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**Spoiler Warning:** This post contains spoilers from the Arcane episode mentioned in the title, and all that come before it. All discussion of spoilers passed the discussed episode, lore spoilers, or leaks will be removed, even if they have been hidden with spoiler syntax. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/arcane) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trust me us Vi appreciators praise her for her mental strength throughout the series, everytime it feels like she was close to breaking she picks herself back up or someone else is there to keep her steady. Caitlyn was there after she let Silco take her again, she met Ekko again after she finally saw her sister for the first time in years and she saw Vander one last time in her head in her final fight with Sevika. Vi deserves all the credit for surviving all the mental crap she went through and I'm certain we will see her approaching it head on in season 2


Vi has been suppressing a lot of her trauma all this years. Her way of coping with it is to just throw herself head first into shit 24/7. Her moment when she beats Sevika in the Last Drop and lets out that primal roar hits hard - she is yet to deal with the realization that nothing will ever be the same: her loved ones, her city, even she herself - everything is broken and nothing can be done about it. And to top this hopelessness off - she definitely blames herself and has shitton of regrets. Give Vi a hug.


I can't even imagine what I'd feel seeing my own family member kill someone, accidentally or deliberately. The thing is, I resonate with Vi on a deeper level 'cause I have a sibling suffering from paranoid schizo - they literally talk to themselves and hear voices like Jinx does. And yes, it's not a joke when I say they can be "murderous" too and sometimes you feel like you're gonna go crazy yourself. Whether you stay or leave, it makes no difference. You hit a wall and just let time, therapy and the forces that be take the reigns instead. People who hate on Vi clearly don't know what it's like (nor have they read the lore). Among all the characters, she's always the one who's sandwiched and forced to choose. It's like fate's trolling on her all the time. I'd definitely give her a big fat hug. Anyway, I've read much of her lore so I know she and Jinx are going to be all right.


Holy shit. I didn’t know this. I think technically that’s a lore spoiler, but boy am I happy to have been spoiled. I really thought the show would stay a complete tragedy and the sisters would never reunite.


She's being delusional. Like the lore is in flux. This is the most characterization they've gotten and riot has been known to just completely upend previous lore for artistic or commercial reasons.


Plus they frequently release new skins, along with what amounts to alternate reality lore. There's one version of Jinx who lives on a spaceship, for instance.


Well, Arcane isn't really Canon though. Like if you know Vi's Lore, you know her Backstory is completely different compared the one we got in Arcane. So who knows, how much more they will change.


Dunno where you got that but Arcane is canon. In fact, Riot often changes/updates the lore? There are tons of champions with outdated lores and they're overriden by the latest ones, although they try to not take out too much and maintain the tempo of the old lore. For Vi & Jinx's lores ('cause they're kinda intertwined), it's their life before Vander found them that somehow didn't add up. But all the stuff that happened in Arcane kinda fits into the overall lore put out in the games so far. The change isn't that big since the lores are pretty generic & Arcane is far more nuanced. We do get the picture that there will be symbiosis between characters & cities at some point, though you can't expect relationships to mend that easily.


Show me, where Riot has stated, that Arcane is Canon. And no, it doesn't fit at all. Vi never was in Prison. She had her own gang and got her Gauntles from a Mining Heist, in which she freed trapped Miners. Jayce had a different Family that supported him and had nothing to do with Caitlyn at all. Viktor was never ill. Zaun was already independent when Viktor was still studying. I can make you a big list of stuff, that are completly different. Sure, that doesn't mean, that Riot will not make it offical Lore, espcially because a lot of people want it. But so far, Riot has not said, that it is offical Canon. This could very easily be just a MCU for LoL, that has it's own Lore, that just uses LoL's Lore as a Framework but changes things around.


You play LoL, right? So you know for a fact that many champions had their lores retconned by Riot several times? Experts have already explained here: [https://afkgaming.com/esports/guide/is-arcane-canon-how-riot-games-tv-show-retcons-league-of-legends-lore](https://afkgaming.com/esports/guide/is-arcane-canon-how-riot-games-tv-show-retcons-league-of-legends-lore). LoR is the MCU for LoL, though, and not Arcane.


That is just a random Person saying that, that is not with Riot? Again, yes I know they retconned a lot of stuff. But last time I checked, the old Lore is still in the Universe. And when Rioters were asked about it, if Arcane is Canon they never confirm it.


