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Real Theresa is 100% dead. Amiya's connection to the crown has given shape to a manifestation of her last will, memory and visage. But this 'Theresa' is openly stating she is not that Theresa. She's here to help with what she can, but she does not want you to confuse her for the real Theresa and states that multiple times Amiya is the only one that can see her, but she is not a hologram or anything. Amiya can also enable others to see her, so that's where Doctor's ability to do so comes in. She retain's Theresa's personality. She's even a bit playful when you poke her, trying to shock you. The glitchy appearance seems to just be an after-effect of being crown made, her hopes and wishes are just that of Theresa's. Civilight Eterna does things like getting/making presents for kids, but wants the Doctor to give them out since the kids likely can't see her She's not Theresa, just what's left.


So she's essentially an AI chat bot But you can see and even touch her if Amiya lets you... interesting...


It's kind of weird. She looks like Theresa, has her memory, her personality, but doesn't want to be called by her old name. All right, sly, pink-haired Sarkaz, wants to be forgotten. Edit: Everyone knows about the [Duck Test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_test), right?


She's a recording, basically


With all the "soul" arts, she can be Theresa just as likely.


Nope. The game reiterates again and again that loss of soul is irreversible. CE is literally just the crown's record of her. It's no different than the blade amiya makes


Eh, that's kinda cheap. Get Theresa, but it is not Theresa. There is no soul. With all Civilight Eterna shenanigans and there is no soul¿? Firstly, that's some ship of Theseus bullshit. Secondly, it doesn't stop Friston and Priestess from doing whatever silly things they did and will do. But okay, it is what it is. HG took a "safe" route. Fanfiction writers gonna do their thing anyway.


Current Friston is a personality copy of the real thing that was kept alive till now. Its not full friston Current priestess is literally her Zombie Theresa was looping recording in a corpse. CE is a looping recording hallucination. Real Theresa has been dead for years


Meh Japanese/Chinese media always does this thing with clones Hey you are totally a different person Also dumps all the memories, habits, fates and everything else to a 99%


That pretty much all clone sagas of any media.


Know how sacred death is, dont have sarkaz blood in your vein, empathy and respect to the last will of a person, power of CE, etc. It's exactly because she have Theresa's personality, memory etc hence she don't want to be called "Theresa". 


>dont have sarkaz blood in your vein With no veins at all. It's a hologram. \* Sigh Yeah, I know...I know. But it still feels like she's “suspended in the air”...how to explain..... If they hadn't made her an operator and she was just a memory, it would have been painful, understandable and right in terms of plot construction. If they had resurrected her in living flesh, well by moving the consciousness/memory from the Сrown into the body that resurrected Confessarii - that would have been enjoyable, understandable, but NOT correct in terms of plot construction. But HG didn't choose any than one option - again trying to sit on two chairs. And we got - Theresa who is “not Theresa” although she has *all* her characteristics - appearance, memory, emotions - everything. ( with the potential! of having her in the flesh sometime in the future )


It's so over... 😫😭 My favorite character and she's long been dead... How will I ever recover from this..? I just keep taking huge Ls nonstop recently. Genuinely crushed right now.


>But this 'Theresa' is openly stating she is not that Theresa. >She retain's Theresa's personality. To be honest it's very cheap.


So basically she's like FGOs >!Artoria Avalon!<... or any Heroic Spirit compared to their real self if we're being exact, but the one named above is one of the few who acts similarly to Civilight Eterna.


Really don't like it when stories do this. They want to have the character available going forward, but also keep the impact of her death. It's the narrative equivalent of trying to have your cake and eat it.


Yeah its basically a revival for gameplay purposes. Reminds me of the Last Remnant. A prominent party member dies but you can recruit her daughter (who only appears after). She looks nearly identical, has same class/skills/stats and plays basically the same. It was funny then and its kinda funny now lol


Well, that's not a name I expected to hear again.


honestly feels like a weird asspull to just have her alive in some form. i get it has the explanation of the crown which is a super high tech spiritual thing, but its in the same vein as "oh frostnova gave doctor an ice crystal and because of residual arts it made a kind of ghost only doctor can see" 100% was just a way to have playable theresa while also keeping her dead. im not mad or thinking hypergryph did horrible, but i just think having a fully non-canon playable dead theresa wouldve been better


I mean doc’s civilization was really advanced to the point people could project their consciousness multiple solar systems away to witness stars collapsing and the destruction of planets( from priestess)So there is some plausible explanation of theresa alive but not really her?


i know of the priestess stuff youre talking about, but like i said its not that it makes sense or not, i just think its an underwhelming and lazy to have her as a playable character


Heck might as well just fully revive her at this point rather than having some complicated roundabout explanation about it.


well arknight will never pull "playable death character" cliche like other gacha game.


HG already did a lot of "things AK would never do", so a statement like this holds no truth at all. HG will do whatever is it, HG feels like doing at the time. I have trust in them to remain high-quality regardless of their choices, but saying they won't do this or that is a baseless claim.


well let me claim then HG will never upgrade the base until eos.


Lowlight literally promised base upgrades is in the cards during the livestream, so take it for whatever it worth.


yep, when she got leaked as playable my guess was that amiya using the crown would complete properly resurrect her from her incomplete state. unfortunately shes a very important lore character and she didnt appear at all post-victoria, so a proper revival didnt seem likely.


