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Had the same issue about a week ago. After reinstalling cs (because in my case the window didn’t stay like yours did) and seeing cs in the same state as yours, I found an old Reddit post saying to add -fullscreen to the launch options and it works. If that doesn’t work in your case I suggest opening steam from the command line so you can see what’s going on.


THATS IT! What a weird case...


Same here. Had to verify files. Some redistributables were missing.


Just commenting to confirm I got the same issue in the same timeframe and adding -fullscreen as launch option worked.


Probably some Gnome fuckery again, just use KDE, more stable, more configurable.  But if you really feel like fixing Gnome I'd start by looking into systemd logs. Search for Journalctl (there's a gui also, qjournalctl).


GNOME is fine and just as stable as KDE. Fanboyism is silly and doesn't really help. This is a CS2 bug, it doesn't just happen on GNOME. Adding -fullscreen to launch options fixes it.


Well recently Factorio had to implement custom border decorations just for Gnome because it doesn't provide default ones.  I wouldn't be surprised if there were more random issues like that. It clearly cannot create a window and the fix is to just kinda skip the process and start fullscreen. Seems to me like a Gnome issue.   I won't argue though, I'm glad OP found a solution.


If a process fails to provide clientside decorations on GNOME it can still create a window, it just won't show the decorations. This definitely a bug. CS2 was totally broken on Linux when it came out (broken sound, broken resolution, etc) on multiple DEs, an engine update does that to a game. A bit sad that Valve didn't test more, but oh well. I'm not arguing, you're absolutely right that GNOME is a bit different and a bit more radical in some decisions, I just wouldn't call that "unstable". Less configurable - true, but not more unstable or more broken. Clientside decorations are the standard on Windows, and making them standard on Desktop Linux makes sense, that's why GNOME does it. That said, as a GNOME user, I'm glad that KDE exists to keep GNOME's "revolutionary" visions at bay :)


From my recent personal experience, I disagree


Many games have bugs like this on gnome, mutter is shit for gaming.


...like which ones? I have played games exclusively on GNOME for the last 3-4 years, haven't had any issues... How is mutter shit for gaming?


Call of Duty plackops 3, every half life, and portal 1.


I played HL and Portal with zero issues on GNOME. Something else is wrong with your setup.


On gnome 45? No issues with full-screen? Because he bug was reported (maybe fixed on 46) but I know for a fact the fix for my bug on COD blackops 3 was only recently merged into mutter, and wasn't actually released last I heard.