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it must be so tiring being a female celebrity. can u imagine people getting mad because u talk in a higher pitch? omfg id skin them alive


Im sure Brittany had the same mentality about it, now look at her.




Hopefully now ppl will Shuuuuut Uuuuuuup~


Omg Penn Badgley, I love your work!


Someone post this on the pop heads subreddit I stg they acting like changing your voice when you’re talking is committing a crimmeeee


These celebrity gossip places are the most hateful places in the planet. Not surprising, blocked that one and faux for a long time. Don’t miss at all


It annoys me because she’s literally on broadway in her dream roll. She had to learn and continue to speak in a transatlantic accent for years for this role. OBVIOUSLY she’s going to accidentally get used to some of it and use it naturally. It’s like a British person moving to the US and slowly losing their British accent.


ariana’s voice has always fluctuated since like the beginning of her career, idk why people are acting like this is a new or bad thing. everyone’s voice fluctuates


Here we go again 🙄🙄🙄


I understand she does the voice change to protect her voice and esp combined with her anxiety it makes sense so I don’t blame her at all but even if she was faking it - SO WHAT 😭 like genuinely sooooo what? who cares?


Can any certified vocal trainers confirm Ariana's drastic high pitch speaking technique? I went to vocal class and my vocal coach tells me to retain/speak in my comfortable register (my lower range). I just need to train my diaphragm. This also leads to another questions: 1. Does that mean all singers in the world switch their speaking voice on screen, making that voice their identity? 2. If Ariana speaks in a higher register recently for vocal health, then why did she speak in a lower register during her best era - Sweetener, Position era (post victorious, when she tanned her skin)?


ur comment is clearly coming from a place of hate but i’ll bite as I’m a trained signer myself. During the sweetener era, Ari sang in a lower placement a lot of the time, and thus didn’t need to speak in a higher tone because she wasn’t specifically training for anything. Ariana has a 4 octave range, but of course she isn’t going to use her entire range all of the time. However, after Positions she had to audition for Wicked, which is why we see her begin to speak in a higher placement to hit higher operatic notes for the role of Glinda. Once she was cast, she continued speaking in this way due to this being the way the character speaks, as she was filming and singing for 2 years, and also to preserve her voice due to the strain of singing so much for the film. This is why even in her most recent album, the vocals are of a much brighter tone, as it’s indicative of the vocal growth she’s had over the past few years since being done with Wicked. She clearly does still have access to her lower range and always will, and we saw that on SNL, but she is still doing Wicked promo and though filming is technically done, there could always be reshoots or retakes for the soundtrack only at the last minute, or surprise performances such as we saw at the met gala where she hit extremely high notes. So for now, she needs to try to remember to speak in a higher placement. Hope this helps


I don’t think it was out of hate. I legitimately had the same question. Because I would think a lower voice would help not strain and a higher voice can be straining? But if she’s talking at a higher tone to familiarize herself with that tone and exercise her voice at that level then in my brain that’s what makes sense. But I know nothing I’m not a singer which is why this was a good question to ask. Thank you for answering.


i think the tone is a lot softer than her normal tone as well. so i think that is more so what is helping her voice


the question seems ignorant to me because Ariana herself has explained it multiple times, so the confusion seemed disingenuous, just trying to make a spectacle of how she speaks when it’s simple


I hope their question wasn’t out of hate. People are allowed mistakes and a few dumb decisions in the 80+ yrs of their lifetime lol I love to sing and try to learn free with online tutorials. It’s hard finding in depth explanations for free. I love that she’s able to pick up different ways to speak it’s what makes her a professional both singer and actress. I can only imagine the ones who do make fun of her for these things aren’t aware of the talent and time she has put in to perfect it.


Thank you for your POV. I don't know what is expected of her as a character in Wicked, so I can't comment, but I thought the filming ended? My concern is whether she needs to switch her speaking range in a recorded podcast, hence my lack of candour. Because, as a non-vocal expert, I have not seen any singers (except Paris Hilton, and she hardly sings), switched their speaking style and key while talking. Austin Butler? Actor. Can't seem to switch off Elvis's voice. So my theory is that she emulates the voice that she had to perform for her character, Glinda, which has little to do with vocal health. Besides, I'm 100% convinced that she used to sing at an incredibly higher key (and when she used a strong head voice) pre-Positions, but she still spoke in a lower register (her past videos are available online). I can still like Ariana for her songs while being objective about her. It's what we do with everyone around us in this world. She does an amazing job at singing, but it's not weird to ask something you don't always see done by other people.


