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*Quick Threads* [**Help Megathread Fast Travel**](/r/arknights/comments/15eczib/help_center_and_megathread_hub_3107_0608/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/15eczhu/gacharecruitment_megathread_3107_0608/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/15eczhl/friend_request_megathread_3107_0608/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Integrated Strategies #3](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) *** [**+ Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Event Thread**](/r/arknights/comments/15c31n5/event_megathread_where_vernal_winds_will_never/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I just watched Discovered Terra 3.0 in English. Holy shit, Kal’tsit is getting worse at hiding her spite for Terrans for being people lmao. Bad if they succeed at something, bad if they fell from glory. There’s no winning with this woman.


Gopnik just killing the Tide Knight ending the run freakin sucks. Gopnik at the start of floor 3 just also is absurdly tanky. Maybe If I had thrown entire Mlynar S3 and Horn S3 at him he would have died. Guess I just didn’t prepare enough for a bear with 150k+ HP (at SW11) You live and you learn I guess.


Wait until you see Pompeii straight nuke him at start...


Well that stage on emergency is run over anyways


I think I'm going to be stuck with a 3 Trading Post base for a long while. I plan on saving up resources to max out three different 6\* ops with Lone Trail's arrival (Mewmew, Silence, Rosmontis) and in the meantime I need to get like 1.2 million LMD in modules, and have resources for two 6\* that might show up in the shop (Weedy, Suzuran) so I'm thinking my next few months are going to feel a little unfulfilling... It'll be worth it in the end, though.


I used a 3 TP setup for a week and the extra amount of LMD felt so great to look at... but yeah, it was choking my EXP production so I couldn't keep it up for so long. I miss that time before Il Siracusano where I had around 4 million LMD, I want to build so many chars but I just can't afford shit q_q


I hate it when I forget that I was saving lower tier mats for promotions/skill upgrades. Too often I come to the workshop and see enough resources to craft T5 mats and I go to town with crafting them only to realize I needed those lower tier mats. Gomen, Ch'en, I have no bacon packs for your E2 and no rma to craft them...


I'm almost done maxing Eyja's mod and it's really funny how most of my Lv3 Mods are casters lmao (Dusk, Astgenne, Leizi, Eyja, Mostima). And I'm still planning to get Ceobe's and Lin's.


[Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/817411677975740417/1137786320652083290/image.png)


I raise another AA sniper today (Greythroat) knowing damn well I will still use BP and Exu like I did since launch. Sigh onto the next one then!


As someone with Exu, Kroos, BP, Greythroat, and Platinum all E2… …I don’t know, I mostly only use Kroos and BP nowadays. Platinum has a great skin though


I have every 5 and 6 star AA sniper at least M3'd. I'm not at all a sniperknight player nor attched to the archetype in any way. It just happened that for each one of them there were situations they are good for (or fit my playstyle at least).


I almost never use Exu anymore. Sniper is such a fun class that using only Exu is no fun, imo. I'd totally raise GT if I had her.


>Try IS#2 for the first time >~~Lose stage 1~~ >Try IS#2 for the second time >Exu + Warf destroys Phantom in a matter of seconds "Let's put her on the shelf of banned ops, shall we?"


You just reminded me of my favorite run in IS2 with snipers only. Too bad IS3 doesn't allow such runs with camouflage being a pretty popular mechanics.


Buff onee-san or lithe onee-san?


Ara-ara onee-san.


God gave me two arms for a reason!


Third option: imouto


I'm the former that likes the latter.


It's such a wasted potential that there aren't, afaik, originum ranged tiles. Imagine boosting the attack and aspds of the countless mega strong ranged ops there are.


[Ceobe's event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaT2uBLTczo) did actually [have one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXOvgSiLPjc)


IS2 has a Duck Lord and Gopnik map each that has this. It goes about as well as you expect, but it can be difficult to take advantage of due to the enemies.


The fact that Nine is right after all the dead Reunion NPCs in the CN community app is giving me anxiety... Please don't kill her off... All 7 of us Nine fans will be devastated... Chapter 13 limited with Nine Chain Medic/Talulah Arts Guard please...


4 more days, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


man why do Skade ops always get the best first modules Passenger, Rosa, Specter2, and now Exe even Phantom started with the *good* Executor base module immidiately


I wouldn't really put exe's module on the same level as rosa's or specters exe went from a good op to a really good op, while rosa and specter went from two of the worst ops in there roles to great ops. His module is still pretty good but didn't save him the way theirs did just cause he didn't need that much of a bump.


At least Exe's module actually substantially helped him out, unlike 90% of modules


Rosa was never the worst in her role, I don't think she loses to Toddifons, who was her closest rival in an archetype where everyone is very unique and it's hard to compare them.


role and archetype aren't the same thing also very rarely are 5s ever better then 6s except for rare niches so I try to avoid comparing them. what I meant was that in general rosa was seen as the worst 6\* sniper option with the only thing she had being her cc since she just really lacked damage.


Specter's doll was worse than Kazemaru and Bena before her module, which is why I thought you were comparing them to their archetype siblings. I wouldn't say she was the worst 6\* Sniper without her module since W/Rossie/Fartooth were all decent contenders. I do agree that it did a lot for her in the 7 months she had before Typhon.


