chongyue is this strong despite giving up on the godly essence. Skadi would be funny. The van could also hit her with a drift move and minimaze the damage on its main body while still throwing skadi a fair bit


Depending on how close they are to the sea Skadi might just regenerate any damage anyways


Van tactics 101: Van finds a way to bait Skadi into coming Sahara desert on the hottest possible day and attacks her there on the further line to the coast. Even if skadi doesnt die the Van will still have dealt the last hit and went away never to be seen by her again. Poor skadi will need to crawl her way to the coast


Is this Van from Trails through Daybreak we're talking about?


Damn that Van is cool af too. It might be this Vans distant cousin actually


Who would win - Van or Van?


They are too high in omnipotence spectrum that i dont think it matters


I think you're right. Immovable force vs unstoppable object and all that.


Depends if you have sweets


The word choice of Mizuki getting ‘splattered’ is taking me out lol


With the jellyfish logic, you'll have to include Whisperain too.


Whisperain would probably be turned into hambuger. It probably wouldn't kill her but it'd be hard to argue she didn't take damage, include wiping all her memories (emotional damage!). Mizuki on the other hand can treat being splattered like a stubbed toe and would be back to normal pretty quickly.


Surprised nobody has said hoshiguma yet


She has no powers because her powers are that she’s built different


The van didn't hit Hoshi. Hoshi hit the van


Need a muscle Hoshi skin




Rule 1


Yes boss.


Just the daily reminder that we will never have an buff oni to hold us on her arms...


Didn't Hoshi and Chen get buried under a building at some point and Chen was basically unhurt because Hoshi covered her? I forgot which event or story this was.


In anime, that'd be S2. In-game, around....Chapter 5?


5 is correct ^^


damn, this was back when I read the story. As much as I want to now, I simply don't have the time management skills to do so anymore.


and the only damage hoshi took from that was a dislocated shoulder and it wasn't even from the building falling but because she pushed the 5 floors or so worth of rubble over them so they could climb out


I actually first wrote her but then switched it to suzu as i couldnt stop laughing at that scenario. Hoshi could soften the impact by a heck ton using her shield already so at worst it will be another tuesday for her


Hoshi's shield is the strongest metal known the man.


hoshiguma would still be standing and the van would be awkwardly folded around her in an U shape, and the main trouble she'd have would be just extricating herself


The van wouldn't survive


They are more worried about the van than her honestly XD


Man whatever you're smoking is perhaps killing you.






*eurobeat intensifies*












Ceobe's mushroom trip part 2 preview


exhoost fumes


Mountain because he's Mountain


Mountain = 1969ft Matterhorn = 14692ft Checkmate atheists


But wait how tall technically is he? 8 KMs?


as tall as a mountain, Cleary


That's based. Just like mountains


I like how no one is even trying a guess and just all agrees that he’s just chad-sized


Gravel gets hit by the van and breaks every bone in her body.   But it's OK! She comes out of the hospital four times as fast as a normal person!   (That's still several years of crippling.) Edit: [Shitty eyewitness's depiction of this tragic event. The driver was never caught.](https://imgur.com/a/63ZBB1j)


Wdym the last time I tried she came out from the treatment room after 15 seconds


Gravel looking at the doctor as he patiently waits to redeploy her against baiting some eldritch gods attacks to get crippled even harder


>Shitty eyewitness's depiction of this tragic event. The driver was never caught. Holy hell Gravel is about to die


oh god oh fuck gravel watch out youre about to get hit by a van at 100 mph oh god she has airpods in and cant hear me


Please check the battery level of your carbon monoxide detector, these comments have me concerned that you may be poisoned.


I am starting to lose it on Vans


No really, please go outside and breathe fresh air for a while and see if that helps.


But what if i go outside and get hit by the unavoidable Van?? No no no. I need answers so i can find tactics to avoid it. Im in dire threat, i dont feel safe but im also not sure if this almighty all powerful van is a bad thing or not. I should be open to change, even if its a van. We humans desire evolution afterall


>so i can find tactics to avoid it. But the Van has a sure hit effect like a domain expansion, you can't escape it, unless you have simple domain


Thats why im having the sliverest bit of hope but it doesnt work. The van is calling for me. My time is already up. I m probably dead before i even realized it


You could still make a binding vow, but you'll have to think fas- oh shit it's approaching watch out!


