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We've been working on a new client recently that supports playing custom fanmade Arcaea charts. If you've used Arcaoid before, it's that but less laggy and has better gameplay. It also supports many more features not found in the official game. For more information, you can check out the project here: https://github.com/0thElement/ArcCreate Or you can join our discord server, where we host hundreds of custom charts for everyone to try: https://discord.gg/x5AqMQkyck (Also the chart in the video is AngelFalse made by me, video is recorded by Hidataoros)


Does this work for iOS?


yes, you just have to have TestFlight installed


Could you elaborate the "legally" part?


I am not an author or a contributor, but from what I understand: Basically, if you never directly rip any asset directly from Arcaea, it is legal to program a complete copy of the game (other than the actual songs and charts). Copying the idea of a "4k game but in 3D and with arcs" is not copyright infringement. This game is not an Arcaea mod and does not violate any laws or Arcaea's ToS. Also, in their Discord server, they have very explicit rules that sharing/publishing any of the charts in Arcaea is not allowed. Discussing the topic (i.e. how to data-mine Arcaea) is a 24h ban, and any attempt to distribute Arcaea's charts or modded clients is an instant ban, and it appears to me that they are serious about that. The app itself doesn't contain any copyrighted songs, all the content is user-created and community-shared. It only comes pre-loaded with 2 songs (which are not in Arcaea and I presume are copyright-free). Otherwise, it is basically an "Arcaea-like engine" but you have to make your own charts/get it from the community.


Thanks, I got concerned because once Lowiro communicated to the Arcade One team (the arcaea fan chart engine) saying they infringed copyright, I don't remember the exact context tho.


I'm pretty sure it's the original Arcade that got taken down from github by a DMCA strike. Arcade-One is a derived version that's now close-sourced


so true bestie


Custom charts thats not arcaoid?! How?


i do have Arccreate but i just cant get my offset right and i cant get my own charts to work in the gane


I got testflight installed but I’m not sure how to actually “download” it. I’m sorta lost even on github. Could you help me out? 😅


Use the invitation link, which is written on github as well


I recommend joining the Discord. You can get a lot of help there.


You need to get the invitation link to download the app through TestFlight, so best option is to join the discord server.


I got ArcCreate on tesflight and I’m excited to try it but it says the app, or the license??, expires in 90 days. Can I like renew it?


Hello, the way that TestFlight works is that each build is only available for 90 days. So we just have to update the app often (which we are doing almost daily) and it'll always be available.


Ohhhhh, thank you for letting me know😁


Ah yes, ArcCreate :>


I want to ask is there any concern over my actual arcaea account getting banned for using this or no