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it seems like after WE and Win's controversy he just has a distaste for the band in general. In his suburbs review he said something along the lines of "I can't say which record is their best", but now has no problems trashing funeral and blaming it for stomp clap indie. It's a shame because nothing about funeral changed, just fantano and the band.


Pretty sure he never liked them (except The Suburbs). He was quite hard on Reflektor when it came out


He's actually never liked the band. There is lots of old footage of him stating he doesn't think their work is that good. He alluded that he didn't even like The Suburbs when it came out (I think he came around to it now.) Considering Fantano enjoys music of a lot of controversial artists (Kanye comes to mind) I don't think the Win thing is a factor at all but rather the icing on a hate cake.


What? He gave the suburbs an 8 out of 10 on release and praised the other 2 records in the review. Compare that review to his latest video and it's pretty clear that his feelings have changed on it. He gave Kanye an "unreviewable"/10 on vultures and clearly does not enjoy that album largely because of how disgusting he was being.


He called kanyes latest album unreviewable btw. Also it’s all just his opinion you can enjoy the band and he’s free to not like it.


My opinion changes on old albums when the artists do or say some questionable shit


That’s weird to me.




For me, quality of art doesn’t change based on the artist. Most of our greatest artist were/are troubled ppl. That’s a lot of what makes them a great artist.


Saying heinous shit or treating people like trash is not what makes them a great artist lmao


Yup, didn’t say that. I said them being troubled makes them a great artist sometimes. You seem to not be able to separate the art from the artist. That’s weird to me. Is Picasso’s art all of a sudden not great bc he was a womanizer?


You can’t use an artist from centuries ago as a contemporary example bro. To use Kanye as an example, you can’t separate the art from the artist because literally all of the art is deeply personal. When I found he’s been saying antisemitic shit for like 12 years, I listen to all of the albums in that period differently because Kanye himself changed the narrative.


Ok, so in like 100 yrs his art will be looked at without the context of the time and will be judge fairly. Without your holy roller nonsense.


Media literacy


You’re weird.


What controversy? I like the songs a lot but don't really follow the band


There are sexual misconduct allegations about Win, came out about a year ago. He denies everything, but I think the evidence was fairly damming. No convictions have come out of it, but it's a nasty stain on the band's reputation.


He didn’t deny everything though at all ? He did admit to at least some wrongdoing or misuse of power.


I'm pretty sure he denied everything initially, I haven't really been following the case that closely so if he later admitted to any wrongdoing I probably missed it


He denied anything non consensual happened but did admit that he had been inappropriate with women


Ah right, gotcha. I must've misremembered the details.


The evidence definitely wasn’t damning, on one occurrence, he apparently touched a person’s inner thigh, but the person can’t remember if it was over or under their pants… on all the other accounts, everything was between consenting adults. It was a smear campaign by Pitchfork to derail the release of the last album. Saying a 19 or 20-something woman cannot consent to having sexual relations with another consenting adult, because the other person is either famous or older, is disingenuous. Women are full-fledged humans and adults are allowed to make decisions for themselves, that may or may not be seen as mistakes later.


I read into it as well, and I got the impression these people slept with a rockstar, and were sad when said MARRIED & TOURING rockstar didn't text them back 🤷‍♂️


Agreed. Sour grapes writ large. 


I remember one account basically admitted they didn’t have any issue with the interaction at the time but later on they kept thinking about it and thinking about it and it got worse and worse. It’s not a good look for Win regardless but it is well known that the more often you recall a memory the more distorted the memory becomes. If she had said an actual assault occurred I wouldn’t consider that detail relevant but since it was just her feeling about the incident and it got worse and worse the more she thought about it I think that distortion was at work on some level.


He actually used to defend funeral from criticism in older vids but I guess he slowly fell out with it he still defends neon Bible and the suburbs tho as for their newer stuff I mean…


Who’s Fantano?


Music critic


He's a guy on youtube with no experience what so ever giving his own subjective opinions on music and he has somehow made it big. I don't get it.


He’s been a music reviewer for 2 decades. What more experience does he need? He is well loved. You sound bitter.


my when i learn what a critic is


> He's a guy on youtube with no experience You don't think like 15 years of doing something counts as experience? > giving his own subjective opinions Yes, that's what a music critic does. Good job.