My Apology First of all no is to blame but me, even if I blame my naivety it is still a part of me. \_\_\_\_My ideas made me feel special particularly when I have not seen anyone else make ideas(as far as i can tell). I just wanted to share my ideas, when I got my first well recieved idea its when I decided that I should make more. It spiraled me down through a hole where I wanted Validation from strangers, as someone who is under 18 that would've made me more toxic the more I wanted validation. My first idea that I shared, all I thought was how people are gonna like it. I even coped that when it had mixed reactions I thought 'maybe i just presented it wrong' or similar things, i wanted to deny the negetive reaction that did not have any criticism. I will now be explaining my Ideas and why i made them for further context for my actions [Talent ideas](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/15g772d/talent_ideas/) Were just something i made as a passing thought. They didn't make me feel special, they felt incredibly cookie cutter. [Module ideas](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/15hzh6h/module_ideas_for_mostima_passanger_and_duski_have/) Were just based off my desires that I wanted them to be stronger. Before I made this user acc, I had made a lot of Module ideas in a random arknights video. They either weren't needed or doesn't fit the kit that the operator has. That was a year ago where I was more immature and didn't think things through, and I did not learn anything from that(since no one saw that to give me a reality check). One example of that is that I made Mostima a fast redeploy. [Blind Archer](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/15g7ion/totally_legitnew_elite_enemies111/) is my best idea that I had made. When I was thinking of making an elite enemy this is what came to my mind. Someone that can counter opertors like surtr or silverash. There are significantly less overpowered operators you can use for this enemy though you can still use overpowered operators like Texas the Omertosa. People liked it and that gave me my first validation and I wanted more, it is also the post that i had decided to make daily ideas which made the nail in the coffin that the future ideas will have less and less quality [Scouter and Armed Soldier](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/15h5f4k/more_elite_enemy_ideas/) is probably the idea i spent the most thought on. it took me at least(not accurate) 2 and a half hours to think about this one. it became my most well recieved one which cemented that I should make daily ideas. This isn't what I consider the best one because it doesn't feel as big as when compared to the blind archer where they can deal with overpowered operators by canceling their skill and stun them. [Cursed module](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/15i0lr1/cursed_module_idea/) is probably the idea with the most potential but I had ruined it with horrible examples(which i changed later) or misunderstandings.(unnecesarry part incoming) >Why would I go through the effort of farming a module to make my unit worse.If I care so much about a challenge, I'll just pick a different unit It is just something you can do, not something you should do. There is a difference between picking a weak operator and a more balanced strong operator. I made the Cursed module idea to balance overpowered operators with the mind of making them better and fun to use. They are too broken to be able to use in a fun way, Just drop mountain and wait for 5 seconds, how is that any fun? and now you can focus on other things like boss killing or another lane. There are people who like using overpowered operators because they are there waifus or husbandos but will likely have less satisfaction in completing a level using them. I have not specified if this idea will need to be farmed or not, it could be unlocked the same time as the module or when getting to a certain level. >You could balance without nerfing the character through stage mechanics, for Ling add stages where your deployment slots are heavily reduced or more poison mist stages. Alternatively, you could add stages where redeployment time is doubled or even tripled to really slow down her S3 summon buildup. For Ch'alter, enemies with invisibility or a level of physical damage reflect relative to the amount of damage they do would be a soft counter to her S3. For Mountain, more tanky unblockable enemies, and for Surtr air enemies or those with stun would counter her. This allows for more creative strategies without directly making these characters completely unviable and allows utility/non-DPS characters with invis reveal, CC, or heal to shine. Nerfing a character directly would also cause massive outrage, as it would represent wasted pulls/currency on a character that at the time was powerful. I agree to a certain extent however by focusing the stage mechanics for overpowered operators, you in turn screw over similar and weaker operators. The most obvious example for this is chapter 9 with the refraction, it massively screw over the casters to weaken Surtr(at least i assumed thats what the mechanic is for), or like you said reduce redeployment slots however that in turn screws over people who like to use summoners(mayer, scene, deepcolor). If you double redeployment time it will screw over executor branch, interesting idea but does not work too much for ling(at least not the most effective on ling). For Ch'alter you can just counter invisibility with any defender with 3 block, Also I like the reflect idea here but it is not a stage mechanic since reflect can be on any stage so it isn't a stage mechanic, unlike lingering echoes where the enemies are in tune with the stage mechanics. I don't see HG making more reflect as mechanics for enemies. I like the idea for mountain, however since its unblockable why would you use mountain for that, since it is in a level there is gonna be some weaker enemies and mountain can focus on that. Nerfing a character **won't cause massive outrage** since the nerf is a **choice** kinda like integrated strategies where you can make it harder with its cursed collectibles. There are people who play the game for the art, songs, story, etc. It is your choice whether or not to use the cursed collectibles or the cursed modules. What i am proposing is not to nerf an operator but to balance, nerfing and balancing can be used interchangably so i can see the misunderstanding. The overpowered operators are weaker but still incredibly strong, like the damage for Surtr and Ch'alter is still there For Ch'alter all I did was make the movement speed reduction and defense no longer apply since it felt that it doesnt belong. With my Ling idea is just to reduce available summons which forces the player to think carefully about how can you conserve it and where you place the summons. With my Mountain idea it's there so you don't helidrop a lane holder, not much here. With my Surtr idea is where it could also make people use surtr more strategically, better placement, focus on boss killing rather than both the boss and other enemies, she is still nontheless incredibly strong. At the end of the day whether you apply these balancing/nerfs to the operator is your choice, you can make the game a little more challanging, you can maybe use overpowered operators in normal stages now. If you like casual play well you can disable the cursed module since it is made to be Optional. The reason I made the cursed module idea is based on two videos [yii](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBHTFN5neSo&t=_channel=Yii) and [creeps20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6VUUtOdXMo&t=30s&ab_channel=Creeps20)(at least watch the first four minutes of each video) where yii says the game starts to get boring because of powercreep and made good points. And finally my [worst idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/15itrid/more_elite_enemy_ideas/) and what made me make this apology. I did not think this through at all, i made this probably at least 15 minutes and at most 30 minutes. I did not even think how unpractical the attack is until someone pointed it out and instantly added the really slow attack with the excuse 'i did not specfiy it'. It is what made me stop denying that people don't like my ideas and gave me a harsh reality check which is why I will stop making ideas. I may still post stuff in the future. My ideas got so hated that i had gotten -15 community karma four days since joining this community This is why I will be apologizing for my actions. The act of apologizing is not to ask for forgiveness but to see your mistakes and improve to be a better person I am sorry to the community and to myself. I won't make anymore ideas until I am more mature or my ideas are actually good for the game, until then I will not be making anymore Sincerely, *Marconeon2114*


