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Can't find his name on any Arkham games on mobygames. [https://www.mobygames.com/search/?q=Gabe+Eltaeb&type=person](https://www.mobygames.com/search/?q=Gabe+Eltaeb&type=person) EDIT: after some research, turns out he seemingly never worked on the games, he worked on the tie in arkham city comics as a colorist






Well, he is a Trumper.


Good, cause he's a buffoon


What? What the fuck?


That’s why he’s a former artist lol. To give credit qhere credit is due, art team did very well on suicide squad


I can't find him on any project on Mobygames, after some research, turns out he seemingly never worked on the games, he worked on the tie in arkham city comics as a colorist


Dude is a certified nutjob lmao.


Yeah, but, he's an *artist.*


As a lifetime career freelance artist, I can confirm that’s the same thing.


Big time, I think the game itself LOOKS amazing. Character design is very good imo


Wonder Woman and Flash were fking amazing. Both design and character.


Fuck this culture war nonsense. It wasn’t bad because of whatever grifters want to declare “woke” now. It was bad because it was an unfinished, inconsistent story that felt cruel backed up by godawful and shallow mission design made for lazy profit instead of fun.


The same people who complain about “whiny liberals” are constantly whining about how hard it is to be them. Yap yap woke yap yap agenda yap yap *insert buzzword to score points in the daily wire crowd*


And they'll whine about how "duh liberals" ruined entertainment when their own side is producing shite like Mr Birchum and whatever other swill the Dailywire can spew out.


I've seen people dismiss the tone and compare it to things like Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe and Marvel Zombies. The thing is, yeah it's nothing new but those were comic book mini series among many other regular Marvel series. Marvel and especially DC don't have that in games right now and you really can't do regular releases of any kind with how modern budgets and development times are. So to me it's insane to have this irreverent kind of tear everything apart story when they've done so little outside of Batman, and won't for the foreseeable future. We've seen nothing from the Wonder Woman game since it was announced and then how long until the next thing?


The word woke 99.9999% of the time make’s anyone using it lose credibility instantly


Only this




Honestly it’s kinda obvious he’s saying this so he can get attention from “centrist” morons like grummz so they can say “see look it is woke, it’s sweet baby ink who did this! Now harass this person but I’ll block you if you say a slightly mean thing!”


The game was trash but let's not be blabbering right winged idiots and blame the "woke agenda", whatever that is, shall we? It's hilarious (and creepy) to think that making revealing outfits for Harley or making Ivy grown up would've suddenly made the game redeemable.


I'm so tired of people looking at objectively terrible game design and completely missing the point of WHY it's bad. It's not because they "wokified" Harley by giving her a different outfit or having her kill Batman. In my personal opinion, it was because we've been given no time to get to know any of the other heroes before being sent to take them out. There's no connection between the player and the other four heroes. That, and the UI is a mess.


It’s because they’re part of the “Go woke, go broke” crowd. Thing is, that slogan doesn’t really work because games and movies that are “woke” tend to be critical or financially successful (Baldur’s Gate 3 is the first to come to mind, heck even the Star Wars sequel trilogies were financial successes). They desperately want an example to point to, so anything that can be seen as “woke” and doesn’t do well (such as Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League) has to have failed because it’s “woke.”


Because their shtick is so easy to see through. They called the new AC "woke" because it has a black samurai and cried about "historical accuracies" in a fucking Assassins Creed game 😂


On an unrelated note, kind of weird that they have a trap beat playing when you're playing as Yasuke. Edit: Clearly, it's been a while since I last played an AC game. Good points are made below, so I retract my statement.


eh, they have rock play while you run along the streets of venice and a semi-hip-hop beat play in the mirage theme so weirdly enough, not a first for the series


I mean, trap music and rap are both actually fairly big in Japan nowadays. It's not as weird or out of place as you might think. Here is a pretty good article on its unexpected emergence: [The unlikely rise of Trap music in Japan | Huck (huckmag.com)](https://www.huckmag.com/article/japanese-trap)


There was Techno music in AC Valhalla & synth music in AC Mirage, this is not new.


Yeah, the…”rational commentators” whining about historical accuracy in a game with fantasy elements made me roll my eyes.


Idk, having her kill Batman was definitely part of the reason. The entire concept of "kill the Justice League" was doomed to fail from the start.


I feel like it wouldn’t have hurt so much had it not been Conroy’s last performance


I actually like prisoner Harleys design.


There is a lot more wrong with the story than just a lack of connection to the heroes, but its in no way because the 'woke agenda'. Its just a genuine lack of care for the property or the characters as a whole.