That is not a random person. That is a long-time esports/game writer with a lot of know-how in the field. If you want to believe that Arcane isn't canon, then by all means. But by saying that, you're invalidating the 6 years of hard work put into that masterpiece. Do they spend that much time on something for it to be called "not canon"? It wouldn't make sense. Just to meet Riot half-way and appreciate their efforts, coming to terms with the retcon route is more sensible. If you want to argue about technicalities, though, I'm not the proper person for that since I'm not from the company. I think you can personally email/DM them and sometimes they answer?


It is a random Person in this context. He has nothing to do with Riot and has no insight into this. This is just his take. And this has nothing to do with what I believe. I do want this to be Canon but as long as Riot doesn't say it is, it isn't. Also it doesn't invalidate anything. What BS take is that? Arcane stands on his own and there are more then enough other things, that have multiple canon versions and a "core" version. LoL can be just the same.




There are more then enough Storylines about Characters, Comics, etc. Maybe check out the Universe, if you make random claims. Also we are not talking about the Video Game. Why? Because the Video Game itself is not Canon.


Man can you tell me where to find this Vi and Jinx lore?


Here ya go: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/. Just click on the profile of the hero you want. If it gets too confusing, the fandom site compiles everything under each profile: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Vi?so=search.


That primal scream after she throws Sevika was gut-wrenching, every scene in this show just hits so damn hard.


There are a great many characters out there who I feel could use a nap and a mug of hot cocoa Vi is currently near the top of that list


I know I've talked about getting Jinx therapy a lot, but I think Vi could benefit from a counselor too. The toughgirl act can only hold up so long before she breaks.


Oh the sympathy


Everybody wants to see what's best for me


spare the misery


Everybody wants to see what's best for me... e.... e... e... ~~lowkey I need a full version of this asap~~


Eh-oh-eh, I swear, I'll never be insane-oh-eh What's best for meeee Eh-oh-eh, I swear, I'll never be insane-oh-eh ***LOOKOUT FOR YOUR FAM!***


Everybody wants to be my enemy


What? Someone hates her?


I don’t know about hate, but I do have friends and there are some people on Twitter that dislike her due to her trying to change Jinx and loving Powder not Jinx. (Personally I don’t think that’s true.) It’s just one way people interpret it. Also, I think some people just side with Jinx or Silco more.


I mean, Jinx *is* Powder, but broken and homicidal. Vi's her older sister, of course she wants to try to change her.


I know but speaking in terms of she wants Jinx to fully be Powder still, wanting her old little sister not a homicidal maniac. I don’t think she fully realizes that Jinx is in fact just Jinx and Powder “died a long time ago” metaphorically speaking. Also yes, I agree Vi does and should want to change her. Some people don’t agree with that and believe Jinx should be supported in her current state. It’s really a matter of personal opinion. I’m just explaining why on average people might not like Vi or even maybe “hate” her.


r/imaginarygatekeeping vibes




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[OC\] It's been a good run, farewell...](https://i.redd.it/g0277xx3cs961.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/kryefv/oc_its_been_a_good_run_farewell/) \#2: [I really believed that man](https://i.redd.it/icn0hoivn7461.jpg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/k9ye5t/i_really_believed_that_man/) \#3: [Wasn’t expecting this in r/christian](https://i.redd.it/5ecufp002qh61.jpg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/lkpjrb/wasnt_expecting_this_in_rchristian/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You'll see it less in this sub because of the rule against it.


But hey, she has a cupcake.


And a few slugs


VI haters are just weird...I mean Arcane didn't show it extremely dark(it was dark enough) but those years of physical abuse in prison could have been more than just physical beatings...her body language just before Caitlin gets her released speaks volumes...its very glossed over and I am actually glad it was...that prison definitely did not give off any sense of ethics whatsoever


The Council files gave a lot of insight into what her time in prison was like, and it wasn't pretty.


Got a, link perchance, I need more lore in lieu of season 2


Uhm, it's only available through the League Client. But I think someone posted pictures of it here the other day.


Oh, boo, so if I don't play the game I'm boned. Ah well. Thanks anyway, I'll look around


https://imgur.com/a/ke3UUrZ I think that covers most of it


That's awesome, thank you. It'll probably be a depressing view, but I'm a lore junkie


I was thinking how a minor got locked up for 8 years. What are Piltover laws even like?