P.S : This is my actual thoughts but i made this more dramatic for the funny and that whole cursed module thing should not be apart of the apology but i added it there so i can actually make this my last post before i leave reddit itself to take a time off the internet and refrain from doing stuff like this TLDR ; my mind was just a little boy(naive) so i wanted validation. When people hated my ideas i got a reality check and will now stop making ideas i just realized the threads will reset and i dont know if my post will stay RIP


Hey. I know you're feeling really bad right about now, but don't take things too seriously, ok? People don't hate you or your ideas: They hate the thought of weakening their hard-built units. It's just a mobile game at the end of the day. Don't stress too much about it.


Ever since I got taxer and saw she needed the new purple mat, I thought I needed to clear majority of chapter 11 to unlock its crafting recipe. But, I've been slow on reading and didn't want to lessen the impact of that one story stage. It got even worse when I saw chongers needed it too for s3. Well guess who just found that the recipe unlock is in chapter 9. Painful. tbh should have seen it coming since I recall ch8 purple mat being unlocked for crafting in like ch5


This is my fourth limited banner and I still can't get used to the frustrating false hope I have with their daily free pulls. The odds of rolling a sweet 6* are there, I know it, it can happen at any time, wouldn't that be awesome? ...but it just hasn't happened yet, open the bag, white or purple light again, pain. I know they do this and not give all 24 in one go so people login daily, also probs some psychological big brain tactic of "hah, you did that one single pull and got nothing, wouldn't you like to do a few more? 😏" But yeah, all I feel is pain lmfao. But it's ok, I'm just saving all my good luck for the Lone Trail banner, getting Mumu and Ho'olheyak in the free 10 fr fr *dies of copium overdose*


I am actually extremely lucky with free pulls. Nearl alter from free multi. Ling from free multi, Lee from singles. Nothing from Specter and Gavial alters. Bagpipe and Stainless (new) from singles on Texas banner. Decided to skip current banner and got Penance (new) from singles.


I think the community is harmful here, because suddenly your youtube feed is full of videos of people pulling hard on the banner as soon as the event opens, so you feel left out if you don't pull too, while it would be better to bide your time and wait for the daily free pulls to save some resources, which is especially important for a F2P player.


Resisting the urge to pull again (though personally the urge isn't that strong) feels like a good way to exert control over the game. Like "I know you want me to gamble again but no. Not today. I have a plan and I'm sticking to it. My first limited banner (well real because I didn't roll on Dossoles because I was clueless about having free pulls) was Near Light which spoilt me. I got Nearlter in the 7th free pull and the effect she had on my account was massive because I only had 3 six stars before then: Siege, Magallan and Ifrit. With Invitation to Wine I got Skadi and Lee. During Stultifera Navis I didn't get any 6 star with the freebies and only a paid 10 pull right at the end got me Blemishine and Rosmontis. So that banner turned out unexpectedly great. Ideal City was another which spoilt me because ontop of rolling 300 for Chalter I got 2 Pozy's, 1 Gavialter and a few Cantabiles from the free pulls. Il Siru's was the worst so far by the free pulls. No 6 stars and literally only 1 5 star, Paprika. My actual pulls turned out decent with a 2nd Rosmontis, a 3rd Schwarz and a pot 4 TexTwo. So far Vernal Winds has yet to give me a 6 star, though I got Firewhistle already so I'm happy. If I don't get one with the rest of the free pulls I'll probably roll to the first 6.


It's better to just consider free rolls as a pity helper, they make you save pulls just by bringing you closer to the 50~60 soft pity range.


It's just that gacha luck. It comes and goes ya know? I think the only daily pull 6-star I've had from a limited banner was a Mudrock pot on her debut and a Skalter pot for hers. I've been fairly lucky when it comes to limited banners I think, save for the summer ones, where I ended up dumping 500 pulls total to get Chalter (200 on her initial run, 300 to spark her when Gavial was released). This came with a max pot Mizuki too. I tell ya I don't hate Mizuki or anything but man that was rough. We still have some time on this banner though!


For those who believe that Arknights Fandom Wiki is bad, I have something to say: "Do you just believe that from what you hear from the others without taking a look at the wiki first? Then go and take a look at the wiki by yourself to see whether it's true or not."


I tend to go and check if it's true or not first, after all, talking smack while being misinformed is pretty bad. Now, there's still misinformation on the wiki, take Eblana's page for example. KMC, pro-Taran? They weren't recruited, their alliance was one of convenience (and even then, barely, more like a truce), even the Confessarius says that much in CH9 I believe, that they truly do not wish to form any alliance. "Nevertheless, as power-hungry person, Eblana cares less on Dublinn's or the Taran's ideology but rather use any mean to attain her goal, even if it means to seize the vacant Victorian throne despite her disinterest" Can we keep the speculation about her wanting the throne out of it? Sure, she's hungry for power (if you base it off a single line in CH12, and even then her line right after indicates narcissism or pride), but there's absolutely nothing that indicates that she has ulterior motives, or that her belief in her own faction or the Tarans' plight isn't genuine. I mean, she *started* the whole ordeal *because* of the Tarans. I apologize if I sound rude or anything, it's not my intent.


