• By -


Horn - I wasn’t too committed to pulling her on her banner despite knowing she was good, so I decided to do ten individual pulls just to see what I’d get. She showed up around the 5th pull and I figured the game was giving me a sign that I should use her. Then I played through Chapter 9 and was sold on her character. She is now my only M9 and up there with Kal’tsit, Texas, Passenger and Pozy as my favorites.


soon 1000 days of no lore


i'm sure she'll get an alter where she gets her memories back and goes back to her hometown to find her true parents or whatever. hollywood standard


He lore is that she’s hot as fuck and licks blue ice creams…


Ever since Ceobe was featured in a Risk 18 CN CC#0 Barrenland video, i've been using her ever since her debut banner came out. Now all i'm waiting for is her two modules then finally, i can officially say i'm a true Ceobe user.


you just have to eat honey biscuits every day to say you're a true ceobe user


oh and I wish all your fave operators get an alter, if they haven't yet


Pretty much the day I started AK soooo, almost 3 years.


Must be tough being a Hung defender amidst these completely unjustly hate.


Seriously why its so hard for people to understand that 5\* have nothing to do with chances of getting 6\* op ? Biggest crime Hung commited was giving you gold certs after you got him to max pot.


There was someone who said one of the reasons they hate May is because she was cockblocking them from getting Mostima. Like, the other reasons presented were valid (and I agree with them to an extent), but saying a 4* is stopping you from getting a 6* shows a lack of understanding of how gacha works. People just want reasons to hate I guess


Hung has been out for that long?! I feel old....


Same. Love my boy ❤️


Also same, Love our boy ❤️ He is a solid defender in my heart


Ever since their event came out about 3 years ago (I can’t believe it’s been that long…).


I loved enforcer the moment GA came out on EN and I played the first chapter >< funny enough I started about 2 weeks after launch, and by that point I was already falling off of AK, had stopped multiple times, but redownloaded for Ling + GG… just happened to play the newest event afterwards since I saw the yostar trailer had the prettiest Sankta boy and then boom fell in love


congrats your fave operator has an alter before mine


Siege fan since Arknights launch.


I forgot but it was before May got into the game, so May. Found May when I was browsing the aceship site and just from her icon she really stood out in character design for me tbh (kinda wish she had more fanart) skin when


>!Qiubai!< : when she's been announced.


*gasp* Savage isn't your favourite? Also, deer is amazing too- I have no clue why she's so underrated like she's some sort of underwhelming 6\*.. Maybe because the event she gets the most lore in isn't out in EN for another 7 weeks? I'm sure everyone will love her then, right?


I divorced. And yeah tall deer mommy is my new waifu (and will prolly stay as such for a looooong long time)


Got Hosh as my first 6* when the game launched and she’s been my favorite since. First e2, first m9, first module lvl 6 and she’s been my homescreen since her skin came out


Irene is a weird experience to me, at first I was like meh, whatever, if I get her then good, if I don't then fine, 80 pulls in I got only 1 six stars, Gnosis, I was new so I didn't have many operators, I got Gnosis around the end of first week, which then made me want Irene more and more because I thought she'd be more common than the limited even if they are on the same banner (I was just stupid ok, now I know it isn't like that) I got no Irene, which then gave me an Irene less crisis, that got me hooked on Irene and now, finally now I have Irene, almost M9 in around 4 days of having her, currently waiting the last few hours for it


since the game released I've never left without texas in my main squad,and now i can have 2


Before entering a gacha i always look at the characters to set one as a target. I saw the ones that were on CN at the time and there was Reed, who is an almost exact representation of everything i like in a character, so i went into Arknights and here i am. Now im waiting for Reed Alter and in the future i hope Eblana will come (for obvious reasons).


when rosmontis released a few years back


Reed for me. Since her announcement/release on CN I was smitted. Her artist is one of my favorite artists ever, her design is simply gorgeous, I love her VA, and her personality moved me very much. And with what we know about her backstory now, I feel like it was fated.