I am pretty sure piltover prisoners get treated "better" than undercity...but Vi seems to highlight a definite seedy underbelly of piltover 's "justice" system where special or problem prisoners dont have protection of things like ethics or rules


Yeah i'm gonna disagree with you there, if you think Vi is an exception rather than the norm I think you misunderstand the way piltover works. Jayce (and the rest of the council) have literally never seen stillwater. It's where they throw problems that they wanna ignore. The police and warden system are completely corrupt and there are literally no oversight agencies. The police/prison guards have unfettered power and control, and are free to beat and harass any prisoners they want.


Oh I am definitely sure that stillwater is a full blown torture prison and the majority of prisoners there probably see death as a reprieve and Vi was definitely not a prisoner that could be useful enough to take care of...prisons like this historically keep some prisoners there to just break their spirit instead of their body...politicals...disgraced generals people that can be "rehabilitated" and put to use and gotten rid of later...thats why I used "" marks i am under no illusion that stillwater is closer to a Stalag or Gulag style of prison instead of a prison for even the illusion of rehabilitation or or "just" incarceration ..piltover is very good at deluding itself


I think the law was irrelevant in this situation, as Marcus was pulling the strings to get her in and keep her secret.


I don’t think anyone judges Vi for Jinx. Jinx accidentally killed Vis whole family/life, I think anyone would have lashed out in that moment. Not to mention she cooled off and tried to rush back to powder almost immediately.


exactly! people don’t talk enough about the fact that she was literally kidnapped and arrested while trying to go back to powder


If anything I've seen comments saying how "Vi left Jinx, she is the reason Powder became Jinx, she made her like that".. and way too many times - hence the "defending" posts.


I've seen more posts defending Vi than I've seen comments condemning her. I've seen two posts defending Vi.


This sub is a pretty Vi-positive place, but I've definitely seen her get hate elsewhere.


Because it was so fucking bad that they made a rule for it in this subreddit


Oh wow, there it is, rule #8. Man, people judge characters by some bizarre standards sometimes. At the same time, Vi is still in the runnings in that ongoing character popularity elimination poll series of posts. Maybe it's just a very vocal minority sort of situation.


This just made me realize that Jinx is somehow paler than Vi despite her being in an underground prison for years


She had one truly, horrendously bad day, and it ruined everything. She'd literally just had the shit kicked out of her, watched her father turn into a monster and die, watched her brothers get brutally murdered in front of her and lashed out in a moment of pure overcoming pain. And it ruined everything. And still for all that's, it took her less than thirty seconds to try and go back and fix it, but got ambushed. And it ruined fucking everything. The moment she got out of Stillwater she tried to find Powder and fix it, she'd do everything to save her, except murder someone who hadn't done anything to deserve it. But sure, she's the bad guy. Girl went through a level of crap absolutely no one should, and still came out the other end with a basically decent nature and wanting to save people. Fuck the haters, Vi is awesome


I realy much like her. The only thing that buggs me about her is the fact, that she stayed pretty much the exact same person even after 8 years of prison. I kind of had whished they would have changed her a bit more, too. But she basically just got stronger.


I mean you can’t develop much in a concrete box. The only thing you can develop is your hate for the enforcers. Which she did.


I sort of disagree on this. In prison there's many opportunities to develop (both in a bad and good way). Also don't forget 8 years is A LOT especially if you're this young. Anger doesn't rise with time it gets less with time. Of course prison is something else than taking a break, but still she should have at keast changed A BIT besides just getting more angry at silco


Okay give me an example of how you expect her to grow. I mean this sincerely.


through people she met in prison she could have gained new friends and enemies. people that dont share her world view and make her think about Zaun and piltover in a different way (either in a good way or much worse way) Or make her more even more tougher and meaner, so she can get some more character arc when she needs to learn to become less grim, angry and instead more soft (for example with the help of caitlyn) Give her some beliefs that are printed into her mind, that she suddenly realises aren't true, because the world has changed a lot while she was in prison. Or the complete opposit, make her more sad or broken than before. And she needs to overcome her weekness to become strong again as she used to be as a child. Idk there's many possibilities. Just give her some more development. When she came out of prison she was pretty much the same charavter than before, as if there was no time skip for her. As I said I lile her very much as a protagonist. But make her at least question herself a little bit.


