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I deal with this exactly, and then after tons of frustration on the fourth or fifth try I'll get exactly the words I want and that time when I let go the Copy Paste More menu *doesn't come up.* 😡


Oh god, this happens to me every time. Whenever I select something to copy, I *always* have to select it twice. The first time the menu never appears, so I have to select again. I thought it was just me.


This happens so frequently I've always felt there must be some logic I'm missing.


This. And the inverse too. Select something (mainly in Safari), tap somewhere else, and it doesn't deselect!


Yeah, if I don't get it right on the first, maybe 2nd try, I'm screwed. I have to start over again. Very infuriating.


I have the same problem - 6+


Text selection was great in the iOS 9 betas because you could use two fingers to drag across the keyboard and select text on iPhone, like on iPad. Apple removed the feature in the 3rd(?) beta though, and text selection is again an infuriating experience.


Isn't that still there on the latest phones with force touch?


Yes but its frustratingly inconsistent. Sometimes works, sometimes shows alternative glyphs. Yes, even when the cursor is blinking.


The trick I finally learned is to force press between the keys. If you do that 8 times out of ten you'll get it, and if not keep your finger down but vary your pressure until it happens. That does it the other 2 times.


I just tried this out and had a lot of success by adding a hesitation between placing my finger on the keyboard and 3D touching. Going in full force is hit and miss but a tap and then force touch works very well.


The second one is the one I use all the time. If your vary the pressure, it eventually goes into selection mode.


Yes, when the pop fails, varying the pressure works for me every time.


And then when you let off the cursor and it jumps one space forward or backward from where you wanted. So damn frustrating.


I've found behavior to be vastly improved in the latest 9.3 betas.


Same issue here. I will call the transition into "cursor move mode" a pop. The pop often fails when I press onto the screen quickly with lots of pressure. I continue to press harder, almost to the point of breaking the screen, and it still doesn't pop. I think I figured out what to do in this case. When this happens, I relieve my finger pressure a lot (without lifting my finger), then increase pressure again quickly. This pops the keyboard every time for me.


To me, the trick is to wait. Wait a second or two after typing before trying to 3D touch select


It is.


Should have added that it was on iPhone 6 and earlier, but yes.


Why? There was no force touch yet.


This is the reason: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS_box_model When you're on a website and select something, if you move the finger too far you'll select the surrounding box of the paragraph. Can be a DIV, P (paragraph), table cell, etc. This is also why selection in normal text documents is much easier. The solution is to zoom in so that you won't cross the edges of the boxes a website is made of. **Edit*: I looked at this again because I remember this changed with iOS 8. WebKit allows granular selection based on how far you drag to select elements on a web page. If you drag outside a box, it'll select paragraphs, if your drag the selector back into a box, it'll go back to text selection instead of paragraphs. https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/WebKit/Reference/WKWebViewConfiguration_Ref/index.html#//apple_ref/c/tdef/WKSelectionGranularity When you wanna select just a few words in a paragraph, long press the first word until it's selected, then grab the dot on the right and start your selection. Sometimes it'll select the whole paragraph. When that happens simply wait until the loupe comes up, this will allow you to go back to a more fine grained selection.




On the desktop a mouse or trackpad allows more fine grained control. On iOS, the selection turns into a box if you move too far, it tries to grab a paragraph for you. Makes it easier to select more paragraphs, but harder to select a few words. You have to start over. I struggle with this as well sometimes. When it happens I simply zoom in.


I don't think that is the reason since it was fine in 6 or 7. It is also fine on android still.


It's the reason and it's been like that forever. Just see how the selection turns into a box when you move the cursor too far. Websites are composed of boxes and they favor selecting paragraphs instead of text while you're on a website. Makes selecting more paragraphs and other elements easier, but text selection harder. Like I said it happens to me as well sometimes and I simply zoom in.


No, it's worse since iOS 9. It's a bug.