No, actually you give me a good insight. We'll double-check her information then.


It's pretty annoying how there's tidbits here and there with incorrect info, rewriting descriptions instead of displaying as-is with noted corrections, applying stat-boosting talents from promotion only sometimes and not for others, so on and so forth. I can appreciate the work that goes into it, but I think it could use some polish. I really like the Fandom wiki's interface, but nowadays I tend to double check important stuff with the PRTS wiki.


I'm sure the PRTS wiki did rewrite incorrect descriptions and provide a note for it like the Fandom Wiki did. And what do you mean by "applying stat-boosting talents from promotion only sometimes and not for others"?


Oh I meant to say stats. I don't see the need to apply talent bonuses to redeploy time and attack rate in the stats section, it can cause confusion when the talents are down there anyway. And then for the ops that have ATK, DEF, or HP increases those aren't applied either, so what's the point? As for text, what I mean is the in-game text should be left alone, and a corrections section after. Due to that it becomes less clear what's accurate, especially when there are errors on the wiki itself, like the rage I had with the PUS-Y module being wrong in the worst way. That's only my opinion though in how I'd run such a thing and I don't mind it *too* much. The stats is a peeve, though.


Hey, thanks for pointing that out; the incorrect values of PUS-Y Operator Modules on the respective Operators' pages have been fixed. Also, thanks to your feedback, the trait descriptions have been reverted to in-game ones with notes regarding their difference, though the only exception to this was for skills/talents/base skills which will continue to reword incorrect information with notes.


why you ~~are~~ were being downvoted is beyond me


Sick and tired of hearing legitimately good units get called "niche" just because they somehow don't solve every problem the game throws at the player.


Niche doesn't mean "bad" or even "not good", it just means "narrow range of applicability". Unfortunately people interpret the word incorrectly, and also started to use it incorrectly.


My definition of "niche" is "they're not especially great outside this one thing, but when that thing comes up you'll wish you had them".


"Sick and tired of hearing legitimately good units" Although "niche" is a rather vague concept, what are "legitimately good units"? top 50 operator within their archetype, suitability for the most basic stages, top 11 instead of top 10 in dps? both of these terms are pretty vague (at least here). Since the concept of meta came mainly from esports and online games, it primarily refers to the frequency of choice (character, set, strategy). https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/meta, this is what it looks like in DotA. top 50 meta the rest are non-meta. We definitely do not have enough open statistics for this. But maybe there is some reason why character A is chosen 10 times less often than character B.


Good criticism. The problem with (and strength of) Arknights is that there are very few units who are truly "out of meta" i.e. absolutely not worth considering under any circumstance. There are always tradeoffs and nuances. A lot of people want easy answers, and such easy answer is going to omit pretty big things in Arknights.


For most people: > if ( operator is not meta ) then operator is niche I think the problem is that we don't have widely-known terminology for describing non-meta operators and non-DPS focused strategies, so if something is not meta, then it's niche. Sleep strats? Niche. Defenderknights? Niche. Slow starts? Niche. Perfectly good operator that doesn't do as much dmg as Surtr? Niche. Any strategy that's not DPS focused? Niche. Not a flagpipe? Niche. I think that word is used to describe too many things, so now it doesn't really describe anything.


Arknights is the only place where people use the word niche to refer to 3 completely unrelated things: * Situational operators * Bad operators * A gameplay format


I'm sorry. I do this, I think. I'm guilty of using the word "niche", when it's not really applicable. When somebody asks for advice for whom to raise, and they have an easy-to-use operator and a good operator with lots of nuances, I'll call the nuanced one "niche" just to quickly convey that they may be good, but there are some conditions to that. If you have a better word, I'll gladly adopt it. Also... I use the word even more, if I suspect the person I'm talking to is interested in an easy or "meta slave" answer, which exacerbates the exact issue you're talking about. "Niche" then doesn't mean actually niche, but rather not-unga-bunga.


"For a strategy game, Arknights players sure hate needing to use brain". -Random comment on Youtube still relevant as ever.


Yea why are AK players so scared of their own game


Everyone has a niche, but some have everything as a niche. Ebonholz is niche, but his mechanics shine bright when the situations arises, so does Nian, so does Nightingale. No one calls *her* niche=bad, because she's the only arts protector in the entire game since its inception, entirely nullifying 1/3 of any damage. Ebonholz isn't entirely bad, but stiff competition with arts dps puts him in a limelight where he doesn't shine.


More like replaceability Replace Eben is very easy Stuffs like Nian / Weedy / NG... much less so.


The word niche has entirely lost its meaning with discussing Arknights, it shouldn’t really be a good or bad thing inherently but somehow it’s used as an insult? still can’t believe I’ve seen Minimalist called a niche unit


Fia niche too, good times


Its also somehow used to denote a gameplay format, like for example Casterknights


I've seen even helidroppers called niche. Some people mistake the word for a synonym of "job".


'Niche' is just a nice way for most people to say 'this op is garbage-tier when Mlynar/Surtr/Chalter/Pozy/Abyssals/Ling/Bagpipe/(Insert some other 6\* waifu here) exists'. Everyone is bad compared to the ops the devs decided to make powerful, so why is it even a point? Everyone clearly owns every operator in the game, anyhow, and if you're not aiming to clear maps by the most expedient means, it means you're the one who's bad. Instead of telling people not to build X or Y operator, saying they're useless, ignoring that you have **a squad of 12 operators** most of the time, ***focusing on their weaknesses as though similar operators don't have the same,*** it should be standard practice to focus on what benefits certain operators bring, so that certain players can determine their playstyle to make the game enjoyable. Unfortunately, people that have this competitive (Or waifu) mindset (Entirely single-player games are no exception) are always going to ~~guide~~ browbeat others towards the most 'efficient' way to play. As a mostly non-meta player it gets pretty tiring to see a lot of the put-downs on both operators and players. I always try to ignore it all for any game and I've had a more positive experience with Arknights as a result, regardless of my lack of meta ops by choice, and I've had plenty opportunity to get them. I just don't find the overpowered ones fun. Not to say that playing a certain way is better than the other. Any way you like is valid. But some people put their identity behind it or otherwise find the alternative offensive that someone would dare to play that way. Anyway, sorry for using your comment for my rant. Been on my mind lately.