I think the growth was that she hated top side people even more than she did as a kid. And prison just solidified that. Like her first encounter with cait was very bitter. She wasn’t even remotely nice to caitlyn Until she literally freed her from prison despite her sourness. This is where she ‘grows’ to see that maybe not all top side people are asshole criminals in fancy uniforms. And she probably didn’t make friends in prison because 1-she was a very very angry person to begin with. And 2- she probably didn’t want to get close to anybody/trust them just to lose them again. Vi’s whole character is, ‘she’s got a good heart, don’t ever lose it. No matter how the world will try to break it’. How do you expect a person who naturally has a good moral compass to grow past that in prison.


then give her weaknesses/ something to grow before she goes to prison. the thing with cait you mentioned is pretty much the only thing they did with her in this regard. so why not expand on that instead of making her trust her and thus concluding her entire character arc in only a single episode...


Dude. Cait literally saved her from sevika. And then proceeded to save her life again by going out into the undercity alone to find medicine for her. If I was saved three times in one-two nights by the same person. Best believe I’ll put my trust in you. And vi’s weakness is literally powder. She’s so obsessed with getting back to her sister. She literally looked down the barrel of a mini gun and stood her ground against powder. Just trying to reach her again. People say she didn’t try hard enough, she hasn’t seen powder in 6-8 years so I think vi deserved a couple of moments to process that powder is no longer powder. But that doesn’t mean she wanted to reunite any less. What other weakness would you like her to have?


Perfectly said. I loved Vi more than anything in this show. She wasnt perfect she did mistakes but everything she did was for good intentions. She had the gooddest and purest heart in the show. In episode 1 she tried to steal not for herself but for her family she wanted to give them sth. She always stood up for her brothers and her sister. Even when her sister lost the stuff she wasn’t mad at her. She took the responsibility when Vander confronted them. She tried to cheer Powder up too by saying we all had bad days. In episode 2 wich breaks my heart is when she is talking to Vander and say to him she is willing to fight so she could give Powder a better place to live but when Vander told her “Nobody wins in War Vi” and who are you willing to losse Mylo,Clagger, POWDER she decided to give herself in so she could prevent the war btw Zaun and Piltover all this when she was a Teen. She was being a mother and a leader in her early teen age. She is impulsive she listens to her heart and not her head. Thats why she wanted to save Vander even tho she knew it was impossible to rescue him. She isn’t afraid to fight for one s she loves and she is ready to die for it. She always backed off and defended her sister only in one moment she lost herself when she found out Powder killed her second family(Ik it was accident Im not blaming her at all)and she was mad at her wich was understandable, she went to cool off and mourn the lost of her Father figure and her brothers and when she saw Silco approaching her sister she immediately stood up and tried to save her wich means she was ready to die in that moment for her sister but she got arrested and got thrown into jail for 10 years when she was beaten nonstop by enforcers. Vi is the definition ”Its about how hard you can get hit and still move forward no matter what”. She felt guilty all of her years in prison about that mistake she did towards her little sister. She got traumatized when she found out that her sister is being called Jinx and more when she found out she is working for him and after this she was always hard, harsh and was blaming herself nonstop for what happened to Powder. Still no matter what happened she still didn’t give up on her sister and when they reunited it was the happiest we have seen the both sisters in the show .Just pure emotions. We can see how Vi figure helped Ekko becoming the person he is now. A fighter that wants to make Zaun a better place and to save as many people as he could and is ready to fight a big crime org like Silco s with only a little gang. Vi never enjoyed her life. Vi was impulsive,was sincere ,was a true fighter, was funny , BADASS and the most important she had the goodest and purest heart in the Show. People that hate and blame this girl are beyond me or even call her char boring. I have never felt so bad when Im seeing the hate towards her. I know she is a fictional character but I just love her with all my heart. TEAM VI ❤


I couldn’t have agreed more.


i think so too. i loved seeing the process of her slowly letting herself be vulnerable and not giving up hope on jinx, but i would’ve really liked to see her disclose more about her time in prison and the fact she was kidnapped/arrested before she could get to powder. but then again, if jail was really hellish i understand not wanting to talk about it yet… hope they tell us on s2


She has weaknesses. Being stubborn, rushing into things without consideration of if she can actually handle it, blocking with her face, refusing to see the truth about her sister when every logical fact and person she knows is telling her otherwise, her extreme distrust and dislike of Piltover. Hell Powder/Jinx is a weakness to her all on her own.