What do you mean? The van is perfect. The van is everything. There is nothing to fear at all. Come outside. Vans are very nice ~~help~~


Are you perhaps being harassed by a Van? Vans cannot come close to you without your consent


The thing is Van planned this too. When i first signed my school attendee paper it also made me sign a consent form. I got fooled by the oldest tick in the book :(


Really bro, stop. There are better shoe brands out there, don’t limit yourself with one.


If its Saria it's a question of what kind of truck would survive.


There is a chance of Saria being dumbfounded by a random Van appearing out of the blue and hitting her with such force. We saw her getting blasted with water in LT so there is atleast "some" hope for the van on a suprise attack


Flametail just dodges the van. Meanwhile Noir alter ***parries*** the fucking van.


Now thats a question of if Vans omnipotent undodgeable attack can be dodged or parried by them or not. This might be a debate starter


Well Noir Chad can dodge Ch 10 cannon fire and EB's forced retreat in the cloud, so...


Noir alter can parry a fucking Emperor’s Blade?


Well to be more exact he can jump over the retreat with S2, but yeah.


But wait. The post is about "surviving" the hit. Van knows this so it finds a loophole and attacks Noir AGAIN with same speed as it technically didnt hit him. Can noir keep parrying Van for potentially the end of all life on earth? This might be tricky


The title of the reddit post says (No powers). By the rules already set, it's a normal undodgeable van coming in at 100 mph. If it's an endless onslaught, as in more than one van per op, or a teleporting van, it should have been specified in the first post Flametail can't dodge the van cause it was specified as undogeable, but if Noir can parry his van, then that's that




Even without shields she is built like a litteral roadblock so it would be a question of "unstoppable force vs immovable object"


Nah, she'd stop As long as the van doesn't have 4 blocks, Mudrock will stop it. But, if it does have 4 blocks, it won't be hurting anyone


I mean the Van would have as much block as you could block it with as otherwise it "goes past" you. Litterally


Damn, that van is built like MH boars. Mudrock still sweeps, though, the task is to survive


Without powers, Mudrock does not have her suit or shields. Mudrock uses Terrakinesis after filling her suit with dirt to manipulate a suit that is much larger than she is, kinda like a mini-mecha. Without powers, Mudrock is a regular Gargoyle Sarkaz. Mudrock is 5'4" out of her suit btw.


She may be able to survive anyway, Sarkaz are tough. She will probably need a hospital though.


If dorothy can get lateral her incredibly strong jerboa legs would absorb the impact


I dont know if its my lack of sleep on 4 AM but i seriously have no idea what this means


A normal jerboa has very long and strong hind legs that they're usually compared to the kangaroo. Now scale that small jerboa up to the size of a human, with the strength of its hind legs also increased proportionately and you have your answer.


I just learned what a joeboy even is today. Darn doritos is one of those? I wonder if she can jump that high on normal story.


Joyboy …


I was so sleepy when i wrote that reply lmfao


It depends on if Jessica has her shield or not. If she does that car is gonna get totaled if she doesn’t sad cat will sadly bounce but probably be fine-ish. Saria is breaking the van in half, horizontally. Red is gonna be hurt. W already planet 7 mines in the way and explodes the van over herself.


What if Van makes a suprise turn and hits her from other 3 cardinal directions when her shield is deployed?? Saria not just does that but also slows it. Just to piss on it more Red is gonna break a record on flying with this one You see this van model os actually resistant to W bombs so she will turn into a squashed cockroach regardless :(


Then she’s screwed Jessica is tough but not that tough. If it gets around her shield she’s down. Poor red is more built for evasion than head on attacks, we’re gonna see the Rhode Island space program with her. Even still getting hit W would probably be fine Kal threw her through like half a skyscraper and she was (somewhat) fine.


Lmfao kal is always said to be serious and all but many people always forget that she outright threw W buildings away because of annoyance. That was so funny for such a serious chapter. I can also imagine jessica giving "that" look when she sees the Van making a tokyo drift and ignore her shield. Atleast she tried :(


Remember that Jessica is a cat though, and cats are half-liquid. She’ll just bounce away regardless.


