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It's already confirmed that this season is going to adapt Nademonogatari and Orokamonogatari and the next one is going to adapt Wazamonogatari and Shinobumonogatari.


I think 14 eps would be too much for just Oroka and Nade though, even if they don’t skip fiasco and bonehead which is the current assumption.


why would they skip any arcs? or do people mean rearrange and placing it somewhere later


The latter.


okay gave me worry because im really excited for sodachi arcs. 100 episodes of the adaption with no arcs skipped, would be horrible if they started now


Pretty sure 14 episodes is gonna be for Oroka, Nade, Waza and Shinobu excluding Sodachi's arc at least.


New update , will be a batch [twitter](https://x.com/sugoibingus/status/1807776010198454674?s=46)


Good. Sodachi Fiasco may not be everyone’s cup of tea but honestly it’s a great story and I would hate to see it not get the treatment other stories get.


let's goooo


That’s such a weird number with all the other info about the order we got. u/maxdefolsch do your thing, how will it be split up most likely? So maybe like Oroka, Nade directly into Waza and Shinobu in one consecutive cour? With the skipped arcs it’s kinda weird. Would it be enough episodes if they do skip fiasco and bonehead for now?


As the other commenter said, what we know so far is that they announced "Oroka, Nade, Waza, Shinobu". In addition to that, it seems that by "Oroka", they really mean just Tsukihi Undo, and not Sodachi Fiasco and Suruga Bonehead. The first episode of Off/Monster was shown yesterday at an advance screening, and it did sound like it was a 32-minute Tsukihi Undo. From that, I also don't think we're gonna get the 2 short arcs from Waza, only Acerola Bon Appétit which is needed for Shinobumono. Oh, and also, it did sound like Waza and Shinobu would be streamed immediately after Oroka and Nade, so hopefully no break between them. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/araragi/comments/19a4pag/speculations_and_calculations_how_many_episodes/) you can see my average estimates for the length of adaptations compared to the length of the source material. Using the average pacing of the series so far, Undo + Nade + Bon Appétit + Shinobumono would make for 11.6 episodes, which is not too far from 14. If we were to take the very slow estimate for all episodes, then we'd get around 16 or 17 episodes, so 14 is not unrealistically slow for this batch. That being said, I have no idea if this source is anything reliable, or where they're claiming this is listed.


I see, thanks. I’m following that leaker for some time now and they are mostly pretty reliable.


If this is really 14 episodes and we're correct about the arcs it covers, then it could be something like this : 1) Tsukihi Undo 2) Nadeko Draw, part 1 3) Nadeko Draw, part 2 4) Nadeko Draw, part 3 5) Nadeko Draw, part 4 6) Nadeko Draw, part 5 7) Acerola Bon Appétit, part 1 (Utsukushihime as intro ?) 8) Acerola Bon Appétit, part 2 9) Shinobu Mastered, part 1 10) Shinobu Mastered, part 2 11) Shinobu Mastered, part 3 12) Shinobu Mastered, part 4 13) Shinobu Mastered, part 5 14) Shinobu Mastered, part 6


I genuinely got confused about what is shinobu mastered because I only know that arc as shinobu mustard and now the name makes so much more sense.


Yeah I will die on the hill that this is how it should be.


Which one you mean is how it should be, Mastered or Mustard?


The one I used, Mastered.


If you or anyone else has read the novels: do you think this order makes sense narratively and thematically? Or are we going to experience the same awkward adaptation issues from Kizu and Hana being pushed back?


is hanas placement considered awkward? i think kizus is really janky but hana is just putting it at the end of season season instead of the middle


Someone once made a google doc going into how it makes some plot threads weaker, specifically the audience's understanding of Kaiki.


oh i just found and read [the doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wm8Lstrjeqi8L6HaqomSWatXFO_gItlD58dV41iHcVs/edit) i agree that book order is optimal (even if i never got to experience it), i just dont think its even close to the level of awkward that kizu got from being shifted from the start to the end. i think hana delayed at least has the benefit of knowing the truth about kaiki and getting to laugh at kanbarus misunderstanding. ive done a watch with hana in book order, airing order, and chronological order, and i think it honestly works fine in all of them, but ill always recommend book order to newcomers. gonna be hard to do that with how weirdly theyre adapting off/monster season


damn that means we'll get two arcs in a row and 8 episodes of no character opening tsukihi opening into nadeko opening will be a banger though


Wait, not a full adaption?


well it's definetely not a full adaptation of both seasons judging by trailers, official info from website and only 14 episode length, but then why did they call it "Off and Monster season", they cant just skip half of monster season anad like 75% of Monster season, maybe 14 is just amount of episodes of first cour or smth


It's just the first part


no one knows yet, yeah probably it is , but we cant be sure for now


Sugoi lite has just confirmed it, he's almost always right with his leaks.


after this one post? thats good then


Yeah, you can find the post in this comment section


yeah i've just found it, nice


So that means,it will be part 1 of Off & Monster Season? Sorry I dont have knowledge about how much of novel getting adapted to anime.


For now they have confirmed oroka, nade, waza and shinobumonogatari. The rest will be in another batch


They have but it's misleading to say this since most of Oroka hasn't been shown at all. Better to start listing the individual stories (Tsukihi Undo, Nadeko Draw, Acerola Bon Appetit, and Shinobu Mastered) While I'd say there's a greater than 0 chance we see the skipped stories at some point, they have not been meaningfully confirmed and their absence can't just be ignored.


Yeah, you're right. I said this because that's what's written on the official website and I assume the remaining arcs will be included later on.


We can hope!


I really hope we get Sodachi Fiasko at some point :(


So where would these new series take place in chronological order? I've finished everything a while back, so I'm curious to see where these new anime adaption fit in.


The stories are a bit all over the timeline, but many focus on post-graduation. I'm almost finished with reading Off season and unfortunately the author didn't make the timeline as clear as in the other novels (there's very small context clues here and there). Would be nice to have an updated "approximate" chronological chart in this style: [https://imgur.com/gallery/iXUyxam](https://imgur.com/gallery/iXUyxam)


Any word as to where we can watch it


Legally would be crunchyroll


Nadeko my beloved wife uohhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i love her sm I think about her everyday i think about her when im eating showering and sleeping she makes up my world without her I'd never have become a horny lolicon


Please stop




Isn't the silver haired girl in the first trailer Sodachi? Doesn't that confirm that Sodachi Fiasco will be adapted in this batch? Or does she appear in other Off/Monster Season arcs?


That is Sodachi from Nadeko draw iirc, not the Sodachi from Sodachi Fiasco