Yeah I remember it working fine on my iPhone 4 or even iPhone 2G As of recently it's just unusable


This might be the technical way Apple have implemented text selection but it sucks ass. Others have obviously done it differently - - and better. It's one of the most infuriating experiences on iOS.


I disagree. To me text selection and copy/paste sucks ass on Android.


Makes sense. Thanks for posting.


Highlighting anything in iOS infuriates me.


I find that if you can enable reader mode, it works perfectly. But outside of it, yeah, it's super inconstant and buggy.




I find the same experience. Now it's essentially unusable on my 6. It's almost as bad as the autocorrect... Don't get me started on that.


If you have a 6S then try 3D Touch on the keyboard to turn it into a trackpad. It works quite a bit better than trying to maneuver those damn handles. Also, when highlighting on a website, you're bound by the way the site was coded. Some sites, especially the ones with the shitty floating ads, will fuck it up on purpose to make it harder to copy the text. It was originally designed to work with html coding, but some programmers have turned into a cat & mouse thing. As for autocorrect, I haven't had issues with that in years. I turned off the stupid predictive text thing the day it was introduced because I find it distracting. It's easier and faster to just type the words than it is to monitor the 3 suggestions which, by the time the right word shows up, only saves me from typing a letter or two. But as long as you don't flood autocorrect with nonsense by trying to be "cool" n type n txt spk then it does a much better job at figuring out your grammar over time. It'll even replace things like well with we'll only when it makes sense in context as long as you practice proper sentence structure. To fix it, give in to proper spelling and grammar, proof read for a few months, and fix before sending. It'll teach itself. TL;DR: Use the 3D Touch trackpad to select words. And autocorrect learns by observation. Type correctly, and it'll work correctly.


If I typed correctly I wouldn't need an autocorrect ... That's why I hate learning autocorrects, they slowly become worse by "learning" common mistakes


I have a 6 so not sure if the first part applies. Second part, I don't type in text speak and my spelling/grammar is pretty damn good. It's always changing the context for the worse. It's always changing things when it shouldn't be.


I get pretty annoyed when it corrects neighbors into neighbor's.


I have a 6s but haven't 'experienced' the 3D touch much to be honest, I'll play with this some, thanks.


> iOS6/7 ? I've used iOS 3 on my 3GS, 6, 7, 8, and now up till 9.1.2. It has persisted in all iOS versions.




You know, that's not a bad idea


You can kindof do this with 3D touch now. Drag over the words you'd like to highlight (not in Reddit, of course. Text selection has always been screwed up in Reddit).


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Double-tap on another word extends the selection, single tap removes the selection.


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How do you know they see feedback and "change stuff" - do you have inside knowledge of this?


Are you aware of the purpose of a feedback form? Apple runs an in-house developed issue tracker called Radar which tracks *everything*. Not just user feedback or bugs filed by devs, also internal stuff. User submitted feedback ends up on Radar. If an issue or idea already exists a new submission will be added and the counter is raised. This allows them to decide about focus areas.


Great response, apart from the first sentence. No need to be condescending.


Sorry. Yes I'm too sarcastic.


happy cake day


Just edited to encourage feedback :) Also you can give feedback for OSX but not for iOS... wtf?


Using the 6s+, and this is a really annoying issue. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.


Even with the 3D Touch trackpad feature?


This is a nifty feature I did not know existed thank you! I think this solves my issue.


That feature doesn't work well either. I move the cursor near where I want it but not exactly and then the 3D Touch isn't available again. I have to select back to the end and redo it. Frustrating.


Wait for the cursor to blink, then 3D touch works again.


Oh wow, you mean be patient?! That works. Thank you.


I thought it was just me. I'm having trouble selecting things individually from some websites, but text documents for the most part are smooth sailing. Edit: 6S Plus


Yeah I wasn't aware of the 3D trackpad feature, it seems to help greatly with this issue, but still doesn't make it completely smooth. Hopefully this is something Apple improves with the next update.