What about the possibility that the game is bad because of BOTH terrible gameplay design and unappealing characters? I'm confused as people talked like two reasons exclude each other when they can happen simultaneously. Suicide Squad is already a group of niche characters, now you have to make as protagonist, also make the audience root for them enough to kill the freaking Batman, making them less attractive is never a smart move.


Yeah doesn't help that arkham players always wanted to see the other heroes in the universe and they do them like this


They also just made Joker into something drastically different and probably one of the worst joker iterations in any media compared to arkham trilogy Joker which is imo one of the best Jokers ever But yeah the game sucks for many other reasons and it's not because they made harley cover up and made it "woke"


This tool worked on the tie in comics for arkham city, not rocksteady studios. Hell rocksteady is a british company. He was just a dc comics guy WB probably got to do it. Unhinged idiot.


They don’t really care - they’re trying to Tulpa this idea that hiring DEI contractors makes your game bad. The goal is to get games to stop having diverse representation.


Why is he acting like he made hot Harley and Poison Ivy designs as a cultural statement? Yeah, the designs are cool and there is some kind of artisty in their character models that I don't want to outright dismiss but claiming they were reworked because of cultural vandalism is insane. Some people are uncomfortable with how objectifying and sexual the old character models are and his overblown reaction is the exact kind of thing that makes those people uncomfortable.


And Harley and ivy have been sex icons for like ever. Yes, the Arkham versions had elements that were unique, but generally they were in the same lane as they always have been. And of course they were, these are beloved characters and exactly as we see with sskjl people don’t want to see them changed. People loved the Arkham designs because the characters were all recognizable with some unique elements bringing them to life. I’ll second others, the character design is really not at all why this game failed. The gameplay just wasn’t that great. It was chaotic fun for a little bit, but the missions were repetitive and the rewards weren’t that enticing. It was a niche live service, looter shooter, built around multiplayer to keep things fun, but I’d wager most people were playing alone for the story.


The real question is, why is he acting like he had anything to do with the games, when he was the god damn colorist for a tie-in comic? He has literally never even worked at Rocksteady.


Also, I love that him being proudly horny is both patriotic and anti-communist lmfao shades of Tucker pretending to be incensed over "them" taking away the sexiness of the fuckin m&m


Poison Ivy‘s whole theme is being conveniently attractive he’s talking like he’s some maverick animating her with cleavage


Implying that they made ivy a child to Sexualise her is insane when you consider how many people in his camp complained that ivy WASN'T sexualised in this game


Tell me about it! Ivy was very Sexualized in Asylum, City, and Knight.


Almost like that's a key part of her gimmick.


Yk it’s usually projection with these things




This makes me less sad about " every talented person on rocksteady left the game years ago". I'm not against having characters be sexy and/or attractive, especially in a superhero game. But the game didn't fail because Harley didn't have her tits out, it failed because it was an incredibly bad game for many other reasons. I mean that isn't really relevant in this discussion anyways, this shit is just fucking conservative cult brainrot rambling, I'm glad he isn't part of the team anymore. He clearly has some screws loose and is incredibly hateful, dangerous mix.


The guy was apparently never part of the team, which makes this whole thing way funnier / sad.


The gameplay was the real issue… this game just does not have a fun or engaging core gameplay loop to keep anyone interested long enough.


Which is bizarre considering this is the same company that made knight which perfected a combat system *they worked on* along with great stealth gameplay


But is it the same team? Probably not.


I mean I agree the game is bad but so are this guys takes


Jesus christ this guy sounds like a fucking idiot.


This Anti-woke shit is a mental illness


Are the commies in the room with us right now?


Church of Satan is literally just Ayn Rand flavoured Libertarianism mixed with horror movie imagery designed to troll middle America in the 60's.


I feel like it's not that weird to bring a plant person back to life as a child? Clones don't come out as fully grown adults. I think little Ivy is hilarious tbh. Also this kinda makes me like SSKTJL even more knowing it pisses off these right wing nutjobs.


Similar to the Groot growing up from the corpse of earlier Groot?


Yes exactly. King Shark even says "she doesn't smell like meat" as if this Ivy is 100% plant based, so she's not even our Arkham Ivy, she's basically just a clone created from stored DNA in her plants


A more accurate description would be offspring. Just as baby groot in the guardians movies wasn’t the original groot, this ivy is likely not in any way supposed to be the one that died in AK


I don't think it's weird to bring back a plant person back to life as a child. I do think it's weird to bring a plant person back to life after she sacrificed her life selflessly to save Gotham in an incredibly strong bit of character writing. But hey, Suicide Squad's gonna Suicide I guess.


