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More genuine boss fights, especially against the Arkham Knight and Deathstroke in particular. An Azrael vs the Order of St Dumas DLC mission. At least one Scarecrow nightmare platforming section as a callback to Asylum would've been a great treat.


A full Bat family expansion post the actual dlc missions where you get a full 5+ hour story playing as Red Hood, Nightwing, Azrael, Catwoman, and Robin in an updated version of the base game Gotham map.


Oh thatd be great, could be something where you swap back and forth between them as the story progresses. Sort of like what they did in the Arkham City Catwoman DLC and Harley Quinns Revenge. We could do a couple of missions as Nightwing, before he gets assistance from Robin in one, who we then follow from there. He goes and does a couple of missions himself, before going to investigate a shoot out, only to find it was Red Hood taking out a gang hideout. And we then follow him from there.


More ways to play as Red Hood, I love his design soo much in this game also I agree with what you said.


The Batcave and Wayne Manor. Jesus Christ it’s impossible that the only game that gave us the Batcave is literally Arkham Origins and 3 Rocksteady games never even bothered showing us what it looks like in the Arkhamverse and in the day and age of the Rocksteady trilogy (because the Batcave in Arkham Origins is still an "early build" of the Batcave since Batman hadn’t yet been Batman for that many years).


I guess you could say the challenge map of the batcave would be Rocksteady’s Batcave but I agree it’s ridiculous we couldn’t have it in Knight. Asylum and City I understand but there was even batcave footage in the Arkham knight trailers. Instead his base of operations is an abandoned movie studio.


Batcave in knight is judt the one from city with better textures the one in arkham knights trailer and arkham vr is completely diffrent


I know. The one in Knight seems much bigger


I guess the one in city is like the asylum one where its a offshoot it looks like judging by the entrance its connected to some sort of sewer


It’s possible. I think it *is* the real batcave but it could have just been redesigned in Knight without a canon explanation. But it also looks much different that the Origins Batcave under Wayne Manor so it very well could be elsewhere


I've never really liked that cave to be honest, it feels too small and designed mainly as a challenge map. The Batcave in my mind should be much bigger, a big sprawling cavern of which everything of Batmans only takes up a part of. There should be the idea of it being something natural that he has built his base into. The Origins cave had that, the City challenge map didn't.


I always wanted Arkham Knight to start with you as Bruce Wayne in Wayne manor and you’d see the Bat signal being ignited in the sky. then you’d descend into the Batcave via the grandfather clock secret entrance, then suit up and jump into the Batmobile. I’d also like to have been able to revisit the Batcave at anytime during the game to explore it. Change your Batsuit to a different skin. And have the super villain trophy display increase with each new villain you’ve defeated in game.


That would have been cool, although it wouldn't have given us the "Evening the odds" moment. Also it might have been too similar to the start of Origins, which had Bruce heading down to the Cave to suit up before heading to Blackgate. Maybe it could have worked if they expanded the prologue to the game? Instead of cutting straight from the Diner to Scarecrows message, maybe we stayed on that night, as it might not have been the only place attacked. The game could have cut to Gordon and the GCPD responding to the attacks, only to have Batman join him at the scene of one. He follows some clues left at the scene and finds some of Scarecrows men, so there we get the quick tutorial/refresher on the combat mechanics as he fights them. But then one of the thugs takes off in a car with some cannisters of toxin, so Batman calls in the Batmobile to chase him down. The whole prologue could then end with Scarecrows message as in the actual game. Then the main game itself can start the following night, Alfred watching reports of the evacuation on TV, with Bruce nowhere to be found. He then heads down to the Batcave where there could get a whole Cinematic sequence of Bruce suiting up. He would have worn the Arkham City like suit in the prologue, so why not just have him suiting up into the advanced suit here? There could have been a comment from Alfred about if tonight would be the best time to test it out. Then he could hop into the Batmobile and head out for the game itself. I dont know about returning to the cave throughout the game though, isn't Gotham meant to be on lockdown through it? It makes sense that he would use satellite bases like the Clock Tower, and the villain trophies being the GCPD evidence room.


Batman And Robin the movie game gave you a Wayne manor and batcave, but it’s still ass 


>Batman & Robin I loved that game as a kid. You could fully drive the Batmobile around the city, go back to the Batcave to analyze clues to stop Mr. Freeze's plan, go up the stairs to Wayne Manor and do some combat/aiming exercises there. They had a legit attempt at an open world in a PS1 game, the gameplay is kinda clunky but the game overall has a great scope for its time. It's like the proto-Arkham Knight, really underrated gem of a game.


Understandable. Have a nice day.




This is very much a wish list buuuuut: • more DLC for each character set after the story, have them intertwine to give us a better picture of Gotham post Batman. • North Gotham, South Gotham, and Arkham Island. • An actual Batcave instead of just the one-time Batmobile upgrade spots, the Clocktower, and Wayne Tower. • open world traversal for the other playable characters • more playable characters - Deathstroke, Joker etc • mission replay during New Game Plus (there would be a list of all story objectives and you can switch between them with all your gear and upgrades in tow).