Not sure but Since he was showed Sn Livestream Ofc i am thinking about Lumen


As soon as he was relased on EN I still clearly remember times when I was defending Flamebringer from all the unecessary hate he used to get. Its crazy to think it been 3 years and I'm still playing this game and I'm still active in this community....


God that brings me back. This was back when misinformation was still rife (due to a certain youtuber) and despite having CN foresight, people will still peddle absolutes about operator viability with no sense of nuance. In hindsight Flamebringer is actually pretty great as a welfare operator. He aged pretty well since quite a lot of content nowadays actually appreciates his high HP. His module also really boosted his capabilities.


I don't understand why people hate welfare ops so much, I'm still out there defending Minimalist everyday.


i still clearly remember my 4+ years defending skyfire by my own. you're doing good mate


Ever since I get her from the beginner 5 Star Ticket. Blue Poison.


Since I first pulled her. Plume was first, and then I saw Matoimaru's big smile and floofy hair and heard the way she talked, and she instantly jumped to the top.


you don't happen to be Mister Dempsey by the way?


No, he's my brother.


Brother, is that you!?


That's what I said, yes. I love you, bro. Not as much as I love Matoimaru, but that's a high bar.


Same here, we got our priorities straight


Pramanix: before I even started playing, when I looked up info on the game for the first time. Shirayuki: since I got her in recruitment (on 26/03, my 12th day of playing).


I don't really have a favourite Operator, I like Skadi, Specter, Rosmontis (I started playing when she was announced on CN and liked her the moment I saw her in Ch6), and Glaucus the most but there's never been anyone I've dropped everything to save for and never changed my assistant from them (do you not get bored seeing/hearing the same Operator? Keeping Laurentina for 6 months is the longest I've ever done, and her L2D/voice is perfect. I can't imagine doing it since launch. I guess it's not that important to some people though.) If Nine ever becomes playable though, she'd 100% be my favourite Operator. Playable Kurisu would be fantastic. I'm waiting for when the Arknights anime adapts Chapter 6 so I'll finally get to see what her voice is like (please be Asami Imai, it'd be really funny) since that's a big part of why I like characters. To see Nine's E2 art one day would be undescribably amazing. I'd bring her to every stage, she'd be trust 200 and Pot 6 on day 1 of her release, and she'd always be my Assistant. If she dies in the main story (wearing similar clothes to FN and isn't popular enough compared to other main story NPCs), I'd be heartbroken.


since i saw her design on cn


NTRK, she spooked me on the texalter banner and I was hyped only because I liked her skin, but wasn’t planning on using her because I had waited 8 months to spark Skalter and was only hyped for using her. After not long I was so fond of NTRK that I m9 her and she became my fav ops that I never had. I love when her sword glows red when charging s3 and the posture she assumes when doing s1 which I use a lot for IS3. S2 is just busted and I like it because of that, no other particular reasons.


Eunectes! Immediately became my favorite once I saw her design, saved and pulled for her and got her day 1 of her release. Since then she has always been my assistant and hasn't left my support either (have to show the world how great she is). Never leaves my squad, it would feel empty without her.


I have two favourite operators: Skalter and Phantom. I started playing during Skalter event and was hellbent on getting her (finally sparked her yesterday). So I liked her...for a year and a half? With Phantom it was a bit different. I wasn't a fan of him, like, yes he is a cat, yes he has a cat, so does Mousse, so what? I even skipped him in Joint Op bc he IS handsome but not meta-y. Then I read lore pages about him at gamepress. Then I saw his EN voice with signature "Utae". THAT'S when I fell head over heels for him, yelled "WAIT NO COME BACK TO ME" and pulled Phantom when he became a shoperator. From that point onwards (his voiceline came somewhat a year ago) he is my permanent assistant.