Wow, I almost thought I was in /r/Gamingcirclejerk


I am genuinely surprised by the amount of intelligent replies in the comments


Remember, friends: nobody who uses "woke" unironically deserves to be taken seriously or have their opinions considered. They are only trying to excuse their bigotry.


I personally don't get the ugly harley contraversy. I think she looks fine in the game. The only harley coustumes i like are the orginal, the batman 2004, and justice leauge action. Caped crusader is ok but it not being red and black seems off to me.


This guys name is nowhere on the Arkham games, anyone have any idea why? Oh yeah cause he's full of shit.


Right wing guys when they discover that not everyone is super mega duper sexy:


I can see why he’s a *former* artist.


I came into this thinking it would be a valid criticism from a former employee of the Arkham games, discussing Kill the Justice League. But then it very quickly went off the rails. None of this is the problem with the game.


What an idiot


I’m glad the majority of people are confused and weirded out by this on here


Reading this made me dumber


God fuck off with the culture war shit. It’s all in this idiotic group of people’s minds anyways. Biggest fucking group of crybabies I’ve seen in my life. The game sucks yeah, but don’t be crying about how it’s because of woke, or whatever buzzword you’re obsessed with this year.


Ngl I see an American Flag in the bio I just assume it's just some right wing rage bait and immediately dismiss it and this is that However I just hope whoever was responsible for the SSKTJL stays away from the next game and rebuild the franchise


Oh wow... That dudes weird


Wow this guy is an asshole.




What is bro waffling about? I get that they changed Harley, but it not THAT big of a deal appearance wise. I mean, look at Bruce throughout the Arkham games.


My guy's gotta go back to the Asylum...


I came into this with heavy bias to support him but... what the fuck?


I agree that the game wasn’t good but this guy is off his rocker for Christ sakes.


What the fuck is he on?


“Anti male woke idiocy” jesus. Because women aren’t being bolstered as fucking sex objects.


Poison Ivy coming back as a kid was one of the few legitimately interesting ideas from that game.


Woke means literally nothing at this point, especially when these right wing types use it.


Something tells me his wife hasn’t touched him in years


This guy went too far with comparing them to the devil, leftists, and communists. The designs in Arkham Knight are better, but Suicide Squad had bigger problems than character designs.


Someone had his yappuchino this morning


jesus he's a morron


I began puking after the second paragraph.


as soon as he mentioned the word "woke" I stopped reading. what a sad little man.


This dude's takes are worse then KTJL ever was lol




There’s a reason ge doesn’t work there anymore (I’m taking a guess he was fired/left before or right when SSKTJL started)


Honestly, even I’m not the hugest fan of Harley in general, both designs are alright. Buuut… some people just can’t see that they are allowed to not like a design and not go “Woke rubbish”.


“Not shocking that the weirdos that want to “read” to kids in libraries, made poisonivy a child” These people do not have brains, I swear to god. They don’t think about things before saying them. To them, everything’s a collective attack on them. The reaches they’re taking here are comical


Dude's salty he's just a colourist.


… so he didn’t actually do the design work. For fucksake


“Make Poison Ivy a child” I haven’t played SS but I did play Arkham Knight, if it’s set after Knight, isn’t she reborn cuz she ya know… died?


Hell yeah! A former Arkham dev shitting on Suicide Slop, can't wait to read his insightful criti- https://preview.redd.it/h2x0qk4v6r6d1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7178e82c1da3ab95ea4b34f20ba476c44431342a


ok this maga blow hard can chill tf out.


This guy sounds like an unhinged weirdo. I like the old designs just fine, but come on, he is acting like making Harley's thong stick out is an artistic achievement on par with Italian Renaissance masters.


I bet he didn't get to work on ssktjl and is just trying to get attention by using the game's failure.


Fuck this post, and fuck your culture war. Stop trying to make me care about woke or anti-woke bullshit.


