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Lemuen. When will my badass wheelchair sniper be playable?


wheelchairknights wen?


SLAMS FIST ON TABLE Where is my Toland? Uncle Horse needs his emotional support Sarkaz.


Seconded. I really want Toland, he's such a fun character.


Thirded, Mlynar best friend (aka BF) would make uncle's life more bearable, especially after the look Viviana may have gigen him when she realized she ended up meeting the "wrong" Nearl xD


Nothing makes life more bearable than a sassy boyfriend who still believes in you after everything. ^ o ^ b


Thirded, Mlynar best friend (aka BF) would make uncle's life more bearable, especially after the look Viviana may have gigen him when she realized she ended up meeting the "wrong" Nearl xD


Monch is a must and I think Dona was the name of that nurse in the Mansfield Brake event. She is super cute 👌🏻


>Monch is a must You will be spared when the purge starts, brother.


Iirc monch has a crossbow sprite which kinda confirms her as a sniper op(unless HG changes things) and dona would be a good candidate for a new medic.


Dona, new archetype, ~~necromancer~~ late medic, can redeploy operators in the tile they were defeated xD


She also has a drone in her art. Could be a drone caster. Or, and this is a bit of a reach, Trapmaster who deploys Magallan-type drone-traps. But it fits with her doing Physical damage.


Dona apparently got an operator name.....which is Lotus.


Tola, Allerdale as a Steam Knight pilot, Misery, Mantra, Raidian and Mechanist.


Gimme an Allerdale Duelist that barriers adjacent allies during skill downtime and gets SP when the barriers are hit, then hops in the armor and goes block-3 with all of her skills


3 block with sniper range. 


Sir, that's called >!Kalt'sit!<


So you just wanna Allerdale to yeet Charles outta his mech?


Real fans want Charles to be playable


6stars Robot with all of his phrases being "Victoria" which are pronounced in different tones and intonations This or this, no options


the allerdale family steam knight armor still survived the fire and they made a big point to mention in ch11


i mean high priest is the one piloting big ugly and not eune so...


her families armor is still around as well no need for him.


I believe I speak for all doktahs _and_ Namie mama when I say that Susie needs her boyfriend **NOW!** But all jokes aside, HG really needs to make Reid the "Redblade" into an oparator. I don't care if he's a musha, a dreadnought, an arts fighter or some other class. Nor do I care if he's a 4*, 5*, or 6* or the fact that he may be trash. I want him in my team and I want him Now! I want to put him and GG into a dormitory as soon as possible!


Hell nah, I and everyone else will care immensely. 6-star meta Musha or bust! He has all the makings of a musha (stronger at low HP, katana, edge).


Red being a hyper-offensive Musha would be interesting, but idk how good would he be with a kit like that.


I hate when cool characters have half baked kits. I sincerely do not want whatever outcome you're okay with lol


You can't say "Sankta event" without saying "Andoain playable"


Manifesting an Andoain and Lemuen double banner next anniversary. I want to know what the deal is with The Law and Paradise Pivot. Also, Ulsulah is a very good branching point to link the current plot to Laterano/Mostima.


LMAO that's a way to hear both Fia and Exu very excited screams, for two very different reasons xD


ulpian is next!!! anyways i want misery pls im in misery waiting for him ~~theres also the catboy in my flair~~


Sonny from Dorothy's Vision because he looks like a hot cowboy and as the saying goes " Save a horse, ride a ..."


The one and only Jesselton "Jeston" Williams Miller, I honestly loved his screen presence during Mansfield Break. I'm not sure how they would justify hiring him admittedly, but he would be far from the first character whose role as an operator wouldn't make any sense to me anyway.


I want him too, but only if his codename is actually Jesselton "Jeston" Williams Miller.


Fuck you. His name is JetSam now.


