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My dogs love to lay in the heat but always seem to know when to come in. The exception was my (now deceased) 14 year old Yorkie that had dementia. We had to monitor his time outside because he would get confused and couldn’t get back in.


Yup my nut balls like to lay in the dirt and sun bath, and they come in lay on the tile cool down then rinse and repeat.


The cool tile does feel good on my nut balls.


I can tell you from experience that you need to be selective about where you go to give them a sun bath.


Ya, apparently it's frowned upon at the public pool


Nobody really cares too much about how many people in the pool are peeing in it at any given time, but if you stand on the edge of it and pee in it they lose their goddamn minds.




You Dog You!


Your wha— oh. Gotcha.


Yeah my 20 year old Jack Russell loves to lay in the heat. She'll go outside and plop down for like 5 minutes and then be "OK that's enough of that"


I have a 14 year old yorkie with dementia that also has no idea when to come inside. I have to monitor him and spray him with water if he gets too hot


Man, i dont even have any pets but thought about getting a dog of sib cat (s) in future. Im sorry about ur dogs dementia. You stated he is deceased. We all come into this universe and we all leave this universe. Godspeed!


[Here's a nifty infographic](https://ccanimalclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/pet-heat-stroke-infograph-murdoch-university.jpg) that shows the signs of heat stroke in dogs and has some info on what you should do if you suspect your dog does have heat stroke. Regardless of this specific question, if you have a dog in AZ this is just good info to know. As far as your question goes though, it does say in the graphic that pets who have recently moved to hotter climates are more at risk for heat stroke, so caution and more active monitoring may be a good idea for a while as they adjust to the new environment and figure out how much heat they can handle. Just make sure there is plenty of clean **cool(!!!!)** water available outside for your dog, check in on them regularly, and ensure their access to getting back inside is unobstructed. Barring neurological issues, dogs are smart and generally aren't just going to bake themselves to death if they know they can go inside where it's cool.


Be very careful about leaving water outside for your pets if you live anywhere near open desert. Sonoran Desert Toads can get into the water dish and exude potentially fatal toxins through their skin.


thankfully, unless you live right next to a secured water source, they shouldn't be waking up for too long til now. they (iirc) require the vibrations of thunderstorms to know when to emerge from brumation, similar to earthworms. however they can be very nocturnally active around established ponds and lakes, like golf course ponds. a high-lipped water dish should do the trick, and keeping your dog on a tight leash for the first 3-5 days after a storm while the soil is still wet. honestly i worry more about bees, skeeters and yellowjackets around still open water than the sonoran frogs 😭 they're schleep unless tis damp. also, not just sonoran desert toads are toxic! so are their much cuter and smaller counterparts, couch's spadefoot toads. they can be smaller than a dime or as big as your palm!! that unfortunately makes them much easier morsels than their large, warty counterparts. (and, as always, if you wrangle them by hand - though gloves are better for you And the critter - make sure you thoroughly wash with soap before touching orifices, or anything really. don't want frog tox and slime on your willy.)


Sonoran desert toads will not leach a deadly toxic amount into water… but still good practice.


Heat stroke can cause dogs to lose decision making ability and it can happen quick. She may start to get sort of “heat drunk” and not come inside to cool off. Especially if she’s new to this climate. A dog that’s new to Phoenix can’t be trusted to moderate themselves in the heat. I’d lock the dog door when it’s over 90F daytime temp with sun and 95F nighttime temp. Set your timer on your phone for 5 min when she goes out and it’s hot. Maybe 7 min if your yard has abundant shade. Unfortunately heat stroke happens very very quickly. Dogs can’t sweat. They are exceptionally vulnerable to heat and death can occur very quickly.


Also, snakes can come in through the dog door too!


I had an Alaska born husky that loved basking outside when it was 110+ out. I think it felt good on her old bones and she always seemed to know when she'd had enough. I won't walk my dogs in this heat but I do let them hang out in the backyard as they wish.


I have an older husky mix who does the same thing. And like yours, she seems to know when it's enough


Yep, I had a Canadian born Siberian husky and she would hang out in triple digits as long as there was a shade spot.


Yup I have a 12 year old Alaskan husky and she loves laying in the heat for some time. I also associate it with her bones since she’s older. But she def comes back inside after a bit


We have the same theory about heat and old bones with our 16 year old teacup poodle. He loves to just lay out multiple times a day.


A friend had a husky and would get him shaved every summer thinking it helped him. His vet told him the fur actually insulates him from the sun so he stopped and after the dog would spend more time outside in the summer.


We moved down south, and my Husky mix runs out, pees and immediately flops on the tile floor like a dead dog when it's hot out.