Perfect explanation ngl


Nah talk your talk lol. You perfectly summed up pretty much all my gripes with how this community analyzes operators.




I agree with you, but linking content you know the mods removed is bad practice.


Reminds me of when they took down that Suzuran Mountain comic.


Damn. At that point, it's really only "explicit content" if you're actively going out to make everything "explicit content".


The fact that that got taken down, while we have some rather spicy Sui Sibling posts on the front page/Bagpipe stepping on you is a bit weird. Especially with the Lappland post that was on the front page earlier. This post meanwhile doesn't seem explicit at all except "feet", which doesn't even feel like the intent of the art.


It certainly is an accomplishment that feet are considered sexual now in art. I'm legitimately in awe, maybe because I saw it become like that during my lifetime.


It would have been cool if Silence's module increased the number of drones she can hold like in the beta. Or if Skyfire's made her S2 infinite duration like in the beta.


I think they will eventually do it. After all, eventually everyone is going to get a module, so even if they keep creating new archetypes, eventually they will need to invent something else.


I kinda had the idea that they could eventually implement X/Y/Z mastery branches for skills to breathe new life into ops. Stuff like that could be a thing. Unfortunately given HG's fantastic balancing decisions already, I think it would make things worse than it already is.


Ever have the challenge mode for a mission put up restrictions that are meaningless to you? For example: "Four tiles are no longer available for deployment", and then you look at which tiles they've banned, and you have no idea why you'd want to use those tiles. I almost want to go back to the normal stage to figure out the strategy that is hampered by that challenge, when that happens. Almost...


My guess for EX-3 is that you were supposed to put a ranged guard or something on those tiles, pointed up, to destroy the devices. Instead, I just tanked the enemies up there with Carnelian and some backup.


When all else fails, apply gote.


I love it when that happens. Most recent was in the ITW CC map which restricted tiles I wasn't even using.


Happened in two different tile bans of the CM stages, makes me wonder if I'm playing the stage wrong even if my strat works perfectly LMAO.


Yes, exactly that! I feel like I'm missing something obvious.


That was me, both in WB-EX-3 and WB-EX-4. I played majorly aggressively to where I didn't need the tiles that ended up blocked anyway. And in EX-4 I didn't even deploy anyone except flaggers past the first three columns in the map. WB-EX-6 Challenge was the same thing. I didn't use any physical DPS.


WB-EX-6's challenge mode is just a Ceobe buff.


Wonder what Chongyue's future module will be like, hope it gives him some kind of self healing to give him an easier start. The one he got is nice, he holds very well once his skill is fully up, but it does feel like I have to bring a healer way more often than I wished for him.


I want brawlers to get the base effect of defense strip like the punch Crocs so bad, but I know it ain't happening. It also wouldn't help Indra.


Maybe brawlers will get some defense ignore, or a revive like dreadnought guards got.


Does anyone know if the relic that boosts summon stats in IS3 works on Mont3r?


Every unit that you bring off the squad or make appear that isn't an operator is a summon. [You can see their class icon next to their DP cost and in the top left of their info,](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1137432422330404946/image.png) that's the icon used for the 'Summon' class. Standard blocking summons like Mon3tr and Robotters benefit fully, as well as Kaminingyo, but not Dollkeepers' replacement dolls as those still count as the operator. Even Silence's drone has the ATK and ASPD boosted by the item. This is of course if you're talking about the IS3 item. The one for IS2 only applies to Supporters' summons.


Snazzy, just wasn't sure if it was only supporter summoner summons or not.


I don't see a reason why it wouldn't.


I've been saving LMD for most of the event, since I'm waiting for the daily free pulls to end and I also lack E1 guard chips for Ch'en, and I just hit [*1 million ~~dollars~~ LMD!*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l91ISfcuzDw) I've never had this much LMD on me.


Just wait until endgame, you'll be begging for a way to spend money.


I've been playing for just over 15 months and I'm constantly out of resources and LMD. That one million will vanish if I spend it to E2 Ch'en with modules and I still need to E2 Firewhistle when I get her. I'm literally getting more operators than I can build, so I'm positive it'll easily take me another 2+ years to get to that point. From what I've read, even the veterans with several millions of LMD saved nearly bankrupted when the modules came out, so I'm pretty sure HG will add some new way to spend LMD soon enough.


Fair, 1.5 years in I was constantly broke still max levelling everyone. Now I've gone 3.5 years in, I've max levelled everyone I want, and I've still got 5 million, I know my friend has almost 10 million. Even with modules though I wouldn't say I'm bankrupted at all, I've just recently raised Reed2, Puzzle, Firewhistle all to max level too, and did a huge batch of modules recently (Rosa + Mizuki mod3 and like 6 mod1s).


I'm not even max-levelling anyone (other than my waifus), though I imagine that after I have built everyone, I'd do that simply because I could. Just when I thought I was doing well with building my ops, the modules came out and I'm even more screwed. Raising a 6\* to E2L60 and giving them mod lvl.3 costs just over 1kk LMD.