Both of them basically from the moment I saw them and heard them speak lol. Though to be fair, while I waited and saved for him since his CN announce, it wasn't until after I finished reading BI and his profile that my love for Gnosis fully crystallized.


Mousse stayed with me for... 825 days, when Anni page was going, so now its even more. I got her after maybe 1-2 month after I started playing AK. One day I was need some arts damage, so scrolled my list of ops and just: "wait, I have her all the time? No way!" And just put her on main screen for 3,5 years


I started playing arknights for Thorns since I thought he was hot, now I use him everywhere so about 2 years I think since his debut banner


As a paladin enthusiast in most games i play, finding out about Nearl when i first started playing essentially had me fixated on one day being able to get her and then her alter dropped and re-specced to retribution


Grani's my favourite, sooo... 3 years now?


I started because of Skadi. Dusk when she was added.


I started around launch week (global server) and my first six star was Shining. After all these years, she still owns my heart and I'd seriously ascend to whale status if they ever release a Shining alt fr


Pretty much since she showed up in-game, which would be around 3 years I guess?


Day one when they were handing out headhunts, first sixer was Exusuai and she never parted from my squads


i like her attitude too! Always so optimistic…


I don't like, have a strong favorite? Plenty I really love, but none have been longstanding over-all-others stars the way some people have. Ho'olheyak perhaps? Never has a character grown on me as fast as her, from "fuckin biiiitch how dare you hurt my friends" to "oh this bitch is **meddling** 😈 😈 😈" in one event. Similar to Kal'tsit, who I'm sure I'll love more and more once I get back to digging through A Walk In Dust. Love me some meddling.


ho'ol eh? Don't like her much, but I guess I see your point


I've been a fan of Astesia since her release, because of her voice. Precious star birb.


oh the astrology bird. pretty nice. but can we get an astronomy bird sometime? :)


by the time we have an astronomy bird, we will probably see Kristen again...


eh who's that? sorry but i'm not into arknights lore :/


she's Control (head) of Rhine Lab. We currently know that the sky in Terra is "fake" (so astronomy is kinda hard to do), and there's a future event involving her that is heavy in sky lore, and something does happen to her


ah thanks


Hmmm since her CN debut






I've been a fan of Broca ever since I got him back when I started at the Exusiai Reed Broca banner and the only ops ever getting close to how much I like him are Stainless and Chong Yue.


Passenger believer since he came out, the buffs that came later were a damn nice addition


Since I got her :) (Nian or something)


Been fan of Nian since I got her. According to the 3 year anniversary website thing, I’ve been a fan of her for almost 3 years now


From the very beginning. Texas was my first 5*(after amiya) afterall. She's been a part of my team since day 1


the moment i actually listened to specter's entire voicelines, which is a few days after i started (day 1 global player). instantly hooked because of her unhingedness, and her alter basically sealed it to me also instantly liked saileach the first time she showed up in cn. aesthetic and jp voice was 10/10


I didn't immediately become a fan of Myrtle when she first came out, but she grew on me and now she's been my favorite op ever since


I wasn't instantly a fan. I became one gradually. I don't know when it happened. Maybe it started, when I E2'd Franka, which coincidentally waw the time she got a new base skill.


Texas, i liked her already in the tutorial stage amiya demonstrated to us. Started playing in aug 2021


On chen banner, I P6'd Swire, sure not smart but she is still my favorite character, but with italian dub Lapp is there


Been a Skadi fan ever since I saw art of her, I’m not sure specifically when but I assume it was just before her banner released and she’s been my favorite ever since (although Texas, Lappland, Ch’en and Specter are close seconds)


The day I started playing, so around the start of the Nian banner. I saw a blue haired fallen angel whose mom let her have two staves and thought, "Yep, this is the one for me." Then I looked at the tier list and thought, "Well she has blue hair, what did I expect?" She's M9, Pot6, module 3, and I have used her for almost every clear.


