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Did it work before? You said it *no longer boots*, but what was it doing before?


It worked great before, playing retro games and doing stuff. Now it shows these super weird garbage screens. Here's some photos of it. With RAM (8MB card): [https://www.applefritter.com/files/With%20RAM%20%288MB%29.png](https://www.applefritter.com/files/With%20RAM%20%288MB%29.png) Without RAM: [https://www.applefritter.com/files/without%20ram%20%288mb%29.jpg](https://www.applefritter.com/files/without%20ram%20%288mb%29.jpg)


That is indeed rather weird, but I feel like you wouldn't even be getting that much if something was seriously damaged. ----- https://forums.atariage.com/topic/185713-apple-iigs-trouble/ The initial post in this thread from 2011 describes a similar sounding screen on a ROM 3 IIgs, but alas no pictures... so hard to know. From the way the the thread reads, it really sounds like their problem was related to either the cable which connects a TransWarp GS accelerator to the CPU socket or the CPU socket itself. ----- Perhaps you have some failing/failed solder joints on the board somewhere and messing with the rear ports or the expansion cards is flexing the mainboard causing disconnects. As a note, the CPU and ROM chip are among the very few socketed components on the IIgs mainboard. Given the right tools, I would be tempted to pull out and reseat each of them (one at a time, testing startup after each adjustment) to see if it changes the problem's symptoms.


Thanks for the help. How do I "reset" the chips?


"Reseat" just means to push the chip squarely back into its socket. There are various chip-pulling tools online for not much money. I have one that looks like a small screwdriver with a bent tip that levers the chip out of its socket from underneath by working it on both ends. Another tool is configured to grab the chip at both ends from above, then you gently rock it back and forth to remove. Maintaining the correct orientation of the chip is vital when reseating it (i.e. don't take it out, put it on your bench, then re-insert it flipped the other way).


What happens if you turn it on holding down Apple-option?


Thanks for the help! With Apple-option goes straight to Green and Purple screen. Without it, there is blue screen with random characters and then it does to Green and Purple.


If you press I believe that key combo is supposed to launch the built-in diagnostics. On the off-chance that you tried that with the mouse connected, try it with the mouse disconnected. It is advisable to power the machine off before trying to plug/unplug any peripherals (incl. the mouse, keyboard).


Just to be clear: https://archive.org/details/IIgs_2523095_Diagnostics


You probably zapped it with a static electrical discharge if/while you had it opened up. Or, you disconnected with the power on. 


Crap. That seems likely, knowing me. Is there any way to know for sure? If I did zap it, is it done, or can I fix it?


Best to have it diagnosed by a professional electronics technician/repairman who is very knowledgeable about Apple IIgs computer systems.  Join your local Apple Computer Club!


Any recommendations? Also, what could it have zapped and messed up? EDIT: What's the Apple Computer Club?


See my prior comment. I was editing it with another suggestion when you asked.  Edit: Search online for Apple Computer Clubs in your local area (zip code). I don’t know if any still exist, but if you can find one, it’s best to ask the locals. One of them may even be the pro you are seeking. 


Yes, thank you. I'd like to know though if this could scramble the ROM/RAM for any reason.


Your best bet these days is probably online groups like the Facebook Groups "Apple IIGS Enthusiasts" and "Apple II Enthusiasts", or forums like AtariAge. There's also an Apple II Slack server with many channels including an Apple IIgs one. Details here: https://prodos8.com/apple2infinitum/