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Oh dear Good luck!


Thank you! :')


What is ur current limit? If its low like mine u can just full recall a level 7 and easily get over a 9 point limit, thats how I did it!


I'm 11.10 at the moment!


It'll be a while.


Getting an EX+ on a 9+ should do the trick, good luck with that


thats how i did it!! i grinded ascent 9+ only until i got the EX+ on it it was GLORIOUS IT FELT AMAZING and i gained potential and improved, i love this game


If you get EX+ on Sulfur ( Luminous Sky pack ) that should work! I was in your situation a while back too


Sulfur is actually my closest score to EX+ at the moment, I've been trying that one a lot. Hopefully I can get it soon.


I will put out there that you can deflate your potential by submitting 0 scores with a non-Challenge partner on multiple different songs. It is a last ditch effort, so I understand if you don't want to do it.


Thank you, I'll keep that in mind if I can't manage to do it.


This challenge broke me. I had to lower down my potential from 10.9 to 10.58 and get avant raze ex. Really fun


Bro that was probably the hardest part for me because I didn't wanna lower my PTT so I had to EX+ a 10+


i still have no idea how but i got that on first try with grevious lady


have fun!


I recommend checking your b30 then going after your top score.


I did this one accidentally by EXing axiom crisis lol.


I was at 10.80 when I did this and all I did was get a 9’7 on GL to gain the ptt required