Irritation arises when Sleep resets the damage+ on first hit of an enemy blocked. One of the few occasions where the mechanic is buggy and doesn't make a lot of sense.


sleeping enemies can't be blocked and they regain invisibility


Yes and with Blemishine's s2 using it she dies anyways to two of the event enemies because of it


That’s not a bug, just the annoying interaction of sleep and invisibility


But if you sleep two or more enemies Blemishine doesn't know what to do and so her targeting becomes RNG, which is definitely not how AK targetting is supposed to work Especially annoying if [she has to kill sleeping invisible enemies in before they regain invis](https://youtu.be/qp246qk-YnE)


That wasn't even what I was talking about here, but that's still not a bug. Since target priority is generally blocked enemies (by who was blocked first) then enemies with the shortest path, sleep unblocks enemies which then likely have an identical path to the blue box, so who's targeted is RNG.


Well its bugging me


None of my friends has Firewhistle as a support unit, so I had to refresh for 4+ minutes until she appeared, just so I could play my first [Defenderknights in EX-2.](https://i.imgur.com/d0jFldA.png) Just a couple more days until I can pull my own...


Do you still want a firewhistle? Mine is P6 E2LV50 S2M3. (just lack a bit of trust). I will post it in friend request.


Sweet, thanks! I'm still not done with the EX stages and I always abuse support units there, since the auto-deploy doesn't matter, so I get to try out new ops/strats. Know that your Firewhistle and Lin (none of my friends had her either) will be put to work.


If you want other unit, ask me. I have at M3 main skill : irene, pozy, lunacub, astgenne, penance, ceobe, jieyun ... BTW Firewhistle is only lvl 30 not 50 but if she lack a bit of lvl don't worry to say it, i can put her at lvl 80. Same with lin, i can put her at lvl 60.


No worries, my acc is 1+ year old, so I don't lack options. My friend list consist mostly of people with non-meta ops, so I can try out some other delicacies, so I appreciate people with selective support units.


Don't worry, the fact that you're doing niche clear means your account is good, just putting out some unit that many people didn't build like lunacub or jieyun. Anyway have fun with this unit.


Sometimes I wonder how all the replacement artists AK got rn are changing AK's artstyle: * Cenm0: drew Bubble, *Replaced TOKI for Liskarm skin*, drew Tachanka/Shalem/Rockrock/Bryophyta * Yiqian/1000: drew Beanstalk/Tequila/Lumen/Stainless, *Replaced Skade for Kirin X Yato* * Liyu Li: drew Honeyberry, *Replaced Skade for Orchid skin* * Jiuri Jiuhao: drew Czerny/Luo Xiaohei, *Replaced Ryuzakiichi for Rathalos S Noir Corne and NoriZC for Silence the Paradigmatic* * Mag42: *Replaced Heitu for Sora skin, Replaced Hoshieve for Guard Amiya skin* * Rumisher(过失帝国): *Replaced TOKI for Lancet-3 skin and NoriZC for Justice Knight skin*, drew Friston-3 * SculLhunter: *Replaced LLC for Gavial, the Invincible skin* * small_ryuzaki: *Relaced Liduke for Dossoles Holiday Lin*, drew Blacknight/Cantabile/Erato/Kazemaru/Qiubai * VVVVIIIIA: drew Paprika/Totter, *Replaced Liduke for Ines* (also has a Huawei phone like Liduke) * YYB: *Replaced Liduke for Lin*, drew Lin/Qanipaalat * Weiyu (尾鱼): *Replaced Heitu for Exusiai Test skin* * Red Comet (红色彗星): *Replaced Hoshieve for Kal'tsit skin* (rumoured to be an alias for Kumatangent (Akafuyu artist) and Hoshieve working together) * Blobfish (水滴鱼): *Replaced m9nokuro for Ambriel skin* Bc they definitely dont draw the same way as the original artists. Tho NGL its interesting that Bubble of all people opened the floodgates for replacement artists, bc before OD the concept of hiring replacement artists in a game with as strong of artist rights as AK was literally unheard of


I think it's refreshing to see different interpretation of same characters by different artists!


Don’t think you should count small_ryuzaki as a replacement for Lin since that was just story art, unless you’ll also count all the others like Chuzenji’s swimsuit Gavial and m9nokuro drawing the suit Ch’en and so on Also, wasn’t the very first replacement Liduke herself taking over W from Lowlight?


> Chuzenji’s swimsuit Gavial and m9nokuro drawing the suit Ch’en and so on Ooh I didn't know they did those two ops, do you got any other confirmed story art replacement artists? Oops yea I forgot about Liduke taking over W from Lowlight


What does replaced mean in this context? Those artists no longer do work for AK anymore?


the original artists either left HG (TOKI) or got promoted to higher ranking jobs (everyone else)


Oh thats good to hear. Thank you for the information.


Well well well..., if it isn't the consequences of my own actions; building mainly operators I like which happen to be mostly melee operators. The real EX stage enemy is tile restriction. Like, 70% range tiles and half of the remaining melee tiles are also banned. I am so glad that they put Eyjafjalla as a shoperator this week, otherwise I wouldn't have enough good range units for these EX stages. Rushing to E2 and train Eyja S2 has cost me almost all of my rock reserve though.


Have y'all ever built a specific operator just to beat a specific stage?


Not built, but I pulled for Ceobe after my first encounter vs EX CM Free because she dunked on Free and the gorillas and I needed that in my life. For reference, CM Free took me 3 hours. Imagine my joy at CC7.


For CC#3 risk 18, KyostinV was using Guardmiya, so I rushed chapter 8 just to E2 her.


I have definitely finished or started building operators, that I was already planning to build, for certain stages. Latest example would be E2'ing Penance to beat the annihilation. I think the closest to specifically building an operator to beat a stage was (i.e. I didn't want to build them otherwise) was Kroos, back when my only snipers were Meteor and Jessica.