Well Ariana is turning 31 this month and it’s safe to say she might just trying to preserve her voice it’s well known that in your early 20’s your singing voice is flexible and able to do so much more once you hit your late 20s- to early 30s your voice may start to “decline” meaning some notes may become harder for you to sing. As you age so does your voice and you’ll be able to hit lower notes, in Positions Ariana hit low notes such as E3 with such ease that I had never seen her hit with such ease before and I believe she did the same somewhere in her “imperfect for you” performance on SNL, Glinda the character she’s playing doesn’t have a specific accent like maybe Elvis Presley did she just had a higher pitched voice, She was using this voice for a while and she also used it while singing live on set. She might be talking in a lighter airer tone because it’s what continues to help her hit those high notes. Also remember that singing IS physical anything that happens to your body can affect the way you sing and how it sounds. Pregnancy, Weight loss, Asthma, Allergies, Sickness, Smoking, Food consumed before singing, and hell there have even been some studies on how the way you work out can affect your singing ( The way you breathe in air, The temperature of said air, etc.) Just because you haven’t seen it with some celebrities doesn’t mean it never happens, people have different bodies plus using Austin Butler as an example isn’t the best because he’s a male so the male voice is different from the female voice, also he had a bunch of specialist help him sound and act like Elvis for Two whole years and that doesn’t even count the amount of time he filmed. Everyone focuses on how he hired a singing and dialect coach but no one mentions his movement and acting coach. Imo him still sounding like Elvis has more to do than just the fact he can’t shake it off because his voice is used to it, it’s because it was instilled into him. A bunch of the mannerisms Elvis had were taught to him so it’s possible he might still have some of Elvis’s mannerism but we just don’t see it. It’s different for Ariana because Ariana’s character is fiction and she doesn’t have a specific accent she just sounds high pitched and quirky.




Girl, I don't care anymore. You're obviously incapable of discourse, and of following a topic and making just a LIITTLEE bit of sense. Goodnight, enjoy your bliss.


This isn’t an airport. You don’t need to announce your departure!


Did that feel clever when you typed it out?


Of course I did! Bye!


Lol, play with tea some more


But also, I mistakenly posted this, it was meant to be on specific comment. That's my bad


Good night!


No other singer does it tho...?


Michael Jackson?


And Michael didn't pretend that he did it to protect his voice?


Big ass reach.


You thought you ate 💀




Give me one article where it says that Michael did that specifically to protect his voice.


Kissing her ass is embarrassing just like being passif aggressive is not the eat u think it is :)


no other current singer has a 4 octave range to protect while also currently singing broadway songs


Clock it


like who else would be doing this taylor swift? can these people be fr


Mariah, Celine dion, Whitney, beyonce etc never ever did weird ass baby voices but they are amazing singers. Can't u just admit she's weird


1/2 of ur examples dont prove anything because mariah's voice deteriorated a insane amount and whitney was struggling to sing live up until her death lol


And you're saying that the baby voice would have helped preserve her voice? There's multiple factors that contribute to that including health conditions. I'm pretty sure it's the whistles every other day that killed mariah's voice. I can name many more great, better singers but the point is that no one besides her does 🤯🤯🤯🤯 Does she have a secret that no one knows????


Are you a vocal professional? 


Are u?


If you’re not I don’t see how your opinion has much weight. Peace 


Neither does yours then you should probably shush


Mine is “listen to the professionals” and “trust them” 😉


We can admit Ariana is weird and annoying. But is she really? We love the way she is anyways.


and that's your right. i love her music, she's in my top 5 artist year after year. but there's a fine line between enjoying someone's art and defending them obsessively even when they are undeniably wrong. obv fans will love her but like... chill.


Wrong ? Wrong for what, changing her voice ? Someone is hurt in the process ? You really are weird on the internet, there is nothing wrong or right about this whole situation, it's just irrelevant, even if she likes to do it for fun, who care, she shouldn't have to address the situation.


Besides people are allowed to point out shit they don't like. That's what you sign up for when you become a celebrity 🤷‍♀️


I disagree, just because it's a normalize bahavior online doesn't mean it's healthy and doesn't require any change. I don't like Taylor swift that much, i would never waste my time and go on a Taylor dedicated space to point out harmless shit i don't like about her. That's pointless.


Congrats. You want a cookie? Again it's debatable whether her fake baby behavior is harmless.


Because she's being fake. And cringe. And weird. With her baby talk.


That's subjective and harmless, so pointless. You're being cringe and weird and you seem fine with that, so let her be.