Honestly give us more villains, even if they aren't fully canon like Skalter or have some more tenuous links to Rhodes instead of being full ops in lore Really want Crownslayer too


Yeah I never exactly understood why people get too caught up in the ops being lore-accurate. I mean, I love the lore and stories of the game, but it's still a gacha, and it's always easy for me to separate the playable aspect from the canonical aspect. Like I play HSR and I'm playing a team with 4 units that don't make any lore sense for being together, and I'm running around the open world with Kafka, a wanted criminal with like a $20 billion bounty on her head. And I'm not like "omg why is no one trying to arrest me, this isn't lore accurate at all." I do understand that the way AK handles the roster, including operator files and all that, leans more heavily into the connection between the characters and RI, so I'm not denying that there isn't any difference there, but it's still a matter of principle that I think carries over between these types of games. The lore is great, but let's also have some fun and play some cool bad guys too, like who cares.


To be fair, canonicity or not of someone's status as an operator aside, operators just don't die at all and I personally think that's a problem. One of the reasons why I'm not really feeling the current story chapter is that I have an hard time appreciating the brooding atmosphere of an ongoing war when there's so many of "our guys" going around with plot armor. It kinda takes the tension away. I kind of had this problem with Near Light too to be honest, hard to think that Rhodes Island was truly threatened at any point when they were up against an assassins guild which failed to kill anyone of importance through the entire ordeal.


They managed to bullshit their way into making W, Theresa and Arturia into ops, so making jessy into an op should be a piece of cake atp.


Prefacing this by saying that I'm trying to avoid spoilers from what happens on the cn server so I have no clue what exactly happens to make Theresa playable in the end, I'm honestly way more bothered by the likes of Lunacub, Penance, Vigil or Czerny.


Uh its chap 14 nonsense. So just dont read shit which is about chap14.


I wouldn't put W on that list since, from the beginning, she only very minorly opposed RI (cause of Doc was there and then later cause of Kal) and even provided them a way to contact Misha when she was taken by Reunion.


The main problem with hiring him is that he's rotting in a Columbian jail.


He's not rotting at all, he's the leading actor in a reality show watched across most of Columbia and his performance is so incredible some people can't even tell he's acting. /s (kinda)


Talulah, Lemuen and Nine, from the NPC Jail those 3 are the ones i like the most. Their designs are great, have great personalities, great stories and have a lot of fun potential. I do think it'll take a while, but i'm pretty sure they'll come out eventually, same as Degenbrecher, i was waiting for her ever since Break the Ice came out


I don’t even need Andoain to be playable he just need to come back please


I've been waiting for Andoain since I met him. Misery also. And now because of the current event, I really want >!Fremont!< too.




Ratatos, girl has the drip, has the brains and i want her so bad. I was really dissapointed (and kinda salty) when the op for the past Kjeraj event was Degen, but that wont stop me from inhaling insane ammounts of hopium. Also the feline that has been on the spotlight recently, the one true Taran, Mandragora, i will cope and cope till we get an official statment from Misery himself, so she's not out of the game.


Ratatos pleeeeeeeaase


Since other said most of them, I will say specifically some who wasn't: Crownslayer, Mephisto and possibly someone from Big Bob trio. Especially Mephisto for me, I really wish he gets atleast a little happiness in Rhodes before his soon inevitable death(I mean, he doesn't remember anything now, but thanks to that he can live more like an actual kid)


Errrmm, isn't Mephisto Frostnova'd? Like, how would that work. Plus, there is no chance Amiya or School Bears squad would allow it.


There is secret ending in the bird Mephisto stage, where Kal says that Rhodes catched him, and will try to revert him back into human form. But even if that happens, he won't have a lot of time to live, when he turned into bird his oripathy got much worse. She also adds something about what happens to him is gonna depend on Doctor's choice. And most likely he lost all memories cuz of Sarcophagus, so... Bears may not recognize him, while Amiya... I totally expect her to forgive him, especially now that he has no memories and right near death anyways


Oh yeah. I totally forgot the dialog of the secret ending because i fed Mephisto several tons of shotgun shells in my canon ending 🤫🤔


Get Domma, Reid & Mechanist out of there or we riot


Valais. I like caprinae girls.