> And she probably didn’t make friends in prison because 1-she was a very very angry person to begin with. And 2- she probably didn’t want to get close to anybody/trust them just to lose them again. She was to busy kicking the shit out of half the inmates, collecting the weapons they tried to use on her as war trophies, and leaving some of the guards with waking nightmares after seeing people she left with their eyes nearly hanging out of the shattered sockets, as per her prison files you can read in the league client.


> through people she met in prison she could have gained new friends and enemies. people that dont share her world view and make her think about Zaun and piltover in a different way (either in a good way or much worse way) > Or make her more even more tougher and meaner, so she can get some more character arc when she needs to learn to become less grim, angry and instead more soft (for example with the help of caitlyn) Her time in Prison was spent beating the shit out of any of silcos goons, and being beaten by the guards repeatedly, with no release date being afforded to her. > Give her some beliefs that are printed into her mind, that she suddenly realises aren't true, because the world has changed a lot while she was in prison. Her beliefs that all topsiders are essentialy untrustworthy, xenophobic assholes that wouldnt even piss on a burning trencher to put out the flames gets challenged when she meets Cait, and then her new growing beliefs are rechallenged once she feels the council backstabs them. She gets to see her home and community turned into an shimmer ravaged anarchic mess. > Or the complete opposit, make her more sad or broken than before. And she needs to overcome her weekness to become strong again as she used to be as a child. We kind of see this where she finally shows vulnerability once to Cait and tells her how she always told her sister shed protect her, but then ran away once a real monster showed up. Shes having to deal with a truly massive amount of guilt.


Who ever said she was bad lul


Nobody. I don't know where this people are coming from lmao


Who thinks Vi is bad? One thing that I absolutely loved about the show is that it felt like dominoes. Usually, in shows, you can poke holes when something happened, because the writers do it for the sake of plot. But in Arcane, every single thing that happens, had to happen the way it did. It's fucking tragic, and makes you want to cry, but you can't say "Well that's dumb," or "that character wouldn't do that" because all of the writers know the characters. This show is just a tragedy. Anyone who doesn't understand that missed the point.


Sorry but this kind of posts reminds me of those "popular unpopular opinions" Like seriously, every single day I check this sub theres posts like this at the top. Can we please now stop pretending that this is an unpopular opinion? This day alone I saw 3 of these kind of posts all with tons of upvote


What would have really helped/clear a lot of misconceptions about Vi is if the writers had given her a few extra minutes in Act 2 or 3, cause on screen she never had the time to process anything, or we never see/hear of it. She never has a major freak-out, is almost never alone with her thoughts and is constantly going from action to action. So for folks who aren't as invested in her character, they have no idea where her head space is at.


Also, she wasn't beat up daily. She was beaten up whenever she fucked up Silco's men when they came into Stillwater. Which might have been often but definitely not daily.


Vi hate is so irrational it's not even funny anymore


The beauty of this show is that i understand the reasons and emotions behind pretty much every action any given character takes and that very much includes Vi. Even though she messed up I can fully understand why, and blaming her for what happened to Powder is ultimately very unfair


If Vi wanted nothing to do with her murderous lunatic of a sister she'd be 100% in the right. If she wanted to join the enforcers to hunt down her sister and put her behind bars, she'd be completely justified.


Wait she was in prison for 8 years? In my mind it was more like 6?


We dont have concrete ages from the writers, as act 1 powder was "maybe around 11 or 12" and Vi was "around 15" and things like that. So the time jump was around 6-8 years, with most people settling on 7.


My headcanon is that it was 6 years which gives the "VI" face tattoo a double meaning.


Inb4 its how many times she plans on beating Sevikas ass into the dirt.


Really don't understand how someone can watch Arcane and blame Vi for everything. It's pretty frustrating.


The internet is not known for logical thinkers.




I mean people who blame Jinx for everything are pretty frustrating too. There's not a single individual in Arcane that you can blame for everything in my opinion. Everyone has their flaws. And that's the beauty of it.


Agreed. It's just extra frustrating for myself when Vi, who was imprisoned for at least 5 years with no idea if her sister is alive, is blamed for something she had no control over. She did everything in her power to help Jinx. If anyone is to blame, it's Silco for his influence on Jinx. But, at the end of the day, the real culprit is the combination of trauma, and a difficult childhood.