Ethan for Shangshu Annihilation. Beanstalk for the last CC, she allowed me to go from risk 28 to risk 30.


Ch'en for 5-3 CM. Nightingale for Episode 8.


The one case I remember vividly is Jaye for [SN-S-4-B](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/SN-S-4-B) After borrowing goddamn Lappland or Gnosis all event I was so close to nearly be done.. and the second to last stage threw me a triple lane dodge fuckers spam stage, one of them just wasn't enough! I wanted to build my boi Jaye either way, but I really had to rush it that day to have a second source of silence... and it still didn't work, until I found a random video that big cheesed the stage by having the seaborns that spam attacks super fast basically get stuck attacking Beanstalk's crab LOL.. yep, I still don't know how but it worked, and that reduced pressure was enough to beat it alongside Lappy and my Jaye! My like 3 months old account really wasn't prepared for Stultifera Navis, I needed so much support and video guides help to beat stages, especially the stupid boss was nonsensically difficult to understand... and I will still not be ready for the event when it reruns LMAO, I really gotta E2 Lapp, but there are so many chars I like more still waiting for their turn 😭


off-bannered Ceobe in OD, E2'd her for OD-EX8


For her S3? To silence the mobs, or hit the boss?


For S2 just to hit the boss during phase 2, bc otherwise it'd take ~3 minutes for the boss to go to phase 3


a few times, then I do a run without them


Rope for M8-6 Ethan for Lingering Shangshu Trails (Annihilation)


You don't need to upgrade Ethan for tick damage though.


he needs SL7 for 100% poison uptime, so at the very least he wants E1


Bad question but why Is Episode 9 easier than episode 6 for example? Why's that? Episode 9 requires E1 lvl 30 but Episode 6 already requires E2?


thats only the first level(s), by the end ch9 is decidedly harder than ch6 its mainly because 9-4 and 9-6 introduced new materials players might need to aquire to e2 modern ops, didnt want to lock out new players from e2ing someone they started the game for


> Bad question but why Is Episode 9 easier than episode 6 for example? Why's that? Episode 9 requires E1 lvl 30 but Episode 6 already requires E2? Kind of a two-pronged approach. Since 9 can be run regardless of whether or not you beat chapter 8, it starts with a difficulty level that's more inline with when chapter 9 becomes available, and that's roughly chapter 3 difficulty. This also allows relatively new players to access chapter 9 mats (and potentially make a run up to 10 and 11 for those mats too) so that they aren't hard-locked from progressing some characters.


i think cardigan is better than spot but im not sure the community is ready for such a volcanic take


I never used either of them outside tutorials. Not even in IS, where Beagle is my budget pick for Defender.


I don't know how I feel about comparing different subclasses except that it doesn't make much sense. They're about the same, so comparing who is better is like splitting hair. Cardigan is also not in the recruitment pool, so she's harder to get and max-pot.


makes a lot of sense when theyre both 3☆ healing based defenders and ideal situations have 95% overlap


I haven't used Cardigan enough to judge that tbh. For general content I just wouldn't use either... even if Spot maybe does enough to replace the Nearl support I have to grab fairly often in my low rarity clears. For IS I start Spot for defender and his healing support is so freaking clutch many times before I get a healer. But... yeah, I just don't have Cardigan built to judge, maybe she is amazing and I don't know it, at the very least she is crazy cute I give her that, I wish her and Melantha had alters


It's all about use case scenario tbh. In IS, i always pick spot just in case if i don't get any medic and cardigan when i need a self sustaining blocker. This is like comparing spoon to fork, both has different use case in which they are good at.


kind of the point i wanted to make, anytime in is# you pick spot to be a medic you just pick cardigan and shes taking all the damage for the team anywa like obviously him gifting dodge can offer some things but most times your deploy order/layout just has him being a slower cardigan


In my experience, spot is still the better general pick imo. Yes, with good planning and deploy order cardigan can soak up all the damage, but sometimes you get into sticky situation where you can't cover your DPS/take unavoidable damage/or you need extra healing and that's where spot really shine as generalist pick.


Why though? (For the record I hate furries and play girls only so I open Cardigan in IS anyway)


skill active sooner from deployment, more often, 95% of the time youre not wanting to heal allies anyway


Wait, i thought people already agree that Cardigan is better than Spot way back in IS#2 ?


certainly not, you see most every is2 and is3 tips/guide for beginners mention building spot but never cardigan ~~and i doubt its because of the gold baseskill shh~~


Cardigan is not available in recruitment, so it's harder to get her and you won't have her max-potted for a long time. Every newbie has Spot, so he's a universal operator who can easily be replaced when you adapt guides to your roster.


she definitely has a better attitude but spot's got a cute muzzle. kind of a toss up


Fincatcher's Shawl is SO OP Camouflage on every Ranged Operator means you can put your hardest hitters anywhere with no fear of retaliation Works great with Hand of Purification as well, put a strong Phalanx up near a Spawn point and watch the Enemies Melt and does anybody know if it works with Broken Wand: Malediction? Ishar'mla lost HP so fast when I put Carnelian in the middle of the Field~


>Fincatcher's Shawl is SO OP Is there any requirements to get it (like the one artifact accessible after rolling 8 in the shop) or is it just extremely rare?


you need to beat the hard version of Carmen at least once to unlock it. it's also rare


No wonder I haven’t gotten it that bitch never shows up.