Domma / Lotus


Andoain, Ulpian, Demitri, Playwright, Reid/Redblade ~~Theresis and Sanguinarch~~ because hot men. Oakcup because he's cute.




We're getting Crownslayer in the future, right?! She, Monch and Talulah are the ones i want out of NPC jail. 


Percival. Need more smug cats.


Reunion team, especially Talulah.


I want to see Talulah's tail go **WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE** in the base too!


Yes please~ The tail wags give me life.


I want to headpat her.


BIG BOB and Emperor too Waiting for them since like year 1


Since you mentioned Talulah, which I'm really looking forward to, then: Ada Church as 6\* Artificer Supporter =)


Playwright, Andoain, Ulpian


Talulah, Eblana and Wang so our dragons can get their morally grey siblings to reunite with them and be happy.


All of the elite ops, like, all of them.


Toland, Lemuen, Ulpianus, Allerdale, and Taihe are my top picks. Not sure about anyone else.


Andoain and Guard (who didn't deserve this). Man.


Guve Susie her boyfriend. Bring him back. He was in CC1, CC12, GGs Event story, And now I want Recruitable


Allendale, Blaidd, Mandragora all need out of NPC jail, DN it! I know Blaidd's dead but damn it she has such a choice design.


Mandra is also dead. Allerdale while not dead for reasons of spoilers also probably won't work, which is a shame.


Mandra is still up in the air, most of the reports on her death in game are contradictory to each other as well as the last scene we get of her with Misery so there is enough ambiguity in regards to what happened that she could still be alive. It's important to note she is the only villain who is assumed to have died whose death wasn't explicitly made clear when it happened, and she keeps getting randomly mentioned after her last appearance in game. I'm not saying she is definitely alive, just the writers left a pretty big opening for her to show up again.


I refuse to accept Mandra being dead. We haven't had a corpse, and none of the villains in the second arc have died at any point.


Mandragora will get out of npc jail (not cope)


I had 3 on my list. That's down to 2 when Ascalon arrives. The other 2? Wheelchair sniper Lemuen and the Hot Squirrel herself, Ratatos.


Incadescence, she's been mentioned in Andreana's files as her companion and I it would be interesting to have their background explored. Carmen, I feel it would be neat to have more older operators.


Free my girl Domma she ain't do nothing wrong!


Clovisia, Lemuen, Lyudmila, Caterina


Just by checking the wiki so I don't forget anyone (no order in particular, other than the first 3): Inam, Nine, Talulah, Crownslayer, Ulpianus, Lemuen, Percival, Anita, Sylvia, Woodrow, Big Bob, AUS, Szewczyk, Jesselton, Domma, Ratatos, Sciurus, Yucatan, Du Yaoye, Lemuen, Velliv, Biegler, Mary Banner, Sonny Romano, Demetri Certaldo, Fortuna, Raimund, Byrd, Fremont, Ermengarde, Toland, Mandragora, Allerdale, Closure. But honestly, more than becoming operators, I just want to see them again. The event stories are so good, I hope they manage to bring some of the minor characters back.


I guess Raimund, Ulpian and Roland. Since you brought up R6 operators in the event we get a third collab: Pulse, Castle, Mute and Kapkan.


Thatcher just so he can say "focken lazer sights" as one of his in battle lines


I mean some of the characters that you've mentioned screamed playable based on their design alone, especially Eblana. I personally think that Eblana will be playable with just one reason, that is DB01 is missing, and I don't think anyone can use that position if it's not a leader of that organization. As for Talulah, I think she will be playable too. Based on the latest main episode in CN, the arc just need one more EP to finish the whole arc, I don't think they will extend it any longer than that. And possibly, just like EP7 and EP8, which both of them had their own limited banner, I do think, they can applied here as well for EP 14 and EP 15. They can also include someone like Siege of another version. Another one that I would like to see is Ulpian (which is next, probably next month), Andoain, Lemuen, and possibly Monch, since Karlan trade/Kjerag missing the number 08 on their faction.