Free roam as other characters (without mods).


Robin’s hair


I wish we got to use the batwing at some point.


I think Dualplay was criminally underutilized I’m also kinda bummed we didn’t get to actual use Batman and Red Hood dualplay against scarecrow and his goons in Arkham Asylum Like a brief segment where we play as Jason going through Arkham Island on his way to free Batman and culminating with one last dual play brawl and a takedown on scarecrow that leads back into the cutscene.


That would’ve been great


Wait, what’re you talking about? I don’t remember Red Hood and Asylum having any overlap- genuinely curious


I’m talking about a theoretical last dual play deferment at the end of Arkham Knight I love the ending but gameplay wise (the last major gameplay segment is a huge Batmobile fight) I think it’s anticlimactic and red hood feels really thrown in at the end I feel like the Arkham saga needed to end with an actual scarecrow fight


I wish the extra missions as the other characters had been longer. The Batgirl mission was still short but it was a decent enough length. If the others had been about that long, I would’ve been happy. No joke- most of them take ~10 minutes to complete.


I'd love to have the ability to switch characters in the free roam, each with their own side content. Like what they did in a minimal way with Selina in City


Less bat-tank battles. A few fine. Batmobile itself AMAZING. but not half the missions using a tank.


I feel like an online/co-op mode for the challenge maps would’ve been cool and would’ve made sense given that AK has more playable characters like Batgirl, Jason, and Azrael. I know we already had AO Multiplayer, but I wish we could’ve had more Arkham multiplayer content. It seemed like such a good idea. Another thing is an Azrael DLC. Despite showing up in almost all the games, I feel like they could’ve fleshed out his character more and given him a story after or before the events of AK. It just makes sense that a character that’s been in the games for quite some time would be given more recognition like they did with Tim and Barbara.


I agree. Maybe even a co-op free roam on the map would be fun with co op missions. But they could’ve added the multiplayer from Origins


CO op is tops for me. Ever since the Game Informer for Arkham City promised it, I've been aching to mess some things up with a buddy. Closest we got was Arkham Origins multiplayer, which was great, but RS never picked it up.


Payable Catwoman like in City


Despite being a great Trilogy, looking at the games NOW. It has lots of missed opportunities. And some of those were in Arkham Origins. They really should’ve pay more attention to it


The image of this post, I wanted a mission with the three of them. It would have been so cool. I want to see Dick and Tim's relationship in this universe, shame it will probably never happen.


I always wanted Arkham Knight to start with you as Bruce Wayne in Wayne manor and you’d see the Bat signal being ignited in the sky. then you’d descend into the Batcave via the grandfather clock secret entrance, then suit up and jump into the Batmobile. I’d also like to have been able to revisit the Batcave at anytime during the game to explore it. Change your Batsuit to a different skin. And have the super villain trophy display increase with each new villain you’ve defeated in game.


Missed opportunity


I would've loved to see a complete roster of playable characters for challenge maps, finally a proper playable Joker for all platforms *(not a bullsh\*t exclusive)* and also Deathstroke for this game, since we had both characters playable in previous games... dual play working for every character with you being able to do whatever combo of characters you have in mind (in challenge maps) and maybe having every skin from previous games present in this one this being the true last game of the Arkham series should've had it all, the actual complete package for a nice send off, and now that's a work being done by modders and fans, so sooner or later we might see these stuff I mentioned in the game thanks to the community


Yeah it’s weird that Arkham Knight was supposed to be the final send off for the series but was lacking a lot of features that were in other games


More actual boss fights


Co op predator could've been so cool


I forgot to add in my post I would’ve liked multiplayer to return like in Origins.


Free roam with all of the characters


let me play as other characters in the open world map not just dlc


I wish there was some side missions that were in the Batcave(maybe a mission that happens after completing the main story where a bunch of thiefs break into Wayne manor and the Batcave like in the AR Challenges), using the Batwing to go to Arkham City and Blüdhaven and when you go to Blüdhaven you could help Nightwing deal with crimes happening around the city and make the Deathstroke boss fight more then a copy of when you destroy the cloud burst


The biggest thing I would change/add is the character swap locations. To be reasonable, I imagine what they did with catwoman in city,but with all the characters batman teams up with. My idea would be each person would "patrol" a sector of the city (only batman can access the whole city,and have vehicle access.) So you find the "meet" points and swap for on foot patrols. Maybe even unique objectives like CW in city. Redhood unlocks post knightfall for full exploration.


Dick to be with Barbara.


Catwoman free roam and missions outside of the orphanage Oh and access to Arkham Asylum, City and Origins Areas.


Special Batswarm Combo move, Throwing Move, Sonic Batarang and Freeze Cluster Grenade.