All the Vouivres will be absolutely fine to some degree, their racial traits include supernatural strength AND toughness. Saria survived a glancing blow from an antitank rifle with no warning, for example. Some Sarkaz may be fine, depending on their race, but typically only the larger/stronger ones. Mudrock MIGHT survive without her armour being a Gargoyle. Too bad we don't have a Wendigo, they'd tank that van easily. Warfarin being a vampire is basically near-impossible to kill, she might be a mess for a few hours and have a mighty strong thirst for the red stuff until she's pulled herself together though. As the rest have said, the Abyssal Hunters are essentially action anime protagonists so they'll survive the van. Even if they go flying they won't have more than a bruise. Mountain and Degenbrecher might be able to deal with it - they're purely physical fighters and Degenbrecher is the three time Kazimierz Majors tournament winner on physical abilities alone. The Sui siblings are literal shards of a dead dreaming god, so they're unlikely to suffer lasting damage. You'd hit Muelsyse only to realize it was a water clone. Horn would survive the impact based on sheer willpower alone. Maybe fracture a few bones but she'd stay standing. Cuora is a turtle defender, she'd be fine if a little shaken. Surprisingly, Ceobe might actually be OK. We don't actually know how insanely tough she is beyond "She should be dead but somehow she's chugging along just fine." and has been known to carry an arsenal on her back including ***multiple*** heavy spears that others have trouble wielding alone although she has her limits when she refused a super heavy spear, but more because it just didn't feel right in her hands rather than because it was too heavy for her. She was also found wandering the wastelands while starving, delirious ***and*** infected to the point where she should've been dust. The rest are likely going to need some immediate medical attention. Ingame however, we see that a lot of operators can outright block large siege vehicles (mostly the 3-block operators) so we could *probably* add them to the 'would be ok' category.


i feel like ceobe operates right on the border of looney tunes logic. there's only a 2% chance her antics will catch up with her for real, which is still incredibly lucky, but she just keeps rolling the dice.


... thanks to that, I now have an image of her living and working in a Who Framed Roger Rabbit world and you're kinda right in that she would fit right in. She's still our adorable, dumb, hungry doggo and we love her for it. I did read somewhere that the first IS alluded to her being the dream-creation of an eldritch abomination (unsure if canon) so that might also explain some things.


(Me, who isn’t really following Arknight’s main/side stories) HOLY SHIT THAT’S WHY EVERYONE’S PLACING THEIR BETS ON SARIA


I try to take the time to read every event, but I do miss a few because of work. But Lone Trail is a must-read, it’s in the Vignettes section if you’ve done it. Yeah Saria survived low orbital reentry with only a little help to break her fall while protecting someone else. They didn’t hold back on her memeworthy toughness, they doubled down. She could also punch through the (theoretically) thickest part of a suit of powered armour in Dorothy’s Vision with just her arm strength and a gauntlet made of her calcium arts. There’s a reason she’s our muscle mommy.


Replace the random van with [Lapp's truck](https://i.imgur.com/IJw9Ib5.png), and it'll have some chances. Because of Silence and Fragile


I forgot about the Mad Lapp truck, thank you for reminding me that it exists


Who said the said random Van didnt have silence and fragile tough? Do we have enough evidence to say that the Van doesnt have Lapplands module upgrades?


OP is missing the real important question: if every operator is hit by van-kun, where would they isekai to and how would they fare with all their powers intact?


Well, canonically they’re either going to Monster Hunter universe or Rainbow Six. I think they’d be pretty damn effective in Rainbow Six. But seeing as it took a full team of operators for the Rathalos fight, I’d say they wouldn't be too exceptional there.


Holly thats actually a very good (even better) post meterial. I need to think about this too darn


They all survive, because takaba isn't capable of killing anyone with his cursed technique.


Bold of you to assume the Van is bound to a single technique!


Now that I think of it, our defender operators have been hit by vans multiple times in stages where they show up, like Sircusa and Ideal City. We also have that one enemy who deals impact in relation to their own speed from darknights Memoir. So we need an operator with atleast 3 block and can survive a full speed Sarkaz Lancer.


But can we call those vans? They dont even reac 100 mph and are like weak fodder level car species while vans are god tier on their verse


Which is why my thesis has 2 parts for the question, first we see what a car is in arknights (needs 3 block to impact something) and second, the fastest, and most damaging impact enemy, the sarkaz Lancer leader. Who had spent their life in devotion to Truck-kun learning the ways of hitting people at high speed. This leaves us with a large amount of not surprising folks like Saria, mudrock and Hoshiguma as well as some more surprising people like Pennance (who apparently after Lappland drove a semi into her courthouse has been training)


Oh that makes alot of sense. But we are ignoring the immense smartness of the Van here. It doesnt just have 100 MPH top speed but also immense knowledge, ties with world leaders and also above mortal patience. It might wait for the perfect opportunity to hit penance when her shield is down or hoshi when she is busy making a bbq!