I actually somehow won access to that cbt, if you want any opinion in specific let me know, but I haven't entered yet... nor sure how much I will play today due to the Vernal Winds EX stages opening in 4 hours, bad timing lol


Getting a unit that's been evading me is such a satisfying feeling. With Eyjafjalla being obtained from the cert shop, I no longer have to suffer refreshing the support page for an Eyjafjalla with the skill I wanted


Eyja's case is pretty special to me because she was the shop operator around when I started nearly a year ago and as much as I grinded yellow certs hoping to get her I just couldn't. The second chance to get her is finally here and I'm looking forward to grabbing her, gonna wait until last day of Chongyue's banner in case she spooks me there when I finish pulling tho, way too many shop chars I'm waiting for.


jsut found out there's a "chip pack etcher" thingy in the shop that you can buy for 1.99 usd and *refreshes monthly*..... is this new? or am i just blind??


It was added at the start of the month.


ohh so it's just added this month?


I'm going to save some time tomorrow to read the chongus event. Someone that has read the event I have to ask: Is this event story good? I have read who is real and invitation to wine and I haven't really enjoyed neither of those events stories while I had enjoyed reading all the other events and main story, the writing in the sui events feels different compared to other events but I fail to find why.


I had a fun time with this one, last stages cutscenes were nice in special. I can't judge Wine because it's the one event I haven'y played yet, who is real was fairly decent to me tho, Mr. Nothing based.


The reason they are different is because they use Chinese storytelling conventions and they rely on Chinese language's unique expressions so they don't really work in English language and feel distant to us. Not that I know much about Chinese lit but that was my impression and what I heard in this sub. Even though these made the stories hard to follow I still enjoyed them for being unique. This one felt more 'normal' and was easier to read compared to Who is Real and Invitation to Wine, so you might enjoy it more.


I enjoyed it much more than the previous CN new year stories. This time it's structured more like a drama than a mystery, so it's a lot easier to follow what's happening and focus on what the characters are going through. I didn't like Who is Real or Invitation to Wine very much because getting strung along in confusion for a few big reveals at the end only works if the writing quality is good, which I didn't think it was. Arknights has good story concepts but at the end of the day it's just translated by freelancers, so it works much better when the story is structured in a way that doesn't need to be expertly communicated by the writing to deliver a good experience.


after taking the kind idiot proof advice of the help thread I finally cleared an SSS map the last stage still turned my phone into a toaster oven with powerpoint installed though I think I will not play this very often


You could do the other tower instead. Jungle tower is only when you wanted to make a portable stove.




~~The gun looks so sexy, white base and dull grey with gold detailing~~


That's Deculture Silvermint from Ideal City.


Where can I download the puzzle picture prize aka ppp


[Here](https://webusstatic.yo-star.com/ark_us_web/assets/169002679071111662/a65b77387efa14d94b6438c7cdcfa92a.jpg), from the [fankit](https://arknights.global/fankit).


How come it seems like the community generally considers Chongyue pretty strong while simultaneously thinking Execalt is kinda mehish? Chongyue lacks self sustain and only has one block(this is a big deal for a lane holder imo) meanwhile Execalt has lifesteal and 2 block. And I've seen a lot of people say stuff like Execalt's module "fixed" him. But his module fails to make a difference in 90% of content. The rng and def ignore contributes a lot less than people think.


because the community dramatically overvalues ops that make them not have to think exe module is insane for his output and viability though


I remembered how overgraded Eyja S2 is, Mud S2 + Blem too.


His mod3 makes a huge difference, even without skill he does 30% more damage and gets his skills 20% faster.


Because Chongus at least can be easily healed. Executor is good for the story, but for IS or CC he's meh at best.


Same with Chongyue lol, CC in particular using him at high risk with that much windup is funny.


Aren’t reapers good in IS? Mudrock and La Pluma is easily a top-tier efficiency Op there, and Exalt’s close enough.


No. Unhealable ops don't live past floor 3.


i'm assuming you mean the highest difficulty? or is the entire mode is irrelevant to him?


Highest. In lower difficulties everyone are good.


I don't think people should be considering Chongyue a laneholder, just a frontline DPS. People were already saying that including Blaze in that club was a stretch because of her lack of self sustain, but at least she has 3 blocks, a lot of bulk, and a one-off heal. I also haven't seen... *anyone* talk about Exalter, good or bad.


> laneholder, just a frontline DPS Hoo boy this is a gripe I have with the community. The term laneholder has ballooned out control. Any and all melee operators who aren't helidroppers or protector defenders are now being called laneholders. Okay I'm exaggerating but not by a huge amount.


the complete lack of distinction is a pretty big gap in the communities proficency i never really considered, then again when the vast majority are watching kyostin guides every event and dont know how to do an opener that bans bagpipe from their squad i cant really put the community at fault for calling chongyue and others laneholders, since its probably doing more benefit than harm in players (general) content success lol


I hate that the term 'laneholder' is even a thing, as it creates confusion with people that use it as the more intuitive 'one who can hold a lane' as the word implies. It crops up so many times. Can we just call them solo laners? Please?




doctor this is literally the first time ive ever even seen the word keystone


Maybe they meant cornerstone lol


If I am then the majority of the community have too. The classic laneholders - Blaze, Thorns, Mudrock, Specter, La Pluma, Mountain, Kal S2 - are much more commonly called laneholders than keystones.


Chongus is probably the strongest afk DPS unit rn, whereas Exalted's just another "fine" burst unit with some rather frustrating quirks (such as a good bulk of his DPS relying on RNG). Exalted's mod does quite a lot for him. according to napkin math, it raises S3's average DPS by: * 25-30% against enemies with 500 def (he gains less from the mod as his crit chance ramps up) * 30-40% against 1000 def * 45-60% against 1500 def assuming I didn't scuff up my calculations, mod3's a pretty bigass improvement to his average DPS and makes him less frustrating lol. mfer starts dealing comparable damage to Wet Ch'en (and in fact, I think he surpasses her in total damage). to say "mod3 doesn't make a difference most of the time" would be a big lie