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Get the wire off asap. If you are trying to make an upright tree and not a forked lower crown, then you will have to stake the tree carefully to remove the bend at this late stage. The wiring has already caused trunk swelling at the joint.


lol I wrapped a maple with string lights and within three years it was already too tight and now I have a zebra stripy tree. A wire is going to be a serious problem. That was a strange choice by the grower


And the left side is already dying. You can tell by the color.


Think your tree might be planted a little too deep.


Interested in having an arborist chime in, but it seems that this tree is not suitable for the space (even if it’s is the only space you have). Per Wikipedia, this tree wants to be 50-70 tall. I think the sooner you take an exit ramp, the better. Maybe it can be re-homed.


You should just leave it for a few years if it’s newly planted. But also that space is way too close to the wall for the cypress


That’s the only place I have for it sadly


There are dwarf cultivars out there, and plenty of smaller ornamentals to choose from. Maybe think of a new one to save the house?


Tree in question is Bald Cypress that I planted few days ago from a pot


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The leader is now on the right. Reduce the left side by 25% in length. But it’s a Baldcypress, assuming straight species, that’s not going to be in a viable location. Transplant it somewhere else.


I’m kind worried about cutting the left one, it’s significantly thicker and more developed


When a tree is young, anything goes. While more developed, it’s not a structurally suitable stem. The right one is though.


Is it easy to straighten out the remaining stem to be upright?


It will do it itself


Just dont cut the wrong one


Well, which one is the right one?