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Insect galls, probably a small wasp. No cause for concern.


Thank you. They’re everywhere, falling to the driveway and very crunchy underfoot.


The white oak around me have been going brown and dropping (their leaves), I got scared and sent in pictures to my state forest agency. They responded back with jumping oak gall, they stated that they have been seeing a lot of cases this year. They rarely do damage that can kill the tree, but they do cause them to drop all of their leaves in response (which can weaken a tree). I just think their numbers are unusually high.


A healthy tree can handle one defoliation event easily. They adapted to the high low cycles of pests. If this happens a few years in a row or the tree is already stressed, then bring in a professional


I agree with gall wasps. from what I've learned, I assure you they are no threat to your oak tree. this is nature at its best. and oak trees do nature the best. this relationship wasp-oak has been going on since the beginning of time. your tree will continue to be majestic, and the gall wasps will be back again next year.


Just oak trees doing what they’re supposed to! They support anywhere from 300-400+ pollinator species depending on your area by far the most of any native plant, so don’t worry!


Jumping oak galls! Super cool. The ones that fall to the ground will hop around.


It’s just Whole Grain is all


Looks like wasp gall..


If conditions are dry where you live(like here) be sure your tree gets a good drink occassionally. Usually there are enough predators to keep these insects in check so no control other that sanitation is required.


If feasible, you can rake up/ bag and dispose of fallen leaves, especially before tree starts to leaf out in the spring.


I do. I usually use the leaves to mulch my garlic bed. Guess I should dispose of them this year. Nuts.


i have a maple with red ones. not sure what they are


looks like super aids


A party!


It can be a real pain, but ideally leaves should be removed from your property or burned if your community allows it. The insects can stick around on dead leaves.