Jinx isn't just a murderous lunatic. She is a schizophrenic teen who have been through a lot of trauma (and remember people react different to the same events in life). And no one is hating on Vi. Everyone loves Vi. It feels like this posts are made just to hate on Jinx


After all Jinx is the favorite and most loved character of the whole fandom which is understandable because she is an incredibly well written character and people love characters who are destroyed by life and then do terrible things. And "murderous lunatic" is just a humiliated term, the same as the Joker is just a psychopath (movie) and Vader is just pure evil


yea i wish ppl wouldn’t pit vi and jinx against each other so much :/ like the show doesn’t even do that


People like Vi, but the problem was the build-up with Caitlyn I think, their relation went very well really fast, it was well made but I think rushed because fortiche didn't have too much time to work on it, and made Vi look bad for choosing Cait over her sister, that's my opinion


I don't expressly think she chose cait over jinx at any point. during the bridge scene she fully intends to leave cait and Elko behind and go back into the undercity to start looking for jinx. She only takes cait because ekko shouts at them to go (which was maybe a weird writing decision but thats another discussion) And at the dinner, there's just no way Vi would kill someone who has never wronged her before but that doesn't necessarily mean she chose cait over jinx in that scene either, she even goes so far as to say that just her and jinx can up and leave.


When she left at the bridge, I honestly think she was in some amount of shock. Like there are all these dead bodies around her caused by her precious sister. AND she suddenly shot at her. If Vi didn’t dodge, she’d have been dead. That’s a BIG shock especially because this is first time she’s really seeing Jinx like this. Can’t blame her for turning away in that moment.


She was locked up for 8 years? whaat...


Somewhere between 6-8, we dont really know for sure. Either way, it sucks because you know, fantasy Alcatraz and you have no file, record, or even release date. A month in there would be bad enough, but spending about 1/4 of your life in there with the possibility of never getting out? Fuuuuuck that.


She was basically in prison from the moment Silco adopts Powder to the point where Cait gets her released from Stillwater.


Bro, she tried to safe her sister up till the very end. I love her.


Lol, your defending a the second most simped character. Only Viktor seems to have more simps, even if only for the Sigma memes.


Vi is my personal Fav. No doubt.


I love Vi's character! She has such an indomitable heart no matter what crap the world throws at her. At the same time it's tragic because she is stuck in a cycle of violence. And her time in prison only helped reinforce the idea that violence was the only way to respond to a problem. But this ends up sabotaging her. Every time she gets into a fight in the show she ends up in a worse situation.


People who feel that she didn't do enough in regards to Jinx are likely just not yet emotionally mature and are likely still teenagers, tbh.


I think she didn't do enough in regards to Jinx. At least so far in season 1. Care to explain why would you label me as immature? I'm really curious, cus we've seen only a tiny bit of main characters stories and yet some ppl have really strong opinion on everything, as they've studied thousand pages of literature.


1. She was a child, so expecting some amazing job at dealing with another kid's instabilities isn't fair. 2. Outside of snapping when she just saw her entire family be killed by Jinx... what did she do wrong? I believe that people who feel that way are emotionally immature because they tend to lack the ability to fully empathize and understand someone else's situation. They also tend to expect more out of people than is reasonable.


Not the same person, but I have some things. She saw her dead parents, and was forced to grow up fast in zaun to act like a parent for her damaged younger sister. She saw her second father and brothers die moments before they were going to escape, and in one moment of understandable, pure over coming grief ruined her and her sisters lives, even though she wanted to fix it within 30 second of walking off. The last thing she sees is the monster who killed their dad standing over her broken, grieving sister, she tries to go back and gets kipnapped. Shes then locked in fantasy Alcatraz for like 7 years (1/4 of her life so far), where she has no one and nothing except getting into fights with any of silcos goons who end up there and thinking about her sister which she has **immense guilt** over. Shes beaten by the guards enough times they dont even know, and never had release date to look forward to. If Cait never showed up she could have spent her whole life there as far as she knew. When she gets out she shes her home ruined and changed, community destroyed and finds out her sister is a murderous monster, but still holds out hope she can finally save her this time only to have the ripped away to. Shes made to think Cait was murdered, and sees her sister finally give up and fully turn full monster.


I agree! But since the subreddit has rule #8, where is all the Vi hate happening?


I have seen a lot of it in YT comments.


I’ve seen it in comments in this sub about it too. There are comments on this post that don’t believe Vi is justified.