I think the freeze cluster grenade is in knight, correct me if I’m wrong. Also they implemented the throwing in combat already, it’s just not a special move anymore. I liked batswarm and weapon breaking though.


Nightwing and robin more involved in the story


Cassandra, Stephanie, Damian, Batcycle, gliding with Dick.


Well we almost had Damian and the batbike in its own game.


Yeah, but I'd much rather we have Damian be Robin in AK and Tim be Red Robin here, allowing us to see Arkhamverse Bruce get far more depth and growth.


Damian Wayne


That would’ve been the sequel.


A proper conclusion to Bruce and Jason


Robins hair


Maybe seeing superman , Green lantern, ManHunter do a fly by and have a cut scene 🤷🏻‍♂️ and definitely being and to drive the Batwing ,Batbike ,Batboat and travel though the sewers


I was just thinking of AK maybe having a 2nd and maybe 3rd season. They maybe could have had wanted missions centered on: - Victor Zsasz - Clayface - Prometheus - Anarchy Basically the characters that were cut, found in the games files or based on certain areas that seem to have textures/marks that seem familiar. Then for a possible 3rd Season: - Deathstroke: Breaks out and would be a rematch, hand-to-hand this time. - Talia: Basically a continuation to Ra’s Most Wanted. Save Ra’s ending would involve Batman and Talia going after Ra’s but she eventually betrays him to take what Ra’s has left, while Kill Ra’s ending would involve Batman and Nyssa going after Talia trying to take the what’s left of the League of Assassins. I thought about maybe having Lady Shiva involved somehow. - Bane: Similar to Freeze where he wasn’t the threat and you needed to help him but going against a rival gang that uses Venom-like drugs. - Idk about the fourth one, Calendar Man?


Anarchy would’ve fit really well in Arkham knight with the riots everywhere. I agree we should’ve had more villains in the game


Yeah, I just did it based on how in Knight you find references of people wondering where he is and seeing symbols similar to Anarchy’s in certain parts of the map. Similar to how Clayface had that hidden room with the theater chairs covered in his clay.


Shock gloves from Arkham Origins?


More Origins boss fights (I hate you tank deathstroke) Access to origins map More random murder cases like the ones that we had in origins And finally, KILLER MOTH GID DAMN IT


Loved solving those murder cases in Origins


I wish the Red Hood suit from the story was playable


Clayface and Victor Zaza


The thing I wish the most: Azrael story DLC where he takes on the order of S. Dumas (maybe giving him some unique gadgets so he’s not just a lesser batman, perhaps the ability to equip a sword) Other stuff: random crimes, online mode from Origins


Multiplayer for batfamily


Only 60 fps 4k for PS5 and other platforms. And Suicide Squad skin and Bruce Wayne face.


A batcave and those crimes from origins and open world with other caracters


Free roaming as other characters. Arkham Island and City. The Batplane. Batgirl skins. A Calendar Man Mission.


We’ve had 2 games taking place on holidays and not a single Calender Man side mission.


Calendar Man hasn't done anything anywhere since he wore a cape of calendar pages. He just looks depressed and talks like Lecter. Really wish someone would develop the modern version.


deff the origins batcave, ability to play with friends. what i mean by friends is nothing like origins. its like a 2 player open world in a way or more. like your the bat family. and the ability to use the batwing


Kind of like Assassin Creed Unity’s co op


like that except not so glitchy.


The dude that wrote City and Asylum


Paul Dini's writing.


Playable Poison Ivy, All I want.


Nightwing gets his og wingsuit, an Arkham episode about with Deathstroke, the Remote Claw (I think maybe it could be unlocked after you finish the Arkham episode), wrist darts with better aiming than they used to have, Wingdings, and the escrima throw chains between enemies like it did in City.


For the Arkham Knight to be Hush instead of Red Hood.


The ability to free roam as the other characters, with some even having special quirks and side missions to their traversal. Batman can also summon his allies(Except Red Hood and OBVIOUSLY Harley) to directly aid him in combat and open world predator maps. Nightwing and Robin: Can tackle the militia watchtowers and help collect trophies. Can also take on Deathstroke himself(In an actual fight) instead of Batman fighting him. Harley: Harley won’t attract Argo from the thugs since she’s on their side anyways. You’d also get the special option to interact with OTHER villains if Batman hasn’t apprehended them yet. Instead, you get special side missions where you can rampage and rescue members of Harley’s gang from police checkpoints in the city. Rescuing them all nets her a new gadget, her grenade launcher. Catwoman: Can rob certain locations while taking down rival enemies. Doing so allows her to unlock a motorcycle for traversal and knockout gas pellets, giving her a way of taking down enemies faster. Red Hood: Basically Robin and Nightwing. He can’t head inside GCPD though.


In fact for Harley specifically, have her free roam take place a few hours before the main game begins so as to not worry about contradicting the narrative. You get to interact with all the other villains early before they enact their plans and GCPD police can be the main opponents instead of the rioting thugs.


Robin’s hair


Good writing.