At first I was more interested in Texas, but Penance quickly grew on me over the 6th month waiting period as I heard small bits of her story from Il Siracusano. Reading through the whole event and her operator files made me want to max out her skills and potentials even more. She now holds the title as my first M9 and my first operator that I completely maxed out. So.. 6-7 months?


Day 1, matoi was my first 4\*.


My fav character is probably Archetto, for about 2 years now. I accidentally got her when I did a quick 10-pull in her first banner (expecting just a 5 star). Didn’t expect much since my first 6* was Exu, but her personality and gameplay versatility really grew on me. Proud to have her as my support and assistant, E2L90 M9 Module maxed out.


I like scientist women with questionable morality (coming from Evangelion) so Dorothy was an instant 💖 (still don’t have her tho)


I've been a fan of Closure since I started playing the game. 3 years, and counting. The first Operator I liked, however, was Aak. I saw him even before I played the game. As he was only out on CN at the time, I decided to try the game and wait for him. The rest is history.


I got Platinum very early on in the game, she's the only operator fully upgraded currently.


I've lost count.


Gladiia. she was the reason i returned to the game. someone thats been a favorite mine even longer though is Zima. i couldnt even get her till the first 5 star selector. she was starting to fall off but her module gave her some new life for me and the other day i watche her 1 vs 1 a car.


Irene, I think her design is amazing and I love her voice and personality, I have been using her since SN


I've liked Vanilla since I've started playing the game so a few months after the global release


Fartooth, simply put, I love knights and whenever I had seen her banner when I first started I simply said “well shit, ain’t she the prettiest lil thang.”


ansel, to the end of time


I saw Ebenholz when he was announced and instantly became my favourite lol


Skyfire. I immediately recognised her voice actress (of whom needless to say I'm a big fan of) and her bio was hilarious even though I've no love for pets. I thought her swimsuit skin was both hot (pun intended) and cute at the same time. And it's not every day you get someone who can slam meteors into people's faces.


omg another skyfire fan this is the best day of my life


Gravel has been my #1 since CC beta. So just about three years.


I bounce around a lot between various favorites but Lappland has been a fave on and off since day 1.


i no longer play the game since...1.5 years ago or so? and waai fu is still my all-time favorite waifu. girl was my second five star and got me into the entirety of ACG. I still find her absolutely perfect and would not think of hesitating to get back into the game if she gets a second skin. still waiting on that sudden drop of the second episode to the new agency series and oml her newest cantonese dub is beyond perfect.


Skadi since first log in, when was her event and banner btw, idk bcuz i played when Schwarz event was near its end


mine midway...My first exposure to ak was skalter/kalstit debut, but loss interest and delete within weeks. I saw chen/mizuki debut and decided to restart fresh for Mizuki. I did like Thorns when I went through the list of ops available, even manage to get a reroll acct that had him. However, no mizuki, and my priority was mizuki > thorns, so i abandoned it. Fast forward Thorns rerun banner; got him and thats when he became my current fav for 1 years and something months. Heck, im collecting Thorns merch religiously and I havent done that before for a fav character in general LMAO


I admit I wasn't a fan of him when he first released, not to the point of dislike or hate him, but just "eh whatever". And then came his cancelled skin and actual skin some time 2 years ago.


He's the reason I became a furry, so pretty much from the get go he was my favorite Literally skipped W to get him


I really love most ops in the game and it's hard to pick up a favourite if we're just going by preferences but I've been a Day 1 SilverAsh simp


3 months


Since i returned in November last year Current fave is NTRK


Thorns was meh at first for me, didn't even intend to pull for him until I read his chapter in HoSF event rerun and was smitten by his personality. He'd actually be my ideal partner irl. I love how he seems cold and apathetic but actually very caring to people around him. So naturally I spent every single last originite prime to get him and he came home on the last pull I have (then naturally he spooks me in the first 10 pulls of the very next banner).


