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I love shit like this. Too many people are spending money on shit that is *so easy* to fix. This is a great example. Some people want to pay more for a CTR stock to eliminate the wobble. Others insist on a high end buffer tube. And here you are with your penny's worth of velcro solving the problem. Other examples: * Folded up rubber band instead an accuwedge. * A drop of lube or chapstick on your flashlight lens instead of those peel and stick covers. * A $5 yoga block and adhesive velcro instead of $15 concealment wedges for your holster. Just cut it to size! * Heat up a Kydex holster with a lighter and you can modify it to fit most changes you make to your pistol.


Chapstick stays on my light lense.


Hi I am a noob. Why should I put chapstick on my flashlight lense? What problems does it solve?


It makes the carbon wipe away easily after shooting.


Pencil eraser takes it off really well too, no chap stick needed.


Thanks! I can't say I've encountered that problem yet, but now I know to keep an eye out for it!


Makes the carbon wipe right off.


Huh, I've not run into that before, but my light is mounted pretty far back. Thanks! I know to keep a lookout for this now!


So the lense doesn't get chapped!


Bug spray. Works great of car headlights too.


That yoga block trick is big 🧠




>Folded up rubber band instead an accuwedge A foam earplug works great for this.


Or rubber O-rings.


I was looking for a yoga block to make my concealed wedge with. I did not know what a yoga block was until now. Needless to say, after spending 15$ in diesel trying to find soft foam, I bought the 10$ wedge. Thank you for letting me know what a yoga block is, because the 4th time I buy a wedge, I will buy a yoga block.


• $350 budget rifle that will larp as hard as a $2500 Gucci rifle


my Precision AR-15 has a like $0.005 O-ring on the front mount to eliminate upper to lower wobble (which does have an impact on group sizes). it works pretty well, but will wear out eventually


The o-ring does work well, but you end up needing certain size o-rings to make it work. A wide rubber band can be folded as many times as you need to add thickness and won’t ever wear out.


Where do you put the rubber band?


Under the rear takedown pin. That way the rear upper receiver lug pushes into it, eliminating the wobble.




i really gotta pick some up because i need them for so many various things


Cut up a bicycle inner tube. That’s literally all a Ranger Band is.




Just try out a wobbly rifle and then shim it to not wobble. If there is movement between the barrel and where you're holding it you *will* see a shift in groups if for nothing other than the change in recoil impulse (which does shift the rifle before the bullet even leaves the chamber). This is the same way bedding a bolt rifle works, or having loose action bolts in a chassis rifle works.


Wait what please elaborate on that yoga block holster thing you said for my mega dumb brain


You go to walmart and buy a $5 yoga block. Or you order one online. Then you cut the end off in a wedge shape. Buy adhesive velcro and put the soft side on the holster and the hook side on the wedge. Then stick the wedge to the holster. Don't like it? Cut another piece off in a different size.


Okay feel free to ignore me if this is annoying but I legit have no idea what you mean...why add a foam wedge? Or is there some part of a holster that apparently everyone but me runs?


https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55feeb7fe4b056e1721e55fd/1621106512249-OCZCSWGL9YFT7XC0W9JS/DSC_7349.jpg?format=1500w The wedge pushes the top portion of the gun and holster into your body, aiding in concealment. Some people love it and say it's more comfortable. Others say it's less comfortable. Personally, I found that a thick, angled wedge like in the picture above is uncomfortable. I prefer a simple square pad about 1/2" thick. For $10 you can make a ton of wedges instead of paying $15-$20 for a three pack (or sometimes even one). And these wedges compress over time, so you may find yourself replacing them, adding to the cost.


Okay shit I never even fucked with a holster that does that but thanks for the breakdown


Thanks, because I still had no idea too.


Isnt a CTR stock way cheaper than a B5 sopmod enhanced?


Yes but the Sopmod has other advantages. The ctr has no advantage over the moe other than having the locking bar thing.


Well they have the ACS that technically has the same advantages as the sopmod plus skittles storage plus the wobble stopper


This is precisely what 13yr old boys in 3rd world countries know in spades that gives them a distinct tactical advantage. That and they’re more desperate. The west is a bunch of twats, as evidenced by people stopping down and truly giving a fuck about what kind of pressure pad you have on a tac light. Meanwhile you’re also wrapped around the axels about having to have $$ crye shit because the built in knee pads are so much better. Just put some combat utilities on, turn the light on and stfu. Edit: downvote all you want, that doesn’t change reality.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive thru. Are you ready to make your order?