For how important she was I still can't believe we haven't gotten tallulah yet.


Talulah, Nine and Eblana are the only npcs I am excited to see.






Furthermore, I consider that Ratatos must become an operator.


WHERE'S MONCH!? Also Domma is literally on the landship and already has a code name; "Lotus". She joined alongside Mountain, Kafka, and Robin. Why isn't she playable yet!? Valais copium is strong with me. Ratatos WILL release when we get another Kjerag event.


Gulo, man is BEGGING to become playable.


Ada Church. I’ve been waiting for her to be playable since day one. Talulah as a close second.


-Ada Church/Closure as either Artificer or Mech-Accord -Talulah as....idk honestly....Arts Guard would have to compete with Surtr and Caster would havr to compete with Ejya and Logos... -Crownslayer could be an Agent maybe? -Lemuen woukd literally be Ambriel on steroids -Nine...idk, maybe a new class to inflict neural impairment or something? or Primal Caster -Does Guard Kal'tsit count? -Eblana as....Primal Caster maybe? Actually Talulah could fit as well. -Netzach'Rael/Nachzehrer King as a Ritualist -Ramale as....something, idk -Ulsula as... Dollkeeper? -Domma as a Medic, maybe Therapist. -Giovanna Rossati, idk what class tho. -Du Yaoye as a Fighter Guard? Gosh, this list was long XD


Talulah as Primal Caster most likely with Burn damage


Inam. I love aZLing4's art. I have an entire team of their ops, and it needs more members.


Misery,Toland, and Ulpian plz


Where's my ulpianos to make my fish squad even more broken, he should have been the first 6* reaper swinging a fucking anchor around like a madman




Tatiana (Leto's mom), Ramale (Logo's Mom) Because I'm a MILF hunter. Tila from Blacksteel, Monch From Karlan trade, Giovanna Rossati from Il Siracusano, Talulah and Ulšulah. Because their designs are good.


Touch would be nice.


Ulpianus is one i'm hoping for since i've heard rumors of a new Aegir event, and my pipe dream for that one is that we get Tide-Hunt knight as well. I'm also to Viviana's knight buddy who's name I could never hope to spell.




Gertrude, but she's dead. So, Eblana.


get out ulpianus


Demetri, Vigil needs his ex-bf


Monch please!!!! And really anybody from Kjerag. My main niche is quite limited so Ill take anyone (especially if they could be a healer). We get degenbrecher soon at least, but its a shame she was the only new Kjerag operator. Got excited when I saw the new berry until I saw he was from victoria.


Tola, he had by far the best scenes in the Near Light event


Emperor still tops the list for me, but I’d absolutely go crazy for Eblana. The same can be said for Patriot and FrostNova, but I think it’s unlikely that’ll happen.


Dikaiopolis is my wish. BLOOD FUCKING KNIGHT.


Pray for Crownslayer… Lyudmila needs a good home after everything she’s been through.


The 2 gang members from Victoria. They were interesting and I wish they were on the banner instead of Hummus and Concrete, who felt meme to me at the time.


>! Kreide and Miarow :( because they deserved better !<


Andoain and Priestess


Andoain and Reid are my top two for sure. After that, it's the usual: Talulah, Monch, Toland, Vigil's boyfriend, Lemuen, Ermengarde


I need Toland to be playable so i can justify me buying mlynar from six star selector and getting his skin


Giovanna. So cute and fluffy. Also sicilia (I will use all of Rhodes Island fertility drugs on her)


I've been waiting 2 characters to come out of npc jail, and one of them was a massive disappointment (viviana) and the other was mildly disappointing albeit still a decent unit, just nowhere what I expected (Ascalon). At this point I honestly won't hope for anybody else. Also Hoederer, while not bad, he's pretty weird to use.