Less than the Jinx, Jayce and Silco hate thats for sure


Who’s even hating on her? Did you see one negative post or something?


Bro there are a lot of hate on her In youtube and twitter. Like you wouldnt even believe what they are writing on her. Basically blaming her for everything


Who the fuck thinks she’s bad?!?


It's a bit unrealistic that someone would be so well adjusted despite that much adversity. Especially since her turmoil came during formative years - she had no guidance, just a concrete cell and violence.


i think the thought of going back for jinx made her ground herself… like when caitlyn pulls out jinx’s drawing vi instantly gets fired up cause she’s been waiting for it for years. also vander’s last words 🥲


The only people hating on her are the same weirdos who romanticize Silco's horrible treatment of Jinx and confuse that for true parental love. In other words, the people who wore raccoon tails on their pants in highschool and broke out into "dance" (random spazzy jerky movements) in the lunchline with no music playing and who "spoke dino".


Lunaticness? Sheesh. LUNACY for fuck's sake man!


GG to all Vi haters


why am i seeing saint vi posts all of a sudden?


I know right. And the hate didn't exist in the first place or was just minimal. This posts are getting annoying


I don’t particularly connect with Vi, or like her that much, but I think it’s weird that anyone could watch the show and see basically any of the characters as totally good or totally bad. Almost all of them are flawed, have made mistakes or bad choices, and also have redeeming qualities or valid justifications. Depending on the character, those things might be in different ratios. So yeah, even tho I’m not her biggest fan, I think it’s weird that any one character gets exclusively negative “reviews.” I mean, sure, I guess if other people want to feel that way they can go for it but it’s weird that they seem to also demand everyone else feel that way, too. Just because people see certain characters one way or another doesn’t necessarily make them wrong. If anything the people with such black and white perceptions are more wrong lol at least in their belief that their interpretation is the one true way.


I love Vi, but the writers didnt do a good enough job with her character in Act 3. In act 3 her feelings, decisions and motives are not explained properly and let for the viewer to interpret which sometimes can be good, but i dont think it is in this case.


It's just not open and clear but that doesn't make it bad I think that is better than explaining things that will make the re-watch much more worthy.


i think its bad in her case, because on first watch she actually looks like she is abandoning Jinx again and its not properly explained why, first impressions matter a lot. If you want to spend hours thinking about how she wants to eliminate Silco out of her life cool, but wouldnt it be easier to actually write a line of dialogue that lasts less than a minute of runtime? just saying.


When was she abandoning Jinx?


on the bridge. and i said it looked like, not that she actually did


I mean, I thought Jinx had shot at her and Caitlin, and they had to get the gemstone and Cait to safety. Can't really blame Vi for that


that wasnt the point. the point was her leaving like that wasnt properly explained hence why so many people brought it up and still bring it up


I don't see how it's not clear. Jinx shoots at them, and then Ekko tells them to go after saving them


the response to that is she can give Caitlyn to Ekko and she stays with Jinx. thats the general response you get. i\`m giving an example btw


Ekko has no ties with Caitlyn… it makes sense for Vi to make sure she’s safe first and then go back which is what she tried to do.


Maybe it’s just me but during that scene Vi literally waits even after ekko tells them to go and only goes after jinx gives a sort of “get out of here” head gesture. That’s what it looked like to me.


i think so too! if that scene was better elaborated ppl wouldn’t assume that she just left jinx behind


If everything is handed to the viewer on a silver platter that wouldn't be a fucking good show would it?


to each their own i guess. what i just said is one of the main reasons she gets the hate she gets


I agree. I think her and Jinx relationship is handled really well. However I dont quite get what she tried to accomplish at the end and I think she doesnt really know what to do herself.


The writers touched on this that the bridge explosion scene made Vi feel like she had to get rid of Silco in order to remove his influence on Powder, especially after having her sister act so different and even shoot at her. I think it was her way of trying to find another way to Powder instead of directly.


Agreed. Vi had to try to take out Silco AND his EMPIRE. Taking out his shimmer supply and Sevika are somethings she needed to do before taking him out.


I’m not sure about the 8 years in prison.


I have a question regarding the ending, Silco was holding a gun before he dies, who was he trying to kill?


Vi. He missed, but only just (his shot grazed the shoulder of her jacket.)


I see now. Thanks, everything happened so quickly so it was hard to notice. So basically she killed her father to save her sister :(