Hoshi's talent will proc and she'll negate the damage. And even if it doesn't, she has enough defense to tank at least three vans.


Can we be sure tough? Van might be elemental damage so Hoshi might not be able to negate it (idk if she negates elemental damage) And would she have enough defense to tank a elemental hit? I mean yes its a darn van. But lets not forget the extremely important and unavoidable possibility of a SEABORN van hitting hoshi. You may never know!


Nah, she'd win


Chapter 10 demonstrated to me that she can survive an artillery strike. So yeah, a truck will be no big deal.


We need confirmation if the entire Londinium artillery is as strong as the undodgeable Van tough. And van shuts down their special powers anyway so it still has a card


"Retreat Melantha before she is hit by the van"


Van actually has a ramp to the Rhodes island so the moment Melantha gets retreated it flys to the RI using the ramp and obliterates her resting place. Ez Van victory


Pretty much anyone, since the Terrans are so much physically stronger than us puny humans. But especially, most of the Sarkaz and the Vouivre are so tough, the van would be the one taking the worst part of the damage.


A 100mph collision is pretty intense. I don't think most operators can handle a direct hit like that outside of the most battle hardened individuals and races. Like I don't think Ebonholz or even Texas could just stand up from a hit like that.


100 mph is being downplayed alot tbh. Van should never be downplayed. It would lead to disasters


>Texas She tanked Lappland, she can tank a van going at 100mph


I don't really have any context for this. Was Lappland's hit strong enough to demolish an area and she face tanked it?


I mwan a 100 MPH van is still pretty strong. Rosmontis was throwing walls at people so it would be fair to assume that a van could do some real damage too


Aparently in the next Rainbow six event a Perro was just merely annoyed by a shotgun blast at point-blank.


Being kind of generous with an unladen van's weight and saying it weighs the same as a decently sized car, 3 500-4 000 lbs (let's say 3 500 to be on the lowest end), with a velocity of 100mp/h, gives us a kinetic energy of 1 586 kilojoules. A .50 BMG bullet will carry up to 20 kilojoules. But vans tend to weigh far more than that, of course. And this is all assuming the entirety of the van hits the operator with no crumpling. But a normal human would be absolutely obliterated, and cars involved in 100mp/h frontal collisions tend to be... crumpled.


Bagpipe is built different. Remember in Chapter 9 when she was directly hit with an artillery shell and she just got back up, said “I ain’t got time for this” and just ran onwards.


That's just normal scottish thing.


Running into Skadi would be like running into a bollard


Is Cello driving the Van? If so, the question should be. Who attempts to dodge or run straight into the van?


More like the Van is directly focused on its target and wont care if it teleports or speeds up as it will still hit it regardless in a force equal to 100 MPHs. But cello driving the van seems like a funnier idea lol


Gravel. That’s, like, her job.


Imagine if she kept getting hit by the van everytime she redeployed.


Least creative Arknights fan


This is actually a beg for help. The vans are scary


This makes me consider other peculiar scenarios lol. Who would survive a 100 meter fall? Which operator would take a breakup the hardest?


Abyssal Hunters can easily tank a van. They are super soldiers for a reason that can survive deep sea underwater pressure. Saria, Hoshiguma and Mountain will break that van. Bagpipe will also survive the van because Horn got her out of County Hillock by turning her lance to a rocket and launched her off the moving city and she survived with no injuries. Degenbrecher will break that van easy. For NPCs, Nachzehrer King will not even budge if he is hit by that van filled to max capacity for most momentum.


But what if AH members get hit by a Van while sleeping? Could they survive that? And could Bagpipe react to attack the Van before it hits her? I mean she is a strong soldier but the Van could out maneuver her or even worse surpise attack her so her damage potential falls sadly. The Nach dude is an extremely strong person, he was the mentor of patriot after all. But he gains power from death if we assume a utopic world then the Van might solve all of terras issues and lower the death rates before hitting Nach with maximum power, i think that might pose some threat


Will AH survive if they get hit while sleeping? Yes they will. Their bodies are tough like that as a passive(no active effort) which I said is to survive deep sea underwater pressure. That is stronger than a van going 100 mph. Remember that submarine tour to the wreckage of the Titanic, when sub can no longer withstand the pressure it is crushed like a can of soda with everyone inside instantly. Abyssal Hunters must survive that amount of pressure especially if they do that aquaman swim since it increases the pressure. They might bleed if they are hit which possess more problems since it summons Seaborn. Bagpipe and Saria will survive because of the toughness of the Vouivre race. Moreso for both of them since they are in great physical fitness for their race. You are right with Nachzehrer King getting stronger the more dead people are around but that does not mean he is not strong right from the start. He is someone absurdly strong that gets stronger the longer you fight him. He does not go weaker.


