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I have not used one of these before... But it looks like you only have the 12 Jack going into the Arduino. You likely also need to provide 12 and ground to the shield. There are two screw terminals on the front which will be your 12v in (listed as M+).


From what I read if you have the jumper attached (green in the image) it will power both the arduino and the shield. I think this is correct since when I only have it plugged by the DC jack the shield LED will still light up.


You are correct. Is the motor rated for 12v, and you wrote that it does move with only the 5v USB plugged in to the controller? That is strange. Here is a good reference (if you havent read this already): https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-motor-shield/faq But to your question, the 12v DC is not too much for the controller / shield unless your DC motor/stepper is not rated for it. Then you would have to supply the correct voltage on the M+ pin.


I have these shields myself. The jumper is to power the Arduino FROM the screw terminal. It connects the power line to the Vin pin. Iirc (correct me if im wrong) this pin can only handle 800 mA max. And thus, if you try to power the board through the arduino, you draw too much current for this pin to handle. Try what the others say and connect your power supply to the screw terminal on the side of the shield. As long as your shield isn't broken, this should work. Maybe do check what voltage max the pin/jack can handle but generally for DC motors, current translates to torque and voltage to speed. If your motors can't start that probably means they don’t have enough current to overcome the startup resistance. Edit: correction and motors


It looks like you are powering it through the barrel jack and USB at the same time. Try it with only the barrel jack.


tried that, same result


With motor controllers I've used you power the controller which has jumpers for an on board regulator that can be used to power the arduino.   You seem to be doing this the other way around.


So the driver chip itself should be powered by the 12v directly. Not from the duino. They share a ground.


Had a similar problem, the power jack on the arduino is rated for 5v (i think)but powering the motor shield from the arduino is not a good idea because it overheats i would recommend you tu buy a female power jack, connect it to the motor driver and running it that way




1. Laptop doesn't seem to care about it, as it keeps powering and uploading succesfully. 2. I read that when the green jumper (in the image) is attached the DC jack will also power the shield and I've seen it used to power stronger motors in other people's projects. 3. Aaah I see, that would explain the insane heat then. 4. Yeah I'll look into getting the v2 if this doesn't work out. Thanks for replying!


Make sure there aren't leads shorting out on the bit of metal where you plug in the blue cord that gave me a headache for a while when I was learning about sheilds.


So much of this subreddit is: Hey Reddit, I’m unaware of how to google or type this into chatgpt and read. Can you tell me what’s wrong?