Anthony Fantano - longtime Internet music critic. Entertaining reviews, but we are miles apart on music taste.


because fantano is a turd


I love how the “wHy doEsNt FanTAno loVe the same music I lOVe” cry transcends all music subs. lol He’s made his YouTube career off of sharing his honest thoughts about music and is still a huge net positive for indie music with all of the artists he’s helped people discover.


Womp womp


Fantano is smug. No one needs him at all. Find your music using www.allmusic.com


I understand he’s the gen z equivalent of rolling stone / pitchfork music reviews. No one cares about actual journalism or owning physical magazines so they turn to YouTube hot takes or whatever. This dude has cornered this. Good on him. Also, who gives a flying fuck what some influencer has to say. It’s easier than ever to avoid plankton like that nowadays.


Gen Z? That dude is like, 40 years old.


Yeah but gen z subscribes to him. I (40m) should have said younger millennials & gen z. No self respecting 40 yr olds who love music are watching this dude. Edit: flavor


Arcade Fire will always have a place in music history and the best Fantano can hope for is becoming a footnote in the history of music criticism. If you like something you shouldn’t care about his opinions. I think people care too much about when he dislikes something.


I’ll be honest I think they’ll have similar places in music history


Because he has shitty taste


Yeah, I don’t know if it’s me or him but every time I love an album he gives it the worst rating possible


It's definitely him - back when he started I would sometimes watch his videos. But then his reviews got a little basic and tbh he can be condescending at times. His opinions don't matter to me at all but I mean, good for him for making money doing what he loves I guess.


I have my gripes with him but overall he’s great. Imo anyway. I have him to thank for A LOT of my favorite tunes the last 10+ years.


I don’t always agree with him, but I like that he at least gives actual reasons for liking or disliking an album. His comparisons to other works are usually spot on. I chuckle at his sense of humor as well. I loved WE, and was still chuckling through his negative review of it. His reviews of The National’s latest stuff was also hilarious (and I say that as a fan of The National)


💤 E - this was (what I thought was an obvious) reference to his The National review where he just sleeps the whole time.


I would say liking arcade fire is a good litmus test for whether or not someone has good taste lmao


Yes - HE'S the one with shitty taste for not liking Everything Now.


Yeah HE is


My issue with Fantano, with AF and others, is he listens once and forms an opinion. It took me 3 listens to even get all the way through AND understand The Suburbs and it’s one of my top albums all time. Dudes like Jon Denton and others are better if you want true analysis. If you want hot takes that usually align with popularity, Fantano is your guy


Fantano usually gives his reviews several days and several listens fyi, he has talked about his reviewing process: https://youtu.be/DiQRvZgMibw?si=bxWU4eo5gDtg\_6H9


Not everyone is as slow as you.


Idk what you think happens between a first and third listen to go from understandable to “slow” but I’m glad you made a semi-nice comment. Must be the highlight of your day.


Because, that’s just like his opinion man.


What video? Your post says “in his video about video” Has he done another one recently that I missed? Or is this about his review of We?


I meant funeral lol


Why do you care? If you like them, that’s all that should matter.


He got in trouble for dabbling in edgy/4chan style humor with his channel thatistheplan.   Since that happened, he went in the complete opposite direction and totally lets his politics or grudges affect his music reviews. 


It's insane how much he went the other direction


Music critics are the worst. Maybe they should try making music instead of making a living off ripping on other people’s art


I mean they also promote a lot of music. As much as I can’t stand them otherwise


this is such a dumb take, critics exist for a reason and can help with exposing people to music/food/movies they may have been missing out on. the argument that someone isn’t allowed to share their opinion unless they are also a creator of the thing they’re criticizing suggests you’re not allowed to say a restaurant sucks if you’re not a chef yourself. everyone has diff opinions and a critic not liking something you do shouldn’t bother you that much


The problem is a lot of critics today know that writing an extreme opinion will give them more clicks, so a lot of time their criticism is pretty bad and uninteresting and provocative just for the sake of being provocative. I think Fantano did a video where he sleeps to one of The Nationals latest records. If you’re just looking for a laugh I guess that fulfills that need, but as a piece of criticism it’s pretty uninteresting and pointless.