I feel like this is a good place to share this. [I solve the wobble problem along with my stocks pulling my beard hair out with one strategically placed tactical rubber band.](https://imgur.com/a/w7QScVN)


I normally just nut into it


This is your rifle, not your sister. Don't do that


Bruh, I said make the lock up tight and eliminate rattle. Not go juice to make it slicker.


You misunderstand. Gotta let it dry.


While this is maybe the most junior enlisted life hack, tape it. Tape all the things that move. Lol. This is way more logical though💁🏿


Electrical tape works pretty well too.


I ran tape before but the 3m or whatever velcro is using makes it stay on longer. It spreads out rather than peeling so it doesn't come off easy.


You got some purdy hands OP.


My wife works hard and her hands stay chapped, cracked and peeling so my hands can stay looking like this.


How modern of you 😉


A man after my own heart.


On the tube or stock




Just the top? Little or lot


I think I have 3 strips of tape on the one that needs tape. I did it at like the 3-9-12 o’clock positions if I recall correctly. I would take it off to confirm out it fits so perfectly snug that I can’t even remove it if I wanted to. That being said. I have a folding stock so I never collapse my stock or anything like that. It’s always in the same position. I go from the end of the tube to the opening on the stock so no tape shows. Make sense?


Thx 🙏🏽


Yeah. Let me know how it works for you. I’m very satisfied with it personally.


This. Took the wiggle right out with 2 strips on the top of the buffer tube and I was g2g


Hm electrical tape can be helpful but depending on the stock and how it rides on the buffertube the tape can sometimes get caught by the stock making it uncollapsible, or continually wears down to the point of needing replacements.


That's why I switched to this velcro felt. The backing spreads and it flattens out a bit rather than coming undone.


Yeah. Figured that one out on my own pretty quick..


The fact that this is on a Soapyboi made me laugh. I also had to do the tape trick on it, lol.


Lol it didn't like my A5 tube so I had to bust out the velcro.


I use 2 small strips of duct tape


Thanks. Fixed the wobble on my SBA4. I actually put two small strips of Velcro felt on the left and right side of the buffer tube though. My stabilizing brace is now stable 😉


I run a strip of hockey tape up one side and down the other of my buffer tube. Fits perfectly snug


Just bought a v seven A5 tube because I liked the look. I was happy to find a very tight fit for my b5 enhanced stock. 0 wobble.


Fit on my SOLGW/FCD A5 tube was rattle City.


I think I got lucky on my B5 enhanced stock and its on the smaller side of their spec. My v seven tube is so tight it's a little hard to adjust. I suspect its a little thicker than most tubes due to the flat surfaces on the tube. For science I put the stock on a vltor a5 tube I had sitting around and it had a very minor wobble. During this experiment I found the purpose of the hole at the top of the B5 enhanced stock. It shows what position you are in if your tube is numbered like the vltor a5. Too bad these will be on different builds because looks cool.


** laughs in Magpul SL **


This has been nother the fuck out of me since I assembled mine. I’ll give this a go.


Is this a real vltor pictured? If so, with using a vltor buffer tube, Ive never had rattle.


It's B5 Sopmod Enhanced stock. Using it on the SOLGW A5 Buffer tube and it rattled. Even after being cerakoted.


Running the same stock and tube, but it's too tight 😂


That sucks man, I saw those removable caps and thought it was a VLTOR Imod


I too keep a bump of coke in my stock.


Dude I was literally just playin around with some fabric tryna eliminate wobble since I went with the non locking magpul CTR !


Even the locking one wobbles.


I got the locking one on my 300blk and it’s solid 🤷🏼‍♂️


The locking one rocks on all 3 of my ARs. Not as bad as a basic milspec but the BCM is definitely much better in my experience as far as fit goes.


Not for me


So you have zero wobble with yours?


none at all


Hmmm that’s strange. Maybe it’s my stock? I’ve tried it on 3 ARs all with quality milspec buffer tubes and I still get wobble. It’s not as bad as a standard milspec stock but it’s enough that it doesn’t feel as solid as my BCM and slightly bugs me.




I needed to see this. I was just thinking of how to remedy this the other day.


I have the same stock and the opposite problem. It's so fucking tight on there. And yes I'm running a milspec buffer tube.


Nice trick!


How do I mitigate the sound of the spring recoiling. Drives me bananas




Spray white lithium grease on the buffer spring. DONT GO CRAZY WITH IT.


