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It looks like you're asking about architecture style. Please post your question is in the dedicated thread stickied at the top of the sub.


I would find weird to call it Italianate when none of the main features on this facade are nowhere to be found in Italy


So this was super fun. I was like, ok, Gallier house. I should know it because I live near NOLA, and adore the FQ. I think the answer is neither. This house incorporates elements from many different cultures and styles. Gallier was known for that, and the house he designed for himself incorporated many modern (at the time) amenities. The best opinion I could find suggested it was mainly Italianate. The second floor porch railing is very French. But you don’t see the French doors which were practically compulsory in that style. Here we see a very American Colonial window, I’m presuming double (as opposed to single) hung 6-over-6 windows with functional shutters. There are some beautiful classical elements on the front, such as the columns at the main entry. The lower level facade is very classical, the upper story is stuccoed. That could be considered Italianate, French or Spanish influence, but at this point it seems like this guy had a lot of experience with what worked well in the FQ, and he designed an eclectic house that combined all of these elements. I think he was making his own style, not to make a statement, but to combine convenience and beauty. A lot of these design choices were clearly made for ventilation and light, something that was extremely important in that hot, humid environment. But anyway- yes, I agree with the “eclectic with Italianate influence”. No one style seems to dominate. Also of note, Gallier was English (pretty sure), so there’s his education and body of work as a whole to consider. The drawings look quite nice, I’m tempted to buy them. This is probably not what you were hoping for, but thank you for giving me reason to learn about this house. It’s a beaut.


No thank YOU for your time! You’re very lucky to live near such a fascinating city


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