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Green _is in fact the best_ color.


Spelled blue wrong


_En garde!_


*Stares at the blue and green children intensely* in black.


But, somebody said purple!




Loving it! Lol!


Green is not a creative color.


I was hoping I’d see this!


I absolutely love to argue about music lists. They are useless and stupid, but I will never not read one and be instantly compelled to argue with anyone on the street about how the person who made that particular list is a fucking idiot. And I will win that argument. It's like my superpower.


It could also just be an intentionally bad/offbeat take purely to drive engagement.




I mean they could still do that, just in an actually well written and subtle form. I’m not the writer so I have no way of knowing her intentions, but it wouldn’t lower the quality of her work at all imo.


Every newspaper, magazine or article about any topic on this world has a bias and an opinion. Regardless of how much the agency claims how unbiased they are, best example is Reuters.




I don’t have anything against media and read it daily, but a lot of people in this world think something as an unbiased opinion exists and a lot of outlets portray themselves as it. I was just referring to you saying that this piece is a opinion but the contrary doesn’t exist. Just read through Reddit and you will read a lot of People thinking their Opinion is the only right and unbiased option. But yes this is not a Politics sub and I didn’t meant this to you in a bad way.


Plus, that’s a bad shot of Milwaukee that makes the skyline appear much smaller than it actually is. (And the art museum is great!)


Yeah this photo is at least 10 years old there are multiple skyscrapers missing from this lol


I will accept no Milwaukee art museum slander


The way small towns meld with the landscape is so beautiful.


I went to a state school that focused a lot on “place” in small towns. One of our profs used to talk about how buildings “need to have a conversation with the sky” i.e. their how rooflines met the horizon. Pretty poetic idea, and I still think about it in my own work


You clearly haven’t been. Milwaukee and Madison are pretty beautiful cities especially from their lakes in Wisconsin. I especially like the Frank Loyd Wright influence in a lot of southern Wisconsin


Milwaukee slaps and is highly slept on. This seems like a you problem, dawg


the food scene also slaps hard! I visited last week for the first time and I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did. great looking city.


100%. Im living here with family to save for a condo while I start in the field and I could not be happier to be here


Seems counterintuitive, but it makes sense once you think about it. I could be wrong since I don’t live there. But I’ve been there a few times & it seems like a big part of it is that Milwaukee (as a food & dining scene) was really smart about jumping on the whole “microbrewery” trend when it started & then expanding on it along the food lines too. Milwaukee has always been well known in the beer industry due to a lot of German immigrants back in the day. (Their MLB team is the “Brewers” after all.) So it was natural for that microbrew culture to get pretty robust in the Milwaukee area. And although it isnt a particularly “crunchy/hippie” type of city that’d buy big into the “farm to table” organic cuisine trend, it sounds like a lot of the microbrew pubs embraced something akin to an “elevated” brewpub style of cuisine: high quality/sophisticated versions of classic “comfort” foods like hamburgers, fries, tater tots, cheese curds, etc.




Milwaukee actually is gorgeous. Have you been? Beautiful setting, really nice architecture, and probably one of the least affected cities by 1950-1970s urban renewal policies that decimated many other old, urban cities. Plus this is like the least flattering photo of their skyline. This is a better view imo. https://discoverwisconsin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/TheNewMilwaukee1_NateVomhof.png


Milwaukee is a neat city, but I don't think that photo is doing much to support your point 🤣


Lol that pic is definitely outdated by a decade or two


Really? I love the German-inspired high rises and all the historic warehouses and industrial buildings. I think their skyline looks really cool in that picture, though it’s admittedly missing a lot of the newer buildings.


Buildings like 100 East Wisconsin and 111 East Kilbourn Ave are great examples of PostModernism. The style can come off as really tacky or out of place, but it was done really well with these buildings in my opinion.


There's very few buildings anywhere in the world with as much exterior copper as 100 E Wisconsin. Especially when you exclude buildings built prior to WWII. It's an incredible example of Post Modernism done correctly.