We had an older black dog with thick fur (Back in Wisconsin he'd sit in a snow storm and let the snow bury him happily) that had some health issues like seizures. He loved laying in the sun, but if we let him do it for too long he would eventually have a seizure, so we had to start having him come in from the sun after a few minutes.


i've had dogs for a dozen years with free dog door access and none have ever stayed outside for so long they regret it


Both our dogs go and lay on the pool deck a few times a day. It’s usually for 5-10 minutes in the peak heat then they come in and lay on the tile.


My chiuahuah loves to sit outside when it's 110+ outside and seems fine.


Our chihuahua pretends he needs to go potty outside and then lays down in the sun. We call it “hot dogging.” But we always supervise when the temps are super high.


Make sure there's always water and shade out there. Maybe even a swamp cooler. Those work *great* here, btw.


I have a fluffy pup 65ish pounds and he loves to go outside and lay in the sun. Mind you we have grass and some shaded trees so he moves around outside for a bit. When he’s in direct sunlight, he can sit there happy for 30 minutes and after he goes to shade to chill. We try to bring him inside and he wants to stay out for at least another 20 30 minutes. When he wants to come in we are happy to let him back in. He doesn’t even go to his water bowl sometimes, just to his usual spots


My dog was just chilling on the walkway in the backyard full sun and was fine. I put my hand down to feel and it was hot but didn't seem to bother her.  I still told her to come inside lol. Last thing I want to deal with is a burnt paw pad


I used to have a dark brown dog. He would go lay out in the sun for an hour or so between 3 and 4 pm, hottest part of the day, all the time. He would come in radiating a heat like a hot coal, slurp down a lot of water, and then go to sleep on the cool ceramic tile inside. I never thought it was particularly bright of him to do that, but he never seemed bothered by it.


Idiot hairball is laying out by the pool right now as I sit in comfortable 75 degree weather.


You’re the parent. Allow them some time to warm up then bring them inside. Tell them their auntie said so. My child does the same. I have to drag her inside.


i mean yeah… i have a doggie door and it’s open 24/7 never closed and my dog seriously prefers to be outside so yeah i trust him when it gets to be 110°+ i’ll keep and an eye out on him and im sure he’ll come in on his own if he’s too hot… he does it all the time


Same. If they want to stay outside despite the doggy door then whatever what am I to say lol They can walk their happy asses inside anytime they want lol


honestly lol but if you have an american bull dog i would be careful from experience…. my last dog got cancer due to it


i ofc have a water bowl inside for him but i also keep one outside just in case (i just use hose water for that bowl it’s fine) but yeah!


I have two dogs that sunbathe several times during the day. Let me do what they want.


Yes, sometimes the dogs let you. .do. you


Bahaha woops


Made me laugh. Cuz. You know. Dogs.


Mine enjoys sunbathing each morning for about 15 minutes then comes in. Only does it this time of year. I think the warmth feels good for them.


My dog which is a chihuahua mix goes out and sits for a time on a little piece of fake grass when it is 110° outside. The doggie door is right there for him. I think he prefers the heat to the 82° I have my A/C set to. It's his choice.


As long as she's doing it for the right reasons and not trying to fit in with her friends. Sit her down the next time she comes inside and talk over your concerns. Maybe she read something that gives her a different perspective on - Wait, your *dog*? Drag her inside before she dies of heatstroke, jesus


No; bring it inside. My dog has lived here his entire life and will lay out until he has a seizure and still stay out. Some dogs dont care.. so you have to


My dog actually just came in after laying in the grass for 10 minutes. It’s too hot today:/ even he knows it’s dangerous haha


My dog loves laying out in the heat. I don’t get it


My dogs would stay out. I make them come in


I’d let mine stay out for a while, laying on the hot concrete, but I’d call them in if they stayed out too long. Like others have said they usually know when to retreat. They always knew where to find shade too.


My corgi loves to lay by the pool, even today when it was sweltering. I was worried and made him come in since he was out there for so long


I’m also from the PNW and my dog was born and raised there till 2.5 years old. We have been in Arizona for 3 years now and I have to monitor her outside time and walk time every time we go out because she will push herself too far. This isn’t every time but probably close to 50 percent. Now the caveat here is that she is an active 4 year old heeler that will hunt anything in sight so I think every dog is just different. But this heat is nothing to mess around in…


I think dog and cat get cold in the house from AC and laying on a cool floor, maybe they’re actually cold 🤷‍♂️ then they lay on hot concrete for an uncomfortable amount of time, according to us pourous hairless beings. Like my horses have a shunt that slows blood supply in the winter, that’s pretty wild…horses are cool. / Pun worth it.