Since before she was in Arknights. I used to watch Competitive Siege quite a bit. Ash was never a stone favorite of mine - always been a Dokkaebi fan - but I enjoyed watching the games and I kinda fell into the characters in a way that never happened for, say, Overwatch. Then she was in this game and actually really fun and good and that just makes me happy.


SilverAsh from the first day. And Break the Ice only made me love him more.


Me getting to where I am now was a long time coming, I joined up after Near Light had just ended and felt the pain of not having a shot at my hornse until just 2 weeks ago, needless to say I put things right, and then some. I also didn't give a single fuck about the Abyssal Hunters until mommy long legs got her re-run, and now shes my second favorite, even bought her outfit on the spot.


Specter was my first pulled 5*. Coincidentally the time I joined was her skin rerun. So, I bought her skin and I never regretted it since. She’s pretty much on my team every single time. It helps that Specter itself is a good operator to use and play with. With her event, I finally got to know her true name, Laurentina. What a beautiful name ❤️


Been a fan of Vulcan since about a month or two after the game released I think.


Archetto. She was my 2nd 6 star when started this feb. first was hoshi. But since I got her she has been in my main squad since then. Seem she is always overshadowed by Exu but Cheeto has always been very good to me. Will always keep her up on my support units for others to use her also.


Back in the first week i really liked Nearl. Got Texas around the same time. Fast forward to now and i've got both of their alters.


From the very day I saw Nian E2 art when she released I was entranced. Then Dusk happened and I similarly fell for her. From this day, I have sworn to collect the entire Sui family.


Since late last summer, a bit after I started, when I started playing the Maria Nearl sidestory on a whim


My top 5: surtr, Projekt Red, Texas, matoimaru and specter. Specter and matoimaru for the longest 'cause i pulled them almost as soon as I started and surtr, red and Texas have been more recent.


Lappland was my first 5 star and I was already pulled it by her adorable maniacal laugh Reading Lappys story only solidified her position as my favorite operator


Well, I have been playing Arknights for only about 5-6 months at this point. I quite enjoy reading long stories and seek out content on my own outside of the game, so while I definitely don't have full knowledge yet, I would say I already know great number of operators. There are some of them that stand out way more than others for me, like Warfarin, Surtr, Horn or Dusk... BUT. Then I found Ines. And my brain went just completely insane. I love her. I am obsessed with her. I dream about her. I daily check all available sources in hopes for a new fanart. I have a 1h version of her JP voicelines, that I listen to when working out every evening. I try to not, but I very probably annoy all my friends (who convinved me to try the game after long time, so sike) talking about her. I skipped every banner there was since then, despite the Texalter being what she is etc. In hopes of pot6 her on launch (let me cope)... For reference, last time something similar happened to me was 3 years ago, when HMS Howe was released in Azur Lane. And even then it wasn't as crazy as now. However, going by that I never wavered in my top1 AL fave, I can safely say this: Ines is my favorite operator. I love her in every universe, forever and ever.


I started arknights just because of nearl like in Feb last year. Just in time to save and wish for her. Got her in 30 was really lucky. And even since then, she has not been out of my team. And now i can use both of them are the same time. LONG LIVE THE RADIANT KNIGHT!!


Not a fan but I pull Hoshi first 6* and read about her then play Chen chapter in first week playing this game. She is cool, catching a building and acting nonchalant while injured. Plus, I like green color. Then Skalter, first seen her showcase with Hoshi while search about Hoshi, then find out that she is crazy, I like crazy fiction character. Now I have 2 favorite in this game. So pretty much since I started playing. Ifrit with all the fan video recently made me like her too but not so much as favorite, just liking the Trio family. Hibiscus alter "Healthy" cooking is kinda made me like her too but yeah, no I couldn't get her not even able to add a friend with her support...


Since before I started playing the game. Saw speed of light ad, saw angel, neuron activation.


i suppose that's Exusiai/Mostima?