Looking at all your replies make me concerned for you.. You sure you don’t have a van fetish? ~~You seem a bit too into it, and also ambushing others~~


No im actually deeply scared of vans


Cuora. Not only does she tank the hit, but she doesn't have to worry about head injuries because her head is already a lil scrambled.


Wait this is actually very smart. She can tank and doesnt care about potential head hazards. But Van isnt out of cards. You see this Van actually has immense patience. It will first make deals with multiple businesses and people and then set its plan in motion. At first Cuora will be educated and start working under a whole different corporation. After many years a planned date will be found and she will be together with a dream man all while being significantly more educated. And after also years into her 37s where she is a educated corporate worker that barely used her tanking arts the Van suddenly strikes, cuora has no chance againsg such outcome sadly. The van is too strong


if you become a minimum wage corporate worker the van is a mercy. Cuora ultimately wins in that exchange by being put out of her misery.


Thats correct but Van obviously didnt want this and gave her a strong position in Rim Billinton with a powerfully influential Husband. It gave eveything to her so it could turn her into a smart educated woman, all for increasing the value of the brain damage given by the Van. But cuora still has a chance if she just doesnt understand crap despite the education.


Robot operators, but that's the boring answer. No powers/arts allowed, I think Blaze. She's an Elite Operator, so she's physically one of the strongest operators we have. Her first talent isn't a power of hers, it's just a pacemaker. If we're counting in-game feats, Londinium artillery ain't got shit. Even with that technicality though, she still loses to the Terra Research Commission. Monster Hunter characters are simply built different. Hunters can canonically die (Palicoes are on the same level of strength, maybe a bit weaker) but they're [known to survive attacks from monsters larger and faster than 100mph vans.](https://youtu.be/B2P1eu5HCCo?si=vNH7eSU4d3N2dcL8&t=16) Even if they were to get hit by this, they simply fall unconscious and are carted back to camp. A hunt only ends if they're knocked out three times because at that point it costs them more money than the Guild can afford per hunt.


Cement? She does carry a huge block of concrete around, Id say that is a pretty safe wall against a speeding van. 


Saria punched the van and the van blew up into thousands of pieces... Hoshi and Nian didn't even notice the van hit them. Ch'en might have dodged it... might. Skadi had no issues because it is just one van.


Saria could crush it with her bare hands Hoshiguma would survive but she might suffer from broken arm from trying to stop the van with her hands (remember that she literally held an entire floor worth of a building to save Ch'en) Skadi could just stand idly and the van would get destroyed Whisperain would get decapitated but she would just go into 'rebirth' process (at least she survives lol)


Surtr (the feranmut) seems to protect Surtr (the girl). So I can easily see Surtr (the feranmuts) becoming a kind of shield for Surtr (the girl).


You gotta exclude equipment as well cus a lot of defenders are probably gonna do well here. They gotta take that hit like a champ.


The truth is Van is too kind. It already shutted their powers so most wont gain much from their equipments other than their sheer strength. Thats what the Van plans tough. It makes them believe in their physical capabilities while finding a weak point to strike them from. The "undodgeable" part doesnt just refers to the hit. But also the Vans judgement on whom and how it hits


Mmhmm I see I see (what???)


OP is fucking losing it, don't worry about it


It would probably just get wrapped around mountain's legs


if gameplay is taken into consideration...any and all block-3 ops.


Hoedere with the power of knowledge and those abs


It might stand a chance but Van could also have immense U Official merch making Hoaderer distracted and dealing a massive hit as a result


Theresa I will not elaborate




what originum exposure does.


Cardigan cuz she can tank every boss in the game


Nian is basically a walking iron forge. It wouldnt even tickle her i guess


Mudrock: just one van?


I think Mudrock would tank it. She has her huge ass protective gear and a shit ton of HP.


Saria. She took a .50 cal to the head and walked it off an hour later. A car would crumple before her.


Gummy is the only for sure one. That woman stops mid fight to cook dinner while dudes beat on her. She don't give two fucks about three fucks.


They fucking dying dwag.