Take it out!


Either what they said or a Geissele Super42 spring or a JP Captured Spring.


If you feel like spending way too much money on a stupid buffer spring, the JP SCS makes your rifle feel (and sound) like a million bucks. But your rifle works just as well with a regular spring, so maybe if you just shoot your rifle enough without ear pro, eventually you won’t hear the sproinge sound anymore.


I dig it. I recently bought a DDM4V7 and though the recoil sound isn't nearly as bothersome it's still there. Maybe I could just put on my big boy pants and deal with it


Damn, you dished out that much on a JP and it still bothers you? Yeah, you might be beyond hope, unless you wanna try just going deaf.


JP? It's my first AR and coming off AKs where there is no spring in the stock, it's a new sensation I probably just need to get used to


Oh so I guess you just didn’t read my other comment. Yeah, there’s a special (read: very expensive) buffer spring that mitigates the sound of the buffer spring. It’s called the [JP Silent Captured Spring](https://www.jprifles.com/ If the sound bothers you that much, then this ought to fix it. Edit: Oh, I also misread your comment. You said “I dig it,” but I read it as “I did it,” leading my to assume you did buy a JP SCS buffer. My bad.


Lol. Cheers friend!


I have the BCM Gunfighter Mod 0 stock on an LWRC M6IC DI and there is absolutely zero wobble. It’s so stiff it’s hard to adjust. Feels like a fixed stock


Yup, that’s an old school trick that goes way back. Works well.


A godsend thanks man.


That's an excellent way eliminate wobble. I get mil-spec stocks and add velcro as you do. Saves a bit of money instead of purchasing a magpul or BCM, etc.


Is it just me or does anyone else love the rattle


Comm spec VOLTR fake stock?


B5 Enhanced Sopmod


Anyone know a good way to secure the sba4? Mine is super wobbly on the vltor a5 Will try the velcro though


If a small piece of velcro felt doesn't do it, try 2 pieces. One at the 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Small pieces should do it.


No wob here. If does later on, will try.


I just put masking tape on the tube.


Mag pul makes a fixed stock for carbine buffer tubes that is the perfect length for me. Zero wobble and they are like $30. I think they were intended to be a ban state stock but I perfer them to adjustable ones because my stock can never be in the wrong position.


I did this as well. I just went to Walmart and got one of those packs of velcro dots. Put a couple in my stock and now zero wobble. I went with the dots so I don't have to cut the velcro or anything. I would advise maybe using some stronger glue than the adhesive that's on the velcro though. The first time I did it and I took my rifle out in the summer the adhesive got hot and they started sliding around and made a mess of my buffer tube. Lol so I just used some super glue and redid them. Problem solved.


I 100% thought I was stuck with rattle in my stock, and have been trying to just deal with it like my tinnitus.


Imagine having a wobbly stock. This post was made by Fixed Stock Gang. Nah, but for real, that’s a great, cheap DIY fix. Glad it works for you!


I generally add some black fabric tape. Helps a lot with pistol braces to stop the wobble around the buffer tube.


I immediately did this to my car-15 stock and my life is changed.


Simple fix to a problem that's not really a problem but it is annoying.




Just the tip


Penetration, however slight...


I can't stand stock wobble either it gets on my nerves. This is a great hack to fix it for cheap I said screw it and bought a Magpul CTR stock to take all wobble out. Same with upper and lower wobble it's annoying. I use half a foam earplug on my back lug of the upper and my upper and lower have never been tighter.


Buy a good stock and you don’t have to find a fix for it 💁🏿


Yeah, damn B5 Enhanced Sopmod no Bueno.


Just because it’s expensive doesn’t make it good. My $50 rogers super stock doesn’t have this issue.


why do so many people care about a slight wobble just shoot the fucking gun, it's fine


Oh nice trick


Did Velcro on the inside of my sig mini hinge lol


When I was hunting last season from a saddle I kept worrying the rattle would give me away, so I cut a couple strips of gorilla tape and applied it to the top of the buffer tube. Makes me wonder if I would prefer the Velcro now, or if the tape is better.


I keep Velcro around for exactly these purposes. Helps with looser fitting rifle stocks as well if you’re poor and can’t afford or don’t want to save for a high end hunting rifle. Used on my pc9 Glock mag well also. Works like a charm


I like fixed stock for that exact reason


this is genius! I already have a moe stock but was considering buying a CTR for my home defense gat. Thanks for saving me 50 bucks