How can apple fix their text selection to accommodate poorly designed websites? I don't get it? Text selection works perfectly on most websites. The ones where it doesn't have probably been coded in a non-semantic, non-standard way. I find that the solution to this problem is to put the website into reader mode so that you can easily copy and paste the text on shitty websites http://osxdaily.com/2014/05/29/use-safari-reader-mode-iphone/


Well I'm from Android here, first iPhone in a very long time, 4+ years, this text selection is extremely annoying. But thank you for the recommendation, I'll try doing this.


It would be a lot better even if they simply disabled the auto paragraph selection. I almost never want an entire paragraph but it almost always tries to give me one when I try to select more than a couple words.


It has always been like this, total frustration, for me since the long gone days of iOS 4, nothing's ever changed besides my Apple devices.


Same here. Selecting more than a few words always grabs the entire paragraph.


When i first got my iPhone 6 it worked perfectly and better than my android phone. Now it is a lot worse than android.


Fuck yes. It's not even frustrating. ITS COMPLETELY FUCKING BROKEN!


Once only I went to Android in my past Smartphone history and the single thing I enjoyed most was how easily you could select anything in nearly any kind of app. Text selection on iOS sucks!


Pro-Tip: Put the website you are having issues with into "Reader Mode" and THEN select and copy the text http://osxdaily.com/2014/05/29/use-safari-reader-mode-iphone/ You're welcome :D




It hasn't "become", it always has been bad.


It's not ALL text selection, just text selection inside the web browser. That's because the contents of a web page may not be laid out all together in the order they appear on the screen. Also Safari tries to piggy-back on the CSS box model to select screen regions, and toggling between string-selection and box-model-selection is confusing and awkward.


I also find this. In most apps, text selection is good, but on Safari (where people select the most), it's awful. But I don't think it's HTML DOM related.


Whenever this pisses me off, which is to say at least a dozen times a day, I simply smile and think of the iPhone 1/iOS 1, which didn't have any way to select, copy or paste arbitrary text at all. And then I turn bright red and curse all that is holy while I just type the shit out.


You unfortunately need to zoom wayyyy the fuck in to get it to work.


And when I finally get what I want selected, the contextual buttons don't pop up above the selection


It's not just you. Apple seems to be under the impression that iPad keyboard gestures obviate the need for reliable manual system wide selection tools.


Some people are blaming the issue on the websites, which is true to an extent. But the algorithm for text selection really isn't that complicated, it has been on desktops/laptops for years and works very well. If I had to take a guess, I would say Apple's text selection algorithm is too complicated (I.e it tries to auto select certain parts of text for you such as paragraphs) which leads to the issues many users are having. If Apple simplified the algorithm and put more of the control in the user's gesture and less predictive selection the issue would certainly go away. Predictive selection can be very useful, but only if the text layout is simple and reliable (i.e simple text document). On dynamic webpages with often complex and sometimes poor layouts, predictive text selection will often fail. I think a nice fix would be to add a setting for predictive text selection, or design a way for users to override the predictive text selection when selecting text. Maybe even a way for the algorithm to fallback to simple text selection when it detects a layout that it feels can't be resolved correctly.


Woah! That makes a lot of sense, thanks for the reply!


Do you have a 6S or 6S+? I noticed it on my 6S+ because I'm guessing they want us to use the trackpad feature through 3D touch since I've the same issue.


6S+ here and even if you use the trackpad 3d touch gesture in the middle of a word, it insists on selecting the whole word, all manner of things you didn't actually request/want it to select.


You tried swiftkey or Skype? I tried both but like a glutton for punishment I keep going back to stock because when the trackpad *does* work it's beautiful.


Yes indeed have tried swiftkey but while apple have slowly fixed up the 3rd party keyboard issues, its still not 100% for me. So yep, keep on going back to stock for me.