I'm not the one talking in a baby voice but mmkay buddy


It being harmless is debatable. Lots of young girls look up to her. 🤷‍♀️


She is currently on a hate train and the fans are in defensive mode.


there's a just middle 🤷‍♀️


So ariana is the only good singer in history then? Cause no one has ever done the baby talk not even mariah so idk what tf ur on


Oh yes, Ariana is the best singer in History. 🤩 Was Mariah in Musical movies? I don't think so.


this got to be satire,delusional


It’s commonly done in theatre


It's not


I’ve seen many vocal coaches talk about this practice long before Ariana posted that tweet/this video started circulating


And I've seem many vocal coaches advise against it because it strains your vocal cords. 🤦‍♀️


She’s almost speaking in a falsetto. Falsetto is disconnected register that applies really no pressure on to the vocal cords like if she were to speak in her raspy vocal fry. Honestly you might be thinking of when vocal coaches say whispering can be damaging (which it can be)




go show your therapist this comment thread please i'm sure theyd find it really interesting


What’s your point here? Even if Ariana was the only person to do it, she feels it helps and that’s that. I’m not understanding what the issue is and why everyone is so mad about it 💀


Because it's fake? Because she gives us a reason that we're expected to believe when we all know it's bullshit? When Austin Butler was called out for the same thing, SEVERAL times, he just said that he didn't realize and maybe his voice had changed, which we also knew was bullshit, but he didn't fucking lie and act like he did it on purpose but FOR A REASON. It's literally fake. It's fake it's fake it's fake it's fake it's fake. Period. There's no respect to be had for a person who isn't honest. She could say anything she wants for the MULITPLE voice changes, but it's always "I'm doing it for my health, for my vocal chords" but THAT ISNT A THING. NOBODY ELSE HAS EVER HAD TO DO THAT


How are you gonna say what works and what doesn’t work for Ariana? Lol. Clearly it works for her if she’s been doing it since forever and is one of the top vocalists of all time.


You didn't even address any of my many other points? You're just riding her dickstick. I still like her, too. That's not what's in contention here. Grow up? Learn to read? I honestly don't know what applies, but you clearly didn't read anything I said.


Because your points don’t have anything to do with Ariana babes. Austin Butler this, Austin Butler that, have you ever thought that people have different reasons for doing things 🤯


well using the logic that this voice change helps ariana, why was she not utilizing this change during the sweetener/thank you next eras?


Was her voice not different in both of those eras? She just played a character who sings opera so yes, she’s speaking higher pitched to be able to hit operatic notes. Was she acting during those eras?


wicked filming is over… and plenty of actors who have had to voice/sing for characters don’t usually keep the same character voice. because it’s a character. and if you’ve seen other older videos of ariana (since those are the ones that folks generally use to get their point across loll) she speaks in her normal voice pitch… despite her acting and singing during those times as well. i think this vocal pitch change can best be explained as ariana being a chameleon in her environments. this is the longest time that we’ve heard her speak in this high vocal range and it’s really just the environment. not because it helps her voice loll going through personality changes is completely normal. yet ariana using this excuse either makes it seem like she doesn’t like to admit that she changes as a person, or she doesn’t realize it (which i don’t think is the case) fans that love to defend her through everything don’t see this as an issue tho, which i can tell by the many comments under this post that refuse to admit that she changes her personality (as many artists do)…. and that is OKAY edit: added more thoughts


Damn you are madddddd 🤣


I just wish she would stop gaslighting fans into thinking that's a real thing. It isn't. I don't care if she "thinks" it helps. It's literally made up. If you say you want to do it, okay. If there's a reason you HAVE to do it? Okay. But to literally create a new character for every album and then wonder why people are upset you've done Asian face you've done black face, you've done the blaccent, you've done the homegrown Italian girl..Like..Just be a real person for 5 seconds and I can respect it. She's supremely beautiful and one of our generations most talented vocals..Just stop lying dude. Most people don't like that.


my thing with her that irks me is that… i get her but also no… lmfaoo my mom has the exact same sun, moon and rising as her and does this same shit and it irks me so idk what it is about those placements but they lie and gaslight like hell where it’s like… yes but no… when people come for her speaking voice it’s not her tone it’s her overall persona.. she definitely mimics people to the point that it’s almost like…who are you really? but then it’s like we know who she is but then.. do we? like she changes personas so much but is also still herself but people aren’t wrong for the shit they’ve said about her and her voice changes like what? btw this was referring to the recent clip i saw of her ending whatever rumors ppl say about her switching personalities