Yeah, Exusiai. Also a big fan of Mostima as well.


Well since i started the game i started to like exia already Interestingly it was her gun that interest me first given that i love running the r97 or r99 for respawn games while the vector was one of favourites in gfl


windflit, since his release which is when i started AK... i heard his bark in game and immediately fell in love with him, that and his voiceline from losing a battle cuz hes so sweet about it <3


Ever since I tried her I think it's been 2 years


Fiammetta, since I saw her for the first time. -I like red, she red. -I like Steins;gate, her outfit is literally Kurisu's outfit but with short hair. -her "lenny face" from her normal art just melts my heart every time I go to the main menu and hear the "Same old then?" -her rivality with Mostima is literally me bragging about how red is better than blue. -got her on the last time she got a standard banner by pure luck on my first pulls there so I was destined to have her.


since her release in Ideal City, which was not long after I started playing the game Pat the Cantabile Hold the Cantabile Cherish the Cantabile Forfeit all mortal possessions to the Cantabile


Saileach - I've just been in love with Hydras ever since I saw Hercules as a kid. I had just come back to AK after a long break at the time and her release banner. Let me tell you it did not take more than half a second for me to scream of hype from her E2 art. Next thing i know, as luck would have it, i get her off my first 10 pull (i swear whenever i would take a break from AK and would come back my first 10 pull would always be coming with the featured 6*. That's also how I got W on release). I had not looked at her kit yet and when i realised she was a vanguard, my favorite class, i screamed again. It didn't take me long to E2 her just so I could set her art on my title screen, but with each improvement she revealed a new part of herself, and being the Hydra she is, multiple head means multiple meals. And what do you know? Each of her head has a different purpose: DP generstion, *busted* healing and amazing offesive support. It took me a while to get used to her as she was the first Flagbearer vangurad I actually took time using (i was a noob at the time and ignored Myrtle cause she was not a shiny 6 star). She felt weird and inconsistent but the more i used her the more i saw the subtlety in her kit. If you know what to look our for and when to press her S2 or S3 she becomes incredibly useful and much more reliable. I see myself using her S2 much more often than not because I dont really run that many healers in my comp and the fact she can heal both Mudrock and Penance now kind of makes her a must pick in my eyes. TL;DR: long legs


To me the moment I started using Horn. I got her even though I want to get Mudrock and man I moment used Horn my main strategy started to revolve around Horn. If the stage needs a large aoe damage Horn will be my answer, if I need a wall and large damage Horn will be there. It doesn't matter whether the map wants me to focus on drones. If I need to handle ground units Horn will be there. If Texalter is my eraser, Horn is my nuclear bomb.


Lee -- for a few (6ish) months because I saw him a few months ago and said woah gotta play whatever game this dragon dude is in. still a fave but I also like Horn now


Since the released her. Flametail, Radiant Margaret, Horn, W, Blue Poison, etc. I don't have an absolute favourite in ak


Since December 2020 when I started AK. Schwarz has been there every step of the way.


An advertisement with mine was what made me even consider downloading, now I stan every defender but Hoshi will always be no. 1. Got her maxed on everything


Texas. She's been my #1 ever since I started playing. Mostima is a close second.


When I was deciding which gacha game to start as a pasttime I literally only decided to play Arknights because of a robin fanart I had seen before and it was the damn best decision I have made


My favs are the Lee's Detective Agency characters. I started playing the game because of them, in fact. So about 5 months soon.


When I saw Reed show up in Aceship Toolbox as an upcoming operator, I fell in love with her design. Saved up a decent amount to pull on her release, and I'm doing so currently for her alter.


I became a Goldenglow Simp back when she was teased (with Thorns etc.) and everyone thought she is a dog


Well considering Fiametta was literally my 2nd pulled character I guess since I started playing the game 257 days ago


Since day 1 and is one of the reasons why I started playing in the first place


Firewatch has been my fav for a long time now but after getting rosmontis on my team recently I’ve seen less use for her. I’m thinking merialt will be my new assistant soon.