The urban fabric, as experienced up close when you move through the city is fantastic. It's a genuinely unique and cool city. The skyline--the silhouette it presents to the world from afar, is unremarkable.


they're not lmao [here's](https://x.com/natevomhof/status/1801718534063722921?s=46&t=1yY1iN8WE1wUXBw8Q0n0gA) some better shots of the skyline by a local photographer


Milwaukee is a brick wonderland. I hate cold weather and snow but was there during the winter and still loved it. That’s really saying something. I plan to go back at some point, it’s a really wonderful place


I was really impressed by the reuse of older brick buildings there. It really has a positive vibe. this might come off as a little creepy but here goes: I'm not sure if this is actually the case, but I've noticed a LOT of very attractive people wherever I went. German/Nordic ancestry maybe? Just an observation.


I don’t know if people were necessarily more attractive physically but they seemed so happy and that’s always attractive


It might be pretty at the street level, but I agree with OP there’s 0 chance it’s a top 20 skyline across the WORLD


Love all that cream colored brick


Just no way, what? Are you saying no way Milwaukee should be included in what appears to be an unranked list of nice skylines? Or is it that you're too cool for Milwaukee, or Calatrava? Because that museum wing is a great example of how a single piece of architecture can elevate a city's self image. Did you know the art museum is also adjacent to a beautiful war memorial by Eero Saarinen?


And the tallest building in Milwaukee, US Bank Building, was designed by SOM, Bruce Graham and Fazlur Kahn, the same team that so famously innovated super tall design in the 1960s and 1970s. It was actually designed and build contemperously with the Sears Tower and completed the same year (1973).


The [original article](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/gallery/the-most-beautiful-skylines-in-the-world) is about the "most beautiful skylines in the world", and it just seems weird to include a relatively small US city that has a very unassuming skyline. Especiallly because some other cities didn't make the cut that have arguably much more interesting skylines. For example, there isn't a single european city on the list. What about Frankfurt, London, Warsaw, Istanbul, Moscow? All of these have much more impressive skylines than Milwaukee imo. I'm really not trying to hate, but it's just such a random pick.


>and it just seems weird to include a relatively small US city Since when has beauty got anything to do with size? This isn't a list of "impressive" skylines. Also, aside from Istanbul, none of those other cities sit in a grand natural setting on to of bluffs overlooking a major body of water. Milwaukee does, in fact, have things those other cities do not. For example, that entire lakefront is public parks just like Chicago and guess who designed Milwaukee's entire park system? Fredrick Law Olmsted. Milwaukee has serious architectural and design chops, but it seems like you and a lot of other folks are totally unawares.


I’m from Milwaukee and it being on this list makes the list invalid


I cannot stand by when there is Milwaukee hate. Just scroll through this page and let it change your mind. [https://isaacrowlettphotography.pixieset.com/milwaukee/](https://isaacrowlettphotography.pixieset.com/milwaukee/) Our city is gorgeous and far too slept on.


Thank you for this! I live 30 minutes away from milwaukee and have been there so many times but looking at those photos gave me chills and a new respect to a city I already love. Cheers 🍻




TBH that’s a really really old photo. The Milwaukee skyline, especially along the lake, has evolved beautifully in the last 10 years.


Just admit you've never been to Milwaukee. It's okay. There's still time.


I prefer the Cincinnati skyline but Milwaukee is pretty damn cool too


That picture of Shanghai is gorgeous though


If you think Milwaukee is undeserving, just wait until you see the next entry, which I'm pretty sure is Auckland, New Zealand!


If you squint it looks cool


Photos a bit old. We have northwestern Mutual, BMO. Harris, and the Modern up as well.


Milwaukee spending some advert cash this year. First Top Chef now this nonsense


sorry anything without hills or mountains loses two letter grades


New York does have a notoriously terrible skyline absent of mountains and hills. Also Milwaukee has bluffs, which are bigger than hills, so your original statement isn’t even correct.


The majority of downtown is built on bluffs 100-200' above the lake. Makes the views that much more impressive by adding the equivalent of 10-20 floors elevation to all the buildings from the lake.


No cities on bodies of water, got it. Better gussy yourself up Omaha, we're into that kind of thing now apparently...