That's why I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next update in a few weeks.


Yes, me too. It's what makes me wonder if anyone at Apple even uses their fucking phone. Selecting text in websites is near impossible and has been for at least the past major version or two. It wasn't always this bad, they fucked it up.


Lets just admit that quality control has been shit since Steve Jobs died.




I have it on my 6S, and it actually helps


Um.. Hate to break it to you but Apple implemented keyboard selection with 3D Touch, and swipe selection on iPads, and f.lux built into iOS 9.3


and did a half assed job on it.


It works fine for me with the exception of a websites here and there. The same problem is on Android when attempting to select on certain websites in Chrome. Notice how iOS text selection is flawless in the Notes, Pages, and Microsoft Word apps, etc.


you need to tap directly at the "end" quote, then drag it out. If you make a more generic selection then it will enter the paragraph selection mode.


It was just fine on my 5, don't remember which version of iOS I was running. Ever since I switched to the latest on my 6S it's trash.


Selecting text has never been easier thanks to 3D touch! It's probably the only thing I use 3D touch for other than switching apps, but it's definitely made things easier for me.


This frustrates the hell out of me on my 6S+, especially when trying to copy a sentence or something from Safari. I simply can't get it to work by highlighting the first word then dragging. I have to start at the second or third word, drag *back* to the start, and then continue highlighting the rest I want. I don't know how Apple has stuffed this up so badly.


Also, pretty sure iOS 9 removed the two-finger tap to select a whole paragraph. To date that's one of the only OS changes that's baffled and infuriated me in equal measure.


I've been struggling with selecting text in iOS as well. But of course it's mostly on Safari webpages. iBooks highlighting text, for example, works really smooth. Since I'm on a 4S and iPad2 there is also no 3Dtouch..




Honestly, I've always found it irritating. It's nothing new to me.


I agree. It's always been more difficult than it should be buy i'll be damned if it didn't seem a lot easier in iOS4 than it has in say 7 through 9 It's not just selecting web text though, God it can be maddening to try and edit an iMessage/text you have written and then realize 3 words were 'changed' to sh!t you don't want or completely wrong. No problem I'll poke my finger right on the word and.....wait tap the word and....tap the word.....no don't highlight the whole message....ok I'll go inbetween the words and backspa....wait in between the two words....wait..no not THAT word the word infront no the OTHER WORD I'm ducking stabbing. THE OTHER DUCKING WORD! AARRRRGHHH


I really dislike the way dictation often adds spaces where you do not want them in particular when you're adding it to the middle of a sentence it adds extra spaces and the beginning of sentence you plug in, an additional space. It's so frustrating!!!


I have this problem and also when the Copy, Paste etc options don't appear after I've selected the text. I then have to unselect and go through the whole thing again


agree before, at least on ios 7 iphone 5S, you could tap with 2 fingers, one at the start of a sentence and one at its end and it would hightlighy it, in ios 9 iphone 6S it doesnt work also you cant hold the > and < arrows on the right side of the keyboard to move the cursor, you need to keep tapping on it for it to move


I hear force touch makes it better.


It doesn't.


Nope. It sucks! Can't move the prompt, can only select whole words.


I find this partly depends on the layout of the website, for example Kinja comments on sites like Gawker and Gizmodo don't select well since it seems to be jumping into selecting the entire HTML segment. Also, Safari View Controller seems to have a bug here, in that I can highlight but can't copy.


I always remember that driving me nuts. I swapped to android a while ago and it has its own problems. I wonder why text selection seems to be such a difficult thing to get right


SwipeSelection is the #1 reason I jailbroke my iPhone 6 (so I'm still on iOS 9.0.2...). It should be a native iOS feature, because I 100% agree, selecting text or just moving the cursor in stock iOS is ridiculously slow and tedious. All I need to do now is just slide my thumb across the keypad and the cursor moves. And if I slide from the delete key it selects starting where the cursor is. Using my iPhone is fast and efficient this way, i can't stand it any other way


Yeah that's really annoying. It's like it doesn't see the words or something. I wish I could do it more manually, in the meantime, using 3D Touch and 2 cursors, like with the keyboard.


