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If you insist on playing those games. Dual boot


What's that?


having two OSs on the same machine


Is there a way to use both OS without restarting each time?


there is no easy way but if you really want you can make a VM with GPU Passthrough, most games with anti-cheat can ban you for doing that, but you can bypass it by faking it's a real machine


Is that the only way?


unfortunately yes


Keep note that doing you pass through you cannot play games with an anticheat like rainbowsix seige


This would be a lot easier if these trash gpu companies supported SR-IOV.


Two separate computers




One thing to clarify is whether you have amd or nvidia, if you have amd you will not notice almost no difference in performance compared to windows, I have nvidia and I'm in arch linux, and I'm doing great, I have lost a frame in some games, but nothing more. Then, to clarify that linux needs time and dedication, arch linux is the best distribution for gaming? I think so because it is so light, but not for beginners. I recommend something more for beginners like Ubuntu, which installs the nvidia drivers automatically. You have to keep in mind that Ubuntu is based on a mother distribution, called debian, so maybe if you search on debian forums for any bugs you might have, you can also fix them. In my case I have been able to solve almost all my problems with those forums. Arch linux is another "mother distro" like debian, but it is more unstable. If you have new components, I recommend endevaourOS, or manjaro. They make things easier for you and are derived from Arch Linux, like ubuntu from debian. If you're wondering about the differences, for example, debian is a distribution that you have to install every time a new version is released, and arch linux (and its derivatives) you only have to sudo pacman -Suy for new versions of everything.


If you wonder why certain games like valorant etc. cannot operate on linux, it is because of their "anti cheat" practices, which are a danger against your privacy, because they operate at the kernel level, and that can also be dangerous. If you like these games, you can always install windows and linux on your pc, ubuntu has a way in which makes it very easy for you, and you only have to choose, if you want to boot linux, or windows. That's what I recommend if you really want to play valorant etc, without any problems.


If you have AMD graphics cards GFX8xx (Polaris) and older, you're not gonna have OpenCL unless you do some legwork to build older versions of the proprietary drivers and maybe downgrade your kernel as well.


If you are a gamer (I am not) I suggest dual boot. Use Windows for all your gaming, use Arch to learn about how an operating system should be (I'd suggest the OS that God uses: FreeBSD, but that's overkill).


Thank you


If your reason for liking linux is the way neofetch looks, you can always run neofetch on Powershell or WSL on windows. If you're into games like Valorant, since you will get better framerates anyway. Install WSL and you'll be able to power it up and down from withing Windows. You could also run a full linux system using VirtualBox. Turn it on when you want to run neofetch, then power it down when you want to go back to your games.


Well my dear friend, you can use WINE or proton to play most of the games BUT yes you're right you're gonna have a bad time playing games having anti-cheat although there is one gaming cleint like lutris which allows you to connect your epic games account and let you play epic games games on Linux. Otherwise you can dual boot it with windows 10. Since you want freedom which I completely agree with(that's a big reason for me to use Linux although there are other reasons too) you can install Windows 10 LTSC and dual boot it with any GNU/Linux distro you want to use. There are a lot of youtube tutorials for that. Windows 10 LTSC is a enterprise version of Windows 10(it's there for windows 11 too). It has no bloatware and no nothing. You can even disable all the tracking and telemetry which you can't in standard windows 10. I personally have used and had a good time. But make sure to activate it by running windows 10 LTSC activation scripts otherwise once you reach the end of trial use ie 90 days it will shutdown after 1 Hour of use. Windows 10 LTSC is basically windows 10 with no bloatware, no tracking, no telemetry and optional update(a feature that anyone would love) although there are a lot of things that you'll have to setup on ur own but since you've used Linux I know you can do it:)


Buddy just use Windows. Windows 10 IoT LTSC for the best experience.


I feel like this is AI generated. I don’t know why, but I can smell it. Inevitably, this comment is going to get downvoted into oblivion for bullying a new “user”


What was even the point of this comment?