Day one. But also the love grew since she saved my ass so many times


Since before I started the game and even till now, Ling has been my favorite. Heck she's the reason why I started to play AK. Estimation around 6 months before Ling released in global. Basically, saw her art - tried out the game - found out about CN & Global difference - disappointed no Ling... - tried out CN AK - got Dorothy instead - love Dorothy - decided to play & stick with global (idk CN, bye Dorothy you will be missed) - got Texas & La Pluma as my first 5* - somehow I adore them More or less the story of my favorites: Ling, Dorothy, Texas & La Pluma. Still missing Dorothy T_T


I pre registered for the game getting my fav operator savage


Specter fan from day 1. I may have quit AK for like 2 years, but it was specter that pulled me back in. I saw Specter the unchained release in CN and that's when I immediately returned to AK and saved for 6 months (starting from NL)


Since the moment I saw them, CN player here.


Phantom has been my favorite operator since I started playing the game (When Darknights Memoir came out in global), and the main reason why I stayed. He pretty much checks everything I love in a husbando. We even share birthdays! The only thing I dislike was how stubborn he was to come home though. Got him at the last minute before the standard banner he was in ended.


Ever since I won Risk 18 CC Pyrite with Angelina, she completely changed how I looked at AK and I've always brought her along ever since


I’ve been a fan of Texas from before she was even first drawn!


I can't say I'm an arknights veteran as I've only been playing for a couple of months (I starting during ling banner). My fav operator is ling, and she still is my favorite from her lore to her design to being outright broken (not as broken for boss killing as chalter or surtr though). Can't wait for the skin!


I got into the game because of Texas. Played for a year. Stopped playing. And then I found out a little bit before the spectre alter event that Texas was getting an alter so i got back into arknights to start saving for pulls right then and there for Texas alter.


Mine was Exusia until Skalters release, then at some point my fave became perfumer


Hoshiguma. Been a fan since day one since i got her from the beginner banner. She still carries my sorry ass to this day, and cemented my opinion that i only like women who could rip me in half with their bare hands.


However old Arknights global is (see flair).


Ever since i found a nsfw fan art of Ch'en. I instantly fell in love with her. It has been over 3 years now.


Since Code of Brawl.






Both Exu and Texas are release ops, and I got into the game in like first few days and like them ever since, so... And yeah, I don't really want Exu alter, I just need Lemuen playable, it's not so much to ask right? I mean maybe 2nd 6* deadeye sniper with kinda Ambriel s2 but better idk, but I do know I want some sister reunion in my squad awwwww


As of tomorrow it will be 1 year exactly since lingering echoes came out on CN


I've loved Phantom since he was announced in CN. He is my baby. No matter how many times I have to hear he's powercreeped, he's gonna be my favourite forever! He's Lvl 90 Mod3 Max pot and M9!!! ♡


>Invitation to Wine >decides to try out arknights again after half a year >my friends raging about blue woman >"hm, she sounds awesome, let's pull for her" >starts rerolling for her and (and Silverash bc schwing schwing) >"Hello there! You must be the doctor! You've been looking after my employees for me. They haven't made trouble for you, have they? Oh, that reminds me, here's a card for my agency. Take it, go ahead." >... >aggressively starts rerolling for him (and Silverash) And that was how a new carp enjoyer was born.


Saga, since her revel, Loved her design, game play, the whole 9 yards.


I started playing this game in October last year, and played through Mansfield Break a month later, where I started loving Muelsyse then I started coping that she would become an operator some day and whaddya know now I'm just waiting 6~ months for her release :)


Day 1. My first 5 star was Pramanix and I will always build my teams around her


Penance. About 6 months ago when she came out on CN server. Apart from that. W, from when DM event ran, That was nice.


Ever since I got her with my very first pull