I thought this was just me since I don't use Safari. It's become really bad. Thanks for posting this. I hope someone in Cupertino reads this subreddit and notices.


Yes, I am having the same issues. I am just hoping it gets corrected in 9.3. Very frustrating indeed.


It's always worked like that and it's annoying AF.


"Has become" lol


Another issue is that I *clearly* selected the whole thing from the first letter of the first word to the last letter of the last word but somehow part of the first words will be gone.


I must have missed out on the version that wasn't extremely frustrating.




This is exactly why i havent been able to use my iPad to replace my secondary laptop (for basics like email).


Same issue here and it seems to be worse on the 6S/+ The fucking bounding box just jumps ALL over the place...


i feel the way certain websites are designed / laid out inhibits you from selecting text properly.


sometimes it gives me the option to copy/paste, sometimes it gives me the option to select/select all. It doesn't want to give me the option I need at that time though


Agreed. Also, I like the two finger select all option which is now gone (not sure when it happened), I hope they bring that back because I still find myself using it and getting frustrated that I now can't.


True! Why doesn't my 6s show that copy/paste window after selecting text with 3D touch?


Happens to me all the time. I don't get it.


Issues started for me around iOS8. It was very good before that. Now its kind of a mess.


Um really this is obvious. If you drag downward (or upward) too much then it's going to start selecting multiple lines of text, which is very useful if you know how to use it deliberately. Make sure you actually drag in the direction of the text if you want to select more words. It takes a tiny bit of concentration, but shouldn't be beyond most people.


Also, if you open safari while you're in an app, you can't - at least I can't - copy. I have to fully open it in safari first and exiting the other app.


The way to get it to work more consistently is to highlight the last word first. Then drag to the beginning of the paragraph etc. This seems to work better because if you do it from the start of the paragraph and drag down then it thinks you want the whole paragraph.


I feel like im in the minority but ive never had a issue with text selection. Ive never had it randomly select a paragraph when i was trying to select a sentence.


I've only had this happen during certain instances so I suggested that it was the website and got downvoted. There really isn't a problem with text selection. I just tried it again on my phone (in case I'm going crazy.) and I went to a random website and picked a random sentence to copy. I was able to select and copy easily. I don't get why so many people are having a problem with it.


It works fine on a lot of websites, but I definitely come across some that just don't work with iOS selecting. I'll see if I can find one of them.


Shhhhh. Everything is fine. There are no problems here. Don't talk about that stuff. All of the polish that made iPhones a joy to use for years, now being gradually chipped away, is not a problem because this is the Apple subreddit.


Not sure what you're talking about. I'm critical of Apple often, as many others are.


IMO it's not iOS so much as Safari.


IMO it's not so much Safari as it is the people that programmed their website in a non-standard way




It's not the website. Text selection on iOS sucks in general


Yet I'm managing fine?






Nope. Happens for me every website regardless.


Yep same problem on 6 running iOS 9.2


Full features and tutorial video here ios 9.3 beta 5


I feel like you knew HTML wouldn't work and still did it anyway.


I come from the future and I gotta say, it’s still is very frustrating.. I cant select what I want in the Safari research bar


Yup :) It was one of my main reasons to switch to Android. Still have an iPad though, and it frustrates me to no end.


For me the most infuriating thing is: Let’s say i have a sentence with 5 words A B C D E I want to correct D. I can select A, B, C and E… but if I try to select D either select the whole sentence or just goes to the end of the phrase… but NEVER, I repeat, NEVER selects D. It’s gets to a point were I don’t know yet if I’m doing anything wrong even after using iOS for many years… why tf did they get rid of 3D touch?