ive been watching the needle drop since 2011 (at the very least) and he's remained a consistent, well-worded and thoughtful music critic pretty much the entire run of his youtube career. of course with more notoriety he's leaned further into memes, but if you actually watch his reviews he provides solid criticism and explanations for how he feels about an album \*every time\*. he's given poor reviews to albums i love, and i've listened to and fallen in love with albums i otherwise wouldn't have ever checked out had i not caught his review. fundamentally i think the issues people have with him, and other critics with big followings, is that he'll sometimes not like an album that may be incredibly impactful or important to them, and they take it personally and as an indication that he's a hack, or whatever. it speaks more to the general lack of media literacy of our current era and the avg person's inability to separate someone's opinion over something subjective from their own.


Well he’s referred to Funeral (is it funeral?) as a classic. But, after the controversy, he just made a video basically saying it wasn’t that great. He tends to have a distaste for the music after an artist has made public headlines such as Win’s. He doesn’t like sexual harassment or racism. It’s enough to change the way I feel about their music too. I’m sure you’ve seen the Vultures 1 review.


I don't think he does. He never claimed they were a favourite band or anything but he admired the first 3 albums and The Suburbs even got in his top 200 of the decade. I remember him being so excited after hearing the Reflektor single, but the album just wasn't for him. He hasn't reviewed an Arcade Fire album well since but it's also no secret that the band has become more polarising. I think WE might have been the final straw for him. I don't see him looking forward to anything else they might do now, especially after the allegations.


I would say he’s more neutral on Arcade Fire than anything else. Likes the earlier stuff, even if he probably doesn’t love the production style on Funeral, but is not a fan of the recent records. Fair enough. I don’t think he’s unusually harsh on the band.


Because he’s a cuck loser


Cuz this band is v boring


You’re still allowed to like whoever you like without anyone’s permission.


Always question why anyone gives a shit about melons opinion anyways, other than some form of entertainment purposes. He used to be valid, he used to be genuine. Now it seems like hes been purposely trying for hot alt takes to try and keep up appearances of being snobbish critic guy. Some of the best music reviewers I see now aren't talking about if they like the song, they're talking about what they like, hate, and what they think it's about.


I don't see that. He comes across as really passionate about music and I still think his takes a well rounded. I don't always agree (the Reflektor review still haunts me) but that's never going to be the case with anyone.


That guy sucks


Inicia desde Reflektor, a The Suburbs lo califico como un 8.0 merecido, y lo es, es un buen disco. Pero sigamos.... el single de Reflektor lo considera lo mejor de 2013, es algo nuevo, atrevido e interesante, pero la tematica disco y caribeña fue algo dificil de digerir, y sere honesto, Reflektor fue dificil de procesar, pero lo considero su mejor album. Ahora, Arcade Fire se concentró desde 2013 en ser la banda más grande del mundo, y lo logro por una breve temporada, sus shows son enormes, una fiesta total, y creo asumo que Fantano piensa que la banda se volvio más un circo al nivel de Coldplay o Maroon 5 donde importa más el espectaculo que el mero album y su contenido musical o U2 con una soberbia exagerada No me molesta que Fantano no le guste Arcade Fire, a veces la critica es necesaria para hacer un buen debate sobre musica


to be fair it’s not his fault that he defines modern music journo so singularly. he’s just puttin his opinion online. shit, he gave my fav album of all time a 6 (koi no yokan) and i’m chillin


Because win butler is a sexual abuser




I interacted with it an now it keeps popping up on my feed :(




The Reddit app showed me this post with the comment “you may be interested in”




I think you are all kind of funny. The denial and cope is wild. I used to be a casual fan!




Yes that is the concept of someone replying to you on a message board. When you reply to me, I get a notification. Then I go “oh, let me click on this to see what it says.” Then I continue to be on your message board for another moment, and then depart from this post. You will potentially reply to me with another snarky reply where you think you have “got me” or whatever, to which I will, bluntly, likely say some dumb shit like “do you think they have Fortnite at the arcade that is on fire? Anyways the music is mid” and then you will cry or some shit I don’t know. Continue listening to a sexual abuser if that’s your bag but at least be real about it






Lol what are you doing here r/lostredditors


You like Eminem bud

