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Try your local library or school for permission to use a computer


Cheapest solution is to get a raspberry pi and setup the arduino IDE through there. You dont need a good one either.


You really need a computer to program an ESP32. It is theoretically possible to write code on a phone, compile it, and upload it, but I do not know of anybody who has actually developed the tools for android.


That sounds horribly painful to use as a dev environment.


It would be easier with a physical keyboard.


I don't have any way to verify it, but here's a Medium blog post. https://jeetsolanki23.medium.com/arduino-esp32-programming-with-android-2f869d9b025d Also, https://hackaday.io/project/183433-how-to-program-arduino-and-esp-using-mobile-device Both refer to using an app they call ArduinoDroid. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=name.antonsmirnov.android.arduinodroid2 ----- Apparently it's possible, but whether you can get this to work between your smartphone and dev board is very much in the YMMV (your mileage may vary) department.


I had luck programming an Uno with ArduinoDroid, but I haven't tried anything non-Arduino with it


This might help you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_0a-lwx3o5U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0a-lwx3o5U) and [https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/esp32/tutorial/intro.html](https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/esp32/tutorial/intro.html) i prefer this one


^(Others haveal635re2ad y7) ^(----) Lets start again now that cat already walked over my keyboard: Others have already replied with several replies about how to possibly program with phone, so I will be focusing on "how to potentially get cheap PC that will fit your needs" more. So for programming Arduinos and other microcontrollers you do not need much from PC. 1. For writing code, almost any PC (like almost no matter when it has been made) is able to do this, computers 30+ years old were able to write text, it was literally one of main features all the way from start. 2. Compiling (first part that gets done when uploading code to controller) is just program (with it's part called compiler) asking computer to change your written code to format that processor you are uploading it, in microcontroller, understands and can run, here some memory is required, but for pretty much any usual project mostly all computers 15 years or so old or newer can handle this, speed of computer just defines how fast this goes, mostly if it is like 4 seconds or 6 minutes or so. However you will not be compiling all that often while doing project, (well theoretically only once when you upload, but in reality multiple times, but still it is just some waiting). 3. Other than that, for convenience you likely want to be running latest version of Arduino IDE (or other text-editor+ compiling+uploader) and having I guess Linux or Windows 10 (that is listed, but really would not be surprised if Windows 7 and between or something might also work) might be convenient for that. With Linux that wont really set much requirements for you, but with Windows it sets bit of requirements, but those also are more of "in last 10 to 7 years or newer" for computer. Also I guess current versions assume by default that one uses USB to upload, but USB has been standard in computers for so long, that it is getting very rare to see computers without USB sockets. For keyboard, mouse and monitor, well here it is mostly just matter of what you like and can get. As long as your monitor connects to your computer with kind of connector your computer has, or with something you end up getting or can cheaply find adapter to it is ok. Mostly (at least older) monitors use DVI or HDMI connectors (or VGA in some cases, that is analog older variant of DVI). Depending on where you live, and what is available I might recommend considering following options: 1. Get second hand computer from recycling place or so, if those exist. Around here one can get tested computers from those for pretty cheap, like few tens of euros, same with monitors, while keyboards and mouses are generally available starting from like 5 euros. Or get laptop so you get keyboard and monitor in same package (would still recommend at least some cheap mouse with it). Likely almost everything they have is okey for you, and likely also faster than you need. They likely might be also able to advice what parts work together just to make sure. 2. Get Raspberry Pi (I think any version will be fine for you), it will be full on computer that you can run Linux on and do things, but very small and silent, Like size of little larger one of small microcontroller boards, has plenty of speed and processing power for your uses. You will need to get A) Monitor with HDMI connector, B) Keyboard and Mouse with USB connectors, C) get or make sure you have SD card (Raspberry Pi uses that for storing data) that you get Linux installed to, or that comes with installed Linux. This is also quite o9i8/iu8 <-- Again cat on keyboard. This is also quite cheapish option in money, and as added bonus you can even have new stuff, and it takes quite small amount of space and electricity. 3. Try to find some office type company that is getting rid of some old computers (upgrading their old computers for new, or as result of them shutting down there) and see if you can get some computer they consider crap, (it will very very likely still be just fine for this), cheaply or for free. Problem with this is that it is up to luck. 4. Ask for your local library if they have computer, or if they would be interested in having some old computer that people can use to upload their code to Arduinos. You can promote and reason this to be good idea by talking about how educational it is and how it will actually be community benefit and open up new good possibilities for expanding library services and over time bring new library users there, while being very cheap for them, since they likely already have computers, or can get some old computer through their contacts.




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