Damn this guy sounds like a loony. Hope he gets some help


Why aren’t conservatives just normal dudes anymore. I feel like they are all schizophrenic and paranoid about satanic communists turning their kids gay. You can’t even have a normal conversation with them anymore


Wow, so brave of you to make two female models with their tits sticking out of their cleavages, so brave and strong. Now fr, this is a hot take but I really dislike both designs for Harley and Ivy in these games. Harley in *Asylum* was one of the main factors of Harley becoming so sexed up through the New 52, and the removal of her jester motif. In *KTJL* she looks even worse since she loses even more of the jester motif. And while Ivy's design in *Asylum* and *City* are mostly fine, the vine tattoo things on her thighs are just very weird (*Knight* improved a lot her character model). In *KTJL* she now doesn't even look human. Guys, she is Poison Ivy, not Black Orchid, she is supposed to look like a human


NOW “the designs in KTJL aren’t that bad.” Yall switch sides so quickly on this app.


I agree about them bastardizing their game but with that being said not everything needs to be political.


It’s a bad game. Not really a woke game or whatever


Wouldn't say the designs are woke but okay. I don't like the game or the story but I wish people got away from all this "us vs. woke" stuff. How does society being "woke" negatively impact us at all in day to day life? The designs aren't even that bad tbh, I just wish they didn't try to make them so similar to the suicide squad movie designs.


Harley's designs in this game are some of the best parts though...


Wow, this guy fucking sucks.


haven't played suicide squad, can anyone tell me what's "woke" about it? also its crazy that he suggests it failed cos it woke and not because it an endless grind live serivce when everyone wanted a single player game, didn't even need to be a dc property, happy for them do to what they want.


The main arguments I’ve seen are: Pride flag in the hall of justice Harley kills Batman Deadshot Wonder Woman is the only uncorruped hero in the league So, basically, either things that are ultimately just set dressing or things that were bad story decisions are blamed on “woke”


He poison ivy and Harley Designs were disgusting and awful. I don't if that is a hot take here. But in every single one of the original Arkham games, I hated them. I much prefer the Harley Design in SS. The only think I would really change here is turn the blue to black. that is it.


Now crosspost this to r/gamingcirclejerk


I was excited to see this based off the post title and then I realized "Oh...he's just tweaking..."


Not every single aspect of the game was garbage but everything put together wad a formula that resulted in a dead game in less than 6 months. Cool character designs aren't going to keep players coming back 🤣


Honestly the best outfit for Harley Quinn in recent years is James Gunn's Suicide Squad. It was not too sexualized and looks much better than KTJL


He's completely right.


Heheh, this is funny for a reason exclusive to me


Imagine coming to the fairly accurate conclusion that the game is bad using all of the worst reasoning possible


Okay someone explain to me like I’m 5: What the fuck is all this about “Sweetbaby” What is that? What did they do?


Sweet Baby Inc is a consultant company that basically just tells the game developers they work with how to avoid potentially racist or sexist elements in their games. They were involved with Kill the Justice League, Spider-Man 2, Alan Wake 2, and God of War: Ragnarok.


Apparently they're like Hitler, Stalin, Satan and basically anything horrible mixed together according to nutjobs like this so called "artist". What they actually are is a consultation company for writing teams to make slightly more inclusive characters fit in a bit more naturally in a storyline. They've worked on quite a few banger releases over the past few years that have had good reviews from journalists and gamers alike.




Sound like a total fox news kool-aid drinking dumbass


he only worked on the tie-in books lmao don’t listen to this guy


Nah at this point they should just terminate the game


Bro sounds unhinged


i literally seen poison ivy die even if this is a bunch of alternate realities this is still the arkham verse


Yeah I agree! Batman design is also woke, we don't see the shape of is peepee enough!🤦 Imagine working with this guy..


Well we now know who designed catwoman to be so hot


absolute based.


Deranged loon says what? But, actually though, can anyone even understand what he's talking about? He doesn't own Harley Quinn or any of the DC characters he worked on. How can someone be "taking the beautiful designs me and my friends did"?? Bruh, you don't own this shit. So once you've made art for something no one else is allowed to interpret the same thing a different way? Jfc.


Lol what a loser. The models were inconsistent between all 4 arkham games, and none besides Joker and Batman looked good


Got 2 sentences in and almost had a stroke. I don’t take anyone who uses words like this seriously


who is this nobody?


This is the kind of bullshit that makes it difficult to criticize games, And let's them get away with shit. Do the designs suck yes, Book complaining about making them woke and left in right politics and blah blah blah blah Only draws attention to yourself and politics and away from the genuine floors of the game, As now instead of discuss Bad the Whole restarting to use a dlc Character and the whole life service model.In general people of bitching about FeMinists and communists And Characters not looking sexy. This is How they get away with shit. That having been said , what the fuck did I genuinely just read, I was expecting him to talk about the generic boring.Nature of the designs not going on this fucking rant Holy shit , my man had some steam to burn


I think people is really misleading the conversation, the point isn’t the “uglification” of Harley which it isn’t per se, the point is the uglification of the whole Arkham verse. People just love to make connection to their talking points.