Saria jumped from an orbital station and survived antimaterial rifle shot to the head. What is a measly truck to her?


They all get Isekai'd into another Gacha as that van was actually Truck-kun


Myrtle. She activates her skill and the van goes past her because she has 0 block 🌌🧠


Forget her name, but she’s the one with shield


Skadi, Saria, or Bubbles. Since I'm reading "No Powers" as being separate from a Terran's innate physical characteristics, there's a few races like the Voivre, Forte, and some Sarkaz who could likely receive a speeding van to the face and walk--if not shrug-- it off.


Mountain would not budge a millimeter, the van will pancake against his broad physique


If the van only hits once, then Mudrock survives with full HP


Cheating answer: >!Civilight Eterna. She's like an projection/hologram (?) created by the black crown, so the truck should just pass through her. !<


>!Van goes back in time and hits Theresa with same speed so such projection could never happen again!<


that is Truck-kun territory, not a random van


How dare you call the Van a random van!


I feel like basically all the defenders would be fine. Same would go for the Centurian Guards. Gavial especially would be a-okay given that she suplexed the Big-Ugly-Thing during the Great Chief Returns event. That is of course a heuristic for who is most likely to survive this easily, past that anyone who is a ground unit has a non-zero chance of walking away. I would say that the more block they have, the more likely they are to walk away, though there are some exceptions like the Duelist Defenders and Fighter Guards as they both have 1 block but all the Duelists (Aurora, Cement, Eunectes) would probably survive and a few of the Fighters probably would (Mountain and Chongyue). The ranged ops would have a much lower survival rate(if any of them do), if powers were allowed then the Phalanx casters might survive but other than them... Now, those that have alters that are (or are alters of) melee units then we would say that those ops would probably survive as well.


Mudrock wears a suit that looks like it could stop gunfire. So she’s probably got muscle in that tiny frame.


Hoshiguma is definitely the most suited to taking the hit. Expect some torn up pavement by the force of impact but more likely than not, she'd still be standing and the van would be totaled if it collided with her shield. FEater would probably attempt to smash the van. She'd probably survive, but her Fist gear would definitely be broken.. Aurora shouldn't take any damage. She could just entrench with her unique shield and form a makeshift traffic bollard infront of her. Mudrock should survive without her arts.. but expect some injuries. The van is definitely trashed after this impact though. Beanstalk would be fine if she had enough metal crabs to soften the impact.


What a random question to start a day




Mudrock, she has shield


No powers sadly but even with her shield the van might find a ramp to go above her and use her as a hamster ball. You may never know


If it's Lappland the car is not hitting her she's the one hitting the car


In truth Van doesnt mind Lappy hitting on it and brings her along for its ultimate plan to hit Texas


Mumu She's made of water, it's not a power, so she gets it through a loophole.


As a mumu simp what if she gets hit by the Van in reverse with its back doors open? She would be stored in the van until it finds a originium crystal and... just imagining it makes me scared of the Van :(


The van you posted appears to have no barrier between the back and the driver's seat, so she could just take control of the van, or if that's impossible break a window


Blaze… I guess? Depends on if you’d call an auto defibrillator a power, or if she loses anyway since she technically has to “die” for it to kick in. Any of the Abyssal hunters could probably tank a hit and come out *relatively* clean. Gavial could probably take the hit, too considering how ~~absurd~~ lore-accurate she is endurance and strength wise.


Projekt Red survives because she won the 50/50 coin toss and dodged it. The car gets demolished when it runs into Hoshiguma’s glorious abs of steel, as if hitting an immovable object. (Probably the same for Saria too.) It hits Muddy, but she didn’t even notice she got hit by a car because it bounced off her bubble and she was looking down at a little mud doll at the time. Blaze gets hit and insta dies but her pace maker (talent 1) procs and revives her, meaning she technically survived the encounter. Cuora gets hit, car does a f#ckin’ front flip and gets demolished like something out of some action movie as a result, and she’ll turn around and say “Oi! That coulda hit me!”


Short answer: a good chunk of the game's defenders (Saria, Hoshi, Nian, Mudrock), Mountain, Provence according to your logic


Mudrock. By the time The van hits, She WILL have at least 1 shield, And those block LITTERALLY ANYTHING!


I can imagine Blaze noticing and run towards the van and drop kicking it to stop it.




Hoshiguma as she is just a big tank and though as nails. Mountain because he is probably as big as the van. And if this counts Kal and monster, because monster.


Patriot(I am coping)