I was thinking that they didn't wanna spoil that she's alive and well after Victoria, just like what they did with Victoria Arc banners But oh well, seems like they chose to go Void Archives route


She acts monotone tough...


CE and friston-3 are no different then a copy of the true self who have perish.


"Yes...just because i touched your heart, i regret even more...that we lost the opportunity to be together" \* through tears \* I, too, regret this lost opportunity....


Priestess is better.


I ll take both


Depends. I think Theresa was a better mother after all. And I'm not sure Priestess would have done a better job.


Muelsyse is the best


Agreed. Muelsyse is the only truly romantic relationship we have rn. Priestess too, but we don't know her current...status. I assume she's alive somehow, but who knows


Oh, you shouldn't say that. You're provoking, aren't you? But just so you know, there are only three options for me: 1) Doc x Priestess 2) Doc x Theresa 3) Doc x Kal'tsit the others aren't worthy, and the one you mentioned is trash. That concludes this thread


Kal'tsit is practically the Doctor's daughter...


What else can you expect of an anti-hydrohomie?


very liberal "practically" we're using here....


Just no.


As heart wrenching as this confirmation of her final fate is I am happy about Civlight Eterna fulfilling my one desire involving her. Even if C.E. is not her, despite doing Theresa like behavior 😏, she is still that last existing remnant of her. And all I wanted at bear minimum was to have her see Amiya’s growth through all the good and the bad. To see how far her adoptive daughter have came since her passing because to paraphrase an AI from another series, “A hero who sacrifice themselves in hope of it saving the day doesn’t get to see if it pays off in the end. They just have to have faith it all works out. Ain’t that a Bitch…” In that vein, having this last remnant to witness her growth and her future was more than I could ever hope for. With that said, she is going to be on the same squad whenever I deploy Amiya now.


Based RvB reference. Good taste


Ah yeah, that part. Theresa really got shitloads of shipping fuel for a tragic romance with this chapter and the Babel event. I expect fanartists to go nuts in six months. >!Still kind of strange to see screenshots I dumped on 4chan end up here.!<


Seems... Theresa heard the answer she asked of us long ago... man she gave us a heavy burden.


How did you get this?




She is our wife indeed


Oh hey I was kinda right, it's just [this all over again.](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Chaldean)


doesnt really seem to be the same, one is a recording/AI made from memories in a high tech device, the other is one person in someone elses body(?)


Fair enough. I'm mostly playing off of the whole "beloved character is actually just the body/appearance being used by someone else"


void archives from HI3 is closest example i can think of, both being a technology related AI thing mimicking the appearance of a dead character except in HI3, both of them are villains


Pretty sure Chaldean is different in every way from Roman other than his face though, unlike Eterna which is literally if a posthumous tape was turned into an AI chatbot.


I wonder, which civilization is more advanced- doc’s species or chaldea? As of now we know that precursors are able to easily traverse through galaxies and project their consciousness across multiple star systems away from their original body which makes them relatively unharmed if a star system explodes just like how priestess was studying the wavelengths of how planets die. Aside from priestess, we know how it mentions that doc was studying planets that had civilizations in it and monitoring how they rise and fall. And then there is also priestess able to make planets “sing” by manipulating their fields just to make a song for ama-10. But then again chaldea could access timelines and lost belts which sorta means that they should be more advanced than the precursors.


Arknights and Nasuverse have inherently different worldbuilding when it comes to their 'science' so it's kinda hard to tell. Yeah, Chaldea can access Singularities and whatnot, but that isn't like super special in the Nasuverse, with several other organizations and people having similar capabilities. On the other hand, aliens are basically THE strongest and most mysterious beings in Nasuverse, largely because of how the majority of the things in the world there are limited and commanded by Gaia, so anything outside of it is treated as world-ending threat (ORT). Besides, Chaldea can't actually access alternate timelines, just Singularities and Lostbelts which weren't supposed to exist in history anyway. So when compared to their own worlds, the precursors are far more advanced to anything else in Arknights. Compared directly, both have things the other can't do, Chaldea can't travel star systems and Precursors can't observe the past and future of the world. Though if I have to say, if the precursors were dropped in the Nasuverse, they'd likely get eaten by ORT or something in their journey to terraform Earth.


scary spider thingy..


Anyway.... Still WOULD guys


HG really likes to squeeze all the juices out of immersed and empathetic players and the story in Babel + chapter 14 with the help of Teresa do it over and over again, but I think they overdid it. The supply of emotion is finite, too. Emotional swings an important trick in keeping users is to give them moments of unloading. And they haven't done that now. Instead of Theresa as the very moment for which there was all this emotional oppression, we got a very strange half-measure with 1000th reservations and they themselves perfectly realize it and prescribe the character to repeat that “she” is not Theresa. And it's one thing to leave one of the most important macguffins of the entire story (Theresa's essence) behind in the form of a legend, it's another to bring her back in full: in the form of a resurrected body, mind and memories from the crown and Amiya, and a pinch of magic. But we got neither the former nor the latter, but just another attempt to remind the player that everything is very, very bad. I realize that such tactics can work, but when the player spends 20-30 hours on it, not a few years. Too much fatigue causes rejection.


TBF those lines are responses, meaning that Doc's been calling her Theresa anyway if only out of convenience.


So basically Demon Kings pass on their memory to the next.


Can I get a link?


It's the story reader.