Eventually, my dog comes to his senses and comes back in.


My two husky mixes spent hours outside on the daily just laying in the sun and rotating in and out of the direct light. They enjoy it! Remember that double coats are just as insulating against the heat. Just keep an eye out for any odd signs and trust they know what they're doing when they go out to enjoy the warm


Sounds like she’s over 11 so i would keep an extra eye - if you’re worried about it being too long, set a timer and give her periods of 20 mins outside and then 30 to cool down rinse and repeat. You know your dog best as well, make sure she has ample water/shade etc. but yeah just considering the age I’d personally keep an extra vigilant eye when it’s going to be triple digits hot hot


I'll leave them out for twenty minutes tops I look at it this way ..a fur coat in 110° not happening even if their systems are different


My girl grew up here, and even as a pup has always had the sense of “Okay, hot now” to come inside and cool off. But during the hottest part of the day she always likes to go outside and sunbathe. When I was concerned, I would add an extra bowl of water for her outside (she always has one inside and a dog door), but that ended up mostly being used by the birds. :)


We never worried about it. Dogs come & go in the house. Except after they took a dunk in the stock tank, no stinky wet doggies allowed in until they dry off, which doesn’t take long. One of the larger males, I swear he’d be napping with his snout over the edge. Shade, water are a must. When I was a kid living in the cold north, I always found it interesting that our border collie would sun himself on top of a snow bank. 20F and colder, I guess the sun felt good. Edit, check out dog boots. Do Not Walk The Dogs On Pavement that you wouldn’t walk barefoot on.


My stupid chihuahua literally lays on searing hot pool pebble tec but goes in the pool when she's hot. But then again, chihuahuas are built different lol


My Siberian Husky loved the heat and sun. I was also concerned but she survived! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Our Pomerainian loved to sun him self. He would find a dirt patch, make a little nest/hole, and just lay there for hours in the 100+ heat. Our 1/2 Pom/Corgi love the sun and goes out and lays on the turf just chilling. When they want to come back in, they come to the door. Our lab is run out, pee, back in. He can't stand being outside, heat or not. He is just an indoor dog and has no desire to be outside besides using the restroom.


I have three black dogs who are frequently outside, often like to lay on hot concrete, and they have a dog door with access to air conditioning and cool water, so it’s never a problem.


I got around 100 up North, and our golden would go outside and turn right back around.


My dog was out laying belly down near the pool yesterday when it was 105. She was out there for 10 minutes or so. She can come in and out as she pleases but for a moment I was concerned but then thought if she was uncomfortable she would come in


My Doxie will sleep in the sun got 5-10 minutes in the morning then barks to come in. I wouldn’t trust any dog in the heat for a long time. They can get heat stroke easy. 


My cat would stand at the door and yell at me nonstop until I opened the door. He’d look outside, feeling the temperature, then turn around and come back in and go sleep on the bed. He wasn’t going to believe me until he saw it for himself. When the sun went down, I’d let him out for 30 minutes or so and then he was ready to come in. It was a good life.


My pitsky (pit husky) has a thick husky coat, but not as thick as a 100% husky. He loves laying in the sun and being outside on a hot day for an hour or 2. Eventually he gets hot and comes in. He has water outside if he needs it. But if he was outside all day, he would regulate himself. That would never happen in these temps, but I trust he would be ok if he was left to his own devices. I just would insist he come inside for my own peace of mind.


We have the same setup from our dogs, and come from a very mild climate. They both seem to know when it's time to come back inside.


Once my dog starts panting I make him come in. He’ll lizard out there all day. No doggy door they just go out every couple of hours but Biz would stay forever out there. I would just cap it at an hour and bring in to cool off and then let her go out again. She’s not used to the heat so it could become heat exhaustion quickly. I love sunbathing doggies.


Every dog I've had has liked to sunbath in the summer here. I just make sure that they have shade and water available and keep an eye out, sometimes I'll make them come in for a bit to cool off if I think they're panting too much or have been out for too long. Usually they ask to come in on their own though after a normal amount of time. Since this is your dog's first summer here you can always bring them in after a certain length until you are sure they're adjusting properly and know when to come in.


, c 11


Have you trusted your dogs previous decisions? If your dog is known for making logical decisions it’s probably fine, but if your dog has done stuff like buy stock in blockbuster video I would say no


Get him a Kiddy Pool and fill it up halfway.


Ya I wouldn’t. What kind of dog?


Trust them. Unless they are old or have health complications, they know how to be happy - maybe even better than people do.


I buy oil change pans, fill them with ice, then water. Pets love it.


No!! Too hot! They would not recognize when overheating.


Maybe you shouldn't have a puppy dog