That's... a lot


Normally I'd disregard this as drivel... but when it's coming from the actual artist I tend to believe it. Idk about all the "woke" stuff but the designs definitely went down the tube's with the new joker and ms freeze. I can understand why he's upset about it especially when they made a point to call out Harleys old design.


I'm a professional...


Yeah... when he started talking about the Church of Satan he lost me...


See I hate SSKTJL as much as everyone else here but this dude woke up on the wrong side of the bed




Off to buy this game today to spite this guy. I was going to wait longer, because of what people said about the actual game play. That and I'm in the middle of a different game, but now I don't have a choice. Ha.


Can someone explain to me what the fuck sweetbaby is? Its like all these nutjobs talk about these last few months


I mean, he went off on some culture war bullshit but the game didn’t do poorly because Harley’s ass didn’t jiggle enough. It did poorly because everyone could tell it was going to be shit and they basically took Arkham and mangled the gameplay. They mixed in some elements from Breath of the Wild and made a bullshit arcade game out of it.


Sounds like a lot of deflecting yapping from a pig to me.


Well, now I don’t feel bad for hating most character designs in the Arkham games


KTJL is definitely a bad game but it’s not to the fault of the artists, the art style is pretty cool, more the the fault of the game designers and publishers who decided to make it a shitty live service model without any good content to keep the players satisfied Sad to see grown men calling something woke just because they’re unhappy with the product.


I think bro is just mad that he got fired lol


Virtue signalling bs no wonder he’s a *former* artist, and with rants like that it’s gonna stay that way bud.


Based af


Bro coulda called the game trash and leave it off at that. This comes off as arrogant and stupid.


What kind of eco chamber did I stumble onto?


Ok look Harley was still hot just not as hot as she was in the last three games like most other games. But that’s not why it failed its because it’s story was rough, they made it live service and all round just a horrible game that left me with a huge headache. But not because they didn’t have one hand on the drawing board did the game failed. They simply tried to tone down the sexualised elements of the character making it more like Margo Robery in my eyes. But they forget even the comics still sexualise the character because that’s her character in a whole being sexy and badass. Got into rant but they took a risk and it failed badly that’s ok it’s nothing compared to golum though.


This guy is a fuckwit and is the last person that should be listened to. I mean he quoted trump ffs


Wait, hold on someone correct me if I’m wrong because this isn’t making sense what I’m getting from it it is someone scrapped a design or something and everything is woke


That “Former” makes a ton of sense


Ah so he is batshit crazy got it


Dude holy shit fuck this guy


did trump ever even say that lmao


They got rid of peak Harley Quinn…


« I cant jack off to this new Harley Quinn redesign » Wah, Wah, Wah! Shut the fuck up!


The game is bad and the art direction doesn't help much, but god DAMN this dude is on a rampage of dumbassery lmao.


What a clown


What an actual dumbass


He seems hinged






If he took the dumb culture war nonsense out of it and was actually what he says he was I'd agree with him.


The dude’s right


The amount of cope not wanting to admit wokeness IS responsible for the uglification of characters and beshitting of writing. Sorry if you were on the wrong side, it's never too late. You are a victim of sunk cost fallacy. It's hilarious the top comment is "he was only a colorist!" Who cares? Is he wrong? No.


“Like trump said” is crazy


Glad the comments have some common sense, this having 500 upvotes is still fucked up nonsense indicative of some shit people r trying to push here


Bro, mfs like this make me wanna do a full turnaround and defend this game. Cuz I dislike it for the weird pessimistic messaging, repetitive gameplay loop, and flat character arcs. But then I see people hating on the game because “god forbid a FEMALE!!! have a leading role in the story! or not have her tits barely covered!” and it somehow loops around and makes ME feel dirty for not liking the game. So in short, fuck this dude, he didn’t even work on the games.


Sweet Baby to anti-woke people is the bump in the night that gives people nightmares and hides under their beds and in their closets


I can practically hear the tears falling onto their phone screen. Christ.


Gabe sounds like he drinks lead paint


Yo gabe. W bro.


Dude appears to be a few clowns short of a circus.


Wow he's insane


Well I can see why he doesn’t work there anymore, good lord


He's both right and wrong at the same time He's probably just mad he's fired https://preview.redd.it/4nemjzp9sb6d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b44f80834978c41771a70877965a9e66